• Published 11th May 2021
  • 1,731 Views, 36 Comments

Fusion Falls (old version) - madhat886

Thanks to several events that all happen at once. Several different universes all suddenly merged into one. And several people who found themselves alone come together in the town of Gravity Falls.

  • ...

Gideon Rises


The Maw -

The alarms throughout the Maw blared as securitrons and guards raced around. The guards and securitrons are setting up turrets on the outside of the Maw, ballistic, laser, and GLOO turrets, all blasting away at the attacking robots coming out of the portal in the sky. Joined by guards firing from windows and securitrons who are fighting outside, with some guards setting up heavy machine gun nests. Giving the people outside covering fire as they ran into the Maw which is being protected by its own forcefield.

Marceline having dropped off Bubblegum back at her kingdom flew to the control room of the Maw. Inside she found Tarmora barking out orders as she got the guards with some being her former soldiers into defense positions. Simon and Betty are at some controls with other techs keeping the power flowing to the defense grid. Alicia Winston from Time Crisis 3 is having all the fabricators in the Maw make as many turrets, ammo and guns as they can. And Lumpy Space Princess is giving out orders to protect the Maw, while texting on her phone.

“Anyone knows what’s happening?” Marceline asked.

“Anne that girl that come from that cave with the dinos, is saying that it’s this guy, King Andrias attacking with his robot army,” LSP said.

“That newt who wants to conquer Earth?” Marceline asked.

“Yup that’s it,” LSP said.

“The shield is holding but…, Betty was saying before a loud boom echoed through the Maw.

“One of those giant frog robots is trying to blast through the shield,” Simon said bringing up a screen showing one of,the giant robots using both cannon arms on the shield as it walks towards them.

“Get all the engines in the Maw working. We need more power,” Marceline shouted out.

“Already got people lighting up every boiler that’s connected to the power grid,” Alice said.

"We really should have some gun turrets installed," Tarmora said as she watches the action going on around the Maw.

"LSP we need more firepower," Marceline said.

"All securitrons unlock level 2 weapons," LSP said activating the securitrons more powerful weapons.

The securitrons began firing missiles and using their grenade launchers on the invading robots. A salvo of missiles struck the giant frog robot causing it to fall back. Followed by other missiles hitting the energy cannons of its arms going right into the barrels damaging the energy cannons.

"Now, I want turrets be place along here and there. It will allow the turrets to catch the robots in a crossfire," LSP said going to the map of the Maw and pointed to sections of the Maw.

"When did you learn about tactics?" Tarmora asked.

"I played enough tower defense game," LSP said before going back to texting.

“I’m going out and tear those robots to pieces,” Marceline said.

“Marceline there are so many of them,” Betty said.

“Don’t worry, I have The World at my side,” Marceline said looking at her stand standing by her. “I thin their numbers, Tarmora once the Maw is secured be ready to launch a counterattack.”

“On it,” Tarmora said.

Marceline flew out with The World following her, once outside they began destroying as many of the frog bots they could. Marceline with her axe and other vampire powers she took from slain vampires and The World being invisible to the scanners of the robots, tore their way through the mass of robots, handing for the lake where the frog bots are coming out off. To cut off the flow of frog bots or at least destroy enough to cause them to stop spreading out.


Canterlot City -

Once news came out about the attacking robots coming from Gravity Falls, the warning sirens across the city sounded. The security forces of Canterlot went into action and the automatic defenses were activated. With all the past attacks that happen before the merge happen and what happen during Summerween, Sunset made sure that Canterlot wouldn't be defenseless. The Canterlot defense force mostly made up of an army of Robco robots.

Sunset didn’t had the funds to just buy her own privet army of robots, so she made a deal with Mr. House. For her kingdom to be a test bed for a robot defense force, as she could only hire non pony guards seeing how much training a normal pony needs to be able to not run away at the first sign of danger. Having Canterlot have a defense force made up of Robco robots with some living guards to give them orders when needed, would be a great way to show investors and buyers how good his robots are. The robot defense force is made up of securitrons, assaultron, Mr. Gutsy, sentry bots, and eyebots. All of which have been activated to fight the invading frog robots.

The penguins activated the auto defenses, causing laser turrets to pop out from hidden compartments along the walls of the castle, opening fire on the flying dragonfly robots and blasting them out of the sky. The castle guards are setting up more turrets along the walls, giving the fleeing citizens running to the castle for safety. The Canterlot police force is out getting people to safety, helped by Korra who is using lightning to take out the flying robots, protecting the people fleeing into the castle.

Sunset family are staying inside as they help where they could, some of Sunset’s sister have taken control of a turret and took manual control of them. Acting like it’s a videogame as they blast away at the robots, while trying to avoid blasting the number of eyebots that are in the air also. Helped by Star and her group who manned turrets and blasted away at the incoming robots.


London -

On top of a Cambridge roof, the Dalmatians Dylan and Dolly looked watched what’s happening down below them as the pets are doing something. They been keeping an eye on the strange pets that have made themselves home in what use to be a good place to live. Wondering what they’re doing and why are there so many pets in cages.

"Oh, look. Little puppies on the roof," said Belatrix as she happened to look up.

"Belatrix focus! We need to set things up! What’s happening in America is distracting everyone! We need to prepare for the ritual," said Rookwood as he organized the few former mages left in England to prep the mystic tree. When the time was right and the mystic tree gifted to them by Grindelwald that’s filled by magic of Gravity Falls that Grindelwald would send to them soon. All they had to do was initiate the ritual... and their magic would be restored!

The former Dumbeldore loyalists were looking sullen. Both because of the betrayal of their leader... and the fact that the ritual required the sacrifice of a thousand muggles. But Rookwood paid them no mind, they needed all the former magic users they could get to act as conduits for this to work properly.

"Please let us go!" one of the muggles in one of the electrified cages screamed out.

"Quite you," Spring Heeled Jack said as he used an electrified cattle prod on the woman. "It's not like anyone is going to miss you lot. Not after people learned what happen to that couple you and your town killed when they camp at Eden's Lake."

"Yes, your entire town became outcast and cut off. Making it so easy for us to just capture you all and no one cares," Greenteeth Jenny the English witch said.

"Can't even find anything online about how your entire town just disappeared," Black Annis the Scottish witch said looking through her smart phone.

"Yes and it's all thanks to Brett and his gang here and you their parents willing to kill the woman just to protect your kids," Spring Heeled Jack laughs pointing to the cage holding the young gang members. Who after days of being held cages and barely fed and had to live in their own waste were no longer full of themselves anymore.

“I should had aborted you,” Brett’s mother yelled at him.

“So many small towns with muggles who love to kill outsiders. We really should had look for those places before the merge. No one would care what happens to them as long as we made sure what they did to outsiders before we got to them was known first,” Jenny said as she sprayed water on a cage full of inbreds who killed a group of teenagers and their teachers. The inbreds all fought to catch some water in their mouths as Jenny sprayed them with the hose.

All the cages are filled with people who are either from isolated places and done things that cause people to avoid them, or people that no one would miss. All they had to do was look things up online for people that are hated and kidnap them, where either no one reports them missing or only after the bills are stop being paid.

They also track down people who are apart of Elite Hunting along with their families and even has Sasha Rassimov the leader in his own special cage. M.C.D. had them all rounded up to wipe out their competition and also blackmailed the people who tortured people to death of their money before leaking the information out to the news outlets ruining them and making it look like it’s all done by the Elite Hunting club. The reason for this wasn’t for any noble goal, it was simply because the club began targeting magic users and non humans, with some being members of M.C.D. some of whom were key figures in their regions. So it was simply easier to wipe the Elite Hunting club off the map and used the members as blood offerings while they were at it. It would give everyone a clear message what happens to those who kill members of M.C.D. showing their lower ranking members that they would be look after in case something like that happens to them, thus getting their loyalty and new ones. Unlike other groups which broke apart when the minions left for something better or were killed off by the bad boss. (1)

Belatrix, handed over all the special artifacts that had once been magical AND horcruxes of their former master: Helga Huffelpuffs cup, Slytherins locket, Percival's ring, and as a bonus they also had Godric Gryfindors sword. It was raided from the dilapidated remains of what was once Hogwarts. It had fallen apart once the magic that was the only thing that was holding it all together was gone.

"And... my master will return? You're sure of this?" Belatrix ask.

"Rest assured Belatrix, me and Grindelwald have gone over it all a hundred times. By placing the items on this special rune," Rookwood pauses to do just that. "Once the ritual begins, they will be flooded by pure Gravity Falls magic, thus permanently restoring their magic properties, including that which made them Horcruxes, rest assure, our master will soon be back to lead us into a glorious new world order! We'll even make the Sword of Godric, enemy of all Slytherins, a new Horcrux to toast our success!"

Belatrix smiled and wandered off... when she was gone, Rookwood's smile he had while talking to her turned to a sneer.

'As if I'd ever help resurrect that moron.' he thinks to himself.

Unlike other Deatheaters, he'd joined Voldemort not because he hated muggles, but because he feared them. He'd seen first hand how lazy and decadent the wizarding world had become, and saw how powerful and numerous the Muggles have become. It was only a matter of time before the Status of Secrecy fell; for could you 'Obliviate' a Youtube video? Or confound a satellite image? And when that happened, either wizards would be assimilated and made to do the bidding of the muggles... or they'd be wiped out. He'd seen first hand how cruel humans could be to other humans simply because of SKIN color... never mind magic!

No, he'd joined Voldemort simply because he seemed to be the only one willing to do something about the looming crisis... and he was left severely disappointed. In fairness, a good deal of Voldemorts growing madness could possibly attributed to the constant splitting of his soul, but that didn't make his leadership any less disastrous! His followers unlike himself when their magic was taken away from them have proven useless without them. He managed to survive using his connections to the muggle crime world. Most of the others have been either killed or captured by the new anti-magic government that had sprang up.

No, he only said what he did because he needed the manpower and skills of the death eater faction under Belatrix's sway. And although, the artifacts power WOULD be restored. The taint of 'He-who-flee's-from-death' had long been purged by the merge. He chuckles to himself, thinking how gullible Beletrix is to believe the sword could become a Horcrux, it was impregnated with BASILISK Venom for crying out loud...

'Wait, could it actually be made into a Horcrux?' thinks Rookwood's academic mind. It assimilated the qualities of anything that could make it stronger... and becoming a horcrux made an object almost indestructible... could it be done? And if so... would the fact it was imbued with Basilisk venom make it immune to one of the few things that could destroy it?

He shakes his head, he'd think on such things later. Right now he had the future to prepare for!

He never gave a second thought to the inverse dalmatian, the black poodle, or the dachshund that was apparently digging through a nearby trashcan. Nor did he notice the dalmatian briefly take out a camera and take some pictures of the ritual area and ruin work before quickly hiding it in his fur again.


Mystery Shack -

Eda created a shield around them as the frog robots attacked, the kids are inside the Owl House with Hooty attacking the dragonfly robots. She is backed up by her sister Lilith and the two guards that came with her creating a barrier that protected the shack. The Psychonauts are attacking the frog robots but their mind abilities aren’t that effected thanks to the robots not having minds, forcing the Psychonauts to throw things at the robots or setting them on fire.

“We should help,” Dipper said.

“Yeah we got powers,” Luz said.

“No you kids stay inside,” Stan said.

“Those videogame guys have it cover,” Soos said pointing to the action outside.

The Turks are using their powers that they used against the player in their game. Casting lightning, fire, ice, wind, and other magical attacks and special attacks. They didn’t use their melee weapons as this wasn’t a game anymore and only used them when the robots got close, they mainly used their blasters to take out the robots before they got close or their magic. Then there was a flash of light causing all the robots to fall apart as a massive chain of lightning covered the sky.

“What happen?” Stan asked sticking his head out.

“I did,” Sunset said hovering in the air.

“Wow,” Luz said amazed at the sheer amount of power Sunset wields.

“Didn’t know you have that kind of power,” Eda said amazed along with all the others from the Boiling Isles.

“She’s an alicorn of course she would have that kind of power,” Luna said.

“Turks with me, everyone else stay here,” Sunset said taking off with the Turks following her.

“Yeah she gots it,” Luz said.

“We need to get back to the camp,” Raz said the other Psychonauts.

“I’ll drive,” Sasha said as they got into the van they came in and drove off.

“So we just stay here?” Dipper asked as he and the others step out of the owl house.

“Kid just sit out of this and let others do their share,” Stan said.

“This isn’t like a game where you’re the main character who does everything you know,” Soos pointed out. (2)

"Besides there's more coming," Eda said as she and Lilth ready themselves for the next wave of robots heading for them.

"Break out the laser guns kids, we're got a fight ahead of us," Stan said seeing the dragonfly robots flying towards them.

"Right!" Dipper said pulling out some laser guns from his pip-boy and giving everyone a gun to fight with.

"I'm ready," Mabel said grabbing a gun as well.

The dragonflies and flying robot frogs were blow out of the sky. Loud thundering footsteps came from the trees as the giant robot in the form of Gideon came crashing through the trees. The robot ran towards the shack and bust through the wall of Stan's office, grabbing the safe inside. It rips the safe door open and the deed of the shack flew out and into a hatch that open on the side of the robot's head.

