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Tender Taps Comes Out

As the Apple Blooms

Part 57; Tender Taps Comes Out

Finishing up the touches to her hair, Apple Bloom struggled to keep herself calm and collected. ‘Come on, nothin’ to fret about. Just you an’ Sideswipe headin’ over to Tender’s to spend the day. Not like it’s some sort of extended date or anythin’.”

It had been two days since Ironhide told her and Sideswipe about his less than pleasant reunion with Sentinel Prime, and since then, the former farm girl had wanted nothing more than to keep her mind focused on anything other than gruesome tales from faraway lands. Thankfully, the day before, Tender Taps had informed her that his mother was available to get Sideswipe fitted for a pair of tap shoes. To sweeten the deal, Ironhide decided that, since they’d been doing a good job, he was going to allow his daughters to have the day off.

And now here she was, fretting with herself over whether or not she was presentable for her boyfriend.

At that moment, Apple Bloom was distracted by the sound of someone knocking on the bedroom door. Turning to face the door, the former farm girl called out, “You can come in.” Sure enough, Sideswipe entered her room, a smug smile on her face.

“You’re overreacting Apple Bloom.” The pale biker remarked. As she approached her sister, she continued, “I mean, this is like what, the hundredth time you’ve been over?” As the red haired teen took a deep breath, Sideswipe made her way up to Apple Bloom and reassured her, “So relax. Honestly I should be the one nervous. I haven’t gotten a new pair of dance shoes in forever.”

Letting out her deep breath, Apple Bloom relented, “Thanks Sideswipe.” She then began to blush as she asked, “You think they’ll like mah outfit?” Indeed, the former farm girl was wearing a variation of her normal attire; a pair of blue overalls, a blue and white stripped tank top, and her black boots. Straightening her red denim vest, Sideswipe replied, “Relax. I doubt they’re gonna worry about your clothes.”

Managing to calm herself down, Apple Bloom replied, “Thanks. Guess Ah’m just worried since both his parents are home.” Sideswipe let out a gentle chuckle as she reassured her, “Take it from me, I know what it’s like when your girlfriend….” Pausing for a moment, she continued, “…. Or boyfriend’s parents disapprove of you. And from what you’ve told me, they seem to love you.”

Once both girls had managed to enter a relaxed state, Apple Bloom made her way to her dance bag as she said, “Thanks Sideswipe.” Nodding, the pale girl replied, “No problem. Now, don’t we have somewhere to be?” Smiling, the former farm girl began to blush as Sideswipe continued, “I’ll drive. Think of this as a thank you for this.”

As the two girls made their way to Sideswipe’s bike, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but think to herself, ‘Ah got a good feelin’ about today.’

Tap Family’s Home….

Making their way up to the familiar sight of the Tap family’s home, Apple Bloom playfully asked, “You thinkin’ of goin’ full black, black and white, full white, or somethin’ else?” Shrugging, Sideswipe replied, “Certainly not white. I’ve never been fond of white shoes.”

Before either teen could say anything else, the front door opened, revealing a familiar orange boy with purple hair and dressed in a purple buttoned tee shirt and black pants. Making his way up to his girlfriend, Tender Taps greeted, “Hey Apple Bloom!” He then wrapped her in a tight hug, one which she happily returned as she replied, “Howdy Tendy!”

Once he’d released her, Apple Bloom noticed something was off with her boyfriend; the subtle but still noticeable expression on his face made it clear something was eating at him. Concerned, the former farm girl asked, “You alright there Tender?”

Taking a deep breath, the orange dancer answered, “I’ve… Had something on my mind.” Before Apple Bloom could inquire about it further, Tender Taps reassured her, “Don’t worry. We can talk about it later.” The former farm girl let out a gentle sigh as she replied, “Alright. But you’re tellin’ me or Ah’m askin’ your folks for embarrassin’ baby photos.”

Blushing, Tender Taps playfully replied, “That’s a bit of a low blow.” Apple Bloom leant into his face as she quipped, “It’s only ‘cause Ah love you.” She then booped her boyfriend on the nose, much to his embarrassment as well as Sideswipe’s amusement.

Once he recovered, Tender Taps turned to the pale biker and called out, “Hey Sideswipe. Ready to find your next pair of tap shoes?” Nodding, Sideswipe replied, “You better believe it buddy.” With that, the teenaged tap dancer invited them inside with a gentle, “Shall we?” Apple Bloom nodded as she replied, “You bet.” She then extended her hand, allowing her boyfriend to take her hand and lead them inside.

