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Welcome to the Wreckers

As the Apple Blooms

Part 89; Welcome to the Wreckers

Glancing at her reflection in the mirror, Apple Bloom allowed a small smirk to form on her lips as she quipped, “Lookin’ good.” Indeed, the former farm girl had chosen a look that she found represented the new “her.” A pair of dark blue overalls over a red and white stripped tee shirt, black boots, and her new leather jacket. Straightening the dark security blanket that now enveloped her upper half, the burgundy haired girl channeled her inner Sideswipe as she shot two finger guns while remarking, “Must be gettin’ hot around here, because you’re smokin’!”

She was distracted from her brief moment of vanity when someone began to knock on the bedroom door, followed by Rattrap’s voice calling out, “Come on! Everyone’s waiting for you!” Turning to face the door, Apple Bloom replied, “Alright! Ah’m commin’!” Straightening her jacket, the burgundy haired girl steeled herself as she pepped herself up with a gentle, “Here goes one last day in Canterlot City.”

Once she opened the door, Rattrap gave a cheeky whistle as he remarked, “Wow! Don’t you look…. Cute.” Feeling her face start to blush, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but reply, “Awh. Thanks Rattrap.” The scrawny boy would have offered another compliment, but his rumbling stomach interrupted him, leading Rattrap to continue, “Come on. Marble’s sister and Wreck-Gar made breakfast for everyone.”

Apple Bloom nodded as she bade, “Lead the way.” Smiling, Rattrap struck a confident pose as he began, “If you’d come with me….”

The Pie Family Dining Room

Entering the dining room, Apple Bloom was greeted by the pleasant sight of everyone seated at a great dining table, or rather a great dining table with two folding tables brought out and lined up alongside it. Of course, the former farm girl was more focused on the company seated around the table rather than the table itself.

Indeed, seated around the table were all of Apple Bloom’s friends, their parents, her uncle Ironhide, aunt Chromia, Ratchet, and Wheeljack. The sight of all her friends and family made the former farm girl’s heart soar, reminding her of the fact that they had all been brought together by their interaction with her.

Making her way to an open seat in between Tender Taps and Sideswipe, Apple Bloom sat down as her boyfriend asked, “Morning Apple Bloom. Sleep well?” Nodding, the burgundy haired girl replied, “Yeah. Ah feel a lot better. Ah think Ah finally got everythin’ figured out regardin’….” She was interrupted by Sideswipe asking, “Regarding your sister?”

Nodding, Apple Bloom answered, “Yeah. Ah had the weirdest dream last night and… Ah guess everythin’ kinda just clicked. Ah finally found peace regardin’ everythin’.” Tender Taps found himself instinctively wrapping his fingers around his girlfriend’s as he replied, “I’m glad you feel like that.” Once both teens realized they were holding hands, they began to blush as the pale biker quipped, “Kinda hard to eat with only one hand, isn’t it?”

At that moment, Pinkie Pie and Wreck-Gar emerged from the kitchen, each carrying a large tray holding several plates of pancakes. Approaching everyone, the pink party girl enthusiastically called out, “Ladies and gentlemen, breakfast is served!” She then set her tray down and began to scoot the plates of flapjacks down the table for everyone. As Wreck-Gar did the same, the metal promethean added, “Each plate made with love, elbow grease, and only a little white phosphorus.” When all the kids (including Marble’s other sisters) gave him a confused look, the robot cyclops sheepishly admitted, “I must confess one of those was a lie.”

As Apple Bloom began to cut her pancakes, she overheard Soft Shoe asking Ironhide, “So Mr. Ironhide? What happens now?” Swallowing his mouthful, Ironhide answered, “I guess we all go home and get ready for the schoolyear.” Chromia then added, “Of course, we’ll need to go school supply shopping. We haven’t really been focusing on it as we’ve had more pressing matters lately, but now we should be able to get anything we need.”

