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Buried Hatchet

As the Apple Blooms

Part 59; Buried Hatchet

“Sunset?” Apple Bloom asked incredulously. It was impossible, inconceivable, going against all odds of it being physically possible. How could it have been possible? It was a great big world out there, and as far as she knew, Allspark Wells had to be incredibly out of the way for anyone from Canterlot City. After all, that was part of why Apple Bloom figured her sister had sent her to her Uncle in the first place. Sadly, there was no denying anything but the cold hard truth.

Sunset Shimmer, the girl she framed for posting everyone’s secrets, the girl she turned her sister against, and perhaps the one person hurt more than anyone else, was now standing in front of her.

Letting out a surprisingly amused chuckle as she remarked, “Every single town from Canterlot City to Maretime Bay, and I run into you here.” As Apple Bloom continued to grow pale, Sideswipe began to look back and forth between her sister and the new girl as she said, “I’m sensing some history between you two.”

Shaking her head, Sunset sarcastically replied, “Oh, we go way back. Why, it was if it were just yesterday that someone here made a Mystable post about someone’s sister’s nickname.”

Turning to face her sister, Sideswipe asked, “Wait a minute! You mean….” Pausing for a moment, she pointed to Sunset as she finished, “…. That’s her?” Apple Bloom could only meekly nod yes as she answered, “Yup.” As the realization of what was going on hit her, the pale biker could only let out a quiet yet surprised, “Oh.”

From behind Sunset, a few of the Wondercolts entered as one of them, a light blue young adult with dark blue hair began, “Hey Sunset. You know how long these guys are gonna be working on the bus?” To his right stood none other than Rainbow Dash, who added, “Yeah, it’s getting late, and we need to get to the hotel before….”

The rainbow haired girl stopped herself as she noticed a familiar girl standing in front of her friend. Blinking and rubbing her eyes, it finally clicked in Rainbow Dash’s mind who she was standing in front of. As she made her way up Sunset, Apple Bloom could only nervously ask, “R-r-rainbow Dash?”

Before Rainbow Dash could say anything, Soarin stomped up to the former farm girl and angrily asked, “What the hell are you doing here?” As Apple Bloom backed away in fear, Sideswipe placed herself in front of her adoptive sister and warned, “You better back down buddy, ‘cause you’re on a one way street to an ass kicking.”

Just as everything seemed to be devolving into a standoff between two rival armies, Ironhide and Chromia entered from the garage, with the former asking, “What’s going on in here?” As the older man noticed that the teens were staring down his niece, he sighed as he continued, “Let me guess, this is some sort of an unhappy reunion?” Soarin stomped up to the family patriarch and pointed to Apple Bloom as he asked, “You wouldn’t happen to know what your employee was done, would you?”

Giving the younger man a stern look, Ironhide informed him, “I am well aware of everything my niece has been up to.” He then stepped forward, forcing Soarin to step back as he continued, “So do me a favor, and leave her alone.” Groaning, the young man turned around and returned to his team as he grumbled to himself.

Once Soarin had rejoined the Wondercolts, Spitfire stepped forward as she asked, “So, Mr… Uh….” The family patriarch interrupted, “The name’s Ironhide.” Nodding, the fiery haired woman asked, “Yeah, Ironhide, how long should it take to fix the bus?”

Ironhide then proceeded to explain, “Well, two of the engine’s pistons are busted, so we’re gonna need to check the scrap yard for some replacements.” Rainbow Dash then asked, “Are you sure? It could be something else.” As Ironhide turned to her, Chromia replied, “We’re certain. I practically took the engine apart piece by piece.”

Another of the Wondercolts, High Winds, asked, “Is there anyone else who could fix it?” Shaking her head, Chromia answered, “The only other people in town who could are Knockout and Breakdown, and this might be a little out of their league.” As Spitfire sighed, Wheeljack then spoke up, “And it just so happens that they’re off on vacation this week.” When the other members of the chop shop gave him confused looks, the maverick mechanic defended himself, “What? I went out for a few drinks a few days ago and had a word with ‘em.”

Sighing, Ironhide turned back to the Wondercolts as he explained, “In that case, if you want your bus fixed, we’re your only shot.” Realizing that he was right, the Wondercolts began to discuss their situation between themselves. After a few moments, Spitfire stepped forward and informed, “Ok, we’ll accept your help, but with one condition.” A confused Wheeljack asked, “And that would be?”

