• Published 11th May 2021
  • 1,730 Views, 36 Comments

Fusion Falls (old version) - madhat886

Thanks to several events that all happen at once. Several different universes all suddenly merged into one. And several people who found themselves alone come together in the town of Gravity Falls.

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The Hand That Rocks the Mabel


Barry Benson: I tell you it's nuts, one moment you're making a stunning legal victory on behalf of your entire species... the next your world is merged with several others and it's all rendered meaningless!

Soos: So what happen?

Barry Benson: Well, when things quieted down, we tried to get our verdict enforced, but the current government took one look at our case and threw it out the window!

Soos: Really?

Barry: Yeah, apparently for one thing you can't sue an entire species; it's too broad, complicated and discriminatory, second; everything we demanded was either unreasonable, exceeding the judges authority to give, or unconstitutional. Third, technically before we revealed we could speak we were legally deemed 'chattle' and thus it was perfectly legal to take honey from us. And finally, a talking Bee and a florist can't just represent a case, they have to be REAL, licensed lawyers.

Soos: Bummer

Barry: Ah, it's not so bad. Among other things we were immediately given equal human rights. And Layton T. Montgomery and his legal team were forced to go back to lawyer school. So they replaced him with this new guy Phoenix Wright, fresh from getting his license back. He convinced the honey companies that it would be good PR to both free all their 'sentient' Bees before they legally gain the same rights as humans and give us a very large donation in money as a sign of Good faith. I mean, technically they only did it for good PR and because the whole can count as a charity write-off.... but hey, were rich now.

Soos: Wait, so only the sentient Bees?

Barry: Yeah, all the normal Bees are still getting their honey taken. But honestly I can't be bothered to care about that. My mom went to give the nearby 'normal' hive a hive warming gift... and they tried to kill her! I mean, Who does that? Seriously!

Soos: That's rough buddy.

Barry: Yeah, things didn't go quite how I wanted, but I guess I can't complain. We bee's are rich now, were selling our honey competitively. I tell you the novelty of 'naturally' made honey made by sentient bee's who can talk is a huge hit right now. Y'know there are people who are actually willing to PAY to watch us work! It's crazy!

"Soos what are you doing?" Stan ask.

"Texting with this talking bee," Soos said who is using his phone to text.

"Well stop that. We're going to that Gil... or something kid's mind reading tent. The kids want to see his show," Stan said.

"Ok," Soos said texting his new bee friend he needs to get back to work.


Camp Lakebottom -

Harry has been enjoying working as camp a counselor helping the non-magical and magical kids get along together. He also thinks up activities that will help the formerly wizard kids adapt to everyday mundane life... He sees a familiar sight coming through the bushes.

"Oh, for the love of," Harry groans then turns to the kids. "Kids, go get security."

The kids do as asked leaving Harry to deal with a ghost from his past.

"Professor Dumbeldore, you realize your breaking the restraining order, right?" Harry ask.

"Harry, please! Whatever grievance you have with me, you must put them aside, were all in danger!" Dumbeldore said not looking well, the loss of magic had more or less robbed him of almost all the vitality and vigor he still had in his old age.

"GRIEVANCE!? Where in your senile mind, do you justify trivializing 'massacring hundreds of children' as a 'grievance'?" Harry ask.

"Harry, you know I had nothing to do with that," Dumbeldore said.

"You may not have wanted it, but you didn't STOP them either!" Harry pointed out.

"I came to you!" Dumbeldore said.

"Yes, you came to a teenage boy to stop hundreds of idiot adults committing a massacre instead of using your charisma, influence, or political clout to sway them or go to the muggle AUTHORITIES. Yeah, that's not insane or anything!" Harry said rolling his eyes.

"Harry, please we don't have time for this! Grindewald took advantage of the chaos of the merger to escape his prison! He also killed the policeman who confiscated my elder wand and stole it from the evidence locker! I've learned he's coming to Gravity Falls to regain both his magic and the wands!" Dumbeldore said.

Harry let out a groan. "Let me guess... you told no one else this and came straight to me?"

"Harry my few sources and supporters left refuse to have anything to do with the muggles, they only gave me this info if, I promised to tell only YOU," Dumbeldore explains.

"And that isn't a red flag on how bad our society is? They'd rather be murdered by a mad man then ask help from those who aren't like' them?" Harry ask.

"Harry, PLEASE. I'm not long from this world... I NEED a successor who can lead wizardkind through these dark times," Dumbeldore said.

"And I'M qualified, how? Because a society of racists decided a TODDLER killed a monster instead of his 'mudblood' mothers sacrifice?" Harry ask.

"Harry you have the ear of the younger generation," Dumbeldore said.

"Because I told them to ditch the sinking ship that was there parents fruitless attempt to rebuild their precious, backward world!" Harry exclaimed.

"The point is, in time I'm sure you could help our people out of the darkness," Dumbeldore said.

"You can't help people who don't want to be helped. Jenny, Jake, Juniper, the UN, they all of them offer to help them rebuild their society and each time they refused it! Without magic, inbreeding and old age killed off half of them within a year! They offered to help with that too and STILL they refused!" Harry said shaking his head. "No Dumbledore. Their YOUR people, not mine. They stopped being MY people the day they decided it was better to murder children then ask for help! To be used in a blood ritual that in the end didn’t even work, seeing how the magic gained just faded away too. And even if Grindewald brings the wand here, it wouldn't work, I know I tried with my own wand just to see if it would regain magic here and it didn't."

