• Published 11th May 2021
  • 1,731 Views, 36 Comments

Fusion Falls (old version) - madhat886

Thanks to several events that all happen at once. Several different universes all suddenly merged into one. And several people who found themselves alone come together in the town of Gravity Falls.

  • ...

The Legend of the Gobblewonker


The Apple family's farm Sweet Apple Acres which is both a farm and an orchard, which is the reason why the town of Ponyville was even built in the first place. Had fallen onto hard times since the merge happen. Ponyvile is now on the edge of the human city of their counterparts that stretches all the way to Canterlot. Which once was built on a mountain but now in their world had merged with the cliff of the valley that Ponyvile is now inside of, with the castle forming a slope leading outside of the valley.

Things have changed for the ponies since the merge, princess Celestia stepping down from the throne with her estranged daughter Sunset who thanks to magic was transformed into a human and stayed that way after the merge. Some of the changes are good as the town no longer have to share one water system where one person doesn't use up all the hot water for a bath. And electric power for the homes and buildings, with things that made life easier for the ponies now that magic is gone from their lives.

Which is why the Apple farm wasn't doing well, without Earth pony magic to help plants grow the farm was failing. The ponies farming ways is low tech farming that is so dependent on magic that without it, many of the Earth pony farms quickly turn to waste. Seeing how they didn’t even know how to rotate crops to restore the soil. Which plunge the economy of Equestria downward, seeing how most of the income came from the food traded to other countries.

Once Sunset took over, she began reforms with the farms still up and running either changing hands to human farmers or the ponies learning new farming ways. With the pony farmers hiring human and non-human farm hands for the jobs they no longer able to do without magic. Seeing how many of the modern farm equipment aren’t made for ponies.

Applejack being who she is and Granny Smith not liking new things, just stuck to their ways. The old ways they use to farm just no longer work without magic, they could still grab things with their hooves that the other pony tribes couldn't, without their magic to make the plants grow and the crops to ripen fast. They and the other farm ponies now had to wait for the plants to be in season and that they only bare their bounty every few months then the few weeks at the most between harvestings.

"I keep telling you, I don't need help," Applejack said to her human counterpart.

"Look at your farm," human Applejack said waving to the barren fields with only the farm animals and the apple trees the only things left.

"We're in a tough spot but we'll pull through," pony Applejack said.

"The only reason why the farm is still up, and running is because of the zap apple harvest. Which thanks to me and the others helping to pick the apples before they disappear, with people paying to harvest them while they're there. Raising enough money to keep your farm from foreclosing. But the next time that happens won't be for a year," human Applejack said.

"We don't need all of that fancy farming tools," pony Applejack said.

"I can't believe how much of a hard head you are. This is you trying to harvest all the apple trees again," human Applejack said having heard of what happen.


"And my family farm is doing better than yours," human Applejack said. Her family apple farm is an organic farm with a greenhouse that allows them to grow year-round. With them growing those new fruit trees with the blue fruit call Ancient Fruit coming from that Stardew Valley place. Takes awhile to grow and for them to bear fruit but it pays off. They even have several beehives on the farm that in the wintertime they put in the greenhouse.

"YOU DEAL WITH THOSE TWO CONS," Applejack shouted.

"And I'm offering you a way to keep your farm afloat. Sell to the brothers juice factory, I talk with them and they agreed to buy your apples," human Applejack said.


"Fine," human Applejack said turning to walk away but stop when she saw Discord flying towards them.

"Hello my two apples," Discord said.

"Discord what do you want?" pony Applejack said glaring at him.

"And what's with the black tophat and cloak? You look like an old-time villain from one of those old black and white movies," human Applejack said.

"Oh this," Discord said tipping his hat to her and cloaking himself in his cloak. "Just setting up the mood for this."

"For what?" pony Applejack ask. The humans might see him as just a harmless trickster with his own tv show. But she knows he's still a villain.

"This!" Discord said as he hands Applejack a piece of paper.

"Foreclosing!" Applejack shouted out.

"That's right foreclosing because of all the late payments. Sunset ask me after I drop in on her, to deliver this to you. If you can't make the down payment by the end of the month, you'll lose your farm," Discord said as he poses with the cloak covering his lower face. “I must have the rent.”

"Sunset can't just take away the farm," Applejack said.

"She can as it turns out that Celly never did gave you the land the farm is on. It's still belongs to the castle on paper, she forgot to make it official which would be an easy fix if she was still the princess that is," Discord said.

"Then I'll just talk with Sunset then," Applejack said.

“She must have the rent, and you don’t have the rent,” Discord said acting like an old-time villain.

"Don't bother she won't listen," human Applejack said. Then saw Discord using a phone.

"Yes, I just gave her the paper and she thinks she can talk to you about it," Discord said before putting it on speaker and presenting it to pony Applejack's face.

"Princess Sunset please don't take the farm. It's been in the Apple family's hands for generations," Applejack pleaded to her.

"Seeing how you are clinging to old fashion traditions that are counterproductive in making any money, with the farm still being own by the throne making me your landlord. Discord’s old time villain outfit tells you that I’m in no mood to hear why you don’t have the rent. I'm going to sell your farm to someone who can actually turn a profit. The Zap Apples are only found on the farmland which you all only allowed others to pick last year because of being short on money. I'm going to have the farm grow zap apple trees by tearing down all the other apple trees or selling them as transplants. That way the farm will only be growing zap apples which will be sold as a rare delicacy food item," Sunset said over the phone.

"But we're the only ones who can make the jam," Applejack said.

"I had the apples I had pick be made into jam which didn't followed all those steps your old granny came up with and in a blind taste test no one could tell them apart. All that stuff you have been doing is just a waste of time, as it’s all just a placebo in this world. Any magic that hoping over water cans and singing while doing it doesn’t work here. And it won't be just jam that will be made, but selling them as they are, as wine and other apple related products. That you have already proven that your family won't ever change in how you run the farm. So, I'm just going to kick you out and bring in people who can make the farm into a money maker. I'm only giving you the end of the month to make the down payment because of what you had done in the past," Sunset said. (1)

"But what are we going to do? Where are we going to live?" Applejack asks.

"You have plenty of family members which some have made changes to how they do things at their farms and are making money who can take you in. Or you can be stay and work at the farm as farmhands which from what I understand is one of the things you refused to do that could had saved your farm when it would have matter. So, as I said your family have to handle all the things you'll need to do before at the end of the month. And no there is no way but giving the minimum payment, for you to keep the far,. Also don't go to one of the casinos, you'll just lose what you have left in your savings," Sunset said. Thanks to the deal Sunset made making Equestria like Native American own land, she was able to open up casinos to help bring in money.

"But it's over 4000 bits," Applejack said.

"Yes, and it has to be paid by the end of the month. And it's in dollars not bits. Come up with the money or start looking for a new job," Sunset said as she hangs up.

"This is rich, because of you're old fashion ways you'll losing the farm," Discord laughs. "Unless you come up with the money."

"Applejack?" pony Applejack turn to her human counterpart.

