• Published 11th May 2021
  • 1,730 Views, 36 Comments

Fusion Falls (old version) - madhat886

Thanks to several events that all happen at once. Several different universes all suddenly merged into one. And several people who found themselves alone come together in the town of Gravity Falls.

  • ...

Dipper vs. Manliness


Greasy's Diner is a local diner in Gravity Falls, which is in the shape of a log. It's a typical restaurant that serves breakfast pancakes and other traditional American foods. Of course, since the Merge many of the resident non-humans now show up at the diner for something to eat. It's normal to see several fairies all sharing a pancake, a gremlin sitting at a booth ordering something, and deer women getting something to eat before or after work. And with the summer's rush of tourist coming to the sleepy town, it's now very busy.

One of the new waitresses hits a woodpecker on a wall and a beaver in a hole in the floor with a broom. Old Man Mcgucket is drinking alot of coffee, Sheriff Blubs is eating pancakes very quickly while Deputy Durland points a speeding device at him. Which was something that just happens that the locals have gotten use to happening. It's when Stan, Dipper and Mabel enter the diner, spotting an empty table the 3 made their way through the crowd.

Once Dipper, Mabel, and Stan got to the table, they sat down and waited for someone to get their order. Stan read the paper that's on the table, reading the headline of 'Pacific City Agency merges with SCP Foundation to help XJ9 fight new A.I. menace'. That's when Lazy Susan walks up to the table to get their order.

"Lazy Susan! There's my little ray of sunshine! Where were you yesterday?" Stan ask.

"I got hit by a bus!" Lazy Susan said.

"Ha ha ha ha! Hilarious!" Stan laughs.

"Thank you. Ha ha ha ha hee hee ho ho ho," Lazy Susan said laughing.

"You do split plates, right?" Stan ask.

"Maybe...," Lazy Susan said making her lazy eye wink. "Wink!"

"Great! We'll all split a one-fourth of the number seven, plus a free salad dressing for the lady, and a small plate of ketchup for the boy," Stan said.

"Got it," Lazy Susan said writing it down and walks off.

"But Grunkle Stan, I want pancakes!" Mabel said.

"With the fancy flour they use these days? What am I, made of money?" Stan asks as a piece of a bill shows out of Stan's sleeve, which he taps it back down. "Tap tap."

"Awww...," Mabel said.

Dipper looks over and sees the Manliness Tester, which the prize is free pancakes.

"Don't worry guys, pancakes are on me. I'm gonna win some by beating that manliness tester," Dipper said.

"Manliness Tester?" Stan ask.

"Beating?" Mabel also asked before she and Stan started laughing.

"He says he's... he says he... HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Stan laughs.

"What? What's so funny?" Dipper said.

"Oh, no offense Dipper, but you're not exactly 'Manly Mannington.' Ha ha ha!" Mabel said.

"Hey, I am too "Manly... Manny" or whatever it is you said," Dipper said.

"Look, face the music, kid. You got no muscles, you smell like baby wipes, and let's not forget last Tuesday's... 'incident'," Stan said.


Flashback -

Dipper is in the bathroom wearing just a towel and singing at the mirror with a comb as the microphone.

"Disco girl...coming through...that girl is you...," Dipper is singing.

Stan walks into the bathroom.

"DON'T COME IN! DON'T COME IN!" Dipper shouted.


"You were listening to girly Icelandic pop sensation 'BABBA'?" Mabel asks.

"No. Heh heh, I wasn't. It's not important. Look, come on guys, I'm plenty masculine. You see this chest hair?" Dipper said as she brings down his shirt, to show his chest and it shines very brightly.

"Put it away, put it away!" Mabel shouted.

"So smooth! My eyes!" Stan shouted being blinded.

"Aw man...," Dipper said putting back his shirt.

Stan and Mabel burst out laughing again.

"Fine, 'family of little faith'. Get ready to eat your words. And a plate a delicious pancakes," Dipper said as he walks toward the manliness tester as other people eating watch. "Alright, Dipper. Time to manhandle this...man handle..."

Dipper stares up at the machine and starts sweating. "And a one and a two..."

"Quit stalling!" Stan said.

Dipper starts tugging on the handle and the light starts moving toward the category he belongs in. The categories are "wimp," "middle-aged woman," "barely possible," "man," and "manly man." Dipper keeps on pulling the handle until the light goes down to "wimp." A card comes out of the machine that says, 'You are a cutie patootie!'

"Oh, what? This thing must be broken. It's totally broken, guys. It's like a million years old, probably ran out of steam power or-," Dipper was saying till he gets pushed out of the way by Manly Dan.

Manly Dan cracks his knuckles as his wife and sons are watching him. Wendy was still shaken from the lion man holding a gun to her head with her friends leaving her. So she's been spending time by herself.

"It's rickety man, you shouldn't even-," Dipper was saying.

