• Published 11th May 2021
  • 1,730 Views, 36 Comments

Fusion Falls (old version) - madhat886

Thanks to several events that all happen at once. Several different universes all suddenly merged into one. And several people who found themselves alone come together in the town of Gravity Falls.

  • ...

The Inconveniencing


Mornings at the Corduroy household had changed since the merge happen. Before Velma Corduroy would have to hide the fact that she's a Deer Woman, but with the merge and how accepting most people are to non-humans, she had revealed herself to the people of Gravity Falls. Now it's common to see her walking around with her antlers showing, not to mention that she is much more powerful than she looks as she's as strong as a deer, which doesn't sound much but is still stronger than most humans.

Wendy being 14 is still growing into her powers that she gains from her mom, which her brothers, Marcus, Kevin, and Gus also gain but watered down because they're boys. Her body is going through so many changes because of her being a Deer Woman which is the North American counterpart to a succubus. Who according to Velma they're cousins to but aren't as sex hungry as they are. (1)

"Mom, I'm going out with my friends after work," Wendy said as she got up from the table after finishing her plate of eggs.

"Those friends of yours are bad news," Dan said.

"What you mean me and Tambry have been friends for years. And Lee, Nate, Robbie and Thompson are ok," Wendy said.

"From what, I have seen you all not really friends, more like hanging out with each other," Velma said.

"Really mom? Like how you're really friendly with aunt Maurecia, Dana, Jenny, and Leslie?" Wendy asks about her mom's friends who are all fellow deer women.

"Now, now unlike me your aunts never found someone like your father, and he never minds me spending time with them. And once you are older you are going to be dealing with a high sex drive that will settle down only after you have kids of your own," Velma said.

"Don't remind me," Wendy said not liking what's in store for her once puberty hits her.


Elsewhere -

The demon who in his own world was the ultimate evil of his planet, who is so evil that no one can call him by his name all they can do is call the demon, Him. Like all the other magic base beings, his powers have been reduced since the merge. His once vast powers are now mostly gone with only his most basic powers being left. He's still powerful in his own right but with how much things have changed he's been keeping low as those Powerpuff Girls keep themselves busy saving the world.

Him was keeping himself busy as he watches the events that are happening by his magic mirror that still works. He was watching how the girls are helping those KND kids get off the moon, by carrying them off in giant transports. They're also going to use the moon base as a space station seeing how it's already there and ready to be used. He also couldn't help but see The Man In The Moon appearing now and then, being the reason why those kids managed to survive on the other moon for so long.

"WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE?" Bill Ciper asks appearing in the mirror.

"Bill what do you want?" Him ask.


"DON'T BRING HIM UP," Him growls.


"He is but it doesn't mean I like him," Him said.


"He's been banished to that zombie world after failing to beat those heroes," Him said. "Now why are you here?"


"Oh really?" Him ask.


"I'm listening," Him said.


In the forest -

Huntor is a lion-like alien with the reputation of being one of the greatest hunters in the universe and has the best weapons and technology at his disposal. He came to Earth to track down and hunt down monkey for revenge. But the merge changed that for him, leaving him stuck on the planet. He managed to pass himself off as a beastman and made a living as a bounty hunter and not just for law enforcement.

His current prey is a young girl that someone wants captured alive. Huntor doesn't care why as the bounty is more then enough for him to take the job. Of course, he's making sure that he's not walking into something that he's not ready for like with Monkey. He's been tracking her for days now and figure out where she makes her home. The only problem was that it's well known and there are lots of people around.

Huntor has been camping out in the forest under the cover of hunting for deer. Which he has hunted, skinned and cooking a deer he came across. As he ate the rack of deer ribs, he’s barbecuing he began to think of the ways he could catch the girl. He could go in the place she’s been living at but than he would have to deal with the cops after him, unless he wears a mask to hide his face. The smart way is him waiting for the girl to leave the building and for him to get her when she’s alone. But he still would need to wear his hunting suit to be sure that if anyone spotted him, all they would see is someone covered from head to toe in hunting gear.


Outside of Time -

At the center of the Multiverse, there is a dimension called the Time Room that is the quasi-corporeal dwelling place of Prismo. The Time Room is a single dimension that exists outside of time and which produces time waves that are experienced by other dimensions. Some dimensions have permanent links that allow travel between them. Other dimensions get linked temporarily by naturally forming wormholes, and others can be linked artificially by magical portals, or open by items of great power, such as the gems of power and the Enchiridion. An activated portal creates a time dilation in which either end of the portal creates a temporal synchronization allowing for the safe passage of particles through a non-local region of space-time.

