• Published 11th May 2021
  • 1,725 Views, 36 Comments

Fusion Falls (old version) - madhat886

Thanks to several events that all happen at once. Several different universes all suddenly merged into one. And several people who found themselves alone come together in the town of Gravity Falls.

  • ...

The Time Traveler's Pig


The Maw as Six remembers it, giant black slugs with two legs trying to eat her. Her meeting the gnomes and her hugging them. The Janitor tries to snatch her with his long noodle like arms. Her hugging a gnome. The twin cooks trying to chop her up and stuff her into a fish. Hugging a gnome. The obese guests trying to eat her. Hugging a gnome. The Lady tries to break her as she defends herself with the mirror. EATING A GNOME.

Six looks down at mangled remains of the gnome that had given her a sausage... blood on her hands... she sobs... she looks up... the MAW! It's on fire! It opens up it's jaws and devours her, as she did with the gnome who was trying to help her.

Six wakes up screaming.

Six took in deep breaths as she looks around and found that she's in the camp infirmary, both Lincoln and Ronnie are also there. Six remembers that she was invited to spend the night at the camp which the ghost couple she's staying with told her that it be good for her to be with kids her own age. And she had one of her hunger pains, which cause her to go into the kitchen and eating till she passed out.

Six tries to run but Lincoln and Ronnie grab her and plead with her to let them help her.

"Six you can't just keep running away," Lincoln said.

"Calm down and let us help you," Ronnie said.

"No, you all have to stay away from me," Six begs them as she can't fight her hunger and she's a danger to all of them.

To her shock, Lincoln actually handcuffed himself to her.

"Look, your clearly in trouble, you need help. So, you have 2 options: you can either run away without help and risk me getting eaten... or you can let us help you," Lincoln stated to her.

"....why?" Six ask.

"The merge may have changed a lot about me... but one thing I'll never do is let a girl get hurt if I can help it," Lincoln said.

Ronnie smiled at Lincoln; he could be a dork at times. But it was moments like this that reminded her why she lov...

Six suddenly remembers something. "Wait, you're the boy back at the cave with the spiders with the tiny dick."

Both girls couldn't help it, they had to laugh at Lincolns mortified, flustered face.

"Seriously? THAT'S what you remember about me? There are other distinct features about me! My white hair for one," Lincoln takes a deep breath to clam himself. "Look... just let me help you... okay?"

"Okay...," Six said getting herself together from her laughing fit and nods.

"So, what happen to you?" Lincoln ask as Ronnie listens in.

Six tells them a tale about her world. A horrible place where chaos and where the darkest desires are made flesh and roam the world. Her earliest memories was that of the mansion known as the Nest. Where she had to remain hidden from the residents of the mansion who been capturing children and bringing them to the island, turning them into dolls. There she met the girl in the yellow raincoat who help her escape but paid for it with her life when the Pretender push her off the cliff as she fell as well.

But what happen to her in the Maw, made what happen in the Nest look like heaven compared to the horrors of the monsters within. The Ferryman captured her and took her to the Maw, where she managed to escape to the lower levels where she met with other children. The campfire children all huddled around a small campfire together because the light helps keep away the leeches that infested the lower levels. To a degree, as one of the kids was ambushed from behind and eaten whole by a leech. From there the other children were eaten as well till she was the only one left.

The Maw is a horrible place ruled by a wicked lady. Every year it rose from the sea and set out it's siren song and every year thousands came to indulge their gluttony. They ate everything: monsters, gnomes, CHILDREN, even each other... all the while becoming more deformed and twisted. They didn't even seem to care about how when they were big enough they'd be killed and fed to both the lady to maintain her youth and beauty and to the Maw to keep it running.

"Wait, you’re talking like the Maw is alive," Ronnie said.

"I... I know it sounds nuts," Six said.

"Try us, were gullible," Lincoln says playfully.

So, Six goes on about how the longer she'd been at the maw... how it CHANGED her... she couldn't explain how or why. But all the time she was there... she just got HUNGRIER... and HUNGRIER. At first small things would do; bread, cheese, sausage and what else she could find. But as time went on... her appetite GREW... soon she was eating dead things... and then a rat caught in a trap... the feel of LIVE, PUMPING blood trickling down her throat... flesh squirming in her teeth. She knew at the time it was WRONG... but it tasted so GOOD.

And STILL the hunger INCREASED! Until... until... until...


Lincoln and Ronnie well, they were a bit freaked out hearing what Six had done. But Lincoln recovered first and gave Six a hug. Six was surprised but the hug was nice... like the gnomes. Except more comforting and warmer... making her feel safe. Once Six was calmed continued her tale as there are still much to her tale.

Telling them about all the other dangers she faced, the leeches, the janitor who she killed when she slammed down the elevator door on his arms cutting them off. The thing hiding beneath a room full of shoes. The twin cooks who prepared all the meals served on the Maw. The guests who she saw coming on board the Maw, not caring that only a few ever come back from the Maw, but for the food that is served on board that they could eat and eat. Those who don't leave to spread news about the Maw, are prepared for the next ship of incoming guests. And finally, the Lady, who rules the Maw with it being the place in the world full of chaos that makes sense. From the few tvs that Six found and watch shows on, the world outside of the Maw didn't made sense at all. Using the souls and resources collected from the ships that brought in guests and supplies to keep the Maw alive. And to maintain her youth and beauty. And the final meeting between her and the Lady, using the one thing that she couldn't stand to look at, her own reflection when her true age was there for all to see. Leaving her helpless on the floor as the horror of her own true face and her powers being reflected back at her by the mirror.

"I... ate her as well... and I gained her powers... and I used them to eat every guest before I left... is it wrong that those last two I don't feel guilty about those last two?" Six said which Ronnie gave out a snort.

“Girl, it was a woman who murdered people to make her look pretty and a bunch of fat, disgusting slobs who gleefully devoured each other and CHILDREN. Far as I'm concerned, Karma's will been done!” Ronnie stated with Lincoln nods in agreement.

This makes Six feel a lot better.

“So, after all that.... you still want to...,” six said.

“I ain't going nowhere...,” Lincoln said flicking his handcuffs.

“Me either,” Ronnie agreed.

“Thank you both,” Six said smiling as she thanks them and hugs them. “And Lincoln sorry about making fun of you. I’m sure you’ll be bigger when you’re older.”

Lincoln chuckles nervously. “That’s okay, let's just not talk about it though. I mean, were all just kids here. Why I bet your breasts are just as small as my-.”

Six flashes him revealing she's wearing a black tank top and shorts underneath her raincoat. Both of which are tight and showed off her body. She wore them because it allows her to more freedom of movement. Which also shows that she’s more developed for her age then Ronnie is and already is wearing a bra.

Lincoln was dumbstruck and blushing. “WOW... I could not have been more wrong...“

“Show off,” Ronnie grumbles and covers her flat chest.


At the Mystery Shack -

On a bench an orange was talking to an apple on a booth being setup.

"Hey Apple!" Orange said.

"What?" Apple responded.

"Hey Apple!" Orange repeated.

"What!? What!?" Apple ask again.

"Orange you gland I didn't say apple again?" Orange said as he gives an annoying laugh.

Suddenly Applebloom walks by and licks her lips at the sight of the apple.

"Oh, look. A Pony," Orange said.

Applebloom suddenly gets a weird freaked out/surprised look on her face at the unexpected sound.

"I sure wish Marshmallow was here to see this," Orange said with Applebloom turning around to see the freaky orange talking.

The orange gives another annoying laugh as Applebloom shrieks in fright/disgust and crushes Annoying Orange into a pulp. She takes several deep calming breaths to steady herself. She then gives out a sigh of relief, wiping off her brow. She then picks up the apple, happily biting it, but immediately throws it away in surprise when it starts to screamed in pain.