"No, I'm not an Apple remember. You got into this mess for refusing to change and being so full of pride that it has come to this point where you're losing everything. And when I offer to help you went and told me off because you couldn't shallow your pride. Well forget it, I don't have to help someone like you," human Applejack said as she walks off.

"Oh, this is priceless. She was trying to help you, but you went and burn down that bridge with your pigheaded ways," Discord said.

"Are you just going to laugh?" Applejack asks.

"Yup," Discord said as he laughs in her face while pointing at her before stopping. "But of course, you could earn the money by being on my show."

"Your show?" Applejack asks fearful of what he's planning.


Ponyvile -

Applejack wasn't the only member of the mane 6 who was dealing with financial problems since the merge. Many of the residents of Ponyvile had to change from using bits to dollars and get use to using paper money and credit cards. Then the biggest change was that the jobs that they use to do and got paid for, are no longer needed or been replaced by something that did the job better. Ponies were forced to look for new jobs outside of their talents, which with all the new businesses and resorts opening up there are jobs to be found. But many of them had to do job training or go back to school to be able to get a new job.

Rainbow Dash dream of being a Wonderbolt was dash to pieces with Sunset disbanding them and forcing them to put on air shows for one of the resorts that have open up since the merge. Rainbow Dash did manage to get a job at the resort and became a Wonderbolt but it is just an empty title now. Her human counterpart works at the resort/casino too for a summer job at the food court.

The air shows don't pay like what the Wonderbolts were used to but with so many of them losing their jobs and the dressing down Sunset gave to all of them before firing them, they needed the money to keep a roof over their heads. Seeing how their pensions also went with the disarming of the Equestira arm forces. With Sunset telling all of them that seeing how none of them bothered to fight the Changelings when they attack the castle then why should she be paying them anything or give them benefits for service that they never did in the first place.

Which cause many ex-guards who were already retired having look for work. That caused some guards to try to start a revolt against Sunset, who just had one of those Chinese dragon floats show up at the rally and while the civilians were being 'eaten'. The so-called defenders of Equestria just disappeared from sight or showed up to fight the 'dragon' which the rampage only ended when some of the ponies who were eaten came out from under the costume and revealed that there were humans underneath holding poles to hold up the dragon and others controlling the jaw.

The guards finally showed up trying to get control of the crowd and figure out what happen. Which was when Sunset showed up on stage and revealed she was behind everything to show how useless the so-called guards of Equestria are at their jobs. She revealed she had cameras filming everything and showed that while the fake dragon was attacking which the humans in the crowd couldn't believe that the ponies actually fell for it. With many thinking it was just a show and were laughing at the panicking ponies.

The guards and wonderbolts were all hiding behind things while the fake dragon was eating ponies. Any and all support for the guards and Wonderbolts quickly evaporated after the pony army showed that in the end of the day, they're just cowards who rather save their own lives then do their jobs to protect others. With a picture of one of the high-ranking former guards hiding behind a puppy, becoming a popular meme. (2)

Fluttershy who use to take care of the animals, suddenly found herself jobless once the animals started to take care of themselves. But found work at the new zoo that open near the new Everfree Forest resort. The castle of the two sisters was made into a tourist trap, after all the valuables were strip from it. It's where the tourist can explore the forest in the fence in areas or in the campsites or rent a cabin, which are protected by human rangers armed with weapons that the local wildlife soon learn to avoid. Zecora who lived in the forest was hired as a tour guide to lead walks through the woods. And for those who didn't want to go into the woods, the Everfree zoo where captured animals found in the woods are housed in pens were some like being fed everyday and being cared for by the staff.

Fluttershy is forced to deal with interacting with others and the scary humans and animals or lose her home. She also works with her human counterpart who unlike her works well with both animals and humans. Also that she has to feed the meat eaters meat, which in the past she used fish to feed them and not chunks of meat.

Rarity on the other hand found that with mass produced clothes being a thing that humans had for a very long time, that her skills in clothes making wasn't in demand anymore. Plus that since the merge her being able to use her horn to lift things no longer as good as it used to be and she had to focus to do things that she use to be able to do without effort. And those who did buy custom made clothes already had people they go to for it. She tried to get Sunset to wear the dress she designs for her to wear, but found that her human counterpart had beaten her to the punch. Which Sunset explained to pony Rarity that the dress isn't what she likes and that the taste if more pony then human, which she is.

The human Rarity has been given the job to make up for what she use to do to her and her friends before the merge. Not to mention that Sunset held her and her friends as responsible for the Changeling as with Celestia, for caring more about the wedding then the warnings that Twilight was pointing out. Rarity had to relearn how to make clothes so that they would be suitable for humans as well as other non-ponies. Right now, her shop is selling hats and shirts that have cutie marks on them to the tourist which turns out to be big sellers. But Rarity wasn't living the dream of her making wonderful designs as she's been reduced to selling cheap clothing to pay the bills.

Then there's Pinkie Pie who is still a party planner, but she found that the humans who are now her main customers have very different tastes then ponies. Like for example when she was arrested when she broke into one of the human homes that appeared in Ponyvile. She learned that humans don't like people who break into their homes even if its to throw them a party. Which also happen when she tried to throw Sunset a party for her becoming the new princess by breaking into her office and while the party still took place, Pinkie spent the enter party in the dunk tank or her head sticking out of a hole where people would hit her face with pies.

When the party was over Sunset told her that they were laughing at her not with her. With Sunset mocking her for being a dumb crazy party pony who only thing is being just that and that she only cares about the party and not if the person wants it in the first place like her. Pinkie after that was ban from the castle and now only throws parties when someone ask or pays her to throw one. Her human counterpart is working at the new party supply store that open up for a summer job.

And just to add insult to injury, they learn that the pony Trixie has become a big star using her stage magic which they made fun of before. The humans and other races like her act and made her a big star at the casino where she works at. Her human counterpart is also working at the casino as a assistant to her pony counterpart, for a summer job.


At Camp Lakebottom -

Inside one of the boys’ cabins Dib was laughing as he was looking at his Ipad. They’re all waiting for their trip down to the lake. Fishing season had started, and they will be joining the rest of the town at the area of the lake where fishing is allowed. Seeing how there are people who can breathe underwater and are living in the lake, fishing is now only allowed in some parts of the lake with buoys and cables with bright red and yellow floaters showing where fishing is allowed and blocking off areas where it isn’t allowed.

"What's so funny?" Lincoln asks from his bed as he's using his Ipad.

"My former classmates are still sending 'selfies' for some reason of how terrible their lives have become! They lost everything when the City’s currency became worthless and when their parents tried to 'get involved with the worlds economics... they were almost immediately got blacklisted for their stupidity! And when the Skool was shut down and dealing with Bitters, they all ended up being sent to remedial schools or kindergarten," Dib explains.

"What did happen at the skool?" Lincoln ask.

"No idea all, I know is that the skool isn't there anymore and neither is Bitters," Dib said.

"Didn't they build the skool around her?" Lincoln ask.

"That's what I heard," Dib said.

"Bet they believe you now," Clyde said from his bed.

"Actually, half still flat out refuse to believe anything supernatural, they'd rather believe the rest of the world are just gullible idiots," Dib said rolling his eyes.

