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Belated Reunion

As the Apple Blooms

Part 48; Belated Reunion

Sweeping the mop in her hands from side to side, Apple Bloom found that the repetitive motion helped calm her mind. It had been a few days since she and Sideswipe visited Tender Taps and Double Shuffle, and since then something had been eating at her mind. ‘How come Ah haven’t heard from any of them?’ The former farm girl thought to herself.

Indeed, in all the time she’d been in Allspark Wells, Apple Bloom had only had two instances of communication with the rest of the Apple Family. One was a letter from Applejack that was written more out of jealousy and spite than anything else, and was a phone call from her older sister that…..

Shaking her head, the former farm girl chastised herself with, “Don’t think about that Apple Bloom!” She then made her way to the wall and sat down, thankful that she’d chosen the only dry corner left in the shop front. “Why do things have to be so complicated?” She asked herself.

Of course, she knew why things were the way they were. Just like everything that had been less than pleasant since she came, it all tied back to the Anon-A-Miss incident. Several townspeople demonstrating clear animosity towards her? Anon-A-Miss. Everything related to Roseluck? Anon-A-Miss. Heck, even minor incidents ranging from her and Rattrap’s fight to her brief encounters with Rumble and Frenzy were tied to the Anon-A-Miss incident.

And yet, Apple Bloom didn’t mind. If anything, she’d have dealt with everything all over again if it meant that she’d still get to be with her friends. Just the thought of Sideswipe, Marble Pie, Rattrap, Double Shuffle, and Tender Taps (especially Tender Taps) made the young girl’s heart swell to a size she didn’t think was even physically possible. They made her feel accepted, and despite knowing what she’d done, they were willing to be her friend, sister, and in Tender Tap’s case, so much more.

However, if there was one thing that made everything better than her friends, it was her new family. When her “real” family casted her aside like a bunch of bad apples, Ironhide, Chromia, and the others were more than willing to welcome her with open arms and treat her as one of their own.

Perhaps the one who really made a difference was Ironhide. Even when she messed up and got in trouble, the older man was always there to be for her in a way no one really ever had been before. Having grown up raised by her brother, sister, and Grandmother, Apple Bloom could only watch and marvel at the bond between children and parents. Now that she’d had just a taste of that with Ironhide, the former farm girl found she loved having something like a father.

Which made the fact that she’d be returning to Sweet Apple Acres soon all the more unbearable.

Thankfully, Apple Bloom was distracted from her melancholic train of thought by the familiar pitter patter of very tiny feet. Raising her head, she was pleasantly surprised to see Sparkplug trotting up to her. “Hey there Sparkplug.” She gently called out to the small terrier. “What’s up?” Apple Bloom received her answer when the small dog leapt into her, licking her face with affection as the former farm girl struggled to contain her laughter.

“Alright, that’s enough.” Apple Bloom tried to say as she pushed Sparkplug away. However, the highland terrier seemed to be determined to shower her with affection. Giving in to the small dog’s desire, Apple Bloom scooped Sparkplug up and pulled him into a massive embrace as she asked, “Was this what you wanted?” Though he couldn’t respond verbally, the simple lick he gave her was easily translatable as “Yes.”

At that moment, the door to the shop front opened as Sideswipe entered. Turning to face Apple Bloom, the pale biker exclaimed, “Apple Bloom! Thank Primus I found you! Listen, there are some people here to see you!” Though her friend wasn’t trying to be intimidating, the former farm girl couldn’t help but feel that something was wrong. Setting Sparkplug down, Apple Bloom nervously asked, “What’s goin’ on?”

Before Sideswipe could answer, someone entered the shop. This new person was a pink woman with puffy purple hair and magenta eyes. As she eyed he shop, her eyes locked onto Apple Bloom, leading the former farm girl to point to herself as she began to turn noticeably pale. Rather than say anything to the young girl, the pink woman turned to face someone outside as she called out, “You were right! She’s here.”

As Apple Bloom tip toed over to Sideswipe, she asked, “What’s going on?” The pale white punk pointed to the pink woman and answered, “Apparently her boyfriend is looking for you.” Confused, the former farm girl asked, “Yeah. Some guy in a red jacket.”

That definition struck Apple Bloom as suspicious. After all, Big Macintosh had a red jacket, and the only other person she’d ever known to wear something similar was Sideswipe. Then again, it wasn’t as if her brother had a monopoly on red clothing, right?”

