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Why I Love You

As the Apple Blooms

Part 23; Why I Love You

“And, a 5 6 7 8!” Tender Taps called out as he and Apple Bloom began their combo. It was once again that day of the week, the time for the former farm girl to bust out her tap shoes and make some noise. As she struck, clicked, clacked, and tapped across the wooden floor, Apple Bloom could only think to herself, ‘Why didn’t Ah start dancin’ when Ah was younger?’

As she began to mentally trail off, Tender Taps called, “Apple Bloom, you’re starting to drift off.” Indeed, the former farm girl had accidentally traveled too far across the studio.

Letting out an embarrassed giggle, Apple Bloom stopped herself as she replied, “Sorry Tender. Guess Ah got distracted.” The young boy walked up to her and replied, “It’s ok.” He then began to blush as he added, “You’re getting better. Almost as good as Double Shuffle and I.”

“Thanks.” Apple Bloom thanked. As she began to blush herself, she added, “Ah’ve had the best teacher.” She then leant closer and, much to his amusement and mild embarrassment, kissed Tender Taps right on the cheek. Blushing even harder than before, the teenaged tap dancer could only reply, “Well, you’re a wonderful student.”

Turning back around to the mirror, Tender Taps said, “Ok, once more from the top.” As Apple Bloom made her boyfriend and teacher’s side, he began counting, “A One, a two, a 1 2 3 4!” At the count of four, both teens began tapping again, shuffling across the floor. As they did so, Apple Bloom noticed something was off with Tender Taps; he was far more concentrated on trying to get every step just right. Though she always knew him to be a very precise dancer, Apple Bloom had a feeling that something wasn’t quite right.

“Tendy?” Apple Bloom asked. “Somethin’ buggin’ you?” As she stopped, Tender Taps slowed down as he realized the studio wasn’t quite as loud.

Taking a deep breath, Tender Taps answered, “I’m fine Apple Bloom. Just have a few things on my mind right now.” As he made his way over to the wall, Apple Bloom asked, “Is it somethin’ bad?”

“Oh of course not!” Tender Taps immediately replied. “It’s nothing bad, just…..” He paused for a moment, something that worried Apple Bloom. Concerned for her boyfriend, she rested a hand on his shoulder as she replied, “Tender, what’s botherin’ you?”

Tender Taps could only smile as he answered, “It’s not exactly something I can explain, but once I can, you’ll be the first I tell. That sound fair?” Letting out a gentle chuckle, Apple Bloom answered, “Fair. But me first, you promise?” The teenage boy nodded as he made the motions of the Pinkie promise, something his girlfriend had taught him. Satisfied that she’d gotten a good enough answer, Apple Bloom pulled Tender Taps into a tight embrace as she planted a kiss right on his cheek.

Their bliss was interrupted when Soft Shoe’s voice call out, “Apple Bloom! Your uncle needs to have a word with you!” This startled the former farm girl. Ironhide hadn’t ever called during her dance sessions before, and the idea that he would wasn’t exactly comforting.

Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom said, “Ah guess Ah better see what Uncle Ironhide needs.”

The Tap Family’s Living Room

As Apple Bloom and Tender Taps entered the living room, Soft Shoe held her cell phone up to her ear and spoke into it, “She’s here. I’ll put you on speaker now.” She then pressed a button on her phone before setting it on the coffee table.

Once the phone was on the table, Ironhide’s voice began to emerge from the other end of the line. “Apple Bloom? You there?” The older man’s voice asked. Apple Bloom replied, “Ah’m here Uncle Ironhide. Somethin’ Wrong?”

Ironhide’s voice replied, “Not exactly. I completely forgot Ratchet has tomorrow off and we have a big project tomorrow. It’ll take all day and I need you to help out, so I need you to head home.”

Apple Bloom sighed in dejection as she replied, “Alright. Be there as soon as Ah can.” As she began to turn towards the family’s changing room however, Tender Taps turned to the phone and asked, “Wait. Mr. Ironhide? Is it alright if I help you guys out?”