"You can't be serious," Clyde said.

"Whatever, if they can't look past their own idiocy, they deserve all the misery they can get," Dib said waving it off.

"Wait, you said HALF of them, what are the other?" Lincoln ask trying to figure it out. "The other half is the GIRL half, isn't it?"

"The gold digger girl half, you mean," Dib said giving out a snout. "Since my dad is one of the few people doing well and my newfound fame, they're desperately throwing themselves at me to improve their own lousy life... the same girls that mocked and ridiculed me for years... Yeah, like that would ever happen."

"Besides you can find much better girls," Clyde said.

"Just don't try with any girl like my sisters," Lincoln said who still hasn't forgiven his family for kicking him out. And thanks to their houses being so close together, he can hang out with Dib anytime he wants. Which is hanging out in the garage which became their clubhouse where they with Ronnie and Clyde look up the supernatural and aliens.

"Don't worry about that. There's no way I'm getting near your sisters," Dib said.

"Hey guys have you two been keeping an update on what's happening around the world?" Clyde ask.

"Not really. There's alot happening around here," Lincoln said.

"Well according to this news article. That African country Fanka that's like the Marvel comics Wakanda..." Clyde said but was cut off.

"That's not how you say the name," Dib said.

"Yeah, yeah whatever," Clyde said waving it off. "The country's ruler prince Erial.... however, you say his name has finally gotten his country to start to recover from the merge."

"Isn't that the country that like in the comic cut itself off to the rest of the world and somehow became super advance for some reason. But once in this world after the merge, the entire country went bankrupt?" Lincoln ask.

"Yup the same," Clyde said.

"That place shouldn't had ever work and become a utopia with science and technology. With the mindset that everything that doesn't happen in their country doesn't matter. Which after the merge all the resources that they use to have at their fingertips just dried up. That magical metal Orihalcon which allowed them to be so advance in the first place once in this world turn into tin. And seeing how they never cared to help others in the past no one was going to start giving them aid when they had their own problems after the merge. I still can't understand how they got so advance in the first place with just that metal," Dib said.

"Well, there are plenty of online videos that explain why it shouldn't had work in the first place," Clyde said. (3)

“Like how they could make a computer when it needs all sort of materials just to make one. They don’t have all the resources just there all in that one spot. And that’s not even getting into how they have people kept being born in that country who are on the same level as my dad. Even they can’t explain it when asked,” Dib said.

"They did help those aliens from the crash landing, those Mudokons aliens," Lincoln said.

"That's true, a whole race of slaves to a big meat factory in space," Dib said. "But we have enough trouble on this planet without sticking our noses in space."

"True," Lincoln said.

"But then again Fanka is using the alien tech from the spaceship to get some of their old technology working again and the country's leader made a vow to share their technology instead of hoarding it. Seeing how no one wanted to help them after learning what they could had done but decided to hide it for themselves. Like the guy who hordes things to themselves when everyone else is suffering around them, and being surprised that once people learn about it that no one is going to help them when they need help. Not to mention it's all that they have to offer to trade now," Dib explains.

"From what I know about Africa most of it is poor and third world. Which if the old rulers of Fanka had cared would be completely different. I hope that just about losing everything because of how they were had open their eyes," Clyde said.

"Well to earn money and some goodwill. The current ruler is sending people with skills to help improve the standard of life around Africa. From building wind farms to digging wells, and opening schools," Lincoln said reading about what's happening over there.

"It's a start," Clyde said.

"Hey guys ready for the trip to the lake?" Nate the local teen working at the camp for the summer.

"Ready to start fishing," Lincoln said as he and the rest of the boys in the cabin exited.

Outside the kids are piling into the buses to take them to the lake for the opening day of fishing. Lincoln waved to Ronnie as she was with the other girls whose cabins are on the other side of the camp. The one driving one of the girls bus is Milla Vodello another guard for the camp who was away on business on the first day. She'll be one of the adults coming with the kids for a day of fishing, with Gwen, David, and Bill.


Lake Gravity Falls -

Surrounded by cliffs on three sides, with a beach on the side without a cliff, Lake Gravity Falls is the main source of fresh water for the town of Gravity Falls and the surrounding region. It's also the fishing spot for the residents when fishing seasons starts, which the fish came to the lake by the river that empties into the lake making a waterfall. The lake also houses a small island that is known as Scuttlebutt Island, that is home to a colony of beavers. And the lake also contains the Island Head Beast, that disguised itself as another small island.

Since the merge the lake had gone through some changes like the rest of the world. The Island Head Beast was found and captured with it being wrap in chains and cables that are connected to large anchors used for big ships to keep it from floating. It's now on display in a fence off pond that was dug to house it.

The fish found in the lake are the usual lake fish, trout, bass, catfish, but what draws the people looking to fish are the paddlefish and sturgeons. Those fishes who usually found in rivers thanks to the waterfall emptying into the lake and floods after rains. Thanks to the merge there have been new water life that appeared in the lake or been swept into it by the waterfall.

Then there are the freshwater merfolks who had moved into the lake. Who unlike their sea cousins have adapted to living in freshwater. There are also some water serpents who ended up living at the like Steven Magnet and there are some sea ponies living there as well. They're not the only water dwellers who have moved in, as there are several water nymphs, frog people and others who had moved in as well.

Living on a floating platform made up of houses on rafts and houseboats all join together. The settlement is led by Canyon who had moved there, where she spends her days fishing and writing her adventures with Billy using online books. They make a living fishing from the lake or the fish hatchery they made to farm them or the farming of the aqua plants that were used to fight zombies when they were still around. Which have become a hobby for some people to have.

"Looks like the whole town is here," Stan said as he and the twins walk over to the pier where their boat is at.

"10 hours on a boat with Stan with a joke book," Dipper said to Mabel.

"There has to be something that would get us out of this," Mabel said.

"I seen it! I seen it!" old man McGucket shouted. He's the old, deranged hillbilly who lived at the Gravity Falls junkyard.

"Dad what did I told you! You're scaring my customers," his son the owner of the boat renter shack shouted.

"The Gobblewonker went and ate my boat!" McGucket shouted drawing everyone's attention.

"Hey the gobblewonkers didn't," Steven Magnet said who next to the pier. He let out a whistle and Slimey the gigantic octopus like creature who lives in the lake, who is Camp Lakebottom's mascot pops up. "Slimey can you call up the gobblewonkers?"

Slimey gave a nod and let out a bellow underwater and soon a herd of gobblewonker heads pop out from underwater.

"Alright did any of you attack this man's boat," Steven Magnet ask them which all of the gobblewonkers shake their heads saying no. "There you have it."

"Not those," McGucket shouted. "The one that lives on Scuttlebutt Island."

"Mister there is no way any of the gobblewonkers can live on land. They all have flippers and are as fast on land as a sea turtle," Steven Magnet said as the gobblewonkers all raise a flipper out of the water.

"Well that's good enough for me," sheriff Blubs said who's in a police boat with deputy Durland.

