• Published 11th May 2021
  • 1,730 Views, 36 Comments

Fusion Falls (old version) - madhat886

Thanks to several events that all happen at once. Several different universes all suddenly merged into one. And several people who found themselves alone come together in the town of Gravity Falls.

  • ...

Fight Fighters


Deep within the middle of the woods. A certain 12 year old boy was wearing a certain outfit and singing a certain song. His young and untouched body was all but being offered to the things that lived in the woods.

‘Well...Who wants a lamby, lamby, Lamby?’

‘I DO! I DO!’

Shouted a giant, green eyed, red haired wolf that had entered the clearing.

The Lamb looked at this newcomer with mixed feelings. On the one had he was afraid, for he knew this beast had come to eat him. But he didn't want to run either... For there was a part of him that knew he'd enjoy it. Not knowing what else to do the lamb nervously continued his song...

‘...So, go up and greet your Mammy, Mammy, Mammy.’

‘Hi there! Hi there!’

Said the Wolf as it continued to advance and lick her lips in anticipation.

‘...So march, march, march around the daises-‘

‘Don't, Don't, Don't you forget about the baby!’

Shouted the wolf as she pounced, overpowered, and rav-


Wendy gasped as she woke up, she looked around the campsite her aunts had set up... and groaned. The dreams were getting more intense... her mom had assured her she shouldn't be going through the 'change' yet and minor 'twinges around a guy she REALLY liked were normal (that of course, prompted an even MORE awkward conversation)... but this just felt so INTENSE... and why was she a WOLF in them? Yeah, it went with the Lamby theme... but shouldn't she be a deer?

Her aunts had taken her out into the woods to help her and why she's out camping with them. Saying that some time with older Deer Woman and not having any males around will help her. Something about pheromones coming from them helping to suppress her own and keep the urges down. And being able to act as batteries that feed her urges by second hand which was how Wendy's mother fed her when she was preadolescent.

As Deer Women are of the succubi race they need to feed on sexual energy to remain healthy. It doesn't just mean they need to have sex, they can just feed on it second hand just by being nearby when the act happens or on the residual energy from where it happen. Or for young Deer Women being around older ones. Which is why Wendy's tent is far from her aunts who are all sharing the same tent and loud music is playing so that she wouldn't hear what's going on inside.

She sighs and gives the plushie Dipper won for her a cuddle.... and sighs... "Dang it mom, why did you have to tell me the age of consent in Oregon was 14? I didn't-"

Her phone rang, she smiled as she saw it was Dipper. "Hey buddy! How are..." She trailed off...

Her screams of "HE DID WHAT!?!" Would wake the entire forest... if it wasn't for the fact her aunts already beat her too it.


Camp Lakebottom -

Not far from her cabin Ronnie Anne was practicing her archery skills on a training dummy. She's not alone as Six is with her in the training area, Six is also learning to use a bow. Near them is Lincoln being shown how to draw the bow and aim from Huntress Wizard.

Meanwhile, they were being watched Milla, Sasha, and Simon. They're glad that Six is improving and happy. But they still can't help be worried about the things Six said about the Maw, especially Simon.

After Six's story was told, Simon got concerned and had the Maw checked out and the children he rescued were interviewed. The kids say how they all had night terrors in the Maw... but that they stopped shortly after the lady was killed. And although many hungered (some even resorting to cannibalism)... none had it to the extent Six did. They also discovered that some of the older children had hit their growth spurt and were always hungry and growing. Seeing how many of the doors of the Maw are around 20 feet tall, it was quickly oblivious that the children start off small but quickly got big once they hit puberty.

Danny searched it for malevolent entities but found nothing, which in itself was odd. Even from worlds where ghosts are nonexistent, when a place with a violent death came through in the merge, there was usually at least a minor wisp or at least an echo. But the places where the granny, the janitor, the guests, or the lady died had NOTHING like that... which he found suspicious...

"The absence of evidence can be evidence on its own," quoted Simon

Although they conclude that Six was different from the other children (the other kids just weren't as capable, Six alone was able to both Brave the entirety of the Maw AND figure out the Lady's weakness), and also that the lady must've been causing the 'corruption' to occur in the maw. According to the papers that Simon found in the lady chambers, the lady had created the Maw. The lady had been casting a hypnotic spell that kept the engines of the Maw running, which was making the nomes feed the massive furnaces coal and the belongings of the guests that couldn't be used, traded or sold for supplies, mainly their clothes and shoes.

There was also something that they discovered from the Lady’s personal notes. While she didn’t kept a diary or anything like that she did kept tons of paperwork and notes. But the strange thing is that it seemed that the Lady wasn’t the first Lady of the Maw. The notes and other things that been pieced together seems that the Lady is just the last of a long line of other Ladies of the Maw.

A worried Simon begins to put contingency plans in place just in case, there's nowhere else for the people inside to go. Most places have been filled to capacity, thanks to so many people appearing thanks to the merge. The earth benders of Korra's world are working around the clock to build new homes for so many displaced people.


Elsewhere in the camp -

Meanwhile, Jenny was talking to the Young 7.

"The fountain of youth was right where you said it be. But it’s long since dried up and the water isn’t magical anymore,” Jenny said.

“Too bad Clockwork won’t let us travel back in time,” Occuleus said.

“Sorry but time travel is messy and only someone like Clockwork can do that with any real skill. You are all lucky that he allowed you and your friends collect all those books in the first place. Besides you can only travel into the past of one world where Gravity Falls is from,” Jenny said.

“Why is that?” Occuleus asked.

“Clockwork says it’s because the merge caused all of our worlds to merge with this one so the past wouldn’t be a mess,” Jenny explains. “Just inform me and my sisters if you all find anything else in those books.”

Jenny flew off leaving the kids behind.


