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Lines in the Sand

As the Apple Blooms

Part 66; Lines in the Sand

“A 1! A 2! A 1 2 3 4!” Apple Bloom called out as she, Tender Taps, and Double Shuffle leapt forward and began to tap across the makeshift stage at the edge of the Scrapyard. The trio had assembled a stage out of large boards of wood and set them atop of several large boxes and crates, and now, dressed in black pants/skirts, button shirts matching the color of their hair, and wearing their custom tap shoes, the trio of tappers performed a surprisingly intricate routine.

As the trio danced, they were watched by Sideswipe and Marble Pie. The two girls were seated at a table that had been decorated with a table cloth, candle, and a few corn muffins. And now, the lovers were holding hands as they took in the sight of their friends performing just for them.

The two lovebirds were distracted by the sound of Rattrap’s voice informing them, “Ladies, your dinner.” Turning around, Marble and Sideswipe found the scrawny boy, dressed in a white shirt, black pants, suspenders, and a bowtie, set a tray on the table, containing a plate of very fancy macaroni and cheese and another one which had an elaborately prepared meatball sandwich. Smiling with glee, Marble replied, “Thanks Rattrap.” The skinny teen bowed as he replied, “It’s my pleasure.”

Walking around the table, Rattrap watched Apple Bloom, Double Shuffle, and Tender Taps dance and remarked, “They’re really good. Like, actually really good.” The pale biker nodded as she whispered, “I know. Apple Bloom has been practicing, even keeping us up late at night.” Giggling, Marble replied, “Well I know it looks like she’s having fun.”

Indeed, Apple Bloom was now performing a duet with Tender Taps, and the looks she was giving the orange boy made it clear that she was having an absolute blast. As she and Tender continued to dance, they soon found themselves twirling in each other’s arms. Once her turn came, the former farm girl twirled with the grace of a ballerina before, to absolutely no one’s surprise, leaning into Tender Taps and kissing him right on the lips. The orange boy thankfully anticipated this, and as he kissed his girlfriend back, he scooped her up and held her in his arms as she wrapped her arms around him.

As everyone applauded the two dancers, Apple Bloom, Tender Taps, and Double Shuffle faced their audience and performed their final bow/curtsy. The three dancers then removed their tap shoes and joined the others as the former farm girl asked, “What did you guys think?” Marble gave her answer when she wrapped Apple Bloom in a bone crushing hug while proclaiming, “That was amazing!” Sideswipe then added, “Yeah. You know, you really didn’t have to go all out like this for us.”

Once she was free of the gray geologist’s grasp, Apple Bloom explained, “Ah know, but Ah wanted to give you guys a proper date after what happened.” It had been a few days since the nightmare that had been Sideswipe and Marble’s first date, and after learning what happened, the former farm girl wanted to give her sister and friend a “proper” first date. To that end, she recruited all of her friends to put on a dinner and show for them, something they were all more than willing to pitch in.

Double Shuffle then asked, “What did you guys think of our routines?” Bending down to face the young girl, Sideswipe reassured her, “You guys were amazing!” To the pale biker’s surprise, Double Shuffle wrapped her in a massive hug, leading Apple Bloom to quip, “She’s not gonna let go until you hug her back.” Shrugging, Sideswipe hugged her back, a sight that melted everyone’s hearts.

While the six kids were busy enjoying each other’s company, they were watched by an amused Ironhide. Letting out a gentle chuckle, the family patriarch mumbled to himself, “Gotta hand it to you kid, you really know how to liven up the place.” Indeed, while he had been a bit hesitant when Apple Bloom suggested this little shindig, Ironhide couldn’t help but admire what his daughter had done with only a few days.

Now that he thought about it, ever since Apple Bloom had arrived at the chop shop, Ironhide found that things had become a lot more exciting. While part of it was the series of misadventures the young girl had gone on, what really amazed him was that, even though she was there as punishment, the former farm girl had proven herself to a loyal, considerate, protective, and loving friend.

However, that was nothing compared to how close the old sergeant had grown to her. Even early on, Ironhide found that Apple Bloom had wormed her way into his heart, and while she had a few problems regarding her impulsiveness, it was clear to the former soldier that deep down, she was really just a young girl who wanted to help her new family, especially the man who was probably the closest thing she’d ever had to a father.

