• Published 11th May 2021
  • 1,731 Views, 36 Comments

Fusion Falls (old version) - madhat886

Thanks to several events that all happen at once. Several different universes all suddenly merged into one. And several people who found themselves alone come together in the town of Gravity Falls.

  • ...

TV Time


Twilight was once again watching the news on the couch as Daggett and Norbert were cooking up something in the kitchen. She's lucky to have run into the brothers after she escape her parents’ home. They help her after she spent days or weeks in the forest by herself, till they found her by the lake shore. Well, more of Stump finding her and leading her back to the beaver den and her meeting with the brothers after they came home.

Since then, she's been living with the brothers who in this world found themselves short on cash and no longer could afford what they use to take for granted in their old world. Like how their dam use to produce the power for their home which no longer worked once they're in a lake. And the human food they like to eat and getting mail, packages being delivered to their home. All gone and both of them had a hard time thinking of how they got money in the first place.

But thanks to her figuring out after some research discovered that they could sale their musk to perfume companies for big bucks. Thanks to Stump setting things up and Twilight managing it all the beaver brothers had a steady income coming in for them to afford things again. With her setting up a mailbox at the post office where they could pick up their mail and orders from.

And thanks to living with the brother and Stump being a trained therapist, was able to give Twilight what she needed for her many issues. She no longer so high strung and more laid back, thank to most days being spent with Twilight and the brothers watching tv or playing videogames once they brought some games and systems. Which did wonders for her high blood pressure, which Stump discovered that she had, thanks to all the stress she was under.

"What are you watching?" Daggett ask as he and Norbert join her with sodas and bags of chips.

"News around the world," Twilight said.

On the screen came pictures of elaborate schools that appeared in Japan with most being the size of a small city. Which because of the sheer cost of maintaining such a school and how many of them appeared in places where there are few children thanks to the low birthrates of Japan leaving some classrooms before the merge to only have one student in a class. Have been closed or repurposed for something else, thanks to not having the money to maintain the schools or just not enough students.

Ohtori Academy with the bizarrchitecture and how many stairs and walkways have no safety rails, was shut down and torn down. Mahora Academy was shut down because of lack of replacement students and the sheer cost of upkeep. Ouran Academy whose students were all part of the super-rich suddenly found themselves poor thanks to them being the only part of their world appearing during the merge which happen to many. Which is why it's been closed down, as their funding dried up. The many schools which are based on teaching card games and other stuff like the Duel Monster cards which after the merge found there aren't that many people who view card games and other stuff like it as serious business. Then there are the magic schools that once magic became a thing of the past there wasn't a reason for those schools to stay open. Then there was the issue of how some of those schools are allowed to put students in prisons that are built under the school and what not, which the schools were closed down and the staff and sometimes students were arrested. Not to mention the schools where students went and fight each other, sometimes to the death. Thanks to how most people don't follow the logic of things like that is perfectly normal and ok for schools to do to students. (1)

"How do schools like that can even stay open?" Daggett ask.

"............," Stump said.

"Stump's right, the schools all came from worlds where things just happen that allow things to happen like that," Norbert said.

"Like those adventures you 3 been on which has widespread destruction and your home being destroyed. And the next day everything is ok again like it never happens," Twilight said.

"Yeah, it's a good thing you stop us from doing things like we use to," Daggett said.

"..................," Stump said.

"I agree we must had come from a cartoon like universe for all the stuff that happens to us not to bite us later," Norbert said.

"No reset button, being held accountable for your actions, the police not looking the other way and actually do their jobs, nothing just inexplicably repairs itself just minutes or a day after it's all destroyed and that unless you have a healing factor you just don't get better and death isn't cheap anymore," Twilight listed things off.

"Like that Gumball show during 'The Finale' episode. Every shenanigan, hijink, and misadventure the Wattersons have ever been in comes back to bite them in the butt, turning the entire town of Elmore against them and ruining their lives. With the Wattersons going and making things worse in the hope that everything would just reset like it always does but instead the entire town breaks into their home to kill them," Norbert said.