In Gravity Falls -

Robbie groans having been stuff into a trashcan as Wendy dust her hands, and she turns to Dipper and Twilight.

"So let me so if I have this straight? You got a 'flash' of a future where you used 'Rumble Mcskirmish' to help protect you from Robbie, and everyone called you a cheat, despite the fact Robbie was already cheating being twice your size?" Wendy ask.

"Yep," Dipper said.

"And... you and Robbie decided to 'hate each other silently' because I said I hate it when guys fight?" Wendy ask again.

"Yep," Dipper said again.

"Oh, for the love of... that is so stupid! That is such a cheesy band-aid solution! That is like one of those episodes where the star of the show is told it's wrong to fight or defend himself! Obviously I would've sided with you if I learned Robbie had threatened you!" Wendy said.

"Or one of those times the writer doesn't want to change the 'status quo' so early in the first season, and has to make-up a half-assed band-aide solution to wrap up the episode! I hate those! Staying quiet about abuse or bullying is just asking for trouble!" Twilight said.

"I can't believe my other self didn't think to use the skills the manitour's taught him or just CALLED Wendy....," Dipper sigh shaking his head. "I'm starting to think I DO have a problem with complexity addiction."

Twilight puts a comforting hoof on his shoulder.

"It's okay Dipper, I have the same issue. When Rainbow Dash got too braggy, I thought it be a good idea to make a fake super-hero to upstage, humiliate her and destroy her reputation to humble her instead of just talking to her...," Twilight trails off mortified as she hears what she says, and her friends look at her in horror.

"Wow," Dipper said.

"Wow is right... this sounds WORSE when I say it out loud! What was I thinking?! I treated Rainbow like crap that week... Maybe I should go apologize?" Twilight said.

"Uh... let's put a pin in that for now. I think we should do something about that 'ultimate cheat code' at the arcade that brings characters from games to life," Dipper said.

"Yeah, that's a disaster waiting to happen," Wendy said.


Flashback -

The Arcade the town's arcade has been a staple of the town of Gravity Falls for years. With arcade games that had been locally made during the 80s during the arcade boom before the first home consoles were made. Which all the games were either based off of other games or classic rip offs. Like BG Painter Extreme, The Claw a crane game, Ho-Down Hero a Dance Dance Revolution rip off, Insert Token which is just a game where the play inserting a quarter to win, Fight Fighters a Street Fighter rip off, Frog Time a Frogger rip off, Ghost Maze a Pac-Man rip off, Lazer Wizard a pinball game, Nerd Punch 2 a game where the player punch a nerd, Nort based on Tron, and Pizza Time a BugerTime rip off.

After the merge and more tourist stopping by the town and spending money. The Arcade had been making more money where the owner had brought in more games into the arcade. Mostly arcade games from other arcades that have closed down.

One such place is Litwak's Arcade which appeared without the owner. The power was left on thanks to the fact it had solar panels on the roof, allowing the games to remain on. The characters of all the games are all alive and suddenly found no one ever came in to play them. The arcade just remained empty, and the solar panels kept the games running even when the city turn the power off.

Then someone brought the arcade and began selling off all the games. Unplugging the games one by one as the owner found a buyer. Making the characters flee from one game to another till there was only Fix-It Felix Jr. left, with all the other games having been sold. Leaving only the Game Central Station as the last place for all the unplug characters to go to.

Inside Fix-It Felix Jr. has became crowded even with Felix building new apartment buildings there was only so much space he could build without it appearing on the screen. But everyone was making do as they could with as much time as they had left.

"Bad news people," sergeant Tamora Jean Calhoun shouted down from the roof top. She's been using her sniper rifle to spy on the owner who has been unplugging all the games as they were sold to a buyer.

"We're being unplugged?" Sour Bill guessed who is sitting with other Sugar Rush citizens around a fire with a cooking pot hanging over it.

"Ralph what happens after a game is unplug and replug?" Vanellope ask Ralph.

"It happen to Pac-Man when his game was moved around and when new power strips replaced old ones. They just don't remember anything after being unplug," Surge Protector informed everyone. "All the games had that happen to them expect for Fix-It. I should know the game station has been working for over 30 years since the arcade had open."

"Well, I hopefully I got all of us programed into the hard drive," Doctor Eggman said who had hacked into the hard drive. "But all I could do was upload one picture of each of us. That's only so much I can load into a more then 30 year old hard drive."

"So you and the others won't remember anything or anyone else if what Eggman doesn't work?" Vanellope ask.

"Sorry kid," Ralph said as he hugs her as the new owner pulled the plug of the power strip.

But it wasn't the end for any of them. Once power was restored all the game characters found themselves as they were, right before the game was unplugged. They quickly exited the game going to the new game station but when they got there they found nothing there. And once the arcade was closed and they venture into the other games, they found none of the other game characters being sapient like them.

So with nothing else to do the game characters have been going in and out of the different games and collect the in game generated items. And they just stayed in the background of the games and kept out of sight from the people coming into the arcade. Of which caught all of their interest as there were humans coming in and non humans. From what they manage to overhear and piece together, many different worlds merged together. Making many wonder if that's the reason why they're sapient and the other games aren't. The best that Doctor Eggman was able to come up with is that in their world all game characters are actually A.I.s and he was still amazed what he did with the hard drive actually worked, he's not complaining. (1)


Present -

The arcade was open for business like always with people coming in to play and to hang out. But today someone new came into the arcade. The man who step inside was dress in black that stood out with his blood red body. The man had walked into town and was surprise how little people look at him, seeing how he has long claws and his head is anything but human. But him seeing how many different non-humans are also walking about, people just got use to it.

Shaking it off the man name Thrax went to work in finding that code that demon told him about. He's the one who made him into what he is now and saved him. Now that he was human sized he could interact with the outside world without dying thanks to drying out in the sun.