"You shouldn't be going around saying that the gobblewonkers are attacking people," Durland said as he pats one of the gobblewonkers on the head.

"Dad they're friendly like dolphins, expect they don't go around killing baby porpoises," McGucket Jr. said. (4)

"Looks like we just have a crazy old man," Blubs said as he and the crowd started laughing at him.

"Hey Mabel remember that add in the paper?" Dipper ask.

"The giant hamster ball?" Mabel ask.

"Not that one. The one offering 1,000 dollars to anyone who can take a picture of a new creature," Dipper said.

"Monster hunt?" Mabel ask.

"Monster hunt," Dipper repeated to her.

"Monster hunt!" both twins said together.


Elsewhere on the lake -

The buses from the camp had arrived and the campers all burst out ready for a day at the lake. The kids split up from those who wanted to fish on a boat and others on the docks. Lincoln and Ronnie are part of the last groups both of them wanted to fish away from the crowd. Both of them grown closer as Lincoln all but cut himself off from his family for what happen to him. They been trying to make it up to him but he refuses to forgive them.

"I can't believe your mom was thinking of moving before the merge," Lincoln said to Ronnie.

"Yeah, she was looking for a better job till the merge happen and she managed to get a higher paying job, but it is in the City, but she is working for Dib's dad company," Ronnie said.

"I still find it hard to believe how smart he is," Lincoln said.

"Well, he didn't believe in aliens," Ronnie said.

"Well, he has gotten better, and he is a great dad now that he isn't as busy as he was before, when he was basically the only one who kept the world running," Lincoln said.

"It explains so much why Mr. Membrane is how he is," Ronnie said. "So, want to go swimming instead of fishing?"

"Sure, I'm wearing my swim trunks," Lincoln said.

"Me too," Ronnie said taking off her clothes to reveal that she's wearing a one-piece swimsuit.

Both of them left their clothes together on top of their fishing gear to keep them off the dirt. Lincoln and Ronnie enjoyed their swim in the lake away from the people who are fishing. Both of them were watching as a frog swam by them when they noticed some beavers numbering in the dozen or so swimming around them.

"Hey, look beavers," Lincoln said as he pets one of them.

"Hey watch it!" Ronnie snap as one of them rub its head against her chest. Which she responded by punching it, causing it and the other beavers to get mad.

"Ronnie, I don't think that was the right thing to do," Lincoln said watching as the beavers closed on in on them.

Lincoln and Ronnie screamed as the beavers attack them with their biting teeth. The beavers swarmed around the two kids before swimming away, which the two kids were relief they weren't bitten. Then they noticed that they're completely naked as the beavers had bitten off their swimwear. Both kids couldn't help but stare at each other before looking away.

"Is the water really that cold?" Ronnie ask as she couldn't help but make fun of Lincoln.

"Hey!" Lincoln said glaring at Ronnie. "How about you? You're flat as a table!"

"Hey!" Ronnie snaps at Lincoln as she covers her chest. "I'm still growing!"

"Me too. I'm going to get bigger once, I get older," Lincoln said.

"Come on let's go before we're seen," Ronnie said.

They swam to shore where they left their clothes at, but once they got there, they saw the beavers making off into the woods with their clothes. The two kids not wanting to be seen naked ran after the beavers, running through the woods naked. They ran through the woods trying to find the beavers but lost them with only them managing to find a shoe.

"What are we going to do?" Lincoln ask not wanting to face the crowd back at the lake.

"Hey what's that," Ronnie said suddenly as she points to a girl wearing a yellow raincoat who is kneeling next to the body of a giant spider the size of a small dog. She was sucking something black and smoky from the spider.

The girl noticing them drops the spider and stares at them. Both Lincoln and Ronnie also stared at her both of them not knowing what to do. A dart suddenly struck the girl in the yellow raincoat and she fell to the ground out cold. Spiders the size of large dogs suddenly sprang out from the bushes surrounding Lincoln and Ronnie before they could react.

"There is no place to run," a voice called out causing the two kids to turn to the voice.

The voice came from a red anthropomorphic cat, with purple dots around his body and on his nose, with very, very bright yellow eyes. He is tall, slender and has a long tail that poke out from the hunting outfit he wore. He's armed with a dart gun which he's pointing at the two naked kids in front of him.

"And there is no place to hide," Katz said as he fired two more darts at the kids.


Elsewhere -

Doctor Von Reichter who in his past life before he changed bodies was Josef Mengele. He was a former member of the SS and the Nazi party in World War II. An expert in genetic engineering, he initially began his work in concentration camps, implanting cybernetic organs in the bodies of deceased prisoners in an attempt to bring them back to life to serve in the Fuhrer's army. However, the Allied forces intervened to defeat the Nazis, now a wanted war criminal, he escaped capture and fled from Europe to South America into the Brazilian rainforest. There in his secret laboratory, he continued his genetic experiments.

One of his creations were the Cyber Series, five thousand children meant to be his soldiers in a bid for world domination, but at the age of nine, it was discovered they had an error in their genetics that caused them to become rebellious. With this, Von Reichter ordered for their total destruction. Two children avoided the cruel method of elimination, Cyber-6 and Cyber-29.

Before the merge he was living in Meridiana where Cybersix and Cyber-29 now Data 7 and in the body of a black panther, showed up to stop him. To survive Cybersix needed to drink the fluids that all of his creations have inside of them to live. Which is why they been fighting his plans to takeover the city then the world. In the end his son/clone Jose betrayed him when he tried to destroy the city of Meridiana but then the merge happen which saved him.

Since then, he's been on the run and ended up in Gravity Falls after hearing about the magic found there. The merge granted him a new start in a brand new world, filled with so many new creatures to experiment on. Using money he had hidden away that were mostly still in the places where he had hidden them, he brought a pig farm which he used as a cover where all the new bio-engineering machines he buys is written off as being used to create bio-engineer pigs. Which the man he hired to run the business end of the operation Hoggish Greedly, sells as a fat free meat, which the pig meat are created to be to keep up the appearance of being a bio-farm, Bio-Pigs. It brings in money as well as supplying his creations fresh meat as well as bio-matter to use in his experiments. Not to mention allows him to conduct some experiments in the open that he uses on his real work.

Deep underground is the reason why Von Reichter chose this location. Hidden underneath a gas station was a vault created by a company called Vault-Tech. The vault's residents were already all dead by the time Von Reichter discovered it, thanks to a Fix Idea stumbling upon it. Von Reichter had the Fix Ideas rebuild the station as part of the research building with the entrance to the underground part being disguised as waste disposal. Because of it being where all the biowaste ends up, the entire place is staff by the Fix Ideas who wear hazmat suits to hide in plain sight, and his failed experiments and others could be gotten rid of in either the treatment pool, the recycler or the incinerator. Which the waste are sold as fertilizer to add more income to fund all of the projects going on, which he needs seeing it's easier to buy then to steal while he's hiding. (5)

Von Reichter walk past the cages that held the animals collected from Gravity Falls, which is filled with the strange. In one cage is a duck with it's face on it's stomach, in the next cage is a quail with a question mark on it's head, a owl with the head and utter of a cow, even a hawktopus. They're studied by researchers that have been hired to work at the farm to see if there couldn't be anything to learn from them. Those animals are on display for the lab that is public known which the staff who works for him do given him useful knowledge ever so often, while the real work is done by him alone.