"Remember how you were all crazy because things just didn't work as it did in your world," Daggett said.

"Yeah, yeah me crazy because nothing needs a pony to take care of it. The leaves fall on their own, the snow melts on its own, the animals take care of themselves," Twilight said.

"..................," Stump said.

"I know if, I didn't run into all of you, I would just be like most of the ponies who are still scared of how this world can't be controlled," Twilight said.

"It is funny when the ponies all panic when it was fall and the leaves were falling without help," Daggett said.

"Then there's Discord's Ponies Being Scared Little Babies videos," Norbert adds.

"Don't remind me of that," Twilight said. "Because of that ponies are now labeled as cowards, control freaks, and can't handle anything that change something."

".................," Stump said.

"Ok it's true on the most part with very few exceptions but still, having your entire race being known as cowards is hard to take," Twilight said.

"We beavers aren't known for being brave you know. We build dams for the reason to hide in them," Norbert said.

"Beavers aren't known for having a mass panic when a stamped of baby bunnies came into town. The only thing holding Equestria together is Sunset and even then she looks down on ponies," Twilight said.

"Those royal guards did try to get her overthrown only for her to used that fake dragon to show everyone that they're all cowards," Norbert said.

"I can't believe that they fell for that. And those guards were all hiding while the ponies they're supposed to be protecting were being eaten," Daggett said.

"That's my brother for you, not one of his soldiers even showed up during the Changeling attack and only the humans are the reason why they were stop and their queen captured," Twilight said.

"Hey look it's El Grapadura!" Norbert shouted as his and Dag's favorite wrestling hero whose name translates in English as The Stapler. "He's now a teacher at the Foremost World Renowned International School of Lucha. Which is the school that airs the wrestling matches on TV, MUCHA LUCHA!"

"So many of our old friends have moved away since the merge," Daggett said.

"Treeflower is working as a firefighter in Canterlot, Barry is there with that club of his with Wolffe and Big Rabbit working for him," Daggett said.

"Well, there is Bing," Norbert said.

"Yeah, but he's never around since getting that job as the mascot for that insurance company," Twilight said.

"Hey, look it's that island resort with that home for imaginary friends," Daggett said.

On the tv is the tropical island of Albonquetine that was settled by the descendants of a British shipwreck. Which after the merge has become a tropical resort island thanks to, Mike Mazinsky a foreign exchange student convincing the island natives to open up a resort to bring in money. The resort is run by Wendell the governor of the island and staff by Alfred and Margery. There is also Old Queeks but he mostly just stays in his mountain cave.

There is also the 3 pirates, Max, Sam, and Gary who are the descended from the pirates who caused the shipwreck and ended up shipwreck themselves. They're working at the resort now, liking all the modern things that make life easier and having regular meals.

Then there are the Cuzzlewits the other natives that time to time intermarried with the Brits, who also work at the resort. Now Mike, Lu and Og are able to enjoy themselves with the children that come to the island. Along with the Cuzzlewits kids, Hermione, her brothers the twins Haggis and Baggis.

The reason for all the changes was that during the merge the island population increased when Foster's home for imaginary friends appeared on the island. Bringing with it hundreds of imaginary friends who in their world are created by humans when they think them up. Madame Foster the owner of the massive manor, her granddaughter Frankie and a young boy name Mac are the only humans that came with the friends. With so many new people on the island they needed a way to feed and house everyone, so they went with a resort. With the island being in a major shipping lane in the new merge world, the island became a major port and a resort.

The friends help around in entertaining the guests mainly the children. As the children of the merge world don't have the power to bring friends to life, the friends are no longer adopted but it didn't mean that they don't like entertaining children. But of course there are friends that don't like Duchess who in this world the home no longer had to put up with her and threw her out where she now lives in a shack near the island's junkyard. As no one wanted anything to do with her or give her a job forcing her to reek out a living from what she can find at the junkyard. The friend that got the most love is World who controls everything in his toybox, which guests pay to spend a vacation in.

