• Published 11th May 2021
  • 1,730 Views, 36 Comments

Fusion Falls (old version) - madhat886

Thanks to several events that all happen at once. Several different universes all suddenly merged into one. And several people who found themselves alone come together in the town of Gravity Falls.

  • ...

Boss Mabel


Gravity Falls is steadily rebuilding itself, the surviving villains are now in prison expect for Sombra who managed to escape. The remaining spiders have been either captured or killed, and the people captured all recovering. There were 6 deaths thanks to the spider venom that paralyzed victims having a bad reaction. But it could had been worse if it wasn’t for the heroes who fought off the villains behind the attack.

The Mystery shack is doing record business thanks to several new exhibits. A glass ball with fire inside of it, a mirror that shows how you look as the reverse gender, a rubix cube that solves itself, a unicorn statue made out of corn, and a flying squirrel suit. And a new exhibit that’s behind some curtains.

"Behold the pre-teen wolf boy!" Stan said as he opens the curtains to reveal Dipper in a wolf-costume.

Dipper actually no longer as embarrassed about as he would have been in a different time and place... he was expressing a great deal of confidence nowadays.

"ROAR!" Wendy in her wolf-bikini costume, pounces on him and tackles him.


Dipper, quickly concealing himself with the curtain clan in only his underwear, chuckles, feels his cheeks redden a bit then kindly asks. "Very funny Wendy... give me back my pants now..."

But Wendy teasingly keeps it out of his reach, clutched in her teeth... and makes Dipper chase her across the store while she runs around on all fours, REALLY getting into her role... And despite his embarrassment... Dipper IS having fun... provided he has something to cover his modesty... And of course Stan is playing it off as 'part of the show'.


Ghost Zone -

Thanks to the Shinigami and the merger, the ghost zone is increasingly unstable with non-stop fighting, this- among other things -brings instability to Dorathea's realm. There's a (big) minority of Aragon supporters who actively fight against her progressive reforms... the recent conflict has radicalized them. The only thing stopping things from getting worse is the return of the ghost king with Dorathea bending the knee to serve him. Calling upon her subjects to fight against the invading shinigami who while losing their powers in the Ghost Zone, and in their world regain their powers. Their swords can still harm ghosts, spirits and other soul like beings and with them having billions even without their powers they have the numbers. Even if the soldiers weren't much for even the likes of the Box Ghost to beat. (1)

Her advisors suggest marrying someone to give her more legitimacy in the eyes of the more neutral factions and possibly even radical factions. There's only one person she'd be comfortable with... but she's too nervous. But she's determined to do what it takes to save her kingdom. All she needs to do is get the paperwork filled out to visit the mortal world.

After going through all the red tape that Walker had setup for any ghost that wants to visit the mortal world. Unlike how it was before the portals to the mortal world still open at random but fewer then there were before thanks to the merge happening. Now the only sure way to enter the mortal world is by the portal that is located and guarded by Walker. Which is the only stable portal into and out of the ghost zone for both sides.

With the ghost king returning to power and him causing every attack by the Shinigami to become defeats. The ghost king made a truce with the mortal world in exchange for taking ghosts, spirits, and other soul like beings to be lock away. The ghost king would get advance weapons and keep ghosts of his realm from causing trouble, with the ghost king giving his word as a king which while Dark is many things once he gives his word he will not break it. Confirmed by Clockwork the ghost of time. Now the Ghost Zone have allied with other afterlife worlds to combat against Soul Society.

According to Ichigo Kurosaki who before the merge was a reaper before losing his powers to defeat a rogue reaper, revealed that the Soul Society is attacking because they want to bring all the different afterlife worlds under their rule. And revealed that besides the inner section of Soul Society everything else is a giant slum out of ancient Japan. Where the souls living there have no rule of law just the ones that the gangs make for themselves. They all just stay there forgetting their mortal lives and not even being given a chance of living another life as other afterlife worlds did to the souls they have. And the reapers blindly follow orders no matter what. The only reason why they haven’t done anything in the living world is because once out of their world they lose all of their powers and become human.

Not only that their leader an old man wouldn't back down as he won't disobey any order he's been given by the ruling council that are only kept in power by him. With their king not doing anything as he has lock himself away in his own world. With the shinigami looking down on the mortals caused people to not want to side with them and instead sided with the other afterlife worlds. Seeing how bad things are in Soul Society and how backwards things are there.

And the reason why they're fighting in the first place is that the souls that usually come to Soul Society aren't anymore. Seeing how the shinigamis can't use their powers outside of Soul Society they couldn't go around collecting souls. And the souls that just make their way to them are now going to the other afterlife worlds. And the ruling council of Soul Society gave the order to invade and take over the other afterlife worlds, which the shinigamis can't use their powers in and unlike how things use to work, easily die compared to how they use to be able to survive just about any wound. They became just normal humans and once they died they're just dead. (1)

Now with all of Ghost Zone now at war with Soul Society all the former foes of Danny Phantom are now serving the ghost king in one way or another. Skulker and Technus using their advance technology are arming the other afterlife worlds forces. Seeing how the shinigamis only fight with swords, the energy weapons the spirits are armed with give them the edge. The only reasons the other afterlife forces haven't overrun Soul Society with their advance weapons is because of the shinigamis being able to use their powers while there.

Ghosts have been taking apart of raids on Soul Society, from destroying buildings and causing chaos like Undergrowth, Vortex, Terminatra, Nightmerica, and Femalien. To just causing chaos with the souls living in the slums, like Ember and Desiree, causing the souls to riot over their living conditions. Even Pandora is releasing all the evils contained in her box on Soul Society. And Walker's prison is overflowing with shinigamis that have been captured and souls from other afterlife worlds who commited crimes. Force into work gangs to produce the materials to fuel the war machines.

Even as a ruler of her own land she still had to fill out paperwork for the pass to go to the mortal world. The entire gateway from both sides was now like a airport with spirits from many different world's having to wait in line to be search and give their reason for visiting the mortal world. It was the same for the living who are visiting the afterlife. Which Dorathea is now waiting in line like everyone else, right behind several skeletons from one of the Mexican afterlife’s.


Gravity Falls -

Danny came back from Camp Lakebottom where he told Jake and Juniper about their evil clones showing up again. After all the chaos of Summerween was taken care of Discord showed up revealing that he found Clockwork barely alive. The ones that attack Clockwork were the evil counterparts of several heroes. The evil clones of Jake and Juniper, the evil Powerpunk girls from another universe who came along with the evil counterpart of the Powerpuff Girls late sister Bunny, the Exo-skin that Jenny once used to make her look human. And to top it off his evil future self is now more than likely free.

With Dark Dan free and it's unlikely that he would be caught off guard like what happen last time, Danny was on guard for him showing up. Of course with Pariah Dark free as well and ruling the ghost zone, Dark Dan is keeping low. Seeing how Pariah made a deal with the government for the return of the crown of fire making him all powerful once again. Danny would be worried about the ghost king but seeing how he's at war with those Japan reapers, he has better things to do than to bother with the mortal world.

"Danny there you are," Dorathea said flying to him as he was flying back to Canterlot.

"Dorathea what are you doing here?" Danny ask.

"I'm here because I need your help," Dorathea answers.

"What do you need me to do?" Danny ask.

"Well, my brother still has people loyal to him and with all that's been happening There has been much unrest in my kingdom. And my advisers have told me the best way to ease the tension is by showing the line of the throne is going to be unbroken," Dorathea explains.

"Wait does that mean you want me to be your... husband?" Danny ask looking completely lost.

"Yes, as a powerful ghost as my husband my brother's faction will lose all support," Dorathea said. "I knows how much that could inconvenience you. But if you give it a try I'm more than willing to give you all of the support that I'm able to give to you."

Danny thinks about it... Dorathea... he had nothing against her personally... she could've manipulated or deceived him to marry him. But instead choose to be honest with him. She was even willing to debase herself and be subordinate to him if it meant keeping her kingdom and her people safe... all admirable qualities.

And really... what has he got tying him here? True, his expertise on ghosts were important to keep the earth safe. On the other hand wouldn't those skills and expertise be better served in the ghost zone, were the root of most of the ghost threats were?

His friends and family? Yeah, he had Dani, but she was doing well by herself. He'd mostly broken ties with everyone else... in any case he'd be graduating from high school soon... and he'd been already thinking of moving out of Dani's house and finding his own place, he barely spent any time there as is.

His dream of being an astronaut was sorta unsure. NASA was being militarized, and all exploration was being put on hold and focused more on espionage and defense due to how unstable the cosmos was at the moment. Exploring the ghost zone was probably the closest he'd get to his dream job at the moment (perhaps a NECROnaut?). And thanks to the new and improved ghost portals (thanks to tech bought from aperture), they were portable and he could come to earth whenever there was a crisis that needed him, so he could still keep his job with Sunset.

“You know this isn’t something that either of us can just decide right now,” Danny said.

“I know about the attacks but please keep it in mind,” Dorathea said. “Unless you’re still with Sam.”

“No, I’m not anymore. When I lost my powers she cared more about not me having powers and she being apart of it then me. She never cared about me just me with ghost powers and without it she just stop caring about me,” Danny said.

“She only cared about you as long as you had ghost powers?” Dorathea ask shocked.

“She did and now away from her and my old life. I can actually see her as I should had. She’s a snowflake who only acts as she does not because she wants to feel special and doesn’t care about others just how she want things to be done, Danny said.


Canterlot -

Sunset was asking about a pony that had been dragged into urgent care recently. Her name was Starlight Glimmer, she used to be in control of some bizarre anti-cutie mark cult. When the merge happened all of Starlight's stolen cutie marks fizzled out and ceased to be. Many ponies took this as a sign that Starlight was right and became more devoted to her. At first Starlight encouraged this... then things got nasty. Many of her followers became so fanatical they began to cut off Pegasus wings, break off unicorn horns, break earth pony legs... all so everyone can become 'equal'. When Starlight tried to put a stop to it... it lead to a civil war with many ponies dead.

Desperate, Starlight turned to mercenaries... the Equalists. Ponies made up of former guards, nobles and other ponies who lost everything after Sunset took over. They took up the mantle of the Equalists from the world of the Benders, learning from former members to be like them. The Avatar Equalists had become a small group after their leader was exposed as a bender but a small group still remained. That was till the merge happen and the cause for such a group faded as having powers isn't a big deal in the new world, as the technology of many different worlds closed that gap. That's when ponies who lost everything heard about the former group and used them as a base to recreate it for their cause in getting back what was theirs. Even paying former members of the group and other people to train them to be like the Equalists in their heyday.

