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Weekend at Ironhide's

As the Apple Blooms

Part 31; Weekend at Ironhide’s

One thing that working at the chop shop taught Apple Bloom was that you never judged a book by it’ cover, or rather metal by its rust. She was seated in the shop’s back room, scrubbing and cleaning several old gears. While most of the vehicles that sat in the scrap yard were in no condition to drive, they more often than not had parts that could be salvaged, and cleaning them was a task Ironhide felt Apple Bloom would be perfectly suited for. “Phew. That’s another one down.” Apple Bloom said to herself as she rested a newly cleaned gear on the table with the others. “Ah wonder what Uncle Ironhide plans on doin’ with these.”

It had been a few days since she babysat Double Shuffle, and the former farm girl found that her outlook on things had brightened significantly. The thought of having a little sister filled her heart with a kind of joy that she couldn’t quite put into words, as if it was something that was meant to be. As the image of Double Shuffle reentered her mind, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but say to herself, “Ah love that girl.”

She was interrupted from her brief daydream by the sudden sound of someone banging on the shop’s front door. “Huh. Wonder who that could be?” Apple Bloom asked herself. Rising up from her seat, she removed her gloves and made her way to the shop front.

Once she entered the front of the shop, Apple Bloom was pleasantly surprised to see Rattrap and Arcee waiting on the other side. She also noticed that the “open sign” was facing inwards; signaling someone (her money was on Wheeljack) hadn’t flipped it and most likely left the door locked.

“Oh mah goodness!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “Ah’ll be right there!” Wasting no time, she ran up to the front door and unlocked it before pulling it open. As Arcee and Rattrap entered the shop, the red haired girl apologized, “Sorry about that. Ah don’t know why Wheeljack left the door locked.”

Shrugging, Rattrap replied, “Eh, don’t mention it.” He then extended his hand and continued, “Nice to see you again Apple Bloom. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” Apple Bloom returned the gesture and grasped his hand, though rather than shaking it, she pulled him into a tight hug.

“Ah’ll say! It’s been forever!” She replied, unaware that she was crushing her friend. Luckily, Rattrap was able to squeak out, “Apple Bloom, I can’t breathe.” Quickly releasing her friend, the former farm girl nervously apologized, “Sorry about that.” Arcee then stepped towards the two teens and asked, “I hate to interrupt, but is your uncle home?”

At that moment, Ironhide and Chromia emerged from the workshop. Upon seeing the owners of the chop shop, Arcee let out a relieved sigh and said, “Oh thank Primus. Ironhide, I need your help.” Confused and concerned, Ironhide asked, “Arcee? What’s going on?”

Taking a deep breath, Arcee explained, “Ok, so I have to attend a teacher’s conference this weekend, and I can’t leave Rattrap alone because….” She paused for a brief moment before turning to the scrawny teen and continued, “SOMEONE ate all the food in the pantry the last time I left him alone.” As Apple Bloom struggled to control her giggling, Rattrap sighed as he attempted to defend himself with a futile, “What? I was hungry?”

Sighing, Arcee continued, “Anyway, I was going to have Dinobot look after him, but I got a call today saying he got himself injured in a fencing accident.” She then struggled to control her frustration as she finished, “Can you look after Rattrap this weekend? I know you have some experience with him, and right now you’re the only people I trust.”

Chromia immediately spoke up, “Well, right now we’re a little crowded. You sure you can’t find anyone else?” Sighing and shaking her head, Chromia replied, “No. I’m desperate.”

After almost a minute, Ironhide took a deep breath as he answered, “Ok, we’ll look after him.” Upon hearing this, Arcee let out a relieved sigh and exclaimed, “Oh thank you Ironhide!” She then wrapped him in a surprisingly constricting embrace, much to his surprise.

Unsurprisingly, Apple Bloom enveloped Rattrap in another massive hug of her own as she remarked, “Ah guess this means we’re gonna be co-workers and roommates!”

All Rattrap could mutter was, “We’re all gonna die.”

A Few Days Later….

As Rattrap approached the Chop Shop once again, this time carrying a large duffle bag and sleeping bag in both arms, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but feel giddy yet excited. The very idea of having a sleepover with one of her friends put butterflies in her stomach. While on one hand it was an amazing prospect of spending a few days with Rattrap, she couldn’t help but feel a sick sense of déjà vu. After all, it was because of a sleepover that she was even here in Allspark Wells at all.