And as far as Ironhide was concerned, Apple Bloom was his daughter, and he would do anything for her.

At that moment, Ironhide was distracted by the sound of Wheeljack’s voice calling for him. However, this wasn’t his normal chipper tone, nor was it the worried and embarrassed “Hey Ironhide…..” that he made when he caused an accident.

This time, Wheeljack quietly said, “Hey Sarge? We’ve got a problem.”

‘Oh no.’ Ironhide thought to himself. Whenever Wheeljack addressed him by his old rank, it was a clear sign that something serious was wrong. The last time something like this happened was when he learned that Apple Bloom had gotten into a fight with one of her former victims. To be referred to as “sarge” was a sign that something bad was either going to happen or had just happened.

Turning to face his friend, Ironhide wasted no time and bluntly asked, “What’s happened?” Wheeljack sighed as he reported, “Apple Bloom’s brother is calling. He says something has happened.” Already, the former sergeant could tell that there was more going on than what his friend was telling him, leading to him inquiring, “And?” The maverick mechanic hesitated for a moment before replying, “It’s about Applejack.”

That final tidbit was all Ironhide needed to know. Straightening himself, the former sergeant coldly replied, “Alright. Let’s hear him out.” Wheeljack nodded as he and his boss reentered their house.

The Living Room…

Making their way up to the phone, Wheeljack brought the device up to his ear and said, “I’ve got him now.” Handing the cellphone to his friend, the maverick mechanic wore a worried expression on his face, one that he hadn’t used for years. Ironhide brought the phone up to his ear and asked, “Hello Big Mac. What’s going on?”

On the other end of the line, Big Macintosh’s voice began, “Uncle Ironhide, Ah found Applejack doin’ somethin’, and…..” The young man paused for a moment as he shuddered before continuing, “Ah don’t know what to do.” Ironhide tried to reassure him, “Calm down son. Just tell me what’s going on.”

Taking a deep breath, Big Mac explained, “A couple of nights ago, Ah found Applejack alone in the barn. She’d made these scarecrow things with watermelon heads that resembled each of us and was goin’ on about teamwork and…..” Pausing for a moment, he continued, “She took a baseball bat and destroyed one that resembled Apple Bloom, or specifically the back of Apple Bloom’s head.”

‘Dear Primus….’ Ironhide thought to himself. ‘She’s still angry about what happened?’ Shaking his head, the former soldier regained himself as he began, “That’s…. That’s very unsettling. Has there been anything else?” For several moments, Big Mac didn’t speak, something that only worried Ironhide further. Sighing, the family patriarch sternly asked, “Big Mac, what happened next?”

The eldest Apple sibling replied, “When Ah confronted her, she went on a rant about how Apple Bloom betrayed us and……” Now starting to shudder, Big Mac couldn’t will himself to continue. Realizing something serious had to have happened, Ironhide pushed him with a concerned, “What happened?”

Taking a deep breath, Big Mac admitted, “Applejack said she hated Apple Bloom.”

Upon hearing this, Ironhide found himself collapsing to the couch in shock. ‘She wouldn’t.’ He thought to himself. ‘There’s no way Applejack would ever say something like that.’ After all, the absolute worst the middle Apple sibling had suffered from the Anon-A-Miss incident was having an embarrassing nickname from childhood. But that only made the situation worse, as it meant that Applejack was bottling up a lot of anger.

Ironhide was distracted when Wheeljack asked, “Sir? You alright?” Returning to the present, the family patriarch answered, “Yeah. I’m fine, all things considered.” He then returned his attention to the phone as he asked, “I need to know something. When your sister said that, how angry was she?” Big Mac hesitated for a moment before replying, “She looked like she was gonna burst with rage.”

‘So it’s happening.’ Ironhide thought to himself as the realization of what was happening hit him. Taking a deep breath, the older man asked, “Does your grandmother know about this?” Big Mac answered, “No. Ah don’t know how to explain this to her.”

Rising up to his feet, Ironhide sternly informed him, “Here’s what’s gonna happen. You have two hours to tell her what’s happened and to contact me. Once the two hours are up, I will be calling her.” Big Mac began to stammer as he tried to rebuke, “What? But Ah can’t tell her. She’ll lose her temper on Applejack and….”