At first they were able to calm things down... only for Starlight to learn that the equalists funded the civil war so they'd have an excuse to liberate and take it over! Starlight and all her supporters find themselves mutilated, crippled, whipped, crucified and left to die. Everyone else died... but Starlight was able to to free herself and drag her broken lacerated body to go get help, the rest of the ponies crucified all die.

Sunset after hearing about the Equalists taking over a town trying to create a power base for themselves. Learning that the Equalists are ponies who want the return of the old ways, with ponies being on top. Seeing how low they would go, Sunset called up the feds who raided the town arresting the ponies there and learnt how many former pony nobles are apart of the Equalists. Which resulted many former nobles losing everything that they had left, as they were arrested and all of their assets were sized by Sunset.

After making sure Starlight is getting better, Private the penguin reminds her that she scheduled time for her family today. After Summerween she hired the 4 talking Penguins who had just stop at Gravity Falls for the holiday as they searched for a place to call home, to be her security detail. The 4 penguins all act as a 4 man army unit.

With Skipper the leader, Kowalski the brains, Private the rookie, and Rico the loose cannon. They really tighten up the security of the castle, even having laser turrets installed in case of an attack. Which while the turrets are in storage the penguins are still waiting for the permits to arrival by mail to be able to set them up.

They did get a guardian for Canterlot to protect it from something like that happen during Summerween. Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant, a mighty and powerful being of war who had been looking for something to give his life meaning again. And found it in being the guardian of Canterlot. He could be seen flying around on patrol with one of the penguins or all of them riding on top of him.

"So what are you and your family going to be doing?" Private ask.

"I'm going to be spending time with mom and my sisters. My sister Quelle and her family are visiting and we’re going to be showing them around," Sunset said.

"You mean one of your older sisters who moved out and started her own life?" Private ask.

"Yes, Quelle is a civil engineer and moved to Richland in Washington for a job there," Sunset said.

"All but you being the only single birth? Or is that Sunrise?” Private ask.

"First 9, then 4, then 8, then 2, then 3, then 6, then 5 after that, another 8, then 7, then 3, then 2 and finally me and Sunrise," Sunset said.

"Are anymore of your older sisters going to be coming?" Private ask.

"Well, it’s hard to get all of us all together in one place. Mostly for weddings, when someone died, or a on Christmas. We’re all spread out,” Sunset said making her way out of her office and into the living room where her family is waiting for her.

“Hello Sunset,” Celestia greeted Sunset.

“What do you want?” Sunset ask.

“Seeing how you have some free time I was wondering if we can’t spend time with each other and get to know each other again,” Celestia said.

“Why you want to?” Sunset ask.

“Why shouldn’t I want to spend time with you,” Celestia said.

“Cut this crap. You suddenly wanting to be my mom when you had your chance to be my mom when I actually wanted you to be my mom. You never reached out to me or anything like that for years. And now you suddenly want to be my mom. Which I don’t need as I have a family now. In fact if the merge hadn’t happen I would had used the mirror to get my revenge on you. That’s right I was going to come back as a villain that you created. Just like you did with aunt Luna,” Sunset said shocking Celestia.

“She was being controlled by the evil that transformed her into Nightmare Moon,” Celestia said.

“And sending her away by herself instead of trying to help her just made things worse. But then again that’s what you do if there’s a problem, you send it away and out of mind, just like you did with me. The only good thing about you adopting me is that it allowed me to takeover and keep Equestria from falling apart. Seeing how you would had done what you usually do and do nothing, seeing how you left Twilight to handle all the stuff you should had done. In fact during the attack where Luna was helping in fighting off the attacking demons. Cadance was late but helped in saving lives with search and rescue. But you never once showed up,” Sunset pointed out.

“I was...,” Celestia began to say but stop and looked away.

“Staying away from danger and not risk your life like how most of the ponies acted during the attack. Talk to me when you actually do something the next time there's an attack then we talk about spending time with each other," Sunset said walking away from Celestia.

Downstairs she walk into the living room where her older sister Quelle is with her husband Charlie and their daughter Allison who is 5 years old. Who unlike her mom is super girly and Quelle does not know what to do with. Which came as a complete surprise given how none of aunts ever cared about putting on makeup or anything like that, the only time they put that on is when they went out for a event. And like many young girls is going wild around all the ponies.

"Hi Quelle," Sunset said walking up to her older sister who picked her up in a hug.

"Hello Sunset," Quelle said.

"I see Allison is still in her fairy princess stage," Sunset said seeing Charlie doing his best to keep Allison from jumping on one of the pony staff and riding on them.

"She sure is," Quelle said with a sigh.

"Sunset look who also showed up," Ms. Scotsdale said as she enters the room with another woman.

The woman is older than her mom but has the same red hair and shorter and thiner. Clarie Bonnet her mom's sister who use to be a senator before the merge happen and she lost her old job. It was thanks to Clarie that Sunset was able to make the kind of deals that kept Equestia together. And now Clarie is working as a council member for Canterlot City.

"Hi aunt Clarie," Sunset greeted her aunt.

"You really came up in the world," Clarie said.

"What brings you here?" Sunset ask.

"The family is planning on having a family reunion and seeing how this place is big enough we want to have it here," Clarie said.

"It be at the end of summer with the whole family," Ms. Scotsdale said.

"It be nice to see everyone together again," Sunset said.


Elsewhere in the Castle -

The penguins come into the room before Mr. Scottsdale.

Skipper checking room. "Clear!"

Scottsdale rolls eye's as he enters the room. "Oh for crying out loud! I can enter a bleeding room by myself!"

Skipper speaks into his wristwatch. "The pig is n the poke-"

“And I never agreed to that codename!” Mr. Scottsdale shouted at the oversized chicken.

“Returning to base,” Skipper said sliding away on his belly.

“I hear you’re the lass to come to if a person has dream issues?” Mr. Scottsdale said.

Luna nods looking up from her iPad. “Although my power is diminished, I can still enter a dream of a person in my presence.”

“Aw, well that's great! See ever since the merge... I don know.. I've been having the weirdest dreams... I'm fighting with a samurai... sometime where in a futuristic setting... sometime it looks like were far in the past. I don't know why... but these dreams... I feel like their important... like... like they mean something to me. But for the life of me I canna't put my finger on why!” Mr. Scotdale said being bothered by his dreams.

“Very well, get comfortable and try to go to sleep,” Luna said.

"Alright," Mr. Scotdale said as he lay down on the couch and did his best to fall asleep.


Out In Space -

A giant space ship hovers over a planet. The ship Spaceball 1 belongs to Planet Moron, led by the incompetent President Skroob, who has squandered all of its fresh air. Which doesn't make a lick of sense seeing how the plant life on the planet would be making oxygen to replace what has been lost. But that's how that planet worked in its own universe. (2)

"Begin mega-maid transformation!" Shouts Dark Helmet.

"Prepare mega-maid transformation." Shouts Cournel Sanders.

Spaceball1 turns into a giant Maid Mech.

"Begin operation Vacu-suck!" Shouts Dark helmet.

"Prepare operation Vacu-suck!" Shouts Cournel Sanders.

They begin to suck all the precious oxygen from the unsuspecting planet.

"Begin theme song!"

"Preparing theme song!"

"What are you preparing?! Your always preparing! Just do it!"

"Just do it."

‘If you're livin' in a bubble and you haven't got a care’
‘Well, you're gonna be in trouble 'cause we're gonna steal your air’
'Cause what you got is what we need and all we do is dirty deeds’
‘We're the Spaceballs! Watch out, 'cause we're the Spaceballs’
‘We're the masters of space’
‘Hey, don't mess around with the Spaceballs.’

‘Going cruisin' in a spaceship, we're so good at being bad’
‘We'll destroy your little planet if you ever get us mad’
‘We're mothers of the galaxy’
‘You better scatter when you see’
‘The Spaceballs! Watch out, we're the Spaceballs’
‘We're the masters of space’
‘Say what? Don't mess around with the Spaceballs.’
‘Watch out!’

‘We're mothers of the galaxy’
‘We're gonna take the air you breathe’
‘Oh! Spaceballs!’
‘Watch out!’

‘We're the Spaceballs’
‘We're the masters of space’
‘Do-do-do-do-don't mess around with the Spaceballs.’
‘Yo! Watch out!’
‘We're the Spaceballs!’
‘We're the masters of space’
‘Hey, don't mess around with the Spaceballs.’
‘Watch out!’

‘We've got a bossin' little ship’
‘So you better watch your lip’
‘Cause we're the Spaceballs.’
‘Watch out!’

‘You may think that you are bad’
‘But believe you can be had’
‘By the Spaceballs!’
‘Watch out!’

‘We're the Spaceballs!’
‘Watch out!’

‘We're the Spaceballs!’
‘We're the masters of space’
‘Don't mess around with the Spaceballs.’
‘We're so bad and mean’
‘We make nightmares out of dreams’
‘We're the Spaceballs!’
‘We're the Spaceballs.’
‘You better watch out!’

And then the ship is blown up by a gem's fleet of warships.

A singed and dented Dark Helmet finds himself thrown into the brig along with Dreadlord Sinister from the world of Troopers and Dark Laser from the Fairly Odd Parents world.

"You too, huh? Hey, want to see how many times Flipsy can flip over that bar to pass the time?" Dark Laser ask holding the toy dog on the palm of his hand.

"Get away from me you copyright reject!" Dark Helmet said.


Canterlot -

"Amazing! Starswirl theorized about this... but he never actually saw it happen!" Luna said to the now awake Mr. Scotsdale.

"Well don't keep me in suspense lass! What is it?" he ask.

"My good sir, I believe your dreams are a temporal echo," Luna said.

"A what now?" Mr. Scotsdale.

"Your dreams are flashbacks of an ALTERNATE you of an ALTERNATE timeline..." Luna explains.

"Well, what in the blazes does it mean?" Mr. Scotsdale ask.

"I don't know...this requires more study. But I doubt it was a coincidence you began to have these dreams after the merge. Tell me besides you being much older and dying and becoming a ghost. Is there anything else that's different?" Luna ask.

"Well for one Sunset never showed up. I mean your Sunset and mine just changed her name to Sunrise," Mr. Scotsdale said.

He still remembers how Tina brought Sunset home saying she found her baby sister sleeping in a cardboard box in an alley. Only to find that the girl she brought home is a prefect copy of her sister who was home and was staring at the girl who looks just like her. Dental and blood test showed that Sunset is Sunset, and seeing how she was only 7 and a prefect twin to their own Sunset. She lived with them and became apart of the family.

