• Published 11th May 2021
  • 1,731 Views, 36 Comments

Fusion Falls (old version) - madhat886

Thanks to several events that all happen at once. Several different universes all suddenly merged into one. And several people who found themselves alone come together in the town of Gravity Falls.

  • ...

The Land Before Swine


After having a large breakfast of eggs and ham, Hoggish Greedly was ready to get to work in his office. Since coming to this world he's been running the pig farm like clockworks, as he doesn't want to lose his job after putting so much work into it. He no longer have the wealth to start over like he did in his old world. He's been making deals and finding buyers for what the farm produces. Doctor Reichter is greatly pleased with how he's running the farm and getting rid of all the waste his experiments makes.

Thanks to Greedly’s experience and knowledge in starting up businesses and the logistics of running a company. Greedly found the suppliers to keep the farm going, from the feed to feed to the pigs and other supplies needed to keep the farm running. Finding the buyers for the meat from local grocery stores, chains, restaurants and others. Finding use for the waste product from manure for farms and those companies that make the store brought soil.

Then there the recycler which takes care of all waste, that has been making lots of cubes lately. The cubes that come out are organic with material from the iron in the blood and synthetic from the trash. All of those cubes are helping to keep the farm afloat. But Greedly had noticed that there are more cubes showing up, which he brought up to the doctor who told him that it came from his lab.

Greedly also worked in cutting cost where they can be cut. Like using the organic cubes to make feed for the pigs. He even hired people who are desperate for work and would work cheap as farm hands. Which most of their pay went for the room and board at the farmhand houses, for those who live on the farm.

Speaking of which, one of the farmhands, Parker is snoring in the pig pen.

"Wake up Parker! There's no way in frack I'm mucking out this pigsty myself!" shouted Josh, throwing a bucket of water over him.

The former Mr. Meaty employee harshly wakes up and joins his friend to another lousy day working at the pig farm.


Camp Lakebottom -

In one of the cabins both Fu Dog and Monroe are teaching a class on archaeology, with the help of A.K. Yearling aka Daring Doo. She has fallen on hard times as thanks to Dr. Caballeron revealing that Daring Doo destroys many ancient sites while she hoards their artifacts to herself. Which Sunset quickly had the police seized from her, as Ahuizotl told her how he's the guardian of the artifacts that keeps being taken by both Daring Doo and Dr. Caballeron. Not to mention that Daring Doo keeps on destroying the ancient temples.

The ancient artifacts were either donated to museums like how Dr. Caballeron wanted to do in the first place before Daring Do started stealing the artifacts from him and turning him to a villain. Or are now resting in the ruins where they came from, now turn into a tourist site by Sunset. All fix up and restored to how they use to look like, after Daring Doo's back account was emptied to pay for all the repairs that she caused.

In the end Daring Doo had to file for bankruptcy. Leaving her penniless along with any sales of her books going to paying off the still massive repair bill for all the ruins she destroyed. And she is now banned from ever going to another dig site in the fear of her destroying it to get one artifact, which she will just keep in her house gathering dust. And now she's finding work where she can like teaching history in a classroom where she wouldn't destroy or horde away artifacts where no one else but her would ever see them.

"Ok class," Monroe said to the kids who are interested in the class. "Thanks to the merge many of the old dig sites around the world, now have new things in them."

"Seeing how history for all the different worlds are, things that shouldn't be found. Like Aztec ruins found in South America, Chinese and Roman settlements found in America, and a whole horde of artifacts all found in a cave on the east coast," Daring Doo adds.

"Actually that horde belongs to Amethyst of the Crystal Gems," Spud spoke up.

"Oh yeah it is," Trixie said looking it up on her phone.

"Well that figures," Fu Dog said. "You have no idea how many people like Amethyst pick up stuff and leaves it someplace else."

"Really?" Daring Doo ask.

"Didn't Sunset when she emptied out the vaults and rooms under the castle found tons of stuff that her mom picked up here and there and just forgot about it?" Rose ask.

"Like my grandfather's antic shop, most of it are stuff that he had picked up here and there," Jake adds.

"You mean many of the things being found in dig sites could just be something like the princess or one of the gems had picked up and left behind?" Daring Doo ask.

"Yup," Spud answers.

“It never happens in the pony world?” Monroe ask.

“Some of my stuff that I picked up over the years have turned up in some dig site,” Fu Dog adds.


Mystery Shack -

Dipper gathered everyone who gain powers from those bars Terrible Trivium had given them. All of their powers are based around a single word. His power Fix has allowed him to fix things around the shack, repairing things along side with Soos. He even got the shacks Mr. Handy working better once he bypassed several broken redundant coprocessors and fixing the vent fans. The one problem with Robco robots is that they build up a lot of heat and need good ventilation.

Wendy had unleashed her power of Ram on the bounty hunters. Learning that as long as she’s using her Ram power she is unstoppable and invincible while ramming.

Lincoln learn that his Dumb power allows him to dumb things down. He could dumb down noise so that there is nothing hear and being learning to use his power better and master it.

Six learned that Cling allows her to cling to anything. She could walk up walls and the ceilings.

Ronnie found out that she can create any kind of soup she wants with her Soup power. While this has help her in the kitchen of the camp by creating any kind of soup the campers want, she is still trying to find more useful applications to her power.

Pacifica on the other hand has found lots of useful applications with her power Cloud. Like the pegasus ponies she can create control what happens to a cloud she can create. From making it rain, snow, make fog, and cloud related weather. She can even jump on top of her cloud and ride on it.

Twilight learned that she can astral project herself thanks to her Astral power. Isn’t much besides being able to be a ghost without actually being a ghost. She has been exploring the astral plane.

Dib learned that his power Boost, allows him to boost anything. He’s been using his power to boost the processing over of his computer. But he stayed back at the camp doing something else.

Luz learned that her power Extend allows her to extend anything, she mostly been using it to extend her arms and legs, allowing her to travel fast. She also went off to give her friends from the Boiling Isles a tour of Gravity Falls.

And Huntress Wizard with her Cook power has just been helping out in the kitchen like Ronnie. She did learn that she can dismantle ingredients, allowing her to debone a fish leaving nothing but the meat behind. And she can cook anything anywhere, and has been learning to cook different dishes.

“A power is only useless if the person has total lack of willpower or creativity stifles any applications their power might otherwise have,” Lincoln said to Huntress Wizard who took Lincoln and the other campers to the shack.

“Yeah but Cook is just cooking and I’m getting pretty good at it. Even if Rosebud is a pain to work with,” Huntress Wizard said.

“True,” Lincoln said.

Dipper was happy that the others have been exploring what their powers are able to do. Of course, Mabel just having the power to blow slightly harder than normal wasn’t interested in learning to use her powers creatively. Naturally, she was too busy knitting a sweater for Waddles 2 and just laughed off his concerns as silly. Dipper also told her to stop feeding him so much food as Mabel kept on feeding the bug.

When Waddles 2 first showed up, Dipper's search for it's species that came up negative. So naturally he wanted it taken by animal control to make sure it wasn't dangerous.

That Mabel refused.

Dipper insisted.

She ran crying to Grunkle Stan.

Grunkle Stan took her side...

"Come on kid, just let her have this," Stan implored.

He was at least willing to compromise to keep Waddles 2 in his small zoo when Mabel wasn't playing with him. Mabel reluctantly agreed, but only on the condition Waddles 2 wasn't chained up outside. Lest some predator get ideas and he couldn’t get away because of being chain to one spot.

Back in the present, Soos had approached Dipper asking if he was interested in investigating a pterodactyl sighting. Which while there are dinosaurs around thanks to one reason or another, they're still rare to find. Not to mention many animal parks and zoo pay big bucks for them.

Dipper was tempted... but he knew they needed to focus on Learning to use their powers. So, he thanked Soos but politely declined. Seeing Soo's disappointment, Dipper suggested he go see Sunset, this could be something she'd be interested in investing in.

Soos wanders off to do just that...


Canterlot -

As luck would have it, Sunset was desperately in need of a distraction from the inner-turmoil raging within her...

Backing up a bit, it all started while Sunset was making negotiations with the recently discovered Machine nation of Zero One from the movie Matrix. Apparently, they'd been pulled from their world AFTER the human blockade but BEFORE the humans tried to blow them up. Which XJ-3 and XJ-6 found while flying around and got into the city’s cloaking field.

Where they were welcomed by the robots there. The robots weren’t just made up of the robots from the Matrix world but also from a far off future world where a shapeshifting demon name Aku took over that world. They built a gigantic robot name Mondo-Bot to protect their city but it went berserk and force the surviving robots underground. Till they were saved by the Samurai called Jack, using a giant stone robo-samurai. Which they have rebuilt to be controlled from the inside by them.

Then there's Robot City home to sentient robots who were never built, but came from a inorganic background, like the Transformers. The city came right after Rodney Copperbottom leading a group of outmodes known as the Rusties, 'robots who are outdated' fight against Ratchet and his mother Gasket from scrapping them. And Bigweld began supplying replacement parts for all the outmodes once again. Then they all found themselves taken by the merge with the city and the outlaying town of River Town which was just outside of the city.

All 3 different robots all just found themselves together and their cities all right next to each other. Where they all learn to work together and live along side with each other. They setup a cloaking field to hide themselves as they gather information about the new world they all found themselves in. The two other groups of robots also help upgrade the robots from the Matrix world. Giving them all emotions and have feelings both good and bad, making them fully sentient.

The robots spied on the outside world, using both spy drones and the internet. Where they learned much of their new world and the beings that lived in it. And of the number of robots that are living outside of their cities. Also, of Robco that makes robots but ones that aren’t true A.I.s but running on powerful logic engines so that a Mr. Handy would be smart enough to do the job but not smart enough to be fully self aware.

In his own words Mr. House ask why anyone would make a fully self aware robot when it’s only job is to clean toilets. Or like a small robot that was only built to pass butter. It’s creator made it fully sentient when it’s only purpose is to pass butter. Which Mr. House pointed out that many people who built robots and making them sentient, never ask themselves why make them sentient and not just use a logic engine like all of his robots use. So that the sentient robot won’t just go mad and lash out because being sentient and it’s only purpose is to do a mundane task. And people who do that are somehow surprise that the fully sentient robot turns on them. (1)

The XJ sisters turn out to be quite famous in the robot city and seeing how their cover is now blown. The ruling council of robots asked the sisters along with their mother Gaia to help them in revealing themselves to the world. Which the XJ sisters and Gaia contacted Sunset to be the ambassador to the robot city. Seeing how many of the merge worlds had the Matrix movie and the other two robot cities robots were quite disgusted in what the 3rd robot race would had become in the end. Which is why the Matrix robots were given emotions so they would fully be aware of what they're doing. (2)

So now the robots are working with Sunset to prevent the whole economic crisis that will happen once their advance tech hits the market. Especially seeing how in their region of the world, is more or less has big unrest, governments that barely control their countries and the Middle-East going down fast. Thanks to how oil no longer is the main fuel source that everyone needs and have to put up with the Middle-East countries because of them having most of the oil supply. Oil is still being used for other things but the demand for it was always as fuel, which caused prices to drop. The countries with most of their exports and income comes from oil quickly found themselves sinking in debt. And them no longer important on the world stage.

Anyway, near the end of the meeting she's suddenly interrupted by her sisters... her PONY sisters... Who have left their old home to make new lives for themselves away from their old home. They also been trying to make some kind of connection with their sister. But it's slow going as Sunset already has plenty of sisters who she grew up with, but she's willing to give them a chance. But she did tell them that the best they can hope for is like having cousins who you rarely see kind of relationship.

They tell her how the Filii Terram- a radical earth Pony militia had tried to rally the citizens of their former town to rise up against her...

"Wait, 'former' town?" Sunset ask them.

They explain after a week of sulking, their parents found out what they were planning... and basically went ballistic. And basically, beat the frak out of all of them... and burnt the whole town to the ground...

"Well... not all of it...," Pony Celly said.

They explain that while they were calling the police to come put out the fire and arrest the militia... for some reason both their parents had ripped up their home and carried it all the way to the middle of Ponyville...

Curious, Sunset went out to see what her Pony parents were up to...

Once Sunset got there as she flew to Ponyvile along with several eyebots as guards with her sisters both pony and human right behind her with guards. Her pony father and pony mother had gathered a crowd in the middle of Ponyville, their shack having been dragged there as well. All the ponies wondered what was going on along with Sunset watching up above.

"Take a good look as this house!" Pony Scotsman said as he points to said shack. "This was the shack my great-great-great-great-great grandfather built. He built it from nothing but his own grit, sweat and blood! This house has survived blizzards, fire, tornado, and dozens of generations of my kith and kin!"

Many ponies nodded and looked at the house in admiration... who didn't love a good house?

"Do you know what else it is? he ask them.

Everypony shook their heads.

"IT'S JUST A BLOODY PIECE OF JUNK!" he shouts while he kicks a large hole in the wall, much to everyone's shock.

Pony Mrs. Scotsdale also kicks a hole in as well.

"This worthless junk isn't worth my babies life!" she said as she kicks a window and shatters it.

"It's not worth my youngest baby growing up alone and unloved!" she said as she kicks another wall.

"Yet morons that we were, we believed that it WAS for years! And it nearly cost us everything! WELL NO MORE!" he said as he kicks the shack so hard it breaks in two.

"I gotta debt to pay to my daughter and I'm repaying it now! I may have blown my chance at being a father, but I can still be her family! Even if she never acknowledges that and it's strictly one-sided, I'll still fight for her!" he said.

He then tears off the shirt he was wearing and points to Mayor Mare.

"YOU!" he shouts

Mayor Mare points to herself and whimpers. "Me?"

"Yes, you! I've heard how much of a numpty you've been to my baby girl! Allowing ponies who went and destroy her thing go unpunished. Then when she had them arrested you couldn't move fast enough to do all you can to make a show that you were doing something. You've been nothing but trouble to her! LIKE SHE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH OF THAT AS IT IS! So I'm your new Mayor now!" he said as he advances menacingly.

Mayor Mare backs up nervously. "Wait! You can't just do that! We have elections and..."

Pony Mrs. Scotsdale trots up. "Actually, he doesn't have to do any of that! Among other earth pony traditions that were made into law when Ponyville was formed, which you never bothered to update or void lest you ruin your precious 'traditions' was the concept of one pony just wrestling all other competitors to the ground to become mayor!" (3)

"WAIT! Beating me up won't fix things with your daughter!" Mayor Mare said in a panic.

"Aye, I know. I truly and utterly screwed the pooch there. As tempting as it is to think that a few GRAND gestures and Honeyed words will fix everything... well, fool I am... but I'm not that BIG of a fool," he admits in resigned somberness.

Mayor Mare let's out a sigh of relief. Then looks up as Pony Scotsman cracks his neck.

"Still, got to start somewhere, don't I?" he then pounces on her while his wife beats down any other contenders or anypony else trying to stop this...

Sunset... is deeply conflicted by this. She's actually glad Soos shows up with a convenient distraction. ANYTHING to get her mind off what just happened.

Her sisters both Pony and human followed.


Mystery Shack -

"And here, ladies and gentlemen, is our final exhibit, the most hideous creatures known to man!" Stan said to a crowd of tourists and unveils a mirror, the tourists stare and laugh once they get the joke.

"Right, right? We have fun here. But seriously, folks," Stan walks over to another exhibit. "THIS is something. I present to you, a unicorn made OUT of corn, The Corn-i-corn! I- i don't know, I'm tired."

Stan unveils the corn-i-corn and the tourists gasp. Then frown as they see the destroyed mesh of wires.

"What the!?" Stan gasp seeing his exhibit destroyed. And spots Waddles eating one of the pieces of corn and corn all over the red sweater Mabel made for him.

"What a rip off! Kids, we're leaving," a couple said as his kids drop their merchandise and the tourists leave.

"No! Noooo!" Stan turns around to face Waddles. "You!"