"I would love to have a vacation in the World's toybox," Daggett said.

"Well, the cost of a boat trip or a plane would cost alot," Twilight said.

"But something that we can save up for," Norbert said.

"Well, there is our vacation plan for Jurassic Park. And the trip to those islands that Fin the Human came from. I would like to try out the VR world that one island has, now that it's been updated," Twilight said.

"Yeah, and see all of those robots that are controlled by Fin's mom," Daggett said.

"We could start small and try out the Graboid safari. It would be nice to see that Burt Gummers guy," Norbert said.

".......," Stump said as a commercial pop up on the screen revealing a Mr. Handy on the screen in front of General Atomics Galleria.

"It would be nice to have our own robot," Dagget agreed with Stump.

"I'm still not sure about having a A.I. servant," Twilight said.

"They're not A.I.s they use a powerful logic engine so they can't do the robot uprising thing. I mean why create a robot with all the human emotions and able to think and feel only to have them be a toilet scrubber. That's just asking for trouble," Norbert said. (2)

"Like that pizza place that had those robots that went around killing people by stuffing them into those suits with all of those gears inside," Twilight said.

"No that was because of the ghosts of those dead children which was all fix thanks to some friendly ghosts," Norbert said. "Freddy Fazbear Pizza that's the name. But yeah, most robots aren't well programmed like the Mr. Handy's."

"The world where all those Handy and Protectrons is so advance," Daggett said.

".................," Stump said.

"You said it. It's amazing how far they manage to advance without inventing the transistor," Twilight said.

"That what?" Daggett ask.

"It's what came before the computer chip," Norbert said.

"Oh... I just like those robots and those recycling machines. It's fun throwing trash in and seeing all of it coming out as raw materials," Daggett said.

"Mr. House has really been working hard to promote New Vegas now most of the rebuilding is done with. Of course old Vegas has been slandering it and New Vegas in return," Twilight said.

"....................," Stump said.

"He does have all of those robots. And after the Powerpuff Girls and the XJ sisters took care of the those mutant creatures, those raiders, and those Romans. New Vegas seems like a nice place," Norbert said.

On the tv showed the urban public housing project of Chicago. With two men standing in front of one of the buildings.

"I'm trying to clean up this neighborhood, and I'm wondering if you could help me by pointing out some of the drug addicts," Thurgood said.

"Mm, okay, but uh, nowadays drug addicts have some pretty peculiar names," Smokey said.

"You mean nicknames?" Thurgood ask.

"Well, street names like uh, Who's on crack, Say What's on smack, and uh, I Don't Know freebases," Smokey said.

"Well do you know the fellows' names?" Thurgood ask.

"I said Who's on crack, Say What's on smack, and I Don't Know freebases," Smokey said.

"Well, who's on crack?" Thurgood ask.

"Yes," Smokey said.

"I mean, the fellow's name," Thurgood said.

"Who?" Smokey ask.

"The guy on crack!" Thurgood said.

"Who?" Smokey ask.

"The crack addict!" Thurgood said.

"Who is on crack," Smokey said.

"I don't know!" Thurgood shouted.

"I don't know freebases," Smokey said.

"Who freebases?" Thurgood ask.

"No, who's on crack," Smokey explains.

"Say what?" Thurgood ask.

"No, he's on smack," Smokey said.

"Who's on smack?" Thurgood ask.

"No, who's on crack," Smokey said.

"I don't know!" Thurgood said.

"Freebase!" Smokey said.

"Shut up, you damn stupid crackhead!" Thurgood shouted.

"Let's see what's on the news," Twilight said changing the channel to the news.

"................," Stump said.

"Wait there are kids on the moon?" Daggett ask.

"And there's a second moon that's constantly phasing in and out of existence ?" Norbert adds.

"The kids are in a moon base tree house that was hidden thanks to it being on the dark side of the moon. And the moon that is phasing in and out is The Man in the Moon?" Twilight asked.

".....................," Stump said.

"Oh," all 3 said.

"That explains why you disappear now and then," Daggett said.