Turning to Apple Bloom, Spitfire pointed at her as she demanded, “We don’t want anything to do with her! No help, nothing!”

For several moments, no one said anything as the family of scrappers contemplated the request. After a few moments, however, Apple Bloom stepped forward and said, “It’s done.” Nodding, Spitfire let out a sigh of relief as she quipped, “Huh. That was easier than I thought.”

The oddly optimistic tone was dashed by Ironhide informing the group, “In that case, we’re closing for the night.” A surprised High Winds complained, “But your hours sign says you close at….” She was interrupted by a stern Wheeljack asking, “You wanna try finding your own pistons kid?”

Realizing he was right, High Winds could only reply with a defeated “touché.” As the pale blue girl rejoined her team, Queue made his way to the Wondercolts and began, “In that case, I think you kids will be needin’ a ride to your hotel.” As the teens grumbled, the older man continued, “Alright then. If you will all follow me…” HE then turned to Ironhide and added, “I’ll be back in a wee bit.”

As the Wondercolts began to leave, Apple Bloom found herself overcome with guilt as the memories of what she’d done consumed her. Losing her ability to think straight, the former farm girl found herself starting to follow the older teenagers, hopeful she could try and apologize to them.

Sadly, the young girl was stopped when her uncle extended her arm, preventing her from continuing. Expecting him to be angry with her, she was surprised to find a concerned expression on his face as he warned, “You’re already in a pretty deep hole kid. Don’t dig any deeper.”

Giving in to the already swelling emotions inside her, Apple Bloom threw herself into her uncle’s embrace as she began to sniffle. Hugging her back, Ironhide reassured her, “It’s alright Apple Bloom.” Chromia then stepped forward and added, “I must say, that was pretty nice of you to… You know…” She was interrupted by Sideswipe, who remarked, “Actually step back to satisfy those pricks?”

Releasing his niece, Ironhide turned to Sideswipe and warned, “I’d be careful about using that kind of language young lady.” Apple Bloom then asked, “Uh, Uncle Ironhide?” When the family patriarch replied, “What is it?” Managing to take a deep breath through her sniffling, the young girl asked, “It alright if Ah go to mah room?”

Nodding, Ironhide replied, “Of course you can. And given everything, I think the rest of us can handle any and all chores for the rest of the night.” Apple Bloom gave her uncle another, far gentler hug as she said, “Thanks Uncle Ironhide.” She then made her way towards her room, followed closely by Sideswipe.

Once both kids were gone, Wheeljack sighed as he warned, “I hate to say it, but Sideswipe is right. Those kids were being a bunch of jackasses!” Ironhide shook his head as he replied, “I know, but unfortunately, they have a pretty decent reason to have a bone to pick with her.” Ratchet then added, “I mean, given what she posted to that blasted website, I’m surprised they didn’t try to tear her apart.”

As everyone took in the reality of their situation, Wheeljack asked, “So, what happens next?” Ironhide sighed and shrugged as he answered, “Guess all we can do is get their bus fixed and hope they keep their tempers in check.” He then added, “But that’s for tomorrow. As for tonight, I think it’s my turn for KP duty, and I’ve been dying to try out this recipe I found for chicken parmesan.”

With that, the rest of the family departed for the kitchen, curious as to whether or not Ironhide could actually make a decent chicken parmesan.

The Wandering Vagabond Hotel, Later that Night….

Seated around each other as they shared two large pizzas, Sunset Shimmer and the Wondercolts found themselves deep in discussion regarding their less than desirable situation. While they had arrived at the hotel safe and sound thanks to Mr. Queue, it was small comfort to the revelation that the only people who could help them happened to include the one person that had caused them so much misery.

Taking a sip from his soda, Soarin grumbled, “I can’t believe that good for nothing, two timing, treacherous brat just had to be here!” Misty Fly then added, “In all the chop shops in all the towns in all the world, we had to run into her.” Fleet Foot then asked, “So what do we do now? Tie her up and beat her up as we shave her and stuff a rag down her throat?”

“NO!” Sunset practically screamed as she stood up. As the other Wondercolts turned to face her, the pony turned human explained, “I get it, we’re all angry with her.” Fleet Foot proceeded to ask, “But we can still do the thing with the rag right? I learned it from my dad when he started going on about his days in the marines, and how it helped with punishing trouble makers.” After a few moments of awkward silence, Surprise spoke up with a worried, “I’m pretty sure that whole rag thing is illegal.”