Trying to forget the unpleasantness Applebloom hurried to the Mystery Shack Fair as it was almost ready to go. She was in charge of providing food for the fair. She goes to see Diamond Tiara, who after her daddy's business almost went broke during the chaos of the merge, her father was forced to sell her namesake and make her work for her allowance. Not having any choice, Diamond was forced to put aside childish things and grow up quickly. She's now looking up to how Sunset turn things around for Equestira, Diamond Tiara wants to do the same for her family's company. She was now currently in charge of delivering food. Diamond Tiara was reading a newspaper when she sees Applebloom coming to talk about the shipment.

So, she puts down the newspaper that said 'Storming of AREA 51 a success! Thousands of true-believers found and invaded a displaced, alternate version of Area 51... or the remains of it. Former special forces Ethan Cole apparently blew up most of it to stop a Templar/Roswell Grey conspiracy. Local authorities are trying to seal off the area, but hundreds of bits of tech, corpses, and illegal aliens have already been taken away by crazed fans... In other news; displaced Frankodyne corporation unveils Nexos security droids to help Paris fight against rising Xana/Nazi Attacks.'

As they were talking together, Pony Applejack comes up and smiles.

"Shoot, I knew you'd two would patch it up and make friends! I told you it was just a matter of time!" Applejack said. Which has them just look at her annoyed.

"No, we're not," both of them responded.

"We just learned an important lesson from humans. Unlike in Equestria, where 'Everyone HAS to be friends'. Here there was more of a middle ground," Applebloom said.

"We don't have to like each other, we just need to work together," Diamond adds. She and Applebloom don't hate each other as they had more important things then worry about old grudges, but they didn't like each other either. Too much hurt, too little in common, not enough motivation to really try, they barely spend anytime together anyways. They just worked together, no chit-chat if necessary, no hate, no like... they co-existed enough to get things done and they were fine with that.

"So get off your dang high horse Ms. Too busy bragging about how right she is to notice her little sister is trying to FLEE from her bully's party and actually PUSHES her back inside. What is wrong with you?” Applebloom snarks irritably.

"You know what's really sad? Back in Equestria my family got a LARGE amount of it's business from your family, all you would've had to do was threaten us with cutting us off and my dad probably would've forced me to stay away from the crusaders," Diamond pointed out.

"I... I didn't... Applebloom, I-," Applejack stutters as she was stunned in shock and shame.

"You know what? I don't want to hear it EMPLOYEE Applejack! You're supposed to be unloading anyway, so get out of my sight and get to it or I'm DOCKING your pay!" Applebloom orders her older sister.

Applejack sniffs seeing how low her baby sister now sees her, but dose as she says. Hurt by her words and humiliated that she had to take orders from her little sister. Wishing that she could had done things differently.

"Wow, that felt good! No wonder you liked cutting people down so much!" Applebloom smirks.

"It can be kinda addicting," Diamond giggles.


Mystery Shack -

The Mystery Fair is a yearly fair that is funded and organized by Grunkle Stan in an attempt to drum up some extra profit. Which is built by 'sparing every expense,' the Mystery Fair was a series of cheaply built attractions of dubious safety, many of which were rigged to be impossible to win. The construction of the place was so shoddy that Stan went so far as to print up a stack of fake safety inspection certificates to attach to 'anything that looks like a lawsuit.'

The fair has many classic fair booths but with different names, a Ball Toss, a Balloon Bust, a Ferris Wheel, Higher Striker, Mystery Dogs, Photo Fun, Popcorn Machine, Slopey Toss, Snow Cones, Tunnel of Love and Corndogs, Rusty Barrel Rodeo. The Dunkle the Grunkle which Stan had Soos weld so that it's impossible to dunk him. Stan also brought in other booths then he did before the merge as more people are coming to the fair. There's a fishing game, slingshot galley, smashing stone, a clairvoyant booth, and a spinning wheel which gives out tokens for winners or people can just buy them at the token booth. Which can all be exchange for prizes.

The extra booths came from a town called Stardew Valley which appeared after the merge on the coast. And is also where the food booth that's selling food items that use to be only found there before they began to be produced elsewhere, like Ancient Fruit jams and wine, Star Fruit jams and wine, void eggs and mayonnaise with the later having to be cook first before being eaten. And dinosaur mayonnaise made from real dinosaur eggs which the local farmer who found the first 2 dinosaur eggs in a chest hatched and started raising dinosaurs as farm animals. Which because of how few in number they are still are still pricey which is why the stand only has dinosaur mayonnaise to sell. The one who is running the food booth was a traveling trader who use to travel around in a wagon pulled by a pig, before the merge happen and she now drives around in a truck. She's the one who Stan contacted to get the extra booths, and letting her sell her goods to get more people to come to the fair.

There is the Skytram that was built not far from the shack, which was set up for easy access to the top of the nearby cliff that connects to the road leading to Gravity Falls. Which is where the local goblins and gremlins made their homes, and where the Hand Witch cave is. The goblins and gremlins have tunneled the cliff face to make their homes which is also serves as a source of income for them. As they sell pretty rocks and ore they find for things they want, just like the Diamond Dogs. Even having a large cargo lift for shipments either going up or down, built on the cliff face and on the bottom is a warehouse depot. And is the reason why Stan setup the fair next to the skytram as the goblins and gremlins bring in more money. Which is why Stan contacted the female trader as she could bring in tons of void mayonnaise which goblins and gremlins go nuts for.

Then there's the biggest draw, which is Marceline the vampire queen is going to be playing at the fair. She's very popular thanks to her going around during the first year of the merge and handling all of the evil vampires and making sure they stayed dead by sucking up their souls. Not to mention she had tons of experience in killing vampires as she killed every single vampire in her world before the merge.

Marceline gained many different powers from all the different vampires of the different worlds brought together thanks to the merge. From a insect vampire who had none of the traditional traits of vampires being more like a giant bloodsucking fly, with sunlight granting her the strength to transform into an actual giant fly. She gained immunity to sunlight after she suck her soul.

From one of the many vampires known as Dracula, she gained the power to manifest as a giant fire spirit and a horde of bats. Helping the dhampire son Alucard in taking his dad down. Another older Dracula has gain her the power to turn into smoke and walk through impossibly narrow gaps, as if she became two-dimensional paper cutout. Then there are the different types of vampires. From a Penanngalan, Marceline is now able to detach her head and from a Manananggal she is able to detach her entire upper body and grow bat wings. Or keep her body together and still grow bat wings. From a Rokurokubi she is able to stretch her neck like a snake. From a Pshtaco she is able to drain fat from a body, which also gave her a side business of making fat people thinner. (1)

Marceline also met friendly vampires who didn't hate humans but just saw them as a food source. For those vampires who need to feed on human blood they just got blood from the blood bank or willing people. And the ones who didn't need to feed on only human blood there are plenty of farm animal blood for them. Any vampire who just go around draining people of their blood just because they want to, Marceline stake them and suck their souls preventing them from ever coming back.

Now Marceline is really is the vampire queen as no other vampire is as powerful as she is now. With her going around killing all the evil vampires including many of the elder ones, the surviving vampires have all bent the knee to her. Marceline is now the top vampire who all vampires take orders from as she'll just suck their souls if they fall out of line. And the fact that she killed off all the vampires in her world has caused her to be feared by even the most powerful vampire. Not to mention she is now a legend in the music world, thanks to her centuries of fine tuning her musical skills.

And the reason why she's playing at the Mystery Fair for free, is because she lost a poker game to Stan. Which has gotten many of her fans to come to the fair to see her perform. Which gotten many people from the Land of Ooo to come as well with some opening up their own booths which they paid Stan a fee to operate a booth in his fair. That also got Sunset to put up some booths and rides as well as she's a fan of Marceline.