"Harry, what of Grindewald?" Dumbeldore ask.

"You want a hero? Go find my friend Korra, wait, no she's on a well-deserved vacation. Go get Raz, Heaven help him that kid actually WANTS to be the 'chosen one' and unlike ME he had competent teachers that made him dang good at it!" Harry said.

"Harry, I taught you," Dumbeldore said but was cut off.

"What? That love conquers all? Yeah, REAL useful in a firefight! Friendship is magic? Okay, good for making allies to fight by your side... except of course, if your a mentally-abused/neglected child with almost no social skills! A bunch of 'home movies' to 'learn' about your enemy? Aside from some debatable psychological insights and learning about possible macguffins, that was basically useless! All awhile never teaching me anything that I couldn't had learn elsewhere. The police found your journals, your whole plan for me was basically 'have everyone keep their fingers crossed and hope that Harry figures out my convoluted plan in time to pull out a miracle! I can't trust you as you don't trust me at all. You never did and only saw me as a piece on the chess board not caring about anything about me," Harry said.

"Harry, I," Dumbeldore was saying till he was suddenly he's surrounded by psychic energy.

"Mr. Dumbldore, your currently trespassing and violating a restraining order. I don't want to be rough on you, but I WILL if I have to. Please come in quietly," Nein said.

Dumbeldore fruitlessly struggles as he's levitated away and pleads to Harry who just walks away. (1)


In the cabins -

Dib look through the many different magical objects that he has gathered by buying them off the internet. The ones that he's looking through are the Shen Gong Wu items that he brought from some monks, whose purpose of being Xiaolin Dragons was made all but useless as the magic that allowed the Heylin villains to be so powerful was gone. Also that unlike in the show the arm forces didn't just stand back and did nothing, as the villain who could transform into a dragon found out when he was gunned down by soldiers. So, to help pay for the upkeep of the temple and that all but one of the Xiaolin Dragons left to return to their homes, the monks of the temple sold most of the now powerless Shen Gong Wus. Only keeping the most dangerous ones lock away just in case.

Ninja Sash that allows the user to create up to two doubles of themselves.

Mask of Rio helps the user to blend into the surroundings.

Danger Sneakers that warn its user of impending danger.

Wings of Tinabi grants the user to fly, leaving behind a rainbow trail.

Wushu Helmet protects the user's head by deflecting attacks and projectiles.

Eagle Scope transforms into a telescope, granting the user eagle-like vision.

Jetbootsu allows the user to defy gravity.

Mantis Flip Coin allows the user to jump incredible heights.

Third-Arm Sash acts like a third arm for the user.

And the Helmet of Jong that allows the user to see behind them as though they have eyes on the back of their heads.

Like most of the other magical items they lost their magic over time after the merge happen, with only some magical items being more passive magic type keeping their magic. Those magical items are now closely guarded by those who have them, from others who seek to have them. Which often lead to people killing each other just for something like a chair that would always teleport under someone when they're trying to sit down.

"Ok so looks like Gravity Falls magic allows people with passive magic abilities to use them again and recharges the magic of items like how they were before the merge," Juniper said as she holds one of the beds over her head with one arm.

"This is so cool," Ronnie said as she wore the Helmet of Jong and could see right behind her. Lincoln is playing with the Mantis Flip Coin and Clyde is using the Third-Arm Sash.

"I can finally see what these items I have collected can really do," Dib said.

"So, any of these can shoot fireballs?" Jake ask. Monroe and Fu Dog are looking over the other magic items that Dib brought with him. Both of them are taking turns using, The Looking Glass, an eye piece that can let you see things impossible with the naked eye. However, its effect is different for each user. Monroe using it could see in the dark and Fu Dog can see colors.

"Of course not, I'm not about to bring something like that to camp.... That I know of anyhow. It be like bringing a gun to school," Dib said. (2)

"At least we know that the magical girl stuff doesn't work," Ronnie said holding the transformation thing in the shape of a necklace that one of the many magical girl groups of Japan used to transform. "I can't believe how they are able to dress like that and be out in public."

"Fighting in a mini skirt and those skimpy outfits is just dumb. Sure, having an outfit that allows you to move around freely like pro wrestlers wear is one thing but they're long range fighters," Juniper said. (3)

"Not to mention that all it would take to handle them is one anti-magic spell or like in games a mute spell to keep them from casting magic," Spud said.

"I wonder why that never happens?" Roger ask. Both he and Spud are messing around with a mirror shield that Dib had brought with him that Fu Dog and Monroe say that it reflects magic. (4)

"Plot device that works only in their world," Trixie said. She's messing with a Babel Stone, that translates anything the person says and hears so they can understand any language and be understood as well.

"Back in the Hunts Clan we had tons of different ways to depower magic users," Rose said. She's using hover boots that lets the wearer be able to walk in the air at 6 inches above the ground. The wearer can fall from great heights with the boots stopping them from hitting the ground as they also stop at 6 inches as long as they land feet first.

"Hey what's this?" Spud asked picking up a silver pendant in the shape of a dragon with a gem in the middle.

"It's a mood gem, showing the person the wearing is facing mood to you by a colored aura around that person," Dib said.

"Cool," Spud said putting it on.

"Depowering magic users, reminds me of H.A.M," Jody said remembering Juniper telling her about them. Wearing a blue Feather Cape that allows the wearer to make large jumps and float down to the ground no matter how high they are.