Wheeljack then added, “And don’t forget the thing sir.” Nodding, Ironhide replied, “Oh yeah, the thing. We can’t forget the thing.” Curious, Apple Bloom asked, “What’s the thing?” Turning to face his niece, the former sergeant answered, “Just a little thing we’re working on for you.” He then gave his daughter a wink as he reassured her, “Don’t worry kid. You’ll find out soon enough.”

Apple Bloom was still a bit confused by this odd non-answer, but the gnawing at her stomach proved too much of a distraction. Deciding her hunger was more important than her curiosity, the former farm girl took a bite of her flapjacks. The moment the fluffy pancakes touched her lips, the former farm girl found herself momentarily transported to a world of culinary comfort.

After a few minutes, Apple Bloom and everyone else finished their breakfast. From the grown ups’ end of the table, Beachcomber called out, “My compliments to the chef.” Pinkie Pie replied, “Thank you. I had help from Wrecky over here.” She then pointed to Wreck-Gar, who sighed, “I told you not to call me “Wrecky.” My name is Wreck-Gar, or if you prefer, Cogman.”

As everyone rose up from the table, Ironhide called out, “Alright everyone. We better load up and get moving before we overstay our welcome.” Marble then added, “And I’d like to be gone before mom and dad get back.” Chromia then added, “Looks like we’ve got a game plan. Load up everyone.” Everyone then made their way to their rooms to get their luggage.

Ten Minutes Later…

Carrying her suitcase up to her uncle’s van, Apple Bloom placed it right in between her uncle’s and sister’s bags. Wiping the few beads of sweat from her brow, the burgundy haired girl looked down to her leather clad shoulder as she remarked, “Didn’t know this could be so hot.” Indeed, as the late summer sun shone down on her, she found that sweat was starting to form on her forehead far quicker than her earlier.

From behind her, Apple Bloom heard Marble call out, “You know it it’s too hot you can take that off.” Turning around, the former farm girl found her friend walking up to her, followed by Sparkplug. As the little black terrier began to scratch at her leg, Apple Bloom bent down and began to pet him as she gave a simple, “There you go. Who’s a good boy?”

While Apple Bloom showered Sparkplug in affection, Marble gently reassured her friend, “You don’t have to give yourself a heatstroke for me. I understand if you wanna take that off.” The burgundy haired girl took her friend’s hand and reassured her, “Ah know. Ah just want to get used to wearin’ it.” She then wiped her brow before adding, “Though once we get home Ah might save this for a cold day.”

Before either girl could say anything else, Apple Bloom and Marble were distracted by the sound of a car pulling up to them. Turning around to see who it was, they were surprised to see that it was none other than Big Macintosh himself. ‘Big Mac?’ Apple Bloom thought to herself. ‘What’s he doin’ here?’

As Big Mac powered down his car, Ironhide walked up towards the group as he remarked, “Well, what do we have here?” Exiting his vehicle, the eldest Apple sibling ran up to his youngest sister and pulled her into a tight hug as he exclaimed, “Oh thank goodness Ah’m not too late!” Caught completely off guard, Apple Bloom let out a wheezy, “Big Mac, Ah can’t breathe.” The red-clad boy realized he was constricting his sister and released her as he apologized, “Sorry about that Apple Bloom.”

Now that she was able to breathe, Apple Bloom asked, “What are you doin’ here Big Mac?” Taking a deep breath, Big Macintosh answered, “Well, two things really. One, Ah wanted to see you off and say goodbye.” He then wrapped his sister in another (far gentler) hug, one which the young girl was more than happy to return. Feeling himself tear up, the light red teen admitted, “Ah’m gonna miss you somethin’ fierce.” All Apple Bloom could do was tearfully reply, “Ah’ll miss you two Big Mac.”

Once they finished their hug, Big Mac continued, “And the second thing is, well….” Letting out a deep sigh, he turned to Ironhide as he admitted, “Somethin’s happened with Applejack.” Upon hearing her sister’s name, Apple Bloom found herself turning slightly pale as Marble took her hand in an attempt to comfort her friend. Ironhide immediately asked, “What’s happened? Did she do something stupid?”

Taking a deep breath, Big Mac admitted, “She had a mental breakdown.”

