• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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August 20 [Sunny Haven]

August 20

When the alarm on my telephone went off we both agreed that it was too early, but it was going to be a long flight, just a little over three hours, and I didn't want to keep Aric waiting.

We snuggled a bit and then Meghan got up first and said she was going to start breakfast for me and she asked if there was anything that I wanted for breakfast and I told her to surprise me, so she slid her hand under my tail and I said that wasn't what I'd meant. And then she stuck her tongue out at me and went off to the kitchen and I heard her opening cupboards and the electric icebox.

I went over to my desk and unrolled the map and studied it again and I decided that I was going to fly high, so I called up the airplane directors to tell them my flight plan, which I had never done before and I was glad that Dori was the one talking on the radio because she helped me with it.

Meghan had finished warming up the last of the pancakes by the time I was done, so we folded up the futon and sat on that and ate breakfast. She said that she could also heat up some water and make me coffee but I thought that as soon as I was in the air, I wouldn't really want it.

She said that she kind of wished that she was coming with me, and I said that maybe we could get an Uber-Car to take us, but she said that while she didn't mind being naked around me the idea of being naked around other people made her nervous and she didn't think it was something that she could do and it wouldn't be fun for either of us if she got there and got cold feet and didn't want to go in. But she said that when I got back I should tell her about it.

When I'd finished eating, I carried my plate to the kitchen and I was going to wash it but she said that she'd do that for me, and said that she'd help me get dressed, which was really nice of her.

So she put on all my flight gear and then she said that maybe this one time I'd do better to leave my GoPro at home because while she was sure that people would want to see a video of a nudist colony she thought that would be incredibly rude to everyone there unless I had their permission first.

She went almost to the balcony and kissed me and wished me a safe flight and told me to have a good day, and then I dove off the balcony and under the tree.

I'd decided to follow the tracks to Dowagiac and then go south from there, because I still had the route pretty fresh in my mind, and since my watch would give me compass headings, I wasn't worried about missing it when I left the tracks behind and flew south.

It felt a little bit daring to leave the railroad tracks behind in Dowagiac but my watch had been smart enough to get me all the way to Chicago so I was sure that it would point me in the right direction now, too. And once I got past the town and was out over open fields, I glided for a bit and called the airplane directors in South Bend. I was pretty sure that I was still outside their range, but Dori had told me that they like to have some advance warning, so I let them know where I was going and where I was now and I was glad I'd done it early because it took a little while for them to really understand that I was a pegasus flying at five thousand feet on a course for Granger.

It was mostly all fields and little woodlots and there was one place that I thought might be an airport because there was an X in the trees but when I got a little bit closer it was a power line route that crossed a narrow lake instead. And then I went by a little town to my right that at first I thought must be Granger but it wasn't. I was still kind of doubting my memory, though, and really looking around to make sure that I wasn't overflying my destination.

My watch didn't let me down, though, 'cause when I looked further ahead I could see another town and as I got closer I started to see some of the landmarks that I'd found on the computer map, like the 80-90 Highway.

I had to adjust my course a little bit when I saw the field with the two parallel tree-rows in it, and then I saw the square of trees I was going towards, and I started a quick circling descent towards it. Aric had said that we were supposed to check in at the office, although he hadn't known where that was.

Well, I knew enough about humans to know that they probably mostly drove to the resort, so I dropped further down until I was along the road and I could see a little dirt road that led up to a gate and there was a sign that said I was supposed to push the button and drive through to the office.

I wasn't sure if I should just fly over the gate or if I should push the button and go through it, and maybe it was silly but humans had strange customs sometimes and since this was the first time I was ever here, I pushed the button and a bell started to ring and then the gate lurched and slid open sideways like an elevator door but it was a lot more jerky.

There was a small house on the other side with a sign that said it was the office, so I went inside and there wasn't anybody there.