Sunset is also testing out some new sodas that she had been ordering for the casinos and resorts. All of which gotten popular enough for the soda companies be able to open up a subsidiary in Canterlot, to meet the demand. There are 3 soda companies that are opening up a subsidiary in Canterlot, each coming from the same world where the Roboco robots owned by Mr. House came from. The 3 companies are Vim! Pop Incorporated, Sunset Sarsaparilla, and Nuka-Cola, each having their own stands located around the fair.

Vim! Pop Incorporated, a soft drink manufacturer that operates out of Maine on the East Coast. Sunset on a visit to Maine was introduced to the regional soft drink and took a liking to it. Seeing how before the Merge happen the company wasn't doing well thanks to the brutal tactics from Nuka-Cola, signed a deal with the company to supply Canterlot with their soda.

All the casinos carry the soda and with good advertising, along with Sunset often being seen drinking the soda. Got many people to start drinking the soda, which came in 4 different flavors. Vim a combination of pure Maine spring water and other extracts and syrups, the flagship beverage of the Vim! Pop Corporation is slightly fermented, which helps to better bring out its unique and natural flavor profile. Vim Refresh which is even more energizing than Vim Quartz, and is flavored with apples. Refresh looks the same as regular Vim, but with a light green color and a lime wedge design on the label. Vim Quartz is bubble gum flavored and contained extra "oomph" (or "vim"), making drinkers more energized. Captain's Blend that has a taste that is fishy, with marketing has the taste of Maine in a bottle.

Vim has proven to be a popular drink among the griffins and loved the Captain’s Blend as fish is a big part of their diet. Which is why a factory is being built to supply the demand for the drink. As well as allowing the company to get their name out there around the West coast.

There is also another soft drink that Sunset took a liking to during a visit to Las Vegas to see Mr. House for a business deal. The root-beer type soda, Sunset Sarsaparilla is also a popular drink around Gravity Falls after Sunset started ordering the regional soda to be ship to the casinos. And became a big enough hit that a small factory is being built to supply the demand for the soft drink. The company is also trying out new flavors like Diet Sunset Sarsaparilla.

Another soda Nuka-Cola can also be found but the company is still facing the fallout from Nuka-Cola Quantum having radioactive isotopes in the beverage. Not to mention the underhanded tactics that the company uses to get rid of their competition. There are also the problems found at the company’s theme park Nuka World. The company flagship drink also is very unhealthy because of the amount of sugar of over 120% of the recommended daily allowance of sugar. The CEO and founder of the company John-Caleb Bradberton has been busy making the changes and meeting the safety standards of the new worlds he found himself in. And trying to get into the Canterlot market, which Sunset is allowing because of the amount of money she’s getting from the company.

The results was that the Mystery Fair became much bigger then what Stan had planned but was welcomed as he saw how much money he was going to make. Which is what Wendy found when she walks up to the Mystery Fair. Lots of cars and buses coming in to have fun at the fair, which Stan had built up hype for by posting posters all over town and the surrounding towns. And social media online once everything was setup for the fair and a date was set for it.


Camp Lakebottom -

“I can’t believe Kai Yee is making himself look like he was trying to unite the human and magic world by dethroning the magical elders,” Juniper said reading the newsletter on her phone. She and the other campers are boarding the buses to take them to the fair.

"You only heard one side of the story," Roger said.

"He explained it that the way that the magical elders ruled is the reason why fighting between the magic world and human world started," Ophelia said.

"That, I can believe," Juniper sighed.

"Totally," Lila adds.

"Just forget about that. We're going to have fun today," Jody said.


At the fair -

Wendy was heading to the fair when Robbie steps in front of her, blocking her path.

"Hey Wendy! How do you like my new tight pant-," Robbie was saying before Wendy walks away from him after glaring at him as she still hasn't forgave him or the others for leaving her when she needed help.

Wendy made her way to the Mystery Shack which was closed for the fair. She enters to find Twilight examining the left side of a robotic man and a bunch of tiny green aliens as well as Dipper. Who is helping Twilight study the robot.

Wendy eyes widen and blush. "Uh, Dipper... why?"

"Hey Wendy! You won't believe what just happened! I was taking a shower when I got another flash forward about this guy who you never see the right-side of! It turns out he's a robot controlled by aliens! And they all swore a blood-oath to kill themselves if discovered! I quickly called Twilight and she was able to disable their suicide crystals and contain them until we calmed them down! I mean after Twilight found them and brought them to the shack. We have all this new alien tech and were interviewing a new alien species! Isn't that great!?" Dipper explains.

"Dipper... remember how you told me that tale of Archimedes and him shouting Eureka?" Wendy ask.

"Well... yeah... but what does that...," Dipper was saying and then to his dawning horror he realized that in his excitement. He forgot to put on his clothes.

"Twilight, why didn't you tell me!" Dipper squeals mortified and covered himself embarrassed while both Wendy and Twilight laugh.

"Sorry Dipper, I keep forgetting that 'clothes' are important to humans! I have been living with roommates who don’t wear clothes like me. Besides, this," Twilight said shrugging as she gestures to what they have been working on. "Is WAY more important then what your wearing, so why would I notice that anyway?"

"But... but you saw...," Dipper said while blushing.

"Nothing that I care about," Twilight said.

"What?" Dipper asks devastated.

Twilight's eye's widened as she realized what she'd implied.

"I'm a pony, you're a human. I'm sure your very attractive to other females your own species but there no attraction between us," Twilight explains quickly.

As Twilight and Dipper went back and forth like the socially awkward nerds they are. Wendy was elsewhere. Wendy was smiling at Dipper... this was the boy who meant so much to her... who risked life, limb and dignity to save her... who was a truer friend then any she'd ever had... and his virginity smelled SO....

Wendy's eye's nearly popped out of her head.

"I'm just saying," Twilight was saying till she was interrupted by Wendy tying her jacket around Dipper's waist.

"GO! GET DRESSED NOW!" Wendy shouts flustered and more than a bit pale.

Dipper quickly does so, very frightened.

"Uh... Wendy? You okay?" Twilight asks concerned.

"Yeah... yeah... no, I'm good. I'm good," Wendy said as she takes deep breaths to calm herself.

"Is this a human or deer woman thing?" Twilight ask knowing that Wendy's mother is a deer woman.

"It's nothing," Wendy said as she thought to herself. 'What was that? Could I... No, no! I can't be going through the change yet! I'm too young! This... this was probably just a weird fluke, once I have fun at the fair... yeah, I'll be fine."

Once a dressed Dipper came back, Wendy was quick to invite them with them to the fair with her. Which Twilight declined as she was happy studying and talking to the small aliens, but told them that she'll join them later. Leaving Wendy to go to the fair with Dipper, till Mabel suddenly pops out of nowhere.

"And this time I'm coming with you! Grunkle Stan said it was okay and everything!" shouted Mabel eager to spend time with her Bro-Bro.

Dipper rolls his eyes but smiles, despite the bad friction happening between them recently. She is his sister and they did have a nice history together before coming to the falls. So, despite everything he could still look forward to spending time with her.

A flash of an older, miserable him coming over to give money to an older, fatter, crazy cat lady of Mabel comes to mind.

Dipper is confused by this. But still goes along with Mable and Wendy leaving Twilight by herself. Although a bit more cautious around Mabel.


At the fair -

As the group have a fun time at the fair, they saw many other people they came to know also at the fair as well. Sunset and her sisters are waiting in line with many others, all trying to dunk a heckling Stan into the water. With Korra and Asami having their turn and losing, Korra simply water bends the water to soak Stan. With Stan shouting no cheating by using powers, while the crowd cheers for Korra.

The Ed boys are manning a sandwich booth where people order any kind of sandwich, they want using what ingredients the booth has. They’re talking with Jake and Fin who came over to see their friend play on stage. Jake is talking about how he created the prefect sandwich to the Edd boys with Eddy wanting to know how to make it and then sell it.