And then, she heard a very familiar voice ask, “Apple Bloom?”

It was the voice of an older teenage boy who could easily have been the bass singer in a barbershop quartet. It was a voice she knew could only belong to one person in the entire world.

Slowly turning to see who it was, Apple Bloom was greeted by a young man with very light red skin, a red jacket, blue jeans, and dull orange hair. Both the former farm girl and new teenager found themselves staring at each other, as if it was impossible for either one to truly comprehend who was in front of them. And yet, there was no denying who it was.

“Big Macintosh?” The former farm girl nervously asked, as if she were unable to process what she was witnessing. Mustering enough strength to speak again, she meekly asked, “Is that you? Like, really you?”

The older teen gave a gentle nod as he warmly answered, “Eeyup.”

That simple answer cleared any doubt in Apple Bloom’s mind. Feeling her eyes water as her heart was overcome with sheer joy, the former farm girl ran towards her brother and wrapper her arms around him, pulling him into one of the largest hugs she’d ever given in her life.

“You’re here!” Apple Bloom squealed in sheer unbridled joy. “Ah can’t believe it’s actually you!” Though momentarily caught off guard, Big Macintosh was able to regain himself as he wrapped his arms around his little sister. Feeling his arms around her, Apple Bloom began to cry tears of joy as she continued, “Ah just…. What are you doin’ here?”

Releasing his little sister, Big Mac answered, “Ah just wanted to see mah baby sis again.” Apple Bloom grinned with happiness as she hugged her brother once again. Hugging his sister back, the older farm boy continued, “Ah’ve missed you so much Apple Bloom.” The former farm girl enthusiastically replied, “Ah’ve missed you too Big Mac.”

As the two siblings finished their hug, Sideswipe interrupted with, “So, I take it you two are familiar with each other?” Turning to face her sister, Apple Bloom explained, “This is mah older brother Big Macintosh!” The older Apple sibling politely nodded as he asked, “Who are you?”

“The name’s Sideswipe.” The teenaged biker answered as she extended her hand. Big Macintosh shook the pale girl’s hand and replied, “It’s an honor to meet you.” He then turned to the pink woman and introduced her, “This here is mah girlfriend Sugar Belle?”

The pink girl approached Apple Bloom as she greeted her with, “It’s a pleasure to finally meet the illustrious Anon-A-Miss.” Though momentarily put off by the reminder of her less than pleasant past, Apple Bloom was able to put it past her as she replied, “Wait a minute! Ah think Ah remember hearin’ about you.”

At that moment, the sound of Ironhide’s voice called out, “What’s going on?” Turning around, Apple Bloom found the family patriarch and Chromia approaching, both adults processing what was before them. After a few moments, Chromia asked, “Big Macintosh? What are you doing here?”

Straightening himself, Big Macintosh answered, “Ah wanted to see mah little sister again.” He then asked, “That won’t be a problem, will it?” Thankfully for him, Ironhide politely answered, “That’s perfectly fine. Honestly I’m surprised none of you decided to stop by earlier.” The family patriarch then asked, “So who’s your friend?”

“I’m Sugar Belle.” The pink woman answered. “I’m Big Mac’s girlfriend.” As she approached the adults, Sugar Belle continued, “And, well, you know why we’re here.” Chromia approached her and asked, “Well it’s nice to meet you, but if I may, where’s Applejack?”

The moment those words escaped her lips, Big Macintosh sighed as he replied, “That’s a long story.” He then began to scratch his neck as he asked, “We’re gonna be in town for a few days. You guys wouldn’t happen to know any decent hotels around here, would you?”

Ironhide shook his head as he replied, “Oh no, that won’t do. If you kids need a place to stay then we might have some space for you two.” Apple Bloom then asked, “Uh, Uncle Ironhide? Don’t you think we’re runnin’ out of space here?” Raising his hand, the family patriarch answered, “Kid, I always offer my door to people in need, especially family.”

Once Ironhide finished speaking, Apple Bloom turned to her brother and asked, “In that case, you need me to help with any of your bags?” The older Apple sibling gave a gentle nod as he answered, “Ah’d appreciate that.” With that, both brother and sister stepped made their way to his car, intent on collecting his luggage.”