Then came the day the mirror portal reopens and Sunset showed all of them that the story of her coming from another world is real. The story of what happen to her in the pony world being all true and how her verison of them had abandon her because she was a unicorn. She thanked them for taking care of her and walk off but was stop as he and his wife grab her and telling her that she is still their daughter.

“All I can remember is that after Jackie boy left in that time portal with that lass of his. Everything started to fade away,” Mr. Scottsdale said.

“It must have been as the time stream began to rewrite itself. That timeline doesn’t exist anymore and your connection to Jack and you being a ghost at the time might have allowed you to keep your memories of that timeline,” Luna guessed.

“So you think of any chance of Aku coming back?” he asked.

“No he would had shown up by now,” Luna said.


Nightmare Realm -

“OK WE AGREE AKU IS A NO GO,” Bill said to Him.

“He had his chance, and he blew it in the end,” Him agreed.


England -

Things hadn't been great in Camden Town for awhile. The day of the merge saw Clappers Wreake- the crime capital of the UK that took the 'Great' OUT of 'Great Britain' -pop up right beside it. Which would have been bad enough if it weren't for the fact that it had been in the middle of a 'clapfest' that had poisoned the entire town into turning into raging, homicidal monsters.

Apparently one Detective Inspector Hector had been trying to stop criminal mastermind Barnsley Noble- a man obsessed with 'making Clappers Wreake great again'... even if it means burning down the old town first... -from doing this... but the merge caused Barnsely to panic and set it off early...

Naturally, the British military was on the scene firebombing the whole town. The only one who survived was Barnsley who'd been smart enough to have both an antidote AND a bunker prepared... for awhile he'd been in jail. But after Norsefire began to gain power... he found himself pardoned and a part of the new governments inner circle.

Evidently, the soon-to-be-High Chancellor 'likes how he thinks'. In nay case, between the wizards mass-infanticide and the swarm of man-eating rats that came from some new islands on the coast. Norsefire's fiery Britain-first, Xenophobic message was gaining in both power and influence.

But such political machinations were unknown to the dogs of Camden town, these dogs were from a world where they were as intelligent as humans yet were not seen as such. All they knew was that the 'pets' had gone on a rampage and destroyed most of their beloved town. So they kept their heads down until this all blew over. Dolly was worried, she and her brother Dylan were doing their best to keep moral up among their 101 dalmatian siblings... but they were running out of food.

Their parents had gone out to find more food so if they could just-

"THE END IS NIGH!" Dante shouted as he runs into the house.

Dolly just groans. "Dante, stop freaking everyone out!"

She smiled as Dylan returned from next door, it stung her pride to beg off that snob Clarissa Corgi, but-

Her thought process shut off as he saw Dylan's horrified look.

"Dylan, what's wrong?" Dolly ask.

He shushed her and quickly rushed her to a private place the pups wouldn't hear...

"...he...ate her...," he says in a very pained yet terrified fashion.

"...What?" Dolly ask not sure she heard right.

Dylan he takes a deep breath.

"I... went over there... the door was opened... and... he...he...," Dylan starts to hyperventilate. "...he was EATING CLARISSA! Clarissa's PET was ripping her apart like an animal and eating her organs!"

Dylan pauses to vomit.

Dolly felt her whole world shake... pet's LOVED them... that was... that's how it had always been... how... what was going on? They had been seeing strange news reports of events after something that's called the merge happen. They seen animals that walk and dress like their pets on TV. But the pets still care and feed them, at least that how it supposed to work. They have seen dogs like them, and cats called strays those without pets to care and feed them, lock up in dog pounds. Where if no pets come for them, they're put to sleep.

Anyway, the two elder dalmatians get more and more frightened. And wondering if the reason they hadn't seen their friends in awhile was because their pets had eaten them as well? In any case they tried to keep a brave face on for the pups.

Dolly notices the Dimitri triplets looking through the window and out into the backyard.

Dolly now fairly shaken up and nervous from her talk with Dylan. "Hey, guys? Maybe step away from there?"

"In a minute! A bunch of weird pets have shown up on our backyard!" Dimitri 1 said.

Dolly rolls her eyes. "All pets are weird."

Dimitri 2 chuckles at that. "Not like this!"

Curiosity overriding caution... Dolly went to watch as well... as did most of her fam...


Outside -

Albus Dumbeldore cautiously ran through the streets of Camden/Clapers Wreake. Frantically he tried to think of where everything went so wrong. And HOW he was to explain this latest setback to the remnants of the wizarding world.

As he'd entered America illegally, he'd been harshly deported back to England after his attempt to convince Harry to return had failed. And going back to America has gotten harder as England is looking inwards and those of the wizarding world are being watched by the muggles. They're even importing those robots from that American company to patrol the areas where magic users still live. All of the muggle born magic users have already left and the wizarding economy fell with them.

Dragon Ally is now heavily patrolled by the muggles and anyone who has any connection to Deatheaters or the group who cast the blood ritual in the hopes of getting their magic back have been detained and disappeared. Any who tried to fight back have been gunned down and all of their assets taken, leaving the remaining family with nothing. Any protest of them being under a spell fell on deaf ears.

He tried to get Fawkes to take him the rest of the way to the per-agreed rendezvous point, but didn't he answer his call. Baffled over why his familiar had abandoned him, he ignores a a government sponsored peddler trying to sell a new 'happy' candy or some such rot. As he heads to the backyard of a seemingly abandoned house.

He meets his still large group of followers including the Weasleys. They desperately asked if Harry was on their way. It was a broken heart that Dumbeldore had to admit no.

"He's not coming. He simply refuses to help us in our time of need," Dumbeldore said.

"Didn't you told him how we need him?" Ron ask.

"He said he doesn't want anything to do with any of us," Dumbeldore answers.

They all looked so downcast.

Molly actually sobbing. "I... I was so hopping it wouldn't come to this... that you could bring Harry back to set things rights... we wouldn't have had to do this."

Dumbeldore looking confused. "Molly? What are you-" Then he felt a sharp pain and he knew no more.

"You said it wouldn't hurt him!" Molly hissed.

"Relax, he's only stunned. He'll be fine...," Rokwood said as he walks out of the shadows, with a tazer in hand.

Ginny and Ron watch as Dumbeldore's former supporters, reluctantly give in to the former death eaters wishes and carry Albus away.

"We should've left with Harry when we had the chance...," Ginny somberly said.

Ron could only nod... what more could be said?

Unknown to them all... they had a large audience.

"...what just happened?" Dolly asked.

"DOOMED!" Dante shouted as he pops out of nowhere.

"NOT HELPING DANTE!" Dylan said.


Off shore from England -

The woman known as Patience St. Pim is understood to have lived thousands of years ago before the Great Mushroom War. She is the reincarnation of the ice elemental who, along with the other current elementals, had visions of the Lich's arrival. These visions came with the understanding that the world was going to go through an epic cataclysm that the elementals knew they probably wouldn't survive. Patience, wanting to live through the cataclysm, sailed into the ocean and covered herself in an ice sphere where she would stay dormant for a number of years until she would later be discovered by Ice King, Finn, and Jake.

Then after she caused Princess Bubblegum, Flame Princess, and Slime Princess to become pure elementals of their powers using a spell and Betty while she was Magic Woman. She sealed herself into a ice time capsule instead of allowing herself to be transform by elemental PB's magic into one of her candy people. But thanks to the merge she was awaken and still in her power up element form.

Now she's been sailing around the world on her massive floating ice fortress made out of super pykrete ice. Which is like pykrete but instead of being made out of wood pulp and ice, is made out of newspapers and ice. She also picked up others who now live on her floating fortress as subjects of her floating country.

Her fortress is home to people who can survive in the cold or had ice powers and found themselves no place to go. A trip to Japan got her hundreds of yuki-onna or snow women who now live on her floating ice fortress. There are frost giants and ice trolls who were looking for a new home. A trip to the North and South Poles got her some water benders along with talking animals who thrive in the cold.

"Well, it looks like England is going to be a big write off soon," Patience St. Pim said having watched what had happen using an eyebot to spy on the former great wizard.

"Really?" Chilly Willy the penguin ask.

Chilly Willy and his friend Maxie the polar bear were the first two who came across her floating fortress and made themselves at home. Which Patience like the company the two provided before more people started showing up and she became their boss. The floating fortress acts as a giant cargo ship with it being cold allowing it to preserved the goods that needed to be put on ice during shipments. It gives the fortress a steady flow of money and goods as they sail around the world. As well being a fishing boat collecting tons of fish to be sold and doing trade with the races the live under the sea.

“With how bad things are becoming I’m not going to hang around here,” Patience said. "Besides we should be looking to dock in places that has the money to pay us for our goods."


Talos 2 -

Sheldon is at the long range communication terminal. He's been talking with Steven about what's been happening back on Earth while he's busy in space. He and the other Diamonds have been commanding the gem warships to defend the planets under their protection. Steven also has been helping out other alien races who needed help. Using intel from earth Steven has also defeated the glunkons and liberated the mudonkons on their homeworld.

That wasn't the only big news that's happening out in space. A female Irken by the name of Tak is making a big name for herself as she took over the planet of Foodcourtia. In the tradition of Irken efficiency, the planet was assigned a very specific purpose; in this case, to serve as an intergalactic food court. Even with the Resisty freeing planets from the Irken race, Foodcourtia remained as a breadbasket that was till the supply of food goods stop coming. With the Irken empire falling apart with a number of different planets that supply the food goods to the planet being freed or conqured by another alien empire.

That was till Tak came and took over, making deals with new planets and alien races. Foodcourtia is still a intergalactic food court but also supplies planets with food goods. And has become a rest stop for long space travel by other races. Just about every space faring alien race can be seen visiting the planet for one reason or another. Making Tak who runs the planet very rich and powerful, and because of so many alien races using her planet to get food shipments and as a refueling station, she made it not worth the trouble of angering so many other alien races if someone tried to conquer it.

Which Misty who is still working for Queen Vega is telling Sheldon all about. She was sent to spy on Foodcourtia to see if Tak was up to something. But as far as she could see, Tak was running the entire planet like how she did with Deelishus Weenie which on Dib's world was a fast food chain of hot dog stands.

"Talk with you later," Steven said signing out.

"Well now that he's gone there is something that I have been wondering," Misty said.

"Yes?" Sheldon ask.

"How did you and Jenny got together?" Misty ask.

"Well...," Sheldon said as he began telling her what happen.

He was paying a girl to act as his girlfriend to get her jealous and all what happen to the point where he ended up naked in the bushes.