As Fleet Foot sat down and grumbled to herself, Sunset Shimmer continued to her mini speech with, “As I said, we all have a bone to pick with Apple Bloom.” She then turned to Soarin as she added, “Some of us more than others.” At the mere allusion to the former farm girl’s actions, Soarin rose up and, trembling with rage, made his way to the door as he said, “Excuse me for a moment.”

Once Soarin was gone, Misty Fly walked up to Sunset and solemnly remarked, “He still hasn’t gotten over what happened to her.” Indeed, it was almost impossible for any of the Wondercolts to think about Apple Bloom or her friends without recalling how they had somehow learned that Soarin’s father was…. Less than kind to his younger sister, and the fact that hundreds of strangers learned through Anon-A-Miss before her own brother was just the stale icing on the moldy cake.

Managing to keep herself calm, Sunset explained, “I know. What they did to them was just…” Sadly, she found herself unable to even finish that sentence. Instead, the former pony continued, “But, there’s something I have to do.” Concerned, Misty Fly asked, “What are you gonna do?” Standing up, Sunset said something that surprised the entire team.

“Once everything is done, I’d like to have a little word with Apple Bloom.”

The Chop Shop Living Room…

“No way!” Wheeljack exclaimed with excitement as he opened the present he’d received from his father. As the rest of the family gathered around him, Queue spoke up, “I know you’ve always been fond of these, so I was able to forge you some workin’ replicas. Just like the ones they used great civil war!” As the former wrecker reached into the box, a bemused Apple Bloom asked, “What is it?”

To Ironhide, Chromia, and Ratchet’s shock, Wheeljack pulled out two seemingly antique revolvers.

Starting to feel her body tremble, Apple Bloom asked, “Uh…. Are th-th-th-those g-g-g-guns?” Wheeljack twirled the two weapons around his fingers like a cow boy as he answered, “Not just any guns. These are single action colt revolvers!” Queue then nodded as he quipped, “If you ask me, they’re perfect inventions for kickin’ arse!” As Apple Bloom stood there, surprised and dumbfounded, Sideswipe remarked, “I don’t have any idea what any of that means.”

Wheeljack made his way up to the two teens and began, “Well for starters, it means you’ll have to pull this piece here called a hammer back every time you want to….”

He was quickly interrupted by Ironhide walking up to him and snatching the two revolvers from his hands before warning, “All due respect Wheeljack, but I’d appreciate it if I were the one to give them the firearm safety talk.” A pouting Wheeljack complained, “Oh come on. Of course I’m safe.” The family patriarch simply shook his head as he replied, “Then shouldn’t you have checked to make sure these things aren’t loaded?”

As Ironhide and Wheeljack bickered between each other, Ratchet and Chromia made their way towards the girls as the latter suggested, “I think it’s starting to get a bit late. Why don’t you two start getting ready for bed?” Both Apple Bloom and Sideswipe nodded as they slank away, neither girl wanting to be within earshot of Ironhide giving Wheeljack an earful.

Apple Bloom’s Room, A Half Hour Later…

“So, that girl in the leather jacket was her?” Sideswipe asked her sister. Nodding, Apple Bloom dejectedly replied, “Yeah. She was the one mah sister was spendin’ all her time with and….” The former farm girl couldn’t will herself to continue. After all, everyone knew what she’d done, so there was no use in pretending otherwise.

Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom asked, “So Sideswipe? You think they’d ever, you know, forgive me?” Shrugging, Sideswipe replied, “I mean, if it were nothing serious, maybe. But since you posted that thing about someone getting abused by their dad…”

“Ah know.” Apple Bloom interrupted. Realizing she’d cut her sister off, the former farm girl apologized, “Sorry about that. Guess Ah just, you know….” Not sure of how to put what was going on in her mind into words, she simply finished, “Ah don’t really know what to do.”

Giving the former farm girl a reassuring smile, Sideswipe reassured her, “Don’t worry, you’re not the only one in this boat. I ever tell you of how I got banned from Brawn’s gym?” Intrigued, Apple Bloom asked, “No? What happened?” The pale biker let out an (admittedly adorable) chuckle as she began, “Well, it started when I saw this guy getting picked on by two football players from Kaon High and…”

And as Sideswipe told her tale, Apple Bloom forgot about her internal turmoil, at least for the rest of the night.”

Apple Bloom’s Room, the Next Day….

If there was one thing that Apple Bloom had grown to hate more than anything since she arrived in Allspark Wells, it was the boredom that came when she wasn’t allowed to do anything. Indeed, several of the Wondercolts arrived just after breakfast, meaning the young girl had to slink upstairs to avoid the people she’d humiliated and tricked.

