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Red Alert

As the Apple Blooms

Part 45; Red Alert

The sound of a distant rooster cawing rang out as the sun began its daily rise above the valley that housed Allspark Wells. When the sunlight began to creep into Apple Bloom’s room, the former farm girl began to stir as she returned to the land of the living. Yawning, she began to rise from her bed, only to feel something that hadn’t been there the previous night.

“Huh?” The red haired girl mumbled as she rubbed the last vestiges of sleep from her eyes. Once she was fully awake, Apple Bloom received her answer in the form of a small black dog snuggled up to her feet. Letting out a gentle giggle, the former farm girl began to wiggle her feet, waking Sparkplug from his peaceful slumber.

“Mornin’ Sparkplug.” Apple Bloom gently greeted the black dog. “Sleep well?” She received her answer when Sparkplug let out an affectionate bark and leapt himself into her chest whilst trying to lick her face. The young girl managed to keep the highland terrier at bay long enough to reply, “Ah got the message!”

Rising off her bed, the former farm girl asked herself, “Alright, what to wear?” Approaching her dresser, Apple Bloom began to sift through her clothing, trying to find the right outfit to blend of practicality and fashion. After a few moments, she settled on a pair of dark overalls and a red and white stripped tee shirt. Looking at herself in the mirror as she fastened the last button on her overalls, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but give her reflection a knowing wink, imagining it was actually Tender Taps.

At that moment, she was distracted by the sound of someone knocking on the shop’s front door. Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “Who in tarnation would be around this early in the morning?” As Sparkplug tilted his head (a gesture that could only be interpreted as “I don’t know”), the unseen person knocked again, this time even louder.

Realizing that something was wrong, Apple Bloom made her way out of her room and towards the shop front, with Sparkplug right behind her.

The Shop Front

As Apple Bloom approached the front door, she wondered who would be trying to see them this early in the morning. “Ah don’t understand. We don’t open for another few hours, and Ratchet doesn’t arrive this early.” It didn’t exactly help that, despite being around sunrise, it was still too dark to see who it was. When the mystery person knocked yet again, this time even louder than before, Apple Bloom called out, “Calm down! Ah’m almost there!”

When the red haired girl opened the front door, she was greeted by none other than Sideswipe. The pale biker was dressed in her traditional attire of a black tank top, pants, and boots, and a bright red leather jacket. This time, her ensemble also included a pair of dark sunglasses. However, that wasn’t what Apple Bloom was worried about.

That dishonor went to the fact that as she glanced around, Apple Bloom couldn’t find her friend’s bike anywhere around them. ‘If Sideswipe’s here, where’s her bike?’ the former farm girl internally asked herself.

“Uh, good mornin’ Sideswipe.” Apple Bloom greeted her friend, trying not to come off as too confused or surprised. The pale biker pushed her sunglasses up as she weakly replied, “How’s it going Apple Bloom?” She then began to stagger as she tried to keep herself balanced, much to the red haired girl’s concern.

Sadly, before Apple Bloom could answer, Sideswipe collapsed to her knees as she let out an exhausted sigh. Wasting no time, the former farm girl bent down and wrapped her arms around her, offering herself as a support platform. Overcome with fear, Apple Bloom asked, “What’s goin’ on Sideswipe?! What are you even doin’ here this early?!”

“I…. eh….” The teenaged biker began as she began to bite her lip. “I was just wondering if you guys…..” She would have continued, but was distracted when she began to moan and shake her head, something Apple Bloom recognized as what someone did when they were trying to fight off a headache.

As Sideswipe regained a sliver of her composure, both girls were distracted by the sound of Ironhide’s asking, “Ok, what in the hell is going on here?” Turning to face her uncle, Apple Bloom found the older man was still dressed in his pajamas and his eyes had dark circles under his eyes, a clear sign he’d been moving slow that morning.

Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom answered, “Uncle Ironhide, Sideswipe just showed up at the front door. The weirdest thing is her bike’s not here.” The older man gave a blank stare as he processed what he’d just heard before simply asking, “What?”

As Apple Bloom and Ironhide struggled to think of what to say next, Sideswipe managed to get back on her feet as she answered, “I was just wondering if you guys needed an extra set of hands around here.” For a few moments, neither uncle nor niece knew what to say to this unsatisfying answer.

