• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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September 10 [Riding in the Rain]

September 10

Neither of us wanted to get out of bed right away, even though we were both awake not long after the sun came up. I put my head down on her chest for a while, until she had to get up and use the bathroom, and then when she got back in bed she laid on her side and snuggled me in her arms, and fell asleep again, and then she woke me up by rubbing my stallion toy on my belly and she'd brought hers, too, which was kind of fun and different.

We took a shower and then she had me sit on her lap and preen my wings, and then we went into the kitchen to make breakfast.

I'd bought enough food to make omelets and waffles for both breakfast today and tomorrow, and so she started chopping up vegetables while I mixed up the waffle batter and then when I thought it was good she stuck her finger in because she said that she had to test it that way, and her test was smearing a little bit on my nose so that she could lick it off.

So I stuck the mixing spoon on her nose and then licked it off her and she said that if we'd been making frosting things probably would have gotten out of control after that, but that it wasn't as fun with waffle batter.

She let me make the omelets while she cooked the waffles, and I kind of wished that I could have cooked it all by myself but it was really nice to have her in the kitchen with me.

We'd just finished eating when I heard rain, so I opened up the balcony door and went outside to see if it was a big storm or if it was just a passing raincloud, and Meghan stayed a little bit back 'cause she wasn't wearing any clothes.

After I'd seen that there weren't any nasty stormclouds on the horizon, I landed back on the balcony and shook off the rain then went back in. She had a towel for me, which was really nice of her, but it was still kind of wet from the shower so I don't know if having it draped over my back got me any drier than I had been.

Meghan used her portable telephone to check the weather and it said that it was going to rain off and on all day and maybe thunderstorm in the evening, too, and she said that that probably meant we couldn't go riding, but I wasn't sure why it would matter. I didn't mind getting wet and I didn't think that horses did, either. Aquamarine had never said that the horses at MSU went inside when it rained.

So I told her that I still wanted to even if it was raining a little bit and she said that we'd have to stop by her apartment so that she could get a raincoat and maybe also a sweatshirt but if I still wanted to so did she.

Well, we still had a little while even if we were going to go to her apartment first, so I said that we could watch the rain. So she sat in the papasan and I sat on her lap and we watched it out the window. When the rain was light, there were a couple of brave birds that came to the feeder, and I think they'd been staying in the tree, 'cause they flew back into it when the rain got a little bit heavier.

After a little while it stopped and then she said that she'd ought to get dressed so we could go to her apartment but neither of us really wanted to leave right away, so we sat a little bit longer and watched as the bigger birds came back and took their turns at the feeder. There was a blue jay who was kind of mean and he chased everyone off so that he could eat, and then he flew away again and the other birds came back.

I helped Meghan get dressed but I really wasn't much help. I think that I got in the way more than I actually helped, 'cause it was hard enough unfastening her clothes but it was nearly impossible to put them on, except for her panties and her t-shirt and her socks. She didn't mind, though.

I thought that maybe I should take my flight gear just in case a storm came up and I had to patrol, and Meghan said that she didn't think it would, but I'd been surprised by storms before and I didn't want it to happen again, so we got it all and put it in my saddlebags, and she said that she could carry them but I didn't think that was fair, so she put them on me instead and I stood on the chair so that she could tighten up my girth strap without having to lie on the floor. I bet if humans had designed saddlebags for us they'd fasten in the back where human hands could get at them more easily.

It didn't rain at all on our way to Meghan's house and it looked like the sky was clearing a little bit. And I kind of hoped that the weather on her portable telephone had been wrong, but I could still feel that there was more rain wanting to come down.

I guess she'd been busy packing, because a lot of her things were in cardboard boxes and she had to look around a little bit until she found a rain jacket and a sweatshirt. She put them in a backpack and then offered to put my flight gear in there too so I didn't have to carry my saddlebags but I thought that it would be mean to make her carry everything, so I said that I didn't mind carrying them.