Manly Dan pushes on the handle with his pinky and the machine automatically goes to "Manly Man" before exploding and giving everyone free pancakes.

"Yes! Pancakes for everyone!" Manly Dan shouted.

Everyone at the restaurant cheers. A pancake falls on Dipper's head. Mabel and Stan laugh at Dipper.

"I need to get some chest hair and fast," Dipper said. He starts running out but is tripped by a beaver. "I'm fine! Heh heh! Everything's fine!"

He runs out leaving everyone else to enjoy the pancakes.


In the forest -

Wendy was wondering around in the woods near the forest home of her aunts who all live together in a cabin. Since the merge many of the deer women around Gravity Falls have moved into more urban settings and leaving the woods behind. With her aunt Roxie, her mom's sister telling her that now that non-humans can walk around without having to hide themselves, and that she doesn't like how much it cost her in gas money to travel to town to go to the store. Of course, with her other aunts who... have wild parties that her mom sometimes joins in, it's better to be in the woods where people can't hear them. Or see them like what happen with aunt Roxie and her friends who were arrested for exposing themselves to minors.

Wendy was in her deer form that she's still getting used to, with her mom and aunts helping her in the transformation. She just wishes that transforming was like how dragons from the world where Jake Long came from, with their clothes disappearing and reappearing when they transform. Of course, she still is trying to figure out what happens to their clothes when they transform. They just seem to disappear and reappear when they change back. Which no one knows how it happens at all, which even the dragons have no idea what happens to their clothes either.

Wendy and the other deer women have to take off their clothes so they wouldn't ruin them, some of them just wear baggy shits and pants but with no underwear, as they wouldn't fit on a doe's body. She is wearing her hat that she took off and put back on her after she transform so that anyone who sees her in her deer form would know that she's a deer woman. As people who get hunting licenses are told to be on the lookout for animals who are wearing clothes. (1)

She's in the woods to think, about what happen that night with her friends. She was being held at gunpoint and her friends ran leaving her. Only thanks to Dipper and his friends that she's alive. Being by herself she came to realizes that besides Tambry who she's been friends with for years, that her friends just hang out with each other and laugh at Thomas. Thinking about it, without Thomas to laugh at, they really don't have anything in common. In fact, she realized that if they didn't laugh at Thomas all the time, they wouldn't be friends with him. It made her realized that she wasn't that much of a friend either.

As she came upon a pond in the forest which is a popular fishing spot, she saw someone she didn't expect. Pacifica Northwest was having a photo shoot for her webpage, using the forest pond that's near her home as the backdrop. She wasn't alone as she was with her butler Mr. Handy name Cogs, who drove her to the pond in a golf cart. And they weren't alone as a group of 4 men dress as mask luchadores and armed with guns, with Cogs in pieces and Pacifica tied up. They came by a truck and a pair of quad bikes.

"Deer woman!" one of the luchadores shouted spotting the deer wearing a hat. Which is widely known as a sign that the animal in question is sapient.

Wendy races off to get away but one of the luchadores is armed with a dart gun and before she managed to get away, she was struck by a dart. She felt her body going numb as she tried to stay on her feet, but another dart hit her from the incoming luchadore on the quad bike, followed by his friend. Wendy couldn't keep on her feet and fell to the ground transforming back to her human form, she black out as the two men got to her.


Multi-Bear cave -

"What is a Multi-bear?" Dipper ask himself as he's been having flashes of memories since he began training with the manotaurs to become a man.

Behind Dipper, the multi-bear wakes up. Dipper then notices the muti-bear behind him. The Multi-bear roars upon waking up from his sleep.

"Oh, that's a multi-bear," Dipper said having many flashbacks.

"Bear heads, silence!" the main head of Muti-bear said hitting the head still roaring. It gets silent after a bit. "Child, why have you come here?"

"Multi-bear! I seek your.... wait you're a sapient bear," Dipper said.

"Yes, and why are you here?" Multi-bear asks.

"Well, I came here because I been training with the manotaurs in becoming a man. With the final task being taking one of your heads. But I didn't know you're sapient. I thought you would be like a wild animal that's been bothering the manotaurs," Dipper said.

"Oh them," Multi-bear said. "They haven't taken all the changes that happen since the merging of worlds well. They been taking it out on me seeing how they think I'm weak because I know all the words to the song "Disco Girl."

"You like Icelandic pop group BABBA? So do I," Dipper said.

"You like Disco Girl?" Multi-bear ask.

"Yup," Dipper said.

"The only ones who seem to like it around here are the female manotaurs," Multi-bear said.

"Females?" Dipper ask.

"Yes, they have wives and children. The manotaurs you met are all part of the same club which I'm guessing you came from," Multi-bear said.

"Wait that cave is just their club house?" Dipper ask.

"It's where they all hang out when they want to be men as they call it," Multi-bear explains.