After a few seconds, however, Ironhide let out a groan of annoyance as he asked, “Sideswipe, why would you ask us that question at the break of dawn?” Sideswipe looked away as she sighed as she pushed her sunglasses back over her eyes as she dejectedly answered, “Well, I guess things have been a bit slow and thought you guys might need some help.”

As the pale biker turned back to face her, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but feel that something was off. She may not have been the most acquainted with Sideswipe, but she did know when someone was trying to hide something, and right now her friend was giving this signal that there was something she didn’t want to tell them.

“Sideswipe?” The former farm girl asked. “Somethin’s buggin’ you. So please, tell me what’s goin’ on?” Sideswipe inhaled as she began to answer, but for reasons Apple Bloom didn’t understand, the pale biker just couldn’t will herself to give an answer. Now transitioning from mere nervousness to outright worry, Apple Bloom desperately asked, “Please?”

Letting out a sigh, Sideswipe replied, “I just needed to get out of the house and was wondering if you guys needed some help.” She then shook her head as she continued, “Clearly, you guys are fine, so I guess I’ll look elsewhere.” Turning around, Sideswipe began to walk out of the shop, leaving Apple Bloom deeply concerned by what she’d just said.

At that moment, Ironhide ordered, “Take those damn sunglasses off!” Stopping in her tracks, Sideswipe turned around and, pausing for a moment, pointed to herself as she asked, “Me?” The older man nodded as he continued, “Yes, you. Why are you even wearing sunglasses at the break of dawn?”

Rocking on her feet, Sideswipe awkwardly answered, “I’m, uh…. Working on my night vision. I’ve been getting into riding at night and I want to work on being able to see at dark.” This answer didn’t fool anyone, leading Ironhide to shake his head and repeat, “Please take off those sunglasses right now.”

Once again, Sideswipe tried to resist as she replied, “I…. Eh…. I have a lazy eye. Yeah, a lazy eye.” Now Apple Bloom was starting to lose her patience. Unable to keep her frustration under control, the former farm girl practically shouted, “Damnit Sideswipe! Why are you tryin’ to hide your eyes?!”

As Sideswipe stepped back in fear, Apple Bloom sighed as she calmly continued, “Sideswipe, your hidin’ somethin’.” She then gently scooped up the teenaged biker’s hand as she begged, “Please, tell us what’s goin’ on?” Biting her quivering lip, Sideswipe sighed as she dejectedly replied, “As you wish.” She then pulled down her sunglasses, revealing something that shocked both Apple Bloom as well as Ironhide.

Sideswipe had a black right eye.

“SIDESWIPE!” Apple Bloom practically screamed as she wrapped her friend in a massive hug. “Your eye! What happened?” As the former farm girl loosened her grip on Sideswipe, the young biker looked down as she dejectedly answered, “I ran into a doorknob.”

Ironhide then approached the two girls and, kneeling down and resting his hand on Sideswipe’s shoulder, shook his head as he replied, “That’s not what really happed, is it?”

Finally loosing the last of her composure, Sideswipe began to shiver as she shook her head. Starting to tear up, she explained, “Well, I woke up to dad going through my room and he found a picture I took of an old girlfriend. He….” As her nose began to start running, she looked away as she finished with, “He didn’t take it well.”

Backing away, Ironhide asked, “You mean your father……” He then pointed to her black eye as he finished, “….. Because you had a girlfriend?” Shaking her head, Sideswipe replied, “Not as much me being gay as it was that I never told him.”

Taking a deep breath, Ironhide began to speak, “Alright. I want you girls to stay here. I need to make a phone call.” As he began to walk away, however, Sideswipe nervously asked, “Please don’t tell anyone! I don’t want to…..” She tried to continue, but could only let out a weak, “I don’t want to lose my dad.”

Sighing, Ironhide shook his head as he dejectedly answered, “I can’t sit on this. Now, I gotta make a few phone calls.” He then began to walk away, but not before he turned to Apple Bloom and ordered, “Kid, keep an eye on her.” The former farm girl nodded as her uncle left, leaving the two girls alone.