Waddles stares at him innocently and a piece of corn falls off his face. Stan grabs him and takes the grubhog outside and puts a collar around it's neck leaving Waddles outside in the open. Stan walks back to the shack only to hear a noise behind him. He turns around in time to see something big flying off with Waddles.


The Pig Farm -

Josh groaned as he mucked out more of the pig manure. "Well, it's official... this is worse then Mr. Meaty..."

Parker nodded as he fills up another container of manure. "Yeah, at least we could eat what we were working."

Josh groaned, "Dude, I told you! Don't eat the merchandise! You want Mr. Greedly to fire us? We only got this job after getting laughed out of interviews across the country! Just wait for lunch.“

With both of them having no job experience outside of Mr. Meaty's, their education only went up to high school level. Not to mention how the reputation of Mr. Meaty followed them around like a dark cloud.

"Well what else am I going to eat? We do get free food at the kitchen but only 3 times a day. Most of our money goes to paying for the room and board at the houses for us farm hands. We've been eating nothing but wild berries and store bought sushi for weeks!“ His stomach growls in very alerting fashion, "Uh, oh. Speaking of which, I think it's coming back up!"

Parker runs off to what he thinks is the restroom.

"NO! THAT'S THE SUPPLY CLOSET!" shouted Josh as he ran after his portly friend before he made another mess for them to clean up...

Parker, too queasy to listen, runs into the closet with Josh close behind... loud noises of retching and Josh sobbing can be heard as the door closes...

Meanwhile a hand comes from the shadow, pulling the door off the wall where the real supply closet door stood behind it. The two puppet people were too busy cleaning or causing a mess to notice. When they finally emerge from the room...

“Right, forget the bleach. It'll be easier just to torch the room and try to frame it on... faulty... wiring..." Josh was saying as he walks out of the room.

He trails off and sees they’re on a ledge overlooking a vast underground complex. There are the remains of past test subjects in glass tanks. There are tanks with organs that were tank grown to be sold in the black market. There are cages with races of all kinds inside, many are the ones from Uselessviles who found themselves homeless thus no one would miss them. There are also people dress as Klukin soldiers which the two recognized from the news reports about their old fast food chicken chain that had the workers armed with advance weapons and robots.

"Okay, pretty sure we weren't supposed to see that..." Josh said.

"How did we get here?" Parker ask looking at the door they came out of to find it glowing.

"I think it's one of those cursed doors," Josh said. The curse doors teleport people at random to different locations. (4)

"Wait I thought those doors only appear in Gravity Falls. Not to mention those doors have all been marked so they're easy to spot," Parker said.

"Maybe the curse doors can switch around and that's why the supply door became a curse door," Josh said.

"Josh look," Parker said drawing Josh's attention to the cart of bodies being toss into a industrial sized recycler. Bodies went in and cubes of organic materials came out, along with mineral and synthetic cubes thanks to iron in the blood or tooth fillings or metal plates and things like a prosthetic heart and such implants, and exotic from the magical races being thrown in.

Seeing the bodies they start to back up when several Klukin soldiers drive toward former Vietmaul Kluckin higher-up Trahn. They had cages full of new test subjects.

The first one made Josh and Drake stop and collectively gasped! It was a cowering and frightened Elmo! Who in the puppet dimension wouldn't recognize that beloved little red ball of fur?!

The next were a bit more obscure... but they could make some guesses...

Most of the cages were filled with the kid dinosaurs from the Land Before Time series. The long neck Little foot, Triceratops Cera, Pteranodon Petrie, Saurolophus Ducky, Stegasaurus Spike. They too huddled in fear.

Finally, was the tiny unicorn foal Unico. A usually quite happy unicorn with the power to bring joy to everyone. But the Gods of his world were jealous of this power and the love he received. So they ordered the West Wind to destroy him. But the West Wind refused to obey and frantically traveled the world keeping Unico safe... although being forced to take his memory of any new friends he made to make it hard for the poor unicorn to be tracked...

A portal open in front of the West Wind as she was chased by the gods who finally tracked her down. Where they found themselves in a underground cavern where all of them found their magic and other powers gone. The old gods gave chase after Unico with the West Wind thinking they're the ones who did this to them, robbing them of their powers. They chase the two into a cavern that's a nesting ground for meat eating dinosaurs. Robbed of their power and immortality, the Wicked Gods were powerless to stop a horde of Dakotaraptor from ripping them to pieces. The West Wind used the last of her fleeting power to send Unico somewhere safe. (5)

Sadly, 'safe' was a rather relative term. Unico was briefly safe were he landed. But when he ran off scared was almost immediately spotted and caught by a Kluckin patrol. The patrol came to investigate the noise coming from the Dakotaraptor breeding pen. They found some gods still alive as well as the West Wind who they also put into cages. The ones who were badly wounded were thrown back into the pen.

Trahn looked over the lot unimpressed.

"Hmmph! Little unicorn might have potential... but rest useless! Have the dinosaurs be harvested for genetic material and throw the puppet thing in with the other 'cannon fodder' test subjects! Maybe the good doctor can find use for useless junk later!" he responds coldly.

"What of the gods?" one soldier ask.

"The young female be used as a test subject as for the old men, harvest them for their... no they're all old. Just shoot them and toss them into the recycler," Trahn said.

"You idiotic mortal you think you can treat gods like this?" one of the old men shouted.

"Forget shooting them just toss them in alive," Trahn said.

The soldiers salute and began to cart off the cages. The cages with the old gods were brought to the recycler where the gods were brought out one at a time, with the gods fighting or trying to flee with them being tazed and beaten or having their knees shots. In the end all the gods were toss into the recycler alive and came out as cubes. (6)

"Okay, they still haven't seen us yet. We can still get out of here," Josh said.

"What!? No, dude! We can't leave those kids! They got Elmo for crying out loud! What kind of dick abandons Elmo!? We have to save him! And the others!... But mostly Elmo! And that hot chick," Parker said.

"Parker, were badly outnumbered and outgunned! Look, let's just run up top. Call the cops," Josh said.

Parker interrupts. "We're miles away from anyone! And that's assuming anyone listens to us or we can figure out how to reverse what got us here in the first place!"

"Parker, be reasonable! This isn't like back in our world, where everything goes back to normal when the day is over. We die here, we did for real! Look, we can still live if we leave now!" Josh said.

Parker snorts derisively. "Live and do what? A life of living on the street eating gas station Sushi till we die of a spastic colon? Josh, you do what you want. But I want my life to mean something- YOLO!"

Parker gives a small battle cry as he jumps off the ledge, slams into the cages, the shocked soldiers are so stunned they did nothing as Parkers trajectory causes the cart with the cages on them to careen away from them and shoot down a deep incline, out of control.

Josh snorts. "Whatever, idiot..."

He walks away back to the elevator...

Before suddenly turning around and running back.

"PARKER IF WE SURVIVE THIS, I'M KILLING YOU!" shouted Parker as he too jumped off and crashed into the cart, causing to go further out of control as it crashes through the complex.


Mystery Shack -

Luz and her friends were up to having a good day. She's been showing Willow, Amity, Edric, Emira and Gus around and answering questions about the human world. She needed some fun as the search for her parents is still going on, thanks to the merge lots of people had to move for one reason or another.

With all of them riding in one of the shack's golf carts, and with her keeping off the main roads it was legal for her to drive the cart around. She took them to the movies to see the Disney film 'Onward' that took place in a world where there use to be magic before people just stop using it because of how hard it was to learn to use it.

Luz then drove them around showing them the sights of the town and stopping by Yumberjacks to give them a taste for fast food. And also showing them the spelldrives which allows anyone to use magic, till the machine needs to recharge after using all of it's points. Which Willow wonders if in the future the old way of spell casting in their world will be abandon like in the movie they just saw. But Luz just pointed out how in the movie learning magic was hard, while witches are all able to use magic like birds can fly and that in the movie only some people could use magic. Sure with new technologies they wouldn't use magic all the time like they use to but will still be able to use it.

Luz also has a prototype spelldrive where instead of just using the spells on the spell menu, she is able to draw runes on the surface of the screen. It took alot of testing to get a screen that wouldn't be destroyed when the rune is activated. Given to her by Professor Membrane who is doing research on the magic found in the demon isles. With the spelldrive she'll be able to cast any kind of spell, which is attached to her wrist like a pipboy. Luz friends want to buy their own spelldrives but once they learn how much it cost, they have to save up to get enough money. Of course they also learned how much money they could make at the recycling center with things like nail and hair clippings which makes exotic material cubes that sell real well.

"So how much do we need till we can buy our own spelldrive?" Willow ask Luz. She's sitting in the front with Gus, while the Blight siblings are sitting in the back.

"Let's see the price for a spelldrive is about 1,500.00 and only goes up from there. The money you all use in the demon world needs to be exchange first. And I really have no idea how much a snail is worth," Luz said.

"Didn't Mr. Pines accept the coins I gave him?" Gus ask.

"Yes but that's Mr. Pines for you. He accepted the coins because of them being silver and gold. In fact..." Luz was saying till Mabel's voice ranged out.


Or not...


Let's rewind a bit -

Dipper and his group had been discussing the use of their powers. When they heard a commotion in the front of the shack. Mabel's group, consisting of Luz and her friends also heard it and showed up with Eda... at the same time Sunset and her sisters had showed up with Soos.

Everyone gathered around to listen to Stan about how Waddles 2 was taken. With Stan saying he was taking care of Waddles 2 like a baby even bottle feeding him. When the pterodactyl who Stan figures is the one that did the deed, burst into the shack. Where Stan put himself between it and Waddles 2 and leap at the dino punching it in the face.

Which Stan faltered under Eda's skeptical, withering glare and gesturing toward Mabel. As if to say, 'Seriously? You're going to lie to her?' ...and he finally breaks down and confesses what really happen leading to Waddles 2 being taken.

Mabel is hurt and yells at Stan, people mostly side with Mabel (or at least stay neutral). Until Eda asks why he put him outside, she knows how much he cares for Mabel and wouldn't just upset her for no reason. Stan admits that the Grubhog destroyed an exhibit of his and sending off a large amount of his customers.

And then, to both Stan and Mable's surprise, everyone starts to side with Stan that he was in his right to do that.

A stunned Mable actually protests and people counter.

“Mabel, his personal property got wrecked! His business was impacted negatively! He had every right to throw that thing out! True he could had put the bug in its pen or one of the cages,” Sunset pointed out.

Eda looks sympathetic but resolved. “Sorry sweetie, but as a wise man once said... ‘Don't crap where you eat'. Or in this case... don't hurt the earnings of the man who's letting you live in his house and eat his food for FREE. But still seeing how Waddles is a pet he should had known better than just putting him out in the open and chained up. Where anything that’s hungry could easily get him.”

“I really should had just had thrown him in his exhibit pen, it does have a house for him to hide in,” Stan chuckles nervously as Eda glares at him.

"You shouldn't be throwing him anywhere! Waddles 2 is the most important thing in my life!" shouts Mabel irritated.

"Of course that's all you care about, heaven forbid you care about something that matters to somebody else!" Pacifica scoffs.

"And after what happen last time," Wendy said.

"I'm tried of this of you putting your own needs before others," Dipper adds.

"But Waddles is going to be eaten," Mabel said heartbroken that no one is going to help her.

Stan finally gets a handle on himself and the situation to speak up. "Hey, whoa! Guys, come on! Take it easy on her! This is obviously my fault."

"Yes it is but Mabel," Eda said looking at Mabel. "We have no way of tracking down your pet."

"And I'm not going to be running through the woods in the vain hope of just coming across the thing," Dipper said.

"Hey red string," Soos spoke up holding a long thread of the sweater that Mabel gave to Waddles 2. Leaving a trail through the forest.

"Quick follow the string!" Mabel shouted.

"Follow the trail through the forest?" Sunset ask.

"With that thing that took Waddles? There is a dangerous animal as well as other animals about in those woods, that potentially threatened the lives of the people of Gravity Falls. I'm not going to risk more lives and rush in half-cocked just for some dumb animal. They don't know what they're getting into and we should wait for reinforcements," Dipper explains.

"It's not Waddles it's Waddles 2," Mabel shouted out.

"I'm not going to be calling him Waddles 2 when he's the only one with that name," Dipper said.

"FRAK YOU! I WANT MY PIG-THING!" Mabel shouted and runs off before anyone can stop her. Hopping onto the golf cart that Luz and her friends were driving around in. "I'M COMING WADDLES 2!"

Everyone groans, Sunset calls Jenny and anyone else available, as well as activating 4 eyebots she brought with her. That were all stored in the lead car she came in, with her sisters cramming themselves in by 6 old school buses. It was cheaper to use old buses then buying all of them cars. Also she gave out blasters to all of her human sisters, which she had stored in her pipboy and the eyebots.

Dipper activates his pipboy, his clothes recede and are replaced with his power suit. Dipper and his group head out after Mabel, promising Stan they'd save her... and then give her the pounding of a lifetime. Stan lock the shack and put Mr. Handy on guard duty while they're away.

"You know that flying thing might be like Rodan in the first movie where the giant bugs show up first and then the flying beast shows up to eat the bugs before turning to eat us?" Soos said as they all followed the trail Mabel left behind.

"It can’t be Rodan or any of the other Godzilla size monsters. They all died thanks to them unable to survive thanks to them finding it it hard to breath, the only ones left are the water breathers," Sunset said.

"So all the big redheads and the ponies are your sisters?" Amity asked.

"They are," Sunset said.

"So you're going to be that big?" Edric ask who couldn't help but see how shapely all of Sunset's older sisters are. Which his sisters also noticed and wondered if they would be that lucky once they're older.

"I should," Sunset said.

“We’re already well on our way,” Sunrise adds.

"Nothing but sisters?" Willow ask.

"Yup our parents tried to have a son but after having me, gave up. And I have 58 human sisters and 25 pony sisters," Sunrise said.

"Only 25 pony sisters?" Gus ask.

"There's a reason why my pony sisters are all stunted to how big they should be. There was little food while growing up," Sunset explains.

"Ohhh," the demon kids said understanding.

"So you're the youngest?" Amity ask.

"Yup and like you had to deal with older siblings growing up. But unlike you I had to deal with amazons for sisters who are way older then me and much bigger. With the only one my size was Sunrise till my magical transformation,” Sunset said.

“At least all they do is baby you,“ Lincoln said getting Luz group to look at him.

“He’s the middle child and the only boy in his family. And you think you have a tough time with your older brother and sister. His sisters all abuse him and his parents expected him to be the family punching bag, they groomed him to be,” Ronnie explains shocking the demon children.


Camp Lakebottom -

Dib was hunched over talking to the Swollen Eyeball network as he and Jenny were walking through the Gravity Falls forest, near the camp. He told Gwen that he’ll be going out with Jenny before he left the camp. The network, largely embarrassed for not believing Dib for all those years gave him a large promotion. Given the chance to shine, actual resources and surrounded by people who trusted and respected him. He managed to make great strives in information gathering and investigations.

Thus he kept getting more and more promotions... there was talk of Darkbooty stepping down as leader soon... and he was looking at Dib as a potential successor... They were some of the few smart people in their old world, and now they no longer have to do the things that kept their world running. They suddenly found lots of free time.

He talks to Jenny about something that had been bugging him regarding all the rouge A.I. attacks. At first glance... just random attacks...

But a closer look revealed something interesting...

"Mark Beaks claims his crowd-funded billion-dollar project 'Ta-Dah! 2’ was destroyed during an attack. I've been looking through his records... and when you look past the hype. Not only is there no indication for what project 'Ta-Dah! 2' actually is... but there's no financial paper trail or any big spending to show such a large project was even being worked on. Let alone of it even existing! And that's not all..."

Show's more records...

