• Published 11th May 2021
  • 1,731 Views, 36 Comments

Fusion Falls (old version) - madhat886

Thanks to several events that all happen at once. Several different universes all suddenly merged into one. And several people who found themselves alone come together in the town of Gravity Falls.

  • ...

Summerween Part 2


The town of Gravity Falls is under attack with an army of shade demons and giant spider capturing party goers, dragging them away. A dome of dark covered the town cutting off any escape and increased the power of the shade demons. All under command of a group of villains who have revenge on their minds on the heroes who wrong them.

The power of the town suddenly went off as spiders wreck the substations cutting off the power, giving them and the shade demons the advantage in the dark. The only buildings that still had power are those with a backup generator or solar panels that had stored up power in batteries.

The Penguins of Madagascar who came to the town for some fun, quickly took charge of some security guards and fought off the shade demons attacking some children. Finn and Jake are in the thick of things as they showed what a pair of veteran adventures could do. The robot guards are pushing back the shade demons and spiders creating safe zones. Tambry in one of those safe zones is using her bow and arrows gave people time to escape as she poof the shade demons.

Star and Marco grabbed some lit torches using them to fight off the shade demons and spiders. The light of the torches caused the shade demons to burst apart on contact, followed by Kelly using a flashlight and Tom with his demon fire tore through the demons and spiders. With other party goers using any form of light from flashlights to camera flashes, to defeat the shade demons.

Jake in his dragon form flew in the sky as he blocks the attacks from Chang, both avoiding a wall of fire as the flew across the town. Korra had created a wall of flames that drove back the shade demons and spiders. Opening it up allowing people to run into the protective circle. Asami's armed with a blaster is picking off targets, trying to save as many as she could and blasting Ko the Face Stealer.

Sam and Max got back Issac from Lock and Shock both of whom had been frozen by a snow pea. Barrel had put his head back on only to be zap by a Lightning Reed. Max and Sam put their son in the safety of a house that has the light of Fire Peashooters keeping the shade demons at bay and Toadstools that ate the spiders. Which many others are also seemed safety in the light of the plants that either glowed in the dark or are on fire. With their son safe they went off to do what they do the best, cause utter chaos.

Harry Potter and the other adults from the camp protected their campers the best as they could. Herding the kids into buildings that still had power where the lights kept the shade demons at bay. But they still had to deal with the spiders that weren’t affected by the lights.

Marcaline was flying in the air chopping down flying shade demons when a vampire suddenly appeared in front of her. Dressed in a jacket with a tight tank-top underneath, as well as chaps with an exposed crotch. His face is now in full-view, and on his head is a heart-shaped circlet to match his knee guards. He is big and his body is powerfully built that is muscular but not too bulky.

"So, you're the so called vampire queen," the vampire said.

"Haven't seen you before," Marcaline said.

"I'm Dio and I'm here to kill you vampire queen," Dio said.

"Oh, another vampire king or lord or whatever. I thought, I killed all of you or made you all kneel in front of me," Marcaline said.

"I been awakened to deal with you," Dio said.

"Oh good," Marcaline said as she flies at Dio with her axe aimed at his head. (1)

Only for her axe to stop inches from his neck which felt like someone caught the blade. Then she suddenly found herself being hit from behind with the blow sending her flying into the street below, with her looking back to see Dio had somehow gotten behind her. She made a hole in the street from where she hit, her broken bones and bleeding skin healed in seconds. Marcaline got back up and glared at Dio who is in the air above her.

"Watch out Marcaline he's able to stop time," Princess Bubblegum said using her high-tech scanner on Dio when he attack her girlfriend. "And he has a familiar that is invisible."

"Ah you ruin all the fun," Dio said.

"The power to stop time and a invisible spirit protecting you," Marcaline said as her eyes suddenly changed color before returning to normal. "Too bad for you that, I can see your spirit now."

"Is that so?" Dio said.

"I'm not only a vampire but also a demon who has killed thousands of vampires in this world and in my old one, killed all of them. And each vampire I killed I not only killed but also suck their souls giving me their power and making me stronger each time," Marcaline said.

"You think you ca...," Dio was saying before he was engulfed in powered energy attacks.

Marcaline band mates all used their strongest long range attacks, along with PB using her blaster on him at the same time. Dio was force to dodge the energy attacks till he stop time allowing him to get away from all the energy attacks being thrown at him. He landed on the ground to catch his breath, would had attack but he needed the 5 seconds he could stop time to fully heal himself. When the time stop ended Dio appeared like the energy attacks didn't harm him but for his clothes.

"No but you're not the first time master, I had to fight and looks like you can't just stop time whenever you want, needing to catch your breath before doing it again and can be caught off guard," Marcaline said.

"And it's you vs all of us," Lord Raptor said as he, Demitri, Hsien-Kon, PB, Lei-Lei and Jedah all surrounded Dio.

"You're going to have to do better then this," Dio said taking off into the air.

Dio was caught off guard but he wouldn't fall for the same trick twice. He would wipe all of them out, no playing around this time. True he can't keep on using The World over and over again non stop as he needs to regain his energy and focus his mind each time he uses it. But 5 seconds is all he needs to kill anyone of them. Dio uses The World but nothing happens making him to gasp in surprise. Followed by everyone launching their long range attacks all over again at him.

"How did you stop my power?" Dio shouted as he dodges and The World blocks the attacks used on him.

"You're not the only time master around here," Kronika said who used her own time powers to block his.

"And you're not the only big boss around here," Pyron said as he and other videogame characters appeared to help in fighting against the attacking horde.

"You actually think I would fight fair at a time like this?" Marcaline ask floating up into the air. "Nope, don't care about that. I only care about is ending this fight as fast as possible so I can do the same to all of your pals."