"I understand," Dipper said leaving the cave.


North Pole -

In the frozen wastelands of the northern lands, the evil snow sorcerer known as Winterbolt made his home. He remember his ice specter being destroyed and him transforming into a tree. But thanks to the merge that brought many worlds to be merged together with spell casting magic being destroyed. Winterbolt without his magic wandered the frozen wastelands of the north, learning about this new world he found himself in and how to use the technology he came across. He managed to even get his hands on a two Mr. Handies and a protectron that were in a army supply depot that had a working IFV. He reprograms the robots using the smartphone he found in an abandoned camp and watching a video how to do so.

The IFV is a six wheeled vehicle designed for supporting infantry operations and transporting soldiers through the battlefield in comfort. It is a fairly tall design, with a forward driver's position, sitting over the primary engine, in a compartment isolated from the troop section. The vehicle can carry six soldiers and two power armor units in reasonable comfort in this section, with a note that power armor units must stand for transportation. For defense, it is provided with a 105mm gun in an autonomous dorsal turret and a pair of ball-mounted 76mm guns to the sides of the driver's cabin, giving it its distinctive whiskers.

And with the supplies that could fit in the truck, Winterbolt with his robot minions wandered the frozen lands. Winterbolt collected and learn as they traveled, all to gain back the power he once had. That's when he discovered the abandoned and partially destroyed city named Tesla City.

Now a year later he now rules the city with a cold iron fist. He goes by the name of Mr. Winter with the backstory of him being the only survivor of Tesla City. Which had grown in size thanks to the fact that there is a vast platinum mine underneath the city. Which thanks to the robots and the automatons which are giant steam powered robots that are built in the city's factories, he has mined around the clock, allowing him to corner the market on the rare metal.

Officially his city is a part of the country of Canada as the city is located within its borders. Many people come to his city to see the steampunk machines at work that can take working in below zero weather. While others came to work the mines and other jobs that are needed to keep the city running. There are also plenty of water benders who have made their home in the city as well as other benders showing up for work. The city is isolated but there is money to be made and thanks to the water benders who are used to the cold and automatons, there are supply lines that keep a flow of goods coming in to feed the city.

Winterbolt using his newfound wealth, used it to fund his research in gaining back his lost magic. He does have a freeze ray that he brought along with magic items that use passive magic which is the only magic besides borrowed magic that works in this world. He knows about how those Santa's and guardians have their powers thanks to The Man In The Moon giving them some of his magic.

"HELLO THERE," a voice called out surprising Winterbolt who is in his study.

"Come out," Winterbolt said putting down the amulet that protects the wearer from burns.

"I'M RIGHT HERE," Bill Cipher said as he appears on a mirror hanging over the fireplace. "AND I HAVE BEEN WATCHING YOU AND COME HERE TO OFFER YOU A DEAL TO GET YOU ICE MAGIC BACK."

"What kind of deal?" Winterbolt ask recognizing a demon when he sees one and it's better to listen before taking any action against one.


Elsewhere -

The Luchadores are a group of masked wrestlers led by Killbane. They deal mainly in selling steroids and gambling, their gang color is green and their insignia is a skull in a star. Like the Morningstar and the Deckers, they were part of The Syndicate before the gang broke apart. The gang went underground after the events that happen in Steelport and after the Merge had managed to make themselves into an underworld power. Recruiting many former magical beings and races all looking for a way to survive in a world where they no longer have magic.

The minotaur joined up with the Luchadores after the Merge had screwed up everything for everyone from his world. The Olympians lost their powers leaving them powerless, which also meant their counterparts the monsters also lost their powers. Namely being immortal, being immune to non-magical weaponry and coming back to life any time they're killed. Which many monsters learned the hard way, with them being killed and staying dead. The hydra was killed thanks to a anti-tank missile being used on it's main body, the Nemean Lion being gassed to death, most of the man eating cyclopes being gunned down, both Typhon and Echidna were killed by missile strikes. The surviving monsters who ate humans quickly learned to stay hidden from the humans who unlike in their world, can see and kill them.

It was just as bad for the gods who lost all of their powers. With mortals knowing what they're like, always double crossing each other, punishing mortals just because they annoyed you. Sometimes they just doing it for fun. The Greek gods just a bunch of arrogant selfish assholes. Which the Greek gods finding themselves kicked out from Olympus which came to rest on top of the Empire State Building in New York, found that without their powers that allowed them to get away with anything. That without them, no one would just obey them or do anything for them, not to mention that many of their talents were enchanted by their godhood, which now without them ended up with them not as good as they thought they were. Some gods did manage to survive while others ended up dead.

Aphrodite ended up as a Playboy bunny.

Apollo tried to make it in the music business but found that without his godhood his music wasn't that good not to mention being a bad loser got him ban from many places where he tried playing.