One specific way to get to the Time Room is by collecting all the gems from all the crowns of power. One must have the Enchiridion to activate it, turning the little sword on the cover of the book sideways. There are nine spaces intended for the gems to be put inside. Once the last gem is inserted into the Enchiridion, it will have the power to create a portal to any dimension in the Multiverse, using this room as a gateway.

Prismo grants every being inside the Time Room one wish. Anyone who hasn't made their wish that is inside the Time Room is not affected by the previous wishes. The wisher is sent into a world that the wish is based on, also changing the timeline. As Prismo says, "Sometimes a well-intentioned wish can lead to... nuts." One has to be very precise on one's wish because one could end up creating an ironic twist. Wishing for an event to happen has great consequence as it changes everything before and after it in the specified timeline; according to Prismo, potential penalties include the retrospective nonexistence of life forms or even the evaporation of worlds.

Right now Prismo is having a card game with his friends Jake the dog, and Cosmic Owl. They're also joined by Hunson Abadeer, Marceline's father who even with his vast powers he really can't do anything while in the Time Room, Discord, Clockwork the ghost of time, William the former trusted advisor and dutiful ally of the Te Xuan Ze, Marty one of the Grim Reaper's and Fu Dog's old buddy, Wan Shi Tong the all knowing owl spirit, and the final player is Sunset who was invited by Discord.

"So there isn't anyway to ever bring back spell casting magic back to this world?" Sunset ask the crowd before her as she looks over the cards in her hands.

"I have the power to do it but that kind of wish needs to be so detailed that there isn't any mistake to it, that it's just too much trouble to bring it all back. One mistake and it will spell trouble for everyone, as I'm telling you right now that I wouldn't just be bringing back spell magic for this world but for all the universe, that wish can't afford to backfire in anyway. So yes that wish has to be completely flawless as that's the kind of wish granting being, I am," Prismo explains.

"Anyone of you know anyone else?" Sunset ask around the table.

"My powers aren't really magic so, I can't tell you. And you have no idea how many people have been selling their souls to me and the other demon lords in the hopes of getting their spell casting magic back," Hunson said.

“And all of the deals are the types that isn’t what the seller meant when you demons grant the wish,” Sunset said.

“Well, it depends on the demon, as there are now so many different types running around. Haven’t seen that many since those multiverse conventions and other events I have been to,” Hunson said.

"If I knew how to restore magic, I would had done it myself. Being mortal isn't something, I enjoyed," Wan Shi Tong said.

"Now, now cousin, I did bring you here and you wish to be like me," Cosmic Owl said.

"No longer a spirit but what you are. It's not the same not to mention what, I have to do now," Wan Shi Tong said.

"Boo hoo, you now actually have to work for a living. You’re better off than other spirits," Sunset said rolling her eyes before eyeing Clockwork. "What about you? I know enough that with you being master of time you would be able to see in every possible timeline."

"It is true there are timelines where magic returns. But the cost in most is high," Clockwork said.

"And telling me just leads to trouble," Sunset said who gets a nod from the time ghost. "Figures."

"There are beings that can just think about it and poof it happens. But it's unlikely that anyone of us would ever meet someone like that. Even Prismo's boss isn't important enough for those beings to ever meet in person," Marty said.

"And lass you shouldn't be trying to wish it all back. I knew a genie who will only grant your wish if you are very specific if you wish for a perfect day, you have to describe every aspect of the day; if you wish for ice cream, you have to describe the size, shape, flavor, etc," William said.

"Why are you so interested?" Jake ask.

"Oh, Sunset here has been nagged by her subjects to get their magic back. Not to mention all the magical girls that come here hoping to recharge their magical items that just gives them attack spells like a Pokemon," Discord said.

"Don't remind me. They're not magic users, they're Pokemon who can only use spells that come with their transformation. I seen footage of them and they just throw the same attacks again and again. Like in shows where they use the same stock footage again and again. One mute spell and boom they're depowered," Sunset said.

"Didn't some of them tried to get that wish granting ghost to give them back their magic? And it totally backfired with them being magical ghost girls?" Jake ask Clockwork.

"Yes. Danny and Dani had a hard time handling that one, till Dani wish for Desiree to take back the power she gave those girls," Clockwork said.

"How is it that they have a hard time with her when all you need to do is wish out loud for her to be beaten?" Sunset ask.