The Living Room, A Few Hours Later…

“Ah gotta admit Apple Bloom, Ah never knew that hair style suited you so well.” Big Macintosh complimented his younger sister as he took everything in. Naturally, Apple Bloom began to meekly play with her hair as she took in her brother’s compliment. Once she regained her composure, she replied, “Thanks. For a while Ah was wonderin’ what you guys would think about these.” As she took another glance at her braided pigtails, she continued, “But Ah figured a new place required a new look.”

Resting a hand on his sister’s shoulder, Big Mac remarked, “Ah think you pull it off perfectly.” Awkwardly blushing, Apple Bloom replied with a simple, “Thanks Big Mac.” Chuckling, the older Apple sibling finished with, “No sweat Apple Bloom.”

From behind them, the two siblings heard Ironhide ask, “You get settled in young man?” Turning around, they found the family patriarch, Sugar Belle, Chromia, and Ratchet enter the living room. Nodding, Big Macintosh answered, “Everythin’s just fine sir. Thanks for lettin’ Sugar Belle and Ah stay here.” As he finished, the pink girl added, “Yeah. I just hope we’re not intruding on you guys.”

Chromia immediately replied, “Don’t worry about it. I just hope you two aren’t bottomless pits.” The older teenager let out a mischievous giggle as she quipped, “Don’t worry about me. Now Big Macintosh on the other hand….” The Apple farm hand interrupted his girlfriend with a playful, “Ah’m not a bottomless pit!” This remark was met with Sugar Belle quipping, “Then how do you explain our first date?”

The moment the word “date” escaped her lips, Big Macintosh’s eyes lit up as he turned back to his younger sister and began to tease her, “Speakin’ of dates, Ah heard someone has a boyfriend.” As Apple Bloom began to blush in embarrassment, her older brother playfully asked, “So what’s he like?”

Taking a moment to regain her composure, Apple Bloom explained, “Well, Tender Taps is incredibly sweet, and kind, and he’s an amazin’ dancer. Whenever we’re together, everythin’ just feels…..” Pausing for a moment, she finished with, “Like everythin’s the way it’s supposed to be.”

Sugar Belle let out a gentle, “Awh, why isn’t that the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard?” Big Macintosh himself nodded as he answered, “Heh heh. Eeyup.” He then turned back to Apple Bloom and asked, “So, would it be possible to meet this Tender Taps?”

Pondering for a moment, the former farm girl replied, “Ah suppose it’s possible.” She then turned to Ironhide and asked, “Can Ah call Tender and try to set somethin’ up?” The family patriarch replied, “Sure thing kid. Come on.” He then waved for the Apple Bloom to follow him. As she left, Big Mac quipped, “Maybe he can teach me some of that fancy dancin’ he’s been teachin’ you.”

Hearing this, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but smile as she replied, “If not, Ah’m sure Ah could teach you.” With that, uncle and niece departed, all while Big Mac thought to himself, ‘Ah’ve missed her so much.’

Apple Bloom’s Room, Later that Night…

“Ah can’t believe he said yes!” Apple Bloom squealed with joy. Just as she’d hoped, Tender Taps was more than happy to meet her older brother. Of course, once Double Shuffle caught wind of this, the younger girl wanted to meet Big Mac as well, and there was no way Apple Bloom was going to deny her little sister the right to meet her older brother.

Turning to face her roommate/sister Sideswipe, Apple Bloom continued, “Ah mean, do you think Tender and Big Mac will get along?” The pale white biker didn’t immediately answer, simply lying on her small bed. Worried she hadn’t heard her, Apple Bloom began, “Ah said do you think…..”

“I heard you.” Sideswipe bluntly blurted out. As Apple Bloom recoiled in surprise, the pale girl immediately apologized, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry for shouting. It’s just that….” Taking a moment to calm down, she continued, “I got a glimpse of you and your brother and..... I guess I forgot what having a brother who gives half a shit about you was like.”

Apple Bloom knew who Sideswipe was referring to. “You talkin’ about your brother Sun Streaker?” The former farm girl asked. Sideswipe didn’t verbally answer, but the dejected nod she gave made it clear the red haired girl gave the right answer. Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom asked, “Does this mean you’re jealous of me?”

Rising up from her bed, Sideswipe let out a resigned chuckle as she replied, “In a nutshell, I guess.” She then turned to Apple Bloom and tried to reassure her, “Don’t worry about me. I don’t want to get in between you and your brother.”

Apple Bloom wanted to try and fight with her new sister, but the exhaustion of the day was starting to catch up to her. Deciding the issue was not worth pushing at the moment, the former farm girl asked, “Alright. How about we discuss this later?” Sideswipe simply nodded as she replied, “Sounds like a plan.” With that, the two girls drifted off to sleep, hopeful tomorrow would be far better.