Jenny came back after she decided to go back and give him a chance to explain himself. And found him naked and hiding behind a bush. Jenny laugh at him and asks what happened, and him being completely embarrassed implores her to help him get back into his house. She scans it to find a less destructive way in then realizes all his stuff inside is missing. She asks about it and he caves in, explaining how he bribed the popular girl to date him to make her jealous. And now he was naked, penniless and now basically homeless.

Jenny laughs at this and then decides to take pity on him. She took back his lovely robo flower and gives him a peck on the check telling him she'll give dating him a try. Which caused him to jumps up and gives a whoop of joy. Only to remember he's naked and just exposed himself to Jenny and everyone on the block.

"And everyone was surprise that for a dork you're a stud where it counts," Misty said.

"Yeah... wait what?" Sheldon asked.

"Blogs," Misty said. "There's alot of talk about you with the girls of your old town."

"Well, I'm betting they're only want me now that, I'm rich," Sheldon said as he's getting money from the technology of Talos 2 that he help figure out how they work.

"Yes, but but you are still a stud. Which also reminds me," Misty said staring at Sheldon. "You're interested in some parts for sex droids?"

"No, he isn't!" Jenny said appearing behind her boyfriend.

"Well how else are you two going to have sex?" Misty ask.

"What?" both of them asked.

"Sheldon builds a sex bot and downloads your brain into that body or just inserts it into the sex bots or whatever," Misty said.

"We'll get back to you on that," Jenny said seeing Sheldon is turning red at the thought of building her a sex bot body.

“Not to mention that he can build a harem for both of you to enjoy,” Misty teased making Jenny hang up.


Ponyvile -

Applebloom and Double D look over the newest batch of cider. Both of them are in the testing kitchen of the new cider building where the cider making machine is housed in. As the old machine that needed Mac to run on a treadmill to work, didn't meet the food safety guidelines. And with the new cider machine it was able to produce cider on a scale that the old machine couldn't and better tasting as well.

One of the main reasons Applebloom had convinced Sunset to make her the boss of Apple Acre was her and Double D figuring out a way for their famous Cider at least in Ponyvile to last longer outside of the refrigerator. It was all thanks to a special sap/amber residue they found leaking out of a nearby mountain, it had AMAZING preservative qualities. That still needed some testing done, before they could submit it to the food safety department for their testing. And thanks to Eddy providing all those scream canisters (for a 'nominal' fee), they were able to help Crazy Dave experiment and create new varieties of plants, among other things.

Applebloom then leaves Edd to it and goes to look at her other project. Applebloom is raking it in with Crazy Dave's new plants. Ever since Summerween proved they could be a viable defense, she'd been getting orders from all over the world. People from Gravity Falls who'd only bought her plants as Summerween decorations were asking for refills and supplies to help their 'gardens' grow.

The farm fields are filled with Crazy Dave's plants from fully grown to saplings. The farmhands are all busy filling out orders and growing new plants. There are also Mr. Handies who are program to be farm workers helping out. Mainly taking care of the night plants that only are awake at night. Applejack groans as she lifts another box of saplings into the back of a truck.

"Sis put your back into it," Applebloom said.

"I am, why don't you help?" Applejack ask.

"I am. I'm the one who is managing all the shipments and orders," Applebloom said. "You can't just open up a stand and sell this stuff at the units people and stores want."

"Why not? That's how things should be," Applejack said.

"And why the farm was losing money. I made more money in the time I'm the boss then you did after the merge happen. Instead you spent all that time just dismissing me as 'too young to understand' and running the farm to the ground because you want everything to remain the same even when changing would have saved the farm sooner," Applebloom said.

"Why do you keep bashing me over the head with this? You don't do it with the rest of the family," Applejack said.

"Because you was usually the most vocal and the other two family members usually just nodded along. I couldn't really bring myself to be mad at Granny since she's so old, practically raised me, and just as much a victim of you as I was. Treating her like a helpless elder instead of the badass granny she was. Which now without earth pony magic she was now feeling her age. And Big Mac... well, it was just plain hard to dislike a brother who'd been willing to wear a DRESS just to make me happy," Applebloom said.

"Oh," Applejack said.

"Not to mention in addition to never getting off your high horse, being completely useless in regards to Diamond Tiara picking on me," Applebloom said. "Also I'm still mad at you for everything that happened with cousin Babs!"

"Babs?" Applejack ask.

"It was understandable for Rarity and Rainbow Dash not to know what was going on. But how in the BUCK did Babs get away with kicking me out of my bed and making me sleep on the floor- among other things -in MY house, under your NOSE!?" Applebloom pointed out.

"You didn't say anything to me about this to me," Applejack said.

"That's because of your track record with Tiara didn't fill me with any confidence about you actually DOING anything about it!" Applebloom points out. "Especially since you did NOTHING to punish Babs after her misdeeds were known! No scolding, no punishment, not even a slap on the wrist! Instead you just scolded the me and the others for not 'talking to you about it'! And that whole implied lesson of 'because she got bullied, that makes it okay to bully others' made me want to wretch! In what UNIVERSE was that justification to be a jerk to people who tried to be nice to you?"

"But you forgave her," Applejack said.

"I blames that on the 'everyone has to be friends' atmosphere of our former world! Seeing Twilight refuse to forgive you for kicking her to the curb for the wedding," Applebloom pointed out making Applejack winches at that. "And made me rethink things and realize that I let Babs off way too easily! Say what you will about Tiara, at least she never got Physical with anyone she bullied!"

"I...," Applejack tried to say something.

"You're a terrible sister, and I wished that mom and dad were still alive as I wouldn't had gone through any of that with them. But I'm stuck with you who only cares about her being right and keeping the old ways even if it's doing nothing but harm," Applebloom said. Leaving Applejack to slinks away sobbing in shame.


Gravity Falls -

Coach Oleander walks swiftly through a still ruined section of the town and thinks on how things had fallen apart. It had been the perfect plan, harvest brains from the young psychics to build an army of psy-tanks to rule the world. With the camp isolated and half-forgotten his only problem was Milla and Sasha (Cruler was practically a none-issue as he couldn't leave his den without reverting into a senile fool). He had an ambushed planned, but he needed time to set it up.

He had it all planned out: He would first ham up the introduction speech to scare the campers. Thus upsetting Milla... he would then later apologize to her and suggest she throw a psychic dance party to make the kids feel happy. Milla was a very capable and powerful psychic, but her Achilles heel was putting the needs and happiness of the kids above all else. He'd been struggling to think of what to do to keep Sasha busy, his Achilles heel was his love of science, but there wasn't anything around camp that could keep him interested/distracted for as long as Oleander needed.

Then Raz had literally fell into their laps. Kid was a godsend! Not only another powerful brain to add to his arsenal but also the perfect distraction to keep Sasha busy! Oleander had invited Sasha to peek inside his basic braining exercise, deliberately ranched things up to be almost impossible and highlight how incredible Raz could be. And sure enough- after briefly chastising him for making things too hard for the other children he invited Raz to his 'secret' lab.

With both distracted, he wasted no time setting up the ambush and preparing to test out their Lungfish monster out on the outlier kids (like that weirdo Dogen) to make sure their control over it was absolute. Once finished, he'd send a distress call to get the two to run into his trap. And there would be no one left to stop him capturing the other kids!

Yes... the perfect plan... and then the merge happened...

He'd been just about to finish up his basic braining exercise to begin his plan when the camp was rocked to its foundation. It took several weeks for them to get contact with ANYONE. After that, things moved quickly.

The psychonauts were officially disbanded due to lack of funds and shifting priorities. Most of the kids were sent home or to foster care, the camp was shut down and had a government facility built over it to help Cruller do more research on psychics and the Psitanium deposit that lied beneath. And more importantly he was out of the job with almost no savings.

Oleander was surprised to get a call from Lobotto. Apparently the asylum had been teleported to an isolated location in Gravity Falls forest. Thankfully, Oleander hadn't needed to do much to convince the team to move 'operations' to Gravity Falls. What with it being such a hotspot for the paranormal and everything. And the opening of Camp Lakebottom was the prefect cover.

Not only, that. But apparently the infamous 'Rhombus of ruin' had been moved there as well! It and the old Psychonaut Psilerium research station was now deep beneath Gravity Falls lake, deeper then even where the Goblewonkers dare to swim. Apparently Lobotto had been doing a side-job for their main investor... namely kidnapping Truman Zanotto, head of the Psychonauts.

He entered just as Lobotto yelled at Shegor again then he turned to Oleander.

"Hello Coach! I finally did it! It took over a year of research, but were no longer limited to psychic brains! We can now use magical people and creature brains to power the tanks!" Lobotto said.

Oleander sighed as he sat down in a dilapidated chair. Looking around at the lab which is also as dilapidated as the chair he's sitting in.

"And how does that help us? The moment we start kidnapping children, the heroes will destroy our Lungfish! Not to mention with all the heightened security around, it wouldn't take them long to track it back to us!" Oleander said and shakes his head, "Lobotto... I'm not going to sugarcoat it... as it stands... our scheme is doomed to fail."

"Whatcho talking about Olie?!" Lobotto asked.

"Face facts Lobotto: Even if by some miracle we did get more brains... what would we use them for? We have ONE tank. One tank that's barely functional thanks to an RV I found at the DUMP and cannibalized for parts. We don't have the money or resources to make more. I barely had enough to build the tank and only because I convinced everyone at the camp that it's a all terrain custom transport. That I wanted to build for the camp and had the campers look for parts as a camp activity. And even if we had the money to make more, which we DON'T, I've realized something. While a dozen or so of these bad boys might've been enough to conquer our old world... but this world? After seeing first hand what's it's capable of on that crazy Summerween night? Now I'm wondering if they'd even have a chance to fight before getting torn though like tissue paper!" Oleander said.

Lobotto frowned before thinking of something. "Well... we have the leader of the Psychonauts as hostage... maybe we could ransom him?"

"Ransom? To who? He might've been a big-shot back home, but here? He's just a nobody who was formerly charge of one of the many now defunct pre-merge organization's! The only one's who'd want to pay for them are the Psychonauts and we're flat broke! Aside from my group and Raz's family, there's only several other groups of us left in the country trying to get the Psychonauts back on top!" Oleander pointed out.

Oleander had briefly considered trying to sell the Psilerium deposit... but then dismissed it. Even if they did manage to get the Psilerium out of the lake without anyone noticing (frankly it was a miracle no one had discovered it yet as it was!)... who would they sell it to? They had no connections on this world, they didn't know the people! He was sure someone would be interested in a substance that could inhibit and confuse psychic powers... finding them and making a deal with them without alerting anyone was a completely different matter.

"Y'know, I could maybe do SOMETHING, if you told me who are main investor was," Oleander grumbled.