"The Library of Alexandria... The Library Of Aristotle... The Library Of Pergamon... The Imperial Library Of Constantinople... The Library Of Alcuin Of York... The Library Of Petrarch... The Library Of Charles V Of France... The Bibliotheca Corviniana... The Library Of Regiomontanus... The Libraries Of The Maya... The Library Of The Hanlin Yuan...," Ocellus said sighing while looking through a book showing the lost wonders of the earth. "What a waste."

"Come on Ocellus! Get your nose out of that book and help Smolder find a nice snack to give her boyfriend!" Gallus said.

"Shut up! Spike's not my boyfriend!" Smolder said smacking him in the head before sighing and she saying quietly and sadly "Unfortunately."

“Uh... he never said it was Spike,” Strongheart said smirking and mortifying Smolder further.

Indeed, when Spike was first sent by Sunset to be mentored by other dragons it had been tough. He was smaller than most of their infants, he had no wings, his fire was kinda pathetic. WORSE, this being the first time he'd been around attractive, nubile and NAKED dragon females. His hormones finally kicked in at the worst possible time.

He learned the hard way that his crush with Rarity had been just that... a crush. Which was probably for the best since he'd cut all ties with her to show Twilight how sorry he was for turning his back at her at the wedding. But THIS, in a a VERY family-unfriendly world was TRUE attraction!

More importantly, he learned that although his biology was SIMILAR to earth lizards. Where his privates remained in his body while calm. When he was aroused, it just popped out there for all the females drakes to see in all it's rather minuscule glory.

Yes, the first couple of months had been HELL for Spike. Every female drake couldn't resist acting sexy around him just for him to 'pop one' so they could laugh at him. Only drakes like Ember or Smolder were nice to him... did what they could to mentor him.

But then, Spike began to eat meat which the only protein he’s been eating were eggs. No longer constrained by the beliefs of vegetarian ponies, and FINALLY eating a proper Dragon diet... he began to grow up like a weed! And then came the day he asked one of the Alagaësia dragons to give him some borrowed power out of curiosity. Spike almost immediately got the most magical potential of almost ANY dragon. Turns out Spike had been one of the rare few Equestrian dragons to have magic. Thus, how he was able to teleport letters and why he grew to enormous size during his birthday. The Alagaësia magic meshed with his and amplified the potential he already had. With practice he was able to teleport anything with his fire, not just letters. He was now working on tweaking his magic to do other things. He was also able to make himself grow exponentially for a limited times, he wasn't quite near Spikezilla size yet but he was getting there.

And so, within half a year the runt had become a stud! He was taller than most average size dragons of his age, his wings were phenomenal, his flames could torch entire trees. And although he still hadn't become disciplined enough yet to keep his 'dagger' sheathed. He no longer had anything to be ashamed about, he was a stud now through and through, much to all the girl drake's delight. This plus his culinary skills, homemaker skills and overall nice personality, he was quite a hit with the girls. Of course, Spike wouldn't give the girls who used to tease him the time of day, Ember and Smolder on the other hand, well let's just say they were hopeful.

While Smolder was teased, Mable and Dipper walked by the group. Wendy having spotted her mother with her father and brothers, went off to talk to her about some girl issues, leaving the twins alone. Which was the sudden surge of lust she suddenly had back at the shack, Wendy was already told by her mother what changes her body would go through once she hit her teen years. But she thought she still had a year or two before the changes hit her, which her mother said there is always girls who hit puberty early.

"Hey, bro-bro, why did you go to Twilight for help with Lefty? Don't we usually do that sort of thing as a team?" Mabel ask.

"Mabel, everytime I go to you for help for one of my videos you, despite all the weird things we see on a daily basis! Just dismiss me as nuts and never take it seriously!" Dipper said to her as he looks at her annoyed.

"But... I STILL go with you, I STILL help you out," she points out as she looks hurt.

"I know Mabel and I do appreciate that. But I kinda like having someone who I can bounce ideas off of, who takes me and what I do seriously, it's nice to have someone like that," Dipper said as he sees Mabel's eye's begin to quiver with tears. "Look Mabel, I'll invite you to come with next time, alright?"

"Awesome!" Mable shouted out as she brightens up. "The Mystery Twins are back! And don't worry Dipping sauce, I promise I won't leave your side today and I'll help you.... IS THAT A PIG!?!"

"ANNNNNNND she's gone," Dipper said giving out a sigh and ignoring yet another flash of the depressing future. He goes to look for Twilight and Wendy.

"Hey Dipper," Jake greeted him. He's at the fishbowl booth where people are trying to toss a golf ball into a fishbowl and win the fish inside.

"Hi Jake," Dipper greeted back.

"So, your sister left you?" Jake ask.

"Yup," Dipper replied.

"Know that. My sister doesn't have the same interest in what I do either," Jake said.

"Where is she anyways?" Dipper ask.

"She was supposed to come with my group but our mom wanted her not to be going across country. So, she's now training with Master Splinter at his dojo. She wants to join with the Mighty Mutanimals when she's an adult," Jake said.

"Isn't that the hero group of New York?" Dipper ask.

"They operate as a bounty hunter group to keep things nice and legal but yeah they're a hero group," Jake said.

"So, you met them?" Dipper ask.

"I did and they're a ok group to be apart of if I was still the American Dragon," Jake answers.

"Well if they're a bounty hunting group at least you'll be paid," Dipper pointed out.

"Beats doing it for free," Jake said.


Pigpen -

"If'n you can guess the critter's weight, you can take the critter home!" Sprott cried out to the crowd.

Mabel looks at all the pigs in the pig pen. The pigs are all young ones who are no longer nursing from their mother. Then Mabel sees a fatter pig sitting on it's butt.

The pig oinks which sounds like the word 'Mabel'.

"He said Mabel!" Mabel said gasping. "Either that or doorbell. Did you say Mabel or doorbell?"

The pig oinks out Mabel again.

"Ooooooooooohhhhh!!!" Mabel moans out.

In the background pony Pinkie dress as a clown is walking around and making herself look like a fool to entertain the fair goers. Pony Rarity was nearby with her own booth selling hats she made herself. Pony Fluttershy is at the animal petting zoo where people could buy animal feed and feed the animals. Pony Rainbow Dash is flying around above the fair with other former members of the Wonderbolts who are all acting as guards for the fair. Well more like spotters for the real guards both organic and robots, which Sunset and Lumpy Space Princess provided.

"Sir, I must have that pig!" Mabel said to Sprott.

"Ah, old 15-Poundy! So, how much you guessin' he weighs?" Sprott ask.

"Um, 15 pounds?" Mabel answers.

"Are you some kind of witch?" Sprott ask.

“So what?” Mabel said grabbing the pig and runs off.


Elsewhere at the fair -

Sunset and her sisters are fruitlessly trying to dunk a heckling Stan into the tank. Lumpy Space Princess is on stage singing badly as she warms up the crowd for Marceline and causing the crowd to boo at her. Simon and a recently freed Betty from Golb thanks to Marceline dad Hunson showing up to pull her out of Golb, using his soul sucking power, are also there.