Marcaline turn invisible causing Dio to go on the defense as she began attacking him, with him unable to sense where she is. Followed by Pyron attacking him with his burning energy body, followed by others who could fly attacking him. With Marcaline being invisible and him having to pay attention to all the others attacking him, Dio couldn't keep track of her and several times was cut by her axe with one strike almost hitting his neck. Dio fought them off and tried to get far away but was quickly pelleted by long range energy attacks by the ones on the ground. Making him drive back into the cluster of flying fighters which the ones on the ground can't fire without the risk of hitting their friends.

'Can't run and recover," Dio thought to himself seeing how many there are on the ground ready to blast him if he does. And turns to all the flying fighters around him with somewhere an invisible Marcaline. 'And with so many around in the air attacking me at once, sooner or later Marcaline will manage to cut off my head.'

Dio flew down heading for Kronika to put an end to her but was thrown back as he slams into a force field. Followed by sergeant Tamora Jean Calhoun and her soldiers all opening fire on him forcing him to retreat before he was killed. Looking down he could see the soldiers having created a safe zone around Kronika but using a force field generator followed by others who could create a shield around a person to keep Kronika safe as well as the unarmed people who are running into the safe zone.

The only thing that kept Dio from being overwhelmed and killed right there. Was the timely attack of a horde of shade demons and spiders, causing many to turn their attention to them instead of continuing their attack on Dio. Allowing Dio to fight with the the flying foes without having to worry about being blasted by the ground forces.


Outside of the Dome -

The Daedalus is an experimental flying aircraft carrier developed by the US Department of Defense, designed to function as an airborne operations base. Able to deploy heavy armor and shell ground targets with its huge cannons, it is a force to be reckoned with. And after the merge happen the Daedalus as well as the flying fortress of Sky Patrol were handed over to the new government which used them as mobile bases. Once the SCP was created they were given their own flying fortresses so that they'll be able to response to any kind of threat.

The SCP heli-carrier was currently station at the Tartarus Prison and now is being called to action. The heli-carrier had landed at the specially made landing pad for heli-carriers to make repairs, resupply and to off load prisoners. Like how navy ships need to dock at a port now and than to get new supplies, the old personal get off and new ones come on board.

Once the dome covered Gravity Falls and all communications been cut off, the soldiers station on the heli-carrier began trying to blast their way in. Celestia who stayed at Canterlot upon seeing the dome called up all the securitrons and eyebots from Canterlot being the only robots who be able to travel to Gravity Falls fast, to help. But they also couldn’t get pass the dome of darkness.


Inside the Dome -

Dipper and Pacifica uses Twilight and Wendy's in her deer form to travel around quickly and taking out shade demons and spiders. They came across Pacifica's friends Grenda Grendinator and Candy Chiu. Grenda is covering Candy using a metal pipe. Candy was busy activating a utility Protectron who are still in its recharging station at the fence off substation. The substation was damaged by the spiders, bringing down the power in the area. Candy is trying to get the robot online which it’s charging station is powered by its own backup battery encase of a blackout, so that it could repair the substation. And it be able to help fight as it’s armed with a laser protectron hand the robot has a hand shock to jump start the electric grid.

"Girls are you ok?" Pacifica ask blasting a spider.

"Yes, as soon as, I can get this protectron switch to security mode," Candy said working on the side panel which was padlock till Grenda broke the lock.

"Now we are," Grenda said seeing the protectron recharge station opening up and letting out the protectron. The protectron began blasting the shade demons and spiders.

"Here use these," Pacifica said giving her two friends spare blasters.

"Thanks," Candy said as she and Grenda each took a blaster.

Together with the robot the gang blast away at the demons and spiders. Only stopping when there wasn’t any left in the area.

“We need the power back on,” Grenda said to the protectron.

The protectron walk over to the damaged substation and began repairing it. The robot pulled out wires and welding them together, pulling out parts from a supply locker and replacing the damage ones and finally using its shock hand to give the entire system a jump start causing the electrical power to flow once again. The lights in the area turned on driving the shade demons back and letting the people in the area to see what they’re fighting.

"Hey over here!" Dib's voice called out to them.

"Here," Pacifica said handing Candy one of her blasters. "Follow us."

Running over to where Dib's voice came from, they found him fighting off a shade demon with a flashlight.

"Thank zork you're here, I- GAH!" Dib shouted as a spider leaps at him only to be kicked away by Wendy in her deer form.

"Dib you got any of your magical stuff on you? It would sure help us,” Dipper ask Dib.

"I got this," Dib said opening his pip-boy and pulling out the Third-Arm Sash from the subspace pocket and putting it on.

"Got anymore magic items?" Twilight ask.

"I’m looking," Dipper said as he looks through his pip-boy.

"What don't you have a fireball throwing thing?" Pacifica ask.

"I couldn't bring something like that at camp," Dib said as he pulls out the Mirror Shield that can reflect any energy attack back at the user.

They all look up as Fright Knight battles the two phantoms high above them. Both Danny and Dani kept the Fright Knight between them as they blasted him with their ghost rays. So far they kept out of range of the Fright Knight's sword the Soul Shredder, which would send them to a subspace pocket world of their worst nightmare. The only way to stop the Fright Knight that Danny knew of was to stick the sword into a pumpkin and chant the words to seal him away.

"THIRD ARM SASH!" Dib shouted using the magical arm like sash to grab Fright Knight and pulled him out of the air, taking him by surprise.

"Come to papa!" Dib said holding a ghost trap that his dad made using the blueprints of the Fenton thermos.

"NO!" Fright Knight shouted as he was slammed into the ghost trap in one go. (2)

Danny flies towards Dipper and Dib.

"Thanks man! That was getting pretty..." Danny moves his eyes to see shade demons and spiders running away dragging captured victims away.