“What?” Apple Bloom asked in confusion. Tender Taps nodded and replied, “If you guys are busy, maybe I can help.” There was silence on the other end of the line as Ironhide contemplated the offer.

After a few moments of tension, Ironhide’s voice replied, “I suppose so kid. Come to the chop shop around 8:30 in the morning and I’ll see if there’s something for you to do.” As Apple Bloom squealed with enthusiasm, Ironhide’s voice continued, “Alright, now come on home young lady. I need you all rested up for tomorrow.”

Sighing, Apple Bloom replied, “Alright. Be home in a few minutes.” With that, the other end of the phone went silent, signaling that Ironhide had hung up. Turning to her boyfriend, she began, “Guess we’re gonna be co-workers for a day. Kinda exciting, isn’t it?”

“You bet.” Tender Taps replied. He then began to blush as he added, “Though anytime I’m with you is exciting.” Apple Bloom could only let out an embarrassed chuckle as she replied, “Well Ah could say the same of you.”

Unfortunately, Soft Shoe interrupted the two teen’s troublesome bantering. “You heard your uncle Apple Bloom.” She playfully quipped. “You’ll have plenty of time together tomorrow.”

Knowing she couldn’t buy anymore time, Apple Bloom nodded as she said, “Guess Ah better head home. See you tomorrow mornin’?” Tender Taps nodded as he replied, “See you tomorrow.” And with that, the former farm girl departed to change back into her normal clothes, hoping she could get home before it got too dark.

The Chop Shop, Early the Next Morning…

As Apple Bloom made her way from the kitchen to the store front, she couldn’t help but start to feel butterflies flutter in her stomach. Though she’d spent a fair amount of time with Tender Taps before, even with her rather restrictive schedule, it had always been fun little outings or simple favor for someone. This time, it was actual work, and she’d heard stories from Applejack about the risk of friends working at the same place. Then again, was everything her sister said something that should be taken as gospel truth?

From behind her, Chromia’s voice spoke up, “Relax Apple Bloom. This isn’t the running of the bulls.” Turning to face her aunt, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah know. It’s just, Ah hope Tender doesn’t get hurt. This place isn’t exactly known for curved corners.”

Letting out a gentle chuckle, Chromia replied, “I know honey.” Apple Bloom then asked, “Aunt Chromia, does Uncle Ironhide really not mind if Tender Taps helps out today?”

“As a matter of fact, I don’t.” Ironhide answered as he entered the shop front. “Besides, I think I know how your boyfriend can help out without getting himself hurt.” Apple Bloom could only playfully sigh as she blushed when Ironhide referred to Tender Taps as her boyfriend.

Luckily, her immediate embarrassment ended when the sound of the shop’s door caught her attention. Sure enough, entering the shop was Tender Taps, dressed in jeans, a black tee shirt, and an open dark gray button shirt slung over it. In his hand was a small lunch box, clearly intended for later that day. All in all, he looked a little nervous, but still enthusiastic to start scrapping.

“Mr. Ironhide?” Tender Taps began with a respectful nod. He then continued, “Mrs. Chromia. Apple Bloom.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but play along, curtsying and replying, “Tender Taps.” Smiling, the teenage boy turned to the family’s patriarch and asked, “So sir, what do you need me to do?”

Ironhide stepped towards the boy and replied, “One, I’m not sir. I’ve never exactly been one with royal blood.” As Tender Taps let out a nervous giggle, the older man continued, “And secondly, how about we show you?” Tender Taps nodded, and Ironhide led him, Apple Bloom, and Tender Taps and Chromia out to the scrap yard.

The Scrap Yard…

As Tender Taps and Apple Bloom looked upon what could only be described as the world’s largest pile of scrap metal, the young boy could only remark, “It’s just metal.”

“Maybe to you, kid.” Ironhide remarked. “But to us, it’s our bread and butter.” The teenaged tap dancer could only lean to Apple Bloom and jokingly remark, “You guys must have a horrible sense of taste.”