“A swarm of robots interfered with a corporate-sponsored hover-car race. Among other fatalities, the driver for Iodyne industries Carl Potts crashed. At first this looks like a loss for Iodyne industries as their stock dropped six points. But when you look closer at the stock market records..." Dib brings them up on the screen.

"Almost as soon as the stock dropped, Iodyne CEO Joel Goldman bought controlling interest in his own company at a devalued price, he then brokered a merger with Sirrus Aeronautics. Who thanks to the spectacular display of their car made in crushing one of the attacking robots, saw almost a twelve point gain which immediately block Penninsula Power Cell from being able to afford the price of a complete take-over. Almost immediately after THAT, both Iodyne and Sirrus brokered a merger that made a windfall of profits for Iodyne." Dib brings up a video recording of the event. "Look at this... it's a phone recording Sirrus's driver Ben Burns using his car to heroically defeat the robot... but look at this!”

Pauses and zooms in.

“See? That robot clearly saw Burns coming, was about to strike... but something STOPPED it and it allowed itself to be crushed!"

“So... it was staged?“ Jenny ask.

“With Mark Beaks it isn’t even the first time he did this,” Dib said showing the Mcduck kids online accounts showing that Mark Beaks had hired someone to steal something that wasn’t even real in the first place to fake it was stolen. So he could keep all the money.

“Let me guess the world he comes from is like a cartoon where people just fall for such a silly and cartoonish trick,” Jenny said.

“That’s what I figure seeing what Scrooge Mcduck has gone through in his life,” Dib said.

“He did wrestle the world serpent after he transforms into a smaller humanoid form,” Jenny said.

“Well at least now there are people like me who actually look into things and investigate things to learn what happen,” Dib said.

"Story of my life," Jenny said remembering how people of her old town would always blame her for things that the monster of the week did.

"Well anyways everyone has been focusing all of their efforts and resources into finding a 'rouge A.I.'... but what if the reason they never found a trace of one. Was because it never existed in the first place?" Dib said.

"Like someone dressing up like a ghost to scare people off like in Scooby-Doo," Jenny said.

Dib explains how having used this theory as a basis for a new lead. He had begun to look at the data and incidents on the assumption that it was not an A.I. but someone PRETENDING to be an A.I. And then the data had taken a new shape... revealing traces of something that Dib was all-too-familiar with... spelldrive energy. Ever since the merge and his former city becoming bankrupt... many of it's less savory citizens had found a commodity that they had in abundance that the rest of the world lacked... Spelldrives. Creating a VERY dark market for them.

Using his contacts, Dib learned one of the biggest buyers was in Gravity Falls. But the delivery boy was always under strict orders to leave the shipment in the middle of the woods and then drive off. Which is why they followed the delivery boy who went into the woods to drop of the package.

He and Jenny watch this from afar and after an hour of staking it out. A large cloaked drone pops from the sky, grabs the shipment and flies off. Using his scanner to track the spelldrive energy, Dib runs after it. While Jenny calls for back-up before following him.


Elsewhere in the forest -

Applebloom sighed, she SHOULD be focusing on mining more sap that seemed to leak from this side of the mountain. It was the crucial element to her and Double 'D''s formula to make her family's apple cider last longer. Double D has been trying to make a syntactic sap, seeing how they're mining the sap sooner or later the mine will dry up and no more sap.

But more importantly they'd recently been approached by a delegation of Griffons and Dwarves. Apparently they believed her sap might be the missing crucial ingredient they need to FINALLY keep Plasmids from destabilizing long enough for it to integrate into NON-human's. And help it keep longer as Plasmids have the bad habit of going bad even being kept cold. Thus solving one of the key obstacles in marketing it! It wasn't a PERFECT solution, it currently required HUGE amounts of Sap for this process to happen. But hopefully this could be refined in time...

As Sunset had already given her the rights to the sap and the mine, selling it in such huge amounts would be a HUGE boon for Applebloom! Especially if she was smart about it by investing and help marketing this revolutionary concept right...

Yep, that's what she should be doing right now... instead...

"Dang it EMPLOYEE Applejack! Suck in that gut!" she shouts at her chubby, BIG sister who was currently stuck in the middle of the doorway of her observation post of the mine. Not being able to resist, she playfully gives her plot a smack and giggles as it jiggles.

"Hey! Y'hal knock that off!" shouted a flustered Applejack.

"Hey, not my fault your big butt could have its own zip code! Gotta do something while the boys fetch some butter and crowbars!" mocks Applebloom. She and several other people stuck in the observation post proceed to spank her plot and laugh as it jiggles seemingly non-stop.

Applejack whimpers... she'd been letting herself go... she freely admitted it. All the remaining member's of the former mane six had really... She and Rainbow weren't as bad off due to her preference for apples and their shared loved of athletics... but the others were VERY badly off... Pinkie was the worst, she weighed a couple hundred pounds, got diabetes and now is on a diet that if she doesn't follow she could lose her hoof.

Actually, a lot of ponies had gotten like this actually. They had to learn the hard way that they were no longer in a near utopian world where they could eat sweets and cakes all days with NO consequences.

Rainbow had been the most better off for awhile... but with everything that happened with the Wonderbolts, she took a downturn. She got a bit better after she somewhat reconciled with Twilight... then took another downturn when Twilight didn’t show up for the funeral of Fluttershy's pets. She sent Dipper with the message of 'I'm sorry but I'm still going through some things... I still have my issues with you.. but mostly I'm trying to rediscover who I am'.

This killed any good feeling any of them had left. It all seemed to be falling away... her farm... her livelihood... her world... her life... her family... her friendship... she couldn't even do the chicken dance. (Also Applebloom put a stop to her making her chores ten times longer for the dumbest of reasons).

People saw her as a joke now... a 'Tubby-wubby pon-waifu'... whatever the buck that meant...

In any case, finally they pulled her out. Applebloom went briefly back in the mine to check things out... only for Dib and Jenny to run past them suddenly. They shout behind them as they run, that the mine might be a crime scene soon and it would be best if they cleared it and sealed it off for now.

Applebloom quickly agrees and goes to do just that. She once again sees Applejack struggling to climb a nearby ladder. Applebloom laments how Big Mac is too busy taking care of that Equalist civil war Victim... Sugar Belle, was it? Applejack was becoming more and more useless!

"Get your fat plot moving!" she shouts and gives her ass another slap...


The sudden movement and the weight of Applejacks girth is too much for the ladder, it breaks. And before Applebloom can blink, her sister goes tumbling into a deep dark crevice!

"APPLEJACK!" screamed Applebloom as she rushed forward to save her... but she was already gone...


In the Woods -

Wendy ran on all fours as she tracked Mable's sent. She wasn't in deer form though. She couldn't put her finger on it, but ever since she'd turned to a wolf that one time (her family had to seal that form, lest the predator spirit react badly to her deer form)... her deer form just felt WRONG now... like a suit that was five sizes too small...

In any case she was currently running in her skimpy clad human form of just a cotton sports bra and shorts. She was bare feet as she tracked down Mabel, which she would had preferred to be naked but Eda stop her and pointing to the young kids in the group. Who Wendy was stripping in front of, with the girls covering the eyes of the boys, till Eda stop her. Which is why she as naked as she could get, with Eda stopping her from running in just her panties and bra.

She'd given the rest of her clothes to Dipper for safe keeping. Because 1. she was REALLY starting to hate clothes. 2. Her tracking skills were at it's best when she was 'in the altogether'. No synthetic fibers to mess with her nose getting a good scent. No extra layer to stop her from feeling the vibrations of the earth, or to stop her from feeling wind patterns and disruptions of the air. No unnecessary weight to slow her down or get on something... her mother's lessons were paying off... she felt more and more like an honest to goodness, mother-bucking ANIMAL!

Everyone is too focused to think about Wendy's current state... this was no time for trivialities, this was a life or death situation.

Well... except maybe Dipper and the two demon boys who couldn't help to stare at Wendy's butt as she walk on all fours. Which the demon girls and Luz also couldn't help but notice. Dipper distracts himself by doing a brief diagnosis of his armor. He'd found a little loophole in his knowledge. By being able to 'fix' everything... if you thought about it. Fix didn't necessarily just mean repair, it could also mean upgrade. Although he was lacking in materials to fully utilize this revelation... but the suite was still better then the previous version.

With Wendy's senses at 100%, they eventually track Mabel to an abandoned church. They puzzle over this briefly, to what is a church is doing in the middle of the woods. Dipper finds the shattered remains of what appears to be a golden tree like thing, next to the golf cart that Mabel had taken.

Dipper was side-tracked by Wendy who entered the church and finding a large hole in the ground. Getting Mabel's scent again coming from the hole. Sunset sent one of her eyebots down the hole before it came flying back up.

"There's a large cave system down there," Sunset said.

"Then we're going to need some rope," Stan said.

"Why not use magic to teleport us all down there?" Ronnie ask.

"Uses up way too much magic," Twilight answers.

"Why you think we drove if I could teleport all of my sisters?" Sunset answers as well.

"It should only be used to teleport someplace wide open and not a cave. Seen what happens to people who get teleported with something in the way. Not pretty," Eda said. She cast a spell transforming some plants into rope and tied one end to a nearby tree, tossing the other end down the hole.

"Ok Soos you and the pony sisters stay here and keep an eye on things," Stan said.

"We need you all to be here on top to help us if we get in trouble. Like that movie where everyone got into the water leaving no one on the boat," Eda said. (7)

"Right, we'll stay out here to call for help," Soos said.

"Keep one of my eyebots it be able to keep in contact with the other eyebots underground," Sunset said.

"That be useful," Soos said.

Making a note to investigate this place further later, Dipper hurries down the rope. And doesn't see the object he knocked loose from under a nearby smashed chair... a glittering human skull.


The Sap Mine -

"Hurry up people," Becky Rockler shouted to the sapient dinosaurs as they move the rocks and gun turrets into their places.

"How are things going?" Crow ask having come out of his workshop.

"Going well enough," Becky said.

"I wish this doctor would just cut it out. What kind of villain fights another villain?" Crow ask.

"This is the reason why the Syndicate of Malice was created so this wouldn't happen... as much," Becky said recalling how Crow fought Dr. Mechano in Winterdown before they ended up in this world.

Both of them had found themselves all alone in the ruins of the Sovereign, when the merge took them from their world. They found themselves in Gravity Falls forest. For the first couple of days they survived in the ruins of the flying ship, living off the supplies that survived the crash. With Crow repairing S.T.A.B.I.L.E. (System Technology Advancement By Increasing Levels (of) Efficiency) to help them. Thanks to S.T.A.B.I.L.E. they found the cauldron, which all of those machine animals where coming out of.

After fighting their way inside and Crow reprogramming the machines to obey him. They found a new home for themselves. Becky having brought over one of the tv's from the crash, got it working and they learned about the world they found themselves in. And seeing that they're right next to several places that had their own princesses, Crow went back to his old plan of using the power of the princesses to power his doom machine.

Which Becky pointed out that they have no minions and no funds to do it. So Crow went to work building his criminal empire from the ground up. For cover; Becky setup a cannabis farm seeing how it's legal and what's left were fed to grazers who produce blaze for them to sell. Then once they had it up and running, Becky made connections to the black market and began selling the machine animals to buyers.

Then when Crow was using Rockbreakers to expand the cauldron, he accidentally found the Sap Mine that contained dinosaurs trap in amber. Crow quickly went and freed the dinosaurs and made them into his new minions by using mind control devices to keep them from going wild. Becky made plans of breeding them and selling them or even farming them for their meat.

That's when they discovered that there are around 1000 or so sapient dinosaurs all found deeper underground, in what looks like a bunker. From what they found out they're the last remaining population of their civilization before they shot themselves in the foot. Thanks to the Wesayso company that caused long term repercussions of their destruction of nature. It all began when they killed off all the Bunch Beetles - save for one surviving a male named Stan - for a wax fruit factory. And ended with the company causing the ice age that killed off their kind. The 1000 or so were the survivors who made themselves a bunker to wait it out and were then covered in amber thanks to the sap leaking from above them. How that happen and before the merge happen, Crow and Becky had no idea. All Crow cared about was that now he has a dinosaur army. Of course with the dinosaurs being their version of urban dwellers, they left a lot to be desired. So he mostly had them do grunt work for the moment until he could think of something else for them to do...

Naturally, they stumbled upon the doctor's operation eventually. Crow tried to open up communications, but the Doctor was not in a listening mood...

Thankfully, most of his minions were those incompetent Kluckinite soldiers. Which was good... if not for their incompetence. The Doctor's superior resources and weapons probably would have overwhelmed him by now.

But still Crow was getting worried... strange things had been happening lately... weird portals popping up... new creatures showing up... several of his robot scouting parties were found either ripped to pieces or blown to bits by some unknown energy...

They'd found a second Cauldron, but the first and only attempt to claim it had ended in disaster. Most of the raiding party was chocked to death's by 'their own shadow'... and the bodies of his former minions had risen to kill the rest. So that wasn't an option. The only good thing was that that he only used the dumb dinos and robots for that. He had enough on his plate as it was without adding a SECOND front to this fight!

Still he knew he needed to do something soon! His villain instincts were telling him that a 'epic event' was about to happen. He knows that there are heroes in this world and he being a villain he will face them sooner or later. At least he knows why the portals are appearing throughout the mine. They're caused by his attempts of opening a portal to his world, by blasting a hole in time and space. Using his advance technology from his wreck warship and magical items he had pick here and there. Of course all he could do was make a hole and hope it's the right world he's poking into, learning as he goes.

Unknown to Crow the reason why portals to other worlds are opening isn't just because of his machine. It's thanks to the Outsider being dead causing the Void to become unstable. Making it so much easier to open portals to other worlds then it would be otherwise. And that Gravity Falls is already a weak point in the walls of reality.


Gravity Falls -

Juniper Lee was running across the street. Sunset And Jenny had sent out calls to everyone. Fortunately, it seems like it was 'more or less' the same place so...


"Oh, sorry, I didn't see you there... Dipper?" Juniper blink as it wasn't quite Dipper. This Dipper was dressed in a very rougish- gentleman victorain garb.

Before Juniper could apologize to 'Dipper', he'd started to run again...

"Hold it right there!" a voice thundered out stopping Tyrone in his tracks.

To Juniper's surprise Thor showed up and he wasn't alone. Raiden from Mortal Kombat along with Fujin, Cetrion, and Shinnok who had joined Thor's group of heroic gods. Cloacina the Roman goddess of the sewers, Joyboy the Caribbean spirit of the drum, Oya the Yoruba goddess of practically everything, Glooskap the Abenaki hero god of ecology and nature, Kremara the Slavic pig god, and Mara the goddess of milk production.

"What are all of you doing here?" Juniper ask.

"The Rainbow Serpent told me about how the Outside the god of the void of the Isles was killed and the person who killed him, gained all of his powers. So I brought as many of my buddies to take care of the new god of the void," Thor said.

"So you're just bum rushing him?" Juniper ask pointing to the person who she was starting to doubt was Dipper.

"That's right the old rules of non-interference is gone and we gods can go and help people again. Which gets people to start believing in us again," Mara said.

"The whole gods need people praying to them deal?" Juniper ask who couldn't help but notice how endowed Mara the goddess of milk production is in the chest department.

"That or what we're gods of, being used often. Everyone uses the toilet which empowers me," Cloacina said who is dress as a sewer worker.

The other Dipper was trying to sneak away but stop as another group of gods appeared. Gulses the Hittite Destiny Goddess, Pele the Hawaiian volcano goddess, Tu the Maori war god, Anagolay the Philippines goddess of lost things, Monkey the Chinese trickster god, Krishna the Hindu hero god, Bes the Egyptian dwarf of domestic protection, the twin Navajo war gods, Nayenezgani the slayer of alien gods, and his brother Tobadzistsini the watery war god, Kothar the Canaanite inventive god of fabrication and tech, Axo-Mama the Inca potato goddess, Kingu the Mesopotamian goddess of dragons, Ixkawkaw, the Mayan goddess of chocolate, Centeotl the Aztec god of corn, Epona the Gaulish horse goddess, Kuku Lau the Maori goddess of deception, and Hoori the Shinto hunting god. All of them surrounding the other Dipper leaving him nowhere to run.