"It's just how my world works," Clockwork said.

“People being selective in what they see and do. And being so dumb that it’s incredible how they’re even alive?” Sunset ask.

“Pretty much,” Clockwork said.

“Sorry I’m late,” a new comer said entering the time room.

Jorgen Von Strangle the toughest fairy in the universe before the merge. Now with only passive magic left he and the other fairies now live on Earth after their world fell into giant bucket of acid world, which Jorgen said that it was a good idea at the time. He and the other fairies aren’t magic granters anymore but they can still fly and other non-spell casting magic. And seeing how they not only lost their world but can’t grant magic wishes to their godchildren anymore many of the fairies went off on their own. Many of them ended up living in Dimmsdale which also ended up in the new world after the merge happen.

Sunset knew about it because of it making headlines. A young boy Timmy Turner was officially adopted by his fairly godparents, after it was made clear that his human parents cared more about their own happiness than Timmy, and while they genuinely love their son, both act more like adult children.

Which was made worse that they can never comprehend that Vicky is a babysitter from Hell, even when the evidence is right in front of them. It gets worse where Vicky who doesn't even try to hide her true nature in front of them anymore. Taking the worse factor a step further, where Timmy shows his parents incriminating evidence of Vicky torturing him, but they don't even bat an eye. In fact, they only get upset at Vicky and fire her because she erased their reality tape. Which they then hire even worse babysitters who wanted to kill Timmy.

That was all revealed at the court hearing where both Mr. and Mrs. Turner revealed it all on the stand. While their lawyer who wasn’t from Dimmsdale couldn’t believe the people, who had hired her to represent them. Telling the judge who wasn’t from Dimmsdale either all the things they allow to happen and honestly believing that they’re not bad parents. Only thing that was going for her was that they already paid her.

Needless to say, the Turners showed the court what kind of parents they are, only caring about Timmy when they have to and care more about themselves then him. Which they also told the court that they do only care about their son when they have to and care more about themselves then him. And they just stared at the judge when he told them to their face that what they think is being a good parent is being bad parents. Like the judge is the crazy one and not them.

Long story made short, the Turners lost Timmy to the fairies who will put him and their own child Poof first. Vicky was arrested and sent to jail as an adult, where she was quickly made into the toilet of the entire prison. She tried to scare the female prisoners but seeing how they're not from her world, they weren't playing by the same rules as Vicky learned when she was beaten, and gang raped by the female prisoners who looked down upon someone like her who harms children for fun.

The town of Dimmsdale became like The City where Professor Membrane lives, where only a few of the adults are smart. Many of the adults lost their children because of how bad they are at being parents. Seeing how all the parents used Vicky to look after their kids and never cared how much their children say she's evil, she had even imprisoned children in a sweatshop and the adults still did nothing. With many of the companies and businesses of Dimmsdale failing thanks to the insane reasons why they could even work in their world, no longer working.

The results is many rich kids suddenly finding their parents no longer rich like Tad & Chad. Who only had their parents being rich, the only thing that they had going for them. Trixie Tang and Veronica found that the rules that they followed in their world of being popular doesn’t work in their new world. But are learning to adjust to things, thanks to their new friend Chloe Carmichael. The school bully, Francis was arrested and charged as an adult for assaulting a kid with a knife. Which he became the jailhouse toilet with the older prisoners trading him around.

Dimmsdale is now split in half where the poor side is where all the adult humans live, and the better side is where all the fairies live along with the smarter adults and children. Also, much to Mr. Turners horror the Dinklebergs are doing great in their new world, unlike him who lost his job like his wife who lost hers.

And right behind Jorgen is The Man In The Moon, a mysterious being that is responsible for appointing the Guardians. The Man In The Moon is one of the few beings like Prismo who still have their powers, in The Moon's case being able to gift magic to others which is Borrowed magic not spell casting magic. Sunset read the blog of Jack Frost and knows that like Celestia, The Moon is a chessmaster and for 300 years never help Jack in figuring out why he was given his powers.

Speaking of which the Guardians are well known in the new world thanks to them not losing their magic, seeing how none of it is spell casting magic. Tooth had hired some fairies of like Jorgen to help her out in collecting teeth, working with Jorgen's wife the tooth fairy of their world with other fairies helping to manage the smaller hummingbird fairies in different regions of the planet. So now unlike before the Tooth Fairy isn’t working around the clock anymore. She and the other tooth fairies are now working in shifts and in different regions.