“They’re not killing anyone they’re just capturing them,” Dipper said having seen that none of the attackers were besides the villains leading them were trying to kill anyone.

“We need to find out where they’re taking them,” Danny said.


Elsewhere in town -

Mr. Scotdale and his daughters are battling a horde of giant spiders who were attacking some kids. Who had been keeping shade demons at bay with their flashlights, till the spiders showed up. That was when Mr. Scotdale and his daughters showed up and saved the kids, killing the spiders and demons.

"Sweet Mercy, that was annoying!" Isla said pulling out her spear from a dead spider.

“This dome is the doing of Sombra,” Luna said landing with Sunset who had been riding on her getting off.

“Looks like he and the other villains must have gotten someone to give them borrow magic,” Sunset said. “How do we stop him?”

“Last time it took me and Celestia using the elements to stop him,” Luna said.

"Luna get these kids to safety," Sunset said getting off of her aunt.

"Take care," Luna said leading the children away.

"Where's mom and the others?" Cora ask looking around and seeing only about half of them are here.

"Mom and our other sisters must have been separated from us," Lorna said.

"Follow me kids," Mr. Scotdale shouted.

They came across several securitrons blasting away at the shade demons and spiders. Driving them back by the sheer amount of firepower being poured on them. Thanks to their targeting systems the robots avoided hitting anyone else but their targets.

"Hey guys," Lumpy Space Princess waved at them as she rode on top of one of her securitrons. She’s dressed up like a robot, trying to win best costume by being the robot queen with her army of robots. Which she had brought with her a dozen of securitrons with her.

"LSP good you brought your robots with you," Sunset said.

"I wanted to win the contest and bringing my robot army with me would had won,” LSP said.

“Send some of your robots to search for whoever is keeping the dome up. It’s a unicorn name Sombra, take him out and save the day. He should be near the dome,” Sunset said.

“Oh my… I can be the heroine,” LSP gasped and ordered half of her robots to stay and fight and for the rest to follow her. She zoomed off with six of her robots to search for the evil unicorn.

"Come kids lets drive them back!" Mr. Scotdale shouted once again leading his daughters into battle.

They came across Other Mother leading her army of giant spiders attacking the town hall. The psychonauts are fighting them off while Scary Godmother and her friends focused on getting children to safety. Inside the town hall people are barricading the windows keeping the spiders from entering from the outside. Sunset and her family charged into the horde of spiders.

Other Mother growls seeing the new enemies charging in and killing her spider army. Then smiles seeing the youngest member of the new group. A bit older then what she's use to but killing the youngest member of the group who look to be a family, would twist the knife. Other Mother ran using her long spider legs and race by the Scotdale family with her using her threads to lasso Sunset who gave out a cry as she was pulled from her family.

"HELP!" Sunset scream as she was dragged away.

Seeing Sunset being pulled away her father and sisters race after her. Other Mother race to one of the buildings where she would climb up and take the young girl someplace where she'll be able to turn her into a doll. Without having to worry about her family attacking her while doing so.

"Oh no you don't!" Mrs. Scotdale shouted bringing down her axe onto the thread freeing Sunset.

"Mom," Sunset shouted seeing her mom and the rest of her sisters coming to save her. Two of her sisters freed her while the other sisters formed a circle around her.

"Petty your daughter would have made a fine doll," Other Mother said facing off with Mrs. Scotdale.

"You're not doing anything to my girls or to me," Mrs. Scotdale said.

"Ha! There's not enough thread in the world to make a doll as fat as you," Other Mother said.

"Oh boy, here we go..." the Scotdale family said.

"FAT!? FAT!? I'M STOUT!" Mrs. Scotdale shouted as she charged at Other Mother.

Mrs. Scotdale already angry that the spider thing wanted to make her youngest into a doll but calling her fat on top of it, is the last straw. Swinging her axe she chop off Other Mother's spider legs as she tried to fight her off. Disarmed Mrs. Scotdale grabs Other Mother by her neck and chokes the life out of her as the smaller woman tried to free herself. Lifting Other Mother up by her neck, Mrs. Scotdale throw her into an open fire pit face first. Other Mother screams as she lifts her face out of the burning pit, only for Mrs. Scotdale to force her face back into the fire using her axe to press her head into the flames.

Other Mother screamed in pain as her face burns. Mrs. Scotdale keeping up the pressure on Other Mother, reached down and grabs the lighter fluid that the owner of the fire pit was using as the BBQ outdoors. Mrs. Scotdale poured the flammable liquid on Other Mother's head making her scream more.

"Calling me fat is one thing but no one threatens my babies!" Mrs. Scotdale said to Other Mother lifting her up out of the fire long enough for her to hear her words before she shoves her back down. She didn’t stop till Other Mother stop moving, which Mrs. Scotdale shoves the rest of the body into the fire.

And with her death the giant spiders no longer under her control acted like real spiders. Running away from the loud noises and bright lights.


Elsewhere -

Oogie is still on the rampage against Jack, Jack is desperately keeping Oogie's attention on him and trying to lure him away from the town. Oogie, still a giant lumbering abomination of trash and bugs, is all but unstoppable. Oogie grabs and eats a pegasus that flew too close to him, absorbing her passive heart song magic and begins to sing.

'Well Well Well'
'What a pest you are'
'Still around, huh?'
'Ooooh! Can't say I like that!'
'So why don't you just give up?'
'Ya know, surrender!'

Jack, knowing a thing or two about heartsong-combat himself, quickly weaponizes the music to fight back-

'It's over. It's over.'
'Your scheme was bound to fail!'
'It's over! You're finished here.'
'Your next stop will be jail!'

Musical notes manifest and whack the humanoid shape bag of insects from here to Sunday! ...sadly he's not yet done...

'He mocks me, he fights me!'
'I don't know which is worse!'
'I might just split a seam now'
'If I don't die laughing first!'