The Next Morning….

As Apple Bloom descended the stairs, she was pleasantly surprised to find Big Macintosh and Sugar Belle were helping Ironhide and Chromia with breakfast. Feeling that today was going to be a good day, she called out, “Mornin’ everybody.” Her brother turned to face her as he replied, “Mornin’ Apple Bloom. We thought we’d help Uncle Ironhide and Aunt Chromia with Breakfast. Don’t wanna be deadbeats, do we?”

Playfully shaking her head, Apple Bloom asked, “Need a hand with anythin’?” Ironhide turned to face his niece as he answered, “You mind setting the table?” The former farm girl snapped to attention as she replied, “You got it sir.”

As she set the table, Apple Bloom heard the sound of footsteps plodding down the stairs. Turning to see who it was, she wasn’t surprised to see Sideswipe, dressed in her red denim vest, red pants, black boots and black tank top. However, the faint circles under her eyes made it clear that the teenaged biker hadn’t been sleeping particularly well.

Walking up to her friend, Apple Bloom asked, “Mornin’ Sideswipe. Sleep well?” The pale biker sighed as she dejectedly answered, “Eh. Didn’t sleep well.” Shrugging, she then asked, “So, what’s on the itinerary today?”

Turning to face his ward, Ironhide revealed, “Well Apple Bloom is gonna introduce her brother to Tender Taps in a few hours, and after that I guess we’ll all just kinda wing it.” Once he finished, Sideswipe let out a sigh as she replied, “That’s cool I guess.” She then began to make her way to the table, only to be stopped by Sugar Belle.

“Somethin’ bugging you?” The pink girl asked. Shaking her head, Sideswipe quickly lied, “I’m fine. Just didn’t sleep super well.” Sugar Belle took this answer in as she replied, “Ok. But if you’d like to talk, I’d love to get to know you better.” Surprised by her kind gesture, the teenaged biker gave a gentle, “Thanks.”

At that moment, Wheeljack strutted into the kitchen as he called out, “Good morning everybody! What’s new?” Ironhide let out an amused sigh as he answered, “Just laying out today’s game plan. By the way, I’d like you to take inventory today.” The maverick mechanic let out an annoyed groan as he complained, “Damnit! I hate inventory.” As Chromia recoiled in disgust at her co-worker’s vulgarity, Sideswipe couldn’t help but quip, “Finally, someone else who finds it boring.”

As everything returned to normal, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but think to herself, ‘Ah got a feelin’ things are gonna go swimmingly.’

A Few Hours Later…..

Apple Bloom and Big Macintosh sat outside the chop shop, waiting for the inevitable arrival of Tender Taps and Double Shuffle. As the minutes passed, the former farm girl found her stomach churning in anticipation and dread. After all, it wasn’t every day that she introduced her boyfriend to her older brother.

“You ok?” Big Macintosh asked, breaking the tension. Turning to her brother, Apple Bloom answered, “Ah’m doin’ alright, all things considered. Ah just hope you guys get along.” Rustling his little sister’s hair, the older Apple sibling reassured her, “Relax. Ah just wanna meet the boy who stole mah sister’s heart.” Apple Bloom tried to think of a response to her brother’s quip, but could only blush in embarrassment.

At that moment, the older boy called out, “Looks like there’s two bikes approachin’.” Focusing on the horizon, Apple Bloom was pleasantly surprised to see two bicycles approaching, one driven by a blue girl with yellow hair, and the other by a boy with orange skin and purple hair. ‘Well….’ The red haired girl thought to herself. ‘Here goes nothin’.’

Once the two tap siblings had parked their bikes, Apple Bloom ran up to her boyfriend as she wrapped him in a tight hug, squealing, “Tendy!” Unsurprisingly, she found herself consumed in a massive hug herself, this time being constricted by Double Shuffle.

“Apple Bloom!” The younger girl squealed. As she released her big sister (leading Apple Bloom to release Tender Taps), Double Shuffle continued, “I’m ready to meet your big brother!” Tender Taps then added, “Good to see you Apple Bloom. I hope we’re not inconveniencing your brother.”