“You listen to me right now son.” Ironhide bluntly interrupted, intimidating both Bright Mac and Wheeljack. As the maverick mechanic stepped back in surprise, the former sergeant continued, “If this is going the way I fear it is, then this is no longer about punishing Apple Bloom. This is about her safety.” He then sighed as he continued, “So you are telling her what’s going on.”

Sighing in resignation, Big Mac answered, “Yes sir. Anything else?” Ironhide shook his head as he replied, “That will be all.” He then had an idea and asked, “Wait, you wouldn’t know how to do a video call, right?” The eldest Apple sibling answered, “Eeyup. Why?” Ironhide let out a gentle chuckle as he answered, “I’ve got an idea. Just make sure it’s set up within the next two hours.”

Having said everything he needed to, Big Mac gave a final, “Ah’ll be back in a bit.” He then hung up the phone, leaving Ironhide alone with Wheeljack.

Turning to face his friend, Ironhide asked, “How much longer will Apple Bloom be with the others?” Wheeljack shrugged as he answered, “Should be another hour. It’s starting to get late anyway.” Ironhide nodded as he ordered, “Give them an hour and a half. Then tell her that we need to have a talk with her.”

Wheeljack took a deep breath as he asked, “She’s not gonna like this, is she?” Shaking his head, Ironhide replied, “No.” He then sighed as he added, “But it looks like her sister just drew a line in the sand, so we need to draw one of our own.” Nodding, the maverick mechanic gave a simple, “Understood sir.” He then made his way to inform Apple Bloom, all while Ironhide whispered to himself, “I didn’t want it like this.”

Two Hours Later….

As Wheeljack fidgeted with his contraption (specifically a laptop attached to a projector), Ironhide began to pace back and forth, worrying about what was about to happen. Raising his head from his work, the normally maverick mechanic warned, “Sir, you’re panicking. Calm down.” Turning to his friend and subordinate, the family patriarch replied, “I know. I’m just worried because….” Pausing for a moment, he replied, “What we’re doing, this is crossing the Rubicon. There’s no tuning back after this.”

Nodding, Wheeljack sighed as he said, “I can’t believe this is happening either.” He then turned his attention to his contraption as he continued, “But I have to admit, having Apple Bloom as a more permanent resident is kind of an exciting prospect.”

At that moment, Ratchet entered the room and informed, “The others have left and Apple Bloom will be here in just a few moments. She wanted to change first.” Ironhide nodded and replied, “Thanks.” The medic then took a deep breath as he asked, “You sure you want to do this sir?”

Shaking his head, Ironhide replied, “Do I want to? Not exactly. Do I have to?” Pausing for a moment, he finished, “Do we really have an option?” Shrugging, Ratchet admitted, “Given everything, not really.” He then turned to Wheeljack and asked, “How’s your thingamajig going?”

Stretching his arms, the maverick mechanic answered, “My “thingamajig” is now fully operational. All we gotta do now is hope Big Macintosh calls, which he should in about a two minutes.” He then turned to Ironhide and asked, “You think this is gonna go well?” Shaking his head, the older man could only answer, "I doubt it.”

Before either man could say anything else, Apple Bloom and Chromia entered the room, the former farm girl having changed back into her overalls and a red button shirt. The young girl asked, “Uncle Ironhide? What’s goin’ on?” Hesitating for a moment, Ironhide answered, “Something has happened regarding your sister, and we need to have a word about what happens next.”

As Apple Bloom processed what she’d just been told, Wheeljack spoke up, “Hey guys! They’re calling!” The family turned to the maverick mechanic as he pressed several buttons on the attached laptop until an image began to shoot out of the projector and onto a large white board set on the wall.

There, plastered on the wall, was the image of not only Big Macintosh, but also a defeated and somewhat broken Granny Smith. The eldest Apple sibling was fidgeting with what seemed to be the video camera as he said, “Ah think we’ve got it runnin’ now.” It was only at this moment that he noticed that his sister was now visible on the Apple family’s computer.

“Big Macintosh!” Apple Bloom happily squealed as she ran up to the white board, resting her hand on the screen. The eldest Apple sibling was able to see his younger sister as well and rested his hand against what would have been hers. Once she finished, the former farm girl turned to her grandmother and continued, “Granny Smith? Ah can’t believe it’s you!”