Oogie summons large metal beams out of the ground to impale Jack, but Jack just nimbly dances out of the way, gathering up his music for another strike-

'What's this, a trick?'
'I'm not impressed.'
'You're bad and now you're tall'
'It makes it all the more'
'Worth while to see a giant fall!'

Once more he shoots out his music, giving Oogie a tumble but not putting him down-

'Talk talk talk,'
'but I'll tell you,'
'This giant's goin' nowhere!'
'If I were you, I'd take a hike!'
'There's danger in the air!'

Sings Oogie as he tries to trample him. Jack continues to sing as well as he dodges and weaves like a boss!







Jack makes his Pumpkin King outfit appear on him-

'I'm the only Pumpkin King!'

He shouts as he uses the music to enhance his flames to engulf Oogie completely.

‘Well, I'm feeling angry,’
‘And there's plenty left to do!’
‘I fought your most unwelcome help’
‘And now I'm after you!’

Sings Jack as he continues his musical barrage.

‘Even if you catch me,’
‘You could never do me in!’
‘I'm ten stories high and just as strong!’
‘Which means I'm gonna win!’

Sang Oogie as he released a swarm of murderous insects from his folds.







Jack summons on his Santa outfit.

'I'm the only Pumpkin King!'

He once again empowers his frosty gifts with music to both freeze over the swarm and drop giant hail upon Oogie.

'It's over, you're finished!'
'You'll never get away!'
'YOU, the Halloween King?'
'That'll be the day!'

Sings Jack as he reverts back to his old clothes and continues the musical mayhem.

'How feeble, how childish!'
'Is that the best you've got?'
'You think that you're a hero Jack,'
'But I think you are not!'

Sings Oogie as he reorients himself and renews his attack.

'Whoa, Now it's time for you to see'
'what it really means to scare,'
'Cause I'm a gamblin' Boogie Man'
'Although I don't play fair.'

He body slams 10 blocks and angrily crawls after Jack.

'It's much more fun, I must confess'
'When lives are on the line'
'Not mine, of course'
'but yours, old friend'
'Now that'd be just fine.'

He makes his mouth ten times taller than the water tower and keeps chomping after the ever artfully dodging Jack.







'I'm the only Pumpkin King!'

This barrage was the biggest yet!

Sadly, although the damage was great. It did NOT end Oogie. Worse, he finally wised up that as much as his inner-thespian loved a good villain song... it wasn't worth empowering his nemesis. So, he spat out the pony, to end the song.

Disoriented by the sudden loss of his musical accompaniment, Jack was thrown off and easily captured. Oogie slowly raised him up to eat him. This was what he wanted... and he was going to SAVOR it!

So of course...

Twilight using her telekinesis shoves a trash bag full of cans of bug spray into his mouth. Causing Oogie to cough at the surprise mouth full and turn his attention to Twilight and her group. He was about to step on them when the firecracker that was lit and place inside the bag of cans of bug spray went off. The explosion caused all the bug sprays to burst releasing all the poison inside Oogie's sack body, killing tons of bugs as the gas spread. Loosing bugs that kept his body together Oogie fell backwards, releasing Jack from his grasp.

As the monster collapses, Jack quickly uses his soul-robber to grab Oogie's brain bug before it can slither away and puts it in a jar to send to Tarterus later. Oogie had lost so much of his essence he couldn't hold onto his new power, and it largely dissipated. Weakening more of the villains army.


Elsewhere -

Juniper jumped out of the way as Auntie Roon blasted her with her staff as she rode on her flying fish. Auntie Roon was laughing as she sent shade demons after Juniper to mob her so she could blast her foe. One of the shade demons grabbed Juniper and she used it as a human shield to take a blast of magic from Auntie Roon.

“So, you and the others all got together to take out me and the others?” Juniper ask dodging energy blasts.

“Got that right. I have been looking forward to this. With my magic back I’m going to get the gang back together and rampage on the human world,” Auntie Roon said.

“Where have you been? Don’t you know that because of me and others, we got the magical world and human world to get along? Sure the elders are still against it and it’s only the young mostly into living together but it’s a start. And you’re not going to be getting monsters to just follow you,” Juniper said as she grabs a lantern hanging by a chain. Juniper swung it around bashing the shade demons and making them poof away.

“Hey, you have any idea how hard it was getting back to earth after being banished? Thanks to the merge all of us that were banished to a magical prison were freed but of course we did lose our magic. But thanks to some borrowed magic, I’m…. Hey,” Auntie Roon shouted as Juniper swings the lantern chain at her and she blocked it with her staff, which the chain wrapped around it.

"Got it," Juniper said as she lanks Auntie Roon off of her fish and right into her fist. Sending her flying across the street till she hits a the side of a building and falls to the ground out cold.

"What do you know, one good punch is all you need to take down a magic user," Juniper said remembering how Ronnie said that most magic users are glass cannons. And thinking about it, the times that she did fight Auntie Roon, she never did just punch her lights out. (3)


Elsewhere in Town -

The last hour had been weird for Star (well, 'WEIRD' for her anyway). Fighting backside to backside with her boyfriend as they fought off the shade demons and spiders, up till the spiders all just ran away leaving just the demons. Seeing Tom, Janna, Unicorn Head and Kelly helping officer Public in setting up a safe zone at the arcade, before they were pulled away by some demons chasing some little kids.

Then they wound up smack in the middle of a fight between Korra, and Asami, with Ko the face-stealer. He wasn't alone as he also had many other formerly depowerd spirits from Korra's world. Around them are people who had their faces stolen by the spirit, running around in a panic. The ring of fire that Korra created is still protecting the people inside from the demons and spirits.

"Catch," Korra shouted as she throws both of them some masks to protect them from Ko's face stealing powers.