After letting out small giggle, Chromia added, “So, we’re trying to clear space, and this here mountain is full of nothing but junk.” Ironhide then continued, “And Wheeljack is waiting at the smelting pools, ready to turn all this stuff into salvageable metal. Chromia and I will be filling several boxes for transport, which you two will deliver to Wheeljack.”

Apple Bloom nodded as she replied, “You got it Uncle Ironhide.” However, Tender Taps, seemingly disappointed, answered, “Uh, sure thing sir.” Worried, Apple Bloom reassured him, “C’mon, it’ll be fun.” The young boy gave a reassuring smile and replied, “Ok.”

As both teens slipped on their pairs of work gloves (Tender having received a pair from Chromia), Ironhide spoke up. “If you two love birds are finished, we’re wasting daylight.” With that, he and Chromia began to descend the pile of junk, leaving Apple Bloom and Tender Taps to stay down below them.

A few minutes later…

As Apple Bloom and Tender Taps walked towards the smelting pools, each carrying a large box of scrap metal, the former farm girl noticed that her boyfriend’s air of depression had returned. Though delivering scrap metal was hardly the most entertaining task, he had agreed to help out that day.

“Tender?” Apple Bloom asked. “That thing you mentioned buggin’ you again?” The teenage boy answered, “Yeah. Don’t worry, it’s nothing.” Since there wasn’t much for her to work with, Apple Bloom decided she shouldn’t push the issue and replied, “Alright. Ah’m just worried about you.”

Smiling, Tender Taps said, “Thanks. You’re so cute when you’re worrying.” Apple Bloom could only blush as she quipped, “Only for people Ah care about. Otherwise Ah get a little….” she gave a dramatic pause before finishing with a dramatically drawn out, “… Naughty.”

Giggling, Tender Taps playfully asked, “So, I guess I’m safe from having any secrets stolen?” Apple Bloom leaned against him and, with a smug smile, answered, “Ah guess. For now anyway.” Now both kids were snickering, barely able to keep their boxes of junk up. Once they’d finished, Apple Bloom added, “We should probably get movin’. Don’t want to keep Wheeljack waitin’.”

Soon the two teens were at the entrance of the shed that held the smelting pools. The large doors were open, revealing the three large containers that held the molten liquid used to melt down scrap for sellable metal. And standing in front of everything was Wheeljack, clad in a thick apron and a protective helmet held in his arm.

“You kids got the first load?” The older scrapper enthusiastically asked. Apple Bloom stepped forward and answered, “Ask and ye shall receive.” Wheeljack playfully shook his head and pointed to two large carts that looked like they could easily be rotated and emptied.

“Dump everything in those carts and I’ll get it melted down. You two head back to Ironhide and pick up the next load.” Nodding, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps approached the unconventional carts and dumped their cargo inside, producing a scratching clang.

Once their boxes were empty, Apple Bloom turned to Tender Taps and, with a growing smirk, said, “Race ya back.” Before he could react, the former farm girl darted off towards her aunt and uncle. As he processed what had just happened, Tender Taps began to chase after her, calling out, “No fair!”

Once the two teens had made it back to Ironhide (Apple Bloom beating him by about forty two seconds), the older man said, “Well, look who’s back? Next load coming up.” He and Chromia began to fill their boxes with more scrap metal.

As Apple Bloom began to lift her box, Tender Taps hesitated for a moment before asking, “Uh, Mr. Ironhide? Don’t you think this box could hold a little more junk?” This was a bit odd, especially since Apple Bloom noticed his box was already full.

Ironhide made his way down from the mountain of metal as he replied, “Son, that’s enough for one person to carry, especially for someone like you.” Apple Bloom figured that her uncle’s remark was meant to be enduring and well intended.

However, Tender Taps took it a different way. “What? You think there’s something wrong with me?” He asked, not exactly angry but hardly calm. It was as if he took the simple attempt to keep him from over exerting himself as an insult.

