• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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May 14 [Saturday]

May 14

I hadn't noticed it when I came up to the room last night, but my dreamcatcher was hanging above the other window in his room—he has the one that goes to the backyard and then he has another that looks at his neighbor's house and the curtains are always closed on that one. I asked him if he liked it, and he said that it was working and had caught him a dream.

I asked him what it was like, and he said it had blue eyes and a white tail and furry ears that felt like velvet. And he said that she was cute and funny and I bumped him with my hoof 'cause he was embarrassing me. Then I kissed him and told him how sweet he was.

That's when he told me that he'd made something special for me, and he said to look out the window. There was a little sign hanging next to the bird feeder that had a shadow-pegasus with a red circle and slash across it, and he said that meant no pegasuses in the birdfeeder.

I told him that he couldn't stop me; I knew he was tired after sex and he demanded that I prove it. So I did. And then I went and ate some more of his sunflower seeds. Not too many, just enough to prove that the sign wouldn't stop me.

He was standing at the window looking at me so I held a couple in my lips and flew back up to the window and spit them out in his hand and said that they'd give him strength. He said that there was an ancient Greek metaphor about gifts and horses' mouths, so he would have to refuse them.

I said he was being silly and pushed my way back into the room, then I told him that if he ate the sunflower seeds it might give him enough energy to have sex again and he said that was worth trying, so he cracked them open and ate the seeds (I like the shells, too) and then we got back in bed.

The grumpy man was directing airplanes today, so I told him I was going to keep low and to the west over Kalamazoo, and he said that was okay and to be careful because it was overcast and raining off and on. I promised I would be and flew off, waving to Aric one last time as I went over the trees around his backyard.

I went all the way down to the building where I'd taken the radio test, and Sienna was sitting in the parking lot up against the building. I wondered if that meant that they were there, or if they had their own cars and just drove Sienna when I was going for a ride.

That was a good place to turn around and head back to school, I thought, so I did. And then I took a shower and went to breakfast. Peggy hadn't been in the room and she wasn't at breakfast either, so she must have been spending the weekend with her boyfriend.

Christine asked me if I'd been in the rainstorm last night and I said I hadn't. It had only been raining a little bit when I went to sleep.

She said that it got a whole lot heavier after that and she was curious if a heavy rain would wake me up.

I said it usually did, but that human buildings messed with the sound and if the windows were closed I couldn't always smell it, either. Plus I'd been distracted. But it was a bit worrisome, just the same. What if I got back to Equestria and I'd lost my instincts for the weather? I didn't think I was, but how would I know? There weren't any other pegasuses here to compare with.

I spent all morning in the library, looking through the list and trying to come up with an idea. The problem was that I'd see one thing and think that it might be a good topic, then I'd go down to the computer that said where all the books were and have a library page look up what I needed, and then I'd take them to a little study desk and skim through them to see if anything caught my interest and then I'd wind up more confused. So when it was time for lunch I hadn't found a single thing, and I'd filled half a cart with books to be re-shelved because the library page got mad when I put them back myself.

So I went to lunch with no topic chosen, and I must have been more stressed about it than I thought because Christine asked if all I was having for lunch was a small salad.

I told her, and she asked to see the list of topics because she bet she could find one that I'd like. I wasn't so sure, but I had nothing to lose, so I gave it to her and she read over it and asked me how I'd feel doing a paper on marriage.

I said that I didn't know anything about that; I didn't know of any ponies in our village who were married. Then she said I'd be the perfect neutral observer, because to me I was walking in to a subject that I had no biases on.

Well that actually seemed like a pretty good idea, and I guess I'd just been too blind to see. So I thanked her and went right back over to the library to get some more books. The library page wasn't too happy to see me but I promised this would be the very last time that I would be in today, and I intended to keep that promise.

Since I didn't know what I'd need for sure I checked out as many books as would fit in my saddlebags and then stumbled back to my dorm room with them. They made a nice pile on my desk, right alongside the World War One book I hadn't read yet and the Bible that I hadn't finished reading.

And that was when I realized that I'd forgotten to meet with Liz on Thursday. So instead of starting to read right away, I went over to her office but she wasn't there, so I went back to my room and wrote her an apology on the computer. And I promised myself that I'd remember to go to the service tomorrow to apologize in person, because a letter's nice, but it's not the same as a muzzle-to-muzzle apology.

I completely lost myself in the first book, which was about the history of weddings. Then I heard a knock on my door and I just called out that it was open, and Meghan came in and asked me what I was reading, so I told her it was a book about weddings.

She said that she didn't think things were that serious, and at first I didn't understand what she was saying, then I realized that she thought I was thinking of marrying Aric, and I told her that this was just research for my final Anthropology essay.

Meghan was kind enough to wait until I finished the chapter I was reading, and then we went to the dining hall together. She said that Amy was going to be gone all weekend, and I laughed and said that I thought Peggy would be, too, although she hadn't said anything to me about it.

When we were done, she called for an Uber-Car (she'd decided that they were okay again) and we walked over to Hoben to wait for it, since there wasn't a road in front of Hicks, and the back smelled a little like garbage all the time.

This car was a yellow Scion and it was kind of boxy and felt a little cheap inside, but it was still nicer than Winston or the yellow Taxi-car that we'd taken to the spa once.

Besides, just like the airplane, this wasn't about the trip, it was about the destination. So I leaned up against Meghan and she brushed her hand through my mane.

When we got there she got out and I followed her around the back. It was kind of muddy 'cause of the rain so I flew—she'd be taking off her shoes, but I wouldn’t have a good way to get the mud off my fetlocks and hooves unless I rinsed them in the stream.

She was less hesitant this time; once the cover was off the spa, she just started getting undressed and set her clothes into the little cubicle. I would have already hopped in, but it wouldn't have been polite, so I waited until she got into the water and then I joined her. She reached back and turned on the water jets and then I sat right next to her.

It felt strange to be up to my shoulders in hot water and then have a gentle drizzle coming down on my head, and she said that if it got worse maybe we'd have to go inside, so I said that I hoped it wouldn't.

For a little while, neither of us talked, and I think that's one of the signs of a good friendship—you can just be with each other, and that's all you need.

Then it did start raining more and Meghan looked up at the sky (although it was too dark to realy see much) and said maybe we should get out of the tub, and I told her that I thought it would pass pretty quickly, which was really more of a guess than anything, but it did, and so we giggled about the rain and we talked about college and then after a while she said that it was actually pretty relaxing to just sit in the hot tub with me.

And when the spray jets stopped, it was quiet but for the rain splashing on leaves and we both just listened to the music of nature until it was time to get out of the tub.

I went first so that I could shake myself off and then she got out and dried herself off and got dressed, but she left her panties and bra off because she said that she was feeling rebellious.

We waited under the overhang for the roof until an Uber-Car arrived to pick us up—it wasn't much shelter, but it was better than none. When the car finally came, we'd both gotten wet enough again that we probably could have not bothered to dry ourselves off.

Even with the heater in the car on, Meghan was a little shivery when we got back to campus, so she went back to her room and dried herself off and put on a robe and then sat down on the bed and wrapped a blanket around herself.

I said that I could curl up on her lap if that would help—I would have done it right away but my coat was still damp and she had just put on fresh clothes. She didn't mind at all; so I got up and stretched out on her lap and she moved her robe away so it wouldn't get wet.

She asked if I wanted to see the Harry Potter movie now, but I told her that I didn't really feel like it. I was too relaxed already.

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