"Help!" Mabel screamed as she was suddenly lifted up and flew into the open hatch of the robot that closed and the robot ran off.

"Mabel!" Luz and Dipper screamed as they ran for the golf cart and drove off after the giant robot.

"Lilith protect the others," Eda said as she and Stan got on her staff and flew after them.

"Back into the house kids," Lilith shouted as another wave of robots came at them.


England -

Rokwood personally foresaw the final touches to the blood ritual. When the ritual was complete and it was feed through the ley-lines with the magic energy taken from Gravity Falls, there would be no need to physically go out and collect the muggles, the energy field sent out would kill them all and drain their life force! True, this would end up with FAR more muggle casualties then needed... but of course Rokwood was hardly going to lose sleep over that... seemed like even the former Dumbedlore loyalist's couldn't bring themselves to be sympathetic to the muggles of the 'Norsefire controlled London'... they seen too many of their fellows burnt alive in public to cheering crowds for that.

"I'm begging you all, don't do this!" Dumbedlore said.

'5th time this week, that woman is getting on my nerves!' Rokwood thought as he lets out a groan. He turns around and sure enough, a tied up and bound Dumbeldore was once more begging his former supporters to not do this...

"I'm sorry... we don't have a choice! Things have gotten so much worse since you left! These muggles... they're nuts! They're mutilating and murdering animals in the street! They're forcing people to take odd pills that makes everyone act loopy! And more and more of those muggle... metal... flying... THINGS," Molly in tears and really struggling to describe them as she points to a drone flying in the distance.

"Those are drones," Deadzone said who was nearby. He's incased in what looks like a high-tech yellow drive suit. The left arm is replaced with a three-barrel cannon, the right is robotic with a grappling hook connected to it. The guy's head is protected by a glass dome and body incased in metal designed to withstand the pressures of the deep ocean. Like some magic users after the merge happen Deadzone abandon using magic and got himself a set of power armor.

He isn't alone as he's with Birdman a skinny guy with messy brown hair dress in nothing but blue overalls. He has the ability to teleport and can also create duplicates of himself and fire orbs of energy. Joined up with Grindelwald to be able to do what he wants.

Quake a Earth tribe woman who is dressed as a break dancer. She uses dancing moves with her Earthbending powers. Joined up for the sheer thrill of being a villain and for riches.

Viper a woman who is always dress in leather garments and a helmet like some off road bikers wear. Who is riding on top of a giant jumping spider. Which is her pet name Fang. She join to get revenge against the muggles of England.

Jed Wright a overweight mechanic dressed in dirty jean overalls and a welder's mask, with a gas tank strapped on his back. He was recruited because of the need of a skilled mechanic who can keep all the equipment working. And seeing how there aren't any mechanics in the wizard world of Europe, Grindelwald had to recruit Jed who was born in a magic family but could never do magic, from the American branch of the old wizard world.

Toolshed a woman who is a skilled carpenter who use to use her magical tools in her line of work till the merge happen. She joined up for protection against the anti magic mobs and that it pays good.

And Sledgehammer a large man who always carries a giant metal mallet. Like Jed he couldn't use magic and in his small village in England he was outcasted by the magic users there. Till he return after the merge and killed the now powerless magic users with his hammer. He was recruited because of his knowledge in robotics and commands the Mr. Handies who are setting up the ritual.

Grindelwald sent them to help as he has invested much in this project to restore magic so that there be no need to use those spell drives to use magic. Of course it would also restore many magical items that he could either use or sell. He was no longer the narrow minded wizard he once was, only being able to think about the magic world and it’s limited value. But he wasn’t going to risk himself to be caught by the magic hunters in England to restore his powers. He has his team setup a long range teleporter that would teleport him close to the ritual when it began so he could be restored of his magic and leave before anyone else knew he was there.

"Those things are showing up everywhere! Spying on people, shooting seemingly everyone! I'm sorry Dumbedlore, but I need to think of my family! London is not our home anymore and it's them or us!" there's no fury in her voice... just despair and resignation... something all Dumbeldore's former allies seemed to to show on their faces. Which only made this all the worse for him to see. "But don't worry! They're going to give you back your magic as well, we'll rebuild a new home far away and with your leadership and new power I'm sure we can get things back to normal!"

There was more then a hint of desperate hysterics in that last sentence, before Dumbeldore can respond.


He's out again.

Rokwood holding the smoking tazer and looking annoyed. "I told you not to revive him!"

"I-I just wanted him to understand... Why we HAD to do this... maybe he'd-," Molly said showing how desperate she is only for Rokwood to interrupt her.

"Look, I don't have time for this. I need to focus on the ritual," he picks a charm out of his pocket. "Just as well that I've finished this."

He places it on Dumbeldore and the old wizard is suddenly enveloped by an orange crystal, he then hands the charm to Molly.

"As agreed. After we get our powers back, you lot carry Dumbeldore. We'll take advantage of the chaos caused by the ritual to slip out of the U.K., we go our separate ways. Then and ONLY then, You use that charm to undo the crystal suspended animation so Dumbeldore can lead you again, or whatever you plan on doing..." Rokwood said.

Molly sighs but nods, she didn't like that part of the bargain, but she supposed she could understand. If she was a Death Eater she wouldn't want to be around when a fully restored Dumbeldore was back to full power. Besides, in addition to keeping him asleep it would also protect him from harm in case the Death eaters tried anything so she supposed she couldn't really complain.

As they walk off, Rokwoods smile again turns into a sneer. Stupid hag, little did they know that in addition to protecting him from harm, it would also 'protect' him from the effects of the ritual. So no magical restore for him.

They may have been on the same side for the moment, but Rokwood knew it would be just foolish to allow someone like Dumbeldore to regain his power again. Besides, Rokwood personally blamed wizards like him for the stagnation of the wizarding world. So focused on keeping the 'status quo' in their own little world, everyone happy and the Applecart NOT shaken. They completely ignored OUTSIDE threats, not to mention keeping everything the same as long as they can. It's the reason why many American wizards see their European counterparts as backwards and out of touch with the rest of the world.

Once the muggles got a look into the wizard world they found how backwards and outdated the hidden magical world is. Like the magic users from one world where only one child can keep their magic. Which once the ones in charge of that society were asked what reason is the wizard competition takes place. Why it is believed that only one wizard from each family could be trusted with magic or why there is a wizard competition at all. As one female wizard Stevie had pointed out shortly after the merged and ask the ruling council of her magical world. Which none of the council members could answer than saying it's their way and even how outdated it is, even if it does cause magic users like Stevie to be villains as she was trying to destroy the power transfer system, that the whole thing needs to take place, just because. Which she sealed the deal in using a truth mirror that forces anyone who sees their reflections in it to tell the truth no matter what. If the ruling council would enforce the competition even if the losing children were to be killed, all of them said yes. (3)

Last he heard that entire society had fallen apart with the former magic users all going their own ways. And the ruling council losing all support seeing what they're willing to allow to maintain how their culture works. And help in getting the ball rolling in how bad magical worlds are that are closed off and hidden away. And that's not even going into what the muggles found of what the so called wised wizard had planned for Potter.

Rokwood would've preferred to just kill him. But surprisingly, Grindelwald of all people threatened to kill HIM if he even thought of doing that! He agreed to keeping him powerless, but other then that Dumbeldore was off limits! Naturally, this confused Rokwood, but since this was the man who was giving him back his magic, he decided it was best to not question it and risk further antagonize him.

In any case he went back to making final preparations, several wizards were sniping small tree cuttings. Grindewald believed that once fashioned into proper wands, wielded by a powerful enough wizard and in an environment saturated by magic (which on earth meant only either (eventually) here or Gravity Falls), they could be used to either restore a persons magic or take magic from something (or someone) and give it to someone else. They already sent several shipments to Grindelwald.

Speaking of restoring magic he looks toward the special ruin circle, where MORE formerly magic items had been brought through various M.C.D. contacts or were stolen. Along with magical items from invisible cloaks, brooms, wands and other magical items.

The notable ones were the seven millennium items. (Which, like the former Horcruxes have all been purged of soul fragments and other nasty surprises thanks to the Merge).

The Oni masks (originally all sealed away in Tarakudo's mask, the merge killed that spell and released them. And, more importantly the merge had purged them of their soul fragments- so no Oni generals corrupting their minds -but Grindelwald theorizes they can still be used to summon and control shadowkhan from the shadow realm once restored.)

The Goblet of Fire (Rokwood was baffled why anyone would want this over glorified wizard prop, but Grindelwald admitted the idea came from Killbane. 'You got an artifact that once restored can bind anyone to do whatever you want as long as you have a scrap of paper with their name on it? That's like the extortion mother load, right there! You could make a person do a task where they had to stab themselves a 100 times in the gut in under 1 minute, and then they are punished because no one told them about it.' Grindelwald then points out that's not quite how it works, although the 'stab-self 100 times task' part was feasible... several requirements was that you did have to tell the person of the task in advance. And although a time limit was optional, if you did give one, it couldn't be less then an hour... and a persons MAGIC was what was forfeited not their life... although that last bit Grindelwald believed could be tweaked... so he figured it was worth a shot.)

And the Treasure of the blind Swordsman, which is a chest. That mystical treasure chest had the spirit of a powerful, yet that had the appearance of a Chinese genie. The swordsman himself had said that he was loyal to whomever possessed the treasure chest and that he would grant anything the user desired.

Black Beetle when this Shen Gong Wu was activated, it coated the user in a heat resistant black body armor and protected the user from extreme heat. It could also take the form of a heat-resistant raft when used to protect more than one person.

Couching Cougar is able to transform from a miniature form into a vehicle-sized cougar and was capable of running faster than a car or a monster truck.

Crystal Glasses allowed the user to peer into the future. However, with knowledge of this, the user could change the future by their reaction to their knowledge, thereby disturbing the natural passage of events.

Denshi Bunny transforms the user into electricity.

Eye of Dashi it can release bolts of electricity and generated unlimited power into a desired object.

Fancy Feet let’s the wearing move at super sonic speed.

Fist of Tebigong Let’s the user punch things with super strength.

Fountain of Hui that gives the users random knowledge without its sister sheng gon wu the Eagle Scope.

Gills of Hamachi allows the user to breathe underwater and turns them into a fish creature.

Golden Finger that freezes anything it’s pointed at.

Golden Tiger Claws that open a portal to anywhere the user wants.

Heart of Jong that brings in-animate objects to life.

Kuzusu Atom destroys anything it hits.

Lotus Twister makes the user be like rubber.

Lunar Locket let’s the user control the moon.

Mikado Arm gives the user super strength.

Mind Reader Conch let’s the user read any mind within its effective range.

Moby Morpher allows the user to morph into just about anything.

Mosaic Scale can trap spirits.

Orb of Tornami can create water.

Reversing Mirror can reverse powers and effects.

Ruby of Ramses allows the user to levitate objects.

Serpent’s tail allows the user to go through solid objects.

Shadow of Fear let’s the user see others fears and bring them to life.

Shard of Lightning let’s the user move at light speed for a short amount of time.

Silk Spitter shoots out spider silk.

Star Hanabi Shoots out fireballs.

Sword of Storms allows the user to control wind.

Tangle Web Comb releases strands of webs.

Thorn of Thunderbolt shoots out lightning.

Finally, The Sapphire Dragon (Rokwood had no idea why Grindelwald would want this sheng-gon-wu, a seemingly indestructible dragon that you couldn't control and would turn everyone into Sapphire zombies sounded more trouble than it was worth... but Grindewlad insisted that he had plans for it. In addition to keeping it in a bag full of a soot, there was a charm on it that would immediately teleport it to a room FULL of soot back in a heavily isolated and fully robot manned who are immune to the dragons effects.

There is also a bag of holding to hold all the items in for later.

But while the former mages busied themselves with restoring themselves to glory or at least hope for reclaiming a piece of the old world they'd lost. Not too far away, another meeting of the minds was taking place.


Nearby -

Not too far away, the surviving animals of Cambridge town had gathered in secret to discuss recent events. Pearl the former Police horse was keeping watch over things. She was trying to keep a brave face on, but really she was barely holding on. All her fellow police horses had been some of the first slaughtered in the purge, her pets had tried to keep them safe. But these 'Norsefire' pets had just killed them as well.

Meanwhile, Constantine the cat Guru was taking his turn on the soapbox. "Right, listen up. I know we don't like to discus it, but I feel we no longer have the luxury. We must face our new reality and FINALLY acknowledge the elephant in the room."

"Oy, what's wrong with me?!" shouts Burt, a now very annoyed elephant who had fled from the local Zoo. That was ransacked and the animals had either fled or been killed.

"No, not that's what I meant," Constantine rolled his eye's and than takes a deep calming breath. "Look, I think it's become blatantly obvious, we can deny it no longer... it's the PETS who are the dominant species of the planet, not us."

There was horrified gasps from everyone as EVERYONE shouted at once.

"Language!" shouted a horrified Doug as he covered his pups ears.

"He's crazy!" shouts Dolly.

"There are children and ladies present you sicko!" shouts Pearl.

"No, let him speak!" shouts Dylan urgently.