As everyone took this in, Apple Bloom inquired, “A mental breakdown?” Nodding, Big Mac explained, “Ah found her punchin’ her reflection in her mirror, shoutin’ at some invisible person called Megatron. She just…” Sighing, the eldest Apple sibling finished, “She just snapped. She started cryin’ and laughin’ and… It scared me.”

Upon hearing this, even Apple Bloom couldn’t help but feel some pity for Applejack. Ironhide asked, “Where is she now?” Big Mac sighed as he replied, “Granny Smith took Applejack to the hospital for her hands early this mornin’, and after tellin’ the doctors what happened, she’ll be moved to some sort of mental asylum. Don’t quite know how to explain it.”

From behind her, Apple Bloom heard Sideswipe call out, “What’s going on?” Turning around, she found her sister, Chromia, Ratchet, Wheeljack, and Wreck-Gar approaching as her aunt remarked, “We overheard something about Applejack. What’s up?” Sighing, Big Mac repeated to himself, “Applejack had a mental breakdown last night.”

Chromia replied with a gentle, “That’s a shame. I’m sorry.” Wheeljack then spoke up with a blunt, “Serves her right for what she did.” When everyone gave him cross scowls, the maverick mechanic asked, “What? We gonna ignore what she did to Apple Bloom?”

Apple Bloom finally spoke up with, “Big Mac?” When the elder Apple sibling turned to face his little sister, the burgundy haired girl explained, “Ah don’t wanna come off as rude, but Ah don’t feel too sorry for her. Like, Ah do feel sorry for her, but not “sorry” sorry.”

Nodding, Big Mac solemnly replied, “Ah hate to say it, but Ah don’t blame you.” As everyone took this in, the only Apple son continued, “If this were back when we all found out about that whole “Anon-A-Miss” thing, but now, Ah just….” Struggling to find quite the best way to put it, he simply finished with, “Ah can’t blame you.”

As everyone took this in, Limestone ran up to the group and nervously called out, “We have a problem!” As the group turned to face her, the gray-haired girl explained, “We’ve been so busy getting you guys moving that I haven’t been checking my phone, and it turns out I got a message from dad fifteen minutes ago saying he and mom will be home in fifteen minutes!”

Realizing that they were now operating on borrowed time, Ironhide turned to his friends and called out, “Ok everyone! We need to be moving yesterday! LET’S GO!” With that, everyone picked up their pace and resumed the “evacuation.”

Everyone except Apple Bloom and Big Mac, who simply shared one final hug as the latter bade, “Take care of yourself Apple Bloom. Ah love you.” The young girl simply replied, “Ah love you too Big Mac.” As she joined her family, Big Mac called out, “Ah’ll give your regards to Granny Smith.”

Once everyone had everything packed up, the large group divided up and entered their respective vehicles. As Apple Bloom sat down in her seat with Sparkplug on her lap, the burgundy haired girl took one last look outside, taking in the sights of Canterlot City.

All her life, Apple Bloom had called Canterlot City her home. It had been her entire world, the only home she’d ever known. But now, sitting in a van with her aunt, uncle, sister, and her pet dog, getting ready to return to the town that, once her prison, had welcomed her with open arms. And as Ironhide sat down in the driver’s seat and stuck the keys in the ignition, Apple Bloom could only think of one thing.

“Ah’m goin’ home.”

The Chop Shop, Later that Day…

After a surprisingly uneventful drive across the countryside, the family’s red van returned to Allspark Wells, and more specifically, the warm and welcoming sight of the chop shop. Once they were parked, Ironhide let out a relieved sigh as he quipped, “Well, that was certainly quite the adventure. Certainly, it’s more fun than I’d ever want to have again.” Apple Bloom and Sideswipe couldn’t help but giggle as the latter added, “Same here. I don’t know about you guys, but I think we could all use some peace and quiet.

