• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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April 7 [a history of war]

April 7

I spent a little longer in bed with Aric this morning because I knew he'd miss me when I was gone for the weekend. Besides, I was in a frisky mood anyway.

It was misty—not quite foggy and not quite rainy, but a sort of halfway point between the two. Good enough visibility, though, but you had to always be careful in weather like this because you could fly into thicker stuff without noticing, and then you could get disoriented. It was smart to always keep an eye on the ground.

Airplanes had all sorts of gauges in them to tell the pilots where they were going. The book I'd had to read before getting my license had mentioned them. They could tell you if you were right side up or upside down, what direction you were flying, and how high you were. Plus there were other special instruments, too, that mattered if you had an engine on your airplane, since it was important to know what it was doing. Cars had gauges like that, too.

I had my altimeter, but I didn't need to look at it all that much any more. I'd gotten enough practice flying on Earth that I could tell just by looking about how high I was.

Rather than fly around too far, I just got up to where there were some wispy clouds—which were totally invisible from the ground—and played with them for a while. I squished them into more concentrated bunches and then carried them up a little higher where the air was more to their liking.

A lot of ponies on the ground don't know that the sky isn't identical all over. It's like the ocean, with all sorts of complicated currents and temperature and humidity changes, and that's what makes the weather work. If it all somehow got to being the same, no matter how many pegasuses we had, we probably wouldn't be able to do anything with it.

As I was bunching up my last cloud of the day, I thought that maybe I ought to ask Gates if I could borrow his GoPro for cloud work. I bet that would be a fun thing for people to watch. Probably my weather professor and Dr. Thomas Thompson would like to see it, too.

After I'd dried off from my shower, I thought I'd check my computer mail and see if Gusty had written back. I didn't expect her to have, since it was late when I sent the letter, but she had.

My mailbox tells me what time computer letters arrived, and Gusty had written back only a few hours ago, which meant she must have been up most of the night. I hoped that it hadn't taken her that long to write a reply, because then I'd feel bad.

When I opened the letter, though, it wasn't all that long. She said that unicorns had kept their script because ours was too ambiguous. She didn't know a whole lot about how earth pony writing had evolved, but we only used a few more than a dozen different letters for writing, which she said meant that we had to guess a lot of words from their context.

Well, I knew that, and I knew that a lot of times ponies would add vowel points or other clues if there was the possibility of confusion; every foal knew that.

But then she said when it came to spellbooks, that wasn't good enough. Since Old Unicorn already had ample symbols to cover all the different sounds, they just started writing Equestrian words using the same letters they already had, all forty-four of them.

She had also included a picture of a page of words that were easily confused with each other, and written one side in simple Equestrian and then the words in Unicorn script, and on the Unicorn side of the page they were all longer, and none of them looked alike.

Well, I guess that all made sense. We used a lot of pictures in the weather offices to help cut down on confusion, and because there were still a bunch of mares who couldn't read. It wasn't all that helpful out in the sky, anyway, ‘cause it was more hooves-on up there.

Since I could read, I spent the rest of the morning with Judges, and finished it. The end wasn't much different than the beginning had been. One of the women was a concubine which is kind of like a prostitute and since women seemed to be more clever than the men (especially the prostitutes), I thought that she was going to do something clever, but instead she got raped and then cut up into pieces and sent to the twelve tribes, and suddenly I was wishing that I hadn’t decided to read the Bible before lunch.

Then in revenge Judah led the Israelites to fight the Benjamites, who had done it.

I didn't know all that much about war, because I'd only ever learned the basics of how to use my glaive and how to follow the instructions of my leader, but if I went to battle one day and we lost twenty-two thousand ponies, I wouldn't do the same thing the next day. But they did, and on the third day they had the smarter idea to draw the Benjamites out and then ambush them, and then they defeated them.

The next book was called Ruth and I thought that was really funny because I knew a Ruth that lived down the hall and maybe she was named after this Ruth. So I opened our door and looked down the hall and hers was open, too, so I took my Bible in my mouth and read Ruth while sitting on her bed. She didn't mind; she was doing stuff on her computer and moved her chair so that she could pet me, which made us both happy.

I liked Ruth a lot better, because even though it started out sad, in a famine, it got better because she found a man who loved her and then they got married and had a son together.

I asked Ruth if she had ever laid down at a boy's feet or harvested barley, and she said that she hadn't done either of those things. Then she got curious about the Book of Ruth, and looked for it on her computer, and pretty soon a whole page of information came up, with pictures even. So she started reading that and then laughed and I wanted to know what was so funny, so she pointed to where it said that 'feet' was a euphemism for 'genitals.' I can guess what woke Boaz up.

It was about lunchtime, so I put my Bible back in my room and got my saddlebags and went to lunch, where I sat with Trevor and Cedric and Leon. I said what I'd learned about football in anthropology class, and Cedric said that it was all true. He said that was why girls didn't play the sport.