Thrax remembers how he had enter the body of Frank DeTorre, a widower without the slightest regard for hygiene and health, right after he eats an egg that had monkey saliva on it and then fell on a muddy ground. He then enters Frank City, a city inside Frank's body where all his body cells are living a life identical to that of humans. Thrax quickly takes control of the many gangs of bacteria present and plans to take advantage of Frank's poor health condition to operate undetected.

Osmosis Jones, one of Frank's white blood cells who acts as an elite police officer, and a cold pill named Drix soon discover that something dangerous was going on, but the objectionable Mayor Phlegmmings dismisses their warnings, going as far as refusing to acknowledge Thrax as a serious threat when he can no longer ignore his existence.

Jones infiltrates a meeting of Thrax and his thugs in a zit, attempting to get in on Thrax's plans, discovering that he is plotting to kill Frank and that he had already killed previously. When he is caught, Drix arrives to assist Ozzy. After a brief battle, the zit explodes, killing most of Thrax's gang and conceivably the virus himself but he turns out to have survived. Later on Thrax and his remaining thugs hide out in the toenail. As Thrax prepares to get back on schedule, one of his gangsters suggest they incubate for a while as they are few in numbers. Angered, Thrax kills his remaining mobsters by impaling them with his deadly claw, quoting "Medical books aren't written about losers!" as he heads off to kill Frank on his own.

Jones and Drix are ordered to cease their investigations, but they eventually disobey and manage to track down Thrax. He had sneaked into the hypothalamus and stole a DNA bead, causing Frank's body temperature to increase without end and seriously threatening his life. Jones and Drix manage to pursue Thrax outside of Frank's body (who has been admitted in a hospital) and Jones engaged him into a fight to get back the DNA bead.

When Thrax corners Ozzy atop Shane's false eyelash, the virus threatens to kill her and start a new chain, but the cop replies that only Thrax is going down, obvious that he was too dangerous to be left alive. As Ozzy traps Thrax onto the falling falsie, the cop clings onto Shane's real eyelash, and Thrax falls into a bottle of rubbing alcohol, and would had dissolves and burns to death once and for all. If it wasn't for that red demon saving him.

Looking at the sides of the the game cabinets he finally found the ultimate code on the side of Fight Fighters. Thanks to the demon giving him knowledge of the new world he's in, he knows about the world and the tech thanks to him using the smart phone he was given to look things up online. He had wanted to use the code to upgrade himself using the 'plague inc evolved' game, but the code could only be used on consoles that had a joystick or a controller. Touch screens just didn't work.

He began looking around the arcade and set his sights on the first game he spotted that didn't had anyone play. The rail shooter arcade game, CarnEVIL. Thrax was about to bring the villains in the game to life when he suddenly realized that for the code to work, the game needed a joystick with buttons to work, just like the reason touch screens wouldn't work. Thinking of it he guess he could use the code on home game consoles but he needed to get some minions first.

He went to Fight Fighters and enter the code into the machine. The arcade machine began glowing with the machine asking to select a player. Thrax choose the villain of the game Dr. Karate, causing the 2D fighter appear who is made out of pixels and looking at him at the side showed that he's completely flat.

Thrax walk over to the next game Centipede and did the same to it bringing to life several centipedes. The gamers inside the arcade had watched all happen had crowded around Dr. Karate in amazement seeing a videogame character brought to life. But seeing giant centipedes coming out of one of the games caused them to run out in a panic. Leaving Thrax alone as he continue to bring more characters to life, and finding out that he could choose all of the characters. Like what he did with Space Invaders, bringing to life a invasion fleet, of course they're still flat being 2D pixels.

Frowning Thrax tried it with the Killer Instinct game with the 3D models. Summoning the fighters he was pleased that all of them weren't flat. He did the same with Mortal Kombat, Soulcalibur, and Dead or Alive bringing only the villain fighters to life. All the fighters that he brought to life were just standing around as they suddenly found themselves in a strange building and were left confused in what's happening.

Thrax rips open the Space Invader cabinet and looks inside of it and spots the game cartridge and came up with an idea to be able to summon the cast from CarnEvil. Thrax rips open the CarnEvil cabinet and pulls out the cartridge and plugs it into the Space Invader cabinet and like he thought would happen the opening for CarnEvil showed up on the screen. He enters the code and brought to life Professor Lugwig von Tokkentakker who brought with him his carnival known as CarnEvil.

The legendary haunted amusement park appeared in Gravity Falls just like how it happen in the game. Carnival buildings and rides burst out of the empty spaces of the town, the carnival was divided into four sections.

The Freak Show where the cast that appears on the level are Maggot Mike who will later turn into Flem the Fly, the conjoined twins Flap Jack, the spider monkey Nik-Nak, the torture duo Tort and Rodz, the giant Eyeclops and the even bigger Frankenstein like giant baby Junior.

The Haunted House home to the undead Rotten Robbies, the ghostly Ghools, the giant spiders Arachne and Legs, the giant bat Batty, the mask killer with the gatling gun arm Hambone, and the axe swinging Evil Marie.

Rickety Town home to the evil elves known as Tinsel, the man eating dinosaurs Carny, the giant biting flies Buzzy, the always smiling mechanics Smiley Bob, the food court workers known as Skeleteens, and Krampus the evil Santa.

Then there's the big top that is the home to the flying winged Muertito the bat boys, the mimes known as Mame, the giant clowns Mister Ozob, the tiny clowns Smeek, the clown doctors Dr. Klot and the rabid circus poodles Broodle. Expect for the bosses all the cast members of the carnival had many copies of themselves, being grunts and all. And flying high over the town is Tokkentakker's personal zeppelin, crewed by skeletons and Umlaut the flying jester skull.

