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Girls' Day Out

As the Apple Blooms

Part 3; Girls’ Day Out

As the sun began to rise over the horizon, far off roosters began to caw in the distance. Once again, morning had arrived to the small town of Allspark Wells as well as its many inhabitants. One of these individuals was the young Apple Bloom, who was now rising from bed, letting out a mildly loud yawn. However, unlike the day before, she didn’t want to get up, and had to force herself up.

The previous day had been… unpleasant to say the least. Though it had started out well as she swept and cleaned the chop-shop, it had taken a horrible turn when she began delivering packages to the residents. It was then that she learned, the hard way, that Wheeljack had blabbered the night before, letting it spill that she had been sent to Allspark Wells as punishment for masterminding the Anon-A-Miss incident. This meant that Apple Bloom was hounded by everyone she ran into. This said nothing about how she reacted when Wheeljack confessed.

Still, Apple Bloom knew she had to get ready for whatever Uncle Ironhide had in store for her. “Alright.” She said to herself. “Time to see what’s in the apple.”

The Kitchen

“Good Morning Apple Bloom.” Chromia said as Apple Bloom made her way down the stair well. The young farmhand had bags under her eyes, and despite her attempts to hide it, her hair was slightly unkempt. Chromia asked, “Sleep well?”

“’Bout as well as ya can when you’ve painted a big ol’ bulls eye on your back.” Apple Bloom replied dejectedly replied. “Ah didn’t sleep too well.” Apple Bloom then proceeded to make her way to the pantry and pull out a box of cereal and two pieces of toast. She then trudged over to the toaster and set the toast inside.

As Apple Bloom began to pour the cereal in a bowl, Chromia asked, “So, I hear Ironhide decided to give you the day off, right?” Apple Bloom simply nodded yes. Chromia continued, “So I take it you don’t have any particular plans then, right?”

Apple Bloom began to pour herself a glass of apple juice when she realized that she, in fact, did not have any plans for the day ahead. “Ah guess not.” She answered the older woman. “Ah guess Ah would just dust the place up or take a look around here, get familiar with the place, ya know?”

As the toast popped out of the toaster, Chromia slammed her fist on the table. “Oh no you don’t young lady.” She said, not quite yelling but hardly shouting. Apple Bloom found herself instinctively scooting back, somewhat terrified of seeing Chromia this angry. “Sorry hun.” The older woman apologized. “But I just can’t allow you to coop yourself up here. I mean, you gotta be able to live a little.”

After a few more moments, Chromia snapped her fingers with as she came up with an idea. “I got it!” she said out loud. “Why don’t I take you around town and get you a little more aquainted?”

Apple Bloom hesitated for a moment as she replied, “You sure? ‘Cause Ah don’t wanna get you in trouble for associatin’ with me.” As she began to walk over to the toaster, she was interrupted by Chromia saying, “Don’t worry. I know that several of the others aren’t exactly fond of you yet, but I won’t let them treat you like, well….”

“Horse shit?” Apple Bloom replied in a deadpan manner. Chromia gave her young ward a disappointed look as she continued, “I was going to say an outcast, but I think that put it in a better, if more inappropriate way.” Apple Bloom sighed as she apologized, “Sorry ma’am.” Chromia let out a gentle laugh as she replied, “It’s ok hon. In fact, I think that was a little funny.” Both women began to laugh before Chromia continued, “Now, After we finish breakfast, I think I know how to start.”

Inky Rose’s Clothing Outlet Parking Lot, Thirty Minutes Later

After breakfast (as well as a little gentle teasing at a very busy Wheeljack), Apple Bloom and Chromia left the chop-shop in Ironhide’s van. Apple Bloom was impressed with the vehicle, a red van with gold stripes that Chromia said was, “an import.” However, any sensation of curiosity she had about the van vanished as they pulled up to a small store in a shopping center called Inky Rose’s Clothing Outlet. “Uh, Aunt Chromia?” Apple Bloom asked. “What are we doin’ here?”

Chromia answered, “Well for one, I think I know someone who won’t be outright hostile towards you.” She then began to cheekily eye her young ward and replied, “And for another, I think we should get you some proper clothes, something to help you look less like a farmer and more like a scrapper.” Apple Bloom pondered what her honorary aunt said as she continued, “Sorry, what I meant was we need to find you some clothes that you’ll be able to wear when working with scrap metal, oil, and other gunk.”