Ares reacted badly in losing everything and attack the cops that escorted them out of Olympus and was gunned down.

Artemis was found in a drug den with some of her followers who had stayed with her. With them having no skills beyond hunting and all being underage, they turn to selling themselves and making drugs to survive. Till they were busted in a drug raid.

Athena tried to make herself look good to the mortals, by telling all the good that she had done. But thanks to Medusa and Arachne showing up with a tell all book about what she did to them because of the slight they did to her. Completely ruin her and last anyone heard of her, she was spotted working a dead end job in a small town.

Demeter managed to earn favor by helping with all the mess up farmlands that happen thanks to the Merge.

Dionysus no longer immune to the effects of all the wine that he drinks, quickly became a homeless drunk.

Hades thanks to his skills in keeping his underworld running, got into the business world and is doing well for himself.

Hephaestus became a engineer in metal works seeing how unlike his fellow gods he had the skills to still work in his talent as smith god.

Hestia now works as a nurse in the nursery. Being one of the few goddesses that really didn't do anything to mortals.

Hera tried to continue as if nothing had changed but ended up working an office job. She did leave Zeus as there was nothing that was keeping them together anymore.

Hermes ended up working as a delivery man after being turn away from many other jobs because of his history of raping women like many of his fellow gods also committed.

Poseidon now works as a fisher man who because of what he uses to do as a god is still shunned because of his history of being a rapist.

Zeus ended up homeless and was found dead. Due to all of his past sins being out in the open and him no longer being a god but a mortal, there was nothing to protect him.

The other Greek gods who are lesser known managed to do better thanks to people not knowing them as well as the main gods and goddesses. Many of them managed to make new lives for themselves but like everyone else they now have emotions like any other mortal which they are all now. Many are pledge by the guilt and shame of what they did and use to be, which many of them ended up taking up the bottle or drugs. The other gods who still have some of their powers wanted nothing to do with them.

The minotaur now is forced to work with humans to survive in this new world. He quickly realized that without the power to come back to life after being killed or being immune to human weapons that aren't made from blessed metal, he and the other monsters were dead meat. Which is why he's working with these humans and taking orders; he might be bigger and stronger but these humans with their weapons would easily kill him. Then there are the heroes of this merge world, like those Powerpuff Girls who can fly and beat those giant monsters, or those robot sisters, he wouldn't stand a chance against them. All he can do is learn and keep his head low.

The cave that his group of 8 operates from an old mine shaft that they taken over after clearing out those goblins. Since then, they been poaching the local wildlife and picking up drop offs of cargo now and then, that we’re drop by planes. They also keep cargo in the mine till the pickup comes to collect them, to avoid having to pay taxes on them. Right now they're sitting on a shipment of gemstones from those ponies, waiting for the truck to collect them. The gemstones aren't that valuable thanks to the gems being like salt crystals that grow over time, like how there's that rock farm that grows the crystals inside of rocks. And a shipment of blaze in barrels from those machine animals and a Sawtooth the sabertooth tiger like machine animal. Which they caught and have lock in a cage with an EMP device that keeps it from attacking.

Right now, 4 of the gang got the idea to kidnap and ransom off the daughter of the Northwest family, who are the riches people in Gravity Falls. They also got their hands on a young deer woman and thinking of selling her as well. He's now watching the two with Pacifica having been stripped down to her underwear and kept in the same cage used to hold the bigger animals they catch. Pacifica was strip to her underwear to show off the buyers and show Mr. Northwest that they're not playing around with his daughter.

"Isn't he one of those manotaurs?" Pacifica ask Wendy doing her best not to panic.

"No, he looks different from the manotaurs," Wendy said.

In the background the other 7 members are around the one guy using a phone which from what Pacifica is hearing. Sounds like whoever talking on the other end isn't happy about something. From what she can pick up, the person on the other end isn't happy that they decided to kidnap her.

"I'm not one of those manotaurs, I'm the Minotaur. From the Greek myths," the minotaur said.

"As in the one who was trap in a maze and ate human?" Wendy ask.

"The same," the minotaur said.

"Wait, I thought all of you Greek monsters were killed off, after that whole mess in New York with those gods that showed up there? Unless you’re not from that group," Pacifica said. She remembers the news reports of the Greek gods appearing in New York along with the monsters.

"Some of us survived the slaughter," the minotaur said.

"Well, what you really expect once you all lost your magic and no longer have any respawn points where you appear after being killed. It made you all sloppy," Wendy said.

"What?" the minotaur ask.

"All of you from that world, where monsters and gods were all use to the fact that they can't die and would reform sooner or later. So now that you all know that once you die, you’re just dead," Wendy said.

"And explains why you Greek monsters all turn and ran when you all realized that fact. Must be tough knowing that once you die, you're not coming back. And once you all knew that fact, you all turn yellow and run like cowards who no longer have the one thing that made them brave in the first place," Pacifica said.