"So, these are the spirits of your world?" Star ask as she punches one away. With them losing their powers after the merge happening many of the spirits suddenly found themselves being able to be touch by mortals when in the past they were intangible.

"Enough talk more fight," Korra said trying to blast Ko with lightning. "We need to finish these good for nothing spirits."

"Looks who's talking. You have abandoned your duties as the avatar, and not helping us spirits to be restored to our rightful place," Ko said.

"You all think you deserve my help? None of you would help me when I came to you for help with Kuvira. You spirits have a one sided relationship with us humans, all take and never giving on your part. It's always up to the avatar and humans to restore the balance or save the world. While you spirits do nothing on your end, except for the rarest of occasions. And despite all the so-called 'friendships' you all claimed to have forged in the brief time, I had brought our two worlds together. You all ditched us all at the first sign of trouble. And despite the fact that Kuvira's schemes were a clear threat to the spirit world, the spirits vines going nuts and kidnapping people being a huge giveaway to that. You all once again did nothing and made me and my friends do all the dirty work," Korra shouted out. "And you all still expect me to restore all of you back how you all were, when you did nothing to earn it in anyway? None of you are worth saving.” (4)

"Why don't you all just earn it back like Wan Shi Tong did?" Star pointed out.

"I don't need to listen to anything you say. You're the reason why this calamity happens in the first place. Not to mention utterly destroyed thousands of worlds and killed countless others," Ko said.

"You know what? ...your completely right. I didn't think things through, I took the easy way out. I choose to trash thousands of worlds to save my own. I choose to scapegoat magic for all my problems instead of facing my issues with my MOM. There are SO many things I regret about that decision," Star said sighing and stops to glare at Ko. "But freeing my friend Korra of her sucky destiny? AND depowering ungrateful jerks like you? THAT I will NEVER regret."

"You said it," Norbert said as he and Daggett showed up.

"So, this is the face stealing spouty spirit?" Daggett asked.

"Yup," Korra said.

"Well, our friend is immune to your powers," Norbert said.

"Oh really?" Ko asked.

Stump burst out from an alley and stop in front of Ko. Who stared at the craved face of Stump which no matter what showed no emotion. Ko's whole thing was that no matter who he fought against they would always show some emotion and that's how he won as he stole their face leaving them helpless. But facing someone who has a face that can't show any emotion is something that he never had to deal with before.

Stump grabs Ko with the one of the lifters arms by his power lifter’s right arm and applied crushing pressure. Ko tried wiggling free but couldn’t break out of the power lift’s claw. Stump use the left claw to grab onto Ko’s lower body to stop his twisting body. Stump move Ko into a position where they’re face to face. Ko could only stare at Stump emotionless face, which no one had ever managed to do. In one clean motion Stump rips Ko’s head off of his body. Dropping the head Stump brought up one foot up and brought it down on Ko’s still aware head.

With Ko's death all the faces he has ever stolen returned to their owners.


In the center of Gravity Falls -

Marceline with her axe head buried into the shoulder of Dio slams him into the street and began running while pressing down on him. Grinding away at his body on the street as she does so. Dio put a stop to it as he buries his arm into the street jerking Marceline to a stop followed by him back flipping and kicking her head. Sending her flying and getting that axe of hers out of his shoulder, with the wound it left behind healing.

Around them Marceline's band mates and other fighters are busy keeping Dio's stand The World busy. While most of the fighters couldn't see The World, Pyron fixed that by covering The World with glowing particles letting the other fighters know where it is. And because of the power that many of the fighters had allowed them to actually hurt The World, as the rules of the world that Dio came from where only other stands and harm other stands only works in that world.

"Too bad you been using your time stopping power and your invisible familiar as a clutch all this time or this fight would be more of a fight," Marceline said.

"You haven't seen anything yet," Dio said.

"Blaa blaa blaa. You think you're the first vampire who told me that? I took on all the vampires who dared to claim to be the ruler of vampires and the ones who made prey on people. You on the other hand have the power to stop time and an invisible helper. Without that you're nothing," Marceline said.

"I forgotten what a real fight is like," Dio admitted before smiling at Marceline. "I will kill you and claim your title."

"PB!" Marceline shouted.

"What?" Princess Bubblegum shouted back.

"Play track 4," Marceline said.

"Really?" Bubblegum ask.

"Just play it and make it loud! Use that spelldrive to play a heartsong," Marceline said.

"Fine," PB said using her spelldrive to play a heartsong.

'(Three! Two! One! Kill shot!)'
'Appearing! Certain victory! The strongest of all time!!'
'What're you saying? FRUSTRATION, nobody can stop me'

Dio charged at Marceline throwing hundreds of punches a second, which she in turn blocked with her arm or her axe. Marceline smiled as she turns invisible and Dio ended up hitting nothing but empty air. Dio screamed as his right forearm was cut off, but retain enough focus to twist around in the air and hits Marceline with a kick sending her flying into a building. Dio flew down and grabs his falling arm and reattached it.

'ONE PUNCH! It's over! One victory after another!'
'I shout out!! I'm always victorious!! Total victory!!'

Marceline burst out from the hole she made and slams into Dio sending them into some banners. Dio grabs a banner rope and wraps it around Marceline's neck and began to tightening it, wanting to pop off her head. To his surprise her head just came flying off.

'Power! Get the power! Right up to the limit'

Dio stares at Marceline's head which just floats in the air. Marceline's head turns around to face his face. To his surprise Marceline's head sticks out her tongue at him before her body turns around grabs him by his neck. Before he could react Marceline's body flew in the air while still straggling him sending them both into a food stand.