Professor Tokkentakker was as confused as everyone else who was summon by Thrax. Sensing his minions nearby he called Umlaut who appeared next to him and told him to summon the others to come to him. He needed to know where they are and who is the strange man who is using arcade cabinets to summon people. He spotted the arcade cabinet where the intro of CarnEvil is being played giving him a clue and letting him put the pieces together.

Then Thrax spotted Fix-It-Felix Jr. which to his surprise saw alots of different game characters all watching what's happening. Seeing that they been spotted they all ran off screen only leaving the ones who are suppose to be in the game there. All trying to act like nothing wrong had happen.

Not being fooled Thrax walked over and stared at the screen and enter the code. The screen glowed asking to select a character and Thrax answered, 'all of them'. With that all the videogame characters that been uploaded into the hard drive of the all come out, causing a wave of bodies to press and burst out of the Arcade.

"Well that was a surprise," Thrax said as he pulled himself out of the pile of bodies. He realized that somewhere in the wave of bodies he had lost the smartphone.

"Ok what's the big idea?" Kano ask getting up. "What kind of magic did you do to summon all of us here?"

"I agree what did you do?" Shao Kahn ask summoning his hammer.

"What none of you know you're all just characters in a game?" Thrax ask.

"A game?" Kronika asked.

“We’re a game?” Kano ask.

“You didn’t know?” the Kano who came out of Fix It Felix spoke up surprising the other Kano and the other villains of Mortal Kombat seeing their counterparts who are them but dress differently.

"I already figured that out," Professor Tokkentakker said as he looks around seeing all of his minions had gathered around him. He then turns his attention to Thrax. "You brought all of us to life. What reason do you have to do that?"

"Glad that you ask. I'm looking for volunteers. Some Gombas who want in on a big score," Thrax said.

“Oh this is one of those you freed us and we’re now your minions kind of thing,” Mario said.

"I take orders from no one," Shao Kahn shouted.

"Then don't all, I need you and the others to do is go out and do some damage, be villains and keep any of the heroes around here off my back," Thrax said remembering his end of the deal that he agreed to with the demon Him.

"But we're not villains," Ralph spoke up.

"We're only villains when we're on the clock," the other Kano said.

"You're not?" the Kano who came out of the MK game ask.

"Unlike you and the others we were always aware that we're just a game," the other Kano explains.

“We’re more like actors,” the other Shao Kahn said.

"Just a game? Actors!" Shao Kahn shouted his anger building up.

"Just great, I summon a bunch of actors instead of real villains," Thrax said seeing all that was needed to light this powder keg was someone losing control. "I should had gone with other games, instead of lame fighting games. With their lame, weak ass bosses."

"You dare!" Shao Kahn shouted as he throws his hammer at Thrax who to everyone's surprise flatten himself to the ground like a cartoon, thanks to the fact he's a humanoid virus and has no bones inside of him.

The hammer struck the shin of Junior, sending the giant monster baby falling and crying. The people below Junior drove for cover as the giant baby fell and started to panic as the baby started crawling after Shao Kahn. The mad baby lash with his arms as he smash at the ground trying to crush the fleeing Shao Kahn from his wrath. The rest of the CarnEvil cast seeing this charge at the other fighters, causing a free for all fight.

Which is what Dipper, Twilight and Wendy found once they got into town.


Canterlot -

Sunset received a call from Twilight as she was busy calling for help once word got to her about what's happening at Gravity Falls. She’s watching the live news fee on the tv in her office. Showing videogame characters fighting on the streets, the air for the ones who can fly and on buildings.

"Sunset video game characters are coming to life!" Twilight shouted over the phone.

"Tell me something that, I don't know," Sunset said watching the news of what’s happening in Gravity Falls. "I already sent the phantoms and sent some guard robots to support them."

"What about Jenny and her sisters?" Twilight ask.

"They're all being upgraded and are all off line. But don't worry I called in some help from the East Coast, the Powerpuff Girls," Sunset said.


Gravity Falls -

After the merge happen The Powerpuff Girls found themselves as busy as ever. They really didn't have to worry about monsters attacking Townsvile anymore thanks to the monsters getting into the movement to live with humans instead of being separated. And unlike what happen last time things didn't just went back to the status quo. They work with the XJ sisters in protecting their country, with them being on the east coast while the sisters handle the west coast. Seeing how their town is on the east coast while the sisters are better suited to handle all the machine animals that are mainly on the west coast. And with the sisters all being upgraded they're covering for them and are on the call.

"Ok girls let's do this," Blossom who like her sisters had retired their old superhero outfits for new ones, now that they're older. They're all wearing black one yoga jumpsuit with a skirt and shirt of their personal colors.

"I can't wait to see the ponies!" Bubbles said, who is wearing her octi backpack.

"I can't wait to kick videogame villain butts for real," Buttercup said who is wearing a black jacket and wearing gloves with metal knuckles on them, with steel toe combat boots. (2)

Appearing above Gravity Falls, the girls found the town in chaos as the many different videogame characters are fighting. They spotted Danny and Dani down there fighting off several evil looking clowns. There is also Fin and Jake fighting along side with Juniper on the ground, with Huntress Wizard on the roof tops giving them covering fire. The police force are shooting zombies in the head, with the Psychonauts helping them. Korra was kept busy keeping the towns people safe from the fighting, and joined by Star's group who are also helping to protect people from the battle going on. They're being helped by videogame characters who are fighting against the ones who are going wild.

"Glad to see you," Jake said in his dragon form flew up to greet them.

"What's happening?" Blossom ask.

"It seems that some of the videogame characters are aware that they're videogame characters and treat it as a job. They're the ones who are protecting people and keeping the other game characters from doing damage," Jake said.

"So how do we tell?" Bubbles ask.

"Just beat up anyone who attacks you," Jake answers.