"You two really want to die?" the minotaur ask getting angry.

"You first," Wendy said.

A loud noise of something metal being smash, cause the minotaur and the Luchadores to turn to see the Sawtooth breaking out of the cage. Dipper who had sneak into the cave after spotting the Luchadores driving into the mine, and spotted the girls in the cage. Knowing that he wouldn't be able to take on any of the men head on, he went and freed the Sawtooth so that it would handle the men for him.

The Sawtooth once freed launch itself at the group of Luchadores. Taking one of them down as it maw him to death sending the others running to grab a weapon. The minotaur seeing the Sawtooth tearing into the humans he's been working with ran off to save his own hide, he wasn't about to lose his life for this. With no one left to watch the cage, Dipper grab the keys from the table they been place on and unlock the cage. All awhile in the background the surviving Luchadores having grab their guns began firing wildly at the Sawtooth, with the bullets hitting the blaze barrels. Setting some of them off creating a chain reactions of explosions, spreading fire and causing the mine to start to cave in.

"Grab on," Wendy shouted to Dipper and Pacifica as she transforms into a deer.

Once the two were on her back, Wendy in her deer form race towards the entrance of the mine. The Sawtooth seeing the fleeing form of Wendy with the two kids on her back, chase after her. Hearing the screams of panic from the two kids who were looking behind her, Wendy ran faster. She spotted the running minotaur ahead of her. Once Wendy was side by side with the running minotaur, Dipper still holding the spear he was given, thrust it between the minotaur's running legs. The minotaur was strong enough to break the shaft, but it was still enough to cause him to stumble in step, which was all that was needed for the Sawtooth to set its sights on him instead and began mawing at the minotaur as it fought back against it.

Wendy and the kids escape the mine as the fires started by some of the blaze barrels, spread to the rest of the blaze supply as well as the containers that held the gangs weapons. The explosion killed the remaining Luchadores and cause the whole mine to cave in, with the fireball engulfing both the minotaur and the Sawtooth as it races for the entrance. Wendy seeing enough movies knew to run to the side of the entrance of the mine, instead of trying to run in a straight line to escape the incoming fireball. Once the blast and shaking were over, the 3 look at the entrance which was now caved in. (2)


In the forest -

Dipper lead Wendy and Pacifica back to the manotaur cave. He told them about how he was being trained by them to be more of a man. Till the leader of the manotaurs gave him the task to bring the head of Multi-Bear. When Dipper arrived, the Multi-Bear revealed that it's sapient and that the manotaurs have been making fun of it because it likes the Icelandic pop group BABBA.

"You like that stuff?" Pacifica ask as she walks on the other side of Wendy who is still in deer form so that there be something between them, as she is still only dress in her underwear of a shirt and panties. As she doesn't need a bra for a few more years.

"Yeah, I do," Dipper admitted keeping his eyes away from Pacifica who after realizing that she was still naked and in front of a boy she started freaking out. Which is why Wendy is in her deer form, acting as a barrier between the two younger kids.

"Well, you're pretty manly seeing how you saved me twice already," Wendy said.

"I wouldn't say he's that manly," Pacifica said.

"Same goes for you table," Dipper said frowning at Pacifica.

"I'm still growing," Pacifica growls.

"You two still haven't hit your growth spurt yet," Wendy said. "I remember when, I was around you two size and suddenly, I was tall in less than a year."

"It's no wonder with how big your dad is. Not to mention, I seen your mother," Pacifica said eying her flat chest. And while Wendy isn't that big, seeing how big her mother is she is going to get alot bigger.

"I'm not looking forward to that. I'm going to have back and shoulder pains. Not to mention how they will just get in the way," Wendy said.

"Yeah... sure real bad," Pacifica said frowning. "Besides you’re a deer woman. Don't you have like a stronger body and all that?"

"Well yes but it still be a pain," Wendy said before seeing some landmarks that she recognized. "We're near one of my clothes stashes."

"You have stashes of clothes?" Dipper asks.

"I can't carry my clothes. So, I put stashes around the forest," Wendy said.

Wendy led them to a clearing that looks like a group were there from the bottles and empty food containers. Not to mention a strange smell that the two kids that smells musky. Which Wendy knows the smell very well.

"Looks like my aunts had a party here," Wendy said.

"A party?" Pacifica ask.

"Yes, an adult party and knowing them they would have grabbed my clothes to replace theirs... again," Wendy said.

"This happens before?" Dipper ask.

"Don't ask and turn around," Wendy said to Dipper who did allowing her to transform back into a human and walk over to a pile of rocks and took the pile apart. Revealing a backpack hidden underneath.

"Got clothes for me too?" Pacifica ask.

"Got clothes here. My aunts party clothes before they took my normal clothes so they wouldn't be seen walking around the forest in them... again," Wendy said. She tosses Pacifica a small white shirt and a small white skirt.