Once they were inside, Apple Bloom was greeted by a blue blur constricting her in a massive hug as she squealed, “Hi Apple Bloom!” Hugging her little sister back, the former farm girl replied, “Howdy Double Shuffle. How’ve you been?” Releasing her older sister, the younger girl answered, “Great! Dad has been teaching me some of the routines from his tour, and he says I’m almost as good as the other Tap Hounds!”

Intrigued, Apple Bloom asked, “Really?” As Double Shuffle nodded, Tender Taps replied, “You better believe it. I think I’ve seen smoke rising from her feet more than once.” Sideswipe then remarked, “Ooh. Maybe I could try.” The younger blue girl cracked her knuckles as she replied, “I suppose. Provided you don’t get tap confused with that fancy step dancing.”

At that moment, the four kids were distracted by the sound of a woman’s voice asking, “Well, what do we have here?” Turning to see who it was, Apple Bloom and Sideswipe were greeted by a yellow woman with purple hair that could only be Soft Shoe. As she approached the group, the older woman greeted, “Apple Bloom. Sideswipe. Good to see you again.” As she and the former farm girl shook hands, Soft Shoe complimented, “Why, don’t you look just adorable?”

Blushing, Apple Bloom replied, “Thanks ma’am.” She then gestured to Sideswipe as she continued, “We’re here to get mah sister a new pair of tap shoes. Think you might be able to help us?” As the pale biker meekly extended her hand, Soft Shoe replied, “I think we might be able to work something out. Follow me.”

With that, Soft Shoe led Sideswipe, Apple Bloom, and her kids off, hopeful she could find the pale biker the right pair of dance shoes.

The Store Room…

Entering the older woman’s store room, Apple Bloom and Sideswipe found their jaws dropping as they processed just how many boxes of dance shoes she had. Indeed, the shelves filled with countless boxes, each one filled with a skillfully crafted pair of dance shoes. Whether it was tap shoes, Pointe shoes, ballet slippers, or any other kind of footwear made for dancing, it could be found somewhere within arms’ reach.

Turning to face Sideswipe, Soft Shoe asked, “Now then, would you mind removing your boots so I can get your feet measured?” Nodding, the pale biker bent down and began to untie her right boot as she replied, “Sure thing ma’am.” After a few moments, Sideswipe had removed her boots as the older woman brought out a foot measuring device.

Once Sideswipe’s feet had been properly measured, Soft Shoe remarked, “Alright then. Now we get to the fun part.” As she began to make her way to one of the many shelves, the older woman asked, “What kind of tap shoe were you thinking of?”

Pondering for a moment, Sideswipe answered, “For starters, I’d prefer a set of flats.” Nodding, Soft Shoe replied, “Very good. Would you prefer something with laces or a slip on pair?” As the pale biker pondered on her choices, Apple Bloom turned to Tender Taps as she remarked, “Ah’ve never heard of slip on shoes.” Shrugging, the orange boy replied, “Mom doesn’t get too many requests for those, but some people prefer them.”

Soft Shoe then asked, “And now color. We have all black, all white, and black and white. Which would you prefer?” Knowing she didn’t prefer white, Sideswipe answered, “Either black and white or all black. I’d like to see what works.” The older woman let out a gentle chuckle as she replied, “Ooh. Haven’t had an opportunity like this in a while.”

Scanning the shelves of shoes, Soft Shoe took two boxes and presented them to Sideswipe as she remarked, “Let’s start with these.” Taking the two boxes, the pale biker made her way over to a nearby bench and sat down as she opened one of them, revealing a pair of black and white tap shoes with relatively thick soles. Slipping the shoes on, Sideswipe remarked, “Wow, these fit like a glove.”

Once she’d gotten both shoes laced up, the pale biker asked, “What do you guys think?” Apple Bloom replied with an enthusiastic, “They suit you perfectly.” Double Shuffle, however, suggested, “I’m not too sure. Maybe we should see how she looks with all black.” Nodding, Sideswipe quipped, “Alright. Let’s see how all black goes.”

After taking off the black and white shoes, Sideswipe slipped on the all black tap shoes and, lacing them up, asked, “What do you guys think?” Glancing between the shoes on her sister’s feet and the black and white pair next to her, Apple Bloom answered, “Whoa! Ah think you rock all black!” Tender Taps added, “Yeah. Personally, I think black and white are more situational, but black is always in season.”