"Well, I NEVER!" snaps Delilah as she strikes the feline across the face.

Constantine groans but picks himself up, massaging his now aching face. "Okay... I deserved that... but it doesn't make what I say any less true! And you all know it!"

"It's true you know," a rabbit name Speedwell said. He was one of the few survivors of his warren when the humans destroyed it. (Watership Down)

"The pets as you call them are the ones in charge in this new world," the other rabbit name Acorn who escape with Speedwell. Both of them had joined up with the animals of Cambridge.

Any further talk was interrupted as Dante and his group returned. "Guys! Guys! We have a big problem!"

"Dante, what is it?" asked Dylan. Dante and the other occult 'experts' of their community had been keeping watch of the strange pets congregating nearby. Dante's claims of them having otherworldly powers were dismissed... until that big, freaky tree popped out of the ground. Suddenly they took it more serious... or serious enough to allow Dante and his buddies to look into it. The rest of them were forced to get more involved after that old man got attacked in their backyard and MORE of them began to swarm the surrounding areas... and what they'd seen had meant a rather large amount of people using Dylan's no longer secret Crying room.

Dante throws down a bunch of pictures showing it to the other animals.

"The pet wizards are about to initiate their plan, they’re going to kill us all!" he shouts panicked.

Dylan sighs and turned to a more rational Portia- one of the few up-shots of all the horrible things he'd witnessed the past year is that he was no longer awkward around her and wouldn't let himself be twisted around her finger anymore. Portia in turn had realized that the 'dark arts' and 'horror' were not toys and could get people killed (and not in a fun, cheesy, B-movie way!). And thus, had mellowed out and was now acting more respectful to others. Her sidekick Spencer had also matured, it was hard not to after one's beloved pets tried to eat you in desperation after all.

"So... rational translation?" he asks the black poodle.

"Well, we weren't able to get too close to listen in, because they'd get mad and chase us out. But from what scraps of conversation we've heard and our own occult research; we've deduced that they are preparing some form of sacrificial empowerment ritual, emphasis on SACRIFICE," she says that last bit a touch worried.

"Jah. Apparently, they going to kill thousands of muggles!" Dante said.

"NO! NOT THE MUGGLES!" Doug gasps in horror then he pauses and looks confused. "Wait... what's a muggle?

Portia shrugs. "No idea, but many speak of them with such contempt... like the word is a shameful, dirty word."

"FOOLS! Don't you see that WE are the 'Muggles'!" exclaims Dante.

Everyone looks at him confused...

"Think! Have not the pets turned against us? Are they not hunting us down and massacring us in the streets and any who would harbor us? The only reason why they haven't purged us yet is that they're too busy focusing on the mess in that Clapper's Wreake's place!" Dante explains.

Everyone looked concerned, loathed as they were to admit it... it made sense... if pets were willing to eat them now. Why not sacrifice them in some fiendish ritual as well?

"I... Dante if that's true, then what do we do?" Delilah asks.

Dante and his fellow followers of the supernatural smiled and gave knowing looks. "Fear not... for we have a plan..."


Around Gravity Falls -

The robot frog army of King Andrias Leviathan are pouring out of the portal, attacking and capturing people as they created a perimeter around the portal. Which the different kingdoms and local heroes aren't going to allow without a fight. With calls for help being called by the different police departments around Gravity Falls.

The Gumball Guardians of the Candy Kingdom are using their energy wave motion attacks on the robots till their attention went to stopping the giant frog robot that is firing smaller frog robots from its shoulder launchers. Both Colonel Candy Corn and Dirt Beer Guy are commanding the Banana Guards to deploy the auto guns that Princess Bubblegum had brought and to get the Candy People to safety. Rattleballs is running around using his sword to destroy as many robots as he can. Lemongrab is also helping out by giving people shelter in his castle with his Lemon Children.

In the Slime Kingdom, Slime Princess is leading the defense of her kingdom by using her slime powers to slime the robots. Which wreck their insides as the slime gummed everything up. The other princesses are either commanding their defense or getting their people to safety.

Grandmaster Wizard is leading the defense of Wizard City, which thanks to the merge all of them lost their magic. But since then many are now using Spell Drives to replace their lost magic. Which they got thanks to giving Professor Membrane their spell books so that he could add more spells to the Spell Drives. Which the wizards of Wizard City are using to defend their city from the robots attacking them.

Fin and Jake are in the thick of things fighting the robots. They're backed up by their sister Gata, who back in their world was ret-gone by their dad Joshua. He used some goop to do this to her, believing the only way to protect his family from the Thought Demons coming from her mouth was to remove her from the universe, leaving a statue in her place. Which thanks to the merge she's been freed and no longer has demons coming out of her mouth or worried about her mother coming through her mouth either. Gata is primarily humanoid, she has periwinkle skin, freckles, a pair of fins on either side of her face, as well as numerous tentacles pulled back and styled as if it was hair. She is inside BMO who she rebuilt to give BMO a giant robot mode.

At the Fire Kingdom Fire Princess is leading her fire army against the robots. Thanks to her making her kingdom into a industrial forge allowed them to armed their soldiers with high grade weapons and armor. Crow is helping out with his war machines from his factory and Becky is using Eyebots to see what's happening and giving out commands for what needs to be done to the units.

Flying in blasting the dragonfly robots came Danny and Dani leading a fleet of Eyebots to battle. There is also Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant, flying through the air destroying the robots by the dozens. Showing that Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant is a powerhouse as he easily takes down one of the giant frog robots.

As for Gravity Falls the towns people are hiding or fighting off the robots. Since Summerween the zombie fighting planets were mostly just left where they were planted with more being planted around the town. They attack the invading robots buying time for others to escape, and fought till they were destroyed by the robots.

The streets of Gravity Falls are in chaos as the robots are capturing people placing them in energy cages and those who fight are either killed or captured as well. Wendy in her deer form is racing around using her Ram power on the robots, and transforming into her werewolf form when she needed to, both her animal forms being tougher then her human one. Pacifica created clouds around the mall where she's hiding in with a bunch of other people. The clouds would zap the robots with lightning whenever any of them got close to the mall, creating a safe zone for people to flee to.

At the portal which is over Gravity Falls lake, Canyon is destroying as many robots as she can as she protects her friends of the floating houses. Showing what a 20 foot tall veteran adventure can do. She lead them to the beaver dam where, the beaver brothers Norbert and Daggett and their friend Stump had setup defense turrets that are blasting the robots. But the all had to flee underground as one of the giant frog robots stomp on the dam.

In the background a giant robot that looks like Gideon is running being chased by Dipper and Luz in a golf cart, while Eda and Stan are flying after them on Eda's staff. The robot is being attack by Dipper and Luz blasting it with their laser guns, along with Stan with his. It's also being attacked by the frog and dragonfly robots.


England -

Rokwood examined the black staff with a large crystals on top, that had inexplicably appeared along the other formerly mystic treasures that were to be revived soon. He didn't know what it was, but it clearly formerly had magic of the highest caliber. Rokwood considered taking it out, but the mystic tree roots had already grown over it and the other treasures, and he didn't have time to break them off. There is also that small hand mirror, a amulet, a book with a woman's face on the cover, a staff made out of crystal, another amulet this one in the shape of an alicorn, and another mirror this one much larger than the hand mirror that has a wood cover on the mirror part that opens like a door. That someone left on the tree roots and are all in the same state as the rock.

According to Grindelwald's instructions they needed to start prepping the final part of the ritual immediately! Besides, he didn't like that there are far more 'drones' patrolling this part of Camden town then there was before. The various mystical and technological defenses should be keeping them off the radar, but why take chances.

He quickly called for the majority of the former wizards to gather, he didn't call the enforcers that Grindelwald sent though. There has been a great deal of friction between the old magic users and the new magic users. The newer ones and those who abandon the old ways, have embraced the magic-tech that has been appearing since the merge. With some undergoing cyber implants and transforming their bodies to regain some magical powers. And see the ones clinging to the old ways as backwards and out of touch with the world. Being the reason why the old wizard world fell apart once they no longer had any magic. This, needless to say, was not helping morale or cooperation among the various factions here.

Especially with the younger magic users who have showed up openly using muggle technology. Grindelwald glance at the young girl who dyed her hair even her eyebrows purple, wearing a long red dress and a purple punk vest. Like many she has headphones on and playing some song on her phone. She and others like her have been mocking the wizards and witches who cling to the old ways, saying that it’s better to keep up with technology.

Rokwood, would be lying if he said he didn't agree with many of their points, but that kind of attitude was the last thing they needed around so many volatile individuals... well, okay. By individuals, he mostly meant Bellatrix and the Weasley's. Regardless, Rokwood had been forced to use every excuse he could think of to make them stay away from the main camp, and really, they already had more then enough people here to do the ritual here anyway. Why cause unneeded drama now when they were so close to having the wondrous gift of magic returned to them?

Despite himself, Rokwood couldn't help but mockingly give a little 'tap' to Dumbledore's glass encasement. 'Foolish old man, stay here and rot for all I care... and watch as a glorious new era of magic runs off without you.'

He walks off to the ritual cauldron... again, really wasn't liking the looks of all those drones buzzing about. He quickly gathered everyone and activated their main defense. A special runic-driven mystic force-field... it had one exit just in case... but other then that it could handle most Muggle armament.

As he prepped the ritual area, he made one last call to the scouts to make sure no one was around one last time.

"Nothing but mangy cats and homeless mutts,” reported a scout flatly. Rokwood nodded sending the scouts and the enforcers to spread out and stand guard just in case and began the ritual.


Nearby -

Meanwhile, some of the 'muts' were watching the odd pets...

"Oh, boy! Their starting! Call Dante! Get everyone else!" shouts Dylan. Dolly nods and dose just that, using the World Wide Woof to communicate, all the while trying VERY hard not to think about why her brother smelled so VERY strong of her friend Summer and a certain Black Poodle.


Elsewhere -

Grindelwald step through the portal where the enforcers he had sent are waiting for me. He spent much time and resources for this moment. But it’s worth it as he be restored and no longer need the spell drive to use magic or the rare magic item with some power left in it.

“Everything is setup?” Grindelwald asked.

“Yes all we need to do is wait for Rokwood on his part,” Birdman said.

“Good the others are worried that this be a waste of time and resources,” Grindelwald said. He just has to wait for Rokwood to complete the ritual and he’ll be the powerful Wizard he once was.


At the ritual -

Rokwood looked at three ingredients that have been painstakingly gathered. It truly was a pleasure to work under someone like Grindelwald, instead of Mr. 'I mastered the Killing curse, so who needs other magic to fall back on?' He'd figured out a way to tweak the blood, bone and flesh resurrection ritual into a magic revival ritual.

Bone of Merlin: Bone of magics greatest Ancestor, Unknowingly given, you will restore your progeny to glory.

Flesh of Grindelwald: Flesh of the greatest of magics current generation, willingly given, you will return the wonder of magic back to your people.

Blood of a Thirdack: Blood of the great enemy of all magic, forcibly taken, you will bring about a golden era for those you hate.

He had no idea how Grindelwald managed to FIND a Thirdack, let alone kill it... but that only further showed his worthiness to lead them a better wizard-dominated tomorrow in his books...

He was about to begin tossing the ingredients in-




Rokwood turns around to see a swarm of dogs and cats pouring through the exit and spread out amongst the various former witches and wizards. Most of which were smitten by how adorable they were and were getting out of position and petting them!

"What the? What's all this!? Where did all these animals come from!?" Rokwood shouted. He had to restrain himself from harming any of the animals as that would probably just set off the light aligned magic users. So he and his men were forced to humanely corral them by hand.

While the pets were busy, Dante leapt up to the cauldron, he knew he had to work fast. From what scraps of info they could get, he and his fellow dabblers of the occult had- more or less -gotten the gist of the ritual. The majority of it was rankly far too complicated for them to even CONSIDER sabotaging, but this they could flutz this just fine!

He grabs the ingredients and begins tossing them in while intoning his own version of the enchantments.

"Bone of great pet, unknowingly given, ruin your fellow pets scheme."

"Flesh of yet another pet, willingly given, cause your allied pets wickedness to crumble and be no more!"

"Blood of enemy to pet, give power to all that would oppose and topple your foes!"

"Right, get them out! Come on you lot! We don't have time for this! Get them out!" Rokwood voice shouted out.

Dante looks over and sees that Rokwood had finally succeeded in rallying the other former wizards and witches to get them to move the rest of the animals out of the shield. They were still dancing out and in through the exit. But Rokwood was clearly on his last nerve...

Knowing he didn't have much time... Dante quickly grabs a very peculiar dead rat he had found in the sewer the other day.

"Uh... dead rat of... rat! Uh... just because! Royally bollocks up what their doing and curse them!"

He throws the rat in just as he's found, grabbed by the scruff of his neck and thrown out with the others. Rokwood briefly wonders what the dog had been doing at the cauldron... but then he remembers it's just a dumb dog, so who cared? Besides, he had more important things to worry about...

"That's it! That's it! I'm breaking this lock!" shouts Rockwood at his wits end as he throws the animals out for the 11th time, enraged he smashes the rune that allows the exit to exist. It's shut and sealed with now no way to reopen it from either side...