However, the Apple family matriarch was not happy. Instead, Granny Smith had a defeated and weary expression on her face as she said, “Oh Apple Bloom, you look so beautiful. Ya remind me of your mother.” Confused and worried, Apple Bloom asked, “Granny Smith? What’s goin’ on?”

As Big Mac and Granny Smith gave each other worried looks, Ironhide stepped forward and said, “Apple Bloom, something has happened.” Gulping, the former farm girl asked, “What’s happened?” It was only at this moment that she realized something was amiss and asked, “Where’s Applejack?”

Sighing, Ironhide faced the projection of the other Apples and asked, “Anything you two would like to explain?” Neither Big Mac nor Granny Smith said anything, leading the family patriarch to explain, “In that case, earlier today, Big Macintosh called and said Applejack has done something very unsettling.”

Apple Bloom immediately asked, “Is this about what Ah did to Roseluck?” Shaking his head, Big Macintosh answered, “Nope, but it is kinda related to that.” The former farm girl sighed before asking, “Alright, but Ah do wanna ask a question about what happened.” All Big Macintosh could do was nod and allow his sister to ask her question.

“Applejack destroyed mah room, didn’t she?”

Everyone was taken aback by this statement. After all, Ironhide hadn’t told her about what happened, and none of the others knew how to say it, and that didn’t’ even take into account the fact that this was the first time Granny Smith was talking to her daughter in roughly six months.

However, all Big Mac could do was sigh as he dejectedly answered, “Eeyup.” The former farm girl began to sniffle as she tried to play off her clearly growing internal turmoil by quipping, “Ah mean, it’s not like she’d have trashed her own room, right?”

Chromia made her way up to her daughter and rested her arms around Apple Bloom as she tried to reassure her, “It’s alright. I’m sure everything will be alright.” As the former farm girl hugged the older woman back, Big Mac stood up and admitted, “No, it’s not alright.” When everyone turned to face him, the eldest Apple sibling admitted, “A few nights ago, Ah found Applejack alone in the barn. She’d made these scarecrow effigies of us all with watermelon heads. She was goin’ up and down the barn, ramblin’ about teamwork before…..” Pausing for a moment, he admitted, “Applejack bashed what was supposed to be your head with a baseball bat.”

As Apple Bloom processed this, Wheeljack lost his composure and admitted, “That and she apparently blurted out that she hates you!”

“What?” Apple Bloom practically screamed. It was impossible for the former farm girl to imagine. It was inconceivable. It was something that, before all this, would have been out of the question. Desperate, she turned to face the projection of her brother and grandmother as she begged, “Please tell me this isn’t real. Please, please, please tell me this is some sort of joke!”

Instead, all Big Mac could do was shake his head.

It was only now, now that everything had been revealed, that the full weight of everything finally sunk into Apple Bloom’s heart. Applejack, her own older sister, the person she looked up to most for her entire life, had apparently declared that she hated her.

And she hadn’t even had the curtesy to say it to her face.

Apple Bloom was so taken back by everything that she barely noticed that her eyes were not only watering, but actually bleeding tears. As the adults gathered around her, the former farm girl didn’t even wait for any of them to ask if she was alright (They all knew the answer anyway) and immediately threw herself into Ironhide’s chest as she wrapped her arms around him. All the old sergeant could do was hug his daughter and caress her back in a vain attempt to comfort her. No one, not Ironhide, nor Chromia, nor Big Mac and Granny Smith, nor even the normally jovial Wheeljack had a dry eye as the pain finally settled in.

Once Apple Bloom had managed to calm herself down to the point that she was merely sniffling, Ironhide asked, “I need to ask your grandmother a question, and I need you to be here for it. Think you can handle a few more minutes?” Starting to feel the tears drip out of her eyes, the former farm girl could only nod.

Turning to face the projection of Granny Smith and Big Macintosh, Ironhide began, “Look, I’m going to ask you one question, and you are going to give me one answer. One question, one answer. Am I clear?” The eldest Apple sibling nodded as he replied, “Eeyup.” Granny Smith, on the other hand, merely gave a simple nod.

Taking a deep breath, Ironhide asked, “If Apple Bloom goes back, can you guarantee her safety?” Both Granny Smith and Big Macintosh gave each other confused looks as the former asked, “Her safety?” The family patriarch bluntly continued, “Her safety. Can you look me in the eyes and tell me Applejack won’t do something stupid and hurt her? Can you tell me she will be safe!?”