“Ah guess when ya put it that way, it makes a little sense.” Apple Bloom replied. “So, do Ah need to pay you back for…” she was interrupted by Chromia placing a finger to her lips. The older woman then interrupted her as she began to speak. “Apple Bloom, I know you’ve made a few bad choices, but I think you’ve been put through the ringer lately. Consider this my gift to you.”

Apple Bloom could hardly believe it. While part of her felt this was too good to be true, here was someone who was being kind to her in spite of what she had done. Overcome with emotion, she wrapped her hands around Chromia as she started to sniffle. “Thanks Aunt Chromia.” Apple Bloom said as she found her eyes watering. Chromia returned the hug as she replied, “No problem hun. Now, let’s get you looking like a scrapper.”

Inky Rose’s Clothing Outlet Interior

The inside of the clothing store was a sight to behold. Despite a seemingly small exterior, the store was a deep cavern of rows and rows of every kind of clothing imaginable. There were shirts, skirts, pants, shorts, and just about every sort of footwear Apple Bloom could imagine. “Whoa.” The young girl said in amazement. “This place is amazin’!”

“I do aim to please.” A new, unfamiliar voice said from behind Apple Bloom and Chromia. Apple Bloom turned to see a pale purple woman with purple braided pig tails and wearing a gray shirt and black over shirt with spider web accents. “Welcome to my humble business.” The woman greeted as she noticed who was with her. “Chromia, darling, what brings you hear today?” she then wrapped Chromia in a warm embrace, which was recriprocated by the latter.

“Good to see you Inky Rose.” Chromia said as she released Inky Rose from her hug. “I’m here to help Apple Bloom find some new clothes for the chop shop.” As Inky Rose began to inspect Apple Bloom (much to her embarrassment), she began to speak. “Oh my, I’ve heard a fair bit about you.” Apple Bloom began to back away in shame as Inky Rose began to….. laugh?

“What’s so funny?” Apple Bloom angrily asked. As Inky Rose began to calm down, the older woman answered, “Sorry, but you don’t look like the kind of person who could cause all that mayhem.” Apple Bloom simply sighed and looked away in shame. Inky Rose then stepped forward and explained, “What I mean to say was that when I heard you caused all that mischief, I was actually kind of impressed. I mean, if I could have done that when I was your age then I’d have the whole world in the palm of my hands.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but join in the giggling as she replied, “Ah gotta admit, it was kinda fun.”

After both Inky Rose and Apple Bloom calmed down, the former then asked, “So, what are you looking for?” Apple Bloom replied, “Ah need somethin’ for dealin’ with everythin’ at Ironhide’s.” Inky Rose paused for a moment, scratching her chin as she began to think. “Hm….” She said, leaving Apple Bloom somewhat nervous as to what she had in mind.

After a few more moments, Inky Rose snapped her fingers as she called out, “I’ve got it!” she then faced Apple Bloom as she ordered, “Follow me dear.” Apple Bloom turned to Chromia for advice, but the older woman simply gave her an affirming nod. Taking a deep breath, she decided to follow Inky Rose down one of the aisles.

As Apple Bloom and Inky Rose walked down the row of clothing, the latter asked, “So, knowing what Ironhide gets up to, I’m thinking for you, either a jumpsuit or overalls. Which do you prefer?” Apple Bloom took the options in consideration. While she toyed with the idea of a jumpsuit like Wheeljack, she just couldn’t pass up overalls. After all, not only did Ironhide and Chromia prefer them, but they kind of reminded her of being back home with her family.

Having made up her decision, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah’d prefer overalls.” Inky Rose replied, “So we going to stay country are we? Excellent choice.” She then brought Apple Bloom to a rack full of overalls in every color of the rainbow. Apple Bloom began to inspect all the colors, but couldn’t help but find the classic blue the best choice. “Ah think Ah like these.” Apple Bloom said as she managed to find a group of medium blue overalls in her size.

Inky Rose inspected the overalls and remarked, “Good choice. The color suits you. Now…” she trailed off as she rose to her tiptoes to peek over to another aisle. As Apple Bloom began to look in curiosity at Inky Rose, the older woman replied, “….we need to get you some shirts.” She then began to lead the young girl with her towards another aisle.