"Well, they're now working with the government in handling the problems that happen after the merge happen," Ophelia said. She's holding an old oil lantern with a magical flame in it that never goes out.

"How did that happen?" Lila ask. She's holding a compass that points to where you want to go.

"They gave the new government all the information they had on the magical world they had gathered for complete amnesty for the crimes they had done in the past. Which they only able to do because the magical council didn't want anything to do with the muggles which allowed many other anti-magic groups to make deals to avoid jail time," Jake said.

"Well with what happen with the European magic wizards with that blood offering ritual, I really don't blame the government for cutting deals to make sure that doesn't happen here," Juniper said.

"At least they're being watch by the government now and with the magical world no longer hiding and mind erasing people to keep the magic world a secret. Things have gotten better," Rose said.

"Remember how the M.I.B. tried to erase everyone's minds so they could cover things up," Lincoln said.

"Yeah, but it only work on humans and not any other race," Lila said.

"Well, most humans anyways. Not that it help them seeing how many people have been keeping written records after the merge and all the non-humans and some humans weren't effected," Dib said.

"At least they're the main reason why non-humans are now in law enforcement," Lila said.

"And the whole M.I.B. has been taken down and agents losing those mind erasers seeing how no one can trust them," Fu Dog said.

"I heard that Sunset has some agents working for her now," Monroe said.

"Oh, she does," Dib said earning him stares. "She does have two superheroes Danny and Dani on her payroll. The ones she hired are the agents from the Hollywood branch. They’re the ones who hire people for theme casinos and other resorts.”

"Oh yeah," the others in the cabin said.

"The governments having gone after the branches of the M.I.B. that bring in the money to fund the group. Many of the agents just left after losing their funding and most of the higher ups arrested for trying to mind wipe the world. All because they followed the mindset that people aren't ready for that fact that aliens are real and are living among us, like all the magic leaders," Jake said.

"Which you younger generations have shown us old fossils that our way of thinking is obsolete like how it be like how interracial couples being wrong. Heard all that before. You kids really lay it on thick," Monroe said. (5)

"Just making sure you all know how wrong you all are," Juniper said.

"For us it's like saying because, I'm black that I shouldn't have equal rights, or that Jake is wrong not because he's a dragon but he's half Chinese," Trixie said.

"We younger generation just don’t care about the values and traditions that kept humans and non humans apart,” Jody said.

“Besides none of the elders can even answer the question of when would muggles be ready to accept non humans. Seeing how they would want to keep things hidden forever just so they would maintain their power,” Jake said.

“He’s right about that,” Fu Dog said. “Once the younger generation gave up on staying hidden many of the magic council have lost their power. Now they’re more like normal city councils who handle things like zoning laws and such, for the ones who are still have a seat anyways.”

"Tell me about it. The magical council back home is now more of a self-elected community leadership then a government now. Unless they want to run for office like everyone else," Monroe said.


Canterlot -

In their shared apartment Danny and Dani are playing a videogame together. Since the merge, Danny went public with him being Danny Phantom. Which he had to seeing how many of the people in the new world created by the merge, aren't fooled by his ghost form. As many have pointed out he looks the same with the same body built, voice, hair style, and how he acts. The only difference is his white hair and glowing green eyes. And they’re right as he’s been around people who know him both as a human and a ghost, and they never figured it out.

He also cut himself off from his family, seeing how his parents care more about ghosts for them to even notice he is the ghost they were hunting. His sister who only cared about him now that he's a ghost. And his friends who ever since he got his powers only cared to be his friend because of his powers and when he didn't have them they just didn't want to be around him.

He packed his things and left everything behind. But not before he publicly beat Dash Baxter and the other jocks to a bloody mess in front of the school.


Flashback -

"Stop," Dash cried out as he was lifted into the air by Danny.

Around them are the other football players all been beaten and their bodies broken. Danny had taken his time in breaking them, one by one. Making them beg and scream for their moms as he did so, all awhile it was all filmed so that everyone would be able to see it. And it will always follow them for the rest of their lives, of them screaming and begging and confessing to beating and stealing from the other students and the schooling turning a blind eye to it. All because they wanted to win football games.

"Why should I?" Danny ask as he drops him to the ground with a sickening crack as Dash landed on his right leg with his ankle breaking.

"My leg," Dash shouted crying in pain.

"You think that's enough for me?" Danny ask as he grabs Dash by the back of his head and slam his face into a bench with his upper teeth on resting on the seat.

The crowd of students and teachers all watch as Danny slam his foot on top of Dash's head. The force of the blow with Dash's teeth resting on the seat of the bench that is made out of concert, acted like a hammer and an anvil. Dash cried out as his upper teeth were broken or smash out. Dash grabbed his mouth as he cried out in pain. Danny grabbed one of his arms and brace it against the bench and kick the upper half, snapping it in half, followed by the other.

“Please stop!” Dash shouted while sobbing.

“No just as you never stop beating me,” Danny said as he grabs Dash’s right hand and broke his fingers one by one, followed by his left hand. All awhile Dash’s is screaming and begging for it to stop.

Danny look down at the crying and begging jock who beat him for years. He look around at the staff and students of the school. They had watch this happen for so many years and only caring now because it's the other way around. He grabs Dash by his head and press his thumbs into his eyes with him screaming as his eyeballs were being crushed.

"Fenton stop this at once!" Mr. Lancer shouted out.