Once Ironhide was gone, Sideswipe dejectedly sat down against the wall as she began to rub her eyes. Worried, Apple Bloom asked, “You doin’ alright there?” The moment those words escaped her lips, Sideswipe began to growl as she sarcastically replied, “Well, let’s see. My mentally unstable dad gets angry at me for keeping a pretty big secret from him, he ends up giving me this….” She then pointed to her black eye as she continued, “I impulsively run here in an attempt to distract myself, and for my troubles your uncle is gonna call the cops on the only family I have left! Leaning her head back against the wall, she sarcastically finished with, “Yeah, I’m doing great.”

Sitting down next to her friend, Apple Bloom tried to speak, but was interrupted when Sideswipe bluntly said, “I know what you’re gonna say, but I doubt you can comprehend what I’m going through.” She then held her head low as she let out another sigh of resignation.

Instead, the former farm girl leaned close to her friend and said, “Actually Ah was gonna say Ah got into a fight.” Sideswipe found herself absolutely flabbergasted as she asked, “What? You? In a fight?” Nodding, Apple Bloom explained, “Exactly. Ah found out one of our victims was stoppin’ by so Ah tried to apologize for what we did.” Pausing for a moment, the red haired girl continued, “It didn’t exactly go as planned. She sucker punched me, then Ah tried to apologize, she didn’t accept, next thing Ah know she insults mah parents and Ah….. Ah lost control.”

Taking everything in, the melancholy biker actually began to giggle as she added, “Wow. Never expected you would do something so rash. What happened next?” Apple Bloom began to answer, but realized she would have to explain the messy aftermath. However, if it meant that it distracted Sideswipe from her problems (if only for a moment), the former farm girl decided it was worth it. Taking a deep breath, she explained, “Well, her dad told Uncle Ironhide, and well….”

Before she could continue, the sound of Ironhide’s voice interrupted with, “I hate to interrupt, but can I have your attention?” Turning their heads to face the older man, both Apple Bloom and Sideswipe were greeted by the sight of the older man, still dressed in his pajamas. Taking a deep breath, he continued, “Ok, so given everything, I’ve been asked to have a little chat with your father.”

Gulping, Sideswipe asked, “Do you really have to?” Ironhide sighed as he answered, “Considering your father’s history, Prowl and Barricade don’t want to risk him going berserk.” The pale biker nodded as she replied, “Do I have to go too?”

“That’s the tricky part.” Ironhide answered. “Personally, I’d prefer you didn’t. However, considering the situation, that may not be an option.” As Sideswipe allowed her head to sink, however, Apple Bloom rose up as she offered a suggestion.

“Wait! Ah could tag along.” As Ironhide processed what he just heard, the former farm girl continued, “At least let me accompany Sideswipe. Ah got a feelin’ this won’t end well, and Ah want to be there for her.” Though he wanted to protest, Ironhide couldn’t help but admire his niece’s determination and willingness to stand up for her friends.

Sighing in “resignation,” the older scrapper replied, “Alright, but I want you two to stay together.” As Apple Bloom gave a thankful nod, Ironhide remarked, “Now, I need to get dressed and get some coffee.” He then began to make his way back to his room, hopeful that the day wouldn’t get any worse.

Once Ironhide was gone, Sideswipe turned to Apple Bloom and gave a simple, “Thanks.” The former farm girl rested her arm around her as she reassured her, “Hey, it’s what friends do.”

Forty Minutes Later….

As the red van made its way down the road, Apple Bloom found herself consumed by what she could only describe as a mixture of anticipation and dread. Seated next to her was Sideswipe, who was trying to stay calm as she found herself staring into the rear view mirror, focused on her black eye. ‘Ah got a bad feelin’ about this.’ The former farm girl thought to herself. After all, Applejack may have been furious with her, but even she had the decency to stick with mere intimidation.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Apple Bloom asked, “So, what’s your dad like?” Confused, Sideswipe asked, “What?” The former farm girl reiterated, “Ah know you said your dad was real paranoid, but other than that, what’s he like?”

Rubbing the back of her head, Sideswipe explained, “To tell the truth, paranoid is just about the only thing he is anymore.” As Apple Bloom took this in, the pale biker continued, “Honestly I’m kinda nervous. I haven’t brought anyone over in a long time. Last time I did, he chased them off with a…..” Pausing for a moment, she finished with, “Let’s just say a restraining order were the least of our worries.”

Glancing at Sideswipe through the rear view mirror, Ironhide asked, “I heard what happened on the news. Seriously, why would anyone think the best way to deal with supposed “trespassers” with a shotgun?”