But after I waited a little bit, an older lady came up on a golf cart and she was wearing a shirt but not pants or underwear, and she came inside and she was really surprised to see me and asked what I was doing, so I told her how I was going to meet Aric and she said he hadn't arrived yet, I was their first visitor today.

She told me the rules, and I had to let her put a sticker on my portable telephone so that I couldn't take pictures with it, and she was a little reluctant to let me in the pool until I assured her that I hardly shed at all unless it was the springtime and I was losing my winter coat. And I let her run her hand along my coat to prove it, and then she said that it was okay to use the pool and hot tub.

She asked me if I had a towel and I hadn't thought to bring one, which was kind of stupid of me. So she had towels that she was selling, so I bought one of those, too. It was a nice blue which almost matched my coat. And she said that when Aric came she'd let him know that I was here.

Well, I was really looking forward to getting in the pool, 'cause it had been a long flight and just standing around with all my flight gear on was making me get too hot, so she gave me directions to the pool and said that there were showers at the entrance so I could rinse off before I went in.

So I went around the park to the pool and I took my flight gear off and there wasn't really anyplace good to keep it so I left it on a picnic table. I thought that when Aric came we could put it in Winston, but for now it would be safe there.

There were three showers in a row and they were for anybody, and they even had a little white box on the wall that gave you soap when you pushed it.

I was just finishing when a couple came in and they were both surprised to see me but then they crouched down and introduced themselves. They were called Jay and Mandy, and they were also from Michigan but they lived nearer to Lansing, in a little town I'd never heard of.

They wanted to know why I'd come here since I could go around naked whenever I wanted and I said that I was curious what it was like when it was people, and they thought that was a pretty good answer.

I went through to the pool and there were a bunch of lounge chairs around it with people sunning themselves and also lots of people in the pool since it was such a nice day. I set my towel on a chair and picked a clear spot in the pool and belly-flopped in and by the time I popped my head back up above the water I think that everyone was looking at me. I guess they weren't expecting to see a pony.

I swam down to the other end, and I had to dive under the rope in the middle that told you where the shallow end and deep ends were. And then I came back up sort of in the middle and just started floating and looking around me.

There were all kinds of people there; it was sort of like being at a park except that nobody had clothes on. And I hadn't been there too long before a woman came over to the edge of the pool with her children and said that they wanted to meet me 'cause they'd never seen a real Equestrian before. So I paddled over to the side and hooked my hooves on the edge of the pool so that they could pet my mane. And the girl, who was the older one, started asking me all sorts of questions about Equestria and if I could really fly and I said that I could and I didn't want to right now because I'd flown all the way from Kalamazoo to get here but I would later on.

The boy was a little bit younger and he lost interest in me pretty quick and then ran back over to the lounge chair and his mother went after him after telling Natalie—which was a really pretty name—not to go in the pool.

She sat down on the edge next to me so that she could talk, though, and told me that she was from South Bend and that her family came here every weekend and she hoped that I would start coming here all the time too and I hated to disappoint her but it wasn’t nice to lie, either, so I told Natalie that on Monday I was leaving for a trip out west and then after that I was going to have to start school again and I wasn’t sure that I would have time but maybe I could get a bunch of my friends together and come down for a weekend.

I had to swim to the shallow end of the pool to get back out—I could have pulled myself over the edge but it was a lot easier to walk out the stairs down there. She followed along on the edge of the pool and there really wasn't a good place to shake off without splashing everyone so I just stretched out on a lounge chair to let the sun dry my coat off and I stretched out my wings which she thought was really amazing.

Since Natalie still wanted to talk to me, I decided that it would be smart to go over to the cluster of lounge chairs where her family was so that her mother wouldn't worry, and so I got my towel and sat down there and talked for a little while longer. Her mom said that they'd taken a nude cruise in the Mediterranean earlier this year and that next year they were thinking about going to Equestria because she'd heard that it was okay to be nude there and I said I didn't know but I couldn't think of any reason why it would be a problem except maybe in some of the unicorn cities 'cause they liked to wear clothes to show off, I'd heard.