'HERO, I don't want voices praising me or an ovation'
'HERO, so I fight against evil in secret'
'(Nobody knows who he is.)'
'Foes are closing in and covering the sky. I won't turn my back on them'
'If I am a HERO, then I'm prepared with unwavering resolve, unleashing my fist'

Marceline's body forced Dio's head into the fryer where hot oil deep fried his face. Dio in a burst of strength throws Marceline's headless body off of him. Dio grapples with the headless body as he tries to take the axe from her. Marceline's head using her mouth grabs a bottle of hot sauce and pours the contents into the face of Dio. The hot sauce dips into his eyes causing Dio to scream.

'(Three! Two! One! Fight back!)'
'Appearing! Go on! Fair and square!!'
'What's going on? I can't feel a thing, my opponents are all gone!'

Dio grabs Marceline by her long hair and flings her away. Her body follows her head and grabs her head putting it back on. Dio giving him some breathing room pours a water bottle over his head to wash away the stinging liquid. He then spots the propane tank that fuels the fryer and got an idea.

'JUSTICE! Enforcement! No point arguing about it!'
'I'll cut it off!! Cut off evil!! Hands together in prayer!!'

As Marceline flew at Dio, he throws the propane tank at her. As the tank was near her he then throws a knife even faster at the tank. The knife cutting into the metal tank at that speed caused a spark.

'Power! Get the power! ADRENALINE's overflowin'!'
'Power! Get the power! Strike with force with my disciplined technique!'

Marceline was caught in the blast sending her flying into the street and her axe flying in the other direction. As Marceline was rolling Dio appeared and kick her sending her flying into car. Marceline jumps to her feet and punches Dio as he was flying at her. Sending him stumbling back before he regain his footing.

'HERO, even the strongest guys used to be tiny brats'
'HERO, I overcome my weaknesses and become stronger'
'(Nobody knows who he is.)'
'I just raise my fists, with the gods dwelling in them, and push onward'
'HERO, until I taste the dirt of defeat some day, a fighting HERO'

Both of them stood there as they repeatedly punch each other. No skill or fine movement, just a burtal no holds slugfest. Teeth flew from each other's mouths and quickly regrow, bones broke and healed. Each of them waiting for the other's energy reserve to reach it's limit. For regeneration took a lot of their stored up energy to do and sooner or later one would reach their limit where they simply couldn't regenerate anymore. (5)

'I won't give up; I picture the future in my heart'
'I awaken and go to the world now, soaring high and strong'
'At all times, no matter what happens'

Dio spat out some blood as his body couldn't handle anymore punishment, seeing how he was just awaken and hadn't fed at all. Marceline seeing her chance drove her thumbs into Dio's eyes, bursting the soft orbs. Marceline kicks Dio away from her as he covers his empty eye sockets trying to will his depleted body to regrow them.

'HERO, I don't want voices praising me or an ovation'
'HERO, so I fight against evil in secret'
'(Nobody knows who he is.)'
'I just raise my fists, with the gods dwelling in them, and push onward'
'HERO, until I taste the dirt of defeat some day, a fighting HERO'
'A lonely HERO'

Marceline holds out her arm and her axe flies back into her hands. Marcline swings her axe cutting off Dio's arms and planting a foot on his chest she swung down cutting off the top of his head off. Opening her mouth, she began sucking up his soul from his body, his ghostly form came out of his body as he tried to claw his way free. Dio's soul gave out one last scream as he was consumed by Marceline.

'I wanna be the strongest HERO!'

Marceline's body glowed as she took Dio's powers for her own. Her body healing from all the wounds she gained and her energy reserves restored. The World stop fighting the others and flew to Marceline. The World stop in front of her, and Marceline simply stared at it. The World keeled down to its new master before disappearing awaiting for it to be called.


Falling from the sky Jake with Chang on top of him as they both hit the pavement.

“Got you now,” Chang gloated looking down at the young dragon.

“No we got you,” Jake said causing Chang to realize that she’s in the middle of a group of fighters from Mortal Kombat.

Shao Kahn struck her with his hammer sending her flying off of Jake. Before she could get up, she was dog piled by the fighters, punching and kicking her. They didn’t stop till she was a bloody mess on the ground. And with her taken out all the shade demons disappeared.


Gravity Falls -

Dipper and his group had tracked down where the victims had been taken to, the Barrels & Crates, Incorporated. A small factory that makes barrels and crates that has been around for years. Dipper and the others ran into Finn, Jake, Huntress Wizard, and Canyon who went with them to save the people taken.

Bursting into factory they found what has been happening to the people that been taken. The Summerween Trickster has been swallowing them and with each person he ate, the stronger he became. He was finishing off eating the last two people the shade demons had caught and brought to him before they all disappeared.

“Mabel!” Dipper shouted as she was toss into the Trickster’s mouth followed by Soos.

"Soos!" Canyon shouted seeing the gofer like man being eaten.

"Tell my story!" Soos shouted as he gets eaten by the Trickster struggling in the Trickster’s mouth trying to free himself before being swallowed alive.

"Alright Trickster put a stop to this now," Finn said pointing his sword at the Trickster.

"No, I will not stop. I'm so close to having my day known beyond this town," Trickster said lashing out with his arms that grew in length and size.

The heroes dodged the hands that tried to grab and smash them. Dipper and the others armed with blasters fired on the Trickster but the holes they made just healed in seconds. The Trickster began growing in size and gaining more arms which he lashes out at the heroes with. Seeing how they’re sitting ducks in the confine space of the factory the heroes ran outside into the open.

The Trickster growing bigger burst out of the factory and chased the heroes who lead him to the town square where most of the other heroes had gathered. There the other heroes attacked the Summerween Trickster as he grew bigger and grew more arms. Which the heroes had to fight off and destroy when one of the hands managed to grab someone, as the ones that weren't saved were tossed into the Trickster's mouth.