The moment the word “shotgun” left his lips, Apple Bloom turned deathly pale as she asked, “Whoa whoa whoa! You mean your dad threatened to…….” Sideswipe could only look away as she held on to her arm in shame. The former farm girl wanted to continue, but she couldn’t will herself to out of fear of upsetting her friend further. All she could hope for was that their car trip wouldn’t last much longer.

Five Minutes Later….

After a few more minutes, Apple Bloom noticed that the van was starting to slow down. Looking out the window, she found that her uncle was parking their van at the end of a long driveway, one which led to a light pink house that, with its cracked walls and boarded walls, had clearly seen better days. All in all, it gave the former farm girl the sense that something was clearly off.

Turning the van off, Ironhide noticed the house in the distance and, with a sigh, asked, “I take it your dad has been too busy to patch things up?” Sideswipe didn’t answer, instead only unbuckling her seatbelt and opening her door. The older man sighed as he turned to Apple Bloom and said, “I got a bad feeling about this.”

“Same here.” Apple Bloom replied. “This place gives me the creeps, and Ah’ve only been here a few minutes.” Nodding, her uncle opened his door as he muttered, “Alright. Let’s do this.” The former farm girl gave a confirming nod as she followed suit.

Once both uncle and niece were out of the van, Sideswipe waived to them as she called out, “Over here!” As they approached her, she warned, “Now be careful. Dad has traps all over the place.” Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “Wait, as in booby traps?” The pale biker nodded as she began to lead them up to her home. As they walked, the former farm girl awkwardly remarked, “This is a….. Uh…. A nice place you got here.”

Sideswipe didn’t say anything, only continuing to lead them closer to the derelict house. As they got closer, however, the pale biker held her arm out, preventing her friend from getting closer. Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “What’s wrong?” Sideswipe didn’t verbally answer, instead pointing down to the ground, more specifically a piece of rope suspended above the walkway.

The former farm girl asked, “What’s that?” Though Sideswipe didn’t answer, Ironhide, looking over their shoulders, answered, “Looks like a tripwire.” He then lifted his leg and stepped over the obvious trap. As he moved his other leg, the older scrapper remarked, “Your dad certainly has been busy, hasn’t he Sideswipe?” He then began to continue towards the house, only for Sideswipe to suddenly call out, “Wait, that’s not the trap!”

Ironhide didn’t have any time to react, as when he took another step, something pulled him by his foot. Soon he found himself upside down, struggling to free himself. “Well, this certainly brings back memories.” The older man quipped to himself.

Now seeing her uncle held helpless, Apple Bloom ran up to him as she desperately asked, “Uncle Ironhide! What happened?” Her uncle simply answered, “I think Red Alert has a few issues with visitors.” He then began to reach into his pocket as he muttered, “Looks like is this is gonna be one of those days.” After a few moments of searching, he found what he was looking for. Allowing a satisfied smile to form on his face, Ironhide pulled out a small pocket knife and began to use it to cut through the rope now held him hostage.

Of course, given that this rope was the only thing keep him suspended, once he was free, Ironhide found himself falling back towards the ground. Running up to her uncle, Apple Bloom called out, “Uncle Ironhide! You alright?” As she helped the older man back to his feet, he playfully quipped, “I think that fall fixed a knot in my back.”

Before anyone could say anything else, the trio heard a sound that could only be described as a metal clicking. Nervous, Apple Bloom asked, “Uncle Ironhide? What’s that?” With a calmness that could only belong to a soldier, the older man answered, “Someone pulling back the hammer on a revolver.” Confused, the former farm girl then asked, “What’s a revolver.”

As Ironhide began to answer, Sideswipe nudged Apple Bloom and pointed to something behind her uncle. Turning her attention towards where her friend was pointing, the red haired girl was horrified to see someone emerge from a bush behind her uncle.

This new man was dressed in a white shirt with a dark red tie and black pants. He had pale white skin, dark red hair, and blue eyes with circles underneath them. However, what drew Apple Bloom and Sideswipe’s attention was a gray pistol aimed right at the back of Ironhide’s head.

Without even turning his head, Ironhide bluntly asked, “How’s it hanging Red?” This new man tiptoed closer to the “intruder” as, with a twitching eye, he asked, “What are you doing on my property? Are you spying on me?!” As Apple Bloom realized what this new man was doing to her uncle, Sideswipe walked up to him as she tried to reassure him, “Calm down dad. He just wants to have a word with you.”