"Uh, don't we need that?" asked Ron concerned.

"When we got our magic back, it'll take me an hour tops to fix it! We'll be fine! Now can we PLEASE just get on with this? We've wasted enough times as it is!" Rokwood gets out some charms. "Crab! I Need to make sure everyone gets back in their places, go ahead and put the ingredients in and say the spell! Tell me when it starts glowing so we can move on to the next step!"

Crab Senior nods as he walks up to the cauldron... but scratches his head confused. The ingredients are gone and the cauldron is already glowing! Crab... simply looked at this confused for a bit before then turning to shout at Rokwood.

"Uh, the thing is glowing, what do I do?" he asked confused.

Rokwood is putting the last people back into place and getting them to chant, when he turns back to shout.

"What do you mean, what do you do? Finish the enchantment and get back in your place and start chanting you idiot!" shouts Rokwood, having misunderstood Crabs poorly-phrased question.

Crab again looks confused, but as was typical for a low level thug who thinks it's a good idea to chain themselves to psychotic megalomaniacs like Voldemort. He just shrugs and blindly dose as he's told.

Meanwhile outside the shield, everyone watches as the pets complete their unknowingly botched ritual.

"Okay, so explain to me again why we didn't just STEAL the ingredients? Or even just tip the cauldron over?" Dolly ask.

"Just because those ingredients are rare, doesn't mean they don't have back-ups. It was too big of a gamble; we do that and they had spares? We accomplished nothing and they learn to be more cautious and on guard for us. At least this way we know for certain we messed it up," Porsche answers.

"Right, about that... what exactly is 'it'? Did we ever really find out?" Dylan ask.

"The dark machinations of their plots are an enigma of the highest order!" Dante exclaims dramatically.

Dylan sighs and turns to Constantine. "Translation?"

Constantine scratches the back of his head awkwardly with his back leg.

"Uh... actually, that's a pretty apt description of the situation," he sighs as if reluctant to admit it. "My good dog, I like to think of myself well-learned and well-traveled in the arcane arts... but in all my travels I've never seen ANYTHING like this. It's as if someone took several dozen different forms of magic/science and somehow get them merged together in a wondrous, harmonious orchestra! It's insane... yet eerily beautiful."

He admitted that last bit with resigned admiration. Making Dyan to start looking very nervous.

"So... we don't know what it does... and we just messed with it?" he looks back at the ritual site concerned. "Uh, guy's? Can't help but feel like that might've been a bit of red flag you should've brought up earlier!"

Portia tries to sound as reassuring as possible. "Dylan, I wasn't happy about that either. But there simply wasn't time to learn more! We might not know the ritual in its entirety or even what it DID. But we knew enough that they were planning on killing 'muggles'! Admittedly, I'm only 50% convinced that that means 'animals', but even if it doesn't. We couldn't just let them kill whoever it is!"

Dylan still looked unsure, as he looked back and forth between them and the pets. "Well... I guess..."

"Wait... it's not going to like hurt them or anything, is it? I mean I know I'm not actually thrilled at them right now... but still...," Dolly trails off, unsure of what to say here.

Constantine just gives a dismissive wave of his paw. "Fear not my dear! There's a reason we had Dante do this. For although quite learned in the mystic arts... he's still a novice power-wise."

"Hey!" Dante interrupts annoyed.

Constantine ignores him and continues.

"Thus, as there wasn't power behind the curse, it'll do little more then botch the ritual and cause the entire apparatus behind it to decay and crumble. It'll barely give the lot of them a bloody nose!" he said which everyone else gives out a sigh of relief while he suddenly looks thoughtful. "...Unless of course a completely out-of-context outside energy source suddenly empowered the whole thing. That would be trouble. We had to make it a fairly nasty and powerful curse to compensate for Dante's lack of power after all. But really, what are the odds of that?"


Everyone looked up just in time to see several formerly invisible roads of energy start to become visible and intersect with the ritual site. The pets who were kept in cages all began screaming as their lifeforce were drain from them to power the spell. But the spell wasn't going to plan as the other pets who weren't in cages quickly realized that fact and began fleeing.

"Wait, the ley lines?! How are they?" Portia goes very pale. "EVERYBODY TAKE COVER!"



Around the world -

Across the world, all Richter scales pointed at the British Isle went to ELEVEN!


The ritual-

Rokwood immediately knew something had gone horribly wrong! Everything was burning! Him and everyone there was wracked with pain! Their bodies twisting and warping as they screamed in agony! They tried to escape, but the shield was now trapping them! They banged on it fruitlessly as everything fell apart around them!

He tried to get to the cauldron to do something, but it had already exploded! He tried to reach the tree but it was already glowing, mutating and growing rapidly! He reached toward the artifacts. But somehow the spell that was made to teleport The Sapphire Dragon was twisted and while still successful. It also somehow took the rest of the artifacts- and even a nearby Dumbledore who ironically had been protected by the curse by the very crystal prison that Rokwood had made to deprive him of magic -to at least as far as outside the shield.

The only items left was the still yet unidentified staff and the goblet of fire rolled away from the rest of the pile. The hand mirror, the amulets, the book, the staff and the large mirror all began glowing with power. The unidentified staff glowed as it seem to be absorbing the out of control magic around it.

The goblet is picked up by Spring-Heeled Jack who suddenly breaks through the roof of the barrier out of nowhere. He was about to pick up the rest of the stuff before a sudden explosion and the ground starting to crack beneath him forces to abandon it and jump out of there, through the hole he made. Outside the ritual area the other enforcers and magic users ran for their lives.

Grindelwald had already open up the portal and escape along with enforcers and whoever was close enough before the portal closed. He sent Spring-Heeled Jack to grab as many magic items as he could. But he only returned with the goblet to show for all the effort and resources that’s been sank into this mess.

Doug and Dawkins, briefly run by having been separated from the others as all of Camden was being shake to pieces. Doug however then sees Dumbledore, the remains of his now shattered prison scattered about him, but still alive yet unconscious. Refusing to break his firehouse dog oath regardless of his world collapsing around him, he quickly bit down on the hem of his robes and began to drag him away to safety.

Dawkins, meanwhile. Began to frantically scoop up all the now discarded mystic items. He knew this was probably not the wisest priority. But he'd been Dungeon Master of enough games of 'Fetch of the Golden Chew' to immediately recognize 'epic-level macguffin's'. And he had a suspicion that when the dust settled... his family would need all the help they could get.

Rokwood only had time to look at the bizarre sight of these dogs before the entire ritual area exploded in a blast of magic, sending him flying half through the air in flames.


Elsewhere in London -

On the other side of London, a reporter is telling the viewers watching how in a shocking turn of events. The Norsefire government allowed this mass anti-Norsefire protest to happen in London, even going as far as to remove most of their police presence to show their being sincere about 'respecting the rights of their citizens' and 'not up to any funny business' in the wake of recent events.

With the Maelstrom still off the coast of England in International waters, picking up refugees from England. With them sharing their stories with reporters and putting them online for the world to see. Along with rumors of resistance movements and international sanctions against Britain. Is causing lots of problems for the Norsefire government. And with so many other countries watching them, they had no choice but to allow the protest to happen.

Then it happen, the earth began to shake and the magical lay-lines that had laid dormant since the merge, came to life. The entire city was engulf in magical discharge and everything was collapsing around the protesters. Many people and animals were getting hit by magic energy that also causes them to warp and twist. Buildings were also affected by the magic, transforming and twisting. Norsefire government officials fleeing out of government buildings joined the mob as they all tired to flee from the city.

The entire city of London sank into the ground as it was overran by out of control magic. Coming from an out of control magical tree that grew into a giant tree with its branches spreading out till it overshadowed the entire city. The city disappeared as it sank with the ground covering up the hole as it went down. With the branches of the tree forming a foundation for the earth to sit on.


Offshore of England -

On the floating nation of Maelstrom, Patience was using her ice powers to keep the waters around the floating ice fortress calm. Everyone else was watching as the island nation of England was rock by the giant earthquake. Patience and every other magic user could feel the sheer amount of magic coming from the island.

The US navy ship was already preparing to help in search and rescue once they get the orders to help. Airships and other flying vehicles are also being fueled up ready to go to, once they were given the go ahead. Mostly they're waiting for whatever is happening to stop before they could go and help. They are sending Eyebots to scout ahead as once whatever is happening is over, there be plenty of work for them to do.


Camden -

Pearl is evacuating the remaining dalmatians from the 101 Dalmatian street, right before it bursts into flames and starts to collapse and sinks into the earth.

"No!" Dolly shouts in tears as she runs toward her home. Dylan grabs he and holds her back, also in tears.

"Dolly! No! It's gone! We need to get of here!" Dylan said as several other family members and friends help drag her back as the house and most of the street it's on collapses into the earth... the street sign '101 Dalmatian street', falls off it's pole and shatters as it hits the ground.


Outside of the city -

The Dalmatian family and their friends finally reunite on the outskirts of the still crumbling city. They try to take a breather as Dolly and many others bawl over the loss of their homes. While Dante just lays most despondent on the former headmasters chest, said Headmaster was slowly starting to gain consciousness.

Dumbeldore groans and awakes to him freed from the prison he was kept in.

"What...what has happened?" he sees the little dog on his chest, and despite the situation can't help but smile and give it a pet. "Well hello little one, how are you today?"

It is then that he sees the scene before him, his eyes dart back and forth in horror... than forlorn sadness. The entire city of London was just gone, only leaving a sunken creator in its wake. Which is already being filled with water as the river is pouring into the empty space.

The only parts left were on the outskirts of the city when it sank into the ground. Some people managed to escape like the ones who managed to be air lifted out of the city or are able to fly before the city sank and the earth shallowed it whole. Already news copters are flying around looking for any survivors.

"Oh Molly... Grindelwald... what have you done!?" Dumbeldore wails seeing that there is nothing left.

Suddenly there's a loud groan, they look over and saw a badly burnt and warped Rokwood come out of the shadows of a nearby building. His body was crumbling... the area around him was still collapsing and being warped by the magic. But he cared not for that... he glares at Dante.


As if on que, the ground beneath him explode in flame and remaining fragments of magic. Consuming him in fire as the earth seemed to consume him. But to all watching it looked like hell itself had swallowed him up. Whether he had figured out Dante's sentience or his words were simply the last fevered sparks of a dying, broken, mad mind. The world would never know.

In any case, Dumbledore naturally assumed he'd been talking to him. And his spirit sunk even lower as he pets the now sobbing Dante.

"Me? The destroyer of the wizarding world?" he sighs and hangs his head in sorrow. "Yes... I suppose that title does rather suite me, doesn't it? As easy as it would be to blame my former followers... they did what they did only out of desperation after ALL of my other failures."

Dumbledore continues to pet Dante, who begins to calm down as it relaxes him. Dumbledore then notices Dawkins bag and looks through and is stunned, these were all the items he'd seen briefly that they wanted to restore magic to. And even though his magic was gone, he was still skilled enough to realize that they had indeed succeeded. Which Dumbledore shakes his head in disbelief.

"Nice to see some good came from all this madness...," he said to himself before a thought then comes to him... and he then gains a look of grim resolution. "And some good WILL come from it!"

He hikes up the sack and puts it over his shoulder. All the animals around him just stared at him. Waiting to see what he will do next.

"There may not be much life left in these old bones... but I will do what I can to make up for all that have wrought!" he gestures to all the gathered animals. "Come with me if you wish my friends, for better or for worst... there is nothing left for us here."

Not knowing what else to do. The former Camden town animals followed the first Pet they've met in a long while that seemed to not wish them ill.


Gravity Falls -

Bursting out of the tree line the members of Turks members Tseng, Reno, Rude, Cissnei, and Elena, found themselves at Camp Lakebottom. Where they found the older campers and staff are protecting the younger ones from the robots, keeping them safe inside the buildings. The robots of the camp are fighting the frog robots but most of them had already been destroyed.

Lincoln is using his Dumb power to dumb down the attacks of the robots allowing the campers and camp staff have a fighting chance against them. Both Six and Ronnie are protecting him from the robots. Six found that her life sucking power works on other forms of energy, like the power source of the robots. Explaining why when the Lady was chasing after Six the lights would go out in some places. Ronnie on the other hand is drenching the frog robots in thick soup that caused them to short out.

Huntress Wizard discovered by accident that her Cook power where she can dismantle ingredients works on other things. Namely once she touches a robot and use her dismantle skill on it, it falls apart. She also uses her bow and arrows to shoot down the dragonfly robots, who aren’t as tough as the frog robots.

Anne is in the thick of things using her powers she got from the box that sent her to the amphibian world, tearing through the robots. Backed up by Juniper and Jake in his dragon form, tearing through the frog robots. They already made piles of robots around them as the robots kept on coming.

Dib has armed with a laser gun is using his Boost power on his laser gun to overpower the shots. His boosted up shots are the only thing doing any damage on the giant frog robots, till they came into the range of Lincoln’s Dumb power. He’s firing from one of the mess hall windows, joined by Gwen and the other camp staff who he has armed with laser guns.