She used her portable telephone to get an Uber-car, and it didn't take it too long to arrive. I really liked the Uber-cars, because it gave me a chance to ride in a lot of different kinds of car. I hadn't even imagined that there could be so many different kinds, but there were. This one was called an Encore and it was kind of ugly. It looked to me like it was supposed to be longer but that whoever had built it had just stopped before they finished the back.

It was nice on the inside, though.

Our driver wasn't all that good 'cause he got a little bit lost and then he missed the riding stables the first time he went by and had to turn around and go back. But we thanked him anyway 'cause he got us where we were going.

The dog came running over as soon as he saw me walking up the driveway, and he sort of trailed along right by my hind hooves as we walked towards the stables to find Deanne. We were a little bit early, 'cause we hadn't known how long it would take for the Uber-car to arrive, but her truck was parked out by the fence, so she was probably in the stables.

So we went inside and the dog sat at the entrance like he liked to do, and we found Deanne out in the aisle saddling up Hoshi for me. Henry already had his saddle on and I could tell by the mud on his hooves and fetlocks that he'd already been outside.

I went over to greet him and Hoshi, and when Deanne was done getting Hoshi ready she and Meghan both worked together to put on Peaches' gear. I wanted to help, too, but I thought that I'd just be in the way, so I stood back and let them do it.

It started raining just before we were ready to ride out, and Meghan reached into her backpack and put on her rain jacket. Deanne didn't have a rain jacket, but she had a light brown canvas coat that she put on.

Hoshi didn't really seem to like the rain all that much. She sort of waited at the end of the barn until she was sure that Henry really was going to go out there and not come right back, then she put her head down and followed him, and I felt a little bit bad for her, 'cause I think she would have rather stayed inside.

Once we got a little ways away from the barn, though, she turned her ears back forward and brought her head up and I petted her neck.

When we were on the trail, the trees kept most of the rain off us, and Meghan folded her hood back. Deanne led us along the path, looking back every now and then to make sure that we were still following her and shouting at Peaches when she decided to stop and eat some leaves.

When we got to a section of the path that was well-covered by trees so that it was almost dry, Deanne said that it was a good spot to run them at if they wanted to, so she sped Henry up to a canter and Hoshi got the idea, which was good because I couldn't reach far enough down with my legs to really get her attention. And I looked back and Peaches was cantering along with us, too.

When we got to a turn in the trail, Deanne said that if we wanted a longer ride, we could go along the powerline right-of-way. She said that it wasn't protected from the rain at all, but it was a pretty ride just the same, and I wanted to and then Meghan decided that she would, too.

I guess our luck was with us, 'cause the rain tapered off again not too long after we got out in the open. And it stayed away for our entire trip to where the electrical wires crossed the road, but then it came back along with some pretty gusty wind. The good thing was that the wind was at our backs, so Meghan's hood protected her pretty well, but I felt bad for Deanne 'cause she didn't have one.

And Hoshi kept wanting to run back to the barn and I had to encourage her not to and finally Deanne said that Hoshi didn't want to listen to me so we'd have to change horses. So I got to ride Henry and I think that confused him a little bit, 'cause he looked back at me a couple of times and tried to reach his head back so that he could sniff at me but he couldn't quite bend his neck far enough. Maybe if I'd sat all the way back on his rump he could have.

He didn't really listen to me, either, but he didn't need me to tell him the way back to the barn so it was okay. At least he didn't want to go galloping off.

By the time we got back to the barn we were all pretty wet, and we all had some mud on us that the horses had kicked up, too. Deanne and Meghan started unsaddling the horses and then they let me use the hose to rinse them off. And Henry shook himself off as soon as I'd moved the hose down to his legs which was kind of mean of him but Deanne thought it was really funny.

When I'd finished washing them down I used the hose on myself, too, to get the mud off, and I offered to rinse Meghan down but she said that she'd worry about that when we got back home.

Deanne said that it had been fun riding with us even if it was a little bit weird, and she hoped that we'd come back after school started. She said that it was really pretty in the fall and that there was nothing better than having a warm horse between your legs on a cold day and Meghan's face turned really red when she said that.

