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How to Deal With Bullies

As the Apple Blooms

Part 61; How To Deal With Bullies

If there was one scent that Apple Bloom never thought she’d ever grow tired of, it was that of shoe polish. Seated on the front porch of the Tap Family’s home, the former farm girl and her boyfriend were busy shining their tap shoes. As she wiped the sweat from her brow, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but remark, “Ah love the smell of a freshly shined shoe.”

Tender Taps replied, “So do I, even if we have to do this outside.” He then explained, “I mean, it’s not like I don’t appreciate nature, but it means we can only do this when there’s good weather.”As he began to rub the rag against his special pair of black and purple oxfords, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah know. Ah remember the one time Ah tried shinin’ mah boots inside, and Ratchet wouldn’t stop complainin’ about the smell.” She then let out a gentle giggle as she continued, “Of course, watchin’ him throw a fit was worth Uncle Ironhide makin’ me spray down the entire livin’ room.” The purple haired boy began to giggle as he remarked, “I’d hate to see what happens when Sparkplug has an accident near him.”

As both teens chuckled at the idea of Ratchet recoiling at “doggie treats,” Tender Taps found himself humming an old tune to himself. When Apple Bloom noticed this, the teenaged tap dancer apologized, “Sorry if that’s distracting.” Apple Bloom rested her hand over his as she reassured him, “It’s alright.” She then began to blush as she continued, “If anythin’, Ah think you have a beautiful voice.”

Blushing, Tender Taps began, “In that case…” He then set down his rag as he began to sing, “Put on your Sunday clothes, there’s lots of world out there….” As Apple Bloom took in the beauty of her boyfriend’s singing voice, he continued, “Get out the brilliantine and dime cigars. We’re gonna find adventure in the evening air…..”

He would have continued, but unfortunately, Tender Taps caught something in his throat, and the purple haired boy began to cough as he struggled to regain his breath. Apple Bloom immediately asked, “Tendy! You alright?” Taking a gulp from his bottle of water, Tender Taps replied, “I’m fine. Just a little something in my throat.”

Happy that her boyfriend was alright, Apple Bloom let out a sigh of relief as she replied, “If you say so. Ah just don’t want you losin’ your wonderful singin’ voice.” Tender Taps nodded as he stood back up and reassured her, “Don’t worry about me. It takes more than a frog in my throat to stop all of this.” He then struck a dramatic pose as he confidently shook his hip, leading to him sheepishly remarking, “I did that a little too well, didn’t I?”

Apple Bloom rose up and reassured him, “You did that beautifully.” She then shot him a mischievous smirk as she added, “Though maybe you should add a little more “oomph” in your hips.” She then shook her own hip as she informed him, “You gotta get in touch with your feminine side.”

Tender Taps began to chuckle as he remarked, “Well, I’ve always been surrounded by girls so….” He then tried again, this time striking a pose that would not have been out of place being done by someone like Sideswipe. Apple Bloom couldn’t help but laugh as she replied, “And there’s nothin’ wrong with that. Heck, before Sideswipe, Ah mostly had to deal with everythin’ Ironhide, Ratchet, and Wheeljack were up to.”

At that moment, a car began to pull up to the house. Tender Taps turned to face the car and said, “Looks like mom and Double Shuffle are home.” Indeed, both the Tap family matriarch and the younger blue girl emerged from the now parked car and began to make their way up to the house.

It was only at this moment that Apple Bloom realized something was wrong; Double Shuffle wasn’t her normally cheerful or energetic self. Instead of running up to her honorary big sister and wrapping her in a massive hug, the young girl simply stomped passed them and entered the house without so much as a “hello.”

‘Somethin’s wrong.’ Apple Bloom thought to herself. ‘Double Shuffle’s never been like this before.’ Even though she knew everyone had bad days, the former farm girl found that her gut was telling her something was clearly different today.

As both teens approached Soft Shoe, Apple Bloom asked, “Howdy Mrs. Soft Shoe. Everythin’ alright with Double Shuffle?” The older woman sighed as she answered, “Not really. Double Shuffle signed up for a ballet intensive this week to sharpen her ballet skills, but……” Pausing for a moment, she finished, “She’s been having trouble with the other students.”