Realizing something was off, Ironhide quickly explained, “Kid, metal like this adds up quickly. I don’t want you going home in worse shape than you got here.” Tender Taps was able to snap out of his momentary frustration and replied, “Uh, ok. I guess.” However, when Ironhide turned his back to ascend back up the pile, the teenage boy began to scoop up what little pieces of scrap he could and began to pile them into his box.

Apple Bloom realized something was seriously wrong. Walking up to Tender Taps, she asked, “Tender Taps, what’s going on?” Turning to face his girl friend, he replied, “Nothing’s wrong. I’m fine.”

“Ah don’t think so.” Apple Bloom replied. She may not have been able to tell when someone was lying like her sister, but she did know when someone was hiding something. Realizing he was making his girlfriend worried, Tender Taps continued, “Look, I’ll tell you later, ok?”

As much as she wanted to press on, Apple Bloom relented. “Alright, but you’re tellin’ me before you leave.” Tender Taps nodded as he replied, “Ok, before I leave.” He then began to make his way over to the smelting pools.

At that moment, Tender Taps tripped on a misplaced old muffler, sending his box of scrap metal straight to the ground, spilling its contents all over the ground.

His growing frustration starting to slip out again, Tender Taps began to kick his box. “Ugh! Stupid, weak, pathetic….. UGH!” He lashed out, completely forgetting that Apple Bloom was right next to him. But when he stomped on the box, the former farm girl found herself shouting, “Tender Taps! What’s goin’ on?” The sound of his girlfriend’s voice managed to snap him out of his frustration, and he quickly realized what he was doing.

However, before Tender Taps could offer an explanation, the sound of Ironhide’s voice distracted him. “What in the name of Primus were you doing young man?” He asked, his voice filled with confusion and anger. As Tender Taps held his head low in shame, the older man continued, “Ok. I think someone here needs a little bit of time to cool off.”

“But sir, I….” Tender Taps began. Ironhide immediately cut him off with a stern, “No. I don’t want you throwing a temper tantrum like a baby.” Once he said the words “temper tantrum,” Tender Taps looked away and began to squint his eyes, and if Apple Bloom’s eyes weren’t deceiving her, he was trying to keep himself together.

Taking a deep breath, Tender Taps, not even looking at the older man, simply answered, “Yes sir.” With that, the young boy walked off towards the smelter’s pools, leaving Apple Bloom and Ironhide confused.

“What’s gotten into that boy’s head?” Ironhide asked. Apple Bloom could only reply, “Ah don’t know, but Ah’m gettin’ concerned.” She would have pressed on, but Ironhide continued, “Either way, we’re burning daylight. Let’s get back to work.” As Apple Bloom sighed, Ironhide knelt down to her and rested an arm on his shoulder and reassured her, “We’ll give him some time to cool off.”

“Alright.” Apple Bloom replied as she began to walk towards the broken box and spilled scrap. She just hoped that Tender Taps would be able to blow off some steam before things got worse.

Later That Day….

Sure enough, an hour and a half later, Tender Taps returned. He was far calmer than he’d been earlier, but it was still clear that something was on his mind. Apple Bloom walked up to him and asked, “You feelin’ better Tender?”

“Yeah. I’m alright.” The young boy replied. “Sorry about that. I just…” He paused for a moment before continuing, “I just needed to vent.” Apple Bloom then wrapped him in a loose hug, trying to comfort him without being too tight. Needless to say, he returned the gesture with a hug of his own.

Once they finished, Chromia walked up to the two teens and informed them, “Well, aren’t you two just the cutest? We’re ahead of schedule, so Ironhide is going to help Wheeljack for a little bit.” Apple Bloom could only let out a little giggle as she replied, “Oh mah. Ah hope he can stand both the heat and Wheeljack’s antics.” Chromia then added, “Trust me, if anyone can keep Wheeljack under control, it’s Ironhide.”

Tender Taps then asked, “So Mrs. Chromia, what do you need me to do?” The older woman answered, “Right now I just need you to help collect junk down here.” She then pointed to the pile, particularly a small train rail and continued, “Just be careful for that rail. I don’t want either of you to get yourselves hurt.”