As Ironhide pulled the keys out of the ignition, Apple Bloom asked, “Need any help unloadin’ the luggage?” Chromia immediately reassured her, “Oh no dear. We’ll handle everything. You and Sideswipe can head on in and get some rest.” Ironhide then added, “Though you two can keep Sparkplug busy while we unload.” Sideswipe stretched her arms as she remarked, “In that case, I’m gonna go take a nap. I’ve been running on empty since the hospital.” Chromia simply rolled her eyes as she quipped, “That’s what you get when you and Marble stay up all night talking.”

Needless to say, Sideswipe found herself blushing as she blurted, “Oh come on! How’d you know that?!”

Letting out a chuckle, Apple Bloom reassured her sister, “Come on. Let’s leave ‘em to it.” She then began to lead Sideswipe to the shop front, followed by an enthusiastic Sparkplug. As they left, Wheeljack turned to Wreck-Gar and said, “Alright Wreck-Gar, would you mind taking Apple Bloom’s things?”

The Shop Front…

Entering the shop front, Apple Bloom took in the familiar sights of the place that had become her home. Taking a deep breath, she happily thought to herself, ‘Ah’ve missed this place. The wooden floor, the pin ups and schematics, the display engine, Knockout behind the….’

“Knockout?!” Apple Bloom and Sideswipe inquired in unison. Indeed, the pale, red haired man was scrubbing an old rag against the counter as he remarked, “Well, look who’s back. It’s been a good while, hasn’t it girls?” He then leapt over the counter as he began to walk over the two teens as he asked, “What’s new?”

Recovering from her moment of confusion, Apple Bloom asked, “Uh…. Knockout? What are you doin’ here?” The fellow mechanic cheerily answered, “Breakdown and I got a phone call from your uncle. He said you’d all be back a bit later than expected, so he wanted us to make sure everything is alright over here.” From the door leading to the living room, a familiar red skinned man in a blue mechanic’s suit entered as he added, “Exactly. That and he said something about getting rid of some expired milk.”

Sure enough, Ironhide entered the shop front and called out, “Hey Knockout. Hey Breakdown. Thanks for looking after the place.” Nodding, Knockout replied, “No problem Ironhide. Just hope you don’t mind us finishing the milk in your fridge off.” Breakdown then added, “It was right on the expiration date anyway.”

As Ironhide and Knockout continued their conversation, Apple Bloom bent down to Sparkplug and said, “Come on little buddy. Let’s go to mah room.” Nodding, Sparkplug let out an affirming bark as he began to “claw” at his master, signaling his need for affection.

And so, Apple Bloom picked up Sparkplug and carried him up to her room.

Apple Bloom’s Room, That Night…

Lying in her bed, Apple Bloom found herself staring at her bedroom ceiling as she hugged her plush rabbit. Her suitcase sat in the corner, clothes already returned to her dresser and closet, and her boots and tap shoes resting where they were supposed to be. All in all, the former farm girl found that she was at peace with everything that had happened to her.

Sitting up from her bed, Apple Bloom caught her reflection in the mirror. Walking up to her mirror, the now burgundy haired girl took a good look at her reflection, specifically the two changes that had happened to her over the course of the last few days.

Firstly, she focused her eyes on her hair. “Heh, guess Ah’ve gotten too used to these.” She remarked to herself as she took one of her braided pigtails and fidgeted with it in her hands. Of course, the real difference was the fact that Apple Bloom’s hair was now a rich burgundy.

Focusing on her hair’s color, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but remark, “Never thought Ah’d ever consider dyein’ mah hair.” She remarked to herself. As she paused for a moment, she continued, “Then again, Ah never thought burgundy would look so good.” She then shot herself a confident look, clicking her tongue as she gave two finger guns.

Sadly, this led her to once again opening her mouth, revealing the open space where one of her teeth once rested. Sighing, Apple Bloom continued, “Still don’t know if Ah’m ever gonna get used to this.” Sticking her tongue through the empty slot, she continued, “Wouldn’t mind this if it were a natural gap, but, well….”

It was at this point when a new thought entered Apple Bloom’s mind. Looking at her reflection, the former farm girl realized that, while she didn’t entirely like having a missing tooth, she wanted to keep it open, at least for now. Taking a deep breath, she said to herself, “Guess Ah just want to remember.” After all, what better way to remember what Applejack had done than to have a constant reminder, especially one that didn’t intrude on her?