"So that's why you were in that Mr. Meaty commercial," Twilight said. Remembering where Stump is working at the fast-food place at that mall up north where that man, Mr. Wink said that they don't hire incompetent employees, anymore. Which cut to those teens Drake and Josh being thrown into the trash bin behind the mall.

"Didn't the owner got arrested?" Norbert ask.

"............," Stump said.

"So that's what happen," Twilight said.

A news flash showed pictures of China still in the middle of a civil war but the side with the backing of Taiwan is gaining ground. The China civil war happen because of all the different governments that appeared all fought each other or control, and the side that Taiwan is backing is one being lead by a talking Panda name Po who is a kung fu fighter. His side is one where the non-humans races have gathered together as they wanted equal rights and not seen as animals.

Russia’s civil war is finally over with the sides that join together to defeat the Blisk aliens who were fueling the war for their own bid to take over the country.

England was still dealing with the fallout from the British Library and the Gentleman who once the merge happen caused him to lose his reality warping powers. With the entire agency arrested and the leader a man name Joker executed with the books containing the memories of the Gentleman burn. Which didn’t help matters as there is still the whole magic users trying to gain their powers back by blood offering of hundreds of babies to do so. Which lead to mass lynchings and entire magic users neighborhoods being burn with the residents living there with their homes.

France was still dealing with nazis who came from a world where they won, and the vigilante group Code Lyoko was exposing their plans. With the Miraculous team who thanks to how their magic works still had their powers. (3)

India was awash with chaos as different groups fought each other which was caused by the fighting in the Middle-East spilling over, thanks to all the different groups that appeared as well as creatures and beings from myths and legends.

"Hey the aliens in Russia are the ones that were fighting the alien race of that alien they tried to brainwash everyone to be the president? Well till Ms. Wendy the current president expose and beat him?" Daggett ask.

"That Cyro alien guy? Yeah that sure got people to vote for her, even if she is from that gang Saint's Row," Twilight said.

"It's not like they're a real gang anymore. They sold out and are selling their gang signs on shirts," Norbert said.

Then came a news flash coming from Zootopia which is a large city where all mammals are sapient and live like humans. The news is about a Jake Spidermoney being arrested after he set his school, Charles Darwin Middle School on fire. Which some of the students and staff members died as some of the animal student actually ran into the fire.

His friend Adam Lyon the only human that went to the animal school, told the reporters that Jake is reckless, hyperactive, stupid, chaotic, rude, obnoxious, and ignorant. Before the merge in their old world, because of Jake being stupid and destructive he did things like this all the time, with no one but him pointing things out and the other students and staff always defending Jake no matter what he did. Even them defending Jake right after setting fire to the school.

Which the students were left speechless when ask why would they defend someone who just burn their school and killed many students and teachers, not to mention why they continue to defend him even with all of his past action. Principal Poncharello Pegone Pixiefrog was also in the hot seat for turning a blind eye to a student like Jake, no matter what he did. And now that the school has mostly been burned down and students and staff had died, alot of blame is going to be place on him. (4)

"Reminds me of the Spongebob case," Norbert said.

"Oh yeah," Daggett said.

"...............................," Stump said.

"I still don't understand how they cause that much damage to the palace, or managed to burn down a underwater building," Twilight said.

"........................," Stump said.

"Patrick Star was just too dumb to understand what he did was wrong but he still got many people killed when he and Spongbob destroyed the Atlantica palace. King Triton only imprison Spongbob because he showed remorse for what happen. But Patrick showed nothing and wanted ice cream, which somehow is the reason why everything happen in the first place. He only seem to understand what he did was wrong was when King Triton electrocuted Patrick to death, after passing down his sentence. Followed by having the remains burn in a bon fire so that there wouldn't be anything left in case he wasn't as dead as he seemed," Twilight said.

"How did two who are so small were able to do that in the first place?" Daggett ask.

"No idea but at least Rapture was there for them to move in, sure most places have them only being able to get around by wheelchair but at least they have a home," Stump said.