Apple Bloom then turned to Tender Taps and reassured him, “Come on, it shouldn’t be too hard for ya.” The young boy simply sighed and replied, “Ok.” He then made his way towards the pile as Apple Bloom carried another load of scrap to the smelter’s pool.

As she walked, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but begin to worry. Seeing Tender Taps act so different from the warm and friendly boy she knew was starting to eat at her. Now that she thought about it, Tender Taps had been a bit off the day before during their dance session, being far more focused than normal.

‘Somethin’s wrong, Ah just can’t put mah finger on it.’ Apple Bloom thought to herself. ‘Tender was sayin’ somethin’ was buggin’ him, and when Uncle Ironhide told him to him to stop throwin’ a……’

She was distracted when she heard the sound of Tender Taps angrily calling out, “Come on, move you stupid hunk of junk!” Confused, she set her box down and turned around, only to see something very concerning.

There, pulling on the rail in vain, was Tender Taps. She could tell he was using all his might, but the rail was far too strong, and it wouldn’t even budge. Groaning, the teenage boy pulled harder, only to lose his grip and fall onto his back.

“Tender Taps!” Apple Bloom called out as she ran to her boyfriend. As she closed the distance, though, the young boy rose back to his feet as he began to do something scary.

Tender Taps began to snarl.

“You stupid little…..” The teenage boy growled as he charged at the piece of metal. This time, he didn’t try to pull it, but instead began to push with all of his might. As he struggled, Chromia made her way down and Apple Bloom ran up towards him, both now worried he was going to do something stupid.

As Apple Bloom approached him, she asked, “Tender, what’s gotten into you?” Tender Taps could only reply, “Because I have to! I have to show that I’m not a f….. A f….” He couldn’t will himself to finish the sentence, and instead began to charge the metal rail.

This was when Chromia said, “Alright. Calm down right now young man, or I’ll have to call your mother.”

Finally, something in Tender Taps broke. Turning to the older woman, he practically shouted, “I’m not a little kid!” As he said this, he slammed his fist into the rail, this time displacing it. However, once the rail was gone, most of the junk on top of it came crashing down, splashing all over the ground, forcing everyone to back away in fear.

Once the dust had settled, everyone realized what had just happened. Part of the scrap metal had collapsed and formed a second, smaller pile. In just that one moment, most of the day’s progress had been wasted, and it was all Tender Taps’s fault.

As Apple Bloom and Chromia turned to Tender Taps, Ironhide ran up to the group. When he saw the smaller hill of junk that had now formed, he angrily asked, “What the hell just happened?”

Tender Taps, both scared and starting to tear up, simply turned and ran towards the entrance of the scrap yard. Concerned, Apple Bloom chased after him, calling out, “Tender Taps, wait!”

Turning to his wife, Ironhide asked, “What happened?” Chromia could only sigh as she began, “Well, Tender Taps was trying to get rid of a piece of rail, and then……”

The Chop Shop

Apple Bloom had to give it to Tender Taps, he was actually pretty fast on his feet. He was able to give her the slip, and it was only the sight of an open door that clued her into the fact that he’d run into the chop shop. ‘Figures he’d be in here.’ She thought to herself. Once she entered the shop, she began to call out, “Tender Taps? You in here?” While she didn’t hear him call back, she did hear something heartbreaking.

She heard the sound of Tender Taps crying.

Following the sound of her boyfriend’s tears, Apple Bloom found Tender Taps sitting against the wall of the shop front. He was curled up against the wall, holding his knees to his head as he sniffled, tears flowing freely from his eyes.

“Tender?” Apple Bloom gently asked as she approached the crying boy. Tender Taps simply raised his head as he apologized, “Sorry you had to see that.” Sitting down next to him, Apple Bloom took a deep breath as she said, “Now Ah know somethin’s goin’ on. What’s wrong?”