"These seem small for an adult woman," Pacifica said looking over the small outfit that fit her small frame nicely but on an adult woman would be stretch out, which the front of the shirt is really stretch out, and the skirt would be a mini on an adult.

"Adult party," Wendy said looking through the pack for something she could wear. And finally came up with a bikini under a cheerleader outfit.

"What kind of party were your aunts having?" Dipper ask.

"Something that you're not old enough to know yet," Wendy said blushing.

"At least you're all now dress," Dipper said.

"But you need something besides that diaper," Pacifica said while smirking.

"It's a loincloth," Dipper said blushing.

"There isn't anything here for you to wear instead of that loincloth," Wendy said looking through the bag. "But here's a white shirt and shorts."

"Thanks," Dipper said putting on the shirt and short from behind a tree holding the loincloth he was wearing as it wouldn't had fit in the shorts.

"Lots of cloth and little loin," Pacifica said.

"And nothing to fill even a training bra yet," Dipper shot back causing Pacifica to cover her chest.

"Come on let’s go," Wendy said not wanting this to become a thing.

Dipper led the girls to the manotaur cave where they be able to get back to Gravity Falls.

As they continue to travel through the woods, they came to clearing where they found wood cravings and calculations written on the ground. The wood cravings are of the 5 element bearers, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Some are just small pieces of woods while others are craved from fallen trees. They went deeper finding more and more wooden figures and more calculations written on the dirt or on the trees.

"There has to be something that I'm missing," Twilight said as she sat on her flank looking over the calculations she had written down.

She's been coming to this place since she started living with the beaver brothers. Someplace where she could be by herself with her thoughts. It's where she goes to try to figure out what went wrong with her friends. She spent time craving wooden figures of her friends and using math to try to figure out where things went bad.

"Twilight what are you doing here?" Dipper ask recognizing the purple unicorn.

With all that happen during the Gobblewonker thing, he and the others really didn't pay that much attention to the beavers or their friend a purple unicorn. Which Mabel has been kicking herself for missing the chance of getting to spend time with a unicorn. Which the ponies have now banned her from many places around Ponyvile and Canterlot. Which Sunset enjoys watching the ponies running from Mabel.

"Trying to figure out where it all went wrong," Twilight said.

"Wait you're Twilight the element of magic and who all the ponies are looking for," Pacifica said.

"She's that Twilight?" Dipper ask.

"Didn't you see her cutie mark?" Wendy asks pointing at it.

"Well, the last time I saw her. The first time she had her back to us and was on a couch watching TV. And there was the robot lake monster and that cat with those giant spiders that wanted to eat Lincoln and Ronnie," Dipper explains.

"You need to go back to Canterlot, everyone there is searching for you," Pacifica said.

"Well, I'm not going back. Not till, I figure out why things fell apart," Twilight said.

"What do you mean?" Dipper ask.

"They were my herd and now they're not," Twilight said.

"Sunset explain to me that ponies are herders, starting from their family to their friends. Once they form a herd they stay together and always have a strong bond with each other. Which is why it's such a big deal when ponies found out that Celestia abandon Sunset and how the element bearers broke apart," Pacifica said.

"That's why, I have to figure out how to fix it. I need to bring us all back together," Twilight said.

"I know what you're going through. When I was held at gun point my so-called friends all abandon me," Wendy said.

"Then you know what it's like. How you use to have people around you that you thought you could always count on and when it mattered the most, they just leave you," Twilight said.

To the surprise of Dipper music began playing out of nowhere.

"What's going on?" Dipper ask.

"It's a heart song," Pacifica said.

"A what?" Dipper ask.

"You never been apart of one? It's something that the ponies can do that is passive magic. It just happens when a pony is at a high emotional level and just burst out in song like in a musical. It doesn't happen alot but it does happen," Wendy said. (3)

'I have to find a way'
'To make this all ok'
'I can't believe this small mistake'
'Could have caused so much heartache'

'Oh why?'
'Oh why?'

'Losing promise'
'I don't know what to do!'
'Seeking answers'
'I fear I won't get through to...' Twilight sang till she was cut off.

'How did we get here?' Dipper ask singing as he steps into the song.

"What?" Twilight ask seeing Dipper stepping into her heart song causing the music to change to a more upbeat one.

'We're cast away on a lonely shore'
'I can see in your eyes, dear' Dipper sang.

'It's hard to take for a moment more' Twilight sang.

'We've got to' both of them sang.

'Burn the ships, cut the ties' Dipper sang surprising Twilight.

'Send a flare into the night'
'Say a prayer, turn the tide'
'Dry your tears and wave goodbye'

'Step into a new day' Twilight sang.

'We can rise up from the dust and walk away' Dipper sang.

'We can dance upon the heartache, yeah'
'So light a match, leave the past, burn the ships'

'And don't you look back' Twilight sang.