As Tender Taps shook his head, Apple Bloom sighed as she asked, “Is it Chasse?” Soft Shoe nodded as she replied, “She didn’t say who, but I think that’s a good guess.” The teenaged dancer grumbled, “Ugh, her again? Hasn’t Miss Hoofer Steps done something about her?” The older woman shrugged as she answered, “I don’t know. Double Shuffle won’t talk to me about.”

Apple Bloom then spoke up, “Maybe she’ll talk to me.” Soft Shoe shook her head as she answered, “Maybe, but right now I think you should be heading home.” She then pulled out her cell phone and handed it to the former farm girl as she added, “It’s starting to get a bit late.”

Realizing that it was about time she started to head home, Apple Bloom sighed as she said, “Alright.” She then packed up her tap shoes and shoe polish as she turned to Tender Taps and dejectedly bid, “Guess Ah’ll see you later.” The orange boy nodded as he wrapped his girlfriend in a tight hug and replied, “Take care Apple Bloom.” He then whispered, “I love you.”

“Ah love you too.” Apple Bloom whispered back as they shared a quick kiss before she made her way to her bike and departed. Once she was gone, Soft Shoe couldn’t help but remark, “Aren’t you two just the cutest?” All Tender Taps could do was whine, “Mom!”

The Kitchen, That Night….

As she sat at the dinner table, Apple Bloom found herself lost in thought as she “played” with the mashed potatoes on her plate. ‘Ah don’t get it.’ She thought to herself. ‘What could be goin’ on with her? What’s that Chasse brat doin’ that could be gettin’ under her skin?’

From across the table, the former farm girl heard the sound of her uncle asking, “You alright there kid?” As Apple Bloom returned to land of the living, Sideswipe, who happened to have a mouthful of food, added, “Yeah. Normally you’d be wolfing down dinner.” Of course, no one could entirely make out what she said, and Chromia gently chided, “Sideswipe? No talking with your mouth full.”

While Sideswipe swallowed the contents of her mouth, Apple Bloom sighed as she answered, “Ah’m just worried about Double Shuffle?” Ratchet immediately asked, “Isn’t that your boyfriend’s sister?” Nodding, the former farm girl replied, “Yeah. She’s also kinda like mah little sister and…” Taking a moment to take a deep breath, she explained, “Right now she’s dealin’ with a bully.”

Wheeljack sighed as he reassured her, “Don’t worry about it. We all deal with bullies at some point or another, and I’m everything will be alright.” Though the older man meant well, Apple Bloom shook her head as she replied, “Ah dunno. Ah’ve met the girl messin’ with her, and she’s a total bit…..” She stopped herself, remembering that her Aunt Chromia was present, and instead described Chasse as, “Ah mean, she’s a real jerk.”

Wiping her mouth, Chromia spoke up, “Well, from what I’ve seen of miss Hoofer Steps, she seems like the kind of woman who won’t allow such foul behavior at her studio.” Ironhide nodded as he added, “And if this girl keeps bugging her, I’m sure a good smack up the backside of the head will teach her a lesson.” The family matriarch gave her husband a bemused look as she asked, “You’d really condone children fighting?” The former sergeant raised his hands as he replied, “Well if her teacher doesn’t do anything to stop her, what else is the kid supposed to do? Smother her with kindness?”

As the adults devolved into discussion about when was the appropriate time to fight back against a bully, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but say to herself, “This ain’t gonna end well, Ah just know it.” She then decided that, at least for now, it was better to put her concerns for her little sister aside, and began to finish eating dinner.

After all, there would be plenty of time to worry about Double Shuffle later.

The Scrap Yard, Two Days Later…..

“There we go.” Apple Bloom said as she wiped the sweat off her brow. The former farm girl was sitting next to an old sedan in the scrap yard; the vehicle’s engine had some salvageable pieces on it, and she’d volunteered to take it apart. Though Ironhide was partially concerned for her safety, Apple Bloom reassured him that she could handle the task. After all, the only way the young girl could learn more about their work in scrapping was to roll up her sleeves and get her hands dirty.