"And all the other water breathers have made their home around it," Twilight said.

"......................," Stump said.

"Yeah, it is strange that Adam doesn't effect most races, all the water breathers so far aren't effected by it, in giving them super powers anyways," Twilight said.

"What about the ones who are half human?" Norbert ask.

"Don't know. But it does explain why the sea life where Adam is found isn't full of super powered sea life," Twilight said.

"Remember how that squid was dancing on the ashes of Patrick in front of Spongebob. Up to that point Spongebob was living in his own little world. He finally realized that the squid had always hated him and was the reason why the case was so strong against him as the squid.... what's his name was a key witness. And the only reason why everyone in that town... Bikini something, was because of the patties but thanks to the merge happening. He was no longer the only one who can cook good," Daggett said.

"I still don't get how no one else but him could flip patties?" Twilight said.

"It's just the logic to how that world works. Like how many of the merge worlds in Japan, have people who are either great cooks or people who will kill you with their cooking, with nothing between," Norbert said. (5)

"Remember how that squid... I can't remember his name went and pants Spongebob just to kick him while he was down. Everyone was laughing and pointing at him as the guards lead him away as he was sobbing. He's like that woman Dee Dee who went and blew up that fusion thing and thought that no one would punish her for what she did. Or all of those Japanese women who were either arrested or kill for attacking people they thought to be perverts and people just didn't take their side," Daggett said.

"I remember. I don't get how their worlds work where they could hit people with big and heavy things and the ones they hit didn't die," Twilight said.

"Well, it ended with all of them learning that things don't work like in their world anymore. One way or another," Norbert said.

"Those girls from that Hina inn, that school with that angel, Japan really has a problem with that," Twilight said.

"..........," Stump said.

"Yeah, all of those fighters and those fighting schools quickly learn that just because their worlds ran on no one can beat them because they're good at punching doesn't work. With alot of them being killed because they didn't stop when someone with a gun told them to," Daggett said.

"Then there are the ninjas who suddenly found themselves jobless. All of those ninja tricks doesn't work like in fiction anymore, like those Hidden Villages are now just tourist traps. Not to mention that the ninjas use child soldiers and will do anything as long as they're paid to do so. They're a band of thieves, murders and rapists," Norbert said.

"There are those pop star ninjas," Daggett said.

"The Senran Kaguras? They just following the lead of the magical girls who suddenly found themselves powerless. What they been training themselves for is no longer a job option. Sure they can still hired to be spies but the way the spying is done now is more using computers then sneaking into a building," Norbert said.

"They are all young and busty for the most part," Twilight said, still not understanding why breasts are seen as being sexy.

"......................," Stump said.

"That Japanese lawyer you made friends with, Pheonix has to go back to law school with all the others who work in the legal system?" Twilight ask.

"...............," Stump said.

"Yeah, how they do things wouldn't work anymore in this world. Doesn't make sense," Twilight said.

"Like those metebots or something like that. Allowing kids to use robots that are armed with guns and bombs just was asking for trouble," Daggett said.

"Then there are the monsters and how they think things work. Like the Yokai academy where most of the students and teachers like to hurt, kill or rape. They were quickly hunted down by the Japan arm forces. They really didn't understand that they wouldn't win against people with guns now that magic can't be used anymore," Daggett said.

"Like those Shinigami's who are only ghosts in their ghost zone but once in the living world they become human," Twilight said.

"Stump didn't you say that they're fighting that ghost knight leading all of those other ghosts from the ghost zone where Danny Phantom's powers came from?" Norbert ask.

"..........," Stump said.

"That answers that," Twilight said.

"They are the ones who started it. Their powers doesn't work anymore and they tried to takeover the ghost zone where the ghosts still have their powers," Norbert said.

"Boy that was dumb of them," Daggett said.

"At least the ghost villains are busy fighting those shinigamis to bother with the living world," Norbert said.

"Hey look the Colonel Kluckin's Kichen locations have been sold to KFC," Twilight said seeing the latest news flash on the tv.