'Don't let it arrest you' Dipper sang.

'This fear, this fear of fallin' again'
'And if you need a refuge'
'I will be right here until the end'

'Oh, it's time to' Twilight sang.

'Burn the ships, cut the ties' both of them sang.

'Send a flare into the night' Dipper sang.

'Say a prayer, turn the tide' Twilight sang.

'Dry your tears and wave goodbye' Dipper sang.

'Step into a new day' both of them sang.

'We can rise up from the dust and walk away' Twilight sang.

'We can dance upon the heartache, yeah' Dipper sang.

'So light a match, leave the past, burn the ships' Twilight sang.

'And don't you look back' Dipper sang.

‘So long to shame, walk through the sorrow’ Twilight sang.

‘Out of the fire into tomorrow’ Dipper sang.

‘So flush the pills, face the fear’ Twilight sang.

‘Feel the weight disappear’ Dipper sang.

‘We're comin' clean, we're born again’ both of them sang.

‘Our hopeful lungs can breathe again’

‘Oh, we can breathe again’

'Step into a new day' Dipper sang.

'We can rise up from the dust and walk away' Twilight sang.

'We can dance upon the heartache, yeah' Dipper sang.

'So light a match, leave the past, burn the ships' Twilight sang

'Step into a new day' Dipper sang.

'We can rise up from the dust and walk away' Twilight sang

'We can dance upon our heartache, yeah' Dipper sang.

'So light a match, leave the past, burn the ships' Twilight sang.

'And don't you look back' Both of them sang.

'And don't you look back' Dipper sang to Twilight.

'And don't you look back' Twilight sang as the heart song ended.

"That was great," Pacifica said amazed at Dipper.

"Yeah, I didn't know you could sing," Wendy said.

"I didn't know either," Dipper said before turning back to Twilight. "Ok listen. I'm not an expect in this sort of thing. But from what, I have heard. The other elements left you for someone that only knew for a day. They believed in the worst of you rather then question why should they believe a stranger to someone they know longer. What kind of friends are that?"

"They're not true friends...," Twilight said eye widening as she pupils shrink.

"Are they really friends or you all just group together because you are all the bearers of the elements?" Dipper ask.

"I... I don't know," Twilight said.

"You might not be part of a herd but you still have your family, not your brother but your parents still love you," Wendy said.

"I should go back. If only so my parents know that, I'm still ok," Twilight said.

"Good now let’s see where to go next?" Dipper said as he climbs a rock to see where to go next.

“So, you ponies just break out in song like a musical back in your old world all the time?” Wendy ask Twilight.

“It just something that happens so much that no one thinks it was anything to wonder about,” Twilight said.

“It’s a good thing you all can do a Heart Song instead of trying to break out in song and dance without it. It would just cause people to stare,” Pacifica said.

“Norbert told me how Daggett tired after they experience their first one and just made a fool of himself,” Twilight said.

“Oh yeah I saw that,” Wendy said. (4)

"And it's all over the web," Pacifica adds.

"Tell me about it," Twilight sighed.


Manotaur cave -

"I didn't do it," Dipper said to the manotaurs. "The Multi-bear is sapient and there is no way, I'm killing someone that's sapient."

"But that's how you become a man," Chutzpar said with the other manotaurs grunting in agreement.

"He did save me and Pacifica here from those mask Mexican style wrestlers and the minotaur," Wendy pointed out.

"Wait you mean that sissy who because he and the other Greek monsters no longer respawn after being killed. They quickly become cowards because they now die and stay dead like the rest of us?" Chutzpar said.

"Yup and when Dipper here freed that Sawtooth, the minotaur fled rather then trying to fight back. But he did serve as a distraction when we were running out of the mine as it was caving in thanks to barrels of fuel blowing up. Dipper trip him up and the Sawtooth chasing us went after him instead," Pacifica said.

"You mean you freed one of those machine animals?" Chutzpar ask Dipper.

"Well, they were armed with guns and there were 8 of them, with me only having a spear," Dipper said.

"Yeah, it would be dumb trying to fight a group with guns with a spear. But seeing how you did save them and took care of that sissy. You are now a man," Chutzpar said.

"Thanks," Dipper said. "And do you guys have a phone around here? I need to call the police about the mine in case there are anyone left alive in there."

"There's one in the game room," Chutzpar said walking Dipper over to the side of the cave he hasn't been to.

"Game room?" Dipper ask.

"Yeah," Chutzpar said showing Dipper and the girls a room that has a bunch of manotaurs playing online games with other players around the world using consoles or computers.

"Wait a minute you're the ones me, Daggett, Norbert and Stump were playing against on Battlefield 1," Twilight said seeing some familiar screen names.

"Online playing is great. We can go around and kill, bash and smash people and it's perfectly ok," Chutzpar said.