"NO! NO! NO! NO! I WON'T TELL! I WON'T TELL ANYONE! I PROMISE!" Screamed a now terrified Lobotto as if fending off an invisible assailant.

Oleander sighed as he calmed him down... again. When his operation had been in full swing, he found himself discretely approached by dozens of 'less-then-savory' investors- well, their proxies, anyway. -to help finance his goals. It was only after the merge when Oleander discretely investigated the Rhombus base while Lobotto was away... he learned that all the dozens of 'investors' were just ONE investor. Spread out over dozens of dummy accounts, middle-men and pseudonyms.

All the money had been given through Lobotto, then given to various proxies, then to him. It was pretty obvious that him getting help to set off his master-plan at the same time as the head of the Psychonauts was kidnapped wasn't a coincidence.

Oleander sighed thinking about it. 'Oh, well... part of a bigger master plan or not... did it really matter anymore?' Whatever plot his unseen benefactor may/or may not have had... he very much doubted it survived the merge.'

In fact, considering they hadn't seen hide nor hair of whoever they were since then. Only gave greater credence to the possibility that they'd either been left behind on their old world, got killed when they got here because this new reality couldn't sustain them for whatever reason, or simply couldn't adapt fast enough in the chaos that followed and was killed like many others. Or they're in jail because they thought they could do what they wanted as the police were useless, which they're not in this world.

On the other hand... whoever they were... for them to be able to create a psychic-lock on Lobotto's mind that not only HE couldn't break. That could sustain itself independently without his/her direction, AND keep going a year after something as disruptive as the merge happening with no sign of weakening. They had to be a VERY powerful psychic indeed.

Oleander shook his head. "Oh what does it matter? Alive or dead? Gone or in hiding? Even if I did knew who they were, I couldn't go looking for them! It would draw too much attention to me AND AGAIN we don't have the resources or contacts to do so anyway! Assuming they'd even be able, or even WANT to help us in the first place!"

Oleander sighed in defeat.

"I'm going to level with you Lobotto. It might just be best to just cut our losses, ditch the evidence, salvage anything we can use/sell and just go our separate ways," Oleander grumbled.

"Ah, come on. That's quitter talk! And after I came all this way too...," mocked a familiar voice.

Turning to the voice the pair saw the con artist Gideon. He managed to avoid jail time thanks to his lawyers but his reputation did take a hit. From what Olender has been hearing he’s still trying to win over Mabel and get his hands on the shack for some reason.

“How'd you find us?! What do you want!?” Oleander said.

Gideon smiles. “Ease yourself my friend! And It's not what I want... it's how I can help you?”

“Say what now?” Lobotto asked.

Gideon smirks. “Word on the street... you’re in need of new investors.”

Oleander stays in attack formation, psychic energy at the ready... however.

"Alright, I'm listening..." he said.


In a resort hotel in Equestria -

Zog blows on cigar as he looks at his cards. “So apparently my second in command tried to frame my daughter for witchcraft while I was ill... I'm actually glad the Merge happened when it did. Yeah it sucks my kingdom been more or less taken over by those 'Anderson whatever's and whatsits'... but at least I don't have to go into suspended animation for a year before seeing if my daughter survive or not... like I did after my wife petrified my kingdom... never really understood why that happens at the end of every season... of my life...”

“Yeah, yeah. Shut your yap and pay up!” Bender snaps as he throws down a straight flush.

Manly Dan, Love god, Jake the dog, Zog, Schinitzel, Marcus Fenix, Scotsman all shouted at once. “Oh, come on! Rada Rada! Again!?”

Throwing down their cards angrily on the table.

“Okay, you gotta be cheating!” Jake shouts glaring at Bender as he collects winning's.

“What?! ME!? CHEAT!? Why. I've never been more insulted! By the way, you should check on that asparagus shaped growth in your kidney STONES“ Bender says to Schintzel.

Causing everyone at the table to glares at him suspiciously.

Suddenly the fat ghoul that used to be Homer Simpson popped out of nowhere. Who has been searching for his family ever since he woke up from what use to be Springfield. And been walking across the country trying to find them.

“DiMaggio's playing poker!” Homer screams and jumps out the window.

“Uh...rude much? I'm CLEARLY a dog!” Jake the dog said being annoyed.

They all turn back around and see that Bender had skedaddled with all their money.

“GET HIM!” everyone screamed.

They all run after him with Bender screaming as he was chased around the building.


In another room -

While the various crazies chased after Bender... another meeting was taking place at that hotel.

"Hey! Keep it down! We’re trying to make art here!" shouts Sander Cohen as he bangs a broom to the floor above them. He sighs as the noise of brawling continues as the group caught Bender and are beating him. "Some People just have no respect for other people's boundaries..."

He turns around to his his fellow artisans of his new group 'Are we cool Yet' as they mutilate corpses to make sculptures, use blood as paint, watch two random homeless murder each other to gain 'points' from the new app they invented (SCP-1883), or force a trapped Brushogun from the world of DC comics Teen Titans to make more living art and thugs for them.

He looks around at his gang of artisans and 'enlightened' showman.

Stefano Valentini from the world of Evil Within.

Lumière from the world of Totally Spies.

The Director from the world of Layers of Fear.

Ghost Writer who found his power are weaker since this new world has so many beings more powerful then him.

Hitomi Ishigami from the world of Rosario + Vampire.

Michael Reynolds from the world of Illbleed.

Splatter Phoenix from the world of Darkwing Duck.

Vincent Van Gore from Luigi's mansion.

Pickman From the world of Fallout.

“We sent another shipment of experimental vigors and plasmids with money to the various different griffen corporations and the cult that sprang up around Ryan. But why are we doing this?” Stefano ask.

“I’m hoping that if I makes them devout enough to Ryan and influential enough. That they'll not only be more willing to patron them... but also perhaps their worship will bring Ryan back to life as a deity. Both bringing back his best customer more powerful then ever AND becoming his greatest masterpiece yet!” Cohen explains.

Stefano just looks skeptical at that last bit. “You can't seriously think that'll happen.”

Cohen just shrugs. “Eh, worth a shot!”

Then Dorian Gray from the world of League of Extraordinary gentlemen, enters the room.

“Well? Did you get it?” Cohen asked.

"In the memory of my former employer I present you his final project," he said with a smile and presents a familiar looking drenched satchel monogrammed with the letter 'M'.

Cohen smiles as he opens the satchel, revealing the various odds and ends inside. "Leonardo da vinci...eat your heart out..."

He lets out a maniacal laugh as he has Hyde's formula, the vampire formula, the invisibility formula and Nemo's blueprints.

Everyone else looks at him confused... he then glares at them, and then they nervously laugh with him...


The Pacific Ocean -

On the tropical island Albonquentine near the French Polynesia islands. A large group of people were gathered around the Great Fusilli's stage, who have decided to have a tour out of the states after what happen at Summerween. Just in time for the next show to start.



















His song sung, Grimm begins with 'light theater' showing off his 'stylistic suck' magic puppets to show a certain event from pre-merge life from children books and shows and then gives witty commentary on how poorly it was handled. He then afterwards asks if they agree with him on him feeling that the story 'had enough sap to choke a hippopotamus' (among other things), and if so encourages them to 'WATCH ON!' As he changes the story from the type of stories that focused on caring emotions, harmony, group think morality, and lack of conflict. Which the person who disagrees with the group is always wrong and free thinking means you're a trouble maker.

He then gives 'dark theater', twisting, corrupting and distorting the story into a much better thought out (at least from Grimm's perspective) and fare more bloody and dark version of itself...

In 'DW's greatest hit's' of the Arthur cartoon. BOTH Arthur and DW were punished for what they did by their parents. And while Binky still punched Arthur, the Tribble twins destroyed all DW'S prized possessions as well. Then he showed the future where because the parents never do anything to DW that she grew up into a spoiled brat who after Arthur moved out the parents had to deal with the spoil princess who made their lives miserable. And DW ended up living a horrible life after she was kicked out into a world that didn't had to put up with her. (3)

Then Grim did a PSA staring Captain Planet and the Planeteers. Where he points out that regarding green technology. They're message is that relying on fossil fuels and nuclear power is badwrong and instead should be using such things as solar power. But the only ones who have solar power in the energy densities required are the Planeteers as their craft actually flies on the power generated by solar panels. So... why aren't they giving this technology away, if it will help? Which the cast just stood there not being able to answer why they're not sharing that technology. So the Aesop is: "Use green technology, but never actually give it to anyone who would benefit."

He also did the episode where Bobby Hill is taunted and mocked for not allowing himself to be beaten up by the rival team. He changed it that Bobby gave into peer pressure and allowed himself to be beaten up in the first game... and dies from the ensuing beating. The entire school staff, the coach, the team, the other team, even his parents end up either arrested or in just in hot water in general. With both schools ban from football games between other schools for the next 10 years.

Blue and Mac are watching this and applaud along with everyone, seeing how late it's getting they head back to their new home in fosters. Mac lives there now. His family didn't come through the merge... but he's fine with that, his brother was a jerk and Foster had become more his home anyway. He couldn't even remember what his mother’s face looked like.

As they walk, they run across Lisa Simpson giving yet ANOTHER lecture to anyone unfortunate enough to listen. Her town of Springfield which in some of the worlds that were in the merge, got merged as well. However, it was barely in a world of REAL physics for 5 seconds before that deathtrap of a nuclear plant exploded, killing most of the town and irradiating the surrounding land. It’s still being cleaned up by a robot work crew.

Bart and Lisa are some of the few survivors and got sent to Fosters. The other survivors are doing what they could to survive in a world that no longer has a reset button where everything is fine the next day. Professor Frink who survived thanks to his experimental chrono-shelter, is now working in Membranes Labs and is doing better then others. Unknown to the Simpson kids their father is still alive but is now a ghoul and is wandering around in the states looking for them.

Bart and Lisa have differing reactions.

Lisa becomes more radical, she wants an end to ALL radioactive energy (including atomic energy), becoming more of a soapbox Sally then ever before. Most people are tolerating it because of what happened to her parents and hometown and just letting her grieve. But she's starting to get on peoples nerves. (4)

"Watch this," Bloo giggles as he sneaks a vacuum up to Lisa while she's yelling through a microphone in front of a bunch of bored/annoyed people.


"Well! Someone picked a bad day to wear hello kitty underwear," Bloo laughs.

Everyone laughs at a now hello kitty claned Lisa as she streaks away humiliated. Mac laughs as well before they head off once more to fosters. Fosters now doubles as an orphanage, the friends who were already created remain, but no new friends can be imagined. Unless 1. you originally came from the foster world and 2. you imagine it in Gravity Falls.