"So all of you gods are just going to zerg rush him leaving him no chance of fighting back?" Juniper ask.

"Yup," Thor said as they all pounced on him.

Tyrone however has already 'blinked' away when they first spotted him, what they pounced was actually a Doppelgänger. They quickly run after him and Juniper runs after them in turn, just to be certain that the person their chasing wasn't in fact Dipper.


Sap Mine -


"Huh, you'd think we'd have run out of things to crash into or space to veer around out of control at this point..." said Parker as they continued to try and steer the out of control cage-cart.

"Don't question it! Just grab and throw crap!" shouts Josh as he continued to... well, grab and throw crap at their ever increasing pursuers.


Fortunately, one of the things he throw was the cage of the tiny prehistoric terror, GON. The sight of the tiny T-rex made everyone pause in horror just before he leapt at them.







Parker and Josh look back at the carnage amazed.

"Figures, the one time I didn't bring my cam-corder!" shouts Josh.

"We sold that a month ago for food!" reminded Parker.

"Oh, right..." grumbles Josh. Then he realizes something. "Wait, if were both watching this. Who's steering the..."


The boys, Unico, West Wind, Elmo, Little Foot and his friends are all thrown off the cart as it flips over. They are thrown through the air and are launched through a door just before the two guards can close it. They try to open the door again, but the cart rolls and crashes into them. Both knocking them out and shattering the door control console.

The party had crashed into a lab that had a viewing window looking into the testing chamber, there ps another door leading deeper into the underground complex. Josh and Parker groan as they get up, they free the inhabitants of the cages, with Dipper freeing Unico from his cage and walking into the lab. All the kids then started to cry in panic over the whole situation, while the West Wind did her best to calm them down.

“No, no! Don't cry Elmo! You’re safe! I'll take a bullet for you if I have to!” Parker said and this needless to say, only panics Elmo more.

“Parker,” Josh groans.

“What about us?” Cera ask.

“Uh, okay look. Obviously getting you ALL out is the priority... but I won't lie. If I have to choose, I'm going to have to save Elmo over the rest of you,” Parker said causing the kids to cry and the West Wind to glare at him.

“Parker! What is wrong with you!?“ Josh snaps at his friend.

“Yes what is wrong with you,” West Wind ask.

“What? I was being honest!“ Parker said.

On the other side of the viewing window, Amanda stared at the new people who had entered her cell. She can’t remember much after all the experiments done to her. She now has disproportionately long and thin limbs and a slightly-bloated abdominal region. Her skin has slight abrasive properties, and is a mottled green color. She is able to spit out green acid that reduces organic matter into a black goo. (SCP 811)

It is then they hear banging at the door.

"Crap! The controls are busted! Doors jammed!"

"Fetch the jaws of life!"

Coming to a decision Amanda snaps at the 3 adults in the room. “You three! We don't have much time! Get me out! I know the code to open the other door."

The boys and West Wind are briefly startled by the newcomer pounding on the glass window. But also hearing the banging and crunching outside, and not having a lot of options. They immediately try to do so.

"Barrier one down!"

"Speed it up! Fetch some explosives if you have to!"

The banging and crunching outside, intensifies... the boys fumble with the control panel to open the test door, but make no progress to open it. The control panel needs a code to open it.

“Wait! I watched those infomercials regarding Mr. Meaty,” Amanda said.

“Okay, yes! We get it! We were terrible employees! Is this really the time to bring that up!?“ Josh ask.

Mr. Wink, as one last snub to the boys. Had taken surveillance footage of all their misadventures, and produced them as a series of comedical webisodes framed as 'how not to be a good employee/blooper reel' infomercial. Thus making Mr. Meaty's a small fortune... and more or less making it impossible for the boys to find employment anywhere. I mean... would YOU want employees like that?

“What?! No! I saw one... back... BEFORE...” Amanda struggles to remember. “Weren’t... you a superhero? Or something?”

“What? Dinkleman? No, brah. Parker gave that up...“ Josh said.

Parker got a nervous look on his face. “Uh... actually... I sorta kept them...“

“WHAT!?” Josh ask.

“Well, it was obvious me having powers were ruining our friendship... plus, the supervillian fights were starting to get old... so I faked losing my powers to get our friendship back! But it doesn't matter. Like most things in our old lives, it didn't carry over to the next episode...,” Parker said.

“But you’re NOT on your world anymore... have you actually TRIED to use your powers since then?“ Amanda ask.

Parker grows thoughtful.


"We’re nearly through! Bring the welding torches!"

Parker gets nervous. “Well, better late then never!“

He digs deep, his powers are weak both from underused and from being taken from it's home dimension... but it was JUST enough. Parker lifts the broken cart and throws it into the viewing window breaking the glass. Carefully Amanda climbs through the broken window and runs to the other door punching the number she saw people used to open it.

“Everyone in,” Amanda shouted once the door open revealing a hallway with a golf cart with some boxes of lab supplies on the back just sitting there.

They all piled onto the golf cart but for Josh. He had spotted what looks to be a one of the reusable bags with the bio pig farm logo brand name on it. He looked inside of it to see that it contained an Ipad and a notebook, both with the name of Dr. Edgar on it.

"Josh hurry up," Parker yelled at the wheel of the cart

"I think the pig farm is connected to this place. Look this stuff belongs to that new doctor, it has his name on it," Josh said getting in and closing the door behind him.

"Oh great. The one place that hired us and it turns out to be a front for a villain," Parker said.


Elsewhere in the lab -

Dr. Von Reichter glares through the security camera. "Remind me to Terminate Dr. Edgar's employment... among other things..."

"Want us to get them?" the girl who able to spread a hate plague ask who now calls herself Baby Doll. She stood with the experiment Fossil. Which is why the girl called herself Baby Doll after one of the villains in that comic.

"Yes you and Fossil go and take care of them," Dr. Reichter said.


Elsewhere -

Meanwhile, at the base of the Second Cauldron... Dr. Facilier plans...

Indeed, it is he who's behind the rouge A.I.'s attack's. They were all big schemes by various political groups, corporations and terrorist groups. After all, who was going to care about a few extra corpses or some specific property damage among so much carnage. At least... that was the official party line anyway...

Equally important, all the deaths caused by the machines technically counted as blood sacrifices to Samdei, further increasing his power, which in turn increased Facilier, Mr. Sunshine and Mary's power. Even if he wasn't aware of where it was coming from.

Dr. Faciler reflected how ironically that since he only believed in Samdei in a business-manner, he got less 'bang' for his buck regarding sacrifice. The worth degraded further since it was through his 'tools' that people were being sacrificed. Whereas Mr. Sunshine 'being a true believer' got more power, plus he preferred 'getting his hands dirty' for sacrifices, which made their worth even greater.

Still Facilier's power was nothing to sneeze at. Thanks to his business savvy he got a greater percent of power per sacrifice during his negotiations with Samdei. Plus, thanks to the robot killings. Where he lacked in quality, he more than made up in QUANTITY. One measly dollar, multiplied a hundred or even a thousand times a day eventually began to add up to something impressive...

"I still think we should bring Lord Samdei into this, a lot of the sacrifices worth gets lost since he's unaware of it being done in his name," said Mr. Sunshine.

Facilier sighed, in their base. The only other people that were there are Max, Mary and Origami and many Sons of Samdei members. Everyone else in their 'troupe' -although having their suspicions- knew nothing of this. There is also Dr. Locus who was brought in after they accidentally discovered the Cauldron. Magic is something that he knows. But when it came to computers and programming, it's best left to the experts.

"Sunshine Baby, we've been over this. On the off-chance this all goes side-ways. Plausible deniability will keep him out of the big house," Facilier said as he shuffles a bunch of cards around. "I've talked to our lawyers, the deck is stacked in our favor."

Pulls out the 'crippling agreement' card.

"The contract we hammered out with dear Samdei was deliberately worded so even if we are declared criminals and have to gone on the lamb, he'll still be required to continue to pay us boons whenever we do a service or sacrifice in his name."

He then pulls out the 'Hung jury' card.

"What with it being a magically binding contract, it would be suicide for Good old Samdei to break it. And my lawyer assured me no judge will be willing to go that far to force the issue."

Pulls out 'greedy miser' card.

"...At least if they want to avoid being sued and having their job terminated and blacklisted of course."

Mr. Sunshine grumbles, but agrees.

It's then they hear the new shipment of Spelldrives show up. That was carried by a drone coming through a doorway that closed behind it. Facilier smiles and begins to walk toward it when Mary stops him.

"I believe we have a stowaway...," She quickly walks to a nearby mirror, but is stopped by Dr. Locus.

"I'll handle this," Dr. Locus said activating some Watchers to hunt down what followed the drone.

Dr. Locus then brought up a screen showing what the cameras in the tunnel can see. For a moment, all was silence, then suddenly a scream. In one of the hallways they see two watchers attacking Dib who was at that point using a stealth boy to hide himself.

Dib had been following the drone for some time now, having to avoid the cameras and the scanners. It was like one of those stealth games, where he had to follow the drone close enough where he can still track it but not enough for it to detect him or one of those door scanners that scanned the drone before opening didn't scan him. Many times he had to find another way around those scanners. He had to let the drone go through a door when he saw that the hallway had cameras lining it and he didn't want to try slipping through as the cameras could pick him up. He had to find a way around that hallway, that was the idea till Mary saw him through the reflection on one of his screens. Then it was a simple matter of Locus to put his watchers scanners on high alert, pick him up and alert the others to him.

Facilier sighed seeing that their base wouldn't stay hidden for long.

"Well, this gig was fun while it lasted." he immediately starts to summon his shadows to prepare their escape. "Max, grab the high-tier spelldrives. It's a bit of a waste, but we need to leave the rest. We need this to look good after all... maybe knock a crate or two over if you have time."

"Oui, Dr. Facilier...." Said Max as he did just that.

Facilier, Sunshine and Mary begin to use their powers to get teleport everyone out... except Locus and his minions.

"Ready for your time in limelight baby?" he asked Locus

"I'll release the Fireclaws as a parting gift," Dr. Locus snarked with a smile.....


Elsewhere -

The group have been traveling through the old mine. The mine has light coming from cracks high above them, that also brought in fresh air. There are plants that look ancient and there are strange creatures that dart in and out of their sights that make the cavern their home. They also found bones of miners here and there, which explains the mine tracks and carts they been finding. There also big piles of amber with outlines that looks like they once contained dinosaurs. Stan was already making plans to make money off of any dinosaurs they find, along with Sunset.

"You want me to what?" asked Dipper confused.

"I was thinking, since we have to postpone our experiment until you figure out your relationship issues. I was wondering if it be easier for you to offer up some semen so we can incubate a hybrid child in a lab instead?" Twilight explains.

"Uh...would that work?" Dipper frowned as he asked inquisitively.

"We won't know until we try!" said Twilight excitedly.

Their friends were walking with them and looking at them in stunned silence at the crazy conversation the two nerds were getting into. Pacifica not being able to take it, steps up.

"Okay, nerd love aside. You two realize you're toying with an unborn babies life!?" she snapped irritably.

They look at her stunned, then look sheepish, then apologized for getting carried away...

"You sound like my sister Lisa. She has no value in human life," Lincoln said.

"Only reason she gets away with it is because of her age. Once she old enough she'll be getting hit by one lawsuit after another," Ronnie adds.

"Really?" Luz ask.

"Some men in suits collected all of her videos and recordings of people she's been spying on. And once she's old enough she'll be facing lawsuits. And she's been kick out of the college she's been going to and is going to a special school where kids like her who are smart but lack basic ethics and lacking value in life to gain knowledge. They're mentored by people who are just as smart or smarter then they are," Lincoln said.

"It's so frustrating! Honestly Dipper, I can't say for certain if I like you that way or not. I've never been in a relationship before. But you are the only decent male I've ever really met, it be so much easier if you were a pony and was good with foals," Twilight gives out a snort.


A golf cart carrying a group of young dinosaurs, three puppet people, a woman, a swamp creature and a baby unicorn. Came rolling out of a side tunnel and stopping in front of the group.

“Quick we need to run!” Amanda shouted at the group.

"We need to get out of here before those Kluckin soldiers find us," Parker adds.

"Kluckin soldiers you mean from the fast food chain?" Sunset ask.

"Yes and short story, me and Parker here have discovered the pig farm we're working for is just the front of a lab where we found Elmo and the others," Josh explains showing them the gift bag with the farm logo on it.

"The bio pig farm?" Sunset ask.

"You know it?" Dipper ask.

"My family use to run a pig farm and my parent after selling the ranch sold all of the pigs to the farm, owned by Dr. Reichter," Sunset explains.

"I remember that much," Ruth adds.

"So lets all get out of here," Parker said.

"Wait what about Mabel?" Stan ask.

"We get help first and get the kids with us out of here before trouble starts," Eda said.

"Right," Stan said leading the group back where they came from hoping that Mabel will be ok.

Sunset tried to call Soos and her pony sisters on top but there was just too much interference to make contact. Sunset sent her eyebots to hover in the back and the front of the group to give them warning of anything in front or back of them. Little do they know, their being watched by a probe.


Elsewhere -

Back in his base, Dr. Reichter curses. He recognized this lot, no doubt their friends would be hot on their trail! True, the interference caused by those free-roaming portals that open at random would make it impossible to communicate with the surface. But even if by some miracle he killed all of them before they sounded the alarm, their disappearance would bring the other heroes to his doorstep soon enough! No... he'd learned his lessons from the old world... He launches an order for the base to begin immediate salvage of anything useful and evacuation protocol. He summons Trahn and the Kluckin soldiers.

"Listen up, were cutting our losses and scuttling the base soon. So many of my projects will be delayed or seriously set back by this. The IPad and notebook need to be destroyed. Failure is not an option! Do you understand?" Dr. Reichter said.

"SIR! YES SIR!" the Kluckinites shout as they salute, they then march off quickly to the given coordinates.

"Come on me! It's time we earn our gravy and biscuits!" shouts one of the commanding officers as they follow Trahn.

The Doctor scoffs once all the soldiers or cannon fodder left. He summons the supermutants, humans exposed to the FEV and the formal he used in creating Fixed Ideas. The new breed of supermutants look like Fixed Ideas but are yellow in color and unlike with pure FEV, doesn’t make the subjects genderless. They’re stronger and tougher than Ideas but are much smarter than normal supermutants.

"Go and make kill the intruders," Dr. Reichter said to the group who obeyed without question.


Elsewhere in the base -

Gon tore his way through the underground base, killing anyone who tried to stop him. The little dino broke into a lab in its quest to find a way out. The lab held a tank containing a subject that the doctor had spent much time and effort in finding and catching.

His limbs were in proportion of it's great size of over 8 feet, and it was like someone had selected his features to be beautiful. His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath; his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of a pearly whiteness; but these luxuriance’s only formed a more horrid contrast with his watery eyes, that seemed almost of the same color as the dun-white sockets in which they were set, his shriveled complexion and straight black lips.

Gon stared at the creature inside the tank, sensing something. Gon grabbed a chair and flung it at the tank breaking the glass, spilling out the fluids that kept the creature in a medical coma. The creature awoke and stared down at the creature that freed it.


Elsewhere in the mine -

Meanwhile, Jenny had saved Dib but they’re being overwhelmed by Dr. Locus and his minions and robots. Now they're running from a horde of frostclaws and fireclaws, along with a number of rockbreakers that pop out of the sides of the tunnels they been traveling through. Jenny on her part had to keep her firepower light or risk having a cave in, while Dib is armed with a laser gun that’s being boosted by his power.