"Or what? Give me detention?" Danny ask as he slams his foot on Dash's remaining good leg breaking his kneecap. "You only care because Dash is a good football player. You had watched this happen to me and the other kids for years and done nothing. Well he's no longer a good football player now is he? Or any of the other jocks who you let run wild just for another fake gold cup in a glass case. How are you ever going to win a championship game now."

"Now Fenton calm down," Mr. Lancer said backing away from the angry student.

"No," Danny said as he floats towards Mr. Lancer who backed away in fear. "I'm going to give you a lesson."

Danny blasted Mr. Lancer with his ghost beam, blasting off his clothes leaving him naked. Danny used his freeze breath on Mr. Lancer trapping him in ice with only his head free. Mr. Lancer could only watch as Danny punch his face over and over, knocking teeth free after a few punches. Danny only stops punching when Mr. Lancer stop moving, which he reach into the teacher’s mouth and pulled out his remaining teeth.

Danny then floated into the air and slam himself into Dash, one last time landing on his stomach causing him to vomit up blood. Followed by a kick to his face breaking his jaw, just like he did to all of the other football jocks. Who like Dash had all their limbs broken, their fingers broken, noses broken, jaws broken, so that they would be cripple for the rest of their lives. Never being strong or able to do much by themselves.

"Why, I ever bother saving any of you?" Danny ask the people around him.

He flew up into the air and saw Mr. Lancer's car in the parking lot and blasted it, destroying it. Which damaged the other teachers cars as well. Followed by him stopping at Mr. Lancer's house and destroying that too. He then flew off far from the town that was his home, but not anymore.


End Flashback -

Thanks to how confusing things were during the early days of the merge, the people in charge had better things to worry about then care about jerk jocks who were beaten and crippled. Or a teacher whose face was disfigured, and all of his worldly belongings being destroyed. Not to mention having to deal with ghosts that were only kept at bay by said boy who beat the bully jocks and teacher.

"Jazz called," Dani said as they played the shooting game together.

"About what?" Danny ask. He didn't want to contact his past.

"Just wanting you to know that they're doing ok," Dani said.

"They want us to come back don't they?" Danny ask.

"Yup," Dani said.

"As if we're going to give up this," Danny said.

"Being bodyguards and on the call heroes for hire, isn't something, I want to give up. Sunset pays us well and gave us this house for ourselves rent free," Dani said.

"Besides now that the ghost portal is dismantle, the ghosts only have those portals that only open once awhile to enter the living world. And that they're busy with the reapers," Danny adds.

"Too bad that we still have to go to school," Dani said.

"Well at least we don't have to hide the fact that we're superheroes or that when we're called for action that the school allows it," Danny said.

"At least Sunset only calls us when there is something that the police can't handle on their own," Dani adds.


In Space -

"That sounds rough," XJ-9 aka Jenny said to her friend, queen Vega of Cluster Prime by long range communications.

"Things here in space is still a mess. I manage to get my system under tight control, thanks to the alliance with the Gems," Vega said.

"And from what I have seen with the Irken's leaders the Tallest Red and Purple with their main fleet and flagship, The Massive are still trap in that thing, the florpus. Their entire empire is in disarray and other space empires, pirates and warlords like that General Skunkape are taking advantage, not to mention the uprisings of the planets they conquered," Misty said who is now working for Vega.

"Also, The Resisty want to make an alliance with me so they can use the systems under my control to launch attacks on what's left of the Irken empire," Vega said.

"Anything else?" Jenny ask.

"Well our galaxy isn't the only one that is having issues. Misty has been going around and hearing things," Vega said.

"From what, I heard while I was in the Deviluke Empire. There's a race of robots fighting each other in a galaxy that’s close to here that uses something call space bridges to get around. There are refugees from another galaxy that was destroyed by a warlord name Lord Dominator. The Incursean empire is at war with the Oni empire and a race called the Etherals in another galaxy. Also here the Krang's are trying to form a galaxy federation that has some space powers already interested like the Zin empire and Octalians in joining," Misty said.

"I'm going to meet with the Krang in a few days," Vega adds.

"I wish that, I can help but we're busy here keeping things in order," Jenny said.

"I find it odd how the merge caused some planets like Earth to have many different ones merging together, while other planets came out whole," Misty said.

"We're still trying to figure that out ourselves. Call you later," Jenny said switching off the screen and bring up another screen showing the status of the space station, that serves as her new home.

Talos 2 is built out of the remains of Talos 1, that was a advance space station and laboratory that was orbiting the moon in the year 2035 in it's universe. Which from the surviving files that Jenny and her sisters found in the wreckage. There was an alien outbreak of some kind of shapeshifting alien lifeform. Which they're guessing someone on board the station cause the main generator to blow up killing everything. Not wanting another outbreak anything that was alien was pack up and once all of it was gathered was toss into the sun. Then was them going and rebuilding the entire station with what they could find as well as using other space junk as well.

For what they couldn't find or make themselves they brought. Which they got the funding from selling the technology they discovered in the wreckage. Jenny and her sisters managed to get a fabricator and a recycler working and took them to their mother’s company GAIA Prime. Where GAIA improved on and sold, giving her daughters the funding they needed to build their station.

They also sold some stuff to Dib’s dad, the Q-Beam, medkit, GLOO cannon, and the operators. They also sold the weapons the guns and turrets to many weapon companies. Allowing the sisters to have their very own working space station home. Which is protected by the many turrets and operators that maintain the station while the sisters are away.