“Well, maybe not literally.” She said to herself as she looked down to her hands, which were clad in leather work gloves. Looking around her, Apple Bloom asked herself, “Wait a minute? Where’s the wrench?” She received her answer in the form of a muffled dogs bark.

Turning to see what it was, Apple Bloom was pleasantly surprised to see none other than Sparkplug holding the wrench in his mouth. As he set the tool next to his master, the former farm girl began to scratch behind his ears (or rather, tried to scratch due to her gloves) as she playfully remarked, “Thank you kindly. Who’s a good boy? Who’s a good boy?” The small highland terrier let out a satisfied pant as she showered him with affection.

Once she finished, Apple Bloom refocused her attention on the car’s engine. Crossing her arms, she thought out loud, “Alright, Ah’ve already removed the piston, so next Ah’ll need to….”

“APPLE BLOOM!” Ironhide’s voice called out from behind her. Turning around to see what was going on, Apple Bloom found her uncle walking up to her, a worried expression on his face. Gulping, the former farm girl asked, “Uh, Uncle Ironhide? Is somethin’ wrong?”

The older man caught his breath as he explained, “Your boyfriend is calling for you. He says something’s happened.” The tone in his voice made it clear that Tender Taps was probably not calling to tell her how much he loved her (She got enough of that from whenever they were together). Realizing something was wrong, Apple Bloom asked, “He still on the other end?”

Ironhide nodded, “Yeah. Follow me.” The older man then led his niece back towards the chop shop.

The Living Room

Once they entered the living room, they found Ratchet holding the phone to his ear as he said, “She’s here.” As Apple Bloom approached the older medic, she asked, “What’s goin’ on Ratchet?” The older man handed her the telephone as he warned, “Better brace yourself kid.” Taking the phone, Apple Bloom held it up to her ear and asked, “Tender?”

From the other end of the line, she heard Tender Taps’s voice nervously ask, “Apple Bloom? You there?” Trying to calm her boyfriend down, the former farm girl replied, “Ah’m here. What’s goin’ on?” The orange boy’s voice let out a sigh of relief as he answered, “Yeah I’m fine. Sorry about calling, but right now I just needed to say….” He stopped himself, leading to Apple Bloom asking, “What’s going on?”

Taking a deep breath, Tender Taps answered, “It’s Double Shuffle. She got into a fight.”

Apple Bloom felt the color leaving her face as those words entered her ear. Double Shuffle, the young girl who could barely hurt a fly, got into a fight. ‘That’s impossible.’ She thought to herself. ‘Why would she do somethin’ like this?’

From the other end, Tender Taps asked, “Apple Bloom? You there?” Shaking her head as she refocused on her boyfriend’s voice, the former farm girl replied, “Ah’m fine.” She then took a deep breath before asking, “What happened?” The young boy’s voice answered, “Apparently Chasse did something to her and she lost it. I don’t know the details.” He then sighed before finishing, “Mom brought her home and she hasn’t come out of her room.”

Apple Bloom felt a pang in her heart as she realized one of her worst nightmares was coming true. Double Shuffle, her honorary little sister, had done something stupid just like she had. The only thing that ran through her mind was the thought, ‘Oh no.’

At that moment, another thought entered her mind. Collecting herself, Apple Bloom asked, “You think she’d talk to me?” Tender Taps hesitated for a moment, worrying the former farm girl. After a few seconds, however, the young boy’s voice replied, “It’s at least worth a shot.” Apple Bloom then gave into her growing adrenaline and said, “Alright. Ah’ll be right over.” With that, she hung up and began to turn around, only to remember that her uncle was standing right next to her.

‘Oh.’ The former farm girl thought to herself. ‘Ah forgot about work.’ She then started to speak, only for Ironhide to raise his hand and give a knowing nod, making it clear he heard everything his niece and her boyfriend had said. Hesitating for only a brief moment, Apple Bloom nodded in return and simply replied, “Thank you Uncle Ironhide.” With that, she snatched her bike helmet and darted off, all while the older man allowed a proud smirk to form on his lips as he thought, ‘That kid.’