Tambry fired her arrows at the hand that grabbed Huntress Wizard trying to free her. But could only watch in horror as her teacher in archery was eaten. Than she saw a hand zooming towards Wendy who had just ram into one of the hands in her deer form, rushing forward Tambry was grabbed instead of Wendy who could do nothing as she was eaten as well.

Jake avoiding the hands grabbing for him used his fire breath began burning some of the arms and causing the smell of burnt sugar to fill the air. Bubblegum tried using her candy power on the Trickster but to her surprise all the candy she hit it with only made him bigger. Jake the dog bite down on an arms as it grabbed Finn and recoiled at the taste.

"Salt water taffy? Gross," Jake said spitting out the candy.

"What are you made out of?" Finn asks chopping off an arm and seeing that it's made up of candy.

"You really haven't figured it out yet? Don't you recognize me? Look at my face! Look closely," the Trickster said pulling off his mask revealing that his entire body is made out of candy.

"Wait that's loser candy," Canyon said seeing the kind of candy that she never eats.

"That's right! Did you ever stop and think about the candy at the bottom of the bag that no one likes? Every year the children and adults of Gravity Falls throw away all of the 'REJECTED' candy into the dump. Made worse since the merge with the candy that both Equestria and the Candy Kingdom make that just end up being thrown away. Do you have any idea how much candy those two places make that just end up in the dump because no one like them? And they continue to make them?” Trickster ask turning his attention to Sunset and Princess Bubblegum.

“Hey, I’m not in charge of the candy factories,” Sunset said.

“I guess I should discontinue some candies,” Bubblegum said.

“So, I seek revenge; revenge on the picky children and adults who cast me aside. I'm made of every tossed piece of black licorice, every discarded bar of old chocolate with like that white, powder stuff on it. You know that stuff!" the Trickster said.

"I hate that stuff," Juniper said out loud.

"No one would eat me. So now, I'm going to be eating children inst....," the Trickster began to rant but stop as he started coughing and held his chest.

Bursting out of the Trickster's chest is Soos who had eaten his way out. Screaming as he works his way to fresh air Soos tore the Trickster chest wide open. Causing candy to spill out of the Trickster and in the mass of candy are all the people that the Trickster had eaten alive. All awhile being watched by the heroes to their horror.

"Sup, bros?" Soos greeted the heroes as he was still halfway out of the Trickster's chest.

The Trickster falls to the ground vomiting jelly beans. All awhile Soos continues to eat the Trickster to the disgust of all who are watching.

"Dudes, you want some of this?" Soos ask offering some candy to the heroes who all shake their heads not wanting any of that. Wondering how Soos could be eating the candy.

"Wait you actually think I taste good?" the Trickster ask.

"Uh, sure! You know," Soos said.

"All I've ever wanted is for someone to say that I was... good," the Trickster said crying tears of candy corn. "I'm so happy!"

"The crying makes it a little weird, but," Soos was saying as he takes another bite. "Guess I'm still eating."

While everyone was still staring at Soos eating someone alive. Pinkie Pie the pony burst out of the Trickster's chest. The remains of her chicken costume still clinging to her.

"Sup, Pinkie," Soos said.

"I've been traumatized," Pinkie said.

“Me too,” Mabel said popping out of the pile of candy.

"That's... donked up man!" Jake said turning back to his human form and holding his hands to his mouth.

"I think I can't ever eat candy ever again," Canyon said holding onto her lunch. A statement that many shared, as the image of Soos eating his way free and eating a candy person alive is the stuff of nightmares. Especially to the candy people who came to the party.

"You said it," Huntress Wizard said pulling herself out of the candy pile and helping Tambry up as well.

“Let’s see if this works,” Dib said taking out another ghost trap and to his surprise it sucked a ghostly form the candy. Causing the pile of candy to lose its shape and just ended up a pile. “What you know he’s a spirit possessing candy, or candy that created a spirit.”

“Don’t think about it,” Sunset said and turns to Soos. "Stop eating that candy!"

"Ok," Soos said holding something that looks like a candy heart and when he thought no one is looking takes a bite out of it.


Outside of the Town-

Sombra has been fighting off Lumpy Space Princess and her robots, he created a shield protecting himself from the robots attacks while attacking with his dark crystals that burst out of the ground. Sombra feeling himself being cut off from the borrowed magic from the Tricker and the energy fading from the dome fading. He used the last of the magic to teleport away and the dome fades away as the power feeding it was cut off.

The soldiers and other reinforcements entered Gravity Falls to help with the aftermath. They also run into the remaining giant spiders and were gunned down. It would take much time to repair the damage done to the town and clean up the mess. Especially the pile of loser candy which Dipper and Mabel had to pull Soos away from, seeing how he kept eating the candy, much to the disgust of everyone else. Which would all be dump into the recycler to make sure another Trickster wouldn't form from it.


Ghost Zone -

Fright Knight had no idea how long he was trap in the thermos but was glade once he was freed from the small prison. He looks around and saw that he was once again in the Ghost Zone and he was back in the castle. A deep pit of cold fear filled him as he realized what that meant.

"Where have you been?" Pariah Dark ask his servant getting his attention onto the king of the Ghost Zone.

"I was on Earth getting revenge on the ghost boy," Fright Knight said as he quickly got on his knees and bows to his master.

"I have bigger things to deal with then dealing with that ghost child. We are at war with the shinigami of Soul Society. They dared to come to my Ghost Zone and claim it for the so called Soul King. Now you shall once again lead my armies in conquering a new realm to add to my own," Pariah said.

"Yes, my king," Fright Knight said.

"Good, now meet your fellow generals," Pariah said waving to the ones behind Fright Knight as he walks to his throne and sat down.

Turning around Fright Knight saw both Undergrowth and Vortex who have become generals in the ghost king's army. There are several figures who he only heard about. As well as 3 leaders of other dead realms.

