• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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November 4 [Seafood salad is bad]

November 4

When I got up I was thinking about trotting with Peggy again although I hadn't asked her last night like I should have, and since I'd gone to sleep before her I didn't know how late she was up. And I didn't want her to be mad that I'd woke her up, so I decided to let her stay sleeping, and then when I got back I'd ask her.

So I filled up my camelback and put on my flight gear, and then I went down to the boardwalk and got permission from the grumpy man to fly to the Nature Center.

This time instead of flying across the quad like I usually did, I went the other way, over the parking lot, and I stayed low as I flew around the end of Trowbridge, right by Meghan's window. She probably wasn't awake, 'cause there weren't any lights on in her room or in the bathroom, and I suppose I could have stopped and knocked at the window, but she might not have woken up.

I flew straight across the cemetery and kept flying north until I had gotten to the dirt mines, and when there wasn't anything interesting going on there, I curved east towards the Nature Center.

My aim was a little bit off, and I was a bit further to the west than I'd meant to be, so I landed at the pond and started trotting around that trail. And when I got to the tunnel, I trotted right through that and then started galloping, and I kept up that pace until I got to the intersection of trails.

I went around the junction at a canter and back onto my normal trail, except this time I did it backwards, going along the river and railroad tracks first. And as I got around the curve at the south end, I slowed down to a gentle trot, so that I wouldn't scare off the deer. I hadn't seen them yet, 'cause the ridge blocked my view of them, but I was downwind of them and could smell them.

When I got up to the top of the hill, I spotted them, a ways back in the prairie grass, and their heads went up when they saw me but I was far enough away and moving slowly enough that I didn't bother them, and they went back to grazing.

I went down the hill and stopped at the bottom so that I could turn around. It didn't feel right to be going the wrong way on the trail, even though it was okay to go both ways. I think it was just 'cause I was so used to going around it in one direction that it felt wrong to go in the other direction.

So I went a lap the normal way, and when I got back to the intersection I took off there and started to fly into the woods before I got it into my head that I wanted to fly through the tunnel, so I looped up and around and went back to the intersection and turned west, and then got up as much speed as I could before the tunnel entrance was right in front of me.

It was a little bit confining especially with wings out, 'cause even though they were a ways from the wall, I couldn't help but think that if I went off-course I'd crash into a wall or the ceiling. And that kind of made it more fun, too.

When I came out on the west side, I climbed up and turned back to campus, and I took a pretty straight route back.

I got out of my flight gear and went to the bathroom to take a shower, and I was just getting finished up when Kat came in the bathroom, and she was waiting on the bench when I came out of the shower.

Peggy was awake, too, and before she went to take a shower I asked her if she wanted to be woken up to go trotting in the morning because I still wasn't sure. And she said that we might as well, 'cause she hadn't been exercising enough and was going to pay for it when it was snowboarding time. So we decided on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 'cause she thought that three days worth of exercise was enough.

Then I groomed myself while she was in the shower and I didn't have any feathers come out this time, but there were a couple more primaries that were getting loose.

When Peggy was ready, the two of us went to breakfast, and they had the waffle maker working again, so I had a waffle for breakfast, and some eggs too for the protein.

Reese was studying, 'cause he was in a class that had two mid-terms and so he had a test right after breakfast and he didn't think that was fair to have two. And then Christine said that he didn't know how lucky he was because when she'd started they'd had a mid-term every week and each one counted for fifty percent of the grade and I was trying to figure out how that would even work when Sean started laughing and I realized that she was lying.

Anna was in a pretty happy mood, 'cause the Cubs had won the World Series, even though Mister Salvatore had said that they wouldn't. She said that she could only imagine what it was like back in Chicago—she said that she almost wished she was there. And I thought maybe I could ask Cayenne, because probably if there was a big party, she'd want to go to it.

Sean said that the Cubs winning was one of the signs of the Apocalypse in the Bible, and I said that I hadn't gotten to that part yet. He said that it was in Revelations, which was the very last book. I was getting close, but I thought that the Bible had been written really long ago, so it was surprising that that would be mentioned. And Meghan said that the Lions winning a Super Bowl was another sign.

There had been prophecies in the Old Testament that had come true, though, so maybe someone had prophesied that. I didn't like the idea that it was going to bring an apocalypse, though, and I asked if there was any way to prevent it, and Meghan said that we didn't have to worry because the Lions had built all of their fields on ancient Indian burial grounds and so the team was forever cursed to never win a Superbowl game.

And then they all started laughing, and so I knew that they'd made it all up. Which was kind of a relief.

I flew across the quad and landed in front of Dow, and I'd gotten there a bit early, so I waited around in the hallway until everyone had left the class before I could go in and take my seat.

When class started, Lisa wasn't there. Professor Brown reviewed some of the stuff about mixtures that we'd learned before to make sure we all knew it, and he used alcohol as an example which made some people snicker, but he said that this weekend when we were drinking responsibly, he wanted us to think about how thermodynamics made our liquor.