Outside Sawyer is using his chainsaw attachment , Armand and Mesa are using their brute strength on the robots. Bill, Violet, and Sam are using blasters and rounding up all the kids who are still outside. Oleander is driving around in his tank thing running over the frog robots and using PSI-blasts on them.

Tseng, shouted orders for Reno, Rude, Cissnei, and Elena to keep the robots away from the mess hall where the campers are holed up in. The used their special and magical attacks destroying large numbers of frog and dragonfly robots in seconds. Together they push back the attacking robots allowing the camp grounds to have some breathing room.

“So what’s the plan?” Harry said sticking his head out of a building where he and a bunch of campers are hiding in.

“Wait for someone to close that portal,” Tseng said seeing more robots coming out of it.

“Hey stop!” Oleander shouted as he spotted 3 of the giant frog robots lifting the old Psychonaut Psilerium research station out from the lake. The lungfish tried attacking the frog robots but was blasted to death by the smaller frog robots.

The frog robots had detected the station and 3 of the giant ones lifted the station up from the depths of the lake. Inside Lobotto is shouting and panicking as the entire building shakes from being lifted up from the lake bottom. Truman Zanotto also found himself freed as his cell’s door was broken open as the entire building was shaking and falling apart. The giant frog robots placed the station onto dry land where it could be look over later.

Still in the brain tank Olender drove towards the station now on the shores of the lake and began launching PSI-blasts at the giant frogs. Olender was pulled from the vehicle and was beaten by a group of 4 frog robots who brought down their metal fist on him. Bursting out of the water, Melody the mermaid princess who has been helping by fighting the frog robots in the water, slammed in the robots. Displaying her super strength she punch the heads of the frog robots off and picked up one up by its leg, swinging it around like a fail on the other robots.

“Got him,” Juniper said picking up the badly beat Olender and ran to the nurse cabin where Sam could patch him up.

The sky was lit with lightning as Sunset casted another lightning spell that chained on the robots causing a huge mass to fall from the sky. Sunset stared at the portal that is letting more robots out with no sighs of stopping anytime soon. Making her wonder how could the newt king have so many robots to throw at them.

"Sunset," Danny said as he and Dani flew to her.

"Good you're here, I need you two to use your ghostly wails on the portal. See if you can't distablize it, or at least destroy the robots as they're coming out," Sunset said.

"Why not try a big spell on them?" Dani asked.

"Too risky, have no idea what's on the other side," Sunset said.

"Yeah you could be blowing up my friends if you did," Anne shouted from the ground.

"So we're going in and take the fight to them! Now give them the wail!" Sunset said to the phantoms.

"What about those giant ones?" Danny asked.

"Leave that to me," Sunset said as she began chanting the words of the spell that she based it on from the anime Slayers. She's been creating spells based on the Slayers anime, getting as close as she could in making them real. (4)

"Fragment of the Lord of Nightmares,"
"Release thy heavenly retribution"
"Blade of cold, black nothingness"
"Become my power, become my body"
"Together, let us walk the path of destruction"
"And smash even the souls of the Gods"

Sunset shouted as she creates a blade of black magical energy.

Sunset flies at the giant frog robots, as she did she made the magical energy blade to lengthen and become bigger. She got the idea after hearing how those reapers in Japan compress their swords so that they wouldn't be swinging around skyscrapper size swords. Seeing how it's a energy sword with no weight at all, she isn't limited to size or weight. With a few swings she cuts through all giant frog robots leaving them falling into pieces.

As she was doing that both Danny and Dani both let out their ghostly wails destroying the the robots as they were coming out of the portal. The portal suddenly switched off with all the robots turning off, sending the flying ones falling from the sky. Leaving everyone wondering what had just happen.

"Looks like you two did it," Sunset said panting as she catching her breath.

"Yeah and without the control signal the robots all just fell over," Danny said thinking of what happen in the Avengers in their first movie together.

"That was an awesome spell. Why didn't you use it to begin with?" Dani asked.

"Takes alot of energy out of me. Used up all of my reserves just to do what I did," Sunset said. "Now we need to clean up and help survivors."

A loud boom came out of nowhere as the head of a robot Gideon came crashing through the tree line. The head rolled to a stop in front of the the Turks, who cast ice spells to encase it in ice before it rolled into the cabins of the camp. Bursting out of the broken eye of the robot came Dipper and Gideon, with Dipper punching him in the face. Followed by Luz and Mabel, joining in on the beat down. Flying in came Eda and Stan, who broke up the fight and Eda cast a binding spell on Gideon.

"Ok what happen?" Sunset asked.

"I'm guessing Gideon here thanks to the frog robots, got out of the police car and somehow had a giant robot. He rip open my house to break open my safe with the my house deed inside and than grab Mabel as ran off. We followed and to make a long exciting, action pack chase short, we took out the body but the head could fly. But Luz and Dipper got inside and cause it to crash," Stan explains.

"Hey guys you should look in here," Eda said having poke her head inside the Gideon robot's head.

"What is it?" Stan said as Eda hands Stan back the deed and the journal that Gideon had on him but lost during the beat down by the kids.

"This," Eda said as she opens up the hatch of the robot showing what's inside.

Inside the robot are computer screens with live fees of different places around Gravity Falls. A crowd forms around the robot head seeing the screens as well. With one of the screens showing the view of the inside of the robot's head.

"It's the pin," Gwen said taking the pin off of Nikki who still wears the free Gideon pin that was given out for free.

"So that's how he knows so much. He's not psychic he's been spying on everyone," Harry said.

"This time you're going to jail," Dipper said to Gideon who struggles to free himself from the magical binds.


England -

Once the shaking had finished and the ground had settle down, the young teenage girl with purple hair walks up to the site where the ritual took place, which is now just a hole, one of many. That will soon be covered by water thanks to the water from the river filling it all in. She raised her hands summoning the hand mirror and book to her hands. A bestial creature walk up from behind, stopping right behind the girl.

"Did it work Shreeky?" the beast ask.

"Yes Beastly, I have my magic back," Shreeky said as she held up her magic mirror that is now full of magic once again. It took alot of work but now instead of those so called wizards and witches getting their magic back by using, what's called borrowed magic.

“Can’t believe it work,” Beastly said.

“Changing a rune here and there, adding a few and erasing others. I hijacked this ritual, I just didn’t think it would had caused the city to sink into the ground. All well live and learn,” Shreeky said with a shrug.

Shreeky used her mirror to bring the staff of Sacanas to her, that once belonged to the Storm King. The alicorn amulet followed and went around her neck giving her a manor power boost of her magic. Shreeky placed her hand mirror into her shoulder bag and grabbed the staff. The staff had done its job in absorbing all the extra magical energy. It was meant to steal all the magic from the magic users by drawing the magic that would had gone to them to it, but with the ritual going out of control it absorbed the magic that would had caused a huge explosion instead.

The magic summon using the magic from Gravity Falls to jump start the ritual, is now all contained inside the staff. Besides the restored magical items, the only magic that would had restored those loser magic users is now in her hands. Even now the staff is drawing in what wild magic is still around, soon the site will have no wild magic left. All of that magic is now hers and her family to command.

The amulet that has a very simple in design, being a round red stone on a metal triangle, floated up from the hole. A figure began growing from the amulet. A man wearing a purple and red colored robe, that hides his body and face from view. With only his arms and eyebrows being seen, both are of an unnatural greenish-blue coloration. And his glowing red eyes.

"Boss you're back!" Beastly shouted in joy.

"Yes, I'm back," No Heart said feeling stronger and more powerful than he ever felt before. Because of him being so magical, once the merge happen he just died when the magic left him.

"Yes uncle I brought you back to life as well as mom," Shreeky said as she opens the book she's holding.

Bursting out of the book came a woman. She's dress in red and black robes, that hugs her voluptuous body. Her skin is greenish-blue like No Heart but has long flowing purple hair, with green strips. With her shunning beauty and body she easily has any man wrap around her fingers.

"Mom!" Shreeky shouted as she quickly wraps her arms around her long cursed mother in a hug.

"Shreeky," the woman said looking down seeing her daughter who has grown up while she was trap in her spellbook. She then turns her attention to her brother. "No Heart did you free me?"

"I didn't Black Heart, it was your daughter," No Heart said.

"Oh my little girl you really growing up to be a powerful witch like me," Black Heart said hugging Shreeky with motherly pride.

"Well thanks to our help," Winterbolt said summoning his repowered staff to his hand. By his side is Professor Coldheart who both No Heart and Black Heart knew from his past deeds against the Care Bears.

"Coldheart? You and your friend are the ones who help Shreeky?" No Heart ask.

"And ours," Him said appearing along with Fortuna.

"What do you want, Him?" No Heart growls as he and Black Heart prepared to cast spells on their old rival.

"Wait now, they're the ones who told us how to bring you two back and restore your magic," Beastly shouted out.

“Without their help I wouldn’t had been able to do any of this,” Shreeky said.

"Why would you help us?" Black Heart ask.

"Bill Cipher is gathering some help and your family are prefect for what he has plan," Him answers.

"He's the one?" Black Heart ask.

"Yes he's been helping people like us in getting what we want," Coldheart said as he looks at the mirror he held in his hands.

"And we're just join because you help free us?" No Heart ask.

"Mom, uncle just hear them out first," Shreeky said as without their help she'll be still living in that old shack with Beastly after uncle No Heart was destroyed when the merge happen.

"How about revenge against the Care Bears?" Winterbolt ask.

"You and your brother have history with them," Fortuna said.

"We're listening," Black Heart said looking at her brother who is interested as well in what Bill is offering.


Gravity Falls -

"This is the part where things get real," the figure dress in the Marine armor said looking down at the valley below. By the figure is a suitcase with something special.

Down below emergency crews are helping the wounded and gathering the dead. But seeing how the robots had been capturing people instead of outright killing people, there are fewer deaths than expected. Mostly with car accidents and the people fighting the robots. The damage done to the buildings and other utilities is already mounting in the cost of rebuilding. The national guard are helping in the search and rescue, along with the clean up of the frog and the dragonflies robots.

A large purple jaguar came walking out of the tree line. On her back she carried two black boys and a giant bug, at her side is a four eyed pig. (5)

"So how you all think of the world?" the figure ask.

"Foods good," the boy wearing the skin of a wolf said.

"Well, I'm going to need you, Wolf, Kipo, and Benson to get into the summer camp as cover," the figure said.

"What about me and Mandu?" the bug ask.

"You're staying with the rest of us, Dave," a young redhead man said, dress in a green leather bodysuit and wearing a long brown coat over it. And has a sword at his side.

"We can't afford to be seen," a woman adds.

"Too many questions will come up if people see us," another woman said.

"We got lots of work to do," the figure said.

"Yes you all do," Rosalind Lutece said appearing with her brother Robert Lutece.

"We have put much effort in keeping all of you from being detected," Robert said.

"And the last thing we need is for your younger self to see you Mandy or your old friends," Rosalind said to an older Mandy Luxe.

"Same goes for you Olga. Or find about you Quentin, seeing how you're not even here yet," Robert said to the other two.

“It would be strange to meet my younger self,” Olga "Lalavava" Astronomonov said.

"Which is why we all need to stay hidden till it's time to reveal ourselves and make sure that what Mabel cause doesn't happen this time around," the figure said.

"As if you're the only one who hates her," the redhead man said.

"Even in prison I heard how much people hate Mabel," Kuvira said freed from Tartarus.

"That's only for causing the mailbox to go away before anyone else could use it. What she does later is much worse," an older Kuvira said who freed her younger self from the prison. Her body has been enchanted by cybernetics, to support her aging body.

"Oh yes, I heard much about that girl, so sad that she's messed things up," Electronique who is an old villainess of Team Go before the Reverse Polarizer was used on her and she became good. She was serving her time in Tartarus till she was broken out.

She isn't alone as 3 other inmates also escape with them.

Dr. Atmoz Fear a mad scientist that Gizmo Duck came into conflict during a powerful thunderstorm that he himself created.

Dirtbag is a mutant mole who is a foe of the Ninja Turtles.

Groundchuck is a mutant bull also a foe of the Ninja Turtles.

"It's nothing compared to what people in the future feel about her," the older Kuvira said.

"Well remember we still need her to play her part. After that it's first come, first serve," the figure said opening up the suitcase and began taking parts out and attaching it to the helmet it’s wearing. A mouthpiece and what looks like an artificial unicorn horn.

“What’s that?” Olga ask.

“Need a new name while we’re here can’t let people know who I am till it’s time or things will become a mess isn’t that right,” the figure said turning to the time twins.

“We are trying to get the best outcome,” Robert said.

The figure turn showing what the parts did to the helmet. Making it look like a unicorn.

“Call me Uniscorn,” the figure said.


Tartarus -

"Sorry Ollie, but you're going away for a very long time... the laws of this world are much stricter than in our old world. We can't even help you, me and the others are too busy dealing with lawsuits from angry parents." explained Sasha to Ollie in the visiting room.

After the invasion and searching the old Psychonaut Psilerium research station, there Sasha lead a group of national guards into the old station where they found Lobotto and Truman Zanotto. There Sasha learned about how Olliendar had been planning on creating a brain tank by using the brains of the campers. He was working with Gideon seeing how he didn't had the funds to complete the tank on his own.