"Isn't that the food chain that would be more at home in the City where Mr. Membrane came from?" Norbert ask.

"Yup," Twilight said.

"I don't get how those people ever managed to survive as they are. They barely remember to how to breathe," Daggett said.

"Like that upper management of that company that my online friend Dilbert use to work at. They either been blacklisted or been arrested for what they did," Norbert said.

"Hey look!" Daggett said pointing to the TV.

On the tv was a commercial for the Mr. Series of collectible toys from Wondertainment, which are sole in Happy Meals.

"Can't believe that guy from Korra's world, Varrick went and partner up with Wonka to start a toy company of all things," Twilight said.

"...................," Stump said.

"You work there?" Norbert ask.

"..................," Stump said.

"Oh, you sell your ideas to them," Daggett said.

"Hey, look it's those two freelance police, Sam and Max," Twilight said pointing to the TV which has Max and Sam standing in front of flaming ruins of a hospital and standing between the two is a pale naked man who has been dressed in a pair of pants and a iron mask that has been welded onto his head and attracted to a chest harness to keep it in place. The news reporter told the viewers at home how the two captured a creature who attack and eat anyone who see's its face.

"Those two can catch creatures but the damage they do....," Twilight said.

"........................," Stump said.

"He's right if it wasn't for them putting that giant Greenland sized crab like thing to sleep, it would had wreck South America before it headed north where were at," Norbert said.

"They are only called when nothing else is working," Daggett said.

"I hope they won't be called to help around here," Twilight said.


Out in space -

She's been waiting for a very long time. Wondering if she's doing it right as she continues to wait for her to return. Under the endless night sky she waited for the return of her diamond to return to her.

She's been standing still and not moving from the spot that she was told not to move from. Even as the garden around her had overgrown then die without anyone to care for it. The vines of some plants had grown and wrap themselves around her legs but she didn't move as she was told not to for the game they're playing. She just waited as she was told, staring at the warp pad where her diamond would return... one day.

"WELL, WELL, WELL, WELL, WELL, WELL," a voice called out.

For the first time in ages, she turn her head around to see who spoke.

".... whose.... there?" she said struggling to speak as she hadn't spoken for over 6000 years.

A flat yellow triangle with black arms and legs and a single eye, wearing a bow tie and tophat appeared floating in the air.


"Deal?" she ask.


"....abandon me?" Spinel ask.



Author's Note:

1 - With how big and fancy most anime and manga schools are, not to mention how big they are, the land taxes alone would bankrupt the schools. Then there are all the cost of upkeep and paychecks for all those who work at the school, not just teachers but the army of gardeners, janitors, repair crews to keep a city size school running. Then there are the power and water bills and other bills for all the taxes that need to be paid. Unless the schools charge tons of money for each student there is no way any school would be able to afford to stay open, not to mention how a city size school would cost millions to build and seeing how its in Japan with the amount of land the schools take up, would be costing billions. Which is in dollar value and the schools would be in dept having to pay it all off for years. And that's for the more normal schools and not the ones with all the advance tech and other things like robots and stuff like that, which would cost millions.

2 - Why would you make a robot that can think for itself, have emotions and feel when it's only job is to clean a toilet?

3 - Lady Bug and her team still have their magical powers thanks to their magic not being spell casting magic. Their magic comes from their small magical partners, which is like in Slayers where Lina is able to borrow the magic of someone else, like the spell Dragon Slave which the power came from the demon lord, which is why the spell didn't work on him. Where the caster has no magic but can borrow the magic of someone else as long as the one they're borrowing the magic from allows it.

4 - Outside of a TV show where the logic of how the show world works, in always believing a stranger over someone you have known for years, staying friends with someone who never treats you as a friend, two people who hate each other are married to each other, and expecting to get away with anything just because, doesn't work in real life.

5 - In almost all fiction you either can't cook to the point where you can burn soup or when you pour milk into a bowl of cereal it burst in flames. Or so good that people will fight to the death for it. Can't really think of any who are just normal.