Then he explained more about the graphs with the coexistance curves, and how we could figure out what happened and then the coexistance curve went away because we didn't have any liquid anymore, and all the liquid moles had become gas moles, and since it was all in a box you had the same amount that you'd had to start with, but it was all in a bigger box. And you could reverse it and when you had a big box of gas, you could add pressure and turn it back into liquid, which was pretty obvious.

But you could also purify things that way, 'cause if you had two things with different volatility, you could figure out just how much pressure you needed to make the less volatile one to turn into a liquid while the more volatile one stayed a gas.

He showed us how to do the calculation and figure out on the graph how much you'd get, and it was called the Lever Rule.

I was worried about Lisa, and so I decided that I'd go to her room to check on her. Maybe she'd slept too late and missed class, or maybe she was sick and would want a friend to comfort her. So even though I'd meant to go to the library and get a new poetry book and I even went by the library, I didn't go in, because she was more important than a poetry book.

So I went to her dorm and then up to her room and I knocked on the door and for a while nobody answered, but then finally Lisa opened the door and she was still in her sleeping clothes, and she looked kind of pale and I didn't know what to do when humans were sick, so I nuzzled her and told her that if she wanted to borrow my notes from class she could, and then I asked if there was anything else I could do, and she said it was just the twenty-four hour flu and she'd be better by Monday.

I offered to type up the lab notes, but she said that she could do it. And then she said that she was going to go back to bed, so I nuzzled her again before she could close the door.

I went back to my room and did my thermodynamics homework, and that took me until lunch, so I didn't get to stop by the library like I'd meant to.

So I packed up my math homework and went to lunch, and it wasn't very good. Anna and Christine were both playing with their food, and only Sean seemed to really be enjoying what he had. Meghan had made a sandwich. I hadn't been able to find any fish that was worth eating, so I'd tried the crab salad that they had and it had too much dressing in it and I wasn't sure what the seafood actually was, 'cause it didn't quite taste like fish—which is what Peggy said it was—and it didn't quite taste like crab, either. But there were a lot of different tastes in the salad and it was kind of hard to sort them all out, so I finally had Peggy pick a piece of fake crab out of my salad and wipe all the sauce off of it so it was as plain as it could be, and then I tried it just by itself but I couldn't figure out what it was.

Sean looked on his portable telephone and found out that it was a lot of different fish that were all ground up and mixed together and that was why I couldn't identify it. And that sounded like cheating to me—they ought to have used real crab, 'cause they weren't that hard to catch. You had to be careful of the claws, but if you put out traps they'd scuttle inside, and they couldn't get back out again.

Me and Sean walked to math class together and Professor Pampena taught us Green's theorem which was a way to avoid calculating line integrals if we didn't want to. And it was a little odd because the formula only worked for closed, counterclockwise curves the way it was written, but he said that was just because the convention for curl was for it to go in a counterclockwise direction.

And then after he'd showed us how to use it and where we couldn't use it and what to do if the curve went clockwise, he said that he wanted to show us how to prove Green's theorem, and it was kind of complicated but I liked that he did because that really helped me understand why it worked the way he said it did.

Then at the end of class, he showed us pictures of a device that used the theorem, and it was called a planimeter, and it could measure the curve around an area and when you got back to the beginning it would tell you how much area you had, and it was really clever but he said that computers did it now and nobody needed a planimeter anymore.

I wasn't feeling too good by the end of math class—my tummy hadn't liked the crab salad that much, and I decided that I wasn't going to have it again. Sometimes it was worth being adventurous with food and other times it was a really bad idea, and this looked like one of the other times.

But I went with him to his room anyway so that we could do our homework together and I got about halfway done with mine before I had to ask him where the bathroom was, and luckily it wasn't too far.

I spent a lot longer than I'd hoped to in there, and I guess Sean had gotten worried, 'cause a girl came in and knocked on the stall door and asked if I was okay or if I was dying and I said that I was pretty sure that I was going to be okay but right now I kind of wished that I was dying, and that got her to chuckle at least.

Miss Chestnut had warned us that this might happen, and I guess I was lucky that this had been the first time.

When my insides had finally calmed down, I went back to Sean's room and said that I was never ever going to eat the seafood salad again and he said that was probably a good idea. And then he said that he was lucky that a girl had come by, 'cause he'd been standing by the bathroom door debating whether he should go in or not.

We finished up our homework and then checked our answers, and I'd gotten a couple of the first problems wrong, probably 'cause I hadn't been focused on math. It was hard to think when your insides were unhappy.

So I didn't have a lot of time before dinner, but on my way back I did go to the library, and returned my little poetry collection and went around looking for something new. And I found a big thick book of poems by Ogden Nash that looked like it would be pretty good, 'cause it had birds on the cover.

And I also went and looked at their computer to see if I could find a Kama Sutra, and they did have that. It was all the way on the top floor, and it took me a little bit of hunting to find it. It wasn't where it was supposed to be, but it was close, and all the way on the top shelf and I had to fly up to get it.

I brought both books to the front desk and the clerk had a little frown as she checked them out but she gave them to me just the same, and I took them back to my room and then I unpacked my saddlebags and went to dinner.