The Tap Family’s Home…

Making her way up to the front door, Apple Bloom knocked as she asked, “Hello? Tendy? Mrs. Soft Shoe?” After a few moments, the door opened, revealing an exhausted Soft Shoe. The older woman asked, “I take it you heard what happened with Double Shuffle?” Nervously nodding yes, the former farm girl answered, “Yeah. Tender Taps said Ah might be able to get through to her.”

Soft Shoe rubbed her face as she said, “Come on in.” Apple Bloom made her way into the Tap Family’s house and found that Tender Taps was descending from the front stairwell. Making his way up to his girlfriend, the teenaged tap dancer said, “She’s up in her room.” He then led her up the stairwell, neither teen saying a word.

After a few moments, both teens made it to the end of a hallway and up to a closed door. Turning to his girlfriend, Tender Taps apologized, “Sorry about calling. I don’t know much about what’s going on, but mom and dad won’t talk about it and….” He turned back to the door as he finished, “I’m just worried about her.”

Resting her hand on his shoulder, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah’m worried to.” She then began to reach for the doorknob, but stopped herself as she asked, “Did she lock the door?” Tender Taps shook his head as he answered, “Her door doesn’t have a lock.” Nodding, the former farm girl grasped the doorknob and began to slowly turn it. Once she’d opened the door a sliver, Apple Bloom stuck her head inside as she gently asked, “Hello? Double Shuffle?”

For the most part, Double Shuffle’s room was everything Apple Bloom expected. There was a bed in the corner against the wall, a wall length mirror across the opposite wall, a closet, a stationary desk with a chair, and even a practice ballet bar. There were a few posters along the wall, most of which were from assorted musicals. A few, however, were dance themed motivational posters, such as one with a pair of tap shoes that said, “You can forget your glass slippers.” The final detail of notice was a rack of assorted tap shoes, most of which were black but a few were tan and even two pairs that were white.

Unfortunately, the only detail that Apple Bloom was focusing on was the younger blue girl curled up in the corner, crying into her knees.

Walking up to her younger sister, the former farm girl was greeted by Double Shuffle looking up and, to her surprise, angrily asking, “Didn’t anyone tell you to knock first?” Ignoring her suspiciously rude remark, Apple Bloom instead said, “Ah heard you had a bad day.”

Struggling to keep herself calm, Double Shuffle grumpily asked, “Are you gonna yell at me like mom and dad?” Making her way up to her little sister, Apple Bloom sat down next to her and answered, “It’d be hypocritical of me if Ah did. Ah mean, who’d Ah be to talk?” To her delight, Double Shuffle let out a brief giggle as she leant her head against her big sister’s shoulder.

Once the younger girl had calmed down a bit, Apple Bloom asked, “So, you wanna tell me what happened?” Double Shuffle hesitated for a moment, clearly worried the older girl would be disappointed with her. Apple Bloom, however, wrapped her arm around her little sister’s shoulder as she reassured her, “Ah can’t say Ah’m proud of what’s goin’ on, but it can’t be worse than anythin’ Ah’ve already done.”

Looking up to her big sister, Double Shuffle asked, “You promise you won’t get mad?” Apple Bloom nodded as she made the motions of the pinkie promise. Taking a deep breath, the younger girl tearfully began, “Well, it was near the end of class today…”

Hoofer Steps’s Dance Studio, Earlier That Day…

“Very good everyone.” Miss En Cloche said as she turned to face her students. As the assortment of young girls caught their breath, their teacher informed them, “Ok girls, I think you’ve all earned yourself a fifteen minute break.” Once the older woman said this, most of the ballerinas-in-training ran out of the dance studio, intending on either grabbing a snack from a vending machine or refilling their water bottles.

One of these girls, however, simply made her way up to the wall and sat down as she gulped the water from her bottle. “Ugh.” Double Shuffle groaned as she stretched her legs. “I don’t understand what people see in ballet.” As she looked down to the ballet slippers on her feet, she couldn’t help but remark, “I still prefer tap shoes to these things.”

Of course, Double Shuffle knew why she was taking this technique class; to “broaden her horizon” as Tender Taps would put it. Her brother always told her that to be a well rounded dancer, you needed to be familiar with all styles of dance, or at least a healthy variety. This meant that when Hoofer Steps offered a ballet technique intensive, she had been “encouraged” by her parents to enroll. Sadly, her brother couldn’t take the class. After all, Soft Shoe made it clear that he could only take the tap class due to what happened back in Canterlot City.