Meghan called for an Uber-car and then we stayed inside the barn to wait for it. It was warm and dry inside, which was nice. Deanne had gone in the tack room and put on dry clothes, and Meghan said that she wished she had some, but all she had was her sweatshirt and since her shirt was already dry that wouldn't have done her any good.

Our Uber-car back to Kalamazoo was a Sportage, which was a lot like the Encore but not as nice inside. And I thought about asking if we could stop at Meijer and get more bird food but Meghan's pants were still pretty wet and I thought she'd rather be home sooner.

She hadn't thought to bring extra pants, so she just took hers off and hung them over the shower curtain so that they'd finish drying off. And then she said that she was hungry and I was too, but I hadn't gotten any food for dinner, 'cause I didn't know what she'd want to eat or what cooking supplies she might have brought with her, so we ordered pizza instead.

She sat on the futon while we waited and I sat on her lap to keep her legs warm, and when the pizza finally arrived I went downstairs to get it 'cause she still didn't have dry pants.

After we'd gotten done eating I offered to go to her apartment and get her some and she said that she didn't mind, unless we were planning on going out again later. And I didn't have any plans for that and she didn't either. We still had lots of pizza left—we'd both been so hungry when we'd ordered it that we'd gotten too much—so later on when we got hungry again we'd have leftover pizza for dinner.

Meghan offered to help me pack if I wanted but there wasn't really much to do, and I thought that we could do it easily enough tomorrow. My papasan chair folded up and everything else fit into a few boxes that Mister Salvatore had. The only thing that was complicated was the futon and we needed that to sleep on tonight.

So we decided that we'd watch a movie, and we watched some short movies about Wallace and Gromit which were really funny. I thought maybe Meghan had thought of them because she wasn't wearing pants and in one of the movies, Wallace had special pants that would walk for him but then a penguin had taken their control and made Wallace break into a museum while he was sleeping.

I told Meghan that the National Air and Space Museum had had a moon rock and it wasn't cheese at all. And after we'd watched all of them I decided that my favorite was A Close Shave, because I thought that the sheep were really funny. And it was kind of sad at the end how Wallace and Wendolene couldn’t be together just because she didn't like cheese, which I thought was kind of a silly reason. I liked Meghan and Aric even though they couldn't fly.

We stopped watching movies long enough to have a late dinner, and then we started watching another, longer movie with them called The Curse of the Were-Rabbit when my portable telephone beeped and it was Mel and he said that there were thunderstorms coming and asked if I was able to patrol.

I kind of didn't want to so I didn't answer him right away and just laid back down on Meghan's lap but I couldn't ignore it and she noticed how I kept looking over at my portable telephone and not my computer, and she said it was okay. So I sent Mel a telegram back telling him to pick me up and then she helped me get dressed in my flight gear and put her pants back on.

I'd kind of missed our stormwatching spot, and when we got there I could see lightning off in the distance, so I took off and we checked our radios to make sure that they were still working, then I flew up into the sky.

It wasn't all that much of a storm, it turned out. There was a lot of lightning and thunder but not all that much rain, and it only lasted for an hour or so before it finally tapered off. Still, it would have been bothering me all evening if I hadn't gone out to watch it, because what if I hadn't been there and it had been bad?

We got back to my apartment around eleven and I told Meghan that I was sorry and we should have stayed home and watched the movie instead and she said it was okay because storms were my cheese and it wouldn't be fair of her to try and take that from me. She said that she worried when I flew in storms but she trusted that I knew what I was doing, and I kissed her and then we sat down on the futon and watched the rest of the movie, and when it was over she took off her shirt and put it on me, then she got undressed but instead of getting into bed she went over and turned off my computer and then she went over to the window and looked out and asked me if pegasi ever looked off at distant storms and wondered if their friends and lovers might not come back from them.

She told me that old coastal houses used to have what was called a widow's walk, where people could look out at the sea in the hopes of spotting ships, and I said that we didn't have those, 'cause we could just sit on clouds and look.

Then she got in bed and said that we'd better make tonight count because we'd be back in the dorms soon and it was hard to tell when we'd get any time to ourselves.

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