I had to be quick, 'cause there was a football game tonight, and I wasn't going to be able to cheer, 'cause we hadn't worked out the routines yet, but I thought that I could give the cheerleaders support. And when I said that at the dinner table Christine asked if that meant I was cheering on the cheerleaders and I said that it did. And she thought that was really funny.

I was also still kind of worried about my stomach, 'cause sometimes when you've had one bad meal, your stomach doesn't want another one, and isn't going to be happy with much of anything, so I only had vegetables even though I was kind of hungry. I thought I'd be better off eating a few smaller snack-sized meals rather than have a big dinner and then have to trot off during the football game, especially 'cause there were usually lines at the girl's bathroom.

And Meghan noticed that I wasn't eating all that much and asked if I felt all right, so I told her that the seafood salad hadn't been good for me and then Christine asked if it had given me the trots and then just started laughing and pretty soon everyone at the table was laughing. Meghan tried really hard not to, but she couldn't help herself.

Meghan wanted to go to the game with me, and I said that I wasn't sure if I'd be sitting in the grandstands, 'cause the cheerleaders were out on the field and maybe they'd let me be that close, and she said that even if we didn't get to sit together she'd still like to be with me, so we went over to the football field together and we were kind of early, and there wasn't anybody there yet.

After a while, though, people started to arrive and when I saw Sandra, she had me come with her, and so I said goodbye to Meghan and followed her.

She asked if I'd help out with anything that the cheerleaders might need before the game and I said that I would, but it turned out that they didn't need my help for anything, which was kind of a disappointment. I felt sort of useless.

Still, it was a good experience to see them get ready for the game, 'cause at first everyone was gossiping as they got dressed in their uniforms and put on makeup and styled their hair, and then they started to focus more and more on the game. And Sandra came in when there were fifteen minutes to go and again when there were five to make sure that everyone was ready, and then they all lined up at the door.

I wasn't going to get to go out with them, but after they'd welcomed the football team, Sandra said that I could go with her to the sidelines and watch them and the game from there.

It was a lot different seeing the game from the field. Sometimes I lost track of where the ball was or couldn't see what had happened on a play, and she said it was hard to get used to. And I watched how the cheerleaders reacted, and one time Cedric tackled someone right on the edge of the field really near me and as he was getting back up he waved at me.

They did a special routine at halftime, which I hadn't really noticed before, 'cause I'd been talking with everyone I was watching the game with, but this time I paid close attention to it. And I thought it was kind of unfair how the cheerleaders had to be out for the whole football game but the players got a break.

And when it was over and we'd lost by a lot of points, I got to go with them back to the locker room and I was really tempted to join them in the showers even though I hadn't gotten all sweaty, but it still didn't feel quite right, and while I was trying to figure out what the right thing to do was, Sandra called me aside and asked me if I still wanted to cheer in the last game, and I said that I did.

So she said that on Monday, she'd have someone measure me for the uniform and get that taken care of. And then she said that she was still figuring out choreography but she thought that she had a good idea of what she wanted, and that that would be ready for us to practice on Monday, too, and since it was something totally new she wanted me to be sure and tell her if I didn't think it was going to work or if it didn't feel right, and I said that I would.

She said that it was going to be a lot of work for everyone over the next week, but that it would be worth it, because Albion didn't have a pony cheerleader and they were gonna be really jealous.

I went outside and Meghan had waited for me, which was nice of her. And she said that she wasn't going to be available tomorrow 'cause she had a really big project that she had to get done over the weekend, but that she would like to spend the night with me and Aric if I wanted to, and I did.

And I asked her if she was going to come to the play tomorrow, and she said she would, and it would be lots of fun. She said that we should try and get as many people from our table to come as we could and we could all sit together.

We had to go back to her room first so that she could get her clothes for tomorrow and then I thought that I should get my flight gear, too, so I did, and then we went to Tiffany's, because I thought if we beat Aric home he'd be really happy if we had beer and if we didn't, he'd still be happy that we had beer.

She had to carry it, 'cause my saddlebags were full, and I felt kind of bad about that, and so she balanced her duffel bag on my back and then I felt like that was a fairer solution. And she said that there wasn't anything in it that would get damaged if it fell off, but I didn't drop it anyway.

Aric wasn't there when we got to his house, and David and Angela were gone, too, so Meghan looked through the movies that he had on his shelf until she found one that she liked which was called Run Lola Run, and it was in German but there were English words at the bottom so you could understand what they were saying.

It was kind of a strange movie, 'cause the same things kept happening but a little bit differently each time depending on how fast she ran and where she went. And Aric came in before we'd gotten too far in the movie, and he sat on the couch with us.

We didn't go upstairs until most of the beer was gone and Aric said that he could finish it if we wanted to stay up a little bit later, and Meghan started sliding her hand down my belly and said that while he was downstairs drinking beer we'd be amusing ourselves upstairs and so then he changed his mind and decided that it would be smart to save the beer until later, and the three of us went up to his bedroom.

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