Timmy Turner is there as well as are his fairies who are now his parents, the merger striped all faries of their magic- and fairy world fell into giant bucket of acid world. Which even the fairies admitted it was a bad choice to place their world above in the first place. So most fairies either became destitute, went to Gravity Falls, or got jobs to combine magic with tech or lived in the town near Dimsdale.

Last they checked, Dimsdale mostly fell to pieces much like 'The City'- except they're considered more likeable- if incompetent. Chompy the goat has become their new mayor and is actually doing a good getting it back on it's feet. Rich Dimmsdale snobs like Buxaplenty, Trixe, Tad and Chad quickly find themselves bankrupt (as they find themselves in a world where spending all their money on stupid decadent things all the time actually has consequences and they can't just rely on them 'always being rich since the plot demands it'). There is also no longer a need to hide his fairies since the rule book got destroyed and magic got exposed to the world. Crocker finally being vindicated and believed is actually seeing a competent psychiatrist to help him with his problems.

In any case, Timmy's family moved here to get away from all the bad memories in Dimsdale. Seeing how his parents tried to get him back saying that they're good parents even after the court case and showing how they didn't care what Vicky did to Timmy at all. Speaking of whom is serving time in jail, where she's the jailhouse toilet and sex toy. And she now has aids because of it.

The fairies setup things to show to the court how bad the Turners are as parents. Where they got to spend time with Timmy, and they were given 3 tickets to a baseball game. And instead of taking Timmy with them, Timmy's dad took his friend at work and left Timmy in the care of the Child Raping Monster. Which was just a fairy in a hentai costume which showed up at the door to babysit. And when shown in the court hearing, both Turners couldn't defend why would they leave their son in the care of someone name Child Raping Monster. And while is just a fairy in a suit, one look at the suit would make it clear that leaving someone like that with their child is a bad idea. Both of them lost their new jobs as their bosses fired them, losing their home as they couldn't afford living there, and now living in a Uselessvile as they couldn't find work. And Timmy and his fairy family moved away.

The inhabitants of Albonquentine, are at first reluctant to have tourists- considering what happened last time. But new laws and hired guards keep them in line, so are happy to have them. As they brought in much money to their island allowing them to modernize the island.

Og comes to a particularly important discovery thanks to his new computer and access to the web.

"In this world... Incest is bad for our health and there's no way we can keep the current population sustained with our current numbers if we keep to old practices," Og explains to his cousin Lu. "Sorry Lu, I can't marry you. Our arranged marriage is off."

Lu just shrug. "Eh, easy come. Easy go."

With that over with Og is able to grow closer with Mike. Thanks to his friends his friends: Pig, Goat, and Porcupine deciding to play matchmaker. Goat and Porcupine steal all of Mike's clothes while she's in the shower, running outside with them with Mike giving chase, and Pig locks her outside. Just as Og walks by... although embarrassed. Og convinces her to make the most of it and hopes to make her feel better. Getting her to wear the native dress instead of her normal clothes. As he knows she's been depressed of never seeing her family again. And they both walk through the night together.

Tommy Turnball and Robotboy end up on the island after most of his family is arrested. Donnie Turnbull who bullied just about everyone found out unlike back in his world people wouldn't just stand for it and that the cops in this world can't be bullied without them fighting back. And his parents were arrested for attacking said cops who were arresting their son after he punch a cop and threw a rock into the windshield of the police car.

Lola thanks to her father being a rich ambassador, was able to move their mansion to the island no problem, mostly because the XJ sisters are friends with Robotboy and they lifted the building and flew it to the island. Her father is now the ambassador for Albonquentine. Gus... well Tommy hasn't seen Gus since he'd moved here... and he was doing ok the last time he saw him.

Dr. Kamikaze and his other nemesis quickly found themselves arrested by competent police. And Professor Moshimo is constantly asked 'Why he would think a fanboy kid would be able to protect a robot from a criminal 'mastermind' when he- a millionaire super scientist -could not? ...to which he admits when put like that... it made no sense...

Lola, sick of being ignored by Tommy. Takes some advise from Madame Foster and steals Tommy's clothes while he bathes, throws them out the window. She angrily yells at a naked Tommy how he's stupid, how she likes him, how their going on a date tomorrow, and that his 'dingus' is so small she can't even pick her teeth with it!

Embarrassed and stunned... Tommy can do nothing but nod in agreement... Worse, turns out she stole all his other clothes and replaced it with a single loincloth... She dresses in a native grass skirt and flower-bra... and they both have a good date. Which they sometimes double date with Og and Mike who are dress like them. And Lola did told Tommy that both of them are still kids and once puberty hits them, both of them would be growing up.

Not all is good news without the plot demanding she live and be healthy. Madam Foster begins to feel her age... and fears she's not long from this world. She decides that Frankie will be in charge when she's gone... but she wants to make sure she's happy as well.

She's noticed that Frankie likes Mac such feelings I having grown as they spend more and more time with each other. But won't act on it as he's too young and Mac is a good boy. So Madame foster pays a Gravity Fall witch to make a potion that will give Frankie Mac's 'hyperactivity to sugar'... and tricks the both off them into eating candy when their a safe distance away.

When the two wake up from their sugar rush bender. Both of them are naked and lost deep within the forest together. With Frankie's survival skills paired with Mac's imagination, they find their way back home. Which wasn't that hard as the forest part of the island isn't that big as it's only on the northern part of the island where the most rain falls. They simply had to walk in one direction till they came to the shoreline and walk along the beach till they came into view of one of the new resorts that now dotted the island. Where they got a ride home.

During their walk through the jungle, Frankie foraged for food thanks to years of tending to the house, made her an expert on finding or making food in a pinch. Mac created a shelter for them at night, he had looked up everything he could on camping after their first disastrous camping trip just be safe. And made them clothes out of leaves. Frankie using a stick to scare off the snakes of the island and Mac telling her stories to keep her spirits up. And both of them become a couple in the process of the 2 day long walk out of the forest.

Of course, besides Bloo causing trouble there was also Bart Simpson. Like his sister Lisa who became more of a soapbox Sandie, he went the opposite direction, a 'Carpe Diem' approach. It's been made clear that his pranks will no longer be tolerated... but Bart finds other ways to be a pest.

"Alright! Who's ready for the first naked skateboard derby!" Bart said who is naked and in the park with skatepark.

"Nobody! You put itching powder in our clothes, forcing us to strip and swim naked in the river and throw our clothes into the fire!" a naked Mac covers himself with a skateboard.

"You're such a jerk Bart," Tommy said.

"Don't worry, I made us some loincloths out of banana leaves," Og said who hands the two other boys their loincloths.

"Oh come on guys where's the fun?" Bart ask seeing the 3 boys walking away.

"Ok nature boy you're coming with me," a female cop said who spotted the naked boy.

"Doh," Bart said as he covers himself in front of the adult woman cop.

"Come on you're coming down to the station," the female cop said.

As they walk to her car they walk past a bunch of swimsuit models, who came to the island for a photo shoot. And they all pointed and laugh at Bart as he walks past naked in front of them. Leaving Bart utterly humiliated thanks to a bunch of girls who also live at Forsters also spotting him and laughing at him.


Elsewhere -

Eragon talks to Hiccup, asking him why he thought 'splitting the humans from the dragons' was a good idea? Any horror movie will tell you that 'separating the party' is a good way to get you killed. And their reputation was so great, more bad guys would still come to find them. Sending the dragons away wouldn't change that, just make them more vulnerable. And how was he planning on getting the Defenders of the Wing tribe or the Wingmaidens to give up their dragons? Their livelihood's depend on them! in the former's case, their lives!

Hiccup just groans... but admits it makes no sense either... it just felt like the world was forcing him to 'wrap things up'.

They continue to talk shop and compare and contrast their dragons, magic dragons vs regular dragons. How could telepathy make talking to toothless and other dragons easier. And how Hiccup's clan could help in taming the wild dragons who were just animals. Like the green furred dragons (Pete's Dragon) found in the great northern forests of North America who are from the Monotreme family. Like their cousins the platypus and the 3 branches of the echidna family. (5)


Gravity Falls -

Spike is doing a patrol with a new friend he made recently named Spyro. They were currently searching for the remainder of the giant spiders. Eventually the two dragons take a brake, they break out some booze Spyro smuggled in and after a few swigs they find themselves talking about their current 'love lives'. Spyro is currently feeling out a relationship between Elora, Ember AND Cynder. As its normal for some dragons to have more then one mate.

Spike blushingly admits that he too was feeling out the 'relationship' he had with Ember and Smolder. He'd tried to wear pants... but every time he got a stiffie, it just ripped right through it! Which Spyro laughs at that, saying he should be wearing baggy pants so that won't happen. Then of course there was smolder 'accidentally' ripped them off or burnt his shorts whenever they trained together. Ember... was less subtle. She basically came in, ripped off my pants, destroyed the rest of my few remaining clothes with a well-placed fire blast and flat out told him he was forbidden to wear clothes from now on... Then made out with him ferociously... He'd never been more scared AND aroused... SCAREOUSED...

It was just as well to be honest... Spike had been naked most of his life... and he honestly liked that better... also, the crotch was very confining and itchy...

"I hear you brother! nothing like the feel of the grass, wind and rain on your bare undercarriage! Of course ours do go into us" Spyro said.

Spike just chuckles. "Yeah... still... hey have you noticed that since the merge... our girls... 'bits' are more obvious?... more... 'easy to see'? ... more... 'anatomically correct'?

Spyro just rolls eyes and chugs down another beer. "Dude just say 'their asses are thiccer, their breasts are larger, and their nipples AND pussies are VISIBLE. Well the nipple part for the ones who gives milk anyways. Seriously, man up!"

Spike gives him an annoyed look before thinking of something. "Why are their breasts larger? Our kind of dragons just give milk."

"That's where most of their fat is stored for females. While most of ours is in our tails," Spyro explains.

"Oh," Spike said.

"Anyway, yes we have. For whatever reason all the non-human females have gotten so much sexier since the merge! It was something was deliberately keeping their looks 'family-friendly' in their old worlds but now it's gone HERE...," Spyro smirks. "Not that anyone is complaining mind you..."

"Yeah... I guess I'm not either...," Spike smirks and takes another drink as he thinks fondly of his girls...


Tartarus -

In his cell Crypto watches a commercial the guard is watching through his cell. There's a hug press interview happening with Mr. Wonka who has recently somehow teleported his entire factory to the states. Along with his workers who wanted to leave England.

In the interview Mr. Wonka talks about he'd been slowly refusing to sell to an alarmingly growing percentage of British stores and companies who were discriminating against non-humans or non-Britain minorities. And many other stores owners he'd known for ages were being pressured and even downright threatened by local thugs and even government officials to do likewise. This cause many non-humans and others to leave England.