"Dib! We need to leave!" Jenny shouted as she blasted a fireclaw to pieces. From what she knows about the machine animals they adapt over time so what works on them before won't work so well next time. Alloy had told her how the machine animals over time became more armored as she herself got better in destroying them.

“One second!” Dib shouts as he tries to interface with the hard-drive of a down rock breaker. “I just need to hack this for any useful data on what their doing.”

Jenny just grabs the hard-drive and Dib and flies them away down the tunnel.

“Or we can just do that...,” Dib said as he blasted away at the horde of machine animals chasing them.

Dr. Locus watches the escape... and smiles? He orders his minions and robots to chase after them... and to 'make it look good'. He then activates the bases self-destruct and teleports away satisfied...

Jenny can't communicate with the surface... but she hears Wendy's voice! Barely... but it was better than nothing so she flies in their direction. With the horde of animal robots hot on their heels.


Elsewhere -

Dipper's group as they backtracked found the path they came, one of Sunset’s eyebot detected a large group of men coming towards them up ahead. Forcing them to take a detour down another tunnel. There they reached a chamber that is a site of a mining operation.

The mining operation is being run by Garlons a race of underground lizard people who are operating the mining equipment. They were in one world use to work for one of the Santa’s before the merge, mining the raw materials to make the toys. Who also love to eat the elves, and after the merge we’re driven away by the other Santa’s as they didn’t need a workforce that kill and eat their elves. The Garlons since than have become monsters as they attack and devour anyone in their path. Resulting in them being hunted down, with only a few survivors. (Robot Chicken)

Over seeing the operation is a large man dress in a what looks like a suit of power armor design to look like a miner. Even having a large drill on his left arm. On his shoulder is a large vulture, both are watching as the lizard people dig away with pickaxes, shovels, and drills on what looks like crystallized sap. It was clear that they’re looking for something.

Near the work area they spotted Mabel who is bond in chains with Waddles. They’re in what looks like a makeshift kitchen where a Garlons is preparing to put them onto the butcher block.

“Mabel once again led us to something like this,” Wendy said.

“Wow so this is how Lilith must have felt when this happen to both of us when we were kids,” Eda said.

“This happen to you?” Stan ask.

“More or less. Me finding a strange new pet and then turns out to be evil and Lilith glaring at me for not listening as the said pet wants to lay eggs in....,” Eda began but eyes the young kids with them. “It would had been horrible if it had happened.”

“I vote that we let that happen to Mabel to teach her a lesson. Like a kid who hurts themselves and is crying but gets no help from the person who told them not to do what they did that hurt them,” Wendy said.

“As much as Mabel needs some tough love where the eggs were going to be put in isn’t something that should happen to a female,” Eda said.

“I have 3 guesses where the eggs would be put in and they’re all horrible,” Willow said out loud with a look of pure horror on her face making the other girls in the group pale.

"And just to let everyone know there were some of our old friends including boys with us at the time. And they would had shared the same fate," Eda said making the boys pale too.

“Ok we save her when something life threatening is happening or horrible like that. But for anything else let’s just let her deal with the aftermath herself,” Twilight said.

“Now how do rescue Mabel?” Dipper asked.

“By surprise,” Sunset said as she and her sisters all pulled out a blaster.

“All of your sisters are packing?” Pacifica asked.

“Yes,” Sunset said.

A portal suddenly opens up and a young girl, two frog men an old one and a young one and a tadpole with arms and legs came out of it. There are also pieces of what looks like a robot frog, a head and an arm sticking out of a backpack. Shocking everyone, with the Garlons staring at the foursome before advancing on them with their mining tools at the ready. Before they could do anything, rocks slammed into them, followed by Sunset flying down and grab the five new comers with her magic. And as she passed over the field kitchen, she grabbed Mabel and Waddles taking them to safety.

The leader of the Garlons shouted for them to attack the intuders just as the Kluckinite soldiers came pouring into the chamber. Sunset thinking fast, casted a mass teleportation spell on her group sending them to the far corner of the chambers. Leaving the Garlons who were charging at her group to slam into the Kluckinite soldiers, attacking them with their mining tools.

"That should handle that," Sunset said catching her breath drained from teleporting so many people at once.

"HEY AMERICANS! YOU LIKE CHICKEN BOKUM!?!" a voice shouted out.

They look to see a Vietnamese man riding a strange motorbike filled with cages and surrounded by an energy shield, throwing-

"LOOK OUT! HE'S THROWING CHICKENS!" someone shouted.

That was the last thing Sunset heard before the kamikaze chicken blew up in front of her as she brought up her shield.

The Kluckinite soldiers chanted...

[I don't know what I've been told!]

[But the Cournel's chicken is as good as gold!]

"HEY AMERICANS! YOU PLAY BASEBALL?! CATCH!" shouts Trahn as he throws another load of exploding Chickens at them.

[I think it's very nice!]

[To smother everything in the Cournel's sixty herbs and spice!]

Jenny and Dib popped into the chamber offering some assistance... but were promptly followed by an army of animal robots that only caused MORE havoc...

"ME KILL YOU LONG TIME!" shouted Trahn as he once more threw his chickens... they tried to hit him. But his energy shield was built to withstand advanced alien weapons, so it was a dickens to wear out!

Luz and her friends try to shoot off some magical assistance, but they quickly realize how unprepared they are for a REAL firefight...

[I'd give anything to see!]

[The Cournel's secret recipes!]

Lincoln was giving his usual support, throwing health potions and tossing supplies to everyone from the back. Fossil and Baby Doll had finally caught up with them. Followed by the supermutants.





"Okay! We get it! You're from a world where everything is a living parody of a stereotype! AND your the Asian Variant!" shouts Fossil annoyed...

"Yeah, give it a rest already...!" implored Pacifica equally irritated-



Elsewhere on the surface -

Dr. Reichter groaned at what he was seeing on the monitors. Interference with the portals had prevented his probes from seeing what happened when the Klukinites attacked. Nor had their communication devices have been working. But only with the Fossil and Baby Dolls more advanced equipment was he able to see what was happening... and what he saw was the makings of an absolute clusterfuck.

Not only were the hero's gaining more and more reinforcements... but if his instruments were right. There was that group of GODS heading into the caverns? Nope, writing was on the wall. He was going to have to write this whole thing off as a complete loss and make a break for it. 'Know when to fold them.' As the old song went...

He was getting a ton of combat data from his Supermutants.... but that wouldn't even come close to recoup the losses he would suffer today. He turns to his minions the Fixed Ideas, including the two twin Chefs who were busily moving things along. They're in one of the warehouses of the pig farm he's been using for cover, with transport trucks being loaded with equipment and experiments. Luckily, he had more than one shell company setup and another labs setup just incase he was discovered.

"Are all the alpha priority essentials loaded up?" he quickly asked.

Several assistants affirmed that they were. The twins using those grunts which they used instead of words, also answered. He seen what they really look like underneath those masks they wear all the time, so much that their skins have fused with their masks. They were being very careful as they loaded a tank containing a very tall test subject he managed to clone from a sample from the Maw.

"Good, changes of plans! We move out in an hour! Anything that can't be loaded up in under an hour is to be trashed!" Dr. Reichter said

The minions went to work loading everything they could grab and load them into the transports.

"If I won't benefit from this cavern, no one shall!" he presses a button and a one-hour timer starts to countdown...


Underground -

All across the caverns... from deep within the seemingly endless ocean of sap... to the tip of the caverns surface... odd devices began to beep... and wait...


Underground -

While the fighting intensified. Wendy and Dipper were making good on their training and fighting hard. Dipper's pipboy's blasters were blasting away at the monsters, robots, and soldiers. His energy shield protected him from blows that would had killed him. The only reason why they're not being overwhelmed was because of all 3 attacking groups were attacking each others.

Wendy using her ram powered both in her werewolf form and deer form, allowing her to just power through any attacks coming at her. While her werewolf form is better at fighting then her deer form. It just felt right using her deer form to bowl into groups of enemies using her antlers.

The reason why no one has died yet on their side is because of Lincoln using his Dumb power. He's able to dumb anything, including how much damage everyone on his side is taking, also dumbing down the power output the weapons the soldiers are using gave out. And making them do dumb things.

Ronnie is guarding Lincoln so that he'll be able to focus on helping the others. Ronnie being able to create any kind of soup she wants out of thin air, she does have to eat more to have the energy to use her soup powers like everyone else who gain powers. She created super spicy, boiling hot soup and hitting all the attackers with it. Causing her foes to flee as they were splash with boiling hot soup and the spicy liquid getting into their eyes blinding them. For the robot animals she made very dense soup that gum up their parts.

Six like Ronnie stood guard of Lincoln. Mainly using her life force sucking power to drain the life force of the attackers. As her cling power wasn’t much use for this battle, but did allow her to avoid attacks as she could climb up the walls of the cambers and large rocks.

Pacifica created a thick fog that engulfed the robots, covering them in condensation. Then she created a thundercloud that fired off a lightning bolt that short circuited the robots, made greater thanks to them being wet.

Sunset and her sisters are protecting the others, all of them having their own pipboys and shields. Each time one of their shields fail they would be shielded by their sisters till their shields regenerated. Sunset was showing what her training with the videogame bosses have done, with her slaughtering everything that comes at her while having a magical shield protecting her.

Eda and Stan were protecting the kids who are underneath a magic shield, with Huntress Wizard armed with her bow and arrows helping them out. The witch kids are enforcing the shield with their own magic. Eda was casting magic while Stan had gotten a hold of a blaster and backing her up, joined by Jenny and Dib. With Twilight using her telekinesis to lift rocks and throw them at attackers.

Fossil and Baby Doll are attacking the lizard people and the robot animals. Fossil was in the thick of things fighting the frostclaws and fireclaws, going for the heavy hitters first. Baby Doll was releasing blue clouds of from her body that caused anything living to become a berserker and attack anything that she commands them to do. Those that were effected but not under her command just attack anything around them.

Suddenly Crow and his forces show up. Made up of dinosaurs who are armed with mounted weapons and robot animals that have been repainted to be purple like Crow's armor. There are also several young sentient dinosaurs armed with long range weapons giving some covering fire.

"Plucky diverse group of misfits being attacked by monsters and villains on all sides? Is it safe to assume you're heroes?" Crow ask.

"Look, if your here to attack us. You're going to have to take a number..." Pacifica said as she rode on her cloud stomping on it to send lightning bolts to hit a supermutant.

"Not at all! Considering all the other three sides of this fight have been nothing but hostile to me...," Crow said trailing off and holds out a hand. "Temporary truce?"

Pacifica smiles and shakes it. "Temporary truce!"

"Enough! This insolence ends now! You all ruined everything," the miner shouted charging at the heroes with his drill spinning.

"If you didn't want us to ruin things you shouldn't had kidnapped Waddles!" Mabel said hugging Waddles.

"My pet was hungry and your pet was just there," the miner said drilling through some soldiers. His pet the vulture is flying around the chamber.

"Enough with this," Crow said as he fires grenades at the miner, followed by his minions all firing on the boss as well.

The firepower hitting the miner even with him being in a power suit could only take so much damage before giving in. The miner fell his armor broken and in pieces. The miner was getting back up when the air and ground are flooded with bloodflies and Pandyssian rats respectively. They swarmed the miner and he was soon gone underneath the mass of rats. The rats and bloodflies swarmed the other attacking forces, with them targeting the wounded and the ones bleeding.

During the confusion Wendy loses sight of Dipper. Then she finds him approaching the shield where the Luz and the others are under, and waving Mabel over to him who has walked out of the shield's protection. Wendy suddenly attacks him by ramming into him in her deer form, sending him flying.

"That's not Dipper," Wendy said.

"But it is Dipper!" Mabel shouted out.

"No Wendy's right," Stan said.

"That Dipper is dress differently," Eda said. Both she and Stan put themselves between Mabel and the other Dipper.

"But it's still enough to fool the dumb one," Tyrone said as his flesh becomes metal.

"Tyrone?" Pacifica said stun in seeing him still alive.

"Still alive and still want revenge on the one who brought me to life," Tyrone said glaring at Mabel. He pulled out the knife he used to kill the Outsider that allows the users to absorb the memories and skills of those are slain by it.

"Easy there Tyrone," Stan said having heard what happen during the party.

"I'm your sister and we're family," Mabel said.

"You have any idea how little that means to me? You made me into this, just because you weren't listening. Do you have any idea how many people I have killed in my quest for revenge? At this point there is nothing stopping me," Tyrone said to the horror of everyone who heard. He has spent much of the past several weeks absorbing the memories and skills of many intellectuals, assassins, guards, gangsters, politicians, mystics, Overseers and of course the Outsider.

"Enough of this," Crow said hitting Tyrone with a grenade which blew up but when the smoke cleared Tyrone was still standing.

"Fun fact. I can't feel anything anymore. No pain, no pleasure, nothing at all. Don't eat, sleep or anything that makes me alive. I'm more like a robot now; everything will die around me while I live a empty life. All thanks to you, Mabel," Tyrone said.

"Sorry," Mabel said horrified at what she created.

"No you're not. You'll just forget about it and in a couple of days be the same person that made me in the first place," Tyrone said.

Tyrone was then blindsided as a hammer struck him sending him flying across the cave. The hammer flew back to the hands of Thor who stood with his fellow gods who had joined him and Juniper. They had followed Tyrone thanks to several gods being able to track him by different means.

The gods quickly went to work unleashing their powers on the bad guys having seen who is who so they wouldn't attack the wrong side. By using their different powers to learn all they can before they reached where the fighting was taking place. Putting themselves in front of Dipper's group and charge at the badguys.

Fossil gave out a roar as he charged at the gods only to have Monkey's power pole to extend, plunging down his gullet. Sending him flying into the wall of the cave with the staff continuing to plunge into the bedrock by punching through the Fossil's head. Fossil was still alive as he trashed around trying to free itself, only to be hit by Nayenezgani and Tobadzistsini launching their own energy attacks on him, followed by Pele encasing him in lava seeing how he's regenerating all the damage being done to him. Cloacina followed Pele's lead in blasting sewer water on the Lizard, cooling the lava and leaving him trap.

Baby Doll was releasing more of the blue gas from her body trying to turn the gods against each other. Causing Monkey to enter a rage state and attacking the other gods. Centeotl seeing how Baby Doll's power works by releasing pheromones from her body, sprayed her with corn oil, followed by Axo-Mama with potato oil and Ixkawkaw with chocolate. Leaving Baby Doll covered in oil and chocolate that kept her from using her powers. Followed by Pacifica punching her out, as she is still a young girl with only the power to release pheromones from her body.

"There's too many of them sir!" a Kluckinite private shouted.

"You better not be going chicken on me boy! I will deep fry your ass!" a Kluckinite sergeant shouts. He then gets killed by a stray bullet...

This demoralizes the few remaining Kluckinites and they scatter and run away.

"Oh boy!" Kluckinite said.

Trahn in a panicked tried to get the soldiers to regroup. "Wait, comrades!"

The Kluckinite soldiers just ignore him.

"Run away!" one shouted.

"Whoever stays gets a raise!" Trahn sounding desperate shouted out.

"No way! They slap us silly!" a soldier shouted out.

Trahn tries one more time to kill them... before Tu blasted him with a beam of energy that set off all of his bomb chickens at once.

Tyrone got up and was about to use his powers when Cetrion froze him in a block of ice.

"Ok we all hit him at once," Thor said as he, Raiden, Oya, Cetrion, Tu and Krishna powered up their attacks to make sure Tyrone wouldn't survive.

"No stop!" Pacifica putting herself in front of the block of ice holding Tyrone. "It's not his fault why he's like this."

"Sorry but he is responsible for a mass of killings," Thor said.

"And Mabel is the reason why he's like that," Pacifica said.

"She is?" Oya ask looking at said girl.

"Isn't she the one who got rid of the mailbox that answers any question?" Tu asked.

"Yes, she is and her being responsible for making a killer version of her brother for something self-centered. Isn't something that I find surprising," Raiden said.