Simon, Fin, Jake, Marceline and Bubblegum, had been busy finding a way to free Betty. They only won thanks to Hunson showing up and using his much more powerful soul sucking power compared to his daughter to pull Betty out of Golb. Even punching out Golb after losing Betty's mind which allowed Golb to have a working mind to use, that made it much more dangerous than it was before. Golb was barely sapient to begin with and only been reacting to to what happen to it. With Betty fused to it, allowed Golb to actually start thinking and learning how to use its powers. Which would had been an end of the universe level threat and beyond. (2)

Now freed Betty and Simon are planning to have a wedding as soon as they could arrange it. Right now, they're doing alot of couple things to make up for the lost time away from each other. They're also still working on rebuilding the Maw, seeing how many of the rooms that made up the Maw didn't make any sense at all. Seeing how the Maw was built for giants, or for the gnomes, then there are rooms that are closed off or sealed off with only one way to enter. Leaving the question how anything was placed inside the room when there was only one small entryway. They're still finding new rooms and having to handle creatures that were miss from the first time the Maw was search. As for the reason why everything is so big, is that in the world where the Maw comes from, while children start off small being the same size of most kids. Once they're adults the normal height for an adult is around 20 feet tall. Which is why the doors are all mostly 24 feet high. (3)

Twilight who finishes up with talking to the aliens, is now studying something else. She spotted Dipper at the booth with the milk bottle game, where he's trying to win a stuff toy for Wendy. Which ended up with the ball bouncing off the bottles and hitting Wendy's eye. Dipper ran all the way back to the shack to get some ice, which took some time and ended up with him running into a bald man wearing goggles and a uniform of some kind, causing him to drop the measuring tape he's carrying around. And once Dipper picked up all the ice, Wendy was already being helped by her mom.

"Hey Dipper look, I won a pig. I name him Waddles," Mabel said walking up to him then saw how down he is. "What's the matter?"

"That," Dipper said pointing to Wendy being taken home by her mom. Leaving Dipper feeling guilty for getting Wendy hurt and wishes he could fix it.

The Young 7 and Twilight coming out from her hiding place come to comfort him. Which has Dipper dragging himself around the fair as the others try to cheer him up. He then angrily confronts the guy who made him spill the ice meant for Wendy.

"Huh?" the Man ask.

"Don't huh me! I've seen you before! What's your deal? Are you following us around?" Dipper ask having seen him in the background many times.

"And why are you bald? What's that all about?" Mabel ask.

"AAAAAGH! My position has been COMPROMISED! Assuming stealth mode!" the man said as he presses buttons on his watch, making his suit change to different backgrounds. "Color match! Initiating color match! Come on, dang it!"

He takes out screwdriver and tries to fix it.

"That's amazing! Are you from the future or something?" Mabel ask.

"Uh, NO!! Who told you that?! MEMORY WIPE!" The man shouted as he throws baby wipe in Mabel's face.

"This is a baby wipe," Mabel pointed out as she takes it off her face.

"All right, you've cornered me. I'm... a time traveler," the man said.

"So, wait a minute, if you're from the future, do you have like a time machine, or something?" Dipper ask.

"That's... kinda how it works," the man answers.

"Can I borrow it?" Dipper ask wanting to change what happen to Wendy.

"No! Out of the question! You know, this is sensitive extremely complicated time equipment," the man said pulling out one of the two tape measures on his tool belt to show them.

"It looks like a tape measure," Dipper said.

"You shut your time-mouth!" the man said.

"This making any sense to any of you?" Dipper ask the group behind him.

"I think he's just crazy," Mabel said with Twilight and the others thinking the same thing.

"Oh! You don't believe me?" the man ask as he pulls the tape measure, disappears, then reappears a few seconds later in old fashioned clothes. "Guess where I was!"

"Whoa!" the group said.

"That's right! 15 years ago there was a costume shop right here! One second," the man said as he disappears, then reappears in his normal suit, which is flaming which he pats down. "Ah! Aw, heck! Pat! Pat down!"

"So, who are you again?" Twilight ask.

"Blendin Blandin, Time Anomaly Removal Crew year twenty sñeventy-twelve. My mission is to stop a series of time anomalies that are supposed to happen at this very location! But-but I don't see any anomalies! I don't know if it's some kind of paradox, or I'm just really tired...," Blendin said as he sits down.

"So does this mean you're working for Clockwork?" Twilight ask.

"Oh, you know the time ghost?" Blendin ask.

"Yes, I heard of him. I'm Twilight Sparkles. Have you heard of me?" Twilight ask.

"I think, I remember you from the early episodes of Discord's show," Blendin said.

"Discord is still alive in your time?" Twilight ask.

"He is and still airing his show," Blendin said.

"Anyone else still around?" Twilight ask.

"Oh wait, I can't tell you who are still alive from your time," Blendin said realizing he’s breaking the rules.

"You know, you sound like you could use a break," Dipper said.

"Definitely, definitely. Might we recommend one of the various attractions at the Mystery Fair?" Mabel said.

"You know what? What the heck! I'm worth it!" Blendin said as he gets up. "But I've got my eye on you! Ehhh... ehhh..."

Blendin walks over to the barrel ride, which Soos is operating.

"One please," Blendin said giving Soos a ticket.

"Uh, sorry dude but you're gonna have to take your belt off for the ride. One of your tools might fly off and accidentally fix something," Soos said.

"Guard it with your life," Blendin said.

"I will watch it like a hawk, dude," Soos said starting the ride and sets the belt on the barrel at his side.

"Woooooo! Yaaaaaaayyy! Weeheee!" Blendin cried out enjoying himself.

"Like a hawk!" Soos repeated as Dipper takes the tool belt.

Nearby two figures had seen and overheard everything.


Back at the shack -

Both Dipper and Occelus take one of the time tapes as the others are gathered around the table.

"Now listen with time travel there are rules you have to follow like in 'Back to the Future' movies. Unless of course it follows other rules like in Marvel where you can change the past all you want as it doesn't affect your timeline past, just creating a new timeline," Twilight said. (4)

"Library of Alexandria here we come!" Occelus cried out.

"Wait, won't that cause a-," Dipper was saying but was cut off.

"Not if we’re smart! See, were not going to CHANGE history. Those libraries and a couple other things, I've had my eye on will STILL be lost. We're just going to be the one's to lose them, when we bring them into the modern day! Thus, history won't be affected," Occelus explains.


Meanwhile, in Prismo's room -

"Will that work?" Hunson ask Clockwork. Both of them are watching what's happening while they wait for their weekly game to start.

"Meh...," Clockwork shrugging as he answers dismissively.


Back at the shack -

And so, the two groups say goodbye to each other and go off.

Twilight frowns as Mabel goes off to win Waddles and have fun with him.

"Uh... okay, isn't Wendy her friend too? Does she NOT care she's going to be hurt?" she asks perplexed and annoyed.

"Eh, it's not so much that so much as it just hasn't occurred to her. But never mind, I won't need her help anyway. This time Wendy won't get hurt," Dipper said.

And once again, the ball hits Wendy eye again with Wendy's mom taking her home to treat her.


Screamed Twilight, as Wendy gets hit by the ball for the second time, unintentionally starting a Heart song.

Everytime I try to go in alone I get shut down,

"It is possible that the forces of time naturally conspire to undo any new outcomes?" asks Dipper out loud morbidly.

Locked up and held captive in the clutches of my down

"No, I just need to try again!" He shouts out in determination!

"YEAH!" Shouts Twilight as they both ignore the song.

go back

"Third times the charm!" Dipper said.

go forth

"Fifth times the charm!" Dipper said again.

go back

"The twentieth time...is the twentieth time...," Dipper said doing it all over again

I'm sick with vertigo

Dipper vomits into a trashcan after time-jumping too fast... Twilight holds his hair up as he does so. A hand tried to pick pocket the time tape but Dipper stop throwing up and walk away as the hand was trying to reach in for a grab.

Weary of my ways, this days never gonna end...

Twilight and Dipper slammed their heads down on the booth in frustration.

I wanna feel a new day
(There's gotta be more than this)

Dipper bites yet another pen in two as he eyes his calculations... and Twilight pops yet another stress ball as she dose likewise. A rope tries to lasso the time tape but Dipper picks it up before the rope could be pulled.

I wanna see a new day
(There's gotta be more)

Dipper practiced several make-shift throws. And Twilight tries to use her magic to improve the aim.