I didn't need for the woman at the gate to tell me that Aric had arrived, 'cause I could hear Winston when he came in and I excused myself and then flew up and over the building to greet him, and I think that Natalie was probably pretty happy that she got to see me fly.

I flew around and landed on the hood of Winston and waved at him—if he'd still been moving I wouldn't have, but he was stopped. And he waved back and then unfastened his seat belt and took off his shirt.

Then I remembered my flight gear, so I flew off the hood and over to the picnic table and picked it up and carried it back, and by the time I got back he had everything off but his underwear.

Aric said it felt really weird to get undressed like this outside and he kept expecting someone to call the police on him or something, and it wasn't until he saw an old man walk by with nothing but a towel over his shoulder that Aric finally slid off his underwear and threw them in Winston.

We took a quick shower together (you were supposed to use the shower every time you left the pool area) and I said that there was a little door off to the side that was called a sauna and I wondered what that was and he said that it was a hot room that you could also fill with steam and I wanted to try that out.

So we went in there and it was really hot and really dry and I started sweating as soon as he closed the door.

There were wooden benches around the walls to sit on, and I picked the lower one 'cause I knew it would be a little bit cooler there, and he sat down next to me.

After a little bit, I kind of got used to the heat, and I said that I thought it would feel really nice in the wintertime, and he said that in Scandinavia they sit in saunas until they can't take the heat anymore and then they jump into a frozen lake, and they keep on switching back and forth like that.

So when we both thought we'd spent enough time in the sauna we got up and I watched as a pony-shaped patch of sweat evaporated, then he opened the door and we both jumped into the pool.

He said that he could swim the whole length of the pool underwater and I told him to try, so he dove in and did it, not coming back up until he was at the wall at the other end, then he came back the other way and I watched him swim under me like a weird pink dolphin.

We played around in the water a little bit and then he asked if I wanted to go back in the sauna and I didn't, 'cause it was nice outside and too hot in there. So we went to the hot tub instead, which was a lot bigger than the one Meghan's uncle had, and it was pretty popular, too. Jay and Mandy were in there, and so was the older man we'd seen walking by earlier, and there was still lots of room for us to get in, too.

Everyone sat in the hot tub long enough that the water jets turned off and then the old man got up to turn them back on.

After that we both sat in the lounge chairs around the pool for a while, and I introduced Aric to Natalie and her mother. And after she'd left Aric said that that had been the weirdest part of the day yet and I asked him why and he said that he couldn't tell me because I was too innocent. So I don't know what he meant by that.

He said that he was getting kind of hot from all the sun and his back was turning pretty red, so we went back in the pool for another swim. He asked me if I could dive to the very bottom and I said that I could so I stuck my head under and used my wings like fins until my forehooves touched the bottom of the pool. Then I tried to stand on all fours and that was a little bit harder, 'cause my body wanted to float back up to the top and it wasn't like being in the air at all. Everything I did was a lot slower but it felt like there was more force when it happened, which sounds really odd.

I came up for air and then tried it again, and did a little bit better. Then we made a game of it—who could stand on the bottom for the longest—and I won easily, although Aric said that he thought me flapping my wings was cheating. I said that he was using his arms so why couldn't I use my wings, and he said that it wasn't the same. So then he said that he'd try landing on the bottom on his arms and legs or knees, and I would try it on my hooves but without using my wings.

Well, that didn't work out for either of us; as soon as we touched the bottom and stopped moving we floated back up again. But it was fun to try.

Then the two of us sat back in our lounge chairs and Aric lay on his back and so I did, too, although after a little while it started to feel weird so I rolled back over onto my stomach.

I heard a couple of older women at the other end of the pool laughing about a man's Prince Albert and they said that he had a pull-toy, so I poked Aric with a hoof and asked him what a Prince Albert was and he told me and I didn't believe him until the man got out of the water and I saw that it was true.