Bunny is now the head Easter Bunny who has tons of help from the many other Easter Bunnies, who some are an entire city's worth of bunnies. Like the ones from the world of Juniper Lee who have both rabbits and chickens who are led by their mothers. Bunny now has plenty of help and doesn't have to be the only one as he leads a team of Easter Bunnies to handle things.

North is now working with all the other Santa's who found themselves in this new world, and thanks to The Moon those who lost their powers have gained new ones like North. North and the other Santa's have split the world into different regions that they cover during Christmas, so they're not all so overworked during that night. Of course, they still live at different places and aren't all at the North Pole, which really isn't at the North Pole as it's just ice up there but are living on the landmasses that are near it. Which one of the Santa's really needed, that one was ruined and broken from years of humanities avarice, with inbreed elves for the needed labor force, and feral reindeer. All the Santa's immediately take over his shop, nurse him back to health, send his elves to rehab and mercy kill the deer.

And Sandy is working with the other Sandmen in controlling the dreams. Which like the others, Sandy likes that he's not the only one on the job anymore. Even if some of the others took some time to get use to, like the Sandman from the world that the Power Puff Girls came from who tried to get everyone to sleep forever so he could sleep himself, or the other Sandman who fought Juniper when he tried to take over the waking world. That ended up with him working at a diner to make ends meet before he got Juniper to send him back home.

"Manny what's up?" Prismo ask The Man In The Moon.

The Man In The Moon responded by shining a beam of moonlight on the table. The moonlight created a silhouette of a one-eyed triangle wearing a tophat and a bowtie, which caused, Prismo, Clockwork, Cosmic Owl, William, and Discord to recoil seeing who it is. While Hunson Abadeer and Marty groan or rolled their eyes.

"Bill Cipher is here too," Wan Shi Tong said.

"Let me guess he’s one of those big bad villains who are seeking to rule the world, right?" Sunset ask.

"Nope, we're not going to be that lucky," Clockwork said.


Gravity Falls -

Dusk 2 Dawn is an abandoned convenience store in Gravity Falls, Oregon. It was the property of Ma and Pa Duskerton before they died, and closed down soon after their deaths. There were rumors that a double murder took place there, but it turns out that Ma and Pa both had heart attacks because of teenagers' hateful rap music and were in fact not murdered. Both of them have haunted their store since then, never letting any teenager leave the store unscarred. It's also the new home of Six who after wondering around Gravity Falls after the merge and escaping the Maw, found her way to the abandon store. Now Six lives in the store which Ma and Pa have taken in and look after as they never had children of their own.

Then came the day that Danny and Dani showed up after a group of Japanese magical girls showed up and got into the store. Needless to say the only one that managed to get out was the young pink haired future daughter of the leader of the group. While both Ma and Pa are much stronger then either Danny and Dani, it was only while they're inside their store. Which Danny pointed out and that he's more then willing to blow off the roof of the store and tear down the walls to depower them. The ghost couple release the girls and promise not to torture teenagers who enter their store.

But once it became known that the store is being haunted by the couple that once owned the store. It became a tourist attraction, which help their business as they reopen the store. All the food items in the store had long gone bad, so they had to reorder their entire stock. They couldn't just use their ghost powers to make it look like the food is still good anymore. They needed the money to support Six, who is living in the basement that the couple long ago turn into a bedroom for times they had to stay in the store late and couldn't drive home. Not to mention that they needed to pay taxes again as well as power and water for Six. Of course being a tourist attraction had its down side as they have to deal with teenagers again.

"So, you both just had double heart attacks at once? Just because you heard rap music?" Ronnie ask Ma. She's there with Lincoln and Gwen who drove them to the store so they could question the two ghosts for Dib who is collecting information on the paranormal. And Gwen to pick up some drinks for the other adults.

"Yes, we never heard anything like that so hurtful music before," Ma said. In the background Pa is ringing up the strange faceless floating headed man, who change his mind as he was only buying a newspaper for the coupons. Which the paper didn’t had.

"So how did you two end up as ghosts?" Lincoln ask.

"We're not sure. All we remember is waking up floating above our bodies," Ma said.

"And you and your husband are domain ghosts as in you two can only be powerful while in the place where you two died?" Lincoln ask.

"Oh yes, when we tried anything outside of the store it just doesn't work," Ma said.

"Hey Lincoln, Ronnie," Mabel said as she, Dipper and Wendy's friends came by to pick up some stuff before they went out on the Maw. Where the resident vampire queen would be putting on a show.