Thirty Minutes Later

The peace and quiet of the store would put come off to many as somewhat unsettling, but to Chromia it was perfect music to her ears. She had never been one for crowds or dealing with too many people at once. After all, that was part of why she loved living in a relatively small town like Allspark Wells. But even then, she still found dealing with crowds annoying at best and horribly stressful at worst. Normally, she wouldn’t go anywhere with Ironhide since he often helped keep her grounded, but not only was Ironhide busy today, but she knew Apple Bloom needed just a little positivity after a horrible first impression of town.

Now that she thought about it, it had been a while since she and Inky Rose had disappeared into the endless rows of clothing. “Oh my, I hope she isn’t lost in that labyrinth.”

“We ain’t lost.” Apple Bloom’s voice rang out from one of the distant aisles. Inky Rose emerged first. She then struck a dramatic pose as she began to speak, “Introducing the new and improved APPLE BLOOM!” As Apple Bloom emerged, Chromia was amazed by how well she had chosen her new wardrobe.

Rather that the green shirt with jeans and yellow gumboots she had entered in, Apple Bloom now sported a set of medium blue overalls, an orange plaid shirt, and a set of lace up black boots. Apple Bloom began to rotate herself, showing off how well her choice had suited her as she said, “Ah figured Ah’d use you and Uncle Ironhide as a little inspiration.” Chromia felt humbled as she replied, “Well, I’m flattered.”

Inky Rose then remarked, “Personally I’d have suggested a little more black but….” Apple Bloom immediately quipped, “You said you prefer everythin’ black.” Inky Rose simply shrugged as she replied, “True, I do have a preference for darkness.” She then turned to Chromia and said, “Now all we have to do is get everything sorted out.” Chromia replied, “Alright then.”

As Chromia and Inky Rose made their way to the cash register to begin paying, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but feel like a different person. True, not much had changed other than her outfit, but suddenly she felt less like a farmer and a little more like a mechanic.

And she liked how that felt.

Razor Edge’s Hair Salon

Apple Bloom was impressed as she and Chromia entered the hair salon. Though hardly as extravagant as any of the places Rarity had shown her, it was still a moderately sized facility with at least ten seats for getting one’s hair cut and several sinks for hair washing. With the light red wall paper and posters of movies and sports teams, the place gave a sense of warmth and belonging to just about everybody who entered.

Everybody except Chromia. In truth, she didn’t have anything against the décor or the staff (She herself was a friend of Razor Edge).

What had Chromia on edge was the fact that the place was crowded today. At least five of the seats were filled with people getting their hair treated, and several others were waiting. Taking a nervous breath, Chromia turned to Apple Bloom and said, “They look kinda busy. Maybe we should come back later.” “Ya sure?” Apple Bloom asked, noticing that Chromia was starting to turn pale and generally looked uncomfortable.

Before Chromia could come up with a reply, the two were greeted by a woman’s voice calling out, “Chromia, is that you?” Chromia turned to see a blue woman with cropped, bright scarlet hair. “My, I haven’t seen you in ages!” The woman said warmly as she began the motions to hug Chromia, but stopped herself as she noticed the latter had grown pale.

The woman then noticed Apple Bloom and asked, “So, who’s your friend?” “Ah’m Apple Bloom.” Apple Bloom nervously greeted as she extended her hand. The woman gave Apple Bloom a curious look, making the young girl take a nervous gulp. Her fears were quickly quashed as the woman wrapped her in a massive hug.

“My just look at you.” The woman said as she began to squeal. “You’re just so adorable.” “Thank you?” Apple Bloom replied, confused as to why she was being hugged. The woman then released Apple Bloom and began to speak again. “Sorry about that, but I’m a hugger. Name’s Razor Edge.” She then faced Chromia and asked, “So she’s the little troublemaker you and Ironhide took in?” As Apple Bloom began to shamefully look over her shoulder, Chromia interrupted. “Hey Razor Edge, that’s kind of a sour topic right now.”