As Sideswipe pondered on her choices, Apple Bloom quickly added, “Ah mean, the choice is up to you.” Nodding, the pale biker inspected her feet, taking in the sight of the pure black tap shoes that now adorned them and, taking a deep breath, she said, “I’ll take ‘em.”

Soft Shoe let out an enthusiastic squeal as she replied, “Alright then. Now, given everything, I think we might be able to work out a…. generous discount.” Taken aback by the gesture of generosity, Sideswipe hesitated for a moment before asking, “Uh, are you sure ma’am? I have enough money on me to cover everything.” The older woman reassured her, “It’s alright dear. Consider it a family discount.”

Eventually, Sideswipe relented as she replied, “Very well ma’am.” Soft Shoe then added, “And once we have everything settled, I have a feeling you might want to get these babies broken in.” As the pale girl enthusiastically nodded, Apple Bloom turned to her boyfriend as she quipped, “An’ maybe we can show her a thing or two.” Tender Taps could only blush as he replied, “You bet.”

And so, as Sideswipe finished paying Soft Shoe, Apple Bloom, Tender Taps and Double Shuffle departed to change into something more comfortable to dance in.

The Dance Studio…

Slipping on her own tap shoes, Apple Bloom glanced at her reflection in the mirror. Dressed in her striped sleeveless shirt and a pair of black pants, the former farm girl stood up as she began to roll her feet. Next to her, Tender Taps was wearing a black tank top and pants, a look that she found made her heart race. To her other side stood Double Shuffle, dressed in a red tee shirt and shorts, and behind her stood Sideswipe, who was wearing an over the shoulder shirt with the straps of her tank top visible. All in all, everyone was dressed and ready to make some noise.

Turning to his girlfriend, Tender Taps began, “Ok Apple Bloom. For you, I think we’re gonna work on something I’ve been noticing with you.” Concerned, the former farm girl asked, “Somethin’ Ah’m doin’ wrong?” The purple haired boy reassured her, “Of course not, it’s just that I noticed you seem to be staying on your whole foot.”

Confused, Apple Bloom remarked, “Ah’m confused.” Tender Taps explained, “Well, for something like a stomp, it’s good to use the whole foot. However…” Making his way to the center of the floor, he said, “Now watch this.” He then performed two shuffle ball changes, one with his whole feet and another while trying to stay on his toes. Turning back to his girlfriend, he asked, “You notice the difference?”

Nodding, the former farm girl replied, “Ah think so. The second time everythin’ was a bit cleaner.” As Apple Bloom took a deep breath, she performed a few shuffle ball changes of her own, leading to Tender Taps congratulating her with an enthusiastic, “Exactly! Just like that.” As he walked up to her, he continued, “Trust me, staying on your toes is probably the trickiest part of tap dancing.”

As Apple Bloom blushed, Sideswipe spoke up with a gentle, “I swear, I almost forgot what tap shoes feel like.” Turning to face her sister, the former farm girl was delighted to see the pale biker stretching her legs as she continued, “Almost feels as good as when I’m taking my bike out for a drive.” She then leapt forward as she began to perform some scissors, going up to her toes while alternating shuffles. While Apple Bloom was impressed, Tender Taps spoke up with a gentle, “Hold your horses Sideswipe. We need to stretch first.” Once everyone lined up, the teenaged dancer began, “Alright, now we start with….”

Two Hours Later…

“…. And a 5 6 7 8!” Tender Taps called out as he, Apple Bloom, Sideswipe, and Double Shuffle began to perform a simple routine known as the shim sham. Apparently, it was a traditional routine performed at the end of shows by all available dancers, hence why for the group, it was relatively easy. And despite its prominence in tap culture, no one knew who really created it, though Tender Taps had mentioned that it was first performed by a duo known as “the Shim Sham Sisters.”

Finishing their performance, Tender Taps struck a dramatic pose as he called out, “Ok, I think that’s enough for now.” As Apple Bloom and Sideswipe made their way to the wall and slumped down, Double Shuffle whined, “Awh, come on! I’m just getting warmed up.” The former farm girl let out a gentle chuckle as she replied, “Ah bet, but mah feet are startin’ to kill me.” This was followed by Sideswipe adding, “And I haven’t broken my new shoes in quite yet.”