Apple Bloom was distracted from her self reflection when someone knocked on her door. Turning around, she called out, “Come in.” The door opened, revealing Ironhide, who remarked, “Hope I’m not interrupting anything.” The former farm girl immediately reassured her uncle, “You weren’t. AH was just takin’ everythin’ in.” She then began to scratch the back of her neck as she added, “Guess Ah still find everythin’ kinda overwhelmin’.”

Walking up to his daughter, Ironhide reassured her, “Trust me kid, big change always takes a while. It took Chromia and I almost two months to finally process owning this place.” He then asked, “How you holding up? You know…”

Sighing, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah’m doin’ pretty good, all things considered.” She then asked, “Uncle Ironhide?” When the family patriarch gave her his attention, the burgundy haired girl said, “Thank you for takin’ me in. Ah just…” Struggling to find quite the right words, she settled on, “After everythin’ Ah did, Ah thought Ah’d burned every bridge possible, but you and Aunt Chromia took me in and….”

Feeling herself give in to her emotions, Apple Bloom wrapped her arms around her uncle in a tight hug, one which he happily returned.

As they finished their hug, Apple Bloom asked, “Anythin’ you need me to do?” Ironhide smiled as he replied, “Not right now. Of course, if you want, we might need just a little help with dinner tonight.” The burgundy haired girl nodded as she gave a salute with a cheerful, “Yes sir.”

Ironhide let out a gentle chuckle as he replied, “Save the saluting for tomorrow. We’ve got something planned for you.” Confused, Apple Bloom inquired, “What do you have in mind?” Her uncle gave a small smirk as he replied, “No spoilers kid. It’s a surprise.” All the former farm girl could do was defeatedly retort, “Yes sir.”

They were distracted by the sound of Wheeljack’s voice screaming in bloody murder, “They cleaned out my workshop! They got rid of everything!” Letting out a bemused sigh, Ironhide said, “I better go make sure Wheeljack doesn’t have an aneurism.” Apple Bloom gave a small chuckle as she replied, “Don’t let me hold you up.” She then stepped back, allowing her uncle to make sure his friend didn’t drive himself (or rather anyone else) completely insane.

The Next Morning….

Having had a rather pleasant night’s sleep (including a weird dream that she was already struggling to remember), Apple Bloom rose from her bed as she made her way to the dresser. “Alright now, what to wear today?” The burgundy haired girl asked herself as she inspected her available shirts. After a few minutes, she settled on a green plaid button shirt, remarking, “Ah haven’t worn this one in a while. Ought to be nice to add a little green to everythin’.”

After a few more minutes, Apple Bloom had settled on the rest of her outfit for the day; medium blue overalls, black boots, and some yellow bows to add to her pigtails. As she finished tying her right bow, the former farm girl found herself once again staring at her reflection in the mirror. Taking in the sight of the young woman who she’d become, Apple Bloom could only think of one thing.

She wasn’t the same Apple Bloom who first came to Allspark Wells. Instead, she was someone else, specifically someone she loved being.

Apple Bloom was distracted when someone knocked on her bedroom door, followed quickly by Sideswipe’s voice calling out, “Hey Apple Bloom! You up yet?” Turning to the door, the burgundy haired girl replied, “Up and ready!” The door soon opened, revealing her sister, dressed in her usual attire. Walking into Apple Bloom’s room, the pale biker inquired, “How you holding up?”

Allowing a smile to form on her face, Apple Bloom reassured her sister, “Ah’m doin’ alright. If anythin’, Ah feel better than Ah have in a while.” She then pulled Sideswipe into a tight hug as she continued, “Thanks for bein’ mah sister.” Hugging her back, the pale biker happily replied, “I should be the one thanking you for being my sister.”