Which is needed as in the wreckage of the station they discovered some neuromods that are made from an alien race that the station was built around to study the Tpyhons. The remaining samples were all lock away so that what happen to Talos 1 didn't happen again. The samples are being studied and researched on using the notes and data that managed to survive.

That's how things went for months as the XJ sisters lived on the station, with XJ-9 giving her sisters upgrades so that their bodies would be more like hers. Which she was helped by Sheldon who told her that he's Silver Shell and together they upgraded her sisters bodies. XJ-1 through XJ-3 could now talk and able to use their weapon systems better then they did before. They still have their old personalities but are now have better bodies then their old ones, which their mother never bothered to do.

Which Dr. Wakeman made herself look really bad when she said that XJ-9 needs to come back home and as for her sisters need to be turn off and be put back into the basement. Not to mention that it soon revealed that she's building XJ-10 as a replacement for XJ-9 with less personality so she wouldn't go and rebel against her.

But the XJ sisters found a new mom in GAIA the A.I. who controls the cauldrons, who is the one who upgraded the younger sisters. GAIA and Dr. Wakeman do work together as the later is the CEO of the GAIA Prime company that uses the technology of the cauldrons and what was found at the space station. Both of them act as a married couple with them fighting how to treat their kids. With the XJ sisters siding with GAIA over Wakeman.

"Hey Jenny," Kenny who is a male version of Jenny built by Dr. Mogg who is a rival of Dr. Wakeman. And he's also part robot dog.

"Another shuttle dock, it's the Russians this time," Kenny said.

"Restocking on food and such?" Jenny ask.

"Yup," Kenny said.

"I would had thought that living in space that we be by ourselves then being a gas station," Jenny said.

"We're not a gas station," Kenny said.

"Oh yeah," Jenny said bringing up a screen showing Melody an advance android talking with the Russian crew as they stretch their legs and are enjoying not having to wear a helmet all the time. She is helped by operators, Mr. Handy's and Protectrons, who make up the work force of the station who keep everything up and running.

"Well, the station is built to allow humans onboard," Kenny said.

"That's for my aunt and cousin," Jenny said. Living on the station are her aunt Wisteria Wakeman her mom's older sister and cousin Glenn Wakeman who is a swamp-monster who was created by his mother.

They live at the top of the station where the Arboretum is located. Which is where the majority of the station's food is grown, which is used by the machine animals that eat it and create the green bio-fuel that the XJ sisters use. Wisteria works on various agronomic breakthroughs, like the super fruit that is a leftover project from Talos 1. That Wisteria found and recreated, creating the super fruit that is a bio-engineered tomato. And also allows oxygen to be created for the station.

"Don't forget Sheldon," Kenny said.

"I know," Jenny said. "At least the governments the crews come from are paying us for the service."

"Don't forget companies paying us for their satellite repairs and recycling the old broken ones or sell them to people who want them like the first satellite," Kenny said.

"We do need to make money for the stuff we can't make ourselves. We are living on our own now. It's so nice to have a place where mom isn't in charge and I'm making it on my own. Unlike last time," Jenny said. She remembers the time she moved out and built herself her own place and it would had work out if it wasn't for Brad who kept coming over with a crowd to have a party each night. Not allowing her to recharge herself that led to many problems later on.

"Speaking of which, Tremorton isn't doing well since the merge," Kenny said.

"So what? I rather be helping people who grateful for what I do and not when they need me more then I need them," Jenny said.

After the merge Tremorton like other places saw a downturn as the old order of things went down the drain. Like the Crust cousins Brit and Tiff, parents lost their riches which come to think about it, Jenny never understood how they were rich to begin with. Their parents sold off as many of their stuff as they could just to have a roof over their heads and food on the table. It didn't help matters that everyone knows that no matter what Jenny did for the people of Tremorton that they would never be grateful for anything she did and still expected her to save them. Which the mayor of Tremorton said on live TV, saying that even if they never will or ever be grateful for what she does that she still has to save them as that's what she's built for in the first place. Which cause many to turn their backs to the city and not do business with them, which is why the city is low on funds. Not to mention the villains like the Hammer brothers and others wrecking the place.

"So no going back to help them?" Kenny ask.

"Not unless they pay me. If they're not going to be grateful for what I been doing for free than I'm not going to be helping them for free anymore. I wish there was at least someone who was happy with me fighting crime, like Charles Godwin of Pacific City. He was so grateful for me taking down almost all the crime in that city," Jenny said. "I'm not going to be saving them for free anymore or if the villain they want me to fight have bounties on them."

"Jenny!" Sheldon shouted as he rush into the room.

"What is it?" Jenny ask.

"The UN wants to use the station as a early defense station," Sheldon said.

"What? And where will we live?" Jenny ask.

"Well seeing how we already work for the SCP we’ll still be living here, they also want some personal to be brought up and man defenses and long range scanners so if any aliens attack. We'll be ready for them," Sheldon said.

"Why would we do that?" Jenny ask.

"Jenny they are asking first," GAIA said as she appears on the screen that Jenny been using.

"They talk to you first, didn't they mom," Jenny said.

"Yes, and it will help alot," GAIA said.

"Fine, I'll tell the others about it but we'll only allow a UN crew to live here after we stamp out a deal first," Jenny said.

"That's my girl, GAIA said.