I wanna be a new day
(There's gotta be more)

Dipper measures the height of a startled Wendy. Twilight measures her width, knocking her over. A fish hook managed to grab the measuring tape that Twilight was using instead of the time one.

I wanna live a new day with you
(There's just gotta be more)

"Maybe if I throw with my other hand," mumbles Dipper to himself.

"No, you tried that before already. Remember?" Points out Twilight.

Right here, right now
Under the stars-

"I promise you my heart." Whispered Dipper to himself as he glances into Wendy's wondrous green eyes.

Cause it starts today!

Dipper checked the make-shift barometer to calculate the wind speeds. Twilight bribes some pegasus to do likewise.

I wanna rise,
I wanna touch the other side
(It starts today!)

"Maybe electromagnetic radiation is responsible?" Asks an exhausted Dipper as he uses a make-shift bolometer. A now very frazzled Twilight starts to randomly shock nearby people and write down the results. A stray lightning bolt hits a bush with someone yelling in pain as they were moving in close to the time tape.

I wanna soar
I wanna reach right out for more
(Cause it starts today!)

Both eggheads bang on the make-shift creepmeter in irritation.

I wanna rise,
I wanna touch the other side
(It starts today!)

The time-fixing duo shoo away a nosy patron as they calculate the make-shift gravimeter.

I wanna soar,
I wanna reach right out for more
(Cause it starts today!)

The paranormal twosome bang their heads over and over on a lamppost.

Today today
Today today today

Twilight hugged Dipper as he desperately shakes the make-shift Katharometer to find something... anything to explain why he sucked at this!

Can't feel like I can take this day anymore
Want to be with you Under the sky full of stars
With a heart that wants more

The make-shift hygrometer's results... were disappointing.

I'll memorize the rhythm no dam can hold

"Okay, it took 5 seconds to hit her," Dipper calculates as he checks the stopwatch.

"And 6 seconds for it to ricochet." points out Twilight.

Done' drivin by a source cramping my soul.

Dipper grits his teeth as he loses the ice for the hundredth time. Causing someone running up from behind him to slip and sliding into a portable toilet.

Won't be like any day we have seen
I swear I'll change everything (e-e-e-e-everything)

"FATE CAN EAT IT!" screams a frustrated Dipper and Twilight, while nearby fair patrons looked on in concern.

Right here right now
Under the stars-

"I'd promise you my heart-" Whispers Dipper after Wendy longingly.

Cause it starts today!






Cause it starts today!...


Later -

After much work in writing complex calculations both Dipper and Twilight realized that Mabel is THE variable they're missing.

"But, but I need to go win Waddles!" Mabel cried out as she was grabbed by the two.

"GAH! MABLE! YOUR! FRIEND! WENDY! IS HURT! HOW ARE YOU NOT GETTING THIS!? YOU CAN GET YOUR STUPID PIG AFTERWARD! NOW MOVE!" Twilight yelled out as she reached her boiling point in how it's possible that Wendy keeps on being hit by the ball.

"Wha- Waddles isn't stu-," Mabel said confused and frightened. But Twilight, isn't listening and is already dragging her with her levitation.

Dipper this succeeded thanks to Mabel and Twilight arranging things around the ball toss booth so the ball didn't bounce around and hit Wendy once more. Dipper hands over the stuff toy to Wendy as Twilight cheers having finally gotten it right. And then Mabel goes to get Waddles. Expect that when Mabel looks into the pigpen, she saw pigs but can't find Waddles.

"Uh... sir? Where's Waddles?" Mabel ask Sprott who's currently facing the opposite direction of her.

"Who?" Sprott asked.

"For the love of- FIFTEEN POUNDER! WHERE'S FIFTEEN POUNDER!" Mabel shouts out.

"Oh, him! Why didn't you say so? Terribly sorry, someone already took him minutes before you showed up. Sorry," Sprott answers.

"WHAT!?!" Mabel cried out.

Mabel runs to Twilight and Dipper needing the time tape to undo things.

"I need the time tape to get Waddles!" Mabel shouted as tries to get the time-tape to get Waddles.

Dipper is about to gently reassure her when Twilight angrily buts in.

"Mabel we spent so much time in making sure that this time went right and you want to undo all that for a pig? Do you really want to put a pig before a friend?" Twilight ask firmly reminds her that all the other timeline has Wendy get hurt and Mabel is being VERY selfish right now putting a stupid pig over the health of a friend.

"I'm coming Waddles!" Mabel shouted not listening as she fights for the tape and sending them going on a wild time jump.


The first time jump had the trio traveling back to the stone age. Where they ran by a purple alien trying to teach a caveman how to hunt using a spear. And the caveman hitting the alien.


Another time jump has them running by Camp Lakebottom as Songbird attacks it. With Dipper losing the calculator he had in his vest.


Another time jump has them running by Lake Gravity Falls as that old man shouted about the Gobblewonker. With Mabel losing her right shoe.


Another has them running by the shack as Stan reveals wax Stan. And Twilight losing the pen she had behind her ear.


Another time jump has them running down a path in the woods. They ran pass the faceless man with the floating head.


Mabel appeared on a backwoods road just outside of a city. A car honks as the driver twisted the wheel trying to avoid hitting the girl that suddenly appeared in the middle of the road. Twilight barely managed to lift Mabel up into the air as Dipper runs in and pushes her out of the way.

The car swerves and crashes into a truck, sending the car spinning to a stop on the side of the road. The truck on the other hand was sent crashing into a tree. Twilight gasps in horror and is about to go help. But Dipper being too busy focusing on getting everyone off the road to notice anything else, allowed Mabel to get a hold of the time tape and uses it before Twilight can stop her. They time jump away from the two crash vehicles.


The trio landed in snow in front of the shack before Stan turn it into a tourist trap.

"Dipper! We need to go back! There was a crash! They'll need our help!" Twilight shouted out in a panic.

"I'm trying!" Dipper said as he hits the return button trying to go back but all he got was an error message.

"What's wrong?" Twilight ask.

"I'm keep getting an error message," Dipper said as he kept hitting the return button causing the time tape to overheat.

"It's must be too hot to work," Twilight said.

"Hot is right," Dipper said plunging the time tape into the snow cooling it off. "There that should do it."

"Now we can return to the car crash," Twilight said.

"NO WADDLES!" Mabel shouted not caring what just happen and hits the time tape.

The time tape sends them in another time jump as the owner of the shack pokes his head out to see who was shouting but sees nothing and goes back inside.


The time jump lands them in what looks like a warehouse.

"MABEL WHAT DID YOU DO!" Dipper shouted as he pushes Mabel away now also panicking seeing how the return function would only return them back to the last jump they did.

Since Dipper didn't see what coordinates were inputted for the destination where the car crash happen, the return button was the only way to help those people. While he tried to get it to work, Twilight texted one of Jenny's sisters to see if there was any crashes in the Gravity Falls area, or failing that to look at official records and see if she could pinpoint the date of any serious accident. Of course that's if they're in the right time that is.

Mabel shakes herself off and tries to steal the time-tape again, but an annoyed and irritated Twilight had had ENOUGH and bucks her in the cootchie. As she's on the ground crying and in pain. Twilight yells at her.


"Whoa, Twilight! You didn't have to take it that far," Dipper said horrified at what he'd just seen.

"DIPPER! FOCUS! We need to save the people from that crash!" Twilight reminded him.

Dipper reluctantly agrees, quickly apologizes to Mabel and goes back to trying to figure out how to get back to the crash.

Mabel picks herself off the ground and starts to bang her head on one of the boxes.

"Mabel cut that out," Twilight said as she looks at Mabel but then looks at the box she's banging her head on and sees the date on it. "We're in the future!"

"What?" Dipper ask.

"Look at the date," Twilight pointed to the date on the box.