"What are you doing here?" Dipper ask.

"Trying to find out why she," Ronnie said pointing to Ma. "Became a ghost for Dib's studies."

""Why isn't he here?" Mabel ask.

"He and Clyde are busy helping to track down the A.I. that tried to infect XJ-5," Lincoln said.

"Really?" Dipper ask.

"His dad does work with her and her sisters. So he's helping," Lincoln said.

"We're going to the Maw and see Marceline the vampire queen’s show," Mabel spoke up.

"Cool, I seen videos of her shows in the Maw. It's awesome how she's a vampire who only needs to eat red instead of blood. And the stage that she plays on, which has the machines turn on with the furnace turn on and fire burning. That was an awesome music video. Not to mention how she went around during the first year of the merge to hunt down all the evil vampires," Lincoln said. (2)

"Yeah that song was great better then the shows your sister does," Ronnie said.

"At least she stops playing her music so loud after the cops were called in," Lincoln said. His family is still trying to make it up to him with him always pointing out that the only reason why child services weren't called in and his parents arrested was because of all the chaos that happen after the merge.

Bursting into the store is the young girl wearing the yellow raincoat, followed by a man dress in one of those hunting suits that covers him from head to toe. The girl runs into the back of the store while both Pa and Ma appeared in front of the man in the hunting suit. Who is Huntor who had tracked down Six while she was wandering around on the edge of the town, and tried to catch her but she managed to escape and lead him to the store.

“What do you want with her?” Pa asked transforming into his scary ghost form.

"Nothing much just that someone is paying to catch her," the man said before he pulls out a thermos and sucks Pa in like those ghost traps from Ghostbusters, then he turn the thermos on Ma sucking her in as well. Huntor then pulls out a handgun and fires it into the air scaring the people inside the store to hide or run outside.

The four kids ran to hide behind some selves as Huntor walk to the back of the store. Once he was out of sight, Wendy opens the front door of the store waving for the kids to ran out. Behind Wendy, her friends are hiding behind Robbie's car waving for her not to. The four kids made their way outside when Six came bursting out from the back of the store, Huntor having found the basement and found her. Six ran for the door where Wendy is standing, when a shot rang out and the glass of the window shattered, causing Wendy to jump back as she avoided the broken glass flying in the air. And made it impossible for Six to run as she isn't wearing any shoes.

Huntor grab a display stand and threw it at the front door blocking Six's path. He aim his gun at Six, only for a beer bottle to hit his hand making him drop it. Another bottle stuck his helmet covering it in glass and beer, having been thrown by Gwen who was in the store and was hiding, threw the bottles once she saw what was going on.

Huntor growled as pulled out a knife and threw it at Gwen who duck out of the way. Wendy came rushing in, followed by her friends who seeing Huntor no longer has a gun grew some backbones and grabbing whatever they could use as a weapon. Wendy struck Huntor in the head with a stick that knock his helmet off. Before the others could join in, Huntor pulled out another gun and grab Wendy with the gun to her head. Seeing this Wendy's friends all turn back and ran out of the door.

"Some friends you have got there," Huntor said.

"Tell me about it," Wendy said getting what her parents said about them.

"I would had given them a free shot too. Now where's that little?" Huntor ask looking around for that girl her came for.

"Free shot?" Dipper ask stepping out from where he was hiding having flashbacks of Wendy in danger and this saving her like last time. Dipper began dancing and singing.

'Well... who wants a lamby, lamby, lamby?'

'I do! I do!'

'So, go up and greet your mammy, mammy, mammy.'

'Hi there! Hi there!'

'So march, march, march around the daisies.'

'Don't, don't, don't you forget about the ba-by!'

"What was that?" Huntor ask completely confused.

"A distraction!" Ronnie shouted as she, Lincoln and Mabel squeezed a bottle of hot sauce into Huntor's eyes causing him to scream and Gwen swung another bottle at Huntor's head causing him to let go of Wendy which Gwen pulled the younger girl to safety.

As Huntor was stumbling around blinded. He was grab from behind as something small grab onto him and he felt his very life force draining out of him. Six had grab onto his back and began draining him, causing Huntor to let go of Wendy as he tried to shake Six off of him. For Six it wasn't something she never had a problem to deal with before, as all the times that she suck out the life force of others it was quick and easy. Right now it was like trying to suck water from an ice cube, made harder by Huntor slamming his back into selves.