"Great!" Buttercup shouted as she flew down and destroys several space invaders. Followed by her sisters as they took down all the invaders from space.


Near the arcade -

Thrax smiled as he plugs in the xbox inside the nearby game store. He had done his research and he decided on which game he'll be bringing to life next. The videogame Prototype which has a virus that would allow him to have all sorts of superpowers thanks to the virus. And he'll be able to consume people to gain their memories, skills and appearances, not to mention those who still have powers, their powers as well.

"Hold it right there!" Twilight shouted as she, Dipper and Wendy burst into the store.

"What are you doing?" Wendy asked.

"And why are you doing all of this," Dipper said.

"Name's Thrax and see this?" Thrax said holding up a necklace. "This DNA bead comes from a girl in Riverside, California. Didn't like to wash her hands. Took me three whole weeks. And this one. Nice lady in Detroit, Motown. Six days flat. Then there's this old guy in Philly. I killed him in seventy-two hours. I'm getting better as I go, but the problem is I never set a record. I was so freaking minuscule it was a joke... until now, that is! I'll take this world down! Start the mother of all epidemics! Get my own chapter in the history books!"

"You're a virus?" Twilight ask. "But you're so big?"

"Got help from a demon name Him who saved me and grew me to human size. And he only ask for me to make some videogames come to life. Now that, I have and know the code. I'll going to upgrade myself to be the ultimate virus thanks to the game Prototype," Thrax said.

"Him? He’s a villain of the Powerpuff girls" Dipper said.

"Well we're going to stop you," Wendy said.

"Too late,' Thrax said as he already entered the code to make himself into the ultimate virus. "I'm going to create a plague so great that, I'll be in every medical book and history book!"

The screen unlike what happen with the arcade screen, didn't started glowing. The screen just stayed on the opening screen of the game. Thrax enter the code again and still nothing, he repeated the code, even looking at the code he had written down to make sure he entered it correctly. Still there was nothing, the code is right it just that the code wouldn't work on the game console.

"What you know looks like the code only works for the arcade games," Dipper said.

"Forget that, he's the one who is causing all of this trouble and for what?" Wendy ask.

"Just trying to be the ultimate virus," Thrax said as he waves his left hand showing his infectious claws on that hand. "Careful, I'm contagious."

"Only if you can touch us," Tamora shouted as she and her men burst into the store after one of them spotted what was going on.

Thrax burst through the backdoor as bullets rip into his body, only thanks to him being a virus he wasn't killed.

"After him!" Tarmora shouted as she and her men with her chase after Thrax.

"So what's the plan?" Twilight ask seeing how the soldiers are handling the one who started this mess.

"Go to the arcade and figure out how to stop all of this," Dipper said.

"How did it end in your flash forward?" Wendy ask Dipper.

"I let Rumble beat me in our fight making him the winner and then the Game Over appeared and he just disappeared," Dipper said.

"That doesn't make sense," Twilight said.

"Don't you play videogames? When the player either wins or loses, the game is over," Wendy said.

"So we just need to get a game over for everything to return to normal, ok. But how?" Twilight ask.

"Beat the boss and that's it," Dipper said.

"Ok beat the boss," Twilight said texting the heroes about how to fix everything.

Peeking and listening on in was Umlaut who Professor Tokkentakker sent to gather information.


The Arcade -

Inside the arcade Professor Tokkentakker is with a number of his minions as they search the arcade for whatever brought them to life. Professor Tokkentakker had grabbed the smartphone and because it wasn't lock he quickly figured out how to use it and look up information, thanks to Thrax leaving up the webpages he was reading. The webpages displayed were about the merge and the new world that the world had become because of it. He found it interesting how most magic is no longer usable thanks to all spell casting magic being gone and only passive magic being left. But seeing how many fellow videogame characters are casting spells, them being from a videogame meant they're different enough where the no spell casting doesn't apply to them.

"Boss there are people who know how to put all of us back into the game. They just need to beat the boss of the game, which for us is you," Umlaut shouted as he flies to his boss.

From the back of the room Thrax burst into the room with him barricading the backdoor he came in. Loud banging could be heard on the other side as the ones chasing after him tried to break in. Followed by the ones just blasting the door to pieces. One of the bullets struck Hambone who began firing his gatling gun arm at the shooters, causing a fire fight as the soldiers on the other side took cover and return fire. The minions in the room charged at the soldiers and were cut down before they got close.

"Curses, Evil Marie get us out of here. Back to the zeppelin," Tokkentakker shouted seeing Hambone being cut down in a hail of bullets.

"Yes boss," Evil Marie said seeing the last of the clowns being killed.

Evil Marie grabs Tokkentakker and flew into the air with him to the zeppelin, followed by Umlaut as the soldiers fired at them. There Tokkentakker shouted for the skeleton crew to start the engines and to throw tow lines and rope ladders over the side for the minions to grab and climb up as they escape. He ordered Umlaut alert everyone that they're leaving and anyone left behind is on their own.

Hearing Umlaut shouting above them to grab the tow lines and rope ladders or be left behind, caused a mad scramble for all the non flying CarnEvil minions. The only one who didn't listen was Junior who was still after Shao Khan and is now fighting off the Powerpuff girls as they flew around him. Not getting close enough for him to attack them.

The Rotten Robbies were too slow and the other minions just shove and push them out of the way as they grab the ropes and began climbing up. Some of the flying minions like Muertito the bat boys grabbed some of the smaller and lighter minions to help them escape. Mostly the Smeeks and the Broodles who are light enough for them to fly with. The zeppelin began to rise into the air as it gain more speed leaving behind more and more minions. The Eyeclops had managed to grab onto one of the rope ladders as it flew pass him and allowing some of minions to grab onto him as they were all lifted into the air as the minions onboard the zeppelin pulled them up.