‘Don’t think about that!’ Apple Bloom internally chastised herself as she walked up to her friend. ‘You’re better than that now. We’re just gonna have a nice, fun weekend with Rattrap. Nothin’ massive or earth shatterin’.’

Closing the distance between herself and her scrawny friend, Apple Bloom happily called out, “Howdy Rattrap. You ready for a fun weekend?!” Backing up for a moment, the thin teenager replied, “Eh, sure. Least I’m with you.” The former farm girl couldn’t help but blush just a little bit as she nodded.

From behind Rattrap, Arcee emerged from her car as she began to speak. “Ok Rattrap. Do everything they say, stay out of trouble, and remember….” She paused for a moment before she knelt down and, much to his embarrassment, began to fidget with his shirt and hair before finishing, “And don’t eat everything. You know money doesn’t grow on trees.”

“I know.” Rattrap replied as he rolled his eyes in annoyance. “I’ll behave.” Letting out a sigh of relief, Arcee continued, “Excellent. I’ll call when I’m on the way back. I love you.” She then gave him a kiss on the forehead, something that Apple Bloom found adorable but Rattrap found awkward. Taking a deep breath, the scrawny teen awkwardly replied, “I… I love you too.”

With that, Arcee gave her ward a quick hug before returning to her car and driving off. Once she was gone, Apple Bloom rested an arm around her friend and said, “Come on. Let’s see what Uncle Ironhide has for ya.”

The Work Shop

“Well now, what do we have here?” Ironhide playfully asked as he inspected the younger Rattrap. Having set down his things, he nervously asked, “Uh, what do ya need me to do?”

Apple Bloom then asked, “Maybe he could help me Uncle Ironhide. Can he?” The older man pondered for a moment before he replied, “I suppose you two could help take inventory of the vehicles in the scrap yard.” He then gave a small smirk before asking, “You two think you can handle that?”

Rattrap shrugged as he answered, “I guess. Doesn’t seem too hard.” Apple Bloom herself nodded as she replied, “You got it Uncle Ironhide.” She then grabbed Rattrap’s hand and pulled him away, much to the older man’s amusement.

The Scrap Yard

As the two teens walked through the rows and rows of rusting vehicles, each carrying a clipboard and pen, Rattrap couldn’t help but remark, “You know, I’ve never seen so many old wrecks in one place like this.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but giggle as she quipped, “Says the boy who tried runnin’ through this place the last time he was here.”

“Hey!” Rattrap indignantly replied. “You know this place is bigger than it looks. Besides, I only focused on sneaking through to get to your trash cans!” Apple Bloom let out an embarrassed chuckle as she apologized, “Sorry about that. Ah was just messin’ with ya.”

Rattrap giggled as he replied, “Don’t worry about it.” Apple Bloom let out a sigh of relief as she said, “Thanks.” As she continued her inspection of the old cars, she asked, “So, what have you been up to?”

“Eh, not much.” Rattrap replied as he inspected an old jalopy. “Arcee has been sending me through the ringer. She has me going through math lessons, grammar exercises, etiquette thingamajigs, I haven’t had a moment’s rest.” He paused for a moment before quickly adding, “On the other hand, I’ve got a proper roof over my head, a warm bed, and three square meals a day, so I’d say that it’s a fair trade.”

Apple Bloom felt her heart warm up a little bit as she took in Rattrap’s answer. “That’s great!” She exclaimed. “Ah’m glad things are goin’ so well for you. And concernin’ your complaints, you’d think Chromia thought you were never in school.” Rattrap sighed as he dejectedly began, “Yeah, about that….”

Realizing what she’d just said, Apple Bloom covered her mouth and nervously apologized, “Wait, sorry if Ah asked a bad question!” Resting a hand on her shoulder, Rattrap reassured her, “It’s alright.”

Taking a deep breath, Rattrap admitted, “But yeah, if it wasn’t obvious already, I haven’t been in school for a while. You can’t exactly balance school with survival on the streets.”

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but feel her heart sink at his answer. While she wasn’t one to feel that School was her favorite part of life, she never thought she’d ever find herself being thankful for the fact she never had to worry about not attending.

She was distracted from her train of thought when Rattrap quickly added, “At least I know how to read. For example…” He pointed at the jalopy’s license plate and continued, “That license plate there says “2L84ME.”” Somewhat relieved at this revelation, Apple Bloom replied, “That’s good, Ah think.”