“Oh ok.” Razor Edge answered. She then asked, “So, haircut for you two?” Chromia, starting to feel claustrophobic, answered, “Just Apple Bloom here, and whatever she wants.” She then leaned in towards Razor Edge’s ear and whispered, “She had a bad day yesterday.” Razor Edge nodded and turned to face Apple bloom as she said, “Alright, come with me young lady.” Apple Bloom hesitated for a moment, turning to face a still troubled Chromia. The older woman said, “Go on hun. I’ll be right outside.” Apple Bloom simply nodded and followed Razor Edge to one of the empty seats.

Once Apple Bloom had been moved to one of the seats, Razor Edge asked, “So, what shall we do today? Just a touch up or something new?” Apple Bloom hesitated for a moment before her eyes drifted down to her new boots. Seeing them gave her a somewhat radical idea.

“Ah think Ah’ll go for somethin’ different.” Apple Bloom said confidently as she did something she thought she’d never do; she undid the pink bow on the back of her head.

“Alrighty then, new hairstyle it is!” Razor Edge said as she reached for one of the drawers and pulled out a small booklet. She then handed the booklet to Apple Bloom and said, “Ok, now we just need to decide a style.” Apple Bloom took the booklet and began to inspect it. each page had a different hair style, ranging from ponytails to buzz cuts. For a few moments she didn’t know if she found any she liked, but near the back she found a style that caught her attention.

“Ah think Ah like this one.” Apple Bloom said as she turned to Razor Edge. The older woman noticed which one she had picked and, after making a few glances between Apple Bloom and the picture before remarking, “Perfect choice kid.”

Thirty Minutes Later

Chromia took a deep breath as she watched the odd car pass by and birds fly overhead. As much as she was friends with Razor Edge, she just couldn’t stand being somewhere that crowded. It had always been a problem, and if it weren’t for Ironhide, then she’d probably never even have enough stomach to even deal with more than five people. Still, she felt that Apple Bloom deserved to see that Allspark Wells was more than the poor first impression it gave her.

“Oh Chromia!” Razor Edge called out. Chromia turned to see Chromia standing in the door. As Chromia stepped towards her friend, Razor Edge continued, “You’re gonna love this.”

It was then that Apple Bloom walked up to Chromia and Razor Edge, her old hairstyle replaced by braided pigtails. What was even more surprising was that her bow had been replaced with two smaller bows, one at the end of each of her hair strands.

“Apple Bloom, you look so adorable!” Chromia said as she walked up to her young ward and wrapped her in a warm embrace. Apple Bloom replied, “Yeah, Ah figured Ah should try somethin’ a little different.”

Chromia then released Apple Bloom and asked, “So Razor Edge, how much do I owe you?” Razor Edge replied, “Twenty dollars. All we need to do now is to get everything settled.”

Chromia gulped as she looked back into the hair salon and noticed that it was still rather crowded. Razor Edge noticed Chromia’s nervousness (as well as her growing somewhat paler) and said, “Well I think we could just do everything out here.”

As Chromia paid Razor Edge, Apple Bloom noticed Chromia’s uncomfortableness regarding being anywhere even remotely crowded, and felt something was wrong. However, she decided she would find out at lunch.

Hot Rod’s Diner, an Hour Later

As Apple Bloom and Chromia entered the diner, they were greeted by a young man in a pink-red outfit with yellow flame accents behind the counter. “Hello there, welcome to Hot Rod’s!” The man greeted as he noticed Apple Bloom. “So you’re the kid I’ve heard so much about.” Apple Bloom simply nodded as the man continued, “Well luckily for all of us things are pretty open here, so you won’t find much anyone here doesn’t already know.”

As Apple Bloom began to look away in shame, Chromia sternly replied, “Not now Hot Rod.” Hot Rod simply let out a sigh and asked, “So, table for two?” Chromia turned to Apple Bloom and asked, “Which would you prefer?”

Apple Bloom replied, “Ah’m good with whichever works for you.” As Chromia nodded in agreement, Hot Rod spoke up, “Booth it is then. If you two will follow me...”

Apple Bloom and Chromia followed Hot Rod to a two person booth. As they sat down, Hot Rod pulled out two menus and continued, “Here you two go. Wing Dagger will take your orders when you guys are ready.” “Thank you.” Chromia thanked Hot Rod as he returned to the front of the restaurant.

Once Hot Rod was gone, Apple Bloom asked, “Chromia, can Ah ask a dumb question?” “There are no such things as dumb questions.” Chromia replied. Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom asked, “Ah noticed you were very nervous at the hair salon. Somethin’ worryin’ ya?”