In his real lab are the sapient test subjects that he has to keep hidden away. He took care not to draw attention by hiring out people with them only being in contact with middlemen who are in contact with other middle men so they won't be able to trace it back to him. There's a black market for non-humans with some companies doing it legal by paying for live test subjects but there is always those like him who need more then what people are willing to give. To those who take part in the human and non-human trafficking, he pays for samples so that he can just clone the subjects as many times as he wants and never have to deal with people looking into the disappearances of the person that was cloned as they be looking for the real person not the clone. Of course, there are those with special abilities and powers that the clone wouldn't have which he has no choice but to take the subject alive when possible. Like the current subject he's been tracking down for sometime now.

Entering the real laboratory Von Reichter walk over to the computer that controls the eyebots he uses to spy and to track things. The target is a young girl who always wears a yellow raincoat, who has the power to suck the life out of her victims. The ones who kept their powers after the merge are the ones that he has his eyes on. Some like those unicorns of Equestria have the power to lift things using their horns, what's left of their magical abilities which his cloning has shown is something that all of them can do.

But then there are those who for some reason or another their powers aren't past down by cloning. As according to his two new lackeys, the power the girl had came from their old boss. The girl somehow manage to take the power to absorb the life force from others and more. The nomes creatures that infest the Maw and the surrounding area around it, were all created by the Lady who ruled over the Maw before.

Looking at one of the screens that showed what's going on around the farm. His two new minions are in the kitchen preparing food for the pigs. They use to work as the chefs at the Maw and were obese, bulbous creatures when he first discover them, searching for the girl. Some work in the lab and they're now look like the Fix Ideas but much bigger as they already stood at around 10 feet tall. He change their faces, change their skin tones to green and slim them down so that any pictures found at the Maw couldn't be used to identify them. They still wear their white smock, an apron, and chef's hat.

Both of them are in charge of getting rid of the dead test subjects by cutting and slicing the bodies apart, tossing the meat into the grinders, bones and all. Where the grounded up pile of meat and bones is fed to the pigs. Seeing how despite their occupation, their personal hygiene is as questionable as the source of their ingredients, shown when they openly cough around food, rip open a large piece of raw meat with unwashed hands, and unclog a washing station's drain with a toilet plunger. So, they're now feeding the pigs who can eat anything. There is also something wrong with them as they would talk about the Maw now and then, about it needing to be fed and made whole again.

The bodies that are too contaminated or couldn’t be eaten by the pigs without making them sick or making their meat go bad. Are thrown into the recycler that breaks down the body into useable material cubes, organic cubes and mineral cubes from the bodies with synthetic cubes from any artificial implants and exotic from magical in nature bodies. And are sold to companies that have use for the cubes, or used around the farm using the new fabricators.

Hearing about the girl who killed the Lady and stole her power, he's been tracking down the girl who must be the key to the Maw somehow. He's been using hidden cameras and drones to locate her, till he discover that she's around Gravity Falls. She seems to like being around the lake and feeding on the fish she catches. There isn't anyone he can hire to catch her in the area of this time, but he can release one of his new hunter he had created to track and catch a target and bring them back to him. He discovered a strange reptile like creature that was killed thanks to the merge, which for some creatures thanks to either them being magical or warping reality or like that, once the merge hit the new reality caused them to die. The reptile creature remains gave him much to work with as it's cells are able to change and adapt to just about anything before it's destroyed.

Von Reichter knew he had discovered something amazing and began experimenting. He used the creature that's known as a deathclaw as the base and gave it an enhance dose of the virus he discovered inside of it that caused it to transform in the first place in it's world. Making it intelligent and able to speak like the test subjects before it. But also combine it with the adaptation ability that came from the reptile like creature. He also used the Adam he managed to get his hands on to make the new creature stronger. And getting his hands on people that have powers would allow him to learn how to copy them.

There is also the substance known as mutagen that he's been trying to get his hands on. The mutagen is found in New York after the merged and the mutants that were created from it started showing up. He's been having people search the city looking for the mutagen for his experiments, but they're being stop by those crime fighting anthropomorphic ninja turtles. He's been trying to make contract with the villains that the turtles fight which is now out in the open as they no longer have to hide themselves, but it has proven difficult in getting in contact with any of them.

A beeping on his screen causes him to turn his attention to his other experiment in the form of a young girl who he created who is able to spread a rage plague to anyone she touches. With the failure of his son Jose, he decided to try with a daughter this time around. He also made sure she'll be loyal to him and won't turn on him like what happen with her brother. He did the same with all of his creations, giving them a post-hypnotic suggestion that made ​​it impossible for them to attack him.

He turns his attention back to the main screen with target and saw that someone else beat him to capturing her. His eyes narrowed as he saw it's that cat name Katz who leads a group of giant spiders that he feeds people to for fun. Katz is one of the people he hires to capture samples for him through third parties. He knows that he needs to get in contact with Katz before... his eyes narrow as Katz gave a wave to the camera as his spiders drag the target away away, along with two other kids a boy and a girl. Then Katz fired his dart gun at the camera cutting the feed. He doesn't like working with Katz as he seems to know more then he lets on.


Canterlot Castle -

Sunset is talking to the old royal advisor Raven Inkwell who because of her being good at her job kept it. They're talking about the current economic situation of the nation when Raven realized something. Sunset had told both Luna and Cadance about what she's been up to while living in the human world and she remembered something about her telling them about her interactions with the human counterparts of the element bearers.

"Your majesty, whatever happened to those teens who's friendship you broke," Raven ask.

"Oh, them? With everything that happened, I completely forgot about them... during a break," Sunset said shrugging her shoulders. "I did and toyed with telling them the truth and fixing their friendship... then I realized something. My 'scheme' wasn't really that complicated, all they would had to have done is given each other the benefit of a doubt and talked rationally for a minute to realize no one sent those texts... but they didn't. So... how strong could their friendship have been in the first place? Even if I did, who's to say they just wouldn't immediately turn on each other and forget all previous friendship and Aesops, or whatever the next time things got bad for them? No, the whole 'friends from different backgrounds coming together makes for a good story, but unless you’re willing to work hard, trust each other and set a solid foundation for said friendship... it's doomed to fail."

"So, you're not going to fix their friendship?" Raven ask who seems aghast.

"Look Raven, I know friendship was the closest thing we have to a religion. And if we still lived in a magical fairytale world where the rest of the worlds issues simply didn't exist or put themselves on hold whenever a friendship issue popped up. Then sure, I could handle friendship problems," Sunset said as she holds up all the documents regarding her duties. "But in case you haven't noticed, I have a kingdom to run! We're still recovering from the merge! Anything small like that will either have to handle itself or be delegated by someone else! I am not like mom in being the only one who does anything, everyone has to be able to do something themselves. Which is why so many ponies who worked in the castle are now out of the job as they didn't do anything while expecting me to do it instead."