“You ain’t inconveniencin’ me.” Big Macintosh replied as he began to approach the two siblings. Tender Taps turned to face him as he gulped and began to turn slightly but noticeably paler. Once he was up close to the younger boy, the eldest Apple sibling remarked, “So you are the illustrious Tender Taps Ah’ve heard so much about.” For a brief moment, no one, not Apple Bloom, Tender Taps, or even Double Shuffle knew what would happen next.

Thankfully, everyone was happily surprised when Big Mac scooped Tender Taps into a massive hug as he twirled him around. Setting the younger boy down, he quipped, “One thing you gotta know about me is Ah’m a hugger.” Managing to regain his breath, the orange boy replied, “Considering how Apple Bloom hugs, I’m not too surprised.”

As Tender Taps sighed in relief, Big Mac turned to Double Shuffle and asked, “And who are you?” Scuffing her feet, the younger girl answered, “I’m Double Shuffle.” Apple Bloom then walked up to her brother and explained, “She’s Tender’s younger sister, and Ah guess she’s kind like mah little sister too.” Turning to face his youngest sister, Big Mac asked, “Is that so?”

When Apple Bloom and Double Shuffle both nodded yes, the elder Apple sibling bent down to face the younger girl and warmly told her, “In that case, if your Apple Bloom’s sister, then Ah guess that means you’re mah sister too.”

Overcome with excitement, Double Shuffle wrapped her arms around Big Macintosh as she exclaimed, “I just got a new brother!” As the two new siblings continued their embrace, Tender Taps couldn’t help but quip, “Wow. When I found out your brother was here, I thought he was gonna be kinda scary.” Turning to face Big Macintosh, he continued, “But this? I can work with this.”

Smirking, Apple Bloom replied, “Guess it’s just part of the Apple family charm.” She then pulled Tender Taps into another, far gentler hug as she continued, “Kinda like someone else Ah know.” Tender Taps could only smile as he replied, “Still not as great as you.”

Both lovebirds were distracted when Big Macintosh asked, “So, how about we go inside? It’s gettin’ a little hot.” Nodding, Apple Bloom answered, “Sounds like a plan.” With that, the four kids made their way back inside, hoping it was cooler than outside.

A Few Hours Later….

“A 5 6 7 8!” Double Shuffle called out as she, Apple Bloom, and Tender Taps demonstrated one of the many simple combinations she and her brother had taught the former farm girl. As they danced, Big Macintosh cheered, “Whoa! That’s pretty impressive.” Indeed, he’d never imagined that his little sister would be a tap dancer, let alone a surprisingly good one at that.

Once they finished, the three younger teenagers struck comically dramatic poses. Impressed, Big Macintosh and Sugar Belle gave them a round of applause as the latter complimented, “That was amazing!” Big Mac nodded as he added, “Yeah! Looks like you found yourself quite the hobby.”

Apple Bloom smiled as she replied, “Thanks. Ah’ve had more than enough to keep me busy.” She then added, “You should meet Marble and Rattrap.” Upon hearing this, Big Mac asked, “Wait, like Marble as in Marble Pie? Pinkie Pie’s sister?” Nodding, the former farm girl answered, “Yeah! Turns out she lives in town.”

As everyone continued to speak, Double Shuffle asked, “Wait! Where’s Sideswipe?” Pausing for a moment, Apple Bloom realized that she hadn’t seen the pale biker for most of the day. Starting to wonder, she replied, “Ah’m not too sure, though she has to be around here somewhere.”

Big Macintosh rose up as he replied, “How about we find her? Ah’d like to get to know here a little more.” Nodding, Apple Bloom and everyone else began their search for the not quite missing girl.

Apple Bloom’s Room

Opening the door to her room, Apple Bloom was pleasantly surprised to see Sideswipe sitting on her mini bed, holding her knees up to her face. Walking up to her friend and sister, the former farm girl asked, “Sideswipe? You doin’ alright?” Rather than answer her question, the pale white biker dejectedly asked, “Shouldn’t you be with your brother?”

Her answer came when Apple Bloom entered her room, followed by Big Macintosh and Tender Taps. Looking up to them, Sideswipe sighed as she continued, “Don’t worry about me. I just need some alone time.” Apple Bloom shook her head as she replied, “Somethin’s buggin’ you, and Ah got a feelin’ Ah know what it is.” Big Mac then surprised everyone when he asked, “This about your dad and brother?”