For several moments, no one said anything. As Granny Smith and Big Mac gave each other concerned looks, Apple Bloom felt her eyes drift between her brother, grandmother, aunt, and uncle. For his part, Ironhide rested a hand on his daughter’s shoulder in an attempt to reassure her he was there for her.

Eventually, however, Granny Smith gave a defeated, “Ah don’t know.”

Closing his eyes, Ironhide glumly replied, “For something like this, an “I don’t know” is as good as a “no.”” As everyone either sighed or wiped away their tears, the former sergeant said something that he simultaneously wanted to say but also didn’t want to say.

“In that case, I feel it is in Apple Bloom’s best interest if she remained here for the next school year.”

Turning to face his daughter, Ironhide found that the young girl had once again broken down into tears. However, this time she wasn’t clinging to him or anyone else for comfort, and instead was actually backing away towards the door.

Watching her granddaughter begin to leave, Granny Smith called out, “Apple Bloom! Wait!” As Apple Bloom stopped, the Apple family asked, “Can you please come a little closer?” The former farm girl gulped as she walked up to the projected image of her grandmother.

Sighing, Granny Smith sadly apologized, “Ah’m sorry it all had to come to this.” All Apple Bloom could do was rest her hand on the board and reply, “Ah’m sorry for everythin’.” As her grandmother rested her hand against what would have been her granddaughter’s hand and continued, “You’ve grown quite a bit. Ah’m…. Ah’m so proud of you.” She then tearfully admitted, “Ah love you so much.”

Now giving into her sorrow and crying her heart out, Apple Bloom could barely let out a coherent, “Ah love you too Granny Smith.” However, the former farm girl could no longer bear being so close yet so far with her family and, without a moment’s hesitation, bolted out of the room, leaving everyone else too shaken and filled with sorrow to continue the conversation.

Now barely able to keep himself stoic enough to speak, Ironhide turned to the projection as he began, “With everything that’s happened, I will be getting paperwork done to make sure Apple Bloom is enrolled in Iacon High for the next school year.” Granny Smith nodded as she added, “And Ah’ll be sendin’ everythin’ you need for Apple Bloom.”

However, before anyone could say anything else, the projection image of the Apples began to flicker and fade before finally disappearing as the projector powered down. Wheeljack turned to face the others as he informed, “They hung up. I think they just couldn’t do it anymore.”

Sighing as he wiped his eyes, Ironhide replied, “I can’t blame them.” He then leaned against the wall as he continued, “I can’t blame any of them.” Chromia then began to sniffle as she said, “I…. I wanted her to stay, but not like this.” As she struggled to keep herself calm, Ratchet asked, “So I take it Apple Bloom is now a permanent resident?”

Taking a deep breath, Ironhide Answered, “If by permanent you mean at least for another year, then yes, she’s staying here.” Wheeljack then asked, “So what happens now?” The family patriarch simply answered, “Right now, we give Apple Bloom a little time to let everything out. I’ll be having a word with her later tonight.”

And so, everyone began to depart, preparing for their nighttime routines, only this time worried for the young girl who was now struggling with the emotional turmoil of realizing she wouldn’t be returning home anytime soon.

Later That Night…

Approaching Apple Bloom’s room, Ironhide found a worried Sideswipe pacing in front of the former farm girl’s door. Sighing, the family patriarch asked, “I take it she’s been int there for a while?” The pale biker nodded as she answered, “No. I’ve tried to talk with her but she won’t answer the door. I don’t want to barge in but…..” Shaking her head, Sideswipe asked, “Why would her sister say that?”

Shaking his head, Ironhide could only answer, “I don’t know.” He then reassured her, “I’ll have a word with her. You need to get some sleep.” Sideswipe folded her arms as she replied, “Come on, I want to help her.” Ironhide smiled at his other daughter as he said, “I think Apple Bloom and I need a word in private. Besides, it’s getting late.”

Relenting to her guardian, Sideswipe gave a gentle, “Ok. I love you Ironhide.” She then gave him a hug, one which the older man returned as he replied, “I love you too Sideswipe.” As the pale biker departed, Ironhide knocked on the door as he asked, “Apple Bloom? You there?” When the former farm girl didn’t answer, he began to turn the doorknob, which to his surprise, was unlocked.