Then Trevor asked if it was true what I'd asked in class, 'cause he'd heard it from someone else, and I admitted to what I'd said. Cedric said that was how they used to play it, but when they let black men on the teams it wasn't fair any more; all the white boys didn't stand a chance, and he held up his finger and thumb a couple of inches apart.

Leon started laughing so hard that he put his head down, and I stood up with my forehooves on the table and told Cedric that Aric was bigger than that and it got real quiet.

Just then I remembered what Peggy had said about how people might feel and that I ought not to tell anyone and I'd gone and opened my stupid mouth without thinking, and it hit me again just how big Cedric was. If he grabbed me, it was over.

I snapped my wings out real quick and pinned my ears and was about to launch myself off the table and get away before things got bad, but then I saw Cedric jerk back at my sudden movement; between his push and me on the table it tipped and sent everything sliding my way. I heard Leon say 'oh, shit,' and his hand flew out so fast and he grabbed at my cup before it went off the table, but he wasn't quick enough to get my plate and it shattered all over the floor, and every head in the room turned to look at us.

Well, all of a sudden I felt really foolish. They were my friends and they weren't going to do anything to me and I'd gone and broken a plate and wasted all my lunch, too, and now everybody would think that I was an idiot, and I was about to apologize for causing a scene, when Leon said really loud that his salad had had mache in it instead of arugula, and that didn't make any sense to me, but people started to turn back to their conversations.

I helped clean up the mess on the floor and apologized to Trevor for whacking him with my wing. Cedric said that I was scary, and coming from him that was really funny. Then he said that he thought I was going to come across the table and bite him, 'cause I guess I'd bared my teeth at him and hadn't even realized.

I said I was sorry about that, too, and he chuckled and said that if I ever played football all I would have to do was make that face and I could get right through anybody's defensive line. I stuck my tongue out at him.

Leon wanted to know why I had canine teeth. He said that every horse he'd ever seen had a big empty gap there, but when I'd clenched my jaw they looked a lot like fangs and all that he could think was how happy he was that my eyes were locked on Cedric and not him.

So I told him that the dandelions in Equestria were very tough, and everyone had a good laugh at that.

It was appropriate, I guess, that with my reading about war and almost having a scuffle in the dining room that we wound up reading some of Kipling's poems about war in class. I'd liked the ones about sailing and the ocean much better.

He finished with a poem called The American Rebellion, which was kind of sad. 'The snow lies thick on Valley Forge, the ice on the Delaware, but the poor dead soldiers of King George they neither know nor care.'

I guess it was kind of appropriate for the day, though. The mist still hadn't really cleared, and with the snow all gone, everything just looked stark and dead.

Liz and I talked about Judges and Ruth. There was some stuff that I'd missed completely, mostly about lineage because I guess the Israelites really cared about that, too, even though it seemed kind of silly to me. I didn't know all the rules in Equestria, 'cause most pegasuses didn't own any land, but I knew that farms were passed down from mother to daughter, and I was pretty sure that the unicorns did the same thing with their land and silly titles, but they really cared about who everypony's sire was and kept big books to keep track of it all.

So it turned out that she asked me more questions about Equestria than I asked her about the Bible, but I didn't mind. We had a nice conversation and she even had tea which was better than the tea they offered in the dining hall.

I met up with Meghan at dinner, and asked if I could come over after I finished writing my report for anthropology class, and she said that we could watch another Harry Potter movie.

By the time I'd finished, though, it was too late to watch the movie. It hadn't seemed like it was going to be all that much to write when I'd started, but it wound up taking a lot longer than I'd expected, and I was almost done when my telephone chirped at me like it does when I get a telegram.

It was Meghan and she wanted to know if I was still planning to come over, and I said that I was, but it was probably too late for the movie. I said that my essay had taken longer to write than I thought it would because the computer kept getting words wrong and Peggy had to help me put the picture from my computer mail into my essay. And I said that I was sorry it had taken me so long, and she said that was okay, and she would be waiting for me.

When I got there, Meghan was sitting in her desk chair looking at things on the computer, and Amy wasn't around. Meghan said that Amy was going to be gone all night, so it wouldn't be a problem if we were a bit noisy or stayed up a little late.

Since I had class in the morning, I didn't want to stay up too late and lose my opportunity for morning exercise and breakfast, and I could tell she was a bit disappointed, so I let her groom me, which was the perfect end for the day.

When she was done, I was almost asleep on her lap, and I hated to move at all, but of course she couldn't sleep with me lying on her like that, so I got up and let her go to the bathroom to put on her sleeping clothes, and while she was doing that I slid under the covers.

She crawled in beside me and took off her shirt and put it on the floor, then she lay on her side and let me snuggle up against her and it wasn't very long at all before I was sound asleep.

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