Double Shuffle was so lost in thought that she barely noticed Mrs. En Cloche walking up to her and complimenting, “You’re doing pretty good Double Shuffle.” The younger girl began to scratch the back of her neck as she replied, “You sure? I still have trouble turning and I think my feet are still too close to the ground.” The teacher reassured her, “Yes, but you’re getting better.” She then reassured her, “After all, not every dancer here is as good at tap as you and your brother are.”

“I know.” Double Shuffle replied as she allowed a small smile to form on her face. Taking a deep breath, the younger girl continued, “I just wish Chasse would stop bumping into me all the time.” En Cloche sighed as she replied, “I swear, that girl needs a lesson or two in manners.” She then gave the younger girl a mischievous smirk as she added, “But you didn’t hear that from me.” The blue girl winked as she playfully asked, “I didn’t hear what?”

“Atta girl.” En Cloche said as she gave a gentle bow. She then asked, “But would you mind? I’d kinda like to wipe down the floor for a minute.” Double Shuffle nodded as she stood up and made her way out of the studio.

Making her way to one of the benches near the dressing room, Double Shuffle sat down as she began to stretch her legs. Across from her, she could hear the sound of her fellow students chatting with each other, all clearly having fun.

Sighing to herself, Double Shuffle said to herself, “At least they’re having fun.” After all, every school had at least one outcast, and for Hoofer Steps’s dance school, it was her. While there was no doubt that Double Shuffle was an excellent tap dancer, she wasn’t as good at other styles, particularly ballet. She could make music with her feet, but move with the continuous grace and storytelling of a ballerina, and it was clear that she wouldn’t be getting a starring role in the Manehattan metropolitan ballet.

Of course, Double Shuffle didn’t really mind any of that. If anything, she was more than willing to accept that she just wasn’t a great ballet dancer. After all, Not everyone could be as good at tap as she was, or her brother, or Apple Bloom, or even Pizzelle, or…..

“Well, if it isn’t lead foot herself.” The mocking tone of Chasse’s voice called out from the dressing room door. Rolling her eyes, Double Shuffle focused on the now opened door as she found her tormentor approaching her. The pink ballerina was flanked by several of her friends, and she had a smug smirk on her face.

Groaning, the blue hoofer shot back, “Well, if it isn’t bitch pants Mccrabby.” As two of the other girls let out surprised “oohs”, Chasse crossed her arms as she snarkily replied, “Gee, an insult with a naughty word. I’m so insulted.”

Shaking her head, Double Shuffle bluntly asked, “What do you want?” Chasse let out an indignant scoff as she replied, “Well, I was just going to say you really need to work on your balance. You were tripping all over the place.” The blue dancer stood up as she calmly yet firmly replied, “That’s because you kept bumping into me.” Chasse began to cruelly chuckle as she quipped, “Hey, if you can stomp all over the place, you should be able to handle anything.”

Realizing that this conversation was only going to result in further mocking from the pink girl, Double Shuffle stood up as she said, “I don’t have time for this.” She then began to leave, only to hear one of the other girls say, “Uh, Double Shuffle? You’ve got a spider on you.”

“A Spider?” Double Shuffle nervously asked. If there was one thing she hated above all else, it was spiders. Desperately looking around her, Double Shuffle tried to find where the illusive creature was on her. “Where is it? Where’s the spider!?” She practically screamed as she tried to find the eight legged creature. After a few moments, she began to calm down, wondering if it was just Chasse and her friends messing with her like normal.

And then Double Shuffle felt something touch her.

“Gah!” The young girl screamed as she leapt up in fear. Before she could fully process what had happened, Double Shuffle felt something pitter pattering her shoulder. When she turned around, she found one of Chasse’s friends pulling her hand back. It was at this moment that the blue girl realized what was going on.

Folding her arms, Double Shuffle sarcastically replied, “Oh hardy har har. Very funny.” She then rolled her before noticing something; Chasse had disappeared. Confused, the tap dancing prodigy asked, “Where’d Chasse go?”