Stunned, Sideswipe leapt of her bed as she demanded, “What? How do you know about that?” The older Apple sibling explained, “Ironhide told me this mornin’ before you got up.” Groaning, Sideswipe replied, “I should have figured.” Looking at the Big Macintosh, she continued, “I guess that I don’t need to repeat any sob stories, do I?”

Approaching the melancholy girl, Big Mac knelt down and began, “Ah’m gonna tell you the same thing Ah told Double Shuffle. Apple Bloom seems to think very highly of you. And if she considers you family, then Ah say you’re family too.”

This simple remark seemed to do something right. Feeling her eyes start to water a bit, Sideswipe launched herself into the older teen as she managed to squeak out, “Thanks you.” Hugging her back, Big Mac warmly replied, “No problem.” As they embraced, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but admit, “Gotta hand it to you Big Mac, you’re like a massive teddy bear.” She then joined the hug, followed by Tender Taps and Sugar Belle.

That Night…

As the cool night breeze blew past him, Big Mac found himself staring up to the stars in awe. Leaning against his left shoulder, Apple Bloom was sound asleep, a sight the eldest Apple sibling never thought he’d see again. He and Sugar Belle had spent the entire day with her, and just being around his younger sister brought back memories of better days. “Oh Apple Bloom.” He whispered as he caressed his youngest sister. “Ah’ve missed you so much.”

He was distracted from his sister by Sugar Belle asking, “Big Mac?” Turning to face his girlfriend, he asked, “What’s up?” The pink girl let out a deep sigh as she answered, “Ironhide wants to have a word with you.” The older boy let out a sigh of his own as he replied, “Give me a sec.”

Gently nudging Apple Bloom, Big Macintosh whispered, “Hey Apple Bloom?” As she returned to the land of the living, the former farm girl asked, “Yeah?” The older boy continued, “Ah gotta talk with Ironhide.” He then let out a small giggle as he quipped, “And it looks like it might be past someone’s bedtime.” Apple Bloom pouted as she complained, “Ah’m not a little kid Big Mac.”

“Ah know.” Big Mac gently replied. “But you’re still mah sister, and you need to get some sleep.” As Apple Bloom relented, he gave her one final hug as he said, “Ah’ll see you in the mornin’. Love you.”

“Ah love you too.” Apple Bloom replied as she made her way back inside. Once she was gone, Big Mac took a deep breath as he followed her, hoping Ironhide wasn’t angry.

The Living Room

Entering the living room, Big Mac was surprised to see not only Ironhide, but also Chromia, Ratchet, and Wheeljack were waiting for him. Concerned, the Apple teenager asked, “What’s goin’ on?” For a few moments, no one said anything, only heightening the already palpable tension.

After almost a minute, however, Ironhide approached Big Macintosh as he asked, “I take it you know how Apple Bloom got in trouble a little while ago, right?” Nodding, Big Mac answered, “As in what happened with Roseluck? Yeah, Ah know.” As Ironhide nodded, Wheeljack began to approach the teenage boy as he added, “Well, we called Applejack about it, she didn’t seem to take it too well.” As Big Mac gulped, the maverick mechanic asked, “She didn’t happen to destroy anything, did she?”

Taking a deep breath, Big Macintosh replied, “Give me a sec.” He then pulled out his cell phone and began to go through his pictures. Hesitating for a moment, he pulled up a certain picture he’d taken not too long ago as he warned, “You guys sure you wanna see this?” When the four adults all nodded, he let out one more sigh as he warned, “Ok then. Take a look.” He then handed Ironhide the phone, preparing for the worst.

As the four adults took in the image they were looking at, Chromia held her hands to her mouth as she whispered, “Dear Primus!” Ratchet lifted his head to face Big Mac as he begged, “Please tell me this isn’t her room.” Big Macintosh wanted to agree, but he couldn’t, and instead simply replied, “Nope.”

Wheeljack shook his head as he angrily exclaimed, “Oh for fuck’s sake!” As the maverick mechanic began to pace around the living room in frustration, Ratchet sighed as he collapsed onto the couch with a shocked, “I know what this is.” Before Big Macintosh could say anything, Chromia quietly begged, “Please don’t say it.”

Losing his patience, Big Mac demanded, “What is it other than a trashed room?” As everyone began to recoil slightly from his surprisingly forceful request, the Apple teen began to backtrack, “Sorry for gettin’ forceful. Ah just…..” Struggling to keep himself calm, he finished, “Ah don’t know how to explain it.”