Canterlot -

At an outdoor restaurant Korra and Asami are enjoying themselves to a nice meal after enjoying the sights of the resort city. Both of them needed this for a long time, to get away from it all. Things back home is still settling down, with alot to get use to thanks to all the different cultures clashing together. But the United States is use to it and brought people together. The benders still have their powers but unlike in their old world there are many ways for the non-benders to keep up with the benders. But with how benders still having their powers, the people of other worlds saw how to really use those kinds of powers.

During their vacation they seen plenty of benders working on building projects around Canterlot and the many resorts still being built. The earth benders using both earth and metal bending got buildings up and ready for workers to make them usable. They had also seen earth benders being hired to fix the highways that connect the country together. All the benders found new jobs to use their powers, fire benders using their fire for many industrial jobs, a bunch of water benders are using their bending skills to help places that lack water, and the air benders using their bending skills to collect valuable gases once some of them learn how to separate the different gases that make up air. And many other things that they're able to do with their bending skills.

Of course, there is a downside as many of the companies technology were outdated compared to others. Asami managed to get her company, Future Industries back on its feet thanks to some deals she made with other companies. She was able to learn about the new technology thanks to her taking some computer classes and finding the right market for her company. Most of the factories she owns are now making parts for Professor Membrane's company Membrane Labs as well for other companies. She made a deal with Mr. House and is producing parts for his robots.

As for Korra she's enjoying not having to have the world depend on her anymore. In this new world she isn't the only one who can do things anymore and people don't depend on solely on her to do things. She has adapted to her new lifestyle of not going around saving the day anymore. She now has a job as a freelance bounty hunter so that she can still help now and then, while being paid to do so. And it also gives her plenty of time to be with Asami. Not to mention being away from all of the spirits.

With how the merge mess up both the spirit and magical worlds, many of the spirits found themselves now alive and losing their powers and immortality. Korra didn't care about them seeing how they wouldn't lift a finger to help her when she called for their aid, the spirits just wanted to enjoy the benefits while doing nothing to help.

"So, what's the plan?" Korra ask her girlfriend as she is reading something on her smartphone.

"Well, I'm going to be talking with Sunset about some investments that, I want to do with her," Asami said.

"Oh ok. I'll just find something to do then," Korra said.

"Why don't you check out the Mystery Shack?" Asami said.

"Sure why not, I have been hearing about how great it is from Sunset's sisters," Korra said before eyeing Asami. "What are you reading?"

"A news report on Thor," Asami said.

"I wish that we had someone like that to help out. Instead what we got," Korra said.

"Well remember the gods aren't all nice like him or care to do things to help out," Asami said.

"Like those Greek gods that show up in New York?" Korra ask.

"Those gods were nothing but jerks who only got away with what they did before because they were immortal and were all powerful. Thanks to the merge they lost all of their powers," Asami said with a nod.

"Wait no powers? What about Thor?" Korra ask.

"It's hit or miss with them. Seeing how there are different versions of them that appeared after the merge. Some like Thor and the other gods of his world still have some of their powers and aren't immortal anymore, seeing how some of them are dead. Others are like you with their powers just being something they can do without magic. Like the some cannons of the DC and Marvel gods who are just advance god like aliens. While others have completely lost their powers and now are mortal. Like those Greek gods became mortal and now have to live like us now," Asami said waving her hand in the air.

"What happen to them?" Korra ask.

"Some did ok while others like Zeus ended up homeless and was found dead," Asami said.

"Isn't he the god that rape tons of women?" Korra ask.

"Yup and why no one likes almost all the Greek gods seeing how hedonistic and petty they are. No one really wanted to help them seeing how many monsters were created because of them. Like that woman with snakes for hair and that spider woman both cursed by the Greek goddess of wisdom for a bullshit reason and wrote bestselling books about it,” Asami said.

“The Greek gods are complete jerks,” Korra said.

“Their counterparts the Roman gods are more militaristic but are just as arrogant and vain as their Greek counterparts, they're at least willing to be more pragmatic, disciplined, and learn from their mistakes. It's the reason why in Rome even with them losing their powers they have managed to do better than their Greek counterparts," Asami said. "Basically, most gods who lost their powers are the asshole ones. Who have been trying to regain their lost power by having followers praying to them. But that hasn't work for any of them as no one is a real believer who would give up and offer anything to them. Which some like the South American gods needing live human offerings is a good thing. Of course, there are those who accept videogame kills as offerings."

"Thank god for that," Korra said.

"Which one?" Asami ask.

"Who cares? There are so many now," Korra said.

"According to Urd goddess of the past who is living in Japan for some reason wrote on her blog. That all the gods who still have some of their powers left have banded together. Her parents Kami and Hild got together with other top gods to create a new god system which is used to maintain the afterlife for this world. Their old system ran the universe but thanks to the merge they're limited to this planet now," Asami said.

"You know we should visit Australia. I would like to meet the Rainbow Serpent," Korra said.

"The Rainbow Serpent is still a powerful gods thanks to most of its power being passive in nature," Asami said remembering what she read about that god.

"At least with so many great beyonds in this world, we can shop around for the one that suits us," Korra said.

"There is the one that has personal heavens. Till we're ready to give life another try," Asami said.

"There's that," Korra said.


Membrane Labs -

Tempest Shadow a female unicorn who use to work for the Storm King before the merge happen and almost all the magic went away. With no magical way of restoring her horn she went looking for another way to restore it using the technology of the worlds that made up the merge one. Which is why she left the service of the Storm King who had his hands full trying to keep the land that he ruled. Of course she needed to find a new job first to pay for it. Which she got both by allowing herself to be used as a lab rat.