Unfortunately, not only did this mean she couldn’t help during the bus’s repairs, but it also meant Apple Bloom couldn’t do much of anything else. Cleaning or manning the shop front? That was out of the question. Working the scrap yard? Apparently some of the Wondercolts (including Rainbow Dash) were hanging out around the entrance to the scrap yard. She couldn’t even work around the smelting pools, but given the heat that came from melting down scrap metal, Ironhide assured her she wasn’t missing much.

Making her way back to her bed, Apple Bloom collapsed onto the bed as she groaned, “Ugh. Ah’m so bored.” She then paused for a moment before continuing, “Now Ah know how Sideswipe feels when she’s forced to stand still for more than five seconds.” All she could do was stare up at the ceiling and complain, “This is so unfair.”

Of course, the moment those words escaped her lips, Apple Bloom sighed as she internally chastised herself, ‘What are you doin’ you idiot? That sort of attitude is what got you here in the first place!’ Indeed, just thinking about herself was the very mindset that resulted in her starting Anon-A-Miss, which led to her getting sent to Allspark Wells.

At that moment, Apple Bloom felt an odd tickling sensation on her hand, which was now slunk over her bed. ‘Huh?’ She thought to herself as she stood up to see what it was. Sure enough, the former farm girl found a familiar little black dog looking up at her with concern in his eyes. Bending down, Apple Bloom asked, “How’s it goin’ Sparkplug?”

Letting out a gentle and sorrowful whimper, Sparkplug trotted up to her feet and began to scratch at her legs. Apple Bloom let out a gentle chuckle as she asked, “You want mah attention?” As the little terrier gave a quick bark, the former farm girl giggled as she lifted him up and replied, “This was what you wanted, wasn’t it?” She received her answer in a flurry of affectionate licks to her face.

Hugging Sparkplug back, Apple Bloom gently whispered, “Thanks Sparkplug.” She then began to pet the small terrier as she continued, “You know, meetin’ you is part of what makes me not regret anythin’.” After all, had she never caused the Anon-A-Miss incident, she’d never have met the little black dog that was now starting to fall asleep in her hands.

At that moment, Apple Bloom’s door opened, revealing none other than Ratchet. Confused, the former farm girl asked, “Ratchet? What’s up?” Part of her was hoping that someone needed her to do something, or that the Wondercolts had finally left, allowing her to finally be useful.

Instead, the older man answered, “Something weird has just come up.” Taking a deep breath, he explained, “One of those teens, the one named Sunset Shimmer? She says she wants to have a word with you.”

Apple Bloom gulped as the color began to leave her face. ‘Have a word with me?’ She thought to herself. ‘Why would she wanna talk with me?’ Considering the last time she spoke to someone she screwed over was with Roseluck, and how that ended, the idea of talking with the very person who’s life she almost ruined began to make her stomach churn.

She was distracted by Ratchet asking, “Hey, you alright there?” Snapping back to reality, Apple Bloom set Sparkplug down as she answered, “Yeah, Ah’m fine.” Sighing, the older medic answered, “That’s good, because this Sunset girl asked Ironhide if you two could talk, and he said that, as long as he’s present, she may.”

Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom asked, “Ah take it that Ah have to?” Ratchet nodded as he replied, “Yeah. Given everything, both the boss and I think you at least owe it to her to hear her out.” Knowing that there was no way out of her inevitable conversation with Sunset Shimmer, the former farm girl straightened herself as she remarked, “Then it would be rude to keep her waitin’, wouldn’t it?”

The Kitchen

Entering the kitchen, Apple Bloom found both her uncle and Sunset Shimmer were waiting for her, with the latter seated at the head of the dining table. Approaching his niece, Ironhide asked, “Apple Bloom? Would you kindly take a seat?” Nodding, the former farm girl made her way to the opposite end of the table and sat down.

Once his niece was seated, Ironhide began, “Now then, I suppose there is no need for introductions, so we’ll get right to the point?” When the older teen nodded, he turned to Apple Bloom and informed her, “So Apple Bloom, we’ve almost got the bus fixed, but Sunset Shimmer here wanted to say something to you.”

As Apple Bloom nodded, Sunset began to speak, “Do you wanna know something funny?” Before the former farm girl could reply, she continued, “Just before we left, word started getting out that some of the girls on the track team were doping.” Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “Why are you tellin’ me this?”