"Yes, the castle staff is now much smaller now," Raven said being one of the handful of ponies who still work in the castle.

"Besides it's a moot point, I looked into it when I had the chance and they've all more or less moved on. The crisis of the merge brought them closer with friends who they had more in common with and by the looks of it most of them are planning to leave town to pursue their various interests after college. Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich are going to some clown college, Rainbow Dash becoming a professional athlete, Rarity, Sassy Saddles, and Coco Pommel going to beauty school, Flutteshy, Tree Hugger, and Wallflower going to veterinarian school, and Applejack is staying at the farm. So even if I had fixed their friendship, at best they would've been 'acquaintances who only ever talk like once a year at best', which is the fate of most high school friendships if you think about it. It's sad, but that's life, so what can you do?" Sunset explains.

"I see," Raven said while still looks uneasy, but not able to find a hole in the logic.

"Besides, after finding out that they're the human version of the ponies who abandoned Twilight. I gotta say, i just stopped feeling guilty about what I did. Maybe that's not being fair to them... but on top of everything else... it was just the straw that broke the camels back on me cutting them from my life. Besides Rarity the human one is my tailor which will put her name out in the fashion world and all the others are either working at one of the resorts or supplying them like Applejack's family farm is doing. So, I'm already helping them in a way," Sunset said.

"Sunset?" Luna ask as she enters the room. With her no longer having to move the moon around or have to look after the dreams of others as her dream magic doesn't work unless she next to the dreamer. She now doesn't have to sleep all day and work only at night.

"Yes aunty," Sunset ask. Her relationship with her aunt is much better then Celestia or Cadance but Sunset doesn't like how she tries to get her to mend the relationship with Celestia.

"There's a man and a.... woman here to see you. They're waiting at the entrance. They say that they're your parents," Luna said.

"My parents!" Sunset said as she rushes to her feet and rush past Luna who followed her along with Raven.

At the entrance of the castle is a large man with red hair that borders on being orange, a big and powerful body with a big belly. He's dress in a trucker's shirt and overalls which went with the big truck with a big trailer at the back of it that he had park right in front of the castle. There's a line of vehicles from cars, vans to pickup trucks behind the big truck. The human guards are standing around him waiting for Sunset to get there, they're staying back as the man is very big being over 7 feet tall.

Then there's the woman with him, who is dress as a woman, she wasn't what you expected. She's actually taller then her husband at over 9 feet, and more muscular than her him. She also had deep red hair, harsh green eyes, a boil on the side of her cheek. And she is currently being held back by her husband and several younger woman who look to be their daughters from beating the pony guards who are shattered around the entrance.

"FAT! FAT! I'LL SHOW YOU!" the woman shouted as she tries to free herself from her family who are holding her back.

"Alright who called mom fat?" Sunset ask walking up to her mom.

"Sunset!" her mom said snapping from unstoppable rage to loving mama. Her husband and daughters let her go as she rushes over to Sunset and lifts her up in her arms.

"Hi mom," Sunset said as her mom held her in her arms.

"So, she's your mother?" the human guard Sam ask.

"Yes, and what happen here?" Sunset ask.

"The pony guards wanted them to leave which ended with Rosewood over there saying there is no way someone like your mother could be your mom, saying how ugly and fat she is for a human," Sam answers.

"Rosewood you're fired," Sunset said looking at the still form of Rosewood. "Well, someone tell her when she wakes up."

"So, you're the ones who adopted Sunset?" Luna ask walking up to them.

"Actually, they're my birth family counterparts," Sunset answers.

"What?" Luna ask.

"Didn't Celestia tell you how she adopted me?" Sunset ask.

"No," Luna said.

"Well, the family I came from are all Earth ponies who hate magic, so when I was born thanks to some unicorn in the family. They disown me and sent me to the orphanage where Celestia discover my high level of magic and took me in. And once she decided that I was too much trouble to raise and kick me out and me going into the mirror. In the human world after fending for myself for a couple of days on my own. One of my human sisters found me sleeping in a cardboard box and brought me home, thinking I’m my human counterpart. Which led to a great amount of confusion when I met my counterpart. Long story short, I told them about me being a pony and when the portal opens up again, I showed them and they still accepted me as part of the family," Sunset explains.

"She isn't the daughter I gave birth to but she's still my little baby girl," Sunset's mom said holding Sunset like a baby.

"She is the runt," one of Sunset's sisters said smirking at her 'little' sister. Sunset is the only member of the family who isn't a adult yet.

"Shut up, Ruth," Sunset glared at her bigger sister. Ruth like all of her other older sisters despite being extremely tall and well-built, these girls are very busty and curvy. And all are statuesque stunners that when they were all going to highschool they were known as the amazon brigade. Which during the school games against the rival school Crystal Prep, they won all the physical part of the games. And why Sunset was able to become queen bee thanks to her bigger and stronger sisters around till they left for college.

“Well, you are smaller than me,” Sunset’s human counterpart said who had come out of the car she was riding in. Unlike Sunset her human counterpart is taller and buffer than her and is dress in overalls.

"And all of these other women are your sisters?" Luna ask looking at all the young women.

"Meet Ruth, Flora, Maeve, Isla, Bradana, Murdina, Alana, Oban, Ardbey, Fiona, Assie, Bonnie, Lorna, Mawina, Shona, Nora, Piesil, Shanath, Euspeth, Edme, Freya, Gilbartha, Gesha, Grizela, Innes, Dawntha, Cora, Davina, and Kina," Sunset said as she points to her sisters as she name them.

“And me Sunrise,” Sunset counterpart said.

“Sunrise?” Luna asked.

“Mom and dad already call us the wrong name enough, and having both of us having the same name would just be confusing. So Sunrise decided to have her name change,” Sunset said.

“Why haven’t I seen her around?” Luna asked.

“I went to the school closer to the farm,” Sunrise said.

"How did you have so many, Ms...?" Luna ask looking at all the daughters.

"Helga Scotdale. And all but Sunrise are all multiple births from twins to two pairs of octuplets and a nonuplets," Mrs. Scotdale said.

"And this is normal?" Luna ask looking at Sunset being held like a baby.

"Mom treats all of us like we're still kids. Especially Sunset seeing how she's the smallest, mom can't help but see her as the baby of the family," Isla said.

“Sunset is my younger sister,” Sunrise adds.

"Cut that out," Sunset snaps at her two sisters, who just laughs with the rest of her sisters.

"This explains so much," Luna said seeing how with a family like Sunset has, is the reason she is so willful, forceful and gives off the aura of being bigger then she really is. With her being the smallest and youngest she has to be seeing how there's no way she would ever match any of her older sisters in strength. Even Sunrise has a couple of inches and muscles over Sunset.

"So, the deal with the ranch is all set?" Sunset ask.

"Yes, we sold the last of the pigs to that new bio-farm and sold the ranch to the owner. So now we're all going to get to live together as a family again," Mrs. Scotdale said.

"Is this the reason why you fired so many staff members? So that the rooms would be free?" Luna ask.