As the two girls released each other, Sideswipe remarked, “Come on. I’m sure Ironhide and Chromia need help with breakfast.” Stretching her arms, Apple Bloom replied, “Alright then. Lead the way…”

The Kitchen…

Entering the kitchen, Apple Bloom and Sideswipe were greeted by a sight the former wasn’t entirely expecting. Standing at the counter, talking with Ironhide and Chromia was a vaguely familiar large chested man with light green skin, a dark green beard, and piercing blue eyes. Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “Uh, howdy there. Ah don’t wanna come off as rude, but have we met?”

Letting out a hearty laugh, the bearded man replied, “I’m Hound, and I was a Wrecker just like your fat…. I mean uncle.” He then extended his hand as he continued, “We met back at the veterans’ ball. I think we both had other things on our minds.” The former farm girl awkwardly scratched the back of her neck as she replied, “Yeah. Kinda hard to socialize when you’ve got a drunk guy ramblin’ in your face.”

Ironhide then turned to Apple Bloom and explained, “I invited Hound here to help with a little thing we planned for today.” Intrigued, Apple Bloom inquired, “Really? This that thing you were talkin’ about last night?” The family patriarch nodded as he answered, “Yup.” He then raised his finger to his daughter’s lips as he quickly added, “No spoilers. You’ll see later tonight.” Needless to say, Apple Bloom rolled her in “annoyance” as she complained, “You’re no fun.”

Sideswipe then leant against her sister as she reassured her, “Don’t worry. You’ll love what we’ve got in store for you.” Apple Bloom could only incredulously ask, “You’re in on this too?” Chromia then stepped up to her daughters and reassured the former farm girl, “Trust me, you’ll love this.”

Letting out a “resigned” sigh, Apple Bloom asked, “Alright then. What is it?”

A Short While Later…

If there was one kind of surprise that Apple Bloom wasn’t a particular fan of, it was the kind of surprise that required being blindfolded. However, Ironhide had informed her that, due to the nature of Ironhide’s surprise, the former farm girl found herself wearing a blindfold over her eyes as Sideswipe led her somewhere. Groaning to herself, she complained, “Alright, Ah’m startin’ to wonder if this is just some sort of prank.” All Sideswipe said in response was a simple, “Just a few more seconds Apple Bloom.”

Indeed, after only ten more seconds, Sideswipe informed, “Ok, you can take that off now.” Having received permission, Apple Bloom removed her blindfold, only to find herself overcome with emotion at what stood in front of her.

There, standing at the other end of the living room and dressed in a fancy military uniform, stood Ironhide. To his side, lined up next to each other like ducks in a row, stood Wheeljack, Ratchet, and Hound, each man dressed in similar uniforms. And to her surprise, standing across from them stood not only Chromia, but Tender Taps, Marble Pie, Rattrap, and even Double Shuffle as well. Not only that, but Wheeljack had set up the projector to show both Torque Wrench and Kerfuffle, who were sitting on a couch in what the former farm girl figured was their living room. Even Sparkplug and Wreck-Gar were present, the former sitting and wagging his tail while the latter stood at attention.

‘What’s goin’ on?’ Apple Bloom thought to herself. ‘Why is everyone here? Why are uncle Ironhide and his buddies all dressed up fancy?’ As she took everything in, Ironhide requested, “Apple Bloom, please step forward.” Gulping, the former farm girl walked up to her uncle. As she approached him, Wheeljack barked out, “Squad! Attention!” He, Ratchet, and Hound snapped right to attention, straightening themselves as they stomped the ground with their right feet.

Once she was standing in front of her uncle, Ironhide asked, “You’re probably wondering what we’re doing with this little get-together, aren’t you?” Apple Bloom nervously nodded as she replied, “Yeah. Why are you dressed up in your old army outfits?” She then turned to her friends as she added, “And While Ah’m not complainin’ about spendin’ time with mah friends, why are you guys all here?”

Letting out a small chuckle, Ironhide admitted, “Well, you see kid, we’re here because I wanted to give you a little something.” As Apple Bloom turned to face her uncle, the family patriarch continued, “Apple Bloom, I let you down by bringing you so close to your sister, but you showed great courage and maturity when faced with such odds.”