"We're in the year twenty.... how do you say that?" Dipper ask looking at the weird way the date was written.

"It gets some getting use to," a female voice spoke.

They turn to see XJ-9 but her color is now gold instead of blue she wore before and looks like she's been updated alot.

"XJ-9?" Twilight ask.

"Nope it's XJ-1. Big sis went and gave me her old body after her new body was built," XJ-1 said.

"So, I'm guessing you, your sisters and robots like BMO and Neptr are the only ones left from our time?" Dipper ask.

"Well, there are the immortals like Ice King still around but I can't just tell you as that's not what happen," XJ-1 said.

"You mean this is like how I used the time spell and my past self wouldn't let me tell her not to worry and just ended up causing all the stuff that happen to me in the first place?" Twilight ask.

"Yup," XJ-1 said as she took the time tape and sets it to send them back to their own time. "Here this will take you 3 back to your own time."

"But what about the crash?" Dipper ask.

"Sorry but I can't help or it won't happen," XJ-1 said.

"Dipper don't cause anymore time problems," Twilight said as she uses the tape sending them back to their time.


The present -

After finally making it back to their own time, in front of the shack with the fair going on nearby. Twilight made the same call about the crash to the XJ sisters, while Dipper made sure that Mabel wouldn't be time jumping again. Which has Mabel banging her head on the totem pole that's in front of the shack.

Twilight rolls her eyes seeing Mabel doing the head banging again. "Come on Mabel, knock it off!"

"Twilight is right Mabel, you'll be over Waddles in a day. Like you did with that dog Gally you found and wanted to keep till her owner came for her," Dipper said.

He brings out the time-tape... but before he can use it. He's assaulted with visions, showing 'him' traveling forward... a day... a week... a month... he sees Soos giving tours of 'miserable Mabel'... but the flash-forward doesn't stop there.


Flash Forward -

A forty-something year old Dipper enters his parents’ house and takes off his fast-food uniform with a sigh as he looks down at his meager paycheck.

A forty-something Mabel (wearing a crazy sweater and surrounded by dozens of cats); looks up.

"Hey Dipping sauce! Guess what!? I made a 50 feet butterfly made of comics... which I then set ablaze! I'm still the goddess of destruction! Also, the police are here again to fine us for burning stuff without a permit... also for unintended arson damage to the neighbors house"

"Wait, what!?" Shouts Dipper just as a policeman steps out of the shadows and snatches up Dipper's paycheck.

"Ah, come on man! I worked overtime the whole week at the drive-through to earn that!" Shouts Dipper. But the officer had already left.

Dipper feels a drop of water on his head... the ceiling was leaking.

"I also created a new water slide for Waddles!" Mable said.


The ceiling gives way as a giant hog crashes down and breaks the floor; water soaking everything.

The cats scatter in panic; breaking various household objects as they do so.

"Ah, they're cute when their crazy!" She shouts laughing as she takes a picture of them.

Dipper sighs as he goes to check the emergency fund... only to find it empty.

"Hey Dipping sauce! Can we have Pizza tonight!? Duck-tective will be on!" Shouts the ever cheerful yet oblivious Mabel.

Dipper just hangs his head... and cries...


Dipper is suddenly shaken from these troubling visions by Twilight.

"Dipper let's just go. I dealt with an infant Spikes Temper Tantrums enough times to know it's best to just ignore spoiled brats when they act like this," she says coldly and unsympathetically.

A very confused Dipper looks like he's about to say something.

"Ignore her all you want, but you best not ignore US!" a new voice called out to them.

The three of them then hear screaming and look in time to see a strange sight.

"WADDLES!?! Wait, is that... lego?" Mabel ask.

Indeed, it was two life-sized lego men on the outer edge of the fair. With both of them holding Waddles and Wendy at knife-point. The crowd from the fair are staying back with the protectrons and Mr. Handies keeping them back.

"Yeah, what of it child? We’re the brothers Acronix and Krux! The hands of time! And we're tried of playing it safe," the lego man Acronix said.

"Now my child I'm going to make this very simple for you... hand over the time tape or your friend and pet will die," Krux said as he presses the knife a little deeper into the pig, causing it to squeal in pain.

"WADDLES! DIPPER GIVE HIM WHAT HE WANTS!" Mabel shouts as she tries to jump at him, but Twilight uses levitation to hold her back annoyed.

"What the Frack Mabel?! I'M IN TROUBLE TOO HERE!" Wendy shouted out annoyed.

"Yes, yes you are," Krux said before he turns back to Dipper. “Now hand over the time tape or they die.”

Mabel screams at Dipper to do it, with both Twilight and Wendy yelling at her. Dipper makes to take the time tape out of his pocket but actually, he has a knife of his own from his Swiss army knife, he also sees Sunset and her sisters behind them, hiding behind the nearby tent. They had seen Wendy being grabbed by the lego men and are just waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Dipper can only hit one of the two and he doesn't hesitate. He throws the knife and it hits Acronix head cutting into his head which while caused him pain because of him being lego it doesn't kill him. Allowing Wendy to free herself just as a furious Krux slits Waddles throat causing Mabel to scream. Right before Acronix and Krux are attacked by the sisters from behind, they are immediately pinned down. The robots guards also rush in to cover the two lego men.


Later -

The fair was still going as Marceline the vampire's queen stage show was being held for the big final, as the police came and took away the two Lego men Acronix and Krux away. Who turned out had overheard Blendin talking about the time tape. Both of them use to had time powers but were taken from them in their world before the merge. Even if they had lost their powers, they still retain some abilities like having a ripple effect proof memory, that prevents them from not remembering all the time traveling and resetting the timeline. Learning about the time tape they been trying to steal it during all of the time jumps that Dipper, Mabel, and Twilight had been doing. Till they just went with grabbing Wendy and Waddles who they thought was a family pet, when all the other plans failed.

The robots had already thrown Waddles body into a garbage truck where it and the trash from the fair, would be taken to the Recycler plant. Where it all be broken down into basic materials. And any leftover organic material that isn't sold will be used to feed the new Bioreactor. Which compose any organic material into energy, which is used to power the plant or sold to help supply power to Gravity Falls.

"You're a terrible brother! You let Waddles die!" Mabel yells at Dipper.

"Mabel do you actually care more for a pig that you only knew for a day then for Wendy?" Twilight snaps at Mabel.

"I was being held at knife point with my life on the line, again. And you cared more for a pig then me?" Wendy growls looking down at Mabel.

"How much of a spoiled brat are you? Does anything but what happens to you matter at all? I had a pet pig that I loved but I would give up her to save a friend or a family member," Sunset snaps at her with her sisters nodding in agreement.

"I... just wanted the cute pig!" Mabel said hurt, sobbing, and baffled by all of them treating her like this.

"Not to mention you causing that car to slam into that truck during the time jump. Which you don't care about causing the accident or if the people in the two cars are even alive," Twilight pointed out. The XJ sisters had already called her and found no accidents that matches what she had seen.

"Well, I hope the cute pig was worth it, cause far as I'm concerned, we are DONE as friends! Never speak to me again Mabel!" Wendy said to Mabel.

"Not friends?" Mabel ask trying to understand why Wendy doesn't want to be her friend.

"Let me guess you don't have any real friends do you," Sunset said to Mabel.

"Nope she doesn't," Dipper said.

"With her being so self-centered and not caring if someone is being held at knife point as long as she gets what she wants, who would want to?" Twilight adds.

"WAAAA!" Mabel cried out as she ran away crying her eyes out.

Dipper was about to go after her but remembered the flash forwards he had and just let Mabel handle herself for a change.

"Hey Dipper... I overheard the two lego men talking about 'fooling around with the time-tape just to impress me'. What did he mean?" Wendy ask.