Chromia took a deep breath of her own and began to explain. “I guess the best way to put it would be that I just don’t really do well with crowds.” Taking a moment to look around, making sure there weren’t too many other people in the restaurant, continued. “I’ve never really been comfortable with crowds and being too close to too many people.” She let out a nervous laugh as she continued, “In fact when I was a little girl I didn’t have many friends because I actually used to have panic attacks when I was in school because I couldn’t stand being in class. I guess having so many eyes watching me made me too afraid to screw up or fail.”

Apple Bloom may not have known what medical term she was describing, but she knew that Chromia had the same issue her sister’s friend Fluttershy used to have. It was then that Chromia continued, “Well, that was until I met Ironhide. He helped me deal with crowds, or least when I absolutely had to, and he’s thoughtful enough to know when I just need some time alone.” She then leaned towards Apple Bloom and quipped, “Besides, I’ve known some junkers that are friendlier than many people.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but begin to giggle.

It was then that Apple Bloom realized something. “Wait, so does that mean that when you stepped out at the hair salon that was because…” Chromia interrupted as she explained, “Yeah, I still have some trouble with crowds.” Apple Bloom then asked, “So, then why did ya take me out today if bein’ around too many people makes you feel so uncomfortable?”

Chromia gently placed her hand on Apple Bloom’s shoulder as she answered, “I figured that you needed a good day more than I needed the peace and quiet.”

It was then that Apple Bloom realized how much Chromia cared about her. She was willing to risk a panic attack, or at least the intense stress of crowds for her. Apple Bloom could only reply by answering, “Thanks Aunt Chromia.” “You’re welcome sweety.” Chromia replied.

“KABLAM!” A loud male voice called from the entrance. Apple Bloom and Chromia turned to see a large red man in a red outfit strut into the restaurant as he bellowed out, “I am one hungry BAMMING Man!” As Apple Bloom found herself covering her ears due to his loud shouting, Chromia shouted, “Warpath! Can’t you keep quiet for thirty seconds!?” Warpath shrugged as he replied, “Sorry, but you can’t keep this much ZOWEE power contained.”

Hot Rod then replied, “Ok Warpath, either keep it down or I’m throwing you out.” Warpath stopped himself and meekly replied, “Ok.” Apple Bloom and Chromia couldn’t help but begin laughing. As they continued, another man, this one in a yellow shirt, came up to them and asked, “So, what can I get you two to drink?”

“I’ll take a water.” Chromia replied. Apple Bloom answered, “Ah’ll take a cola sir.” Hot Shot replied, “Very well. I’ll be right back.” He then made his way to the soda fountain and began pouring the drinks.

Chromia then realized she forgot something and said, “Oh Apple Bloom, I need to pick something up for Ironhide, so I hope you don’t mind a little detour.” “Ah don’t mind.” Apple Bloom replied. Chromia then said, “Thanks. I promise it’ll be quick.”

Hot Shot then returned with a tray holding Apple Bloom and Chromia’s drinks. However, as he made his way up to them, he was startled by Warpath shouting, “The pizza burgers are back? KABLAM!” Chromia and Apple Bloom, both now covered in water and cola, could only sigh and groan, “Warpath.”

Knockout’s Car Customizations

“Oh Knockout!” Chromia called out as she and Apple Bloom entered his shop. Apple Bloom was surprised to see that it was an auto shop not unlike her uncle’s garage. It was then that two men, one pale with scarlet hair and in a red mechanic’s suit and another red in a blue suit, stepped forward.

The man in red spoke first. “Ah, Chromia, what brings you down here?” Chromia replied, “I just stopped by to pick up something for Ironhide.” She then turned to Apple Bloom and introduced the men before them. “Apple Bloom, this is Knockout and Breakdown.”

Knockout made his way to Apple Bloom and extended his hand as he said, “It’s nice to meet you kid.” Apple Bloom shook his hand and replied, “Thanks.” Knockout then quipped, “I’d make a joke about what I’ve heard about you, but who am I to talk?” Apple Bloom gave him a confused look as he continued, “I’m trying to say that you aren’t the only on who’s had a checkered past kid.”

Chromia then joined in the conversation. “What Knockout here is trying to say is that he and Breakdown used to run with a gang, but managed to get themselves out before they got into a lot of trouble.” Knockout then added, “Besides, unlike me those losers weren’t fond of steel belted radials.”

