• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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May 3 [Yeats]

May 3

I must have been tireder than I thought because I didn't really wake up when Aric came home. When I woke up in the morning he was next to me and I had a vague memory of him asking me if I could move over a little bit but I thought I'd dreamed it. And maybe I had; but he was there.

He had his back to me and I nuzzled along his spine then when he didn't respond I hooked a hoof over his shoulder and kind of gave him a little tug and he finally snorted in his sleep and rolled onto his back, and I put my head on his chest.

I probably could have stayed like that for hours but he started to wake up and I felt a little bit guilty—I should have let him continue to sleep. And he didn't open his eyes but he lifted his hand and rested it on top of my forehoof, then he gave a little squeeze and felt around until his hand was on my cheek.

I asked him what time he had gotten home and at first he didn't answer and I thought maybe he was still asleep but then he said three am and I asked him why and he said that he was putting up lights for the Frelon Dance Company, and had he forgotten to tell me that there was a show coming up this weekend?

That sounded familiar, but I couldn't remember if he'd told me a specific date for it before. So I asked and he said it was Friday night, and then afterwards I'd get indoctrinated into one of the great campus traditions if I wanted to but when I asked what that was he wouldn’t tell me.

He said that he would be home late every night this week because of the amount of work which went into the show. And then he finally opened his eyes and sort of pushed me off him so that he could properly gesture. Humans love making hand gestures to illustrate things.

There were lights that had to be run on stage, he told me, and more lights in the background and by the time they were done they would be using every circuit in the theatre except for six of them that nobody could find.

Then he told me how there wasn't any map of where all the circuits were and only the ones in the catwalk were labeled, so it was guesswork to find the rest. He had found a couple in the basement, under the moving stage elevator, and there were more hidden in the back balcony, but he said that there were still six that couldn't be accounted for.

I told him I could come over and help him look and he laughed and said that I didn't have to; they'd designed the show without using them and everybody thought that they probably had been covered over in one of the renovations of the theatre, like when they'd built a new stage floor maybe.

And he asked me how my weekend had been and I told him all about seeing Gusty and how well she had done. He said that he wasn't really that much of a fan of Shakespeare but he would have liked to see that show.

Even though he was still pretty tired—I could see bags under his eyes—he said that it wouldn't be a proper morning if we didn't have sex and I couldn't agree more. I told him that he owed me for not being home last night and he was going to have to do all the work, then I rolled onto my back.

He ran his finger down my ruff and said that he would be home late every night this week, and that if I didn't want to come over I didn't have to but I told him I wanted to even if he wasn't home when I went to bed it was better waking up with him than alone, and he said that I was an eternal optimist.

I flew out his window and he waved goodbye and when I looked back he was still standing at the window, so I guess he didn't mind if the neighbors on the other side saw his penis.

I felt a lot more complete this morning and the trees were starting to bud finally. It was chilly again, but this time it was clear and so I could get up to altitude and look over the whole world and that was a fun feeling because it was like I owned it. I was queen of the cloudpile.

Then I heard a distant noise and finally located an airplane far above me (they're really hard to see when they don't leave clouds behind them) and I guess it was actually queen of the cloudpile because I knew from up there you could see even further.

It didn't get me down, though, 'cause it went across the sky and then vanished and I was still here.

I took a long leisurely shower and I could have stayed in there until lunch except finally Brianna knocked at the door and said that she thought my singing was lovely and she hated to cut me short but she wanted to take a shower too, then I felt guilty because maybe she had been waiting for a while and hadn't wanted to interrupt so I stopped the water and shook myself off and let her have a turn.

Trevor and I went to poetry together after lunch and we both sort of wondered out loud what we'd be learning. He told me that the thing he liked the most about Conrad was how spontaneous he was; how he'd just pick a poet which he thought fit the mood and I said that was what poetry ought to be like. Classes like math, you had to learn one thing before you could move on to the next. But you could approach poetry in any order you wanted to and it wouldn't make a difference.

And so it was. He introduced us to William Butler Yeats, who was Irish. And he started us off with a short poem called A Drinking Song, and one of the girls in the class said that was stereotyping and Conrad just laughed and said that he hadn't been the one to write the poem.

Then he followed that with An Irish Airman foresees his Death. He had Trevor read it and it sounded both sad and noble at the same time. And I hoped that when I met my fate it was also somewhere in the clouds above.

Conrad got a little twinkle in his eye and said that I could read the next poem which was called The Fascination of What's Difficult, and I had a really hard time reading through it without laughing because it was about the theatre and Mister Yeats was using a colt as a metaphor and before I could think I said that maybe I ought to take Mister Yeats's advice and lock my colt in the stable before he spends any more time in the theatre.

Melissa raised her hand and said that she knew this was not about Yeats but had any of us heard of the pony Puck in Madison and I said that that was my friend Gusty and I had seen it last weekend and it was really good.

We had a little bit of a talk about Shakespeare and Conrad said that maybe we'd talk about him more later but he hated to step on the theatre department's toes like that. Then he asked if anybody wanted to read Adeh Tells of a Valley full of Lovers, which sounded like a place Cayenne would like very much.

I was going to read more of my Bible tonight because I was way far behind and would never finish up by the end of this school year but at dinner Sean and Christine invited me over to her suite to watch another Star Trek movie because Sean said that I needed to catch up on the lore if I planned to see the new one that was going to be in theaters and so I said I would, and they said that they wouldn't be starting the movie until nine.

So I did get to read a little bit of the Bible, and I got a computer letter from Doctor Thomas Thompson asking if I was still interested in being a storm watcher and I thought that would be a big honor so I sent him a letter back saying that I was interested. There had only been one storm so far but surely there would be more.

Before I knew it it was almost nine and so I went down to Christine's room and I sat on the papasan and we watched the movie. It confused me a bit because it took place before any of the other ones I'd seen, even though it was newer, and Sean explained that that was called a reboot, which was where the filmmakers made a movie about what happened before other movies, or when they changed around a franchise a little bit.

I thought it was pretty good and Sean said that he thought that most of the new actors played the parts really well. And it reminded me that I ought to see if I could find a place to go skydiving because that was something I could do with my friends.

As I was flying across the quad and back to my dorm I got to thinking that there were a lot of things that I wanted to do and the school year was coming to an end really quick so maybe I ought to be smart and write down a list and then check things off as I'd done them. Big things that might take a weekend and little things that could be done in an afternoon.

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