Opening the door, Ironhide found Apple Bloom curled up on her bed, hugging her plush rabbit as she sniffled, tears running down her cheeks. Walking up to his daughter, the older man asked, “I’d ask if you were alright, but we both know the answer, don’t we?”

Sitting up on her bed, Apple Bloom shook her head as she tearfully replied, “No. Ah figured Applejack would still be angry but….” The former farm girl could only shake her head as she continued, “Guess Ah should have known better than to hope she’d get over it.”

Resting his arm around his daughter, Ironhide pulled Apple Bloom into a side hug as he comforted her, “I’m so sorry this had to happen. I didn’t think she could still be this angry.” As the former farm girl rested against him, the older sergeant tried to think of something to say, but all he could do was just be there for her.

Apple Bloom then asked, “Uncle Ironhide?” When the family patriarch looked her in the eyes, the former farm girl asked, “Did mah dad ever say he hated you?”

Sighing, Ironhide replied, “He did. When I got back….” Stopping himself, he explained, “Near the end of the war, I had to do something bad. Something that I’d do a thousand times over, but something bad.” Curious, Apple Bloom wiped her eyes as she asked, “What was it?” Ironhide shook his head as he answered, “Kid, you’ve heard some ugly things tonight. I don’t want to contribute to it.”

As Apple Bloom sighed, the older man continued, “Regardless, word of what I did got out, and when your father learned, He….” Pausing for a moment, Ironhide said, “We got into a massive fight, and he said if I ever showed myself around Sweet Apple Acres again, he’d blow my brains out.” Now sniffling himself, the former soldier finished, “And I was just too worn out to put up a fight.”

At this moment, Apple Bloom wrapped both of her arms around her uncle as she apologized, “Ah’m sorry.” Touched by his daughter’s remark, Ironhide reassured her, "It’s alright kid. Besides, the fact you’re here is proof we eventually made peace.” Releasing her uncle, the former farm girl asked, “Uncle Ironhide?” As Ironhide nodded, Apple Bloom continued, “Can Ah say somethin’ that could possibly be taken the wrong way?” Smiling, the older man gently replied, “Of course kid.”

Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom admitted, “If Ah had to choose someone to be mah dad, but Ah couldn’t choose mah dad, Ah’d pick you in a heartbeat.”

Hugging his daughter tightly, Ironhide sniffled as he replied, “And I’d pick you as a daughter in a heartbeat.” As Apple Bloom hugged him back, the family patriarch continued, “And as far as anyone is concerned, you are my daughter.”

As both father and daughter hugged, Apple Bloom gently declared, “Ah love you uncle Ironhide.” The older man replied, “I love you too Apple Bloom. And I always will.” Once they finished their embrace, the former farm girl let out a small giggle as she admitted, “You know, Ah think Ah might like bein’ here a bit longer.” Smiling, Ironhide warned, “Of course you know it won’t exactly be a prolonged summer vacation, right?”

Nodding, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah know. Besides, Ah knew Ah’d have to deal with people given me funny looks for what Ah’ve done. At least now it shouldn’t be as bad.” Smiling, Ironhide got up and said, “Of course. But for now I think you should get some rest. You’ve had a rough day.” Apple Bloom began to say something, but she suddenly found herself overcome by a great yawn, leading her to instead say, “Alright.”

As he began to leave, Ironhide added, “And if you’d like, you can have tomorrow off.” Stretching, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah’d like that.” She then asked, “See you in the mornin’?” Nodding, the family patriarch answered, “See you in the morning kid.” With that final remark, Ironhide departed his daughter’s room, allowing Apple Bloom to change into her pajamas in peace.

Once he was alone, Ironhide held his hand to his heart as he began to speak to himself, “I wanted her to stay, but not like this.” He then made his way down the stairs and out of the shop front and onto the porch. Looking up to the constellation Orion, he continued, “I’m sorry this had to happen Bright Mac. I didn’t want it to happen this way.”

As the sound of crickets rang out, however, Ironhide continued, “But I’ll take care of her. I promise.” And with that, the worn out and weary man returned inside, hopeful both he and his daughter would enjoy a good night’s sleep.”

Author's Note:

Next Time...... Something more uplifting with Torque Wrench.

Author's Note; I will be taking the next two weeks off. I've been going through a rough time, and have been having some trouble with an old friend. Right now, I just need some time to decompress and reevaluate my life.

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