Breakdown then interrupted, saying, “Hey, you said you wanted something?” Chromia replied, “Oh yeah.” As she and Breakdown began to walk towards the office, Apple Bloom began to take a look around.

She was amazed how much the place looked like Ironhide’s, and yet it didn’t seem any of the cars parked were there to be repaired. She turned to face Knockout and asked, “So, what do you two do here?” Knockout strutted forward and answered, “Breakdown and I customize cars. You and Ironhide might fix ‘em or tear ‘em apart, but me and my little buddy trick ‘em out, make ‘em faster and louder than ever.” “Whoa.” Apple Bloom replied, her jaw dropping. Knockout then cheekily placed his finger under her jaw and pushed it back up. He then continued, “Maybe one day I can show you a trick or two.”

Chromia and Breakdown returned from the office, the former holding a box. She then turned to Breakdown and said, “Thanks for sparing these engine parts.” “No problem ma’am.” Breakdown replied.

Chromia then noticed Apple Bloom and cheekily asked, “Taking a look around the competition?” Apple Bloom replied, “Knockout here said that he and Breakdown trick ‘em out, not break ‘em down.”

Breakdown made his way to Knockout and said, “Well he does the delicate stuff. I do all the heavy lifting.” Knockout then leaned against Breakdown and, to Apple Bloom’s surprise, kissed him on the nose and replied, “And I love you for it you big goof.” Apple Bloom was about to say something, but Knockout playfully rolled his eyes and said, “Oh my, I think we’re the first gay guys she’s ever met.”

“As heartwarming as this scene is…” Chromia began. “It’s getting a bit late.” Apple Bloom managed to snap out of her confusion and said, “It was nice meetin’ you two.” Breakdown said, “Nice to meet you too.” Knockout then added, “I hope we can meet again, provided you stay out of trouble.” For once, Apple Bloom didn’t find this remark mean spirited and instead couldn’t help but find it funny and start chuckling. She then made her way over to Chromia and the two departed the garage.

Ironhide’s Van

As Apple Bloom and Chromia made their way down the road back towards Ironhide’s, Apple Bloom took a deep breath and said, “Today’s been a good day.” Chromia, her eyes focused on the road, replied, “That’s good. I hope you enjoyed it because you may not get too many like it in the near future.”

This statement brought Apple Bloom back to the reality of her situation, and how not only the reason she had been sent to Allspark Wells in the first place, but the fact that today had only happened because Wheeljack had blabbered.

As Apple Bloom took a deep breath in resignation, Chromia began to speak again. “Still, maybe next month we could have another girls’ day out.” The thought of another day out helped raise Apple Bloom’s spirit, but she remembered Chromia wasn’t entirely comfortable with being around crowds. Chromia then continued with, “Besides, it might do me a little good to mingle with people a little more.”

“Ya sure?” Apple Bloom asked. Chromia gave Apple Bloom a pat on the back as she answered, “You bet hun.” As they approached Ironhide’s, Apple Bloom noticed Ironhide was waiting for them.

“You two have a good day?” Ironhide asked as Apple Bloom exited the car. “Ah sure did Uncle Ironhide!” Apple Bloom replied enthusiastically.

Ironhide noticed his “niece’s” new outfit and hair cut and remarked, “Well now, you look like a new young lady.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed as she replied, “Thanks. Ah gotta find a way to thank Aunt Chromia, considerin’ the salon was a bit crowded.” Ironhide was dumbfounded and, as Chromia walked up to the two, asked, “You were willing to wait at the salon for her?”

“Well, at least just outside.” Chromia humbly answered. Ironhide simply walked up to her and wrapped her in a big hug as he said, “Still impressive for you. Proud of you honey.” He then planted a small kiss on her cheek, much to Apple Bloom’s amusement and Chromia’s embarrassment.

A crashing sound from the kitchen, followed by Wheeljack screaming various vulgar words caught everybody’s attention. Ironhide turned to his wife and niece and said, “We better go make sure Wheeljack doesn’t tear the kitchen apart.” As the three made their way into the chop shop, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but look forward to the increasingly bright future.

Author's Note:

Next Time; Apple Bloom meets a "familiar face."

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