Standing back up, Ratchet sighed as he answered, “What we have here is an attempt at intimidation.” As he pointed to the collapsed bed, he elaborated, “It’s sending a message. Think of it as saying, “I can do this to your stuff, I can do this to you.””

Taking this revelation in, Big Macintosh found himself absolutely speechless. Applejack couldn’t be capable of doing anything this calculated, even in a heat of the moment fit of rage, right? Then again, until about seven months ago he didn’t think Apple Bloom would be capable of anything like the Anon-A-Miss incident.

“Ah…. Ah……” Unable to comprehend the scale of the situation, Big Mac collapsed to his knees as his eyes began to water. As he began to sniffle, he heard footsteps approaching him. Lifting his head, the eldest Apple sibling found Ironhide looking down on him, his face revealing his clear concern. When the older man extended his hand Big Mac was more than willing to accept it and grabbed it.

Once Big Mac was back on his feet, Ironhide began to speak in a tone that conveyed disappointment, concern, and just a hint of anger. “Right now, I’m speaking as Apple Bloom’s guardian. If your sister isn’t better about…..” Pausing as he handed the cell phone back, he continued, “…..this, then we may need to talk about extending Apple Bloom’s stay. Am I clear?”

Sighing as he nodded, Big Mac gave a simple, “Yes sir.” Ironhide then said, “Alright. Now I think you should get some rest. You and your girlfriend have a decent drive tomorrow, don’t you?” Managing to let out a gentle chuckle, Big Mac answered with a simple, “Heh heh. Eeyup.” With that, the older Apple Sibling departed, leaving the adults to discuss the situation at hand.

The Next Day…..

Carrying her brother’s bags to his car, Apple Bloom found a deep pain forming in her heart. Of course, she knew better than to think that her brother was going to stay for more than a few days. ‘That doesn’t mean it’s fair though.’ She thought to herself as she found her eyes starting to water.

Once she set the bag in her brother’s car, Apple Bloom heard her brother’s voice ask, “You ok?” Turning to face her brother, the former farm girl tearfully admitted, “Ah don’t want you to go. Ah know you gotta go home but….” Struggling to keep herself composed, she eventually admitted, “Ah don’t wanna lose you again.”

Letting out a gentle sigh, Big Macintosh smiled as he knelt down and reassured his sister, “Don’t worry. Ah think that weekly phone calls might help, and if Ah may…..” Now it was the older boy’s turn to tear up as he admitted, “Ah think right now, this is the best place for you.”

As Apple Bloom took in her brother’s words, Big Mac continued, “Ah’m so proud of you Apple Bloom. When Ah look at you, Ah see that you’re growin’ up into a fine young lady.” As the last of his composure left him, the older teen tearfully admitted, “Ah know Mom and Dad would be proud of you.”

Once those words escaped his lips, Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom wrapped each other in the tightest hug of their lives. Holding his sister tight, Big Mac sniffled, “Ah’ll stay in touch. See you soon?” When he released his younger sister, Apple Bloom tearfully replied, “See you soon. Ah…. Ah love you Big Mac.” Wiping the stray tears from his eyes, Big Macintosh replied, “Ah love you too Apple Bloom.”

Once they were finished, Big Mac gave a final wave to Ironhide and Chromia (Who were watching from the porch) and sat down in his car. As he turned on the ignition, Sugar Belle asked, “You gonna be ok?” Taking one final glimpse of his sister in the rearview mirror, Big Macintosh answered with a final yet depressed, “Eeyup.” With that, the car pulled out and began to drive off.

As Apple Bloom watched her brother leave, she began to feel her eyes water up again as she heard Ironhide’s footsteps approaching. Turning to face her uncle, the former farm girl meekly asked, “Uncle Ironhide? Can Ah go lie down?”

Nodding, Ironhide answered, “Of course kid.” Having been given permission, Apple Bloom made her way towards her room, hopeful she could relieve some of the pain in her heart with a nap.

Once Apple Bloom was gone, Ironhide looked up at the sky as he began to speak, “At least two of them have their heads screwed on right.” He said to the imaginary forms of the Apple parents. Taking one final breath, he finished, “Because I fear you’ve got a bad apple in the bunch, and it’s not Apple Bloom or Big Mac.” With that, the family patriarch returned to the Chop Shop, intent of resuming the rest of the day’s work.

After all, there was a lot to be done.

Author's Note:

Next Time; Apple Bloom learns how Ironhide laid down his sword and shield to study war no more.

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