Gideon had a giant robot in the image of himself built by McGucket, and using the brain part of the tank to give himself psychic powers. Then the police who raided the factory where the robot was kept also discovered that Gideon had more hidden cameras in all of his merchandise. Gideon is now in a jail cell awaiting his court hearing, for a long list of crimes as well as lawsuits.

Same went for Olliendar and Lobotto for kidnapping Truman Zanotto. Sasha and the other psychonauts did fix Olliendar so that his villain episode as they called it, so he's good again. As they had lots of stuff in the lab that's illegal to have in this world. Not to mention what they were planning to do to the children of the camp.

“What?! Why would they do that. I mean, me I get obviously... but why are YOU getting heat for this? You had nothing to do with my actions!” Olliendar said.

Cruller who clearly annoyed as he sorts through legal paperwork spoke up.

“Apparently in this world, simply forgetting to mention a fact that indirectly leads to children getting their knee scrapped can get your butt sued off!” he shakes his head annoyed. “I tell, parents here are more nervous nellies then even back home! Well, phooey! In MY day we didn't have our parents helicoptering us every step of the way! Why we were made of sterner stuff, I tell you what! As long as we got our chores done and brought home food for the Farm, we could stay up all night wrestling telekinetic-bears int he woods and my Pa wouldn't even blink an eye!”

“I can’t believe you all have been here for more than a year and not been sent to live in a Uselessvile with that kind of mindset,” Korra said entering the room. She came to check on the prison after learning that Kuvira escape the prison along with several other prisoners. Seeing what Kuvira did while she was out in their old world, the other leaders of the Element Nations will be in an uproar when they learn of her escape.

“What do you mean?” Culler ask.

“Like how with that Turner kid with the fairy parents. His birth parents saw nothing wrong in hiring that Vicky woman no matter what she does or what proof was shown to them. Then there was when they were given a chance and just left their son with a fairy dress in a costume calling himself, Hentai child raper or something like that. And was made very clear the moment the parents left their child would be rape, which they did as they were given three baseball game tickets and instead of taking their son the father wanted to take his friend from work,” Korra said.

“Oh yeah I remember that,” Milla said remember how once the parents found out the trick that they were more upset about the fake tickets than anything else.

After they lost their jobs and house after they couldn’t pay the bills anymore, being repeatedly mocked in the Uselessvile they’re living in. It was only then and there is when they're finally began trying to be better people. Namely shock treatment, seeing how only by strapping them down and shocking them, till they’re begging for it to stop. That they finally said it was wrong to believe Vicky’s word over their son, which she was already in jail for child abuse and they were told about the fact but still said they would take her word over their son. The doctor gave up after finally getting them to say it, the sheer cost of the electric bill from the shock treatment was just costing him more than what the parents were paying him. The new doctor they're going to has resorted to breaking their fingers with a hammer, which is actually getting results and because the parents signed a contact allowing the doctor to do that. Their sessions are being shown online and getting tons of views and making the doctor rich. (6)

“You all knew about Olliendar condition in turning into a villain and thought of nothing of him working in a camp full of kids. If his villain side was a child rapist would you people not tell people about it?” Korra ask them.

Sasha looks thoughtful. “Huh, I never thought of it like that.”

“Oh, darling we’re sorry. We didn't meant to cause any troubles. It just never came up in conversation, no one asked about his past, and we never considered it relevant enough to think it important,” Milla said.

Cruller still looks a bit irritable. “I still don't see why were getting flack for this, we were just letting him continue the same job he had back on our old world. A job WE didn't give him mind you, but rather Psychonaut high command did! Far as they were concerned, he was perfectly qualified to manage kids. You got a problem with how that was handled, leave us alone and go talk to them!”

Korra groaned, that was one of the main reason the three adults in front of her beside Olieander weren't also in jail. Their former organization, superior officers, their very CULTURE didn't see Ollie's issues as a problem or any reason why he couldn't be allowed near kids. Forgetting to mention Ollie's 'episodes' had been the equivalent of them forgetting to mention whether a person liked hats or not... it just wasn't important enough to care or even think about. In fact, it turns out that was actually one of the main reasons why the Psyconauts were shut down after the Merge. They just have VERY low standards in regards to recruitment, as long as your a psychic AND powerful... those seem to be the only real requirements more or less. In fact, for psychics to have mental issues and crazy quirks, is considered completely 'normal'.

Needless to say, the nations of this world's bureaucratic inspectors took one at their organization roster... and immediately deemed HALF of the organization unfit for duty. Which she learned about by watching it on the news.

But Korra put aside these thoughts and turned to more pressing issues. "Never mind that now, have you made any progress with Lobotto?"

Sasha gave out a sigh. “Sorry, but no. That Psychic lock is still strong and Lobotto is still too terrified of his 'employer' to say anything.”

“And Ollie here may have gathered a lot of evidence in regards to 'whoever' they are, but most of it pertains to OUR world and is therefore basically useless here,” Cruller said.

“And the few leads we COULD have still followed here have long since gone cold,” Milla said.

“Truman?” Korra ask.

“Still unconscious... and we haven't been able to break open that suitcase he has handcuffed to him either,” Sasha said.

“Just send a robot guard to cut it off and rip open the suitcase,” Korra said.

"Sorry darling, that won't work. The suitcase has a standard issue Psychonaut Psi-bomb inside it set to go off if it's forced open," Milla points out.

"And all attempts to break the handcuffs has ended us almost breaking Truman's wrist thanks to that death-grip he has on it as well as activating some form of default subconscious psi-blast defense of his that goes off whenever someone tries to take it away from his presence," Sasha adds.

Korra groans but reluctantly agrees it be best to leave it be for now. Korra sighs to herself, on top of everything they didn't even know if this mysterious employee was still a threat or had died after coming here! Apparently the psychic lock still existing could just be a result of a VERY powerful psychic or maybe even just feeding off Loboto's fear and psychosis. And the Psychonauts all need to take classes to get some common sense into their heads.

“If only I still had access to the resources of the Mother-lobe! I have some ideas regarding Lobotto I could try out then!” Sasha said.

Korra smiles at that. “I have an idea that might be able to help with that.”

Korra explains how somehow footage of them using their powers to help in Gravity Falls during the invasion got out and now the Psychonauts were more popular then ever. Well the kids anyways as them 3 who aren’t behind bars are under fire for letting Olliendar work at a camp for kids. They could use that to ask Sunset for some backing in recreating the Psychonauts.

"And what about the law suit?" Cruller asked.

"Hey, I gave you an idea to rebuild your group. The lawsuit is on you," Korra said.


Meanwhile in England -

"We did not ask for this burden!"

"You, the people did not ask for this burden!"

"I did not ask for the burden of Leadership!"

"But bare it we must! For our families! For our friends! For our Country! For ENGLAND!"

Screamed Prime Minister Adam Sutler as he banged his fists in front of the cheering crowd in front of the hole in the ground that USED to be London, with a giant tree now poking out of it.

"My fair citizens! LOOK!"


"Our countrymen tried to show honor! They tried to show mercy! They tried to be civilized! They tried to treat our enemies like equals! Like human beings!"

"And how did these vermin repay such kindness!?"

Giant monitors have been setup showing the destruction and corruption, twisted by out of control magic. The monitors showed the famed London landmarks like Big Ben, the London Eye, Westminster Abbey, Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Parliament, Globes Theater, Hyde Park and Buckingham Palace. Right before they were transformed and sank with the rest of the city. And the murder and transmogrification of thousands of England people.

"My heart was is filled with such sorrow."

"I weep for our people, I truly do."

"All they wanted was to give an olive branch, extend true Christian love, true English civilization to those who did not deserve it."

"But you cannot reason with savages! You cannot give love to monsters! You cannot treat equal those who murder, rape and pillage. ALL YOU HAVE BUILT! ALL YOU HAVE SACRIFICED! ALL YOU HAVE SWEATED AND BLEED FOR!"

Prime Minister Adam Sutler bang his fists and pounding on his podium as the crowd applauds and shouts in support.

"Like the Romans were humbled by the foreign hordes! So have we!"

"But unlike Rome we shall endure! We shall overcome!"

The monitors now showed images of Fingermen and Norsefire troops protecting civilians, giving medical aide, slaying newly transformed monsters. Showing the Norsefire officials who survived unharmed during evacuation while all other political party officials were killed.

"It is a shame that our anti-magic tech was only tried and proven as a result of such a calamity."

"Such experimental technology we could not in good conscious test on our people!"

"So great our commitment to you, our people. We tested such potentially life-threatening technology on ourselves!"

"And now we will give you- the people the benefits of this technology, so such horrors may never befall you again!"

Prime Minister Adam Sutler bang his fists along with the still cheering crowd.

"My only shame was that thanks to agreeing to the whims of the protestors, we weren't strong enough to help our countrymen or had the resources in place to save more of them!"

"But misguided as the protestors were, they were still our Countrymen and deserve our respect."

"More importantly, I am aware of their criticism of me and my allies, my Norsefire."

"So as a final act of respect to lay their souls to rest!"

"I am bypassing parliamentary procedures and allowing YOU the people to decide our policy!"

"We have voting booths on standby were YOU the people shall hold England's fate in your hands!"

"It will be YOU who decides to give your government the power it needs to make sure this tragedy never again!"

"The Emergency powers you temporarily give us will help England strike down their enemies now and forever"

"And if fail to deliver on this YOU MAY STRIKE ME DOWN!"


The people in the crowd are cheering and shouting 'England prevails' over and over as they applauded Suttler and begin to run toward the voting booths.

A disguised Dr. Nora Darwin Barlow watches from the back with sad eyes. She had no delusions that an overwhelming majority of the United Kingdom was about to give the WORST possible people all the power they need to turn their once great nation into a totalitarian surveillance-state. Just like in that book 1984.

"So, this is how liberty dies... thunderous applause," she notes sadly.

An equally disguised Deryn also looked upon all this with sadness. "I don't understand... how could Norsefire have done all this? I bet you THEY were responsible for blowing London to Kingdom come!"

The Lady Boffin just sighed. "Actually, for once it seems that Norsefire is telling the truth. I had friends look through all the evidence they presented to the public AND United Nations... and it all checked out. More importantly, Norsefire is allowing the SCP and other neutral nations to do their own independent investigations on the site. Their findings haven't come in yet. But from how confident Norsefire is acting, I suspect they'll find nothing that will contradict their version of the story."

Deryn gaped in disbelief. "So there really was a magical terrorist attack? And Norsefire had NOTHING to do with it?"

Darwin's granddaughter sadly nods.

"Oh, I'm fairly sure they knew what was going to happen, said nothing and placed themselves perfectly to gather evidence and exploit the fallout for their own gain... but other than that? For all intents and purposes, this was a completely real terrorist attack that Norsefire was completely innocent of. They knew this was going to happen, just not on this scale," she shakes her head mournfully. "This couldn't have gone better for Norsefire. A minority group that they'd been persecuting has destroyed our capital city, murdered millions. Making them the perfect scapegoat and scaring all of England to do whatever they wish. We can't even say they were negligent protecting people, because the majority of their forces were only undermanned in the city because they were publicly respecting the wishes of the Anti-Norsefire protestors! Which lets them play themselves off as the 'voice of reason you ignore at your own peril' and their critics as 'misguided rabble rousers'! Worse, the majority of their political rivals, anti-Norsefire aligned law enforcement and military was at the rally, where they were all struck down by the magical flare! Thus creating a power vacuum you can bet eager Norsefire loyalists are eagerly filling!"

"Yeah, about that... how in the world did Norsefire develop anti-magic technology that effective without anyone knowing?" asked Alek who was also with them.

The Lady Boffin gave out a snort. "Oh, I looked into THAT, and that part at least is a load of tripe. If there's any truth to that load of bollucks I'll eat my hat! Yes, SOMETHING kept most of Norsefire officials, troops, Fingerman and the people THEY were evacuating safe while almost everyone else in the city was killed or worse. But it wasn't anything to do with what THEY did, I can tell you that right now! I don't know what's happening there... but whatever it is, I doubt we've seen the last of it."

"So... there's nothing we can do?" asked Deryn sorrowful.

"For now, yes. I'm afraid so," Boffin said.

Without another word- for indeed, what more could be said? They turned their back on the ever eager mob and walked away as there country drowned itself further into the muck of paranoia and tyranny. Meeting with the James Bond Jr. and his team who been gathering information. And showed them a video that had popped showing the ones responsible for the destruction of London. Which Bond Jr. found odd in how a video just suddenly popped out from nowhere.


In a floating cloud castle -

The castle belongs to No Heart before the merge happen making him fade and the magic that kept the castle in the air to fade. Which lucky came to rest on a mountain after the merge and not miles above the ground. Which thanks to their restored magic the dark magic family restored it to a floating one in a dark storm cloud.

Black Heart watched with her daughter Shreeky, in her room of the castle. On what she calls a computer as the video she had Beastly take before and during the ritual, played online as she calls it. Showing the cause for destruction of the city of London. The wizards and witches of the world where both Harry Potter and Grindelwald came from, with images of Grindelwald being at the ritual as it began and when it went out of control.