A short while later, as the two teenagers continued taking inventory, Apple Bloom asked, “So, Rattrap? Was Arcee right about you eatin’ all the food or somethin’?” Sighing, the brown boy replied, “Not everything. It’s just that….” He paused for a moment before continuing, “She had to go run an errand and, well, I got hungry and I guess I just got carried away. I ended up zoning out and woke up covered in mustard and surrounded by empty bags and crumbs.” He then took a deep breath and finished, “When she got home, she threw a fit so big I thought she was gonna burst.”

“Oh mah goodness!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “Ah take it she wasn’t happy?” Shaking his head, Rattrap quipped, “Why do you think Arcee won’t leave me on my own?”

Apple Bloom then said, “Ah know the feelin’. One time, mah Granny Smith and mah siblin’s had to go out for a bit and left me on mah own, and let’s just say Ah wasn’t allowed to house sit until….” She paused for a moment before continuing, “….There wasn’t a next time.”

Before either teen could continue, they heard the sound of Ironhide’s voice call out, “I didn’t approve a break yet.” Quickly turning to face her uncle, Apple Bloom called back, “Sorry Uncle Ironhide!” She then turned to Rattrap and said, “Come on, we better get back to work.”

Rattrap could only shrug as he replied, “Lead the way.”

Later That Day….

The rest of the day had gone by without any problems. Once they were done with taking inventory, Apple Bloom and Rattrap spent the rest of the day getting things for the grownups, dusting or cleaning, and in general just doing whatever anyone asked. Though hardly the most adventurous kind of day, both teens were just happy that nothing bad had happened.

“Well now….” Ironhide began as he flipped the “open” sign to “closed.” “Now that we’re done for the day, I think you two deserve a little break to catch your breaths. Normally I’d see what we’re cooking for dinner, but given our plans were kinda thrown out the window, I’ll order some pizza later tonight.”

Apple Bloom then turned to Rattrap and said, “In that case, how about we get your sleepin’ bag set up in mah room?” Ironhide immediately spoke up with a concerned, “I’m not too sure about that. I mean having you two sleep in the same room would be a little….”

Rattrap immediately interrupted with a simple, “I don’t see anything wrong with that. ‘Sides, Won’t I be in a sleeping bag?” Apple Bloom enthusiastically nodded and replied, “Yeah. Wait, what?”

Relieved that his niece wasn’t even aware of what they were talking about, Ironhide let out a sigh of relief and relented. “Ok, you can set up in your room Apple Bloom.” Excited, the red haired girl practically squealed, “Thank you Uncle Ironhide!” She then picked up Rattrap’s sleeping bag and said, “Come on Rattrap!”

Apple Bloom’s Room…

“What do ya think of mah home away from home?” Apple Bloom asked Rattrap as both kids entered her room. Taking everything in, the scrawny boy remarked, “Gotta say, you got a pretty sweet pad here. Certainly more lived in than mine.” When Apple Bloom turned to face him, he simply replied, “Honestly right now my room is just a bed.”

Rattrap then began to walk around his friend’s room as he inspected everything he saw. “Sorry for peaking, I just….” He began before pausing for a moment. “I’ve not seen too many bedrooms in a while.” Feeling her heart start to ache a little, Apple Bloom quietly said, “Sorry about that.” Seeing his friend look so depressed, Rattrap reassured her, “Hey, don’t worry about it. Nothin’ you did.”

As he began to lay his sleeping bag across the floor, Rattrap noticed something very intriguing. “Wait a minute. What the heck are these?” He then rose back to his feet, holding two very specific black shoes in his hands.

“Oh those!” Apple Bloom enthusiastically replied. “Those are mah tap shoes!” Confused, Rattrap asked, “Uh, tap shoes? What does that mean?” As he handed the two shoes to her, Apple Bloom explained, “Well, you see, these here shoes are used for tap dancin’.”

When Rattrap gave a confused look, Apple Bloom let out a small chuckle as she realized she’d have to explain everything. “You see, not long after Ah got here, Ah met this boy named Tender Taps, and he got me into tap dancin’. It’s this kinda dancin’ where you make noise with these here shoes.” She then pointed to one of her toe taps as she further elaborated, “More specifically, ya use taps like these here.”

“Ooh.” Rattrap replied. “Never heard of that before. Sounds kinda fun, but I don’t think it’s exactly my thing.”

Apple Bloom felt her heart sink a little bit when Rattrap admitted he wasn’t too interested in tap dancing. However, he asked, “Though, you mind showing me what you can do? Maybe I can show you a few moves of my own.”