“Right behind you.” Chasse’s voice whispered into her ear. Double Shuffle turned around as she nearly yelped in fear before angrily complaining, “That’s not funny!” Scoffing, the pink ballerina then innocently replied, “That’s a shame, because I was hoping you were gonna like my gift.” She then pointed to something behind Double Shuffle, leading the cerulean dancer to turn around to see what it was.

It was at this moment that Double Shuffle found one of Chasse’s cronies was holding a spider in her hands. Without any time to react, the other girl took the small arachnid and gently placed it on her shoulder.

“GET IT OFF OF ME!” Double Shuffle screamed as she tried to get the spider off of her. As she panicked, Chasse and the other girls began to cruelly laugh as the pink ballerina asked, “I told you she’d freak out, didn’t I?” As the others nodded and agreed, a new sound consumed caught everyone’s attention.

The sound of something dripping and hitting the floor.

As everyone stopped talking, Double Shuffle realized something weird was happening. ‘What’s going on?’ She thought to herself. As she began to move, however, the blue girl realized something; there was a warm and wet feeling on her lower half. Looking down, she was horrified to see that there was now a small puddle around her feet.

‘Oh no.’ Double Shuffle thought as she realized what had just happened. ‘Please tell me this isn’t happening.’ It was almost impossible for her to comprehend, but as the other girls began to murmur between themselves, there could be no other explanation for what had just happened.

And then Chasse cruelly mocked, “I can’t believe it! Do you need to go change your diaper?” As she laughed, one of the other girls turned to her friend and said, “Ok, this was too far.” The other girl added, “Yeah, I think we crossed a line.”

Double Shuffle, however, found herself overcome with another emotion; pure anger. Unable to contain all of the pent up frustration and fury that had been building up in her from the moment they met, the young girl found herself panting with rage as she walked up to Chasse and did something she wanted to do for so long.

Double Shuffle punched her right in the face.

It didn’t take Chasse too long to react in kind, with a fist right to the blue girl’s chest. Almost immediately, both girls were at each other, punching, slapping, scratching, and in general trying to harm each other. While several other students found themselves attracted to the fight, no one wanted to intervene. While some were fearful for getting themselves pulled into the scuffle, a few were actually watching with curiosity and intrigue.

“ZAT’S ENOUGH!” Hoofer Steps practically screamed as she walked up to Double Shuffle and Chasse. As both girls stopped fighting and looked up to the older woman, the dance teacher asked, “Now zen. Vhat is going on here?”

As the other students slinked away, all Double Shuffle could do was gulp in fear as she thought, ‘Oh no.’

Double Shuffle’s Room, Present Moment…

Wiping the fresh tears from her face, Double Shuffle sniffled as she finished, “And then Miss Hoofer Steps called mom and told her I was kicked out of the ballet intensive. I….” She tried to continue, but the young girl couldn’t will herself to and instead devolved back into a blubbering mess of tears. All Apple Bloom could do was wrap her little sister in a tight hug as the younger girl cried out in sorrow and shame.

Rubbing her back, Apple Bloom gently reassured her, “It’s alright. Let it out.” Once she’d let out enough tears, Double Shuffle sniffled, “Thanks Apple Bloom.” The former farm girl replied, “Don’t sweat it.” She then asked, “You mind if Ah tell you somethin’?” When the younger girl nodded, she replied, “If Ah were in your shoes, Ah’d have done the exact same thing.”

“Really?” Double Shuffle asked. Nodding, Apple Bloom added, “Well, maybe Ah’d have struck her the moment Ah… You know…” She then warned, “Though even Ah have to say, she’s the only, and Ah mean ONLY, person Ah’d ever say deserves a good smack up the head.” The younger girl giggled as she snuggled up to her honorary older sister as she apologized, “I’m just sorry for…..”

Before she could finish, the door opened, revealing a worried Tender Taps. Rising up to her feet, Apple Bloom asked, “Somethin’ wrong?” The orange boy scratched the back of his head as he answered, “I’m not sure. Mrs. Hoofer Steps is here and she wants to speak with Double Shuffle.”