Sniffling, Tender Taps tried to avoid the situation and replied, “It’s nothing you need to worry about. I just….” Apple Bloom stopped him and interrupted with, “No. There’s somethin’ goin’ on, and Ah wanna help you.” She then wrapped an arm around him as she said, “So please, tell me what’s wrong.”

Sighing in defeat, Tender Taps began to explain everything. “Well, it began a few days ago. I had just finished advanced tap class, and I was going to stop by this sandwich shop nearby for a snack. As I left the studio however, there was this group of other guys that started following me. At first I thought they were just hanging out, but then they started following me.” He paused for a moment before he continued, “And then before I knew it, they had me cornered.”

Apple Bloom gulped as Tender Taps struggled to control himself. The young boy continued, “They started mocking me, saying I was a f…. a fa…..” He couldn’t even finish before he began to sniffle again, more tears were starting to drip from his eyes. “….They said I was a faggot.”

“That’s horrible!” Apple Bloom exclaimed as she held Tender Taps in a tight embrace. Though she didn’t know what that insult meant, she knew it was the sort of thing you didn’t call someone, and she remembered the time Rumble and Frenzy called him that word. As Tender Taps wrapped his arms around her, Apple Bloom continued, “Ah can’t believe anyone would say somethin’ so horrible to someone so sweet as you.”

“Thanks.” Tender Taps replied in between sniffles. “Well, after that, they started saying how I was only a dancer because I’m not “manly” enough for anything else.” Apple Bloom simply continued to hold her boyfriend close, thankful she could be there for him. As he cried, the young boy asked, “Apple Bloom, you don’t think I’m not manly enough, right?”

“Of course not!” The former farm girl firmly replied. “You’re the strongest boy Ah know! You’re certainly the smartest, cutest, and the best dancer Ah’ve ever met.” Managing to regain some of his composure, Tender Taps replied, “Thanks Apple Bloom. Don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Smiling, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah think you’d think of somethin’.” Reassured, Tender Taps continued, “Thanks. So, those bullies kept insulting me, and when I tried to leave they kept me trapped until they got bored and left. But I just couldn’t get what they said out of my head, and I guess I thought helping with your uncle would help me feel a little more masculine. Guess it didn’t quite work

Apple Bloom placed her hands on Tender Taps’s shoulders as she reassured him, “You are masculine enough. At least, to me you are.” Tender Taps could only smile as he replied, “Thanks. That’s one of the reasons I love you so much. You accept people for who they are.”

Wrapping him in a massive hug, Apple Bloom replied, “And what Ah love most about you is that you wear who you are on your sleeve. There might be thousands of guys out there, but there’s only one Tender Taps.”

Both teens held each other close, and soon enough, they shared a passionate kiss.

They were so distracted by their kiss that they failed to notice Ironhide enter the shop front. “Well, I figured this would happen.” He quipped. Both Apple Bloom and Tender Taps quickly rose to their feet as they began to babble incoherently, trying to defend themselves.

Luckily, Ironhide raised his hand as he continued, “Relax kids. So, given certain circumstances, I think we’re just gonna have to deal with removing the scrap hill for another day.” He then focused his attention solely on Tender Taps as he sternly said, “And son, for the foreseeable future, you’re not allowed in the scrap yard under any circumstances. Am I clear?” Tender Taps could only dejectedly reply, “Yes sir.”

Ironhide then added, “In that case, I think we might just have something you can help with.” He turned to Apple Bloom and asked, “Apple Bloom, you mind taking Tender here to the workshop and show him how to clean things up?”

Smiling and nodding, Apple Bloom replied, “You bet sir.” She turned to Tender Taps and said, “C’mon Tender.” Letting out a relieved sigh, the teenage tap dancer replied, “Alright. Ladies first?” Apple Bloom could only blush as she curtsied and curtsied before taking Tender Taps by the hand and lead him to the workshop.

Ironhide simply chuckled and playfully shook his head as he said to himself, “Trust me kid, there’s a lot more to being a man than just being a tough guy.”

Author's Note:

Next Time, Apple Bloom and Marble Pie deal with volunteers at the museum.

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