Feeling a little better, Apple Bloom nodded as she answered, “You’re on.”

Right Outside the Chop Shop…

“Why are we outside again?” Rattrap asked. Setting a large wooden board on the ground in front of them, Apple Bloom answered, “Uncle Ironhide doesn’t like it when Ah use mah tap shoes on the floor inside, so Ah’ve been usin’ this board here to practice.” She then sat down on the board and began to undo her boots’ laces.

Once she’d slipped her tap shoes on and tied their laces, Apple Bloom playfully asked, “You still wanna see what Ah’ve got?” Letting out a small chuckle, Rattrap folded his arms as he replied, “It seems the floor is yours.” Taking a deep breath, the former farm girl whispered, “Here goes nothin’.” She then leapt into one of the simple combinations Tender Taps had taught her.

After a few moments, Apple Bloom finished her combination with a “shave and a haircut.” As she focused her eyes on Rattrap, the red haired girl found his mouth was gaping open and his pupils had shrunken.

“You said you’ve only been doin’ this for like, a few months, right?” Rattrap asked incredulously. Apple Bloom shrugged as she replied, “Sorta. Ah started not long after Ah got here, and Ah’ve only been here for, three months Ah think?”

Giving his friend a reassuring smile, Rattrap complimented, “Well either way, you’re pretty good.” Nodding as she performed a curtsy, Apple Bloom replied, “Why thank you kindly. Ah guess it’s somethin’ that just sorta clicked.” She then began to scuff the wooden board with her tap shoes as she continued, “Ah can’t quite say it’s mah passion, but Ah’d be lyin’ to say it wasn’t somethin’ Ah loved.”

Giving a confirming nod, Rattrap stepped forward and replied, “Nothing wrong with that.” He then stretched his arms as he bragged, “Now then, time to show you what I can do.” Apple Bloom humored her friend as she slid out of the way and playfully quipped, “The stage is yours.”

Once he had the large board to himself, Rattrap took a deep breath as he began to perform his moves. Starting out with a few odd moves here and there, the scrawny teen soon moved to far more advanced steps. He even began to spin around on the board’s surface, not unlike people in one of the many videos Scootaloo used to pester Apple Bloom about.

After roughly a minute, Rattrap finished as he struck a dramatic pose as he boasted, “Bet you haven’t seen anything like that!” Clapping, Apple Bloom replied, “Not really. You’re actually pretty good.”

Rattrap bowed as replied, “Thank you kindly. It was something I picked up to survive.” He then began to look over his shoulder as he continued, “Street dancing was a good way to make a few bucks. Heck, sometimes it was what helped keep me fed.”

Apple Bloom felt her heart sink yet again as she took in what Rattrap had just said. While she had started dancing as a way to have fun and spend time with Tender Taps, Rattrap apparently found himself dancing to survive, just another reminder of what he’d been through.

Seeing his friend look so depressed, Rattrap complimented, “Either way, you were pretty good. Certainly much louder.” Apple Bloom let out a sigh of relief as she replied, “Thanks. So…..” She began as she allowed a mischievous smile to grow on her face as she asked, “How about a little dance off?”

“Oh, you’re on.” Rattrap replied as he stretched his arms. He and Apple Bloom made their way to separate ends of the board as they prepared to unleash everything they had. Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom began, “Alright, your move Rattrap!”

Before either teen could react, however, they were interrupted by the sound of Wheeljack calling out to them, “Hey kids! Ironhide wants to know what kind of pizza toppings you want!”

Taking a moment to process what they’d just heard, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah’d just like plain cheese please.” Rattrap then added, “I’ll take meat lovers!” He let out a gentle laugh as he continued, “I mean, if it’s not too much.”

Nodding, Wheeljack replied, “Ok then. I’ll tell Ironhide.” He then began to leave, but quickly turned back to the kids and remarked, “Oh, it’ll be here before long, so you two better freshen up.”

Once Wheeljack was gone, Apple Bloom sighed and quipped, “Guess we’ll have to put this off ‘till tomorrow?” Rattrap nodded as he replied, “You bet. I’m gonna dance circle’s around you.” Smiling and shaking her head, the former farm girl remarked, “You’re on.”

The Family’s Kitchen, Later….

As Apple Bloom and Rattrap entered the kitchen, the latter teen couldn’t help but take in the intoxicating scent of melted cheese and baked bread. Ironhide, noticing the two teens had arrived, said, “There you two are. Get a plate and grab yourselves a few slices.”