He then pulled a small box out of his jacket pocket as he explained, “During the war, I was wounded so many times, I lost count of how many of these things they gave me.” Opening the box, he revealed a purple heart shaped medal. Stepping towards his daughter, Ironhide explained, “I started giving some of these to people close to me, sort of like how you give someone a piece of yourself. Your grandmother has one, Bright Oak has one, I gave one to my dad, and even one to Chromia.” Apple Bloom turned to face her aunt, who pulled an identical purple heart out of her overalls pocket.

Feeling his eyes sting with pride, Ironhide admitted, “These medals are awarded to men and women who are wounded in the line of duty, and I figured that, given everything that’s happened….” As a tear escaped his eye, the sergeant finished with something Apple Bloom never expected her uncle to say.

“Apple Bloom, I hereby bestow you one of my purple hearts.”

Taking everything in, Apple Bloom asked, “What? Are you sure? Ah mean, Ah’m not a soldier like you were and….” She was interrupted when Ironhide rested a hand on her shoulder and reassured her, “Well, while I did ask Hound here to join us for this, I know this isn’t really anything official.” He then added, “And, well… There’s another sort of ceremonial way I’d like to honor you.”

As he removed the purple heart medal from the box, Ironhide began, “Apple Bloom, for your bravery in the face of unfair odds and for going and above the call of duty…” With that, Ironhide pinned the purple medal to Apple Bloom’s shirt as he proudly said something that would stay with her for the rest of her life.

“We, the surviving members of the 84th infantry, declare you an honorary Wrecker!”

Ironhide then saluted his daughter, followed swiftly by Ratchet, Wheeljack, and Hound saluting her as well. Looking down to the medal that now rested on her chest, Apple Bloom found herself overwhelmed by emotion. True, it wasn’t like it was some sort of actual medal ceremony, and she knew it would be a poor choice to wear the medal in public.

Then again, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but feel truly honored. After all, when Applejack casted her out, Ironhide swooped in and took her in, treating her as his daughter. And now that she thought it over, he had been the closest thing she had to a father for her entire life. And now he had organized this party, bringing in all her friends and even the only surviving remaining Wrecker (other than his fellow teammates) all for her.

Giving in to her growing joy, Apple Bloom saluted her father before wrapping her arms around him. Feeling her eyes watering up, she tearfully said, “Ah love you uncle Ironhide! Ah….” Struggling to find quite the right words, she settled on simply repeating, “Ah love you.” Hugging his daughter back, Ironhide replied with a gentle, “I love you too kid. And I always will.”

Needless to say, everyone began to applaud the father and daughter.

As they finished their hug, Ironhide added, “Of course, with school starting soon, I’ve also decided to relieve you of your duties as my employee.” Smiling, Apple Bloom replied, “Guess that means you’ll need someone else to help around the house?” Thankfully, Wheeljack spoke up with, “Don’t worry kid, you’ll still be helping out around here, just not as much on account of school.”

The discussion of balancing work and school was interrupted when Double Shuffle practically tackled Apple Bloom to the ground in a hug as she squealed, “I’m so happy for you Apple Bloom! You’re just like Ironhide now!” As Apple Bloom hugged her little sister back, Tender Taps added, “Guess that makes you the head of our little gang here.”

Pulling her boyfriend into the hug, Apple Bloom reassured him, “Ah don’t know if Ah’d call us a gang, but Ah can say you guys are the best friends Ah could ever ask for!” As Sideswipe and Marble nodded, Rattrap added, “Well, the feelin’s mutual.”

As all six kids wrapped each other in a massive group hug, Chromia walked up to her husband as she asked, “So, you think everything’s gonna be alright? Ironhide hesitated for a moment, remembering everything his daughter had been through and realizing that she’d probably have to deal with people bringing up her past in the future.

But as his eyes focused on Apple Bloom surrounded by her friends, Ironhide couldn’t help but allow a small smile to form on his lips as he took his wife’s hand and reassured her, “I think she’ll be alright.”

After all, the Wreckers always stood together, and no matter what, they would always stand together.

Author's Note:

Next Time; in our final chapter, Applejack and Apple Bloom prepare for an uncertain future.

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