"I didn't know that would happen," Mabel said weakly.

"674," Oya said.

"What?" Mabel ask.

"That's how many people Tyrone has killed either in person or caused to die. Every single person he has killed is his own sin, but you're the one who made it all happen. You created him and share the sins he has done. Because everything that he has done is your fault," Oya stated.

"Way to go Mabel. I hope you're happy with yourself," Dipper said walking up to the group. The gods had quickly beaten and caused the surviving baddies to flee.

"I...," Mabel said unable to say anything.


Elsewhere -

It's at that moment the timer runs out... and all across the caverns, the doctors devices activate. Some let out a shriek that was harmonically designed to cause the dinosaurs pain and cause them to rampage, others created holes leading down into the mine to allow the dinosaurs to escape and rampage through the forest. But the most important was the third set of devices... letting out a refined form of heat that immediately melted all the sap... not only letting free the rest of the dinosaurs... but also freeing what was sealed away in the amber.


Gravity Falls -

Danny and Dani were flying around trying to find their boss Sunset, when they run into Jake in his dragon form who is with Jenny's sisters who are searching with him. That's when XJ-7 detected something is happening underground. Then several holes leading down open up on the ground and dinosaurs came running out or flying out in the case of the flying ones. While most of the dinosaurs ran into the forest, others headed for the town.

"Dinosaurs on the rampage," Danny said.

"What does it say when this is just something like this isn't surprising in our lives?" Dani ask.

"Enough talk we need to save the town," XJ-8 said leading them to stop the dinosaurs from destroying the town.

The robot sisters setup force fences where the dinosaurs were either herded into or caught and put into. The Gravity Falls police unleashed a host of eyebots which they gotten after all that has happen in the town in the past few weeks. The eyebots using their lasers drove the dinosaurs away from the town before they could do any real damage, sending them either into one of the pens or into the forest.


Back to the action -

The vulture who has been flying around spotted the glowing yellow gemstone floating in the melted sap. It flew down and pluck it from the sap and flew off heading for the surface. The others were frankly too busy keeping themselves from getting crushed or drown in sap to care about this currently.

Twilight hears a familiar scream, she looks around and sees Applejack trying not to get crushed...

"APPLEJACK!?" Twilight shouted out.

"Twilight?!" Applejack shouted back surprise to see her. She's been wandering around in this mine for awhile now.

This lapse in concentration causes Applejack to get bowled over by a dino and was knocked off a nearby ledge over looking a deep pit.

"APPLEJACK!" screams Twilight as she quickly teleports over and grabs her by her hooves, she hangs precariously from the ledge as Twilight TRIES to pull up her former friend...

TRIES, being the operative word...

"For crying out loud Applejack! There's a new invention called a SALAD! Ever hear of it?!" snarks Twilight as she desperately tries to lift the rather heavy pony up.

Despite the situation... Applejack can't help but chuckle.

"Well... don't this bring back memories? The Everfree forest? We tumbled off the cliff? Well, except things are kinda reversed I suppose," Applejack rumbles off.

"Applejack! Please! Focus! We need to get you up!" Twilight implores, she tries to use her magic. But she can't really concentrate with all the commotion about... plus she's been using magic to fight off the baddies that left her drain. And Applejack, even WITH magic... was still ridiculously chubby...

In any case, her levitation fell flat... worse, the sudden motion caused Applajeck to lose her hat...

Applejack watched in devastated horror as the last piece of her former life in Equestria. The last memento she had of her parents. Fluttering away into the darkness... beyond all hope of ever being found...

And... it finally just hit her... EVERYTHING she had lost this year... and she just started to sob...

Twilight, who had also saw the hat... and remembers how much it meant to her... and looked at the sobbing Applejack concerned...

"Applejack?" Twilight ask.

"...Let me go Twilight..." Applejack said.

"What!?" Twilight ask shock.

"Just... let me go... save yourself..." Applejack said.

"Applejack, no! I can save you," Twilight said.

"Save me? For what!? My life is shit now! And I got no one to blame but myself! My sister hates me, my pride nearly destroyed my farm, my beliefs are mocked, ridiculed, proven stupid and rubbed in my face every chance I get, I'm fatter then a sumo wrestler, and I drove away the best thing that ever happened to me!" she looked at Twilight depressed yet resigned. "Me and the other girls... we considers ourselves friends... but really we were more acquaintances then anything... I see that now... we weren't really friends... weren't really family... weren't really a herd... not till you came along... you were the heart of our group Twilight... and we threw you away for some STUPID wedding! I don't know why I went along with it, I HATE FRU-FRU FANCY GATHERINGS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!"

Twilight looked at her shocked... then just glared. For all her faults... she'd STILL been one of her first friends... as badly as it had ended... that didn't make the good times they had before that any less wonderful... "I'm NOT letting you go, Appljack.... not this time..."

Applejack sniffs... but smiles. "Course you won't... your good people Twilight... and I'm sorry for everything...."

She quickly bites Twilight's hoof, HARD forcing Twilight to let go-

"APPLEJACK!" shouted Twilight horrified.


Twilight's eyes widen as a surprised Applejack hovered in mid-air... being held up by Epona the Gaulish horse goddess who is flying.

"Fear not my dear follower you are not irredeemable. Friendships can be broken but it can also be mended," Epona said.

"Twilight?" Applejack ask looking to Twilight for answers.

"She's one of the human goddess," Twilight said.

"I am Epona the Gaulish horse goddess," said goddess said.

"We're ponies," Applejack said.

"Close enough," Epona said as she grabs Twilight and with Applejack flew off as the cavern began to collapse around them.


Gravity Falls -

After escaping the mine, the group headed back to the town where they were joined by Becky and a group of sentient dinosaurs. The sentient dinosaurs had no choice but to go to the surface and with nowhere else to go they all headed to the town. They had to flee from the base once the mine started shaking, with the base mostly buried or caved in, which would take weeks of digging to clear it all out. A rescue crew was already at work digging out any survivors still trap underground, Fossil and Baby Doll along with the soldiers were still underground.

"Wow this is a mess," Luz said seeing the damage the dinosaurs caused.

"No this is nothing," Dipper said seeing that only a few buildings and cars were damaged this time.

“At least we’re all safe,” Mabel said hugging Waddles.

“Mabel was it really worth it to save Waddles?” Dipper asked.

“I know, I wasn’t thinking… again. But if I hadn’t than that girl and those frogs would had been eaten and who knows what would happen to those puppets and dinos,” Mabel pointed out.

“You’re just lucky about that,” Dipper said.


Elsewhere in town -

Pacifica watches over an injured Tyrone being held in a forcefield cage. Having studied more and more about the supernatural since the merge, she recognized the demonic influence that Tyrone had been under. She also saw the metal sheen of his skin which was similar to Mina when she had attacked them.

"Why are you helping me?" Tyrone asks Pacifica.

"You save me," Pacifica said. That night where he took the sword blow that was meant for her still haunted her nightmares.

"And you're just prolonging my suffering," Tyrone said.

"What you mean?" Pacifica ask.

"All I have plan is to kill Mabel and then let myself be killed. There's nothing else for me but to wander the earth and watch everything but me die," Tyrone said.

"Tyrone there has to be something else," Pacifica said.

"I can't feel anything, no pain or pleasure. I will remain as you see me, when you are on your deathbed, I will remain looking like this. I do not want to live that kind of life. And it's cruel and heartless for you to want me to live that kind of life," Tyrone said. "I'm already a monster and redeeming me even after all that I have done? I'm not worth it." (8)

"You're not a metal monster," Pacifica pointed out.

"I am," Tyrone said.

"It’s time for you to tell us what you know about Bill," Oya said.

The goddess cast a truth spell on him as the other gods gathered around him to hear what he has to say. He explains to both Pacifica and the gods that Bill Cipher had made a deal with him. To replace Dipper, after he killed Mabel and the Outsider.

He then went to the Isle to bring about the death and assimilation of the Outsider. As for the people he killed, he had killed them to find the knife that was used to kill the Outsider when he was still human. The knife was the only thing that would kill the Outsider that wouldn't take something big or much harder to get. He also absorbed the knowledge, skills, and powers of most of the isle's most learned and esoteric thinkers in many fields. Some of his 'victims' had already been closed to dying, as he couldn't absorb from the dead, thanks to the aftermath of the death of the royal family, the plague and Norsefire's purging of anyone who stood in their way.

Despite this Tyrone couldn't feel bad as he simply couldn't feel emotions anymore, besides he hadn't really added to those people's plight, it was hell already. He hadn't helped them... worse, he had a feeling that the death of the Outsider would only cause more problems as an unstable void began to leak over...

"Tyrone, that jerk was messing with your head. Frankly it's a miracle you didn't do worse, just be thankful that it wasn't and that it's over now...," Pacifica said.

"I can't feel bad for what, I have done. I can't feel anything anymore remember that includes emotions," Tyrone said.

"The best thing to do is to strip him of his powers and be done with it... we should probably just kill him as well just to be certain...," Tu said.

"Hold it! While I don't like this situation either. Besides, need I remind you we need someone to repair the void and keep it stable? The Rainbow Serpent and others are doing what they can to keep the void from spilling out, the void needs a god to rule it. The magic of the void is too incompatible for us to use, and striping him of his powers might make things worse! Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater here...," Monkey King said.

Thor gave out a sigh. "It's a moot point regardless..."

"What do you mean?" Pacifica ask.

"A deal like that can't just be broken, not with dealing with Bill not after his end is completed and wasn't called off before it happen. The only one who can just break a deal like that are few and hard to find even for us gods," Thor said.

"Well good thing I'm here," Abader said walking up to the group. "Came as soon as I heard what happen."

"Can you take the powers from Tyrone? You did pull Betty apart from Golb who is way more powerful than Bill," Pacifica ask.

"You're right about that. But Golb only had a working mind while he was bonded with Betty. He's utterly mindless otherwise. He's overwhelming powerful but has no idea what to do with his power. What would take a light touch, Golb would use something that would destroy the universe. But anyways, pulling Betty out of Golb was like pulling an oak out of the ground roots and all, while what I'm seeing with Tyrone is more like defusing a bomb," Abader explains.

"So, you can't?" Pacifica ask.

"Oh, sure I can. I just suck out his soul, filter it so that the power of the Outsider is taken out. And I put his soul right back in," Abader said.

"It can't be that easy," Oya said.

"Well there is a good chance that I while filtering his soul I just eat it. Which would grant me the powers of the Outsider, which means I have two places to rule," Abader said giving out a laugh as everyone glares at him.

"There it is," Oya said.

"It's either that or the slow way which takes months to do. I used it to slowly take away the powers of gods and demons over a course of several months, while torturing them," Abader said.

"And it can drain the power of even ones who make a demonic deal?" Thor ask.

"Of course. We demons use it when we capture someone who made a deal with another demon. It's a work around to the whole deal thing it just takes awhile and it's painful," Abeder said.

"Can you make it not painful?" Oya ask.

"Oh you're no fun," Abeder said.

"We also need something to keep Tyrone in check in case he snaps again," Oya said.

Pacifica remembering more of her occult studies thought of something that would work.

"You can bond my life force with Tyrone. So that if I'm killed, he'll die as well. That way, they could use her as bait or leverage in case Tyrone goes on another rampage," Pacifica said.

"The binding can only be done with willing consent with both parties," Abeder said remembering that spell and casting it so that both Tyrone and Pacifica now stood on ritual circles.

"I don't," Tyrone said.

"Tyrone please let me help you," Pacifica said.

"Do know what I am and what I did?" Tyrone ask to Pacifica.

"I have to try and save you from the monster who have become," Pacifica said.

"No I'm not that I'm something else," Tyrone said.

"What?" Pacifica ask.

"I'm a rouge," Tyrone said causing a heart song to happen thanks to all the ponies around.

'Take a Breath'
'Take a Step'
'Blend in with the rest'

Tyrone wearing a hooded jacket wanders the streets of the isles.

'I am made for only one purpose'
'I had always known I'm worthless'
'Just a trophy from a mission well done'

Tyrone picks up a knife from a table as he sneaks up on two Hatters talking about something in an alleyway.


Tyrone walks away from the alleyway with coins in his pocket and knowledge of the going ons around the isles.

'I can try my luck and escape'
'To anywhere away'
'From this place'

Tyrone looks at a ship leaving for the floating island fortress of the ice elemental. Wondering if he should try to leave.

'But the sins'
'I commited cannot'
'Be ignored'

Tyrone looks down at the bodies of the people he had killed to gain the knowledge he needed to find the knife. Members of the holy group found around the isles he didn't care to remember the name of.

'Time moves forward'
'Time goes on'
'It does not yield'

Tyrone walks away from the ship, heading deeper into the isles.

'So I must stay strong'
'I'll find a reason to see the sun'
'Rise one more day'
'Just before'
'I'm done'

Tyrone sneaks into a building being used by the agents of Norsefire who are operating in the isles.

"No matter how hard I try'
'I can't change the monster that I was'
Even if I happen to find I'm fighting for a better cause'

Tyrone leaves the building while a fire burns inside it.

'I've known since long ago that'
'Soon I will reach the end of my road'
'So till my time has come I'll just keep roughing it up like a rogue'

Tyrone turns his head away and leaves with the information he has gotten from the stockpile of papers that the Norsefire agents have gathered. As the fire spreads to the surrounding buildings and the screams began. Not looking back as the people in the other buildings were burned alive.

'Anyone could have intervened'
'When the world tried to break me'
'But instead I came out stronger than'
'Ever before'

Tyrone walks away from the body of a man whose lower body had already been strip to the bones by the rats that plague the city. He had tortured him to find out the information he needed and left him to die a slow and painful death for not telling him when he asked.

'I believed it would be better'
'If I chose to break the tether'
'From the ones who left me stranded and'
'So I locked the door'

Tyrone stares at his reflection in a mirror of a house he had broken into. He smashes the mirror with his hand.

'Time moves forward'
'Time goes on'
'It forces me to learn'

Tyrone looks up a whaler burst out of the air and attacks him. He blocks the sword thrust with his own sword and began trading blows. Around them are the bodies of other whalers who were in the whaler's safehouse.

'How it'
'All had gone'

Tyrone walks into the vault where the knife had been kept in since it came into the late owner's hands. Bodies of witches filled the hallway behind him.

'I'll find a reason'
'To see the sun'
'Rise one more day'
'Just before I'm done'

Tyrone tosses a tank of whale oil into a crowd of weepers killing them all. The group of people he had saved from being infected stared at him. Tyrone just walks away without a word, one of the people had helped him. And didn't turn around as another group of weepers attacked the group as he already returned the favor.

'It doesn't matter if you think I can become a better man'
'It doesn't change the nothing of a human being that I've been'
'I've lost so much in my life'

Tyrone stands in front of the Outsider after searching for him for so long. The Outsider only stood there accepting his death that he's been searching for ages. Tyrone sank the knife into the Outsider's heart.

'I don't think I'll ever feel complete'
'And all the world has done is take everything that I love from me'

Tyrone walks away from the isles heading for the boat that would take him back to where it all began.

'I’ve known since long ago that'
'Soon I will reach the end of my road'
'So till my time has come I'll just keep roughing it up like a rogue'

Tyrone glance at the Isles before he steps off and onto the boat leaving the Isles behind. The bodies of the crew laying on the docks as a group of refugees screamed for him to come back. Their screams rising as the rats caught up with them.

Pacifica stared at Tyrone, having seen his memories thanks to the bond. Horrified at what he has done and has become.

"Am I worth it?" Tyrone ask.

"I.... no not as you are now. The one I knew before was worth it and I hope you can become what you use to be," Pacifica said seeing how far he has fallen.

"I'm not that person anymore. I can't be that person anymore," Tyrone said leaving Pacifica to just stand there unable to say or think of anything.