Eventually, Wonka found himself being threatened by government officials to sell a strange new 'candy' called Joy. Which he responded by saying.

'If that's real Candy, I'll eat my cane! Candy is practically second nature to me and those 'pills' were setting off all sorts of warning flags! It didn't help that they refused to let me examine it or test it first! When I refused, they went as far as imply to euthanize my poor Oompah Loompahs! After that... what choice did I have? With Varrick's help I was able to jury-rig my 'Wonka-vision' machine to teleport my entire factory to safety. I would like to give my thanks to all U.S. citizens and official for being so welcoming! And also a warning to everyone listening to be wary of this new 'Norsefire' party... I genuinely fear for the future of my homeland if they gain complete power as it looks like they will!'

Moving on to more happier topics he talks about how 'Mr. Wondertainment' will now be sponsoring the Manna Charitable Foundation in it's endeavors. Saying how they had a 'sustainable housing development scheme' in the works (by using SCP-1135). Varrick excitedly tries to advertise a new famine-free food (SCP-1615), but Wonka hastily shoots that down. Insisting how it's still in testing before it can be given to the FDA for their stamp of safety.

Crypto was interrupted from this hearing a large group of people heading down the hallway. He looked around the other cells. In one cell is the brain bug of Oogie Boogie who is being contained in a fish tank that's been setup to house the brain bug, placed on a table in the cell. He sees Oliver Foley (from Twilight Zone); a tyrannical, spoiled brat who somehow became president in his world. His White House, like many others ended up in Washington DC. He was quickly arrested and his staff was either also arrested or blacklisted from having anything to do with politics ever again. Professor Coldheart who is so cold and cruel that his very heart has been frozen and likes playing with children. Kats who is in the cell next to his, Huntor who is imprison here because of him being an alien.

Pox was with him too in the cell block. Although since they were being treated as 'political prisoners' in 'protective custody.' Since they were technically representatives of the VERY powerful and vast Furon Empire, which was busy dealing with other space empires for the meantime. They were given a more 'luxury' jail-cell. Pox had even been given his body back.

A bunch of guards surrounded three people as they walked by. Well... one person and two ponies. There was Princess Candace (looking pissed), her consort Shining Armor (looking like a death row inmate being taken to the chair), annnnd...

"Queen Moon?! What's high-class broad doing in a dump like this?" Crypto ask.

"I'm here because of how I am to blame for what happen in my world, causing Star to destroy magic. Mina saying how unfair it was that she got all the blame and I got off Scott free despite all the help I gave her. I realized she was absolutely right. So I confessed everything and pleaded guilty, to being the reason why so many magical beings from my world and others after the merge died," Moon explains before being lead away to the female cell block.

Awhile later the pony couple came back with Shining carrying a baby basket in his teeth?

It turns out the egg that Crysalis laid from her night with Shining finally hatched. Shining can't bring himself to be ride of the child... regardless of the circumstances of his birth or his mother, it's his SON... Although Candance respect the thought behind this... it doesn't make her any less furious...

Needless to say, the only reason she hasn't severed things with Shining, which he's been effectively demoted to 'royal consort.' Is because she wants to be Twilight's big sister more then anything... Also, she didn't trust Shining not to screw things up even worse with Twilight if she wasn't there to keep him in check.

Crypto whistles seeing that. "Dang, I thought my family was messed up! And mine is nothing but clones of me."


The Maw -

In her room near the top of the Maw, Marceline is listening to a pirated broadcast of Sam, Dean Winchester, Buffy and Blade offering to protect any who are threatened by EVIL monsters. She heard of them taking care of any monsters that go around killing and eating others when they're no longer have to hide away and feed on whatever they can find anymore. They're listed as bounty hunters in the eyes of the law as they didn't want to join any government organization. When there are evil monsters around, the police would put out a bounty on them and call them to handle it. There are alot of them popping up around the country.

She met all of them while she was traveling around and taking care of all the evil vampires. Which thanks to her killing and sucking up the souls of all the most powerful vampires in the world, all the other vampires are now under her rule and her one rule is that they can no longer hunt and kill humans. Any group who didn't obey she hunted down and killed, with her sucking up their souls she made sure that none of them would ever be coming back to life, no matter how things were done in their world.

She even had a tv ad shown all over the world.

'Marceline is a vampire hunter. But Marceline does not hunt.'

'Hunting world imply the possibility of failure.'

'There are millions of vampires in the world.'

'Because Marceline allows them to live.'

"I'm Marceline the vampire queen and I approve this tv ad."

And with her battle with Dio being shown and uploaded online. All the vampires left who thought that they had a chance of beating her are rethinking of what would happen if they did try to fight her. She even made it easy to contact her when some vampire is causing trouble and handling them herself. No vampire or clan now dares to step out of line while Marceline is their queen. She made it clear that she committed a complete genocide of the entire vampire race in her old world and would more than willing to do it again.

"Still need to get a hang of this," Marceline said as she tested out her new power she gotten from Dio.

The world around her froze as she stop time for 4 seconds. One less then what Dio was able to do but seeing it took him years to be able to freeze time for 4 seconds, she's way ahead of him. Marceline look at her new familiar The World which only a few could see without using high tech scanners.

"Unlike your old master, I'm fully master your power. After all he didn't had anyone who he could learn how to control time powers," Marceline said thinking of the many time masters she knows.

Hearing something going on outside her room, Marceline opens her window that overlooks the main square of the Maw. Down below are soldiers lined in formation with Lumpy Space Princess giving out orders on a platform. Looking closer, Marceline saw that the soldiers are from the Time Crisis games with the bosses serving as their commanders.

"LSP what's happening?" Marceline ask flying over to her friend.

"Check it out I hired these guys to be the guards of the Maw," LSP said.

"Why?" Marceline asks.

"So that we have guards at the ready when some villains attack again," LSP said.

"And why did you all agreed to this?" Marceline asked the Light Gun videogame crew.

"We need a job and she's hiring," Wild Dog said.

"And we all live here already," Wild Fang adds.

"Ok than," Marceline said.


Camp Lakebottom -

Ronnie and Six walk past Kuroko Smith (Daily Life With A Monster) as she berates Sun Seto (My Bride is a Mermaid) for once again treating Nagasumi Michishio like garbage just for doing something to help HER out (which it did). And she tells Maki if she keeps making up things to get Nagasumi in trouble, she'd be sent back to Japan. She also berates Sun for AGAIN jumping to assumptions and not listening to anyone else's side of things except Maki's. Smith came along with several Japanese monsters to keep an eye on after so many magical girls made a scene while in Gravity Falls.

Ronnie and Six return to their cabin to find it spotless and a good meal waiting for them, courtesy of Lincoln who has been helping in the camp kitchen. They thank him and get to eating, they'd grown much closer together... and despite the unpleasantness...

Flash back, day after Summerween -

Lincoln and the girls groan as they enter his cabin. They were EXHAUSTED, they didn't care it was morning with the morning sun peeking over the horizon. They planned to sleep for a YEAR if they could help it.

Lincoln let out a yawn as he takes off the princess dress only to then remember that he'd once again made himself naked expect for his underwear in front of the girls... again.

"Too tired to care..." Lincoln said as he flops on the bed.

"Too tired to tease..." Ronnie said as she flops on the bed beside him.

"I guess we'll have to reschedule our threesome another time," Six said as she flops down beside them as well.

Takes a few minutes for the other two to process what she said...

"Huh?" Ronnie ask.

"Say what?" Lincoln ask.

Six smiles. "Y'know when you first told me we were going to do that- to 'ravish our 'princess' together... I was shocked... but now I'm flattered. It really means a lot to me that you would allow me to take your virginity, Lincoln. I'm a bit nervous I'll mess it up, but with Ronnie by my side I feel like I can do anything... back in my old world, it always 'do or die', 'eat or be eaten'... the idea of love was never a consideration... I'm so lucky to have found it with you."

They just looked at her stunned...

"Whoa, wait. Six, you didn't think we were actually going to-" Lincoln began to say but couldn't finish.

"What? Wait, no. Six, that wasn't REAL. The two rouges saving and ravishing the princess? It was all part of the theme as a joke on Lincoln. It was make-believe, a prank, a tradition. That's the sort of thing you do on Summerween... I'm sorry... I guess I should have made that more clear...," Ronnie said.

"Oh... right... that... that makes more sense... I'm sorry I misunderstood... Oh, I'm so stupid," Six looks mortified and she TRIES to run off... but she's too exhausted.

They comfort her and talk it out.

Six reveals that her world is so crapshack... it wasn't uncommon for her to run into kids her age... 'doing that'... after all... why 'wait until were older'... when you could be eaten, murdered, or WORSE at any moment? The morals of her world aren't anything like in this world, with death around the corner, why form bonds and have love ones when they would be gone before you knew it.

But she'd never felt safe enough or confident enough to do something like that... well... their MIGHT have been one person... she sometimes got flashes. She wasn't sure if it was the past... the future... imaginary... or whether it happened to herself or someone else... But she THINKS there had been a boy in a paper bag?

Anyways, she didn't know if he was real or not so she guessed it didn't count...

She tells them of how HAPPY the two of them had made her. How SAFE she felt with them with her. And how CONFIDENT and better she was for having known them.

Ronnie and Lincoln are flattered... but they point out that as much as they like her (and each other, Ronnie and Lincoln blush with that admittance)... they weren't ready for that, they were TOO young...

"Besides Lame-o couldn't get hard if his life depended on it, not with this tiny, useless thing," Ronnie said as she playfully teases while pointing at his loins.

"Yeah, yeah... laugh it up table," Lincoln said and turns to Six. "Seriously though... friend or lover... we will always be there for you Six... count on that..."

She smiles thanking them and soon they all drift asleep. And when the camp counselors came to check the campers and finding the kids in bed together. Two of the female staff carried the two girls to the girls cabin.

Present -

Six leaves the room to grab something to eat in the lunchroom.

Lincoln chuckles nervously as he turns to Ronnie. “Hey Ronnie... when were older... and IF were ALL still together... can you promise you won't do what most sitcoms do... and have a competition for me or some other stupid frak like that?”

Ronnie snorts in response.

“Yeah, don't flatter yourself lame-o. You’re not THAT cute...,” she then smirks. “Besides... who says I wouldn't be up for sharing?”

Lincoln stares at her blankly... then nervously laughs. “Heh, good one Ronnie. You almost had me going there...”

Ronnie just smiles, takes her meal and walks off...