The two teens made their way to the counter where they found the three boxes depicting a stylized man with a great big beard, a hat that vaguely resembled a beret, and an outfit that looked like someone from an era of centuries past. Still, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but internally giggle as she noticed the boxes said “Pazzi Pizza.” Either way, the only thing that drew her attention more than the boxes were the delicious contents inside.

As Apple Bloom took a few pieces of cheese pizza, she noticed Rattrap took three pieces that were covered in pepperonis, sausage, bacon, meatballs, and even a little bit of ham. Noticing that he was being watched, the teenage boy quipped, “Yeah, Arcee has been putting me on a “high protein” diet. That and I just like meat.”

As the two kids made their way to the table, Ratchet quipped, “Personally I thought Rattrap would have gone for the cheese pizza.” Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “Why’d ya think that?” Rattrap leant into her ear and answered, “Because my name has “rat” in it.”

It took a few moments for this answer to process in Apple Bloom’s head. However, once it finally clicked, the former farm girl couldn’t help but giggle as she realized Ratchet had made a rather lame pun.

Once they were seated, Ironhide complimented, “I’ve gotta say you two have done a good job today.” He then focused on Rattrap and remarked, “Maybe we should keep you around kid.”

Smiling, Rattrap replied, “Thanks Mr. Ironhide. It was certainly nice to be able to make my way around the joint and not be scurrying around.” He’d have continued, but Chromia said, “Oh, where are my manners. Dig in everybody.”

As Rattrap took a bite of his meat lover’s pizza, something flipped in him and he began to shove the slice into his mouth. Getting a sense of déjà vu, Apple Bloom spoke up. “Whoa there, you don’t have to wolf everythin’ down.” Swallowing his mouthful, the scrawny boy let out a gentle chuckle as he replied, “Sorry about that. Guess you just can’t break old habits overnight.”

Chromia then spoke up with a gentle, “Don’t worry, it’s not going anywhere. If anything, I’d say we have enough here to last the whole weekend.” Rattrap grew a cocky smile as he quipped, “I’ll take that as a challenge.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but giggle a little at his challenge.

For a few more minutes, it seemed as if it was just like any other family.

The Living Room, Later That Night…

“….And I said to the guy, “I’m just saying it’s an option.”” Ironhide said to his captivated audience. Everyone was laughing as he finished his story, including both Apple Bloom and Rattrap. The scrawny teen, struggling to control his laughter, asked, “You said that to some officer?” Nodding, Ironhide replied, “You bet. I’ve dealt with so many chest thumping pencil pushers that tried to boss us around. Once they found out we were the Wreckers, however….”

Ratchet then rose from his seat and interrupted, “I remember there was one lieutenant that tried to put us on latrine duty because you didn’t salute him the exact way he wanted?” Wheeljack, wiping a tear from his eye, answered, “Oh do I ever. When Optimus found out about that, he got the little bastard put on KP duty for the rest of the year!”

Chromia shook her head as she chastised her co-worker. “Wheeljack, what have I told you about swearing?” The jovial mechanic shrugged as he complained, “Oh come on. It’s not like anyone hear hasn’t heard or said worse before.” Chromia could only shake her head further as she muttered to herself, “One of these days I’m going to wash your mouth out with soap.”

As Apple Bloom regained her composure, however, she noticed something odd; Rattrap was looking away awkwardly. Concerned, she asked, “You alright Rattrap?”

“Uh, yeah, I’m fine.” Rattrap replied, doing his best to put up a positive front. Apple Bloom didn’t buy it, and he quickly realized the others were starting to focus on him. Sighing, the brown boy asked, “Apple Bloom? You mind if we talk in private?”

Apple Bloom’s Room…

Once the two teens were alone in Apple Bloom’s room, the former farm girl asked, “So, what’s goin’ on?” Taking a deep breath, Rattrap replied, “Well, just listening to you guys getting all mushy and friendly with each other kinda just….” He paused for a moment before continuing, “I don’t know how to put, I just… I don’t know how to feel about it.”

As he sat down on Apple Bloom’s bed, Rattrap sighed again as he asked, “Apple Bloom? You ever see something that you should be happy for, but you just couldn’t help but feel kinda jealous or even a little bit angry?”

Sitting down next to him, Apple Bloom answered, “Ah do. Heck, that kind of thinkin’ is why Ah’m here in the first place.” She then wrapped an arm around Rattrap and nervously asked, “You angry with any of us?”