Using captured humans kept in cage, in a blood offering ritual to give them back their magic, and like the last time with the blood offering of babies of different races. The ritual failed to give them back their magic like the last time, but unlike the last time where all the magic users got was a mound of dead bodies of the babies of both human and different races, they caused utter destruction, with most of the magic users being caught up in the blast.

The video said that Grindelwald used the ritual to restore him and his followers of their magic. Which if it had work would had sacrificed the entire city of London, just for a few people to be able to use magic again. And he would had escape with only the minions he needs and leave the rest to distract the muggles as they come in to find out what happen.

"And now the surviving witches and wizards from the world that Grindelwald will be hunted down," Shreeky said to her mother.

"I'm so proud of you dear," Black Heart said.

"Best of all while that's going on we can go and do our own thing without anyone paying any attention to us," Shreeky said.

"Pretending we're from the Boiling Isles as cover to why we can use magic," Black Heart said.

"Yup and best of all that loser of a wizard will be finding it hard to get anyone to be his minions when everyone thinks he's a boss who will leave them to die when they’re no longer needed. We're not going to have to worry about one of our biggest competition being able to do something like this for a very long time," Shreeky said.

"And we can get the minions that would have gone to him instead," Black Heart said very proud of her daughter.

“I also have a surprise mother,” Shreeky said as she got up and lead Black Heart out of her room and down the hallway to another room.

Inside the room sealed in crystals are three young women known as the Trix. All three are triplets and were powerful witches before the merge took away their powers. Where they were reduced to stealing and breaking into cars to survive without their magic. As without magic to back them up they quickly found themselves on the run from the humans and others. Till they came across Shreeky and Beastly who took them back to the castle.

“You found them?” Black Heart said frowning at the triplets who she hasn’t seen for years, not after they left for that other world where their father hails from.

“Yes and when I found them they were reduced to breaking into cars and digging into dumpsters to survive. And I sealed them in these crystals after they tried to boss me around after I took them in and they also tried to take my spell drive. And did nothing to help me and Beastly in trying to restore you and uncle,” Shreeky said.

“And what have they been up to before the merge?” Black Heart asked.

“They joined a witch school in another world and tried to become the new Ancestral Witches in that magical universe they went to and got their butts handed to them by a bunch of goody good magic users the Winx Club,” Shreeky said as she told her mom all about what the Trix have been up to since she was sealed away.

“Better let them out then,” Black Heart said darkly.

Shreeky pulled out her spell drive which she still kept as it’s still a useful tool. She turned off the status crystals that kept things inside of them frozen in time till it’s turned off. Or if something strong enough breaks the crystal.

The first to be freed is Icy who is the eldest of the trio and their leader, whose powers are derived from ice. She despises Bloom and is the most competitive with the Winx. Icy is more aggressive than Darcy but calmer than Stormy. Icy's skin is pale; she has light-blue hair tied in a high ponytail, and wears a blue and teal outfit.

Darcy, the middle of the trio, derives her powers from shadows and darkness. She enjoys tormenting pixies and is less aggressive than her sisters, preferring subtle and manipulative techniques. She has fair skin, long brown hair, and a dark purple outfit, which is sometimes accompanied by glasses.

Stormy, the youngest of the trio, has power over stormy weather. She is the hottest-tempered of the group and is prone to violent outbursts. Her impulsiveness often leads the trio to trouble. She has tan skin, a cloud-shaped purple hairstyle, and a reddish-violet outfit.

All three fell on their hands and knees as they recover from being sealed away. They look up and glared at Shreeky who is standing in front of them. Remembering how she had used that spell drive on them before everything went blank.

“Hello bimbos you three have been sealed away for the last 5 months,” Shreeky said to the older girls.

“Wait till we get our hands on you,” Icy growls as she, Darcy, and Stormy got to their feet.

“Down,” Shreeky said as she’s eyes glowed green and green magic surrounded the sisters that forced them on their hands and knees in front of the younger girl.

“How?” Stormy asked unable to move.

“Got my magic back and now I’m the one in charge of you three,” Shreeky smirks at them.

“You really think we would listen to you?” Darcy snaps at her.

“You three are to listen to her,” a voice behind the Trix spoke that caused all three to turn pale hearing a voice they haven’t heard since they left home.

Turning their heads to look behind them, the Trix sweated as they look upwards and into the glaze of Black Heart their mother.

“Hi mom,” the three said gulping.

“Unlike you three your sister went and spent all this time looking for a way to restore me and your uncle. Which she did and thanks to this new world both of us no longer being held back,” Black Heart said.

“Uncle no longer feels the pain of others caring and loving like he did before. And I even got this new magical staff and amulet,” Shreeky smirks showing off her new stuff to her sisters.

“While you three keep being beaten by a bunch of those fairies from that magic school. No matter what kind of power boost you three gain. And unlike you three once you three lost your magic you showed that you’re nothing without it. And to make sure that you three don’t run away again,” Black Heart said as she cast a spell on her elder daughters making them scream in pain as magical runes are curved into their flesh.

“Mom what did you do?” Icy asked.

“The same spell I used on your father. That weak excuse of a man only had his bloodline being of anything of value. I had hoped that you three would had not only my power but that of your father’s bloodline as well. But you three are just a disappointment, especially with you three running away after you helped your father to seal me away in my book. Of course he died since he believed that just by sealing me, it wouldn’t activate the fail safe. Which now you three will have to remain in the same dimension as I am or the fail safe be activated and you three will just die, just like your father,” Black Heart said as she cause the runes on her three eldest daughters scream in pain.

“Yeah mom give it to them,” Shreeky said as she watches her elder sisters scream in pain.

“Now Shreeky sit back and watch as I teach your useless sisters who is in charge,” Black Heart said before thinking of something, “But first be a dear and hand over that amulet and staff. I need the power to use a spell I haven’t used in a very long time.”

“Sure mom,” Shreeky said handing the magical items to her mom.

Black Heart put on the amulet and took hold of the staff, increasing her magic to levels she never knew before. She couldn’t believe that her daughter was able to use these two magical items without losing control. It made her proud that her youngest daughter has that much potential.

“Return to me my children!” Black Heart shouted as she summons her other daughters to her.

Causing a tall redhead dress in a grey long sleeved shirt and a long black skirt to appeared. And three ghosts two very old looking and the other middle aged.

Dark Princess (Rainbow Brite)

Vor (Sofia The First)

Zhan Tiri (Tangle)

Shuriki (Elena of Avalon)

“What where?” the redhead said as she looks around and gasp seeing the three ghosts who look familiar and then saw her younger sisters the triplets and Shreeky.

“Hi Dark,” Shreeky said to her older sister.

“Shreeky? Icy, Darcy, Stormy? Did you used mom’s old summoning spell?” Dark Princess asked.

“Summoning spell?” Shreeky asked.

“Yes mom put it on all of us so that she could summon us to her whenever she wants,” Dark Princess explained before turning to the three old ghosts and looking at them closely. “Vor? Zhan Tiri? Shuriki?”

“Ewww what happen to you three?” Shreeky asked.

“This is what happens when you go to a world where time flows differently,” Black Heart said looking at her four older daughters who all left home before she was sealed away.

“Mom?” Dark Princess asked becoming meek facing her mother again. Her ghostly sisters also were shock seeing their mother after so many years has passed.

“So you do remember. Seeing how you and your sisters never once contacted me or learned that your sisters the triplets help your father to seal me inside my book. Leaving Shreeky all alone,” Black Heart said glaring at her adult daughters.

“I have been busy trying to takeover Rainbow Land. Making everything colorless so that the people of Earth will lose hope,” Dark Princess said as she steps back as she could feel the amount of power that her mom now has.

“So why are you dress up like that?” Shreeky asked.

“I lost my magic and had to find a job ok,” Dark Princess said as she didn’t want her family to learn how she lost to a bunch of kids.

“And you didn’t lose to a bunch of kids?” Black Heart said as she’s using a spell to show images of what happen to her being played on a screen that appeared above her.

“Yes,” Dark Princess said as she glances at her ghost sisters smirking at her. But she smirk as mom used the same spell on them showing how they were sealed away and escape only to be killed again.

“And you three got yourselves killed,” Black Heart said as she cast another spell.

The spell summoned strands of hair from their old combs that they left behind. Using that she created new bodies. The bodies are young being young adults in physical age. Black Heart clothed the bodies in her daughters in their old clothes. Then she used the staff to merge the spirits of her dead daughters into their new bodies, giving them life again.

“Yes it’s good to have a body again and so young,” Vor said as she looks herself over liking how shapely her body is now.

“I haven’t felt this good in years,” Zhan Tiri said.

“But my magic,” Shurik said as she tries to use it and found nothing.

“I restored you all to life and gave you all bodies that you had when you were all young women but I didn’t restore your magic, yet,” Black Heart said as she looks over her daughters.

"Why mother?" Zhan Tiri ask.

“All but Shreeky who has proven herself to me, as a worthy daughter, while you my older daughters have all failed or betrayed me,” Black Heart said looking at the triplets. “I am proud that you three are evil enough to betray me and sealed me in my book, but look at you three. No grand plans just doing what you want and nothing to show for it? Nothing more than common homeless thieves when your little sister found you three. And before that being beaten by those Fairies, repeatedly, even when you had them at your mercy and unlike in our old world, with some kind of law or something that kept all of us from actaully being as evil as we should had been. Your sister Dark Princess was beaten but at least once she lost her magic she didn’t become homeless and dig through garbage for food. As for your other sisters they died but at least they didn't become like you three, homeless street trash. I refuse to have common street trash as daughters.” (7)

“We didn’t eat from garbage,” Stormy said as she looks around at her older sisters laughing at her and their sisters.

“That’s what I saw when me and Beasty ran into you on that shopping trip,” Shreeky smirks.

“And why you and your sisters will remain powerless as you three are utter disappointments. As for the rest of you,” Black Heart said as she casted a spell that sent a green ball of magic at Dark Princess that struck her and made her body glow.

“My magic is back,” Dark Princess smiles feeling her powers are back. And she looks down at her body as her clothes felt tighter, she smirks seeing how not only her mom restored her magic but also gave her a rich voluptuous body to go with it.

What about us mom?” Shurik asked as she, Vor, and Zhan Tiri stared at their older sister's new body.

“You three have been living in those other worlds and have no idea what has happen since you three been gone. You are all remain powerless till after you know what’s happening,” Dark Heart said before turning to the triplets. “But first it’s time for me to show you girls how to punish those who betray you so that they know their place.”

"What's with giving her a voluptuous body?" Vor asked green with envy.

"Just undoing the curse that your father's side of the family took from her," Black Heart said as she always had a voluptuous body but all of her daughters took after their father.

"So when you restore our magic you'll give us a figure like Dark?" Zhan Tiri asked.

"Yes when you all are ready," Black Heart said.

"What about me?" Shreeky asked.

"You're still a young girl, Shreeky you have a few more years of growing and might take after me instead of your father," Black Heart said. "Also I'm keeping the staff and amulet to master their powers. So that I can teach you what I learn in controlling their powers."

"Ok mom," Shreeky said missing not having those powerful items anymore but knows that her mom will teach her how to use them and she can refine what she learned from there to be even greater.

"Now for you three," Black Heart said as she opens a portal in front of the triplets.

Their faces turn pale as they show what's coming out of it. Their sisters quickly back away from them so that they wouldn't be caught up in what's coming. All of them pale seeing what their mother had summon, some of her failed experiments in creating minions and people who she cruelly transformed with her magic. Which she kept lock away in a timeless pocket, to let out whenever she needed them, all very loyal to her.

The thing walking towards the Trix, stood several shambling inches taller than seven feet, with broad shoulders. Its hair straggled down either side of its face, lank and matted with glittering streaks of orange ooze. One lidless eye, weeping a colorless liquid, was roughly in the middle of its left cheek. There was no nose, just a semicircular hole above the chin, fringed with tendrils of pale skin that trembled in time with the thing's breathing. It didn't have a proper chin. The lower jaw was missing, and a row of jagged stumps protruded from the set-back upper jaw. Where it moved it left a trail of thick, jellylike slime, like that left behind by a gigantic snail. The thing had two seemingly ordinary arms that ended in crooked fingers. Beneath the normal arms it had several sets of paddle like, residual arms, becoming progressively smaller. The horde behind the first showed that the first was a prince among its peers. And all of them are very much all males, very large ones at that.

"Time to teach you three what happens when you betray your mother and do a bad job at it. Minions take them but don't kill or maim them, other than that do as you like with them," Black Heart said coldly as she watch as her daughters were engulf in the horde and began their muffle screaming as the minions piled on top of them.

For a brief moment, one of the the girl’s arm and hand were yet visible in the sea of twisted horrors, then it too disappeared into the mass of twisted, moving flesh.

"You all may leave and say hi to your uncle," Black Heart said to her other daughters who all quickly left the room.

Leaving her alone, watching as her three failures for evil daughters are ravaged by her minions. To make sure that they wouldn't kill or maim them. It wasn't for any sort of motherly love, it was to make sure that they didn't had an easy way out from what she has planned for them.