As Double Shuffle pouted, Apple Bloom turned to her sister and asked, “So, how’s it feel to dance in a pair of tap shoes for once?” Catching her breath, Sideswipe answered, “Honestly, it’s refreshing.” She then glanced at her feet as she continued, “It kinda reminds me of when I was younger. Guess dancing is the only thing that comes close to the feeling I get when I’m riding my bike.” As Apple Bloom took this in, Tender Taps sat down next to his girlfriend as he quipped, “Then considering what I’ve seen, I wouldn’t be surprised if you got a rider’s high.”

A confused Double Shuffle asked, “What’s a rider’s high?” For a few moments, none of the other teens knew what to say until her brother replied, “I think that’s a question for mom and dad.” The younger girl slumped down as she replied, “Ugh. You guys are no fun.”

At that moment, the door opened, revealing none other than Soft Shoe. As the older woman entered the dance studio, Tender Taps asked, “Mom? What are you doing here?” The elder Tap pulled out her own pair of tap shoes as she answered, “Well, I was listening to you kids and figured I shouldn’t let you have all the fun.” She then walked up to the sound system and whispered to herself, “Now where is it?”

Apple Bloom then asked, “What are you lookin’ for?” The older woman turned around as she answered, “Just an old diddy I did a routine to.” As the former farm girl took this in, Double Shuffle asked, “You mean the Miss Continent routine?” The moment those words escaped her lips, Sideswipe shot up as she incredulously asked, “Whoa! You were a Miss Continent contestant?” This was followed by Apple Bloom asking, “Ain’t that the big yearly beauty pageant thing?”

Nodding, Soft Shoe answered, “You bet. I competed years ago, before I even met Hard Shoe.” As she tied the laces of her tap shoes, the older woman continued, “In truth I never really expected to win, but I wanted more than anything to make it to the talent part of the competition. After all, not everyone gets the chance to perform for the entire nation.”

Once she had tied her laces, Soft Shoe took a deep breath as she pressed a button on the sound system and quipped, “I’ve added a quick delay.” She then began to count down as Tender Taps leant over to Apple Bloom as he remarked, “You guys are gonna love this.”

Before Apple Bloom could entirely process what she had just heard, the sound of music, specifically a jazz drummer banging away, rang from the speakers. After a single four count, Soft Shoe performed two alternating flaps followed by a tap step the former farm girl hadn’t seen before.

Soon, as the music kicked into high gear, Soft Shoe began to prance around the studio, striking the hardwood floor with a speed and precision that not only rivaled, but actually surpassed Double Shuffle’s prodigious skill. Her tapping was so awe inspiring that both Apple Bloom and Sideswipe found their jaws dropping.

Eventually, the jazzy song reached its conclusion, and Soft Shoe finished with a leap into the air and landing with a split. Overcome with excitement, Apple Bloom began to clap as Sideswipe exclaimed, “Whoa! That was awesome!” She then shot up and made her way up to her as she practically begged, “You need to teach me how to do that!” Lighting up with humility, Soft Shoe replied, “You sure? It’s a pretty complicated routine.”

As Sideswipe and Soft Shoe continued their conversation, Tender Taps turned to Apple Bloom and began, “So Apple Bloom, about that thing you were curious about?” The former farm girl replied, “Yeah. There somethin’ buggin’ you?” Blushing, the orange boy replied, “Not exactly bugging me as just…” Hesitating for a moment, he explained, “Guess it’s kinda complicated.”

Apple Bloom then asked, “In that case, mind if Ah change into somethin’ a little more comfortable?” The purple haired teen gave an (admittedly adorable) smile as he replied, “No problem. In fact, I might as well do the same. Meet me in my room?” Nodding, the red haired girl happily answered, “You got it.” With that, the two teens departed to change back into their normal clothes.

Tender Taps’s Room, Ten Minutes Later…

Having slipped her overalls back on, Apple Bloom entered her boyfriend’s room. Just like any other bedroom, there was a bed, dresser, mirror, and even a desk with chair like in hers. Of course, there were a few noticeable differences, such as posters of several musicals on the walls (a few she recognized due to Sweetie Belle), an open closet filled with fancy outfits, and perhaps most noticeable of all, a rack containing several pairs of tap shoes, including the black and purple pair his father had given him.

Turning to face his girlfriend, Tender Taps began, “So, a while back, I was thinking about how your uncle had told you not to tell anyone about that Wreck-Gar robot, and….” Pausing for a moment, he continued, “It got me thinking about something.”