‘So he’s Red Alert?’ Apple Bloom thought to herself. ‘Ah thought he’d be a little less…… crazy.’ As she began dart her eyes between him and Sideswipe, the former farm girl couldn’t help but think to herself, ‘Still, gotta admit Ah can see the resemblance.’

As Red Alert lowered his revolver, he asked, “So, what do you want?” Ironhide turned around as he folded his arms and inquired, “You want to explain why your daughter here has a black eye?” Twitching his eye, Red Alert stepped up to the former wrecker as he answered, “You know her Ironhide. Sideswipe has a habit of getting herself hurt.”

As the two adults continued their discussion, Sideswipe turned to Apple Bloom and asked, “I got a bad feeling about this. You want to head up to my room?” Though part of her wanted to protest and stay with her uncle, the former farm girl sighed as she replied, “Ah guess.”

Leaning towards her friend, Sideswipe whispered, “Follow me.” She then began to lead Apple Bloom towards the seemingly derelict house. The former farm girl paused for a quick moment, turning to face her uncle. Seeing that he now held Red Alert’s revolver (as well as emptied said weapon), Apple Bloom felt comfortable accompanying her friend into her home.

Sideswipe’s House….

To say that Sideswipe’s home was “a bit of a fixer upper” was a massive understatement. Everywhere she looked, all Apple Bloom could see were clear examples of wanton damage. All of the walls had at least one hole in them, the couch cushions seemed to have been slit open as if someone was trying to search them, and if her eyes weren’t deceiving her, the former farm girl could swear there were security cameras in every room.

Of course, what really seemed to unnerve Apple Bloom was the fact that Sideswipe seemed to be so accustomed to everything. As she sidestepped all of the overturned pieces of furniture and clearly visible tripwires, it was clear she had done this so many times it as if it were mere routine.

After a few minutes of careful navigation, the two teens arrived at a door with a sign that read “Keep out.” Sideswipe turned to the former farm girl as she welcomed her, “Here we are. The only corner of peace and quiet around here.” Opening the door, the teenaged biker revealed where she lived.

For someone so seemingly punkish as Sideswipe, her room was surprisingly simple. There was a bed in the corner, a simple dresser next to the closet, an assortment of scattered vehicle parts, and a small selection of boots. Turning to Apple Bloom, Sideswipe quipped, “Probably not what you were expecting, was it?” Taking everything in, the former farm girl replied, “Not quite. Ah was expectin’ somethin’ like a torn up mattress or a pile of newspapers.”

“Eh, I guess I should’ve figured.” Sideswipe replied as she shrugged. Making her way over to her bed, the teenage biker continued, “So, if you don’t mind giving an honest answer, what do you think of dad?”

Pausing for a moment, Apple Bloom answered, “Ah wasn’t expectin’ him to have booby traps all over the place.” She then hesitated for a moment before continuing, “Or to point a gun at Uncle Ironhide.” Once those words escaped her lips, the former farm girl found herself struggling to contain her growing frustration as she asked, “Ah mean, what makes him think anythin’ like that is an appropriate reaction?!”

Collapsing onto her bed, Sideswipe groaned as she tried to defend her father with, “I know, I know. I know he’s kind of crazy. At this point I don’t know what to do.” Concerned, Apple Bloom asked, “What happed to your dad anyway? AH know you said he took a blow to the head but, that doesn’t explain everythin’.”

Rising back up, Sideswipe explained, “Well, back when I was in middle school, Dad was the city fire chief. One day, there was a fire at this condemned building that some squatters were staying in, and…..” She paused as she began to shiver before continuing, “There were still a few people inside and….. Dad and his partner Inferno ran in and…..”

Sideswipe’s lips began to quiver as a small tear slipped out of her right eye. As Apple Bloom approached her friend, the pale biker continued, “Apparently while inside, dad got his helmet knocked off. While he was trying to get it back, a support beam crashed onto him. Obviously he survived but….” Holding her head in her hands, Sideswipe finished off with, “He’s changed into someone I barely recognize anymore. Dad’s convinced that everyone is out to get him, and I don’t even think he trusts me anymore.”

Looking up to her friend, Sideswipe asked, “Apple Bloom? I don’t know how to put this, but do you know what it’s like when someone you love just transforms into someone else entirely?”