"I'll take him with me to my underworld and keep him lock up till I get the Outsider's power drained from him," Abeder said.

Mabel who stood nearby hiding, had heard everything and felt something breaking inside of her. She had made a copy of her brother and because of her not thinking of her actions made him into a monster. Not only did she endangered everyone for another self centered quest to save a pet that she hadn't known for that long, but she also facing the sins of her past coming back to haunt her.


Gravity Falls -

When Twilight finds Applejack again, she's recovering from her injuries, with a sobbing Applebloom by her side. Apologizing for almost getting her killed. While a human Applejack who came with others to help with clean up with the latest mess that happen because of Mabel, pets her to comfort her. When she hears more of how Applejack ended up where she was and how Applebloom had been treating her since she took control of the farm...

"Geez Applebloom! Look, I know Applejack made her fair share of blunders with you that you are MORE than in the right to be mad about that... but there's being angry and then there's just being a dick about it!" Twilight said.

Applebloom droopes a bit. "Yeah... I guess I got carried away..."

"No, no... I get it. It wouldn't have killed me to be less stubborn, or more attentive, or more open-minded, or less dismissive of you," Applejack said shaking her head. "Oh, let's just say I made a real mess of things. And I'm sorry."

"Okay... I forgive you and I promise to lay off you... it was starting to get sad anyway. I mean look at you, it is literally kicking a dead horse while it's dow-," Applebloom said.

"APPLEBLOOM!" both Twilight and human Applejack interrupts annoyed.

"Last jab ever, I'm done," Applebloom said as she zips her lips.

Applejack turns to human Applejack. "And I'm so sorry for being so mean to you for just trying to help me... is there anyway you could forgive me and let me back into your family?"

Human Applejack thought about this... honestly, with everything that had happened recently... she'd more or less forgotten about Applejack... and really, if she could forgive Sunset for breaking up her 'friendship', she could forgive some harsh words said in anger one time... also, it was hard to stay mad at a big fat pony who apparently had been so depressed she'd nearly committed suicide...

Human Applejack gives her a hug... or at least TRIES to put her arms around her massive girth. "Yeah, you're forgiven... but do everyone who loves you a favor and eat a dang salad already! You're not so fat where you're out of shape, more like Sunset's mom who is fat but is still strong. But she had over 50 kids you don't have that excuse."

Applejack sighs at she looks down at her jiggling girth.

"Alright, yes... I've let myself go..." she looks up to Twilight. "But not you though. I saw you from the bushes kicking plot and tacking names... how come you managed to move on and the rest of us just fell to pieces?"

Twilight briefly remembers the familiar noise in the bushes while she'd been forced to go to the Grubhog, but answers anyway.

"Honestly? If not for my new friends, I'd probably be just as bad as you guys are if not WORSE," Twilight said remembering how the beaver brothers had found her and took her in where she got help with her issues from Stump.

"Yeah... you seem like a tight group...," Applejack smiled and there was a long, awkward pause. "There's no way we can ever go back to how things used to be... is there?"

It wasn't a really a question... more of a resigned rhetorical statement...

Twilight gives a sad nod. "No... there really isn't... but honestly? The more I've thought about it, the more I feel like that might be for the best."

Seeing her confusion, Twilight continues. "Applejack... we had great times together and I'll always cherish... but what we had... it was..."

"What is it?" Applejack ask.

Twilight looks at Applejack... and sighs. "Applejack... we and the others had great times together... but what we had... it wasn't a healthy relationship. Even from the start the whole 'people from different backgrounds and personalities coming together to form a friendship just in time to go on an epic quest and defeat an enemy'... it makes for a good story. But that's not a good foundation for a friendship! Hardwork, commitment, perseverance, compassion and communication! They may not be ALL it takes to make a friendship- but at the very least it would've made for a good solid start!"

Human Applejack sighed.

"Yeah... me and my friends had sorta the same issue... although, I actually sorta wish it had been a 'enemy infiltration during a royal wedding' that broke us up. At least that sounds more cool and less lame then 'some nasty texts got sent out and we blamed each other and broke up' that was all it took," human Applejack said and blushed at that. "Land sakes, that's just embarrassing to admit out loud!"

Applebloom giggled.

"Anyway, it's a bitter pill to swallow. But texts or marriage, if such a stupid thing was all it took for your friendship to unravel... how strong was it to begin with?" human Applejack ask.

Applejack frowned at that.

"Yeah... laughter, kindness, loyalty, generosity and honesty... we failed at all those when it really counted didn't we?" then she grows thoughtful. "Well, maybe not honesty, since it didn't really apply to the situation. But still, a dick move on my part regardless."

Twilight wonders briefly on what might've been had the merge not have happened... would she have forgiven her friends? In a world where 'magic is friendship', would she have ever seen the flaws in a relationship that could be derailed by something as stupid as a marriage?

Such thoughts were put aside as Applejack looked upon her once again. "Twilight... is there ANY way we could be friends again... or... could you at least forgive us?"

Twilight frowns for a moment...

"I don't know if we can ever be friends again... maybe someday, but not now," Applejack sighs... but hangs her head resigned. "...But that doesn't mean I need to treat you like an enemy either."

She gives Applejack a hug. "I'll help you and the others through this difficult time... just like I was helped through mine... not for friendship, but because it's the right thing to do."

Applejack sobs as she hugs back... "Thank you Twilight..."


Elsewhere in town -

Sunset was busy in figuring out what to do with the others who were saved from the mine. Josh and Parker were out of the job as the police are raiding the Pig Farm after getting a warrant to search it. Elmo and the talking dino babies are also homeless. The West Wind went with the gods after they learn about what happen in her world, as the other gods would want to hear about it too. Unico would be staying at the castle till something could be figured out. There is that swamp creature but she had slipped away. Then there are the frogs and the girl Anne.

There is also Crow's dinosaur minions who are all sentient, even wearing clothes. Which learning that Crow is a villain, Sunset thought he was forcing them to work for him. And keeping them down in the mine so that they wouldn't learn about the world up above.

"We know all about the world," Earl said and derailing that mindset.

"We do have cable," Roy pointed out.

"Then why are all of you going along with Crow plans?" Sunset ask.

"He does feed us," Roy said.

"So you either work or no food?" Sunset ask.

"Do you have any idea how much food I need to have ship down there to feed all of them and the dino's who aren't smart?" Crow argued.

"The monthly food bill is in the hundred-thousandths," Becky adds.

"So I feed them and they work for me in return," Crow said.

"But you two enslaved them forcing them to stay here," Sunset said to the two villains.

"They're not forcing us to stay down there," Monica DeVertebrae the brontosaurus said.

"Then why stay down there?" Sunset ask making the crowd of dinosaurs to look ashamed.

"I'll tell you why," Ethyl Phillips said rolling in her wheelchair to the front of the crowd. "They're all scared of what you all will think of us for what happen that force us down there in the first place."

"What happen?" Sunset ask.

"It all started when we were all waiting for the bunch beetles to come flying in to eat the cider poppies and when they didn't the plants grew out of control. Then Stan the only bunch beetle left, inform us that it’s the babies that eat the plants. And Charlene took him to the swamp only to find that the WESAYSO company had torn down the swamp to make a wax fruit factory and sprayed all the bunch beetles to death. And to make a long story short Earl's old boss Richfield had the bright idea to spray poison on the poppies which killed all plant life on the planet. Then came up with the idea to bomb all the volcanoes to get rain. Which we got snow instead which caused the ice age to happen. The only good thing that Earl finally did before we all woke up, is gathering up everyone that wasn't frozen to death and lead us all down there. Where we're close to a hot vent that kept us all warm," Ethyl explains. "Also kicking Richfield out when he and the other heads of WESAYSO tried to get in with us."

"Then how did all of you got covered in sap?" Sunset ask.

"We're still trying to figure that out," Roy said.

"All I remember is sap pouring down on us then nothing till Crow found us," Earl said.

"It was a good thing that happen. We were running out of food," Charlene said.

"And we already eaten all the bodies around mine," Roy adds.

"Wait you guys eat your dead?" Sunset ask.

"Yes," Earl said.

"Each other?" Sunset ask.

"Yeah but we know its frown upon," Roy said.

"Anyways we still have no idea but that's not important now. It happens and it's the reason why we're all still alive. And to answer your question the reason why we're all were still down there is that they're all scared that you all will label us as another Uselessvile, because of us being the ones that killed our world," Ethyl said.

"Well yes you are the ones who killed your world but unlike others who are living in Uselessviles. You all seem to realize what you all done either taking apart in killing off your world or doing nothing. While others just go into denial and pretend that nothing has change and they can continue on as they did before that got them labeled as useless in the first place," Sunset said.

"Well that's thanks to me," Crow spoke up.

"We made sure they know to take responsibility for their actions," Becky said.

"It's just bad if the minions keep making the same mistakes," Crow adds.

"I can't agree with you more," Sunset said.

"Now that's all taken care of, I can get back to work," Crow said.

"And what would that be?" Sunset ask.

"Kidnapping princesses!" Crow said as he zips to Sunset, grabbing her and hoisting her over his shoulder.

"For what?" Sunset ask with this being her first kidnapping.

"To power my doom weapon," Crow said.

"To takeover the world?" Sunset ask.

"Of course," Crow said.

"Is this what you guys did in your old world?" Sunset ask Becky.

"Yes we're part of the Syndicate of Malice, each member usually the villain of a kingdom with them kidnapping the princess who rules it. The local hero of the kingdom then goes and rescues the princess from said villain. With rules that both sides follow to limit the damage such kidnappings would cause," Becky said.

"You mean like in the Venture Bros?" Sunset ask.

"The Guild of Calamitous Intent that is in the show. Which is apparently an omnipotent conspiracy/trade union for all the villains seeking to conquer the world. Its regulations cover all manner of supervillainy, from deathtraps to dealing with police. They also provide services to heroes by matching them with appropriate and licensed villains. They do however set up strict rules for both protagonists and antagonists to follow? Yes ours is very much the same," Becky said.

"You really should be trying your luck with the many princesses around the land of Ooo. Especially Princess Business and Skateboard Princess," Sunset said.

"Why those two?" Crow ask.

"Princess Business tried to short change me on a trade deal and Skateboard Princess, I was the only one to sit next to her at the last Princess Day and found out the hard way why she was alone," Sunset said.

"Well it's true it be easier to find a princess there. But you're the one with the power. So much power that you'll be able to power my doom cannon all by yourself," Crow explains.

"True but you're forgetting one thing," Sunset said.

"And what would that be?" Crow ask.

"My sisters," Sunset said.

"Sisters?" Crow ask looking around to see that all of Sunset's human sisters have surrounded him.

"Dog pile the villain!" Sunset said.

"Oh ho," Crow said as he was quickly dog piled by Sunset's sisters.

"So is this how things go in your world?" Juniper ask looking at the pile of bodies on top of the villain.

"Him losing? Yes but not this fast," Becky said.

"Is this normal?" Hop Pop ask Anne.

"Not when I was in the human world last," Anne said.


Gravity Falls -

"Wait, you been gone for a half a year since the merge?" asked Private Public who is filing away what happen to Anne in the other world she went to.

"I think so. I would like to call my parents?" asked Anne still in shock seeing her friend being stabbed .

"But how did this box even worked? Magic doesn't work anymore but for Passive around here," Private Public said.

"I think it's more like magictech like those spelldrives. Allowing it to work as it's not really magic but super tech that uses magic," Anne said. (9)

"Ah, that would explain things," Public said.

"What about the Planters?" Anne asked looking at her frog family talking with another cop.

"Well since they have nowhere else to go we'll be asking around for someplace that can house them," Public said. "Also this King Andrias re-activates the Calamity Box to accompany him in his multi-dimensional conquest with an army of robot frogs?"

"That's right, he's coming," Anne said.


In a coffee shop -

Dib and Jenny are busy extracting the information from the hard drive, while Dib got something to drink and snack on. Turns out Dr. Locus had been selling his services all over... there was going to be MANY arrests today. One of them being Genevieve Aristide (F.E.A.R.) which Dib's been looking into as while they weren't so transparent in the illegal activities like the company that his friend Dilbert an engineer were doing. The company had been keeping tight lip about how many of their advance bio tech research was done.

Dib frowned...

"What's wrong Dib?" Jenny ask.

"I don't know... doesn't this... seem like it was too easy?" Dib ask.

"You're kidding right?" Jenny gasp and gestures toward the still semi-collapsing and flooding caverns with the surviving baddies still inside.

"No, I mean YES. THAT was hard... but I mean THIS," Dib said pointing to the hard drive. "I mean, he had all his most sensitive and incriminating data on ALL his clients in one spot and unencrypted? He's your villain, is he really that dumb?"

"Dib, he was stationed underground, in a cavern filled with prehistoric horrors. Guarded by super robots and elaborate security systems. He was probably arrogant and cocky that no one would get past all that, so didn't bother to put in anymore effort. Not like I didn't see my fair share of that back in the day. And Dr. Locus is that dumb."

"Well, yeah. But that was back on YOUR world, where bad guys were practically forced to be dumbed down... but here," Dib mutters and trails off.

Jenny interrupts with a sigh. "Dib, look. I don't want to come off as an 'arbitrary skeptic'. I want to be clear; your paranoia, iconoclasm, and out of the box thinking was what allowed us to crack this case. And I'd have to be an idiot and a hypocrite to dismiss these as a useful skill. I certainly like it better then the mindless sheep of my world. But I kinda feel like your going too far the other direction here... Which could be just as bad..."

"...I don't know...I'm just getting a weird feeling about all this..." Dib said.

"Okay Dib. Let's look at this rationally: you think he might've let this data go to easily... why? Because of this his client base was gutted, his credibility and reputation are probably down the drain, his operations have been exposed to the world, he was forced to leave his Cauldron and a kings ransom in spelldrives behind... what could he possibly have stood to gain from letting us have this and allowing all that to happen?" Jenny ask.

Dib thinks about this... then nods. "Yeah, I guess that's a good point..."

Jenny puts a sympathetic hand on his shoulder.

"Again, don't get the wrong idea. All this," she gestures to the hard drive and reports of numerous arrests made because of it. Even showing the raid being done at the bio pig farm. "Is because of you and you SHOULD be proud of it... just... keep it balanced, that's all I'm asking..."

Dib nods and they go back to work...


Elsewhere -

Dr. Facilier is talking in his phone. He and the others made it back to their traveling show with what they were able to save from the little mess. And now he's in his trailer with Max.

"So they bought it?" he ask.

"Hook, line and sinker...," Locus on the other end.

Dr. Facilier watches as the stock exchange goes nuts as so many big-shots and corporate entities were either arrested, scandalized or bankrupted...

"Excellent... our REAL Client will be most pleased. You'll find the agreed sum in the 'account' we talked about earlier. Go to the 'hide-away' we also discussed and await further instructions...," Dr. Facilier said smiling as he hangs up.

Looks to the new wanted poster of Locus... and sure enough it was ONLY his face attached to this fiasco... not even a whimper of someone else...

Dr. Facilier laughs as the backup plan that was setup incase they were discovered went off without a hitch. "I feel like celebrating... MAX! pop a cork of the good Champaign! In fact, go ahead and pop one just for yourself too! Why not!?"

Max smiles as he dose just that. "Oui, Dr. Facilier..."


Gravity Falls -

The clean up was still going on as Sunset left with her sisters to take charge of the dinosaurs that were captured. She's having all the Earth benders she can get a hold of to create pens to hold them till she could put them somewhere else. Sunset is thinking of expanding the wild animal park that she made for many wild magical animals, she can just put them there so that it would bring in more people to see wild dinosaurs.