"How's the horn?" Professor Membrane ask.

"Can't do magic," Tempest said. Both of them are in the training room of the lab. Tempest look at herself in one of the wall mirrors and stare at her new metal horn.

"Your new horn is made out of a new alloy that increases the natural telekinesis that all unicorns have which is channel from their horns. Which thanks to you I have studied and figured out how it works," Professor Membrane said.

"Not alot of ponies would do that," Tempest said. She put her mind to it and channel her passive magic to lift some weights up into the air.

"Yes, so many of them are unwilling to allow themselves to be studied. There are so many different unicorns with so many different ways the use to be able to use magic. Your kind of unicorns have telekinesis that isn't magical just having a boost from it. Any with more research I can tap into the magic of this world," Professor Membrane said.

"Wait there isn't any spell casting magic," Tempest said.

"Not the kind the spell casters used anyways or the kind that they used in their worlds. Like those magical heroes in France. They still have their powers thanks to their powers coming from their small partners, which is borrowing the magic of someone else to allow another to use magic. Like providing power to an energy weapon. Through my research I found that it is possible to be able to do the same thing, but it has to be compatible or it be like infusing type A blood into someone who can't be given that type of blood without it killing them," Professor Membrane said.

"I heard of magic killing the user because they couldn't handle it, but it's mostly from ponies using too much magic that they couldn't handle," Tempest said.

"Yes, which is why, I still need you so that, I'll be able to test it out," Professor Membrane said.

"And I'll get to keep the new horn along with my payment?" Tempest ask.

"Of course. It's in the contract you signed," Professor Membrane said.

"Good," Tempest said as she has plans of her own since she left the service of the Storm King.


Canterlot -

At one of the theme parks, Star, Marco, Pony Head, and Kelly were enjoying themselves away from the adults. The married couples are enjoying themselves with Buff Frog taking Meterora and Mariposa to Lego Land for the day. With the photos that Buff Frog is sending to them with his new smartphone how much he's enjoying the park with the kids, even more then they are.

"Ok girls what's next?" Pony Head ask.

"Pretend to be a unicorn while hiding behind something and then reveal yourself to the ponies and freaking them out?" Kelly suggested.

"That was fun," Star said.

"Those ponies are such cowards," Pony Head said.

"It's no wonder why Sunset has no respect for the ponies. From what I seen they're easy to scare and if anything isn't in their control they start freaking out," Marco said.

"I'm glad that, I don't have to worry about that anymore," Star said. "I understand why she's treating them as she does. They're just too use to having everything going their way."

"Yeah girlfriend, her pony mama just treated them like they're her children and just spoiled them," Pony Head said.

"Now they're force to deal with all the changes that's happening and Sunset isn't just going to cater to their needs only," Marco said.

"Reminds me when I tried that and how that work with my people. At least there isn't a kingdom anymore," Star said. "I still can't believe how many of them join Mina. At least now they have nothing to fight for, with the kingdom’s gone now."

"What happen to her anyways?" Marco ask.

"Who cares," Pony Head said.

"Sunset said that she's putting more work in getting the fillies and foals to get use to the changes," Kelly said.

"Yeah, with how the worlds merge....," Star began to say but stop when she spotted her cousin Rock Johansen with his parents King and Queen. All of them are dress like punks which the Johansen side of the family all took a liking too.

"Hi guys!" Star shouted as she runs up to them.

"Star it's nice to see you," King said.

"Here on vacation too?" Star ask.

"No, we live here now," Rock said.

"Really?" Star ask.

"We're going to open a medieval times dinner theater and casino," Queen explains.

"Oh, did you all meet with Sunset?" Star ask.

"Yes, and what a wonderful family she has. It's like they're a branch of our family," King said.

"They are like our branch of the family," Star said who always had more fun with dad's side of the family.

"RUN!" a pony shouted as she ran ahead of a group of ponies all running for their lives.

"What is it this time?" Star ask as something like this happens with the ponies.

Then she saw what they're running from as uncle Lump who has his head attached to the body of a horse came running by. Which somehow still works for some reason and has many people trying to figure how that works. He ran pass the strange floating headed, faceless man who was walking by.

"Has he been scaring the ponies since he got here?" Star ask.

"Are you kidding once he found that the ponies all freak out when they see him. He's been going around scaring them for fun," Rock said.

"That's our uncle," Star said sighing as somethings will never change.

"Hey get back here with my body!" Pony Head shouted as she flew after Lump pretending that he stolen her body and causing the ponies to scream louder.

"And that's your friend," Rock adds.

"Yup," Star said with Marco and Kelly nodded in agreement.


Camp Lakebottom -

Inside of a large shed that he built himself using his telekinesis, Morceau Oleander was looking through the back of Uhurl truck he rented. Since the merge his plans to use the campers brains in the brain tanks that Dr. Caligosto Loboto created to take over the world, was completely been derailed. The only working model that he had, he had to disassemble and have the pieces ship to him across the country.

Things have been harder since the merge happen and the funding that allowed him to build a nearly a million dollar tank in the first place. His limited savings dried up as he and the other psychonauts had to find a new way of making a living. With only 5 members left with all the others leaving the group. They were lucky to land this security job at this camp, which also allowed them to use their powers to make money. From helping people remember where they misplace something or remember something they forgot.