Apple Bloom felt a lump form in her throat. Those words brought her back to when she found herself standing helplessly in the shop front, listening to Applejack go on a rampage as if she were a violent, sadistic crab demon thing. Taking a deep breath, the former farm girl sat down next to Sideswipe as she answered, “Unfortunately, Ah do.”

As Sideswipe took everything in, Apple Bloom explained. “That thing Ah mentioned earlier? How Ah got into a fight? When Uncle Ironhide told Applejack about it, she went absolutely ballistic. Ah couldn’t see what she did, but Ah do know she destroyed somethin’. She then called me a…..” Sideswipe stopped her when she placed a finger to her lips as she gently reassured her, “I think I get the message.”

Letting out a sigh of relief, Apple Bloom replied, “Thanks. Ah’m not tryin’ to diminish everythin’ you’ve got goin’ on, just….” Sideswipe interrupted with a blunt but respectful, “I understand.”

At that moment, both girls heard the sound of someone punching someone else. Rising up from Sideswipe’s bed, Apple Bloom asked, “What was that?” Turning to face her friend, the former farm girl found that Sideswipe had turned deathly pale. Now starting to grow more concerned, she Apple Bloom asked, “Sideswipe?”

Before she could answer, the sound of footsteps began to approach. Not wasting any time, the teenaged biker shot up from her bed as she began to drag Apple Bloom into her closet. Growing increasingly terrified, Apple Bloom asked, “What’s goin’ on?”

As she placed her friend into the closet, Sideswipe whispered, “Listen, you need to be quiet! I think dad may have snapped!” Before Apple Bloom could say anything else, Red Alert’s voice angrily called out, “Sideswipe?!” Gulping, the pale girl gave her friend a final “Shh” and closed the closet door, leaving Apple Bloom helpless for what would happen next.

With almost no warning, Sideswipe’s door opened, revealing a furious Red Alert. As Apple Bloom snuck up to the closet door to peak through the blinds, she found the older man stomping up to Sideswipe as he angrily asked, “Do you want to explain to me why Ironhide was asking about you?” Gulping, the pale white girl nervously asked, “What do you mean?”

Stomping his foot, Red Alert angrily belted out, “You damn well know what Sideswipe! He was asking all sorts of questions about your face!” Sideswipe looked away as Apple Bloom held her breath. The red crazed adult continued, “Do you realize what he can do to us? He could report this to the police! Do you have any idea what that would mean?!” Turning to face her father, Sideswipe nervously asked, “You might finally get some help?” What happened next sent a chill down the hidden Apple Bloom’s spine.

Grabbing Sideswipe by her jacket collar and lifting her up to his face, Red Alert furiously bellowed, “They could separate us! Our family would be done!” He then pushed her backwards as he let released her, sending his daughter crashing onto the hard wooden floor. It took every ounce of restraint for Apple Bloom to not jump out of the closet and fight back against Red Alert.

Sideswipe weakly pushed herself back up to her feet as she began to speak. “At this point I’m starting to wonder if that might not be such a bad thing.” Realizing what she’d just said, the pale biker began to nervously back peddle herself as she desperately apologized, “I didn’t mean that. I’m so sorry dad, I just…..”

Without warning, Red Alert Slapped Sideswipe in the face, sending her back down to the ground.

“Don’t you DARE even joke about that!” Red Alert furiously belted out as his eyes began to twitch uncontrollably. “I’ve already had to deal with your brother deserting us, and I will NOT allow you to do the same!” As Sideswipe lay on the floor, her father crossed his eyes as he finished, “Because I will not tolerate any more traitors.” He then cracked his knuckles before, to the hidden Apple Bloom’s horror, punched a hole clean through the wall. He then began to walk away, though not before complaining, “Now I have to go get rid of our visitor.” Slamming the door shut, Red Alert departed, leaving his daughter alone with her hidden friend.

After a few moments of hesitation, Apple Bloom quietly opened the closet door. Tip toeing up to her hurt friend, the former farm girl quietly asked, “You alright there Sideswipe?” As she approached her, the pale biker rose back to her feet, straightened her jacket, and with a forced smile, she tried to quip, “You should see him on a bad day.” Apple Bloom dejectedly shook her head as she silently made it clear she wasn’t in the mood to joke around.