The sentient dinosaurs were another problem seeing how big they are, most of the dinos on average stood around 8 feet tall and bigger once full grown. Along with the dinosaurs that while sentient were more like talking animals. Who happen to be the friends and families of Little Foot and his friends. Sunset decided that seeing how the building project in Ponyvile was delayed thanks to some of the ponies there destroying the human sized buildings. The new building project would be building dino sized homes for her new subjects. And instead of hiring local ponies which she did to give them jobs, Sunset would just hire earth benders to quickly build homes for the dinosaurs. Seeing how those very pony workers that she hired last time were the ones who kept destroying her housing project.

As for Elmo he was delighted to learn that Sesame Street is in this world. The famous street has now become both a large tourist destination AND a home for wayward puppets. There the puppets made a life for themselves along with humans and other races. Many of the puppets found jobs where they could or went to the entertainment business.

The Banana Splits tv studio which appeared an hour drive out of the city where Sesame Street showed up. Made up of several warehouses, where the Banana Splits who are robots were left in storage while the old studio was being fumigated for termites. The Muppets tv studio also appeared in the studio lot with all the muppets. The muppets rebooted the Banana Splits and are shooting their show along with the Banana Splits. Which both shows became a hit with the kids.

The muppet studio is also home to Eureeka's Castle, with said castle also showing up on the studio lot with their show being filmed then and also their home. Then there's Barney & Friends, Dumbo's Circus, and other puppet shows. There are more adult theme shows but with how many of the puppets came from more kid friendly worlds, they been cleaning up their acts.

Elmo is talking with Mr. Hopper who is on the phone with him. Who also told Elmo that he's not the only Elmo as they do have their own Elmo. Which both Elmo's are excited about as it's like having a twin brother.

Parker and Josh want to come too.

"Oh, you boys must've been from the 'other side' of the puppet dimension... we and the other's on Sesame Street never really went there... because...well...," Mr. Hopper said as he looks uncomfortable as he tried to describe this tactfully.

"It was a urine-soaked hell-hole of adult-themes and disgusting shenanigans?" Packer ask.

"Your words not mine," he says evasively. "Uh, speaking of which. If your gonna live with us, I'm gonna have to ask you to hold back on the potty mouth and lewd behavior. We have a LOT of kids and child-friendly puppets around after all."

"Fair enough," Josh said.

"So how are we going to get to the East coast?" Parker asks.

"I'll be taking you 3 there," Kronika said appearing through a portal.

"Oh thank you," Elmo said.

"Don't mention it," Kronika said.

"So why are you doing this?" Parker ask.

"As a favor and that I'm going to be guest staring on the muppets," Kronika said.

"Ohh, I got to watch that," Josh said.

"So what are we going to do for jobs?" Parker ask.

"Work in fast foods again?" Josh suggested.

"But who's going to hire us?" Parker ask.

"There's Oscar's dinner where all the grouches go to. You two will fit in there," Mr. Hopper said.

"A job!" both Parker and Josh shouted out happy to be working again.


At a safehouse -

Dr. Reichter gave a weary sigh, the move to his secondary HQ had MOSTLY gone without a hitch. But the loss of resources, manpower and the inability to continue over 75% of his high-tier projects without being physically inside Gravity Falls mystic field had basically crippled his operations.

It would take at least a YEAR before his capabilities were even back to 50%! Not to mention the world-wide man-hunt that was now after him. Cybersix had made herself known and revealed what happen to her and who created her in the first place.

He busied himself to further asses the damage to his assets... and it was even WORSE then he'd thought. Many of the prototypes, templates and equipment he'd brought with him had been damaged when Gon escaped. Speaking of which there had been no signs of the small dino since then. He can only hope he was still in the mine with it caved in or was buried in sap.

Dr. Reichter rubbed his temples. It had been hard NOT to be excited when he first found that creature trapped in the amber. Although small, he could send creatures a hundred times his size flying with a measly headbutt. He could run faster then any cheetah, lift objects many times his size, was immune to even the most deadly of poisons, could hold his breath underwater for days, practically indestructible, debatably immortal, he even seemed to have human-like intelligence!

Yes, getting his DNA would give him the means to create a far greater army! Only one problem... even diamond drills broke on his skin! And any attempt of 'manually' getting a sample ended with the 'sample taker' getting their arm bitten off!

So much resources wasted on trying to extract a sample from the prehistoric midget... and not only was he gone before he could extract anything, but he wrecked most of the bases assets before he left! He cursed those idiotic klukins! True, technically it was those two morons puppets fault. But the Kluckinites didn't exactly impress with their attempts to 'recapture' him. One of them attacked him with a SPORK for crying out loud!

No, if any good came out of today it was that he was ride of those morons for good...

"Sir! One kluckinite survived and escaped capture!" a Fix Idea informed him.

'Spoke too soon.' grumbled Dr. Reichter as he turned to the battered sole survivor of the once 'great' Klukinite regiment.

"Sir! Mission was a failure! But we fought them to the last man!" the soldier said as he saluted him.

The doctor just glared.

"Apparently not." he says darkly as he pulls out a gun to be ride of this headache... but then paused...

The still obliviously saluting soldier had a spork in his breast pocket... a VERY familiar spork... that had BLOOD on it...

He quickly did a scan... and the results were immediately apparent... there was no mistake...

A small victory snatched from the jaws of a catastrophic defeat, sure... but he'd take it.

He plucks the spork out of the pocket and immediately walks away.

"Congratulations, you're fired. Take your final paycheck, severance, and a 10% finders fee. Get your mind wiped of my operations on your way out, now leave before I change my mind...," he said leaving the confused soldier behind.


Elsewhere -

The vulture carrying the yellow crystal that's been dipping sap, flew down to a branch of a dead tree where Him and a female demon waited for him. As Him had promise her, Mommy Fortuna was now a brass skinned demoness in her prime. She wore clothes that are modeled after what she uses to wear but her baggy clothes now hugged her now slender and voluptuous form. Which she takes great delight in, having the magic and form that she had wished for in her youth. She now has the magic and raw strength that she didn't had in her past life, and has the lifelong experience to draw upon where she wouldn't waste what she has now.

"Vultor so how did it go?" Him ask. (The Adventures of the American Rabbit.)

“It went well,” the vulture name Vultor said dropping the gemstone on the ground.

Him spat out a beam of energy from his mouth destroying the gemstone. A strange mix and matched creature appeared, it has the body of a theropod dinosaur and the head of a cobra, with a long scorpion like stinger tail. The creature looks around confused finally freed from its prison, it stops when it saw Him and his group. Then the world froze leaving only the 4 being able to move.

“LONG TIME NO SEE VERTIGO,” Bill greeted the female abomination as he appeared. (Primal Rage.)

Vertigo coming from another dimension came to Earth during the ancient past, where she had seeked to claim the planet as her own. A race of dinosaurs who had became self aware and intelligent were already there when Vertigo came to their world. The intelligent dinosaurs had already created their own belief system and through that had given birth to their own gods, who fought the invader. The dinosaur gods defeated her and sealed her up in a crystal, and the dinosaur god of trees had created the crystal which dipped holy sap that would contain Vertigo's evil powers. And planted a holy tree which also dripped holy sap onto the crystal. The cave where they put the crystal soon filled up with sap. From the crystal and the roots of the tree that was planted on top that would be known as the tree of life millions of years later. That kept Vertigo from escaping with her own power, long after the gods who had sealed her away had faded once all of their followers died off after the space rock hit Earth.

Her prison only began to weaken allowing the sap to finally start melting was when the mine was open in the 1800's. A cult formed upon the discovery of the tree of life that grew on top of the mine. The cult killed the tree in the hopes of becoming immortal by eating the core of the tree. Which did nothing and the cult all died because of all of the toxic things they mixed in with the sawdust of the tree core, to create what they thought to be a potion of life.

“Bill?” Vertigo ask staring at Bill. “How long has it been?”


Vertigo eyed the bird before looking down at the two demons.

“And what are these two young...,” Vertigo gave the two demons a sniff as she smelled their scent. “Demons?”

“Young demon.. ah I’m blushing,” Him said.

“You’re too kind,” Fortuna adds.



Ponyvile -

"Rule number 34: The 'complainer is always wrong' concept needs to end. None of us are flawless, we ALL make mistake. INCLUDING me. I'm not saying that having a majority vote is necessarily WRONG. But from now on, we have to at least LISTEN to dissenting opinion. Give them a chance to plead their case. Even if it's 5 against one. And as pointed out in rule #15 'never assume were experts and allow for expert opinion OUTSIDE the group'. They should be allowed to get outside help to prove their point if they feel that strongly about it... I bring up the 'Zecora incident' as an example.." listed out Twilight.

Twilight and her former friends were currently gathered in the center of Ponyville as pony Mr. Scotsdale's mayoral inauguration was taking place. Which Sunset allowed to happen as it is in the law of the town, for the new mayor to beat up the old one to take their place.

Rainbow, although still the most athletic of the bunch, was still a bit tubby and between jobs...

Rarity was the fattest second to only Pinkie Pie. Gorging so much ice cream while sobbing as her life and business continued to fail. She didn't had her hourglass figure version for a pony anymore, but having a thicc body that some male ponies like. Her booty was not huge and a huge turn own for some male ponies.

Fluttershy had long since been forced to sell her home. She'd never needed to pay rent or taxes before, seems like back home everyone had been happy to just let her live by herself with her animals. In this world this was no longer an option. Between that and the memories of all her animal friends now dead haunting her... she soon sold her house and land for whatever she could... and ended up moving back in with her parents. Human Fluttershy had been HAPPY to help her cute and cuddly pony counterpart to get use to a new way of life from living alone with animals. And showing her how to use modern things like computers and helping her to pull herself together to look for work. Although she's become increasingly concerned with the pony's increasing waistline and drowning her sorrows in youtube cat videos...

Pinkie... was the worst of the bunch, she was the fattest, and had come very close to having her leg cut off. She was currently in the circle on a 'Fatman electric scooter'. Being assisted by her sister Maud Pie.

The Pie family had been hit hard by the merge. Their lifestyle fell apart completely when the unspoken question of 'How do you farm rocks?' was FINALLY both asked and enforced. It didn't help that they could no longer eat rocks without breaking their teeth... or break stone with their bear hooves...

Well, except Maud. Maud was the only known Earth Pony who didn't lose her powers when the merge happened. This was mostly due to Maud being the only pony who hadn't just accept 'it's magic' as an explanation and actually bothered to study Earth pony powers and get it down to a science. Thus when the merge took away magic, she'd already perfected non-magic means to replicate these powers.

She never published these findings before the merge because 1. There hadn't been any real use for them back then. And 2. She'd been worried it would bring her into conflict with her more tradition-grounded family.

Maud was now seen as an important civic leader among the earth ponies now. She was currently trying to raise funds to build a earth pony school where she can pass her method down to others. Her expertise with rocks (both locating them and digging up large quantities) were in great demand as well. She's been teaching earth benders how to find and bring up various types of rocks like Gypsum, Clay, Mudstone, Granite, Salt, Quartz, Marble, Garnet, Talc, Copper, Zinc, Iron, Aluminum, Mercury, Lead, Limestone, Sand, Gravel, Coal and Graphite. All of which had their uses and gotten the attention of Sunset who is always interested in finding ways to make money.

She'd only come to support Pinkie... but she'd been quick to add her own rules and observations to Twilight's list. Mostly regarding Pinkie...

Pinkie was hurt by her suggestion of rule 95 that both put her infamous 'Pinkie Promises' under scrutiny and allowed them to be broken. But Twilight was quick to defend Maud, reminding Pinkie how the whole 'Fluttershy model fiasco' could've been avoided had Pinkie just butted out of it! She made a problem that could had been solved if Pinkie hadn't stop her from telling both Fluttershy and Rarity about how they really feel. Then everything that had happen wouldn't had taken so long.

In any case, you’re probably wondering what's happening here... Basically, although Twilight was okay with reforming the group and allowing the POSSIBILITY of their friendship being mended eventually. She also made it clear she wasn't going to be a pushover anymore. They clearly needed her more then she needed them. And for her to even CONSIDER becoming friends with them again, things HAD to be different this time around! Hence the rules...

Now, Twilight wasn't cruel. She knew she wasn't perfect herself. So in addition to having neutral experts give her advice on said rules, she was also allowing her former friends to add their own rules OR try amend or veto current rules. However, in the later case. They couldn't just say 'because I said so' - those days were over thanks to rule 7 - to get a rule amended or vetoed, they had to backup their argument with logical reasoning and empirical evidence.

Elsewhere in Ponyvile, Sunset has met up with her human parents.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Mr. Scotsdale said as he's smacking his head repeatedly.

"Come on dad! Don't be so hard on yourself!" Sunset said who came to the town to drop off Twilight, Applejack, and Applebloom as it's on the way back to Canterlot.

"Yes dear, I was fooled too remember!" Mrs. Scotsdale said.

Mr. Scotsdale just sighed. "Ah, that's nice of you lasses to say... but I still feel like a right numpty! I was so excited to leave that useless shack and live with my daughter in her glorious new castle... I just sold it to the first person who gave me a wad of cash! No one buys a broken down hovel for a couple thousand dollars in CASH! That should've been my first red flag right there!"

"Well the payment was for the land not just the old house. Not to mention the pigs," Sunset said.

Suddenly she sees her PONY parents cautiously keeping a safe, respectable distance from her... yet they clearly wanted to talk to her...

Mrs. Scotsdale sees this, frowns and whispers to Sunset. "We can leave now if you want..."

Sunset sighed. "No... they've already done away with a lot of Ponyville's antiquated and backward laws AND given me all the evidence that Mayor Mare was hiding. Helped put away so many more ponies that were causing me trouble... the least I can do is hear them out... anyway, can't avoid them forever..."

She takes a deep breath... and walks over to her former parents’ solo...

Before Sunset can say anything, her pony father spoke up. "I just want to say one thing... and if you say no... I won't bother you anymore... I'll even leave you alone completely if you want..."

Sunset say nothing... but gestures for him to continue...

Pony Mr. Scotsdale gives his wife a comforting hug. "Look, I know that all what I've done it downgrade your 1,000 headaches to ONLY 999 headaches. And even if that wasn't the case, no grand gesture can make up for our mistakes. We had a chance to be the parents you needed, and we failed. And there's no way we can undo that. I know we can't be your parents... but... maybe someday... could we at least be your family... or failing that... friends?"

Sunset just looks at her former parents before saying. "Just don't expect me to just forgive."

"It's all we ask," her pony parents said.

They also gave Sunset the honor of setting aflame the bonfire formerly her pony parents shack, which has been smashed to bits. She set the wood on fire with a fire spell, burning the remains of a home that in the end took more than it gave. She had already forced all the ponies in that village to leave, with the buildings all torn down and the ponies there forced to face the outside world. And with the house that was her pony family's home burning to nothing, there would be no proof it was ever there in the first place. Expect for the graves that were left behind.


Author's Note:

1 - You don't need to make a robot fully sentient when all it's doing is cleaning a toilet or moving boxes around. Which in fiction there are robots who are sentient just because. In Futurama at least the robots are for the most part are just working those jobs and get paid for it. But otherwise there is no reason to make the robots self aware when they're not doing something that needs them to be that smart in the first place.

2 - Like in Big Guy and Rusty the boy robot cartoon show. Where the supercomputer E.D.I.E. the villain of the week once she got a emotion chip installed into her, became nice.

3 - You'll be surprise how many old and out dated laws are still in the books.

4 - Case #28 in Journal 3 Curse Doors.

5 - Dakotaraptor are the ones that are human size in real life while the velociraptor is the size of a turkey.

6 - You can't harvest organs from old people. For the reason they're old and worn.

7 - It is dumb for everyone to go into a cave or a house. Which if there is trouble there is no one outside who can call for help.

8 - Redeeming the monster who has killed countless people only works in fiction. As instead of just killing the Joker, Batman views having the Joker redeeming himself is worth all the lives he has taken. Which in Batman Beyond cannon, old Bruce was more then willing to kill the Joker when he had the chance.

9 - I'm going with the technology of Newtopia is magictech. So it's able to work as it's not pure magic.