"Wait for me!" Krampus shouted running to grab onto the last tow line.

He had taken off his skates and drop his bag of toys. Hanging onto the rope ladder waving for him to grab it is a Smiley Bob. As Krampus was about to grab it he ran into Robbie who had freed himself from the trashcan had gone back to town and was watching the heroes fight the videogames that came to life, when the evil Santa ran into him. Getting up Krampus saw his chance to escape flying away, he turn his rage towards Robbie. Slashing with his clawed hand, shredding Robbie's hoodie causing Robbie to scream seeing he's about to die.

Only Buttercup who was flying after the zeppelin to fly down and punch Krampus down the street. Seeing how many minions hadn't made it onboard the zeppelin. Buttercup had to let the zeppelin go so that she could begin beating up the remaining minions on the ground. But then remembered that she has eye beams and she fires a blast from her eyes hitting the zeppelin and setting it on fire causing it to fall out of the sky, landing on the cliff that surrounded Gravity Falls.


Near the Arcade -

Twilight using her telekinesis protected Dipper and Wendy as they ran to the arcade. Running pass the leftover circus minions that are still fighting and the villain fighters who are still running about. As they neared the building the soldiers from before ran out, firing at something inside. They got their answer as a giant red Godzilla like monster burst out.

Shao Khan having been grabbed and thrown by Junior, flew through the air and struck the red Godzilla. The red Godzilla look down at Shao Khan and steps on him and scrap its foot on his body grinding him across the ground. The words ‘game over’ appeared in the air and all the Mortal Kombat villains disappeared. Causing the remaining villain fighters to start running as they didn’t want to disappear too.

"Quick get inside!" Twilight shouted lifting Dipper and Wendy up with her telekinesis shoving them into the ruin arcade before she ran inside.

"Ok what just happen? That look like Thrax transforming into Liz from Rampage," Wendy said having seen his face before he fully transformed.

"I'm guessing he used the code on Rampage over there," Twilight said pointing to the Rampage cabinet.

"Why are there bodies here?" Dipper ask pale seeing all the dead bodies. "Shouldn't they just burst apart?"

"Well these guys are from CarnEvil and that's a shooting game with blood and gore so nope," Wendy said getting a bit pale herself seeing real dead bodies for the first time outside of a funeral.

"Never mind them they'll all disappear once, I figure out how to send all of them back," Twilight said.

"You'll do that while, I stop Thrax," Wendy said.

"How?" Dipper ask.

"You use the code and I'll transform myself into the giant wolf to take him down," Wendy said.

"Wait the Powerpuff girls can handle him, they do it all the time," Dipper said.

"They're on the other side of town dealing with the giant baby," Wendy pointed out. The Powerpuff girls were just keeping the baby away from the town as even if it is a giant monster, it is still a baby and they couldn't just blast it like in the game.

"Ok," Dipper said as he enters the code and brings out the experimental food additive that transformed Ralph into the giant werewolf and gave the test tube it came inside of to Wendy.

"Time to kick butt," Wendy said running outside before she cause more damage to the building and to find a place to strip off her clothes so she wouldn't rip them. Once she was naked between two dumpsters she gulps the food additive down and transforms into the giant red werewolf,

Once Wendy was fully transform, she carefully walk to where Thrax was, who was busy fighting the other videogame characters. They were all darting in and out of his attack range or the ones who could use force fields and such to protect and shield from his firebreath attacks. Thrax in his transformed state was big and powerful but also made him a big target for all the ones with long range attacks and they all know with enough hits Thrax will transform back to normal. Wendy was just making sure that Thrax would be turning back sooner then later.

Wendy using her wolf speed ran into Thrax with her claws digging into his back. He lash at Wendy who using her greater speed which she was already use to using being a deer woman, easily evaded his attacks. Thrax now having a easier to hit target focus his attention on Wendy even as he was being attack at all sides. Seeing Thrax's tail hitting the side of a building, Wendy knew that if she tried to fight like how giant monster fights usually go she would be destroying most of the town if she did. So she decided to fight Thrax by pinning him down and he would cause less damage that way.

Wendy began leading Thrax out of town so that he wouldn't cause as much damage to the town then there was already are. Thrax sees this and exploits it. He grabs Tambry who was taking pictures off the street and throws her into the air. Wendy drives and catches her before she hit the ground but left her open to Thrax's firebreath. Thrax blew a stream of fire at Wendy causing her to turn her back to him as she shields Tambry from the flames.

Huntress Wizard seeing her chance fired an arrow at Thrax's left eye, hitting it. Thrax cried out in pain losing his left eye, causing him to lash out around him in a blind rage. Wendy after putting Tambry down attack Thrax grabbing at his throat and choking him, preventing him from using his firebreath attack while opening herself to Thrax's claws striking her. Wendy struggle to push him back but Thrax was much heavier and stronger then she is. Wendy was being push back even as the videogame characters poured on the firepower on Thrax while avoiding hitting Wendy.

Wendy was saved as another giant joined the fight, in the form of a giant gorilla. Dipper having used the code again and gotten the experimental vitamin, was transformed into the giant gorilla George. Dipper grabbed an arm that was clawing at Wendy and another hand grabbing Thrax's throat. Allowing Wendy to follow suit so that each of them had a hand holding one of Thrax's arms and the other his throat. With the two of them they began pushing back Thrax, trying to push him over.

On the ground, Toby 'Kissy' Masuyo the star of the game 'Alien Sector' was blasting away at Thrax's hamstrings as he was being pushed back. Below ground her husband, Dig Dug or Taizo Hori and her two older sons Ataru and Susumu, with their friend Anna Hottenmeyer are busy digging a pit under the street to trip Thrax. Holinger-Z the construction robot was keeping her youngest son Taiyo safe.