At that moment, something broke in Sideswipe. Within five seconds, her forced smile gave way to trembling lips as her eyes began to bleed tears. Unable to contain her pain anymore, the pale girl leapt into Apple Bloom, wrapping her arms around her and pulling her into a hug so tight, Apple Bloom thought she was being crushed by a boa constrictor.

“I can’t do this anymore!” Sideswipe belted out, unable to contain her frustration any longer. “I can’t put up with this shit! If I have to deal with him one more time, one of us is gonna get hurt!” Crying into Apple Bloom’s shoulder, she eventually lost all capacity for speech and was now only able to let out pained wails.

Seeing her friend reduced to a broken mess, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but shed a few tears in shared sorrow. Gently caressing Sideswipe’s back, the former farm girl could only apologize, “Ah’m so sorry.”

Before she could do anything else, Apple Bloom heard the sound of footsteps approaching again. Without hesitation, the former farm girl placed herself in between the door and Sideswipe as she defiantly called out, “You wanna hurt mah friend, you gotta go through me first!”

Instead of Red Alert, a beaten Ironhide entered the room, a bruised cheek and pained gait made it clear he’d not exactly had a calm and collected conversation. As he eyed the girls, he sighed as he asked, “I take it I’m not the only one Red Alert got aggressive with?”

As Sideswipe turned around, Ironhide was shaken to see that the pale biker had once again been struck. The teenage girl tried to speak, but the older man raised his hand as he simply ordered, “Get a bag, pack it with clothes and anything that’s absolutely necessary, and get in the van.” He then turned to Apple Bloom and continued, “You mind helping her?”

Letting out a resigned sigh, Apple Bloom answered, “Yes sir.”

Apple Bloom’s Room, That Night…

Entering her room, Apple Bloom was relieved to see that Sideswipe was starting to settle in to everything. After everything that happened, Ironhide called the police and informed them of what had happened between the pale white girl and her father. Within an hour, the police had arrived and “detained Red Alert for questioning,” and it was decided that, for at least the immediate future, Sideswipe would be staying with Ironhide and company. While Apple Bloom found the arrangement concerning, Wheeljack explained given her reputation, not many people were willing to give her a chance.

At the very least, Ironhide and the others had enough experience with her to know what to expect, and unlike Rattrap, she wasn’t malnourished or dangerously underweight.

Walking up to her friend, Apple Bloom asked, “How are you hangin’ on?” Turning to face the former farm girl, Sideswipe answered, “About as well as you can for having your dad go absolutely bonkers and losing the….” Starting to choke up, she finished with, “All things considered, not too bad.”

Sighing, Apple Bloom apologized, “Look, Ah’m so sorry everythin’ happened.” Letting out a gentle chuckle, Sideswipe tried to reassure her, “Don’t beat yourself up. Guess it would have happened sooner or later.”

As she removed her leather jacket, Sideswipe continued, “Either way, thanks for sharing your room. I promise not to be too much of a burden.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but smile as she replied, “It’s alright. Just don’t make too much of a mess. We don’t exactly have a ton of space.”

Now growing a heartfelt smile, Sideswipe let out a simple, “Thank you.” She then wrapped Apple Bloom in a warm embrace, even giving the former farm girl a gentle peck of the cheek. When Apple Bloom gave her a confused look, Sideswipe quickly explained, “Just a token of my gratitude.” The red haired girl replied, “Ah’ll let it slide THIS time. Besides, Ah think you once said somethin’ about me bein’ a “pretty good sister,” right?”

“You bet.” Sideswipe answered. “You’re the best sister I’ve ever had. Or at least closest thing to a sister I’ve ever had.”

At that moment, the two sisters heard the sound of Ratchet call out, “You two mind giving me a hand with some rusty fishplates we got here? I can’t do it on my own.” Both teens called back, “Be right there.”

Turning to face her new sister, Apple Bloom asked, “Shall we?” Giving a confident smirk, Sideswipe answered, “We shall.” With that, the two girls made their way downstairs, hoping Ratchet’s task wouldn’t be too demanding.

Author's Note:

Next Time; As I'm well aware of just how depressing the last few chapters have been (or at least most of them), I've decided we need something to get us cured of our Cerebus Syndrome. I need something more lighthearted, something wacky. I need to....
dare to be stupid.

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