The moment he said this, Double Shuffle gulped as she began to turn pale. Apple Bloom couldn’t help but think, ‘Oh no. She’s gonna chew her out again.’ Tender Taps then sighed as he said, “You’d better come on down.” The younger blue girl began to step forward, fear evident in her eyes.

Resting her hand on the younger girl’s shoulder, Apple Bloom reassured her, “It’ll be alright.” Taking a deep breath, Double Shuffle made her way out of her room, followed closely by her brother and sister.

The Tap Family Living Room….

Entering the living room, Apple Bloom, Tender Taps, and a frightened Double Shuffle found Hoofer Steps seated on the couch, speaking with both Soft and Hard Shoe. Turning to face the three kids, the dance teacher stood up as she began, “Ah, Double Shuffle. I’ve been vanting to have a vord vith you.” The younger girl gulped as she stepped forward. Looking over her pupil, Hoofer Steps continued, “I suppose zere is no point in repeating today’s events, is zere?”

Shamefully shaking her head, Double Shuffle began to tear up again as she answered, “No ma’am.” Hoofer Steps crossed her arms as she continued, “I’ve been speaking vith your parents, so zey both know that you have been suspended for ze rest of ze intensive.” As both of her parents gave her disapproving looks, the younger girl couldn’t help but allow the tears to fall freely from her eyes.

It was at this moment, however, that the older woman knelt down and said, “However, it seems zat you are not to blame for what has happened.” As Apple Bloom and Tender Taps gave each other bemused looks, Hoofer Steps admitted, “I knew Chasse had been bothering several other students, but every time I confronted her on it, she promised to behave.” Taking a moment to collect herself, she explained, “Und after talking vith ze others who were present, I’ve decided zat you shall be allowed to return vonce your suspension is done.”

Starting to feel her spirit rise, Double Shuffle nervously asked, “What about Chasse?” Hoofer Steps let out an embarrassed chuckle as she answered, “I can’t say too much but…” Pausing for a moment, she reassured her, “I do not think Chasse vill be bothering you again.”

As the younger girl processed everything, Apple Bloom walked up to her and said, “Ah told you it’d be alright.” Of course, Hard Shoe stood up and sternly said, “Of course, Double Shuffle will have plenty of time to help with chores around the house.” Soft Shoe then added, “Just to show that you can’t punch people.”

Shrugging as she wiped the tears from her eyes, Double Shuffle replied, “Guess I should have known I couldn’t get away with it scot-free, right?” Apple Bloom rubbed her sister’s hair as she answered, “Considerin’ what Ah got for mah stupid stunts, you’re gettin’ off pretty light.”

Turning to face Hard and Soft Shoe, Hoofer Steps finished with, “I apologize for zis, but I vanted to do zis in person.” Soft Shoe nodded as she replied, “No problem. I’m just sorry it all had to come to this.” Soon, all of the adults had said their goodbyes and Hoofer Steps departed.

Turning their attention back to Double Shuffle, Hard Shoe said, “Now then, given everything, I think your punishment can tomorrow.” Nodding, the young girl replied, “Thanks dad.” Soft Shoe then added, “In that case, your father and I are going to start fixing dinner.” Tender Taps then asked, “Need any help?” The Tap family matriarch shook her head as she answered, “We should be able to handle it.”

Double Shuffle then turned to Apple Bloom and asked, “Hey Apple Bloom? You wanna go hang out in my room?” Pondering this offer for a moment, the former farm girl smiled as she replied, “Ah’d love to.” As they began to leave, Tender Taps started to ask something, but he stopped himself as he thought, ‘Maybe not now. I think they need some sibling bonding time.’

And with that, Apple Bloom and Double Shuffle left to hang out, specifically to talk about the wonderful world of designer tap shoes, all while Tender Taps thought to himself, ‘I knew she could cheer her up.’ After all, Apple Bloom had a way with outcasts.

Author's Note:

Next Time; I don't particularly know.

Author's Note; This is the last chapter of the year. I have family coming in for the holidays, so I want to spend as much time as I can.
So have a merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, a crazy Quanza, a tip tot Tet, and a solemn dignified Ramadan.

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