"Are they done yet?" Samus Aran the star of Metroid ask over the com link with Kissy in her helmet.

"They're fast at digging. So just keep blasting kid," Kissy said over the link.

"You're only a year older then me," Samus said having a rivalry with Kissy.

"And don't forget you totally copied me in revealing that you're a girl at the end," Kissy said. (3)

"At least, I'm more popular," Samus said.

"So, I settle down and had some kids, letting you have the spotlight so what," Kissy said.

"Watch out!" Samus shouted as Thrax foot came down on the trap.

Thrax found the ground under his foot giving out as he put his weight on it, causing him to topple over. Both Wendy and Dipper seeing Thrax off balance push him over, sending him falling onto his back with the two pinning him underneath their combine weight. Seeing him down the videogame characters all attack him, aiming for his head.

Finally Thrax began shrinking down back to normal. Once Thrax was fully back to normal he found himself surrounded on all sides. Before he could move, Samus blasted him with her freeze ray encasing him in a block of ice.

"Ok so what now?" Dipper ask. seeing how neither him or Wendy turn back to normal after beating Thrax.

Suddenly the air seem to fizzle and the buildings and the remaining minions of CarnEvil burst apart in pixels as they were sent back to the game world. They weren't the only ones as all the remaining videogames that were brought to life by Thrax burst into pixels too. But strangely the only ones left were the videogame characters that came out of Fix it Felix Jr. Both Wendy and Dipper also burst apart as they turn back to normal, which left both of them naked.

"Yikes!" Dipper said covering himself, while Wendy transform into her deer form.

"Here!" Twilight said as she covers Dipper with a sheet and gave him his clothes back. Which he took off before he transformed. Twilight also gave Wendy her clothes putting them on her back.

"Thanks," Wendy said as she took off to find someplace to change.

"Twilight how did you do it?" Dipper ask changing underneath the sheet.

"I finally gave up and turn off the power to the building," Twilight admitted.

"So what now?" Ralph ask wondering what's going to happen next.

"Don't worry, I have this," Discord said appearing over head and landing in front of them.

"Hi Discord," Twilight said still not ok with him running around.

"I explain why you all didn't disappear like all the others," Discord said to the crowd of videogame characters. "You see you are all from another world where all game have A.I.s instead of like the games of other worlds. So when you were all brought to life you all were already alive, so the code just made all of you alive for real and not bond to the game anymore."

"So why do we still have our powers?" Raiden ask who is in his weaker mortal form but still retain his power.

"You all were just videogames and like the others who were brought to life kept their powers from their games. And because of how you were all alive as in being self aware to the point of know you are all in a game. I’m guessing since you are all A.I.s I’m going with your powers being tech base not magical. You all just luck out in keeping your powers, just go with it," Discord explains. “Anyways seeing how all of you are without homes or jobs, princess Sunset Shimmer would like to offer you all to come to Canterlot where you all be housed and there are some job offers she like to give to you.”

"So is this another Sunset helping others so she can make money off on the side while doing so thing?" Twilight ask.

"Equestia is in desperate need for money. Besides look around," Discord said waving to the town in near ruins. "The clean up is going to cost alot."

"No fear," Felix said as he holds up his hammer and taps a broken building and it restored.

"Ok never mind then," Discord said. Which Sunset using a eyebot also found very interesting in how to use that kind of power as well as all the others from the game world.

"Come on Dipper, I'll take you home," Wendy said who is now dress and back to human form.

"You're a deer woman aren't you?" Morrigan ask as she and Lilith made themselves known.

"Yup and welcome to the real world and my kind are related to your kind at least in the world I came from," Wendy said being friendly as this is the first time she met a succubus.

"Really? That's not how it worked in our game lore," Lilith said.

"Well, I can introduce you to my mom and the other deer women who live around here," Wendy said before looking at Dipper. "But first, I need to bring him back home."

"True and looks like this is going to take awhile," Morrigan said seeing more cops showing up. And Thrax being loaded into a truck to be transported away to Tartarus.

"You two go and I'll tell the heroes what we found out," Twilight said waving them goodbye as Wendy escorted Dipper home.


Later -

With the help of Felix the town was rebuilt in no time flat, restoring the buildings with one tap of his hammer while others help clean up the rubble. And thanks to the videogame characters from said game protecting the towns people, no one was killed. But some of the game characters were killed while protecting others. But they showed up on the screen of Fix it Felix thanks to them being saved on the hard drive.

They also discovered the remains of the zeppelin that Buttercup sent crashing and burning. Somehow it wasn't sent back to the game after Twilight pulled the plug. Which Danny pointed out that the zeppelin crash outside the magic field that surrounds Gravity Falls. Which could be the reason why it didn't go bye bye like the others. Also they did found bodies but it was clear that Tokkentakker and some of his minions survived the crash. Where they disappeared too, they couldn't find a trace of them.

After learning that Him was the one that sent Thrax their way. Both Danny and Dani search the arcade for anything. Both of them like the idea of bringing games to life but also saw the danger to it. After searching the building the discovered two twin book ends that are in the shape of dragon heads hidden in the walls of the arcade. (4)

Juniper's bracelet which still can detect magic lit up when it neared the book ends. And testing out the code with the book ends where they were found, on the conjoining walls of the arcade. The code respawned the characters who were killed during the fight early that came from Fix it Felix Junior. And once the book ends were taken away the code didn't work. So the book ends were boxed and sent to SCP for containment.

The heroes still wonder why Him did this. The Powerpuff Girls hadn’t heard anything from Him since the merge. Blossom pointed out that Him is their most dangerous villain being both cunning and powerful. Him must be planning for something and it’s not good for any of them.