"No, I fired them for not doing their jobs or just sucking at it. Besides at the old house even with expanding the house we still had to share rooms. And the castle has plenty of room now that it's more of a home then a seat of government," Sunset said.

"It be so nice to be able to be all together without having a long trip between here and the ranch," Mrs. Scotdale said.

"Tell me about it," Sunset said.

"Sunset have you told Celestia about this?" Luna ask.

"Why bother? I'm only her daughter because she adopted me. But only saw me as a way to free you from being Nightmare Moon, which instead of healing you right then and there instead sent you to the moon for a thousand years by yourself. Celestia isn't a good sister or mother but we're struck with her as she's family. But it doesn't mean she's the only family we have. I have my family of choice as they unlike her never took the easy way out by just giving up on me unlike her as she did with you in just sealing you away instead of trying to save you. As once you did come back after being alone for all of that time you went with trying to bring a never ending night to the world, which unless you like mushrooms that don't need light to grow would had ended badly," Sunset said.

"She is still my sister and your mother," Luna said.

"She is, seeing how my biological family didn't want me. But she was anything but one as in all of that time I was in the human world, not once she tried to find or contact me at all. I still have the journal that we use to use to write to each other and not once she tried writing to me. It's only now that she lost her magic and is no longer the princess that she suddenly wants to mend our bond. Wanting to be the mother she should had been when it would had mattered, it's too late for that to happen now. I found my real family and I don't need her to be my mother anymore. The only good thing about being her daughter is that it allowed me to takeover and save Equestria from falling apart, which under her rule would had fallen apart at this point," Sunset explains.

"She still wants to be apart of your life," Luna said.

"I'm still waiting for her to make it up to me and her attempts at buying my forgiveness is pitiful. Not to mention she's trying using things that I like when I was a pony," Sunset said as she finally frees herself from her mom. "Come on lets get the stuff unpack and, I'll show you around the castle and your rooms."

Luna seeing the family be busy for awhile walk back into the castle where near the entrance she found her sister who had been listening in. Looking at Celestia's face she could see the guilt of her many failures written on her face. Ever since the merge and losing her powers and crown to Sunset, she's been trying to be the mother she should had been to her. But with the human family that took Sunset in after Celestia had thrown her out, now living in the castle. Celestia knew now that any chance of her being Sunset's mother was long gone, as the woman who was the mother Sunset needed when it did matter already beat her to it a long time ago. And Luna couldn't think of anything to say to her sister, whose mistakes had cost her the only daughter she ever had.


At the Lake -

After joining Soos on his boat and after he and Mabel threw most of the disposable cameras overboard. Finally got to Scuttlebutt Island where after Soos tied the boat so it wouldn't drift off and they set off into the island to find the gobblewonker. They walk around the island as they look for the beast, till they heard a strange noise which lead them to the lake shore where they discovered, a big beaver lodge.

"Wow this looks like a beaver den but crossed with a house," Soos said.

"It has windows and a door," Mabel said pointing to one of the doors being a car door.

The lodge while built like a normal beaver home is also has things that no wild animal would have. The dam part of the lodge created a small lagoon, which is used as a pool. There are several solar panels on the roof to provide power as well as a gas-powered generator which is inside a shack built on the dam to protect it from the weather. A motorboat next to the lodge tied to the small dock built onto the lodge. There is also a garden outside of a greenhouse where there are beehives inside.

"Wonder who lives there?" Dipper ask.

"Oh, we do," a voice behind them said.

Turning around they saw two beavers standing on two legs. One is a dark brown with a red nose and yellow eyes. While the other is light brown with a purple nose and both of them are around the twins size.

"Hi, my name is Norbert and this is my brother Daggett," the light brown one greeted them.

"Cool they’re the two talking beavers that I have seen at the grocery store," Soos said.

"What are you people doing here?" Daggett ask.

"We're looking for a gobblewonker that can go on land," Dipper answers.

"Gobblewonkers can't go on land… not well anyways," Norbert said.

"Yeah, we're hoping that it's some kind of new creature and we can get a picture of and sell to the newspaper," Mabel explains.

"Nope sorry we been living here since the merge and we never seen any gobblewonker walking on land around here," Daggett said.

"But maybe Twilight knows something," Norbert said.

"Twilight?" Dipper ask.

"Our roommate," Norbert said as he invites them into the house.

Inside is a big and wide room where sitting in front of the tv on the couch is a purple unicorn who is watching the Discord show. On the tv screen is an orange earth pony humiliating herself on live tv as she was playing what looks like a more wild Double Dare obstacle course. Which has her being up to her chest in slime as she is being pelted by pies and the people in the stands watching laughing at her.

"Applejack is really desperate for money," Twilight said watching her exfriend taking all of the humiliation to win the prize money.

"Hey Twilight, have you seen any gobblewonkers or like them walking around on dry land?" Daggett ask.

"Nope haven't seen any," Twilight said.

"Well looks like there isn't any land walking gobblewonker," Norbert said.

"That old man was a bit crazy," Mabel said.

"Let’s head back then," Dipper said as he and Mabel walk back to the boat.

"See you guys when you're in town," Soos said leaving as well.

"What was that all about?" Twilight ask.

"They were looking to take pictures of a new creature that some guy said was around here. From what I got out of it," Norbert said.

"I have the new orders printed out," Twilight said pointing to the computer.

"Who knew perfume companies would pay so much for our musk," Daggett said.

"It does allow us to afford all the new stuff we been buying," Norbert said.

"As long as you all don't spend more then you're making," Twilight reminded the brothers.

"Yeah, yeah we're using your budget," Daggett said.

"Well remember the reason why I'm keeping you two from spending like crazy is because I don't want you two to end up losing everything when people come in and take all the things because you can't afford them. Its the least I can do for what you two done for me," Twilight said.

"True," Norbert said as he and Daggett join her on the couch.

On the tv screen Applejack had made it to the final round where she has to pick one of 5 treasure chests that only one has the prize money. Each chest is different one is gold, silver, bronze, copper and wood. Which Applejack figuring out that the plain wooden one is the one with the prize money and open it to reveal a voucher that's good for a single family dinner at the all you can eat buffet at the Everfree casino/resort. Which caused Applejack to start yelling at Discord saying that he cheated. That ended when Discord showed her that all the rest of the prizes that she could had gotten with the prize money being in the gold one with other less valuable prizes in the others like an all paid stay at one of the resorts and gifts. Discord explains that she just pick poorly in thinking that he would do anything in making the treasure chests making sense in how he would put the prizes in which one. He never does anything that is expected from him.

"Hey where's Stump?" Daggett ask.

"Oh, he's out doing something like he always does. He did say he might try exploring a cave system he found near the waterfall and study those rock creatures," Twilight said.

They heard screaming coming from outside and rush out where a log came flying at them which they drove into the water. The log block the door and once they surface they saw the humans running towards them. Behind them is a big gobblewonker that has web feet instead of flippers, chasing after them. The beavers and unicorn scream as they got out of the water and into their boat, where they're joined by the humans. They started the motor and took off with the gobblewonker still chasing them.