Both Sasha Nein and Milla Vodello have gone into helping people with their mental issues by going into their minds and handle the issue from the inside. Which the only way they're able to enter people's minds in this new world is by having their hands on their heads to do so. Both of them having to go through alot of red tape to be able to get a license and the people they treat having to sign wavers. Both Razputin Aquato and Lili Zanotto have tried putting ads in the local paper but ended up costing them more then they made. All of them are looking for ways to make money to get the psychonauts back up and running again or at least find someone to foot the bill. It was like someone who going out of their way to sabotage all of their money making ventures.

Olender himself had to resort to many odd jobs to get enough money. He resorted to finding scrap like abandon cars to sell for some money. Seeing how the Brain Tank is missing parts thanks to them being lost during shipping or were stolen. And the tank needing gas, oil, break fluids and all the other things that are needed to get a tank working.

All of which have big price tags attached to them. Luckily he got everyone to believe that the tank is an all terrain vehicle that he's putting together. But without money to buy what he needs and stealing it would just get the cops on him, he wouldn't be able to get the tank up and running anytime soon. (6)

He also had trouble putting the tank back together. He wasn't the one who put the tank together in the first place and had never built anything close to it like a car. So he's been reading and watching videos online to help him out. Which slow him down and cost money as he had to buy the equipment needed for the heavy duty auto work he's doing. It would help if he could get a hold of one of those Mr. Handy's who are program to help at auto work like the ones he seen at the auto shops. But he just didn't have the money for it.

"I need money to get this built right," Olender said to himself as he looks over the mess that is the Brain Tank.

He heard knocking at the door.

"Come in," Olender shouted.

Coming in are Raz and Lili who have been going to the local junkyard to find parts for him seeing how he couldn't afford new parts. They came back with an old shopping cart to lug around the stuff they find.

"Found anything?" Olender ask.

"Nope not much," Raz said showing him the cart that is full of scraps.

"With that new recycler all the trash is just being thrown into it and gets broken down to the basic materials," Lili explains.

"How am I'm going to finish this without the parts?" Olender asked as he looks over the scraps that the kids found and finding nothing he could use.

"Well, there is the fabricator to make the parts," Raz said.

"Only if it has the programing to make what you want and with what I need. I would have to use an industrialize size one which allows that kind of work be done and the only one that is around here is in that factory that so called psychic Gideon Gleeful has," Olender said.

"He's not psychic but somehow he knows everything that happens around here," Raz said.

"My bet is that he found a magical item that gives him his powers. That's why we can't sense him using his powers because his powers are magical," Lili said.

"I wish I could use that fabricator of his. All he does with it is make all of that stuff he sells from that tent. Those dolls and free pins that everyone is wearing," Olender said before eyeing the two kids who are wearing pins.

"What they're free?" Raz said.

"He was giving them away for free when he visited the camp," Lili said.

"He's just giving those away to get people hook onto his con," Olender said.

"Well they're just pins," Raz said as he and Lili left leaving Olender to go back to work.


Gravity Falls -

Stan came back to the Mystery Shack to find both Mabel and Dipper slump on the couch. The deal he had with Gideon's father Bud was called off suddenly. So, Stan stole the clown painting he couldn’t get enough of and ran off with it.

"So, what happened to you two?" Stan ask.

"Gideon," the twins said.

"Gideon. Yeah, the little mutant "swore vengeance" on the whole family. Ha, I guess he's gonna try to nibble my ankles or something," Stan said.

"Mabel, I told you not to get involved with him and you still did it," Dipper said.

"How was, I suppose to know he would turn out like that?" Mabel ask.

"How about listening to me for once and not just go off with someone. It's just like with Norm and you didn't want to listen, and it would had ended up with you dead by the hands of Songbird if I didn't follow you," Dipper pointed out.

"Yeah...," Mabel said looking away from Dipper.

"Why can't you just trust me for once? You always get mad when I don't just take your word, while you never care for mine," Dipper said.

"Well...," Mabel began to say but couldn't find anything to defend her actions.

"I'm going to the shower," Dipper said as he got up and left the room.


Author's Note:

1 - Without magic to keep him alive old no nose evil wizard of the Potter books is long dead and gone for good.

2 - Bringing a magical item that shoots out fire would be like bringing a loaded gun.

3 - Seeing how almost all the magical girls have them going and finish off the monster of the week with a long range spell. They're not front line fighters who would need speed to avoid being hit and should be staying back and casting magic at the monster of the week at long range.

4 - Seeing how the magical girls are almost always below the age of 18 and reality ensures is in play where it's very unlikely they be able to fight a monster of the week who can throw cars around like nothing. Once they're depowered by a simple mute spell that keeps them from casting magic, will end up dead very shortly. And seeing how there isn't any magical girl series that has people throwing mute spells around to stop magic users from casting magic in the first place, they wouldn't have anything to defend them from such spells or a cure for it like in games.

5 - Hiding things away because a group think that the world isn't ready yet. Is like how gays had to be hidden away till it was force out into the open and while the older generation didn't like it, the young generation didn't mind on the most part. As it's the young generation that the future lies and not in having the older generation in accepting change.

6 - Anyone who has ever put together a car or even a motorbike can tell you that you can't just have all the parts and put them together and it would just work. The parts wouldn't have stuff in them like oil or other fluids that are found in an engine, or the gas. You have to add that stuff yourself. A tank being a war machine would have much more stuff that is needed for it to work.

So yeah as anyone who has put together a vehicle can tell you that it cost alot of money and time to do it.