The Shack -

Mabel has been playing Yu-gi-oh with Soos in the tv room. Although the game was no longer magical. It along with all the other crazy Japanese games that were brought in during the merge (Beyblade, Duel masters, chaotic, etc) had gained in popularity. There was no longer 'serious business' or fate of the world life or death situations... just some good fun with friends. That was also helping the Japanese government make a bundle and recoup their losses caused by the chaos of the merge. Seeing how crazy most of the worlds that were brought over by the merge are and how much damage they caused.

Mabel has been staying in the shack as the guilt of the car accident finally hit her. She did love Waddles but she caused that car accident that sent that truck and car crashing. She was too focus on getting Waddles that she didn’t even try to help save the drivers and ruin the only chance of saving them by hitting the time tape. Thus rendering the return button useless. And she cared more about Waddles then Wendy who also had a knife to her neck. Mabel has been feeling guilty for what she did for days now.

Mabel sees the door open and Dipper's sillouette.

"Hey bro-bro! Guess, what?! Today I helped grunkle Stan get over his fear of-" Mabel stop talking as she sees her battered, bruised and exhausted brother followed closely by an even more exhausted Wendy.

With the adrenaline dying out, the two now felt the full pain of having their bodies forcibly grown and drastically shifting species. Had finally hit them. And both of them would be feeling it in the morning.

"Mabel, unless I can sleep on it I don't want to hear it!" Dipper said as he took his shoes off and headed for his bed.

Wendy gives a grunt in agreement and followed, taking her shoes off as well.

They both flop down on Dippers bed and their both were out like a light. Twilight comes by later and smiles at Wendy hugging Dipper like a teddy bear. And drapes the covers over them and turns out the lights with her horn as she leaves the room.


Tartarus -

Thrax sat in his cell design to hold someone like him. The cell is like a plastic block that has a number of vents and seals to keep any virus from escaping. Him being a humanoid virus, the researchers of the SCP are already preparing a lab to study him. He was also fuming about how he now only had one good eye now because of an arrow to his eye. It would take him a long time for him to regrow his eye back to normal.

But he remembers what he has to do since his plan didn’t worked out for him. As he was freed from the block of ice, Thrax spat out a small capsule, that the guards thought he was spitting out the ice in his mouth. The capsule broke open releasing a small robot bug that crawled into the vents.

Now he just has to wait.


Townsvile -

With the girls gone to save the day across the country, it allowed the villains to play. Of course unlike before the villains found that they're not being sent to cardboard prisons or get off with light prison sentences anymore. Most of the villains quickly found themselves doing 10 to 20 years for all the crimes they did. And unlike before where they wreck buildings, people did get cripple and died. Most of the villains were now in jail or in hiding but one villain, Him remained free.

Appearing in the girls room, Him looked around their room. Instead of sharing the same bed as they did when they were younger, they now all have their own beds. And their room changed from their taste of when they were younger. Him was tempted to go and wreck their stuff but he had a job to do. Looking under Blossom's bed he found what he was looking for, a small wooden chest that has been taken handled with love and care. Taking it into his claws, Him open it to reveal a piece of a purple dress.

"Wait till the girls get a load of the new you, Bunny," Him crackled as he teleported away.


Canterlot -

The videogame characters are being all housed in one of the casinos that is still being built. The casino is still being built but the hotel was already completed and ready for guests. So all the videogame characters were housed there till things could be figured out what to do with them. Luckily thanks to the merge and how many people just found themselves someplace where they have no IDs or anything else. The government has a whole department to deal with people finding themselves in this world.

In the lobby Kronika waited for her number to be called to be assigned a room. Which even with the size of the hotel, many have to share rooms, with Sunset looking for other places to house the many videogame characters that number in the thousands. Of course it does beat the cramp conditions that was in Fix-It-Felix, thanks to the limited space for Felix to build.

"Kronika the goddess of time," a robed ghost said appearing in front of her.

"Yes that's me," Kronika said blinking as he turns into an old man and than a small child.

"I am Clockwork the ghost of time and I have a job offer for you," Clockwork said.

"Ghost of time? Job offer?" Kronika asked.

"I keep time running along with other time keepers and we could use a extra hand," Clockwork said.

"Yes that sounds good," Kronika said.


Elsewhere -

The XJ sisters and GAIA wake up as their update is complete and are immediately swamped with work! Not only the Thrax disaster, but apparently a monster the SCP were delivering somehow gotten loose!

Half the sisters go to Gravity Falls, the other half go to Piedmont...


Author's Note:

1 - The game characters from Wreck-It-Ralph universe are A.I.s and the reason why they weren't deleted when they were unplugged is because of different rules. Pulling the plug on them is more like pulling out the power cells from any of the XJ sisters and they'll be ok like nothing happen once they have a new power cell inserted into them.

2 - The Powerpuff Girls look like how they look in the Cartoon Network Fusionfalls online game. As them having no nose and no fingers or toes not to mention their huge heads and eyes would make them look really strange otherwise. And how can they hold something in their hands without fingers only works in a cartoon. And they're from the old seasons and not the new one. They're also 10 now.

3 - Baraduke (also known as Alien Sector) is a 1985 Shoot 'em Up arcade game by Namco, featuring a spaceman with a jetpack and a ray gun who, after receiving a SOS signal, goes in the depths of planet Paccet to brave the titular underground fortress Baraduke built by the invading alien parasites named Octy.

The game was one of Namco's most obscure titles and it would be more or less forgotten today, if not for its uncanny similarity to Metroid, which however was released one year after Namco's game. Unlike Metroid, it is a pure action title (being a coin-op this is a given) based on reflexes and the memorization of the maze-like levels.

There's another surprising similarity between the games: after having defeated the final boss, the end screen reveals that the player character "Kissy" is in fact a woman under her helmet and bio-suit, thus depriving Samus of her "first videogame hero who's secretly a girl" title.

4 - SCP - 826