Giving the younger girl a menacing glare, Sunset explained, “We know it because someone made a Mystable page that is made it up. It’s called Gabby Gums.” She then asked, “You wouldn’t happen to know where someone would get the idea for something like this, would you?”

Shaking her head, Apple Bloom replied, “No. Why are you askin’ me?” Sunset Shimmer let out a sigh and answered, “Because on their page, Gabby Gums says that she’s “continuing the legacy of Anon-A-Miss.””

The impact of Sunset’s words hit Apple Bloom right in her heart. As she began to process what had just been told to her, Sunset finished, “Exactly. The mess you and your friends made is still present, and I don’t think it will go away anytime soon.”

Letting out a guilty sigh, Apple Bloom remarked, “Ah guess Ah shouldn’t be too surprised.” As Sunset leaned back in her chair, the former farm girl continued, “Sunset, Ah know that it’s all mah fault, and if Ah could, Ah’d take it back.” Starting to sniffle, she finished, “But Ah also know Ah can’t.” Finally starting to lose what was left of her composure, all Apple Bloom could let out was a pitiful, “Sunset, Ah’m sorry.”

Rising up, Sunset began to walk towards Apple Bloom. As the younger girl shrank into her chair, Ironhide stepped forward to try and protect his niece. Rather than try and intimidate or threaten her, however, Sunset knelt down and said something that surprised everyone.

“I’m not mad at you anymore.”

Taking everything in, Apple Bloom could only ask, “Wait! Does that mean that you…..” She was interrupted by Sunset, who sternly replied, “No, I haven’t forgiven you.” As the younger girl sighed, the pony turned human continued, “And I don’t think Soarin ever will.” All Apple Bloom could do was sigh as she remarked, “Guess Ah can’t blame him for that.”

Sunset then continued, “But what I am saying is that I’m not angry at you for what you did. And perhaps, someday, I can forgive you.” She then turned to Ironhide as she apologized, “Sorry for inconveniencing you, but I kinda needed to do this.” The older man gave a polite nod as he replied, “No problem.” She then turned back to Apple Bloom and extended her hand as she asked, “In that case, see you once school starts?”

Apple Bloom hesitated for a moment before she took a deep breath and shook Sunset’s hand as she replied, “Yeah.” Once their handshake was done, the fiery haired teen began to leave, but was distracted when Apple Bloom called out, “Wait!” As Sunset turned around, the younger girl asked, “How’s Applejack doin’?”

Shaking her head, Sunset answered, “We don’t talk.” Given the older teen’s solemn answer, Apple Bloom figured that it would not be a good idea to press any further, and simply gave a confirming nod. With that, Sunset Shimmer, the former bully and original victim of Anon-A-Miss, left to join her friends.

Turning to his niece, Ironhide complimented, “I’m proud of you kid.” However, Apple Bloom didn’t move, only standing there and staring at the door that Sunset had disappeared through. Concerned, Ironhide asked, “You alright Apple Bloom?” Setting his hand on her shoulder, the family patriarch realized that his niece was actually trembling. As he made his way around her, the older man was surprised to see his niece was tearing up. Worried, Ironhide could only mutter, “Kid?”

Before he could react, Apple Bloom lunged at her uncle, wrapping her arms around him as she burst into tears. Hugging his niece back, Ironhide comforted her, “It’s ok Apple Bloom. It’s alright.” However, in between her chokes and tears, the younger girl mumbled something. Trying to release her, the family patriarch asked, “What’s wrong?”

Managing to regain enough composure to speak, Apple Bloom blabbered, “They haven’t forgiven me!” As Ironhide processed what she was saying, the broken girl continued, “Uncle Ironhide? You think they’ll ever forgive me?”

Sighing, all Ironhide could say was, “It’s up to each of them to decide if and when they’ll forgive you. No one can force them to.” Once he said this, Apple Bloom began to cry again as she hugged her uncle again. Though part of Ironhide was baffled as to why the young girl was more invested in Sunset’s forgiveness over Roseluck’s, it quickly dawned on him that, perhaps, it wasn’t either of their forgiveness or even Soarin’s.

“You’re worried your sister won’t forgive you?”

Clutching onto her uncle, Apple Bloom tearfully muttered, “Ah haven’t even heard from her since…” Sadly, the memories of that fateful phone call were too much for her, and the young girl simply hugged him even tighter. Holding his daughter tight, Ironhide found himself overcome with anger and disappointment at Applejack, wondering why she hadn’t even tried to call or speak to her little sister.