“...wait... you WERE joking, right? Ronnie? Ronnie!?” Lincoln shouted but she just keeps walking out.


In an apartment -

A man watches the news in his apartment after coming back home from work. He listens to the news reports about what's happen in France. The local heroes lead by Ladybug had defeated the last of the Nazis forces that were in hiding. Helped by the now reform villain Hawkmoth. 'Who unknown to all after using the advance technology of different worlds and water benders with their healing powers. Brought his wife back to life, did a face heel turn for all the evil he had done.' There was also a news report about Frankodyne expanding its nexos facilities across the world to better combat new threats.

Then there was a report on the kids rescued from the moon, the Kids Next Door. The kids are struggling to adapt to a world filled with COMPETENT adults that aren't just cruel for the sake of cruel. Many of their 2 by 4 technology no longer works like they did in their world. And that kids couldn’t survive for on their own without quickly finding themselves hungry and without a safe place to sleep.

Made worse by their mindset that adults can’t ever be trusted because of how adults were like in their world. With them even having a story how adults were created by children, with many of them not able to understand that children can’t be around without adults. With many of them not believing how children are made after the talk about the birds and the bees. With only those with older brothers or sisters who have kids of their own already knowing about it.

Then there's how they can't just eat nothing but junk food without it causing them to become fat and health issues. No longer able to do things like using a swing to launch themselves high into the air and land onto their butts without breaking something. They couldn't fight a adult without being beaten. And that they no longer have parents to house, care, feed, and love them.

The kids had just found themselves struck in their moonbase after the merge. With anyone who tried to leave in their spacecrafts built with duct tape and bubblegum... not work and the kids onboard the badly made ship dying. Then how in the months before they were rescued they struggle to survive in their base that shouldn't had worked in the first place. The food spoiling, the water becoming dirty, their clothes becoming dirty and them not liking to take baths in the first place cause many to become sick. There were hundreds of kids on the moonbase at the start and there were only 86 of them left. (6)

"So, the kids are learning that unlike in our world they're no longer able to do things as they use to in our world. Reality is hitting them hard. But not as hard as me," Toilenator said as he's been learning about the new world he found himself in.

It was like a blindfold was covering his eyes in his world. Now that he's no longer in his world where he learned that some worlds just had different rules in how people acted and could do. Like in those shows and cartoons where you can do anything you want and it be fine the next day. Or the people will always fall for even the dumbest tricks like putting on a hat and no one will be able to tell it's not you. He learned about this world and no longer playing by the same rules that the kids are clinging onto anymore. He's no longer the dumb villain he was before. (7)


Canterlot -

A frustrated Candance had gone off to have a bull session with her surrogate little sister.

"Hey Twilight, you wouldn't believe my day. I- GAH! Twilight, what happened to you?! You look like you want through a minefield!" Candance said to Twilight who is covered in ash and splatter.

"Yeah... Stan had the BRILLIANT idea of putting Mable in charge... went about as well as you'd expect...," Twilight said as she shakes it off. "But nevermind that... how are you?"

So, they talked, argued, teased, railed... all good stuff. And then Candance teasingly brings up the Summerween photo of a slightly tipsy Dipper in a loincloth making out with Twilight in her Starswirl outfit. And wants to know what's going on there. Twilight is mortified... but she freely admits, that her friendship is stronger with him then it had ever been with anyone else’s. They complimented each other so well and had so many things in common-

"Like both being OCD, list obsessed nerds?" teased Candance.

Twilight giggles, but admits that yes... they do share those quirks. Which with help of their other friends, actually helped both of them to manage them better. Her friends the beaver brothers and Stump had helped her from going crazy if she had lived alone in the woods. But it was Dipper who was responsible for ending her depression and her obsession over 'reconnecting with her old herd' then anyone else.

That last bit gets Candance's interest and she asks to elaborate.

Finally Twilight decides to just go for broke, and just admits that during the Heartsong she shared with him. She DID feel something for him... and then again... when she gave the best darn first kiss ever. And YES, everytime she saw how LONG and organized his lists were...

Candance broke out laughing over that last bit.

But... it was only those two times (she REFUSED to count the several dozen incidents involving his lists)... she simply wasn't attracted to him. Not to mention all the drama that seemed to be happening between him, Wendy and Pacifica... she just didn't think she should pursue it. As he has enough girl trouble already.

Besides, recent events had made her realize how much love she had to give the world. She was seriously considering wanting a family in the future and although Dipper was great... and she'd be okay doing a one-time sex experiment just to satisfy her scientific curiosity... he was no pony. They wouldn't be able to have children together, sure they could adopt a child, but she wanted a child growing inside of her, who is her own blood.


The Pig Farm -

Dr. Von Reichter looked over his current experiment with interest. His experiments have been expensive and much resources have been poured into it, but the results are baring fruit. The man who he brought in, to run the pig farm business, a Hoggish Greedly (Captain Planet) has been bringing up the cost of the experiments. Greedly who had no idea what was going on, was worried about the pig farm going broke. It seemed that in his world he came from old money and all the business ventures he came up with where he consumed more then what he made in profit. Once he found himself in this world he found he had nothing. He's now very tight fisted in money matters, but still ate and ate mostly of the meat the farm produced. Also coming up with new ways to make money, like all the bio-waste being produced and pig parts that would had just been sold as pet food. Be put into a recycler where the organic matter could be made into something else, even if the parts weren't coming from pigs but after being recycled no one would be able to tell where the organic cube came from. Which is why Greedly hadn't been replaced.

Dr. Reichter begins to record his findings. "When tinkering with the 'photo-shop copier' accidentally yielded the clone of the last 'template' it came into contact with. In this case, one 'Dipper Pines'. Nothing of value to him but another low-level disposable test subject. Useful only for trial-and-error experiments guaranteed to fail and kill him but yield data to hopefully make the next test more successful. Have since replace the last template as it seems the copier can only hold one template at a time."

He puts down his tape-recorder for a moment to make some adjustments to the test chamber. He then brings up the recorder yet again.

"As I've mentioned numerous times. One of my largest current obstacles in my thaumaturgical research. Is the fact I must either limit my potential hideouts to somewhere in this small town or makes deals with less-then-trustworthy individuals to gain 'borrowed' magic for myself to continue it."

"This, needless to say... is NOT ideal for numerous reasons. Among other things, I fear I will be eventually forced to choose between suspending crucial research or risk getting caught by the authorities. Especially considering all the heightened security that has occurred recently. So I've attempted to create a magical creature that can simply GIVE the borrowed magic when ordered..."

"Of all the genetic templates I've... 'acquired'... the one most capable of being a conduit for raw mystic energy have been the ponies. Even when greatly depowered from the merge, they still had the greatest magical potential."

"This is seen more in the alicorns then any other. Even though no longer able to move their respective Celestial bodies, they are still considers by many to be three of the most powerful magic users in this town. Even if they can’t use anything but passive powers. Sadly, all my attempts to create my own alicorn using samples collected from the 3 princesses have ended in failure. Like the clones of the Pine child, no samples can be collected. Have taken the bodies apart and found that there is nothing inside of the copies, just paper.”

“None of the alicorns have magic in them. Using the recycler the only cubes that come out is organic. The copier is completely useless to gather samples. But is useful for other research and to create Fixed Ideas to serve as cannon fodder. Does not work on non living subjects.”

Entering the lab Dr. Reichter walk pass the twins who are busy chopping up a body, one of his failed clones. They're getting all the meat to be used as food for his other experiments, with what's left going to be thrown into the recycler. He walks pass the tanks that held the clones, which take time to grow but yield valuable data.

In the tank before him is his newest creation Fossil. Using samples taken from the remains of that lizard like thing and the other reptile that's been changed by what he discovered to be called a Deathclaw thanks to those robots from that wasteland future. He discovered a virus that changed the reptile into a hulking beast. Thanks to that he has been able to make great progress in Fossil.

His body is almost indestructible and heals in seconds as long as it has food to fuel its regeneration. It looks like some kind of dinosaur though not one that had ever walked on the face of the Earth. At least in his world that is. The 12 foot tall creature is pale in colored; its pebbled flesh is a glowing pink because of the red liquid that surrounded it. It's long and powerful tail like a crocodile or alligator can swing with enough force to cut a human in half. It has small eyes and a heavy and rounded snout of a carnivorous dinosaur. It also has long and thickly muscled arms and hands with slender grasping fingers.

It's currently asleep in a medical induce coma. Connected to a thin hose is a small clear mask that covered its nostril slits and a band of plastic is tied around its thick snout to hold the giant jaws closed. On it's head is a device that is downloading commands to its brain. Learning from his past mistakes, all of his creations now have a powerful hypnotic suggestion implanted into their minds, preventing them from ever cause him harm in anyway and have to obey his commands. (8)


Author's Note:

1 - For spirits, ghosts and other form of souls in the merge world once they die, they're just dead. Not like in Southpark where Satan's boyfriends are able to just keep on killing each other and they just come back the next day.

And that goes for energy beings like the nine tail fox still sealed in Naruto. As tons of people kept telling me that as an energy being he couldn't be killed. Then word of god the one who created Naruto in the first place went and made it clear that the fox and others like it can be killed. None of the people who told me that they couldn't be killed had return my emails after rubbing it in their faces.

2 - In Spaceballs the planet Spaceballs was named planet Moron and was called that in the cartoon. Not to mention how you have to just enjoy the movie and not question how dumb it is for everything to work.

3 - There's a reason why DW is hated with fans of the books and cartoon. She is never punish for her actions.

4 - Lisa Simpson has become the Scrappy of the show. Seeing how much Lisa has ruin things for herself and cause problems for others for wanting to have the moral high ground. Not to mention that Bart when he wanted to be a cop took the fall for her and ruin his chance of having a better life just for her, which she has never made it up to him. Also that Bart is only shown doing great as a adult is when he keeps her out of his life.

5 - Seeing how some dragons have hair which reptiles don't have. You would need an animal that lays eggs, warm blooded and have fur. Which only the monotreme family of egg laying mammals check off the list. Which from what I have seen and read in fiction. I'm the first person to have a type of dragon being part of the monotreme family.

6 - The world of Kids Next Door with all that happens in the show and what the kids could do in it. Once in a more realistic world, none of their duct tape and junk machines would ever work and most would die just trying to do the same stuff they use to do or hurt themselves badly.

7 - I know having Toilenator of all people being a real villain is too much for some to take. But seeing how Elmer Fudd can be made into a realistic villain for Batman to fight in their crossover. I can take someone like Toilenator and make him into a real villain.

8 - Putting a hypnotic suggestion to keep the bio weapon from going out of control is something that is rarely ever done.