“What? No!” Rattrap defensively replied. “I’m not angry. I just….” He stopped himself as he took a deep breath and continued, “I just guess I’m a little jealous. You have grown ups that clearly love you and love being together and I….” He then began to tear up a little bit.

Apple Bloom, stunned and worried, asked, “But what about Arcee?” Letting out a gentle chuckle, Rattrap replied, “It’s not the same thing. I just….” He then slumped back onto the bed and exclaimed, “I just don’t know how to put it!”

At that moment, Apple Bloom had an idea. Rising off of her bed, she said, “Well, how about you tell me everythin’ on your mind? Just let everythin’ out.”

Momentarily put off by this, Rattrap took a deep breath as he began to let everything out. “Well, I guess just seeing such a perfect family like yours kinda made me realize that I’ve been short changed for my entire life. You see, I….” He then began to sniffle as he revealed more of his past.

“I never really knew my mom. Apparently she died when I was born, and dad never forgave me for it. He spent all of his time blaming me for her death and used to…” He began to tremble with what could only be described as a toxic fusion of sorrow and fury before he admitted, “And then one day, he was gone. No note, no goodbye. He just took all of his money and ran off somewhere.”

Taking everything in and feeling her eyes tear up, Apple Bloom wrapped Rattrap in a massive hug, one which he returned without hesitation. Struggling to stay calm, she furiously exclaimed, “That’s awful! Why would he do somethin’ so…. So… Evil?!” Shaking his head, Rattrap replied, “I don’t know, and honestly I don’t give a damn.”

Once he’d calmed down, Rattrap continued, “Sorry about that. I’ve been holding that in for a long time.” Taking a deep breath, he replied, “Guess I just have trouble seeing people like your folks getting all friendly and warm just kinda makes me feel…..” He paused before finishing with a simple, “…I guess sad.”

Resting her arm around her friend, Apple Bloom reassured him, “Ah can’t say too much about your old folks, but Ah know Arcee loves ya. And speaking personally, Ah say you’re part of mah family.”

Smiling and tearing up again, Rattrap launched himself into Apple Bloom as he said, “Thanks Apple Bloom. I don’t know what I’d do without ya.” The former farm girl hugged him back as she replied, “Ah’m just happy we’re friends.”

The Next Morning…

Standing on the shop’s back porch sipping his coffee, Ironhide couldn’t help but smile as he watched Apple Bloom help Rattrap carry boxes of scrap metal to the smelting pools. Seeing his niece look after someone like the young boy gave the older scrapper a sense of déjà vu.

From behind him, Ironhide heard Wheeljack say, “What’s up boss?” Not even taking his eyes off his niece, the family patriarch replied, “Just taking everything in.” As Wheeljack walked up to his friend, he asked, “You ever hear of that old legend that says everyone has a purpose?”

“A few times.” Ironhide replied. Turning to his friend, the older man asked, “Why?” Giving a smug smile, Wheeljack replied, “I just think that Apple Bloom there found hers.” Rolling his eyes, Ironhide asked, “And what exactly is her purpose?” He was expecting his friend to reply with some smartass remark about being an “errand runner” or something like that.

Instead, with a sincere smile, Wheeljack answered, “Helping people.” With that, he walked back into the shop, leaving Ironhide to ponder his answer, all while Apple Bloom continued to do what she did best; Helping someone.

Sweet Apple Acres…

Big Macintosh entered Apple Bloom’s room, taking in everything before him. Her bed was still a mess of sheets from the morning she left, her closet was still open, and as he continued to look around, he realized there was a thin but noticeable layer of dust that was starting to blanket the room.

Just seeing the dust stung Big Macintosh right in his heart. His little sister had been gone so long that dust had been gathering in her room. As he made his way to her nightstand, he picked up the photo that rested upon it.

It was an old photo of himself, an infant Apple Bloom, Applejack, Granny Smith, and both Bright Mac and Pear Butter. This photo was one of, if not the only pictures they had of the entire Apple Family together before their parents…..

Sighing, Big Mac sat down on Apple Bloom’s bed and said, “Ah hope your doin’ alright Apple Bloom.” As he caressed the photo, he began to tear up as he let out a defeated, “Ah love you.”

Author's Note:

Next Time; Apple Bloom meets a new, furry, and little friend.

Author's note; I promise I won't wait as long for Rattrap to return again.

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