Feeling a sense of guilt build up in her, Apple Bloom began, “Is it about how he kinda made me keep it a secret?” Tender Taps raised his hands as he reassured her, “Oh no, of course not! I actually understand why Ironhide wouldn’t have wanted anyone to know about something so human like.” He then held his arm as he continued, “It actually got me thinking about how I don’t have an excuse like that.”

“Excuse?” Apple Bloom asked, starting to grow worried. Sighing, Tender Taps replied, “Well, it’s not anything bad like infidelity.” He then let out a gentle chuckle as he added, “If I had been…. You know…. I don’t think I’d be able to look you in the face.”

Letting out a sigh of relief, the former farm girl remarked, “That’s good. Ah think.” Deep inside, Apple Bloom thought to herself, ‘Why are you thinkin’ that? You know he’d never do anythin’ like that.’ After all, she may not have been as good a spotting lies or deception as her sister, but she’d grown to know Tender Taps and his family as well as her own family, and she knew that he loved her just as much as she loved him.

Now struggling to keep himself calm, Tender Taps approached the desk and opened a drawer and began to rummage for something as he admitted, “Apple Bloom, I love you, and I’m lucky to have you as a girlfriend.” He then pulled something out as, taking a deep breath, he admitted, “However, you weren’t my first crush.” With that, he handed something to her; a worn photograph.

Accepting the image, Apple Bloom was surprised to see a younger Tender Taps, probably around early middle school, and another boy with dark red skin and orange hair. Both young boys were holding peace signs as the younger Tender held up a peace sign and winking. Confused, she asked, “Uh, who’s this?”

Letting out an embarrassed chuckle, Tender Taps admitted, “That’s Thorn. He was a friend of mine from preschool to 7th grade.” He then began to faintly blush as he continued, “We were thick as thieves, and until then, he was my best friend.” Noticing the faint tone of regret in his voice, Apple Bloom asked, “Ah take it things didn’t go well?”

Nodding, the orange boy explained, “That’s putting it lightly. You see, I’ve always had those kinds of “celebrity crushes,” that thing where you really like a famous person like a rock star or, in my case, bridleway actors.” Apple Bloom nodded as she replied, “Ah know the feelin’. Sweetie Belle used to go on about how much she loved this singer Ah can’t remember the name of.”

Tender Taps then continued, “Well, I started to get a feeling kinda like that for Thorn after a while. I didn’t know what it was exactly but…” Starting to feel his eyes sting, he added, “Just being around him felt so…. Only dancing gave me a feeling close to when we were hanging out. I loved being around him and…”

Apple Bloom rested a hand on his shoulder as she asked, “What are you tryin’ to say?” As his eyes began to tear up, Tender Taps answered, “That I had the feeling I get when I’m with you back then around him.” Taking a deep breath, the orange dancer said a single sentence that would not only explain his sentence, but also why he was so nervous about revealing it.

“Apple Bloom, I’m bisexual.”

It finally hit what her boyfriend was doing. ‘He’s commin’ out.’ she thought to herself. The former farm girl had learned from her sister that people who were gay, bisexual, had gender dysphoria, and other issues with their gender were often terrified to reveal so, as their friends or family often didn’t understand or, tragically, disowned them for such “degenerate abnormalities”.

But none of that mattered right now. What did matter was that her boyfriend was in turmoil for revealing something so simple.

“Tendy?” Apple Bloom asked as she gently wiped a tear from his cheeks. As Tender Taps gave her a hopeful look, the former farm girl explained, “Ah know that you’re scared about doin’ this but…” Taking a deep breath, she reassured him, “No matter what, Ah’ll be here for you, and Ah’m not goin’ anywhere.”

Giving into the tears of joy escaping his eyes, Tender Taps threw himself at Apple Bloom, wrapping her in the tightest hug he possibly could as he cried out, “Thank you thank you THANK YOU!” Though momentarily caught off guard, the former farm girl wrapped him back as she replied, “You’re more than welcome.” She then planted a kiss on his cheek, leading the orange boy to return the favor.