"Can we just call the cops so we can all go home now?" Pacifica said just wanting to go home.

"Sure," Dipper said as he wanted to go home as well.


Greasy's Diner -

After calling an uber Dipper and the gang were taken to Greasy Diner to get something to eat while they wait for the cop to show up. The cops headed for the mine to see what's left of the hideout and arrest anyone left alive. They're also were told about the Sawtooth that was let out and came ready to deal with it.

Once at the diner they came across the rest of the Pine family. With Dipper telling them what happen after they teased him about his current dress of just the shorts as Dipper gave his shirt to Twilight to hide her cutie mark. As that's how ponies recognize each other, then how they look like as there are plenty of ponies who look like each other with only their cutie marks being different. And with how dumb ponies are they were completely fooled.

Which also lead to Mabel seeing Twilight and nothing else was distracting her this time. Tried to pet her while using baby talk and talking about all the fantasy's that she wants to do with her, which Twilight responded by kicking her. Which Dipper pointed out is the reason why she's ban from petting zoo as Mabel goes out of her way in getting the animals there mad at her.

"FRACK YOU! Listen to me! I'm not going to fly you to a prince charming, I'm not here to have a tea party, I'm not here to show you the magic of Friendship!" Twilight ranted causing all nearby ponies to gasp.

"What no friendship? What kind of pony are you?" a pony name Cornflower ask.

"Oh, suck it up already! Twilight snorted then turns back to Mabel. "And even if that last one were true, I would never want to be friends with an ungrateful bitch that treats her brother like crap!"

"I'm a good sister," Mabel said.

"You did make fun of Dipper after he risk his life to save us," Pacifica said.

"And he save me twice already," Wendy said before turning to Stan. "And didn't we catch you watching that black and white old woman drama?"

"I was too lazy to get up to change the channel," Stan admitted.

"Wendy!" Velma Corduroy her mother said as she rushes into the diner followed by a group of fellow deer women.

"Mom don't worry I'm ok. Dipper save me again," Wendy said.

"I was with your aunts when I got the call," Velma said.

"Don't worry mom. It's over and the police are at the mine to take care of it," Wendy said.

"Oh, you're the nice young man who saved my daughter," Velma said picking up Dipper and hugging him.

"You're welcome," Dipper said very uneasy as Wendy's mom is hot. She has a very busty body that has thicken thanks to having 4 kids but still very sexy. Not to mention her friends who are all just like her, reminding Dipper that deer women are the American counterparts to succubuses. And that his face was buried between her breasts which are very big and soft and because of his small size, bigger than his head.

"Mom he needs air," Wendy said blushing.

"Sorry," Velma said letting go.

Velma lets go of Dipper who fell back to the ground. And found himself being stared at by the other deer women.

"Hello little cutie," one of the deer women said staring at the young boy in front of her that the other deer women with her are staring too. Causing Dipper to tremble in front of the older women.

"Oh no you don't!" Wendy said as she puts herself between Dipper and her aunts.

"What's going on?" Dipper ask red face as he doesn't like the looks the older deer women are giving him making him feel like a piece of meat.

"Stan get the kids home," Velma said.

"Right don't want that to happen," Stan said taking the kids and getting them out of the diner. Sure some guys say it's a dream come true but women like Velma's friends would just scar a boy Dipper's age for life. He read news stories and seen on tv cases of older women having their way with young boys. Not to mention they're the type that you need a safe word. Which alot of people find out the hard way.

"Girls don't do that," Velma said to her friends.

"Well, you can't expect us not to react seeing that in front of us. And looks like Wendy has already claim him," the deer woman name Dana said.

"What's going on?" Twilight ask Pacifica.

"They're cougars," Pacifica said.

"What?" Twilight ask again.

"Do you know what a loli is?" Pacifica ask.

"You mean the Japanese thing with young... oh," Twilight said. "But shouldn't that be shota?"

"Deer women are attracted to virgins and having Dipper half naked in front of them was just asking for trouble," Pacifica said.

"Well, that's what happens when there is no mating season," Twilight said.

"That would just make things worse," Wendy said.

"How?" Twilight ask.

"That my aunts would only have one time of a year to release all of their sexual frustration all at once," Wendy said.

"That would be really bad," Pacifica said.

"Tell me about it. I'm good thanks to being a mother but for my friends... it would really be bad," Velma agreed.


Author's Note:

1 - Besides in real life preventing the censors from making a fuss about people becoming naked when they transform, where do their clothes go?

2 - I find it dumb how people never just jump to the side when something is behind them that can't move anywhere but forward.

3 - Best thing I can come up with how musicals that happen in the show happens.

4 - Trying to sing and dance like a musical is something I would like to see happen in a show. Where it’s not a musical at all. The only time I can think where it happen was in South Park after Highschool Musical came out and all the girls acted like they’re in one because of a guy they all thought was cute.