MCD Base -

In his office Grindelwald continuing to be mournful of the loss of the last of his old world and any chance to bring about a new wizarding empire. Not to mention that video that pop up online showing that it was him behind what happen in England. Made worse because the one who put up the video also painted him having planned it all happening just so he gain power for himself. Using his own minions in the blood offering, painting him as a bad boss who will leave his minions to die when they’re no longer needed. Which would cause many of his own people to avoid him and his minions to question if it's really a good idea to follow him.

“Your plan failed wasting tons of resources and money to setup everything and worst of all your face is posted everywhere,” Killbane said entering the room.

“I did get the goblet,” Grindelwald said.

“Yes that is something but that is nowhere near enough to repay the cost and harm you have done. I invested too much to let you just get away with what you done. Bad for morel and business,” Killbane said.

“I’m fired?” Grindelwald asked.

“Of course not,” Killbane said walking to the side as if he was going to show something to Grindelwald.

A bullet struck Grindelwald in his throat, the impact making him fall over from his chair. He chokes on his blood as he held his hands to his bleeding wound trying to make the bleeding stop.

“Your body is going to be handed over to the government of England for the bounty. And should keep people from looking into who you were working with to pull off your plan. Can't have you leading back to MCD can we,” Killbane said as he looks over at Grindelwald’s replacement.

“Not enough to cover your mess but it is a few million and that never hurts,” a woman said entering the room.

Eugeal who Killbane discovered while on a trip to Japan. Seems that she was one of the villains of one of the magical girls group. Before she was betrayed by a fellow villainess, Mimet who cut her breaks and covered her car in snails, making her lose control of her car and crash into the ocean. Since then she has put her high intelligence to use in repairing her broken body. She's now a cyborg with robotic legs and right arm. She's been a big help in researching and creating new weapons.

“You can replace him right?” Killbane asked looking at the struggling wizard clinging to life.

“I can as I have been helping him doing research on magic items from other worlds. Not that he even remembers,” Eugeal said.

“And the anti-magic field is up right?” Killbane asked.

“Yes no him escaping using any magic he might have,” Eugeal said.

“Good,” Killbane said as he brings his foot down on top of Grindelwald’s head. (8)


Elsewhere -

“Grindelwald your time has come,” death of the Potter world said having come for Grindelwald’s soul.

“No I can’t die just like that,” Grindelwald said.

Death said nothing as a portal to hell open underneath Grindelwald’s soul. Long arms burst out of the portal and grabbed into him pulling him down. Grindelwald screamed and cried as the arms dragged him down, one arm grabbed onto his mouth muffling his screams as he was pulled down.

Where his soul will be tortured and tormented till it was free of sin. Like washing a really dirty piece of clothing. Where it needs to be hosed down and wash with lots of soap, repeatedly till it’s finally clean. For hell isn’t forever it just seems that way for the souls sent down there. Till everything that once was the soul was in life is gone and only a clean blank soul is left. Where nothing remained of the person the blank soul use to be where it be reused for a new life.


The Boiling Isles -

Lilith stood before the Emperor Belos as he sat on his throne listening to her report. Things had changed since the merge happen a year ago. While it didn't cause magic to disappear, it did cause havok to spell casting when it did happen. Forcing him to put a hold on many things like the Day of Unity, on hold because of the magic of the Boiling Isles being messed up for several months. Making it hard for anyone to cast spells till it just went away on its own.

"Bill Cipher, I heard of him before in ancient tales. And Princess Sunset was able to use a powerful spell to destroy those giant robots?" Belos ask.

"Yes, the spell she created is called Ragna Blade which she based it on an anime show. Borrowing power from the demon lord of nightmares, or at least something like that. She told me that she only based it on that spell from that show. Not the real deal but close enough," Lilith explains.

"It's from the show I was watching," Kikimora said as she used her new smart phone to look it up and show it to Belos.

"It's amazing that she was able to use a spell like that," Belos said.

"But the downside was that it took much energy for Sunset to use it and she told me that repeated use in a short amount of time will kill her," Lilith said.

"And can she use other spells from the show?" Kikimora ask.

"I think she can as I did some research and saw the kind of spells in the show that are used. I ask her if she's able to use either the Dragon or the Giga Slave spells. She told me that she's keeping those as last resort spells. Both spells would be able to destroy a city if used," Lilith explains.

"Since your sister managed to reopen a way to the human world much has change. I now have to keep a good public image to maintain ties with the human government and trade deals. And allow the witches who don't want to join coverns to be able to leave the isles to live in the human world. But in exchange I have been able to make ties with many demon lords thanks to Discord taking me to their game night. And all the technologies that have made life here on the isles easier," Belos said.

"Spell Drives being a work around in using magic from other coverns and the recyclers making the streets much cleaner. And those force fields protect us when it rains," Kikimora said.

Because of how much magic is found on the isles in just about everything, the biggest export from the Boiling Isles are Exotic Cubes. The many new waste disposal guilds that have popped up once word spread of how much money one could make by selling trash to the humans. Which has made the isles much cleaner then it was before. Then there are the people from Earth visiting and spending money in the isles. And magic users who want to use magic again coming to live in the isles and sharing their brand of magic.

"What do you wish of me?" Lilith ask Belos.

"Lilith you want you to continue to keep in contact with your sister and her human family. Gather information as they come up. Most of all keep an eye on princess Sunset," Belos said.

"Yes, my lord," Lilith said taking her leave.

"Keeping an eye on Sunset?" Kikimora ask having met the young ruler.

"Yes, she isn't like any ruler I have met on Earth. While making contact with Earth has force me to keep a good public image. Even allowing witches who aren't part of coverns to leave for Earth. I can't say I don't like the benefits of the trade deals and a gateway connecting to not only Earth but other realms and other planets. And thanks to Discord taking me to the game night, I now have made some connections to several gods and demon lords," Belos said.

"The technologies from Earth have raised the standard of life for many," Kikimora said.

"But more importantly I found a woman who while still young is the prefect woman to become my queen," Belos said bringing up an image of Sunset.

"Her?" Kikimora ask.

"Yes she's is prefect. All I have to do is wait a few years while building up a good relationship with her before I make my move once she is of age. But of course she might prefer someone closer to her her," Belos said thinking of his nephew.


Amphibia -

In his war room King Andrias Leviathan watch the recordings of the robots he sent to test out the defenses of the human world. Marcy never told him about any what he's seeing, the humans having their own robots, energy weapons, there are other races living with the humans, and those with powers. He brings up the screens showing the ones with powers, he looks at the two with that battlecry that created a shockwave that caused the robots to fall apart.

"Those two battlecry would had wreck the staging grounds if I didn't shut down the portal. Wasted lots of robots but did learn what to expect next time," Andrias said.

He brings up the screen with the winged being who cut down the dreadnought class robots. Such power, that one will be hard to deal with.

"I'm going to need more information before another attack can be launch," Andrias said turning off the screens and brings up another.

The screen shows Marcy floating in a tank with a breathing mask, dress in a wetsuit with tubes connected to her. Keeping her alive as she is healed from her being impaled in the chest.

"You are going to be very useful for what I have planned," Andrias said.


Las Vegas -

The remains of the giant mecha suit known as the Colossus was at first was kept at an army base. That was till Mr. House managed to make a deal with the army to have the remains transported to his factory. From there he used the remains to restart his old project Liberty Prime. For the past year Mr. House has been taking knowledge and technology from all the different worlds to fix the many issues that he had with Liberty Prime, namely the power source. Both Dr. Wakeman and Professor Membrane help in building Liberty Prime.

Knowing that this world has magic, Mr. House took steps to make sure that a magic user wouldn't be able to just cast a spell on Liberty Prime. Mr. House hired some smiting gods to help in making the metal that made up Prime's body to be anti-magic. He managed to get Gu the Fon god of tools, workshops, and smiths and Onile the Yoruba goddess of blacksmiths to make the metal be anti-magic. By adding many different anti-magic metals found in different worlds in the alloy that made up Prime's body. And thanks to Professor Membrane any magic or energy attack used on Prime would be absorb and the energy be used to help power him instead.

The end results is the now 108 meters tall, to be able to fight Godzilla size monsters. The spirit cannon was remodeled and remade to be a giant energy cannon, to replace the old backpack full of atom bombs. Prime is now able to fly and move faster then it's old smaller prototype model was. There is also all the transformation's that he's able to due thanks to Dr. Wakeman. With Professor Membrane making sure all the systems that's needed to operate the giant robot is working. The main computer brain operating Prime is still the same, upgraded but still used the same old stuff that unlike the more advance systems can't be remotely hack or reprogram. And inside the massive robot is an army of Mr. Handy's and Operators who repair the body of any damage and also act as defenders against anyone who managed to get inside. They even used the FAS-BOR7 Horus or Metal Devil auto repair system to help repair any damage to Prime.

Mr. House watched the news about the failed invasion of frog robots from another dimension. His robots proved their worth as them fighting the invading robots made the lost of life lower than it would had been without them. That little investment he did with princess Sunset is already paying off. With footage of his robots defending the people around Gravity Falls, the sells and stocks are going up.

Mr. House brings up a screen showing one of the down giant frog robots. He press a button to talk to his secretary, Winny.

"Winny send a message to the army about getting one of those giant frog robots to study," Mr. House said.

"Right away boss," Winny's voice said over the com.

Mr. House ended the call and brings up blueprints for Liberty Prime. Once the lab boys get their hands on the giant frog robot and reverse engineer its technolgy. Any improvements that could be used on Liberty Prime, will be added to the final design. But it doesn't mean he can't start with the smaller models in the image of the prototype Prime.

The smaller primes are design to be only 10 feet tall and won't be nearly as powerful as their bigger counterpart. They will be for mass production like the other robots of Robco. Mr. House is planning on them being for industrial or military use depending on the model. He's already projecting high sells, once their big brother is fully operational and ready for action.


Gravity Falls beneath the shack -

Stan lead Eda down the tunnel behind the vending machine, that leads to an elevator. In his hand he carried the journal he borrowed from Dipper. Eda carried the other journal that she recovered from the destroyed Gideon bot.

Stan opens a panel besides the elevator and inputs the alchemical symbols for 'composition,' 'pulverize,' 'digestion,' and 'fusion’ followed by the 'down' button. Both enter the elevator that took them down to the deepest level, where the lab is that is filled with complex machines and sensors. Stan walks over to a desk next to a switchboard and pulls out from the small bookcase the other journal, more worn and has a 1 on the cover.

“After all these years,” Stan said as he lays the first two journals down open to the pages with the strange drawings. That only made sense when all three are together. "Finally, I have them all."

“I hope you know what you’re going Stan,” Eda said giving him the last journal, completing the picture.

“It’s the only way,” Stan said as he begins typing at the controls activating the machine on the other side of the window of the control room.

“It’s working,” Eda said seeing the machine glowing with green energy.

“Yes,” Stan said running into the room.

Eda follows him to the machine, where he flips a large lever in front of it. The machine crackles with large bursts of electricity sending beams of light in every direction, and finally turns on completely; a bright, white light emanating from it's central hole, blowing a steady stream of air at Stan and Eda. Stan stands proudly in front of the machine as it sparkles with life. His hands on his hips and smiles in satisfaction.

Eda began casting more spells around the chamber of the machine. She has been casting one spell after another around the machine both to hide it and in case something bad happens. Keeping the gravity from being turned off and energy spikes from showing up outside. She cast a shield spell in front of them machine to keep any sudden burst of energy from hitting them.

“Here we go,” Stan said smiling as the machine is once again working.


Author's Note:

1 - With how many crime groups in fiction has bad bosses and you failed me the last time mindset, it’s not that surprising that the minions would revolt or just quit.

2 - It is for gameplay but when in a game the only one who can press a button to turn something on when there are lots of others around in a game who could even with them being in the same room as the button is. The Willing Suspension Of Disbelief is going to be broken if there isn’t a very good reason besides gameplay that no one else can do anything in the game. Especially when that side mission takes place in place where there’s a battle happening. Which is fine for games where you need to grind

3 - Wizards of Waverly Place

4 - It's like people who create lightsabers in real life, not the real thing but as close as they can get with what they can work with in real life.

5 - Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts

6 - With how dumb all the parents are in Fairyodd Parents, it would take cold blooded torture for them to even see that they're wrong in believing in Vicky is a good baby sitter.

7 - Seeing how the Trix are all about magic and stuff, without that they really aren't able to do much.

8 - What happens in crime groups when someone causes more trouble than they're worth.

Comments ( 9 )

Is black heart the evil spirit book in care bear movie or someone else?

Ps great chapter

Evil spirit in the book I just made her no hearts sister and shreeky mother for the fic. And mother to several other villainesses as well.

One question are the events of the previous version of the story fully removed from ever happening or is this more of an alternate reality?

I cherry picked what I wanted from the old one

Fair enough, when there where two stories I thought it would end up with both sides meeting up if only momentarily and maybe having even the Mabel of this story disgusted at the other one.

Another thing I thought might happen was since the Psychonauts were on hand maybe having one of them take a peek in Mabel's head and notice some of slender man's meddling.

I removed Slenderman as he was completely pointless to the story.

How many planets earths in one and how many percentages of the population per earth

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