Once they finished their embrace, Apple Bloom asked, “So, does anyone else know?” Blushing, Tender Taps replied, “Other than Mom, Dad, and Double Shuffle, no. You’re the first.” The former farm girl began to blush herself as she quipped, “Guess Ah’m the first one?” Nodding, the orange dancer meekly answered, “After Thorn, I didn’t know how to say I’m… You know…”

Apple Bloom then asked, “So, what happened to you and Thorn?” Sighing, Tender Taps began, “Well, back in 7th grade, Thorn and I went to the fall dance and…” His eyes watering up, he continued, “We were having fun and dancing together and… We started slow dancing I began to admit how I felt about him. He didn’t really seem to take it too well, but I was just so overcome with emotion I kissed him on the lips.”

With the tears now dripping from his face, Tender Taps finished, “When I pulled back, something changed in him. He started shouting at me and saying I was a….” Now giving into the sorrow, he admitted, “He said I was a faggot.”

Wrapping her arms around her boyfriend, Apple Bloom apologized, “Ah’m sorry about that.” Tender Taps managed to regain enough composure to reply, “Thanks. Guess even after all this time, it still haunts me.” He then let out a gentle chuckle as he added, “Though if he felt that way, maybe it was a good idea to cut him out of my life.”

Leaning against her boyfriend, Apple Bloom added, “Well Ah say he’s a fool for turnin’ his back on someone as kind and sweet and cute as you.” She then wrapped her arm against him and quipped, “And you’re certainly a terrific dancer.” The orange boy placed his arm around her shoulder as she replied, “I could say the same of you.”

Taking a deep breath, Tender Taps asked, “So Apple Bloom? You think you can forgive me for not….” He was interrupted by Apple Bloom replying, “It’s alright. Ah can’t blame you for not tellin’ me.” She then requested, “But from now on, no more secrets between us, ok?” Nodding, Tender Taps answered, “I promise.” He then shot her a cheeky smirk as he added, “Unless I’m getting you a present of course.”

Letting out an adorable giggle, Apple Bloom hugged Tender Taps as she teased, “You’re the best, you know that?” Hugging her back, he replied, “I know you are, but what am I?” They then shared a kiss before spending what seemed like an eternity just enjoying each other’s company.

Taps’ Living Room, A Short While Later…

Making their way into the living room, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps found Sideswipe and Double Shuffle seated on the couch as they talked with both Hard and Soft Shoe. As the adults noticed the two love birds approaching, Hard Shoe asked, “Where have you two been?” Both teens blushed as Tender Taps answered, “We were just hanging out, talking about things.” Apple Bloom then added, “Settin’ some things “straight”, you know?” She then shot her boyfriend a mischievous smirk, leading to him playfully rolling his eyes in return.

Sideswipe then stood up as she revealed, “Well, I was just explaining to Double Shuffle about how I’m gay, and apparently….” She then shot Tender Taps a knowing look as she continued, “I’m not the only one who’s not exactly shooting straight, am I?” Letting out a “defeated” sigh, the orange boy joked, “No. I guess you could say I shoot in both directions.” When Double Shuffle gave him a confused look, he bluntly corrected, “But yeah, I’m bi.”

Apple Bloom then wrapped her arm around her boyfriend as she added, “And there’s nothin’ wrong with that.” Taking her hand, Tender Taps gently replied, “Especially with friends like you guys.”

Hard Shoe then spoke up, “So I was thinking, who’s hungry?” Double Shuffle immediately replied, “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.” This remark was met with Sideswipe quipping, “That’s because you were dancing so hard I thought your legs would give out.” The younger blue girl replied back, “So were you.”

As everyone struggled to contain their giggling at the playful banter, Soft Shoe said, “Anyway, Apple Bloom? Sideswipe? Would you two like to join us for a slice of pizza?” Double Shuffle ran up to the former farm girl and begged, “Come on, please? Please?” Relenting, Apple Bloom replied, “You bet.” As Double Shuffle wrapped the older girl in a hug, Sideswipe added, “Thanks for the invitation Mr. Hard Shoe.”

Resting a hand on the teenaged biker, Hard Shoe reassured her, “No problem. Now come on everybody.” He then began to lead everyone towards the family’s car. As the group began to follow him, Tender Taps extended his elbow to his girlfriend as he asked, “Shall we?” Apple Bloom smiled as she locked arms with him and replied, “We shall.”With that, the two love birds joined the rest of the Tap family.

They just hoped there would be enough room between both Soft and Hard Shoe’s cars.

Author's Note:

Next Time; It's a secret.

Author's Note; I'm taking a week off so I can streamline everything. As fun as this story is, and as much as there are more than a few tales left, it can't go on forever.

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