Dipper sighs and confesses to Wendy about using time travel to win the game so that he would win and not have the ball bouncing and hitting her eye causing her mom to take her home. Which no matter what he and Twilight tried, she kept being hit with the ball. Wendy then asks why he put her through all that. So, Dipper says how Wendy said she 'wanted it more than anything'.

"Oh, for the love of," Wendy groans and takes a deep breath to calm herself. "Dipper that was sweet of you to take that seriously, but for the record... IGNORE my teen melodrama in the futures. ESPECIALLY if it means I won't get smacked in the eye!"

"Yeah! No one wants to get hurt for a plushie! That's just stupid," Ruth said.

"Also... why didn't you just TELL Wendy what was happening?" Sunrise ask.

Dipper and Twilight just looks dumbfounded.

"Just... tell... her?" both of them said before they smacks their foreheads and groan, calling themselves morons.

"Oh, Dipper...," Wendy giggles.

"Looks like a case of complexity addiction," Assie said.

"Thinking of a very complex answer instead of just the simple one," Mawina adds.

Sunset looks at ball booth that's now empty.

"Huh, I know it was a time curse and all... but still, kinda weird it took so much effort to break it," Sunset said as she gives the booth a closer look. "Hey! This is no time curse! Stan just rigged the game to make it almost impossible to win!"

Everyone glares at Stan who is still in the dunking booth.

Alana went over and just punch the target to dump Stan but the target hardly moved.

"And he welded the dunking booth so he wouldn't be dunk," Bonnie called out.

"What? Any of you actually thought I would play fair?" Stan ask.

"Works for me!" Euspeth said having grabbed the hammer from the strength test and hits the target with the hammer sending Stan into the water. Causing the crowd around the booth to give out a cheer.

With the dunking tank now unfixed, a crowd had formed to dunk Stan. They're paying to do it but instead of tossing a ball, Sunset is having the paying customers just hit the target with their hands instead. With that happening Dipper talks to Wendy how he had a vision of Mabel becoming 'miserable Mabel' right before the whole thing with the 'hands of time'.

"Dipper, first of all. If Mabel stood outside like that for over a month, she wouldn't be miserable. She'd be dead! But assuming by a weird fluke that really COULD happen... well. Say you gave her the pig letting me get hurt," she reminds annoyed. "To get her out of being depression... what then? Dipper, we live in a town full of nightmarish supernatural creatures! All of them could gobble up Waddles and ask for seconds! But supposing he survived that... how will you get him home? The bus driver doesn't allow pets, unless it's a service animal. How would you convince your Mom and Dad to keep him? Pigs get HUGE Dipper. Eventually, you'll have to get rid of him! And what will happen then? Will she fall into a depression again, then? Is that just going to be her coping mechanism if life doesn't just bend over and give her what she wants?!"

"She's right me and my family raised pigs when we still had the farm," Sunrise said.

"Okay... but still... all she wanted was a cute little pig she rightly earned," Dipper said as he frowns.

"And I want a middle name that doesn't get me laughed at. But we can't always get what we want. Sometimes life just SUCKS. Mabel just needs to learn to suck it up an move on like the rest of us. It's not fair, but hey. When has life ever been?" Wendy said.

Dipper thinks on that... and nods. He and Wendy continue to enjoy the fair together. And Stan had to take the crowd dunking him, seeing how he's still making money.

Pacifica finally showed up as a big line of cars had caused her to be held up. She's a fan of Marceline and during one of her shows she met Grenda Grendinator and Candy Chiu. And while they were stuck in the line to get into the show they just began talking with each other and unlike her other friends, neither one cared about how much money she had. Pacifica decided that having those two as friends wouldn't be so bad compared to her other friends who hang out with her because of what she could get them.

Everyone was heading to the stage to see Blendin being arrested and carted away by the time-police.


Meanwhile back at Camp Lakebottom -

Ronnie, Lincoln and Six are coming to their cabin after a fun day at the fair. They had left before the whole thing with the hands of time due to Lincolns shirt getting a nasty hot sauce stain that burnt his skin. Six would be staying at the camp as a camper, after Sawyer called the Duskertons and making the arrangements to add Six to the camp. The ghost couple thought it be good for Six to spend time with kids her own age.

Nearby, the Young 7 are showing off their seemingly infinite collection of long-lost books and treasures. As well as talking to one of Jenny's sisters XJ-6 about something she needs to take care of in South America. They were showing off the time tape to XJ-6 when Clockwork appeared and took the time tape from them. Telling the kids that they had their fun and it's time to stop traveling through time, saying he has enough trouble in keeping time up and running without them running around in the past. He teleported away leaving the Young 7 without a way to time travel anymore but they still had their treasures they had found.

"My therapist Mr. Stump was right! Going to the fair was a great idea. That was fun! Thanks guys, this really meant a lot to me," Six said having gone to see Stump about her problems.

"No problem!" Ronnie said.

"Yeah, I had a great time too," Lincoln said. "So much better than going with any of my sisters, expect for Lilly."

"You know it's like your life was like one of those guys in Japan who had to deal and put up with crazy women all the time," Ronnie said.

"Yeah, I wonder what's its like for them now that they don't have crazy women just hitting them and calling them perverts all the time," Lincoln said.


Meanwhile, in Japan...

Ranma is enjoying some ranma at his friend Naruto's Ranma shop.... when his ears suddenly burn a little.

"What's up Ranma?" Naruto asked.

He and his girlfriend Hinata were overjoyed to give up on the Ninja life and settle down to start a Ramen restaurant together. With all they been through they just wanted to live a normal life and not cling to a way of life that has no use in the world they found themselves in. Many of the ninjas tried to continue as they did before but quickly found that their ninja training doesn't match modern firearms in fights. Not to mention how many look down on them for using child soldiers.

Ranma also wanted to live a normal life now that they're in a world where the police don't just do nothing while people with fighting skills go around doing whatever. He seen plenty of fighters being gunned down by the cops who can't shoot the side of a barn at point blank range or gave bullets that can't kill. Ranma is now looking to becoming a cop.

"I... don't know... suddenly I just felt EXTRA glad my old crazy life is done with for some reason," Ranma said.

"Huh...," Naruto said.

They both shrug and go back to what their doing.


Elsewhere -

A cop walks pass the SCP armored truck that had crashed into a tree thanks to the car slamming into it. The back doors of the truck had been damaged and are swaying in the wind. The cop walks to the car that had spun out of control and stop on the side of the road. The car's driver door had been torn off thanks to what the truck was carrying. Bits and pieces of the passengers of both the truck and the car are now spread out.

The cop using his flashlight looks around for any signs of survivors but found nothing. He calls dispatch about the crash and ask for backup as it looks like the truck was carrying someone that either attack the survivors or ate the bodies. He shines his flashlight onto a broken license plate, a Piedmont license plate.


Author's Note:

1 - Alot of vampires from other folklore are very different from western vampires.

2 - Adventure Time Marcy and Simon comic.

3 - The Maw is a good videogame but how the hack can the many rooms actually be used is another. Like the freezer that's above the sausage making room that has no way in but a dumbwaiter. How the hack do the cooks used that room let alone that sausage making room when the door is barred off. Granted that the game only shows 3 sides of the room with the 4th not being there so you the player can see. So the door into the room can just be on the 4th wall. But many times in video games there are places where it’s impossible for anyone to be able to use the room that took you the player a very hard time to get to, and are just well maintained and supplied for gameplay.

4 - Most of the rules made for time travel are just plot armor to prevent people to just changing the past. Like time travel never works for the hero but will always works for the villain. And of course the smallest change will create a future where evil rules, like in TUFF Puppy. Where just using a time machine to go back a couple of seconds so that the main star can get the last donuts somehow made a future where Snaptrap rules the world, with the spy agency the heroes works at never existing. Even if the agency was around for decades and how going back a few seconds change decades of history is just poor writing.