In the cave behind the waterfall -

Katz sighs as he put the phone down after talking with that doctor about the girl he had just captured for his pets. He walks up to the cage where he's keeping the 3 kids inside, who had all woken up. The girl in the raincoat is trying to free herself while the boy and other girl held each other as the spiders around the cage stared at them. The cave is filled with spider webs and the remains of their last meals. The cage they're in is on the edge of the water where the remains of the spider meals are dump into.

"Sorry my pets. Business called and you all have to make do with only two," Katz said as he picks up the dart gun again.

"You're going to eat us?" Lincoln ask as he holds Ronnie both too scared to care that both of them are still naked.

"Of course not. You two are going to be my pets meal, but to be kind you two won’t be awake when they do it," Katz said as he aims the dart gun at them. "Now excuse me I have a business deal to take care of."

Bursting through the waterfall came the motorboat that Dipper and the gang are on, which flew out of the water and slam into the mass of spiders, causing the ones that weren't hit to scatter in all directions away from the cage and the boat. Then came the gobblewonker who was too big to fit through the entrance of the cave, it struggle to free itself causing rocks from the ceiling to fall crushing many spiders. One of the rocks hit the cage freeing the kids, with the girl in the yellow raincoat running off deeper into the cave, while Lincoln and Ronnie ran for the safety of the group of the first boat.

Dipper and the others seeing the giant spiders turn the boat over and hide under it as a shield as the spiders regain their footing and advance on them. Before the spiders could attack, the gobblewonker was knock free as Steven Magnet came crashing through with sheriff Blubs and deputy Durland following by boat. The impact cause the gobblewonker to slam head first into some rocks, revealing that it's a robot as the head came off, which landed on some more spiders causing the spiders to retreat again.

"Hold it right...," Steven Magnet was yelling having gone after the gobbewonker chasing after the boat, till he saw the cave full of giant spiders. "Spiders!"

"That cat wants to feed us to the spiders!" Ronnie shouted out getting everyone's attention.

"Hold it right there!" sheriff Blubs shouted as he and Durland pulled out their guns.

"Get them my pets!" Katz shouted causing his spiders to attack.

"Oh no you don't!" Steven Magnet shouted as he started breathing fire on the spiders killing them, joined by the two cops firing at the spiders.

Katz was about to fire his dart gun at the dragon when a stump in cave gear came falling on top of him. Katz knock the stump away but was tackle by Blubs and Durland who cuff him. Steven Magnet fire breathing killed most of the spiders and caused the rest to flee deeper into the cave. Dipper and the others had gathered around the robot gobbewonker using it as a shield during the fight.

"Dang it," McGucket said as he crawls out of the wreck robot.

"Wait it's been you this whole time?" Dipper ask.

"Hey, it's the old guy who keeps building giant robots to get attention," Soos said.

"Why?" Mabel ask.

"To get my son to pay attention to me," McGucket said.

"I still don't understand," Dipper said.

"Well, first I just hootenannied up a biomechanical brain wave generator, and then I learned to operate a stick-shift with ma beard!" McGucket explains.

"Ok, yeah. But why did you do it?" Ronnie ask wondering why as well.

"Well, when you get to be an old fella like me, nobody pays any attention to you anymore. My own son hasn't visited me in months! So I figured maybe I'd catch his fancy with a fifteen ton aquatic robut! In retrospect, it seems a bit contrived. You just don't know the length us old-timers go through for a little quality time with our family," McGucket said.

Both Mabel and Dipper look at the fishing hats Grunkle Stan gave them and sighed.

"Dude. I guess the real lake monster is you two. Heh, heh! Sorry, that just like--boom--just popped into my head there," Soos said.

"McGucket you been warned about your robots," Blubs said as he and Durland walked over with Katz in cuffs. "But if you didn't build the robot. Then this cat would have gotten away in feeding these kids to those spiders."

"So, I guess some community service is called for this time," Durland said.

"He did save us," Lincoln said as he looks at Ronnie then at the girl they were with. "Wait what happen to the girl?"

"She ran off after we were freed from the cage," Ronnie said.

"Stump here says that there's a way to the surface if you go deeper into the cave," Norbert said as he and Daggett help the stump with a face on it and wearing cave gear into their boat where Twilight is at.

"Stump?" Dipper ask looking at... well a stump.

"Good job at tackling this guy Stump," Steven Magnet said.

"The stump is alive?" Lincoln ask.

"Well, yeah," Twilight said causing the ones who didn't already know Stump to stare blankly at the unmoving tree stump.

"I will remember this Stump," Katz said as he was escorted to the police boat where he was cuff to the railing.

"We got you on attempted murder, kidnapping and just to be safe pedophile," Blubs said.

"What?" Katz shouted.

"You have two naked kids," Blubs said as he pulls out the emergency blankets and gave them to Lincoln and Ronnie who remembered that they're naked who began blushing as they realized that they been standing around naked this whole time.

"They were like that when I caught them," Katz shouted out.

"You still had us in a cage naked," Ronnie said as she wraps the blanket around her body like a toga.

"And were going to feed us to your pets," Lincoln said copying Ronnie.

"That is more than enough to put you in jail for pedophile," Durland said.

"I'll go look for the girl," Steven Magnet said going deeper into the cave and breathing fire now and then at the spiders that he missed. But his search would turn up empty as the girl having left a trail of dead spiders behind along with the ones that Stump had killed on his way down, had found the exit to the cave that lead to the top of the cliff where the waterfall started.

"You all should head back. Me and Durland wait here with our prisoner till backup comes here. But we will need you to give your statements of what happen here," Blubs said.

"An officer be waiting for you at the docks," Durland said having radioed back to the station.

"Come we'll give you all a lift," Twilight said as she started the motorboat.

"Yeah, me and Mabel have an uncle to fish with," Dipper said.

"Duds can you take me back to the island? I need to pick up my boat," Soos ask.

"Sure," Norbert said.

"And we had enough adventure today," Lincoln said holding Ronnie's hand as both of them are relief of coming out of this alive.


Author's Note:

1 - Making jam like Granny Smith does in jumping and singing the A, B, C song really wouldn't make the jam taste better. It's the placebo effect where it just taste better to the person who did all of that hard work and people who believe it makes it taste better.

2 - Seeing how the guards never showed up at anything important like when the Storm King attack. I'm going with them being cowards who run at the first sign of danger.

3 - Wakanda only works in fictions as there is no way any place in real life at the size of that country would have everything they need to build up to a super advance culture. There is no way all of the metals, materials, and other goods that you only realize you need when they're gone would all be located in one place at once. Not to mention how if they're cut off from the rest of the world how did they get the knowledge to create all the advancements in the first place. As unless they keep getting people born in the country who all have minds that make breakthroughs in all fields of science all the time there is no way it would happen.

4 - That part of dolphins killing baby porpoises is true.

5 - Most villains with bases usually don't have ones that pay for themselves. Which doesn't really make sense unless the villain has something that pays for it or they're just rich. I don't like how like in Totally Spies the villain of the week somehow has the money and resources to do what they do without any reason how they did it. Like a highschooler who somehow has the money and resources to build an entire underground city just for his revenge plan. Doesn't make sense at all.