Then there's Hisako a vengeful spirit hailing from the videogame Killer Instinct. From what he has heard she came from a world with a mega company or something that basically rules the world. But that's just the lore of the game she's in and is more like an actor playing the part.

Spinal the undead skeleton pirate also comes from the same game as Hisako. Both going to the Ghost Zone to live with other ghosts and undead. Once they showed they still had their powers from their game but no longer bond by the game rules, they were made generals in the ghost army.

Davy Jones the undead sea captain of the Flying Dutchman. In the living world he is bond to the sea unable to walk on dry land but for every ten years. In the Ghost Zone however he's able to go wherever he wants and his ship is able to fly. He also has Youngblood with him as his cabin boy.

The current ruler of Hueco Mundo where the hollows and arrancar resides. Ruling from the capital of Las Noches, Tier Harribel had bent the knee to Pariah in exchange of freeing her fellow hollows of their hunger for souls. By ripping off all of their masks, turning them all into arrancars.

Then there's La Muerte and her husband Xibalba the rules of Land of Remembered and Land of the Forgotten. Both of them have allied with Pariah Dark after the shinigami invaded their realms.

"Oh yes there is another thing," Pariah Dark said.

"Yes master?" Fright Knight ask.

"WHERE'S MY CROWN!" Pariah Dark roared at Fright Knight reminding him of him losing the Crown of Fire which added to the ghost king's power.

"Vlad Masters has it. But after the merge happen and the the earth was saved from the space rock, he just disappeared into space," Fright Knight explains.

"The mortals must have taken it," Xibalba spoke up.

"What?" Pariah asked turning his attention to the undead ruler.

"Seeing how Masters tried to blackmail the world so that he could become it's ruler after he caused the blowing up of the space rock to fail. The government quickly seized all of his belongings and assets. So the crown of fire should be held in a vault of something," La Muerte said.

"Well then it's time that I pay the living world a visit," Pariah said.


Elsewhere -

"All that work, assets and money... for nothing. At least for them, we got paid either way," Killbane said over the phone talking to Grindelwald.

"Now I wouldn't say nothing. I did manage to use the borrowed power from the Summerween Trickster for my project in England," Grindelwald spoke up.

"I hope you know what you're doing. I told you that we're not into the ruling the world or taking revenge. I learned that lesson the hard way and I'm not going to try my luck in getting away with it a second time," Killbane said.

"Don't worry. I'm being careful, I'm having this safe house strip and relocated elsewhere just in case one of the villains captured knows about this place. And my project will have those wizards and witches taking the fall either way if it works or not," Grindelwald said.

"About that, one of the new hirers wants to help you with that," Killbane said.

"Who?" Grindelwald asked.

"Dr. Blackmore, he has done somethings back in his world that's like what you're planning and he wants to conduct some experiments. I'm sending you a picture of him," Killbane said.

Grindelwald looked down at his phone and open the picture that was sent to him. Showing him Dr. Blackmore so that he knows what he looks like. The thing that shocks him was that the doctor has hideous, writhing octopus tentacles replacing the lower part of his body. (6)


Elsewhere -

The luchadore with the fake mystic eye was busy trying to restore the black goo. So busy was he was on doing just that... that he was almost left behind during the evacuation of the base. Panicked, he rushed the container... not noticing he'd accidentally cracked it.

When the panic and chaos was over... the guy took a brief stop to the can...

The moment he left... the goo seeped out of the crack... and like that... Toffee was reborn.

"Finally, I thought he'd never leave..." Toffee said.

Year of trying to master his regenerative powers to get his finger back had allowed Toffee, among other things to UNDO or prevent a regeneration. And that was what he'd done to keep himself from reforming while under observation. Now that his container had a crack, and no one was watching he took his chance to escape.

Toffee knew that idiot would be back soon, so he turned to flee... and bumped right into a certain flying Triangle with a bow-tie and top hat.


Toffee simply quirks an eyebrow curious...


Author's Note:

1 - Staking a vampire in the heart wouldn't be the only way to kill a vampire. Taking off their head is another way or just destroying the brain. As when not dealing with supernatural magical vampires who can just put their heads back on or a vampire type in their vampire form their heads come off and fly around. Cutting off the head will kill a vampire or just plain destroying the head.

Also guns will kill a vampire if used right as blasting a vampire's heart is the same as staking it seeing if you keep on blasting the heart till it's no longer working it will kill the vampire or if the bullet is powerful enough blasting a hole into the torso where the heart use to be or bullet to the brain even if it doesn't kill the vampire in the first shot will cause brain damage. And just because a vampire can regrow the lost pieces of their brain doesn't mean they can regrow the memories that were on the part of the brain that have been destroyed.

Which has never made sense to me how someone regrowing their head doesn't result in them losing all that they were up to the point their head and brain regrew from nothing. Unless they're like Cell from Dragonball who was created to be able to do that or like Buu who is just a blob monster.

2 - The ghost trap works like in Ghost Busters where you don't have to weaken the ghost first to trap it. The blasters the Ghost Busters used are only to force the ghosts into the trap's range. As seen in the scene where a ghost running was trap when one of the Ghost Busters waited for the ghost to come to him and he then activated the trap when the ghost was right on top of it.

3 - Seeing how most magic users aren't the types who can do much without their magic. They're glass cannons who are long range fighters and can be taken out with a few hits. Like how in some games the spell caster enemy is easily taken out once you can get in close.

4 - I would really like to see a series where the hero refuses to help people who refused to help them in their time of need.

5 - There be no regeneration like no tomorrow or like Deadpool without a reason why it happens. For regeneration to happen for organic beings either the one regenerating is using their stored up energy reserves or fat, or is consuming organic matter to regenerate.

6 - Haunted Halls - A collection of hidden object games, focusing around the sanitarium director Dr. Blackmore and his experiments into fears and phobias. The games were released by Big Fish Games.