He said that it was supposed to make sex more fun but I didn't see how it would. And he told me that I should ask Angela if it did because he was pretty sure that David had one, too, although he hadn't seen it for himself and had never asked because it was one of those things where he couldn't decide if he wanted to know or not.

So I said that I would ask her and that I'd tell her that he'd told me to and Aric said that he didn't want to be involved in the conversation at all.

Both of us took a little nap—it was really easy to fall asleep in the sun—and then we sat in the hot tub one more time, and this time there wasn't anybody else in the tub with us, which I thought was kind of lonely. It was more fun when there were lots of people, but most of them had left to make dinner.

Well, when we were done in the hot tub we walked around the resort, and Natalie saw us and said she was going to ask her mom if there was enough dinner to share, but Aric said that we didn't want to be a bother. Still, we followed her home—she lived in a big silver trailer called an Airstream—and we sat and talked on the lounge chairs out front for a little while. We met her father, who was cooking dinner on a grill, and her brother came over and hugged me once before going back to pushing toy cars along the edge of the deck and occasionally shoving them off the edge.

Aric had to get dressed before we left, but I didn't, so I just got up in the cab of Winston, and when he had his clothes on we drove into town, because we were both really hungry.

There was a little restaurant called the Copper Creek Cafe that he thought would be good, but they were closed so we went to Yesterday's Food instead. I asked him if they only served leftovers and he said that he hoped not.

Their food was kind of expensive, but it was really good. I got a whitefish, and he got a hamburger which the menu claimed was the best hamburger in a hundred mile radius. So I asked him if he'd ever had a better one in Kalamazoo and he said that he hadn't, but he hadn't tried them all. And he said that there was a restaurant in Lansing that made the same claim, and he wondered how far Lansing was from Granger.

We didn't want to split up right away, so he drove around until he found a back road that looked pretty deserted and was in Michigan (because he said if we got caught he'd rather be in his home state because Indiana was really conservative) and we climbed into the back of Winston for some fun.

I wasn't looking forward to the flight home, and Aric offered to drive me but that was a long ways out of his way. So after he'd gotten dressed again he helped me put on my flight gear and I told my watch to direct me back to Kalamazoo.

We'd stayed out later than I meant to, and it got dark long before I was home, and I had to trust in my watch to tell me which way to go because nothing on the ground looked familiar at all after dark. But I could see airplanes a lot further away, and they could probably see me too becuase of my blinking light.

It was really interesting to do a long-distance flight at night, though, 'cause even though I couldn't see any features on the ground there were lots of lights from moving cars and a train, and stationary lights clustered in towns or all alone on farms.

I was really happy when I got to Schoolcraft, because from there it wasn't too long a flight back to my apartment. I'd been getting worried that I wouldn't have enough energy to get all the way there, and I'd been yawning for half an hour, but I kind of got a second wind once I knew I was close, and while I was still tired I didn't feel exhausted anymore.

I couldn't remember if Meghan was going to be at my apartment or if I was supposed to meet her at hers, but when I got close to mine I saw that the lights were on even though it was really late, and I didn't think that Meghan would have forgotten them.

She was sitting at the computer, and she kind of jerked around when I opened the balcony door, 'cause I guess she'd been so focused on what she was doing that she hadn't seen me and my blinking light when I landed.

Meghan said that she'd lost track of time or else she would have been worried about how late I was and I said that I hadn't left until it was almost completely dark and that I was covered in lather so I was going to get in the shower and rinse off and cool down some. And she said that she'd join me 'cause she hadn't taken a shower all day.

I told her all about my day and how nice everyone was and said that she really ought to try it, and she said that she'd think about it.

We dried each other off and she asked if I needed my wings preened and I said that it had been a pretty easy flight so it could wait until the morning 'cause it was pretty late. And she said that it was but it wasn't too late to have some fun in bed especially since we didn't have to get up early tomorrow and I thought that it was really nice to have sex at the beginning of a long flight and again at the end of it.

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