"Got you," Huntor said as he finally got Six to let go of his back. Knocking her to the floor with his gun pointed at her.

"And you drop something," Lincoln said holding the thermos that held Ma and Pa which he open letting the two angry ghosts out.

"Crap," Huntor said as the two ghosts grabbed him and phase him down into the basement where they'll be able to really give it to him without scarring the kids.

"Hi again," Lincoln said to Six who look away and ran off like she did last time.

"Wendy are you ok?" Robbie ask as he and the others came back into the store.

"No thanks to you guys," Wendy said see her friends aren't really her friends as they'll leave her when she's in danger.

"Looks like the cops are here," Gwen said hearing the police car outside.

"So much for our plan to see a show," Dipper said.


Tartarus -

Level 5 where the most dangerous prisoners are kept. A special room was design, made out of plastic to keep earth benders from using their powers. Kuvira is kept in one having been transferred to the prison under heavy guard. She was given over to the US government to handle by the Element nations after the merge caused much confusion. Which the Earth Kingdom became apart of after the merge.

"Still have no idea when the court date is going to happen? I'm starting to think people have forgotten me," Kuvira said laying on her bed in her cell. Standing in front of her cell are Lin and Suyin.

"Things are still a mess. Many cities and villages are just abandoning the Earth Kingdom and joining the US," Lin said.

"And why wouldn't they? They're getting food, supplies, and protection from the US government that they're not getting elsewhere. Saw it too often during the campaign people siding with me, for safety and what they need to survive. Besides, with what I have seen so far, we're way behind in standards of living," Kuvira said.

"You sound like you have finally accepted responsibility for your actions," Suyin said who hasn't forgiven Kuvira.

"No more like a review and seeing someone doing it much better than, I did," Kuvira said pointing to the newspaper in her cell.

"I'm surprise that they allowed you to have it," Lin said.

"Reward for good behavior. The prisoners who behave are allowed to have some comforts," Kuvira explains. "Since coming here and getting my hands on a newspaper, I have been keeping up on news of Sunset Shimmer and how she took a backwater kingdom, that was in ruins, taking the throne from her mother, bringing order to a kingdom in the grips of chaos. Dragging the backwater kingdom into the modern world, all while kicking and screaming as she does. It makes me reflect and see how what, I did was wrong. I should had done it like Sunset did."

"What?" Suyin asked.

"I should had made deals and made allies instead of what, I did. I'm a general not a ruler, what, I seen Sunset has done with nothing but her wits and skills in politics. Have showed me that, I was nothing more than a warlord compared to Sunset," Kuvira said. "It's really humbling thinking of how she would had taken over the Earth Kingdom to save it from itself."

"Save it from itself? What are you talking about?" Suyin asked.

"I was a warlord but I was also the only thing keeping order and keeping worse from preying on the towns and villages. You have any idea how many bandits and would be warlords, I had to deal with," Kuvira asked.

"Still doesn't excuse your actions," Suyin said.

"Better doing than nothing. You have any idea how many fan letters, I been getting? " Kuvira said.

"You have fans?" Lin ask.

"Many saying that what, I did was in the right in taking over to stop the Earth Kingdom from breaking up into smaller kingdoms. I do admit that I should had made some changes in how I did things. But I will not ask forgiveness for my conquest. I did what I had to. If it wasn't for me the Earth Kingdom would had been a lawless land, that you all would had to finally had to deal with yourselves, instead of the state that I left it," Kuvira said.

"So, you're not sorry for anything you done," Suyin asked.

"I tried and failed, which is more than you would had done," Kuvira said.

"Lin we're leaving," Suyin said walking away.

"How are things for the Element Nations?" Kuvira asked.

"Not well as many are taking up other cultures and are now apart of other countries," Lin said.

"I figure that would happen. The merge has changed everything, new people, never races, new technologies, and Korra abandoned being the avatar not wanting to have everyone looking to her to solve things. This world isn't anything like ours anymore," Kuvira said.


Author's Note:

1 - The Deer Woman, sometimes known as the Deer Lady, is a spirit in various forms of Native American mythology that is primarily associated with fertility and love. Though primarily shown as a benign spirit, she is also shown to lure promiscuous men to their death. She appears as either a beautiful young woman or deer.

2 - Seeing how Marceline went and killed off all the vampires of the Adventure Time world, she has the experience to handle other vampires of other worlds. Seeing how she went and killed off the entire race. She is more then able to do it again and gain the powers of the vampires that she killed by sucking their souls.