Rather than dwell on that, however, Ironhide held his daughter close to him, silently letting her know that he would always be there for her.

Streets of Allspark Wells, Later That Day…

“So you didn’t forgive her?” Spitfire asked Sunset as both girls walked past the assortment of shops near their hotel. Now that the bus had been fixed, all the Wondercolts had to worry about was their impending game against the Maximal’s. Now taking a nice walk, the two were discussing the former pony’s conversation with Apple Bloom.

Nodding, Sunset replied, “Nope. Even if I’ve gotten over what they did to me, they still crossed a line with what they did to Soarin’s sister.” She then sighed before continuing, “But I think that someday, I will.” Wrapping her hand around her wayward friend, Spitfire reassured her, “Given everything, I think that’s pretty mature of you.”

As they walked, a new sound began to ring out; that of someone playing an accordion. Sure enough, Sunset and Spitfire found that, seated on a bench in front of them, sat a man with dark black skin, red eyes, and wearing a khaki outfit with, if Sunset’s eyes weren’t deceiving her, a blue and white stripped undershirt. Approaching the man, Spitfire brought out her wallet and pulled out a five dollar bill. Placing the bill in his open accordion box, she complimented, “You’re pretty good.”

Stopping his accordion, the man complimented, “Spasibo, tovarishch. I always try to entertain.” He spoke with a voice that was deep yet southing and an accent that betrayed his origin from a land east of the Volga River. As he gave a respectful nod, the man noticed Sunset and remarked, “Forgive me, but you have the look of someone who has forsaken a heavy burden.”

Letting out a gentle chuckle, Sunset replied, “Yeah. You could say I’ve been doing a lot of that lately.” She then gave Spitfire a knowing look, who returned the gesture as she said, “Come on, and let our new friend continue with his music.” Nodding, Sunset turned to the Slavic musician as she said, “Take care of yourself sir.”

As she left, the man called out, “I am certain that Princess Celestia would be proud of you.”

Stopping in her tracks, Sunset turned to face the accordion player with a bemused look. Confused, she asked, “Uh, what did you say?” The performer let out a gentle chuckle as he replied, “The princess. I believe she would be proud you malyshka.”

That was odd. There was no way this total stranger would know about Equestria, right? Shaking her head, Sunset tried to play dumb, and replied, “Yeah, I’m sure principal Celestia would be proud.”

Setting down his accordion, the man stood up and shook his head as he replied, “Nyet little phoenix. I would you say you have adapted to a world without magic rather well, da?”

A speechless Sunset found herself flabbergasted. She had never met this stranger, and yet it was clear he knew who, or rather, what she was. Worried, Spitfire asked, “You ok there Sunset?” Managing to regain her composure, the blue eyed girl replied, “I don’t know.” She then turned to the man and quietly asked, “How do you know?”

Letting out a chuckle, the Slavic man answered, “My name is Ravage, and you could say I keep my eyes and ears open.” He then added, “And worry not, the yablochko didn’t tell anyone.” This answer only gave Sunset and Spitfire more questions, something both girls found unsettling.

Before they could say anything else, they were distracted by Rainbow Dash calling out, “Hey guys!” Turning to face her friend, they found the rainbow haired girl was running up to them. Curious, Spitfire asked, “What is it Dash?”

Catching her breath, Rainbow Dash answered, “I was trying to text and call you guys, but you weren’t answering. Soarin was wondering if you guys were in the mood for sandwiches.” As Spitfire and Sunset looked to each other, they both shrugged as the latter replied, “I’m fine for about anything.” Having received her answer, Rainbow Dash let out a sigh of relief as she pulled out her phone and said, “Alrighty then. I’ll text Soarin, though we should probably start heading back to the others.” Taking a deep breath, Sunset remarked, “Lead the way.” With that, she and Spitfire followed Rainbow Dash back to the hotel.

All while Ravage resumed his accordion playing, but not before quipping to himself, “It seems You are not the only one to find who they are in exile, da Yablochko?” Of course, he knew that neither Sunset nor Spitfire knew “yablochko” meant, “Little Apple,” but not everyone spoke Russian, did they?

Author's Note:

Next Time; We give Apple Bloom a break as we follow Sideswipe as she "hangs out" with Marble.

Author's Note; This was one of of the earliest chapters I thought of, but never knew when to use it. However, I finally decided it was now was as good as any time.

And though we won't see much of him here, I do have plans for Comrade Ravage.

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