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Picking up the Pieces

As the Apple Blooms

Part 83; Picking up the pieces

Canterlot City General Hospital, One Hour Later…

Pacing up and down the waiting room, Ironhide found himself overcome with a barely contained combination of concern and fury. It had been one hour (give or take twenty minutes) since he, Chromia, Ratchet, and Sideswipe delivered Apple Bloom to the hospital. Thankfully for everyone, it had been a particularly slow night, so the former farm girl was readily taken to the operating room to have the remains of her broken tooth removed.

Of course, that little bit of luck was the only good thing that had happened that night. As his mind went over the events of the past few hours, Ironhide angrily muttered to himself, “Let’s see, Applejack somehow sneaks past us, isolates Apple Bloom, blows up at her, punches her in the damn face, knocks out a tooth….”

Ironhide was taken out of his frustration induced rant when Chromia called out, “I know that tone in your voice Ironhide.” Turning to face his wife, the former sergeant found her sitting in one of the many chairs as she continued, “Just calm down.”

“Calm down?” Ironhide impulsively answered. “Apple Bloom, our daughter, was punched in her face by her sister and is currently in surgery, not to mention the fact that there’s a good chance she’ll likely be terrified of Applejack and we’ll need to go through Primus knows how much paperwork and probably talk with the police and….” Realizing he was starting to lose his temper at his wife, the former sergeant took a moment to collect himself as he apologized, “I’m sorry. There’s a lot going on and it’s overwhelming me.”

Thankfully, Chromia pulled her husband into a gentle hug as she reassured him, “You’re not the only one. I swear if I get my hands on Applejack I’ll…. I’ll…” As she struggled to find the right word, Ironhide playfully replied, “Wheeljack’s not here, so I think you can speak freely without him throwing a hissy fit.”

Nodding, Chromia bluntly finished, “I’ll kick her up her ass.”

As the husband and wife let out a gentle chuckle at Chromia’s rare instance of vulgarity, the family matriarch added, “And besides, they’re just removing a tooth. Remember when Torque had her wisdom teeth taken out?” Smiling, Ironhide replied, “Yeah. I remember. That says nothing of the time Wheeljack gave himself that gash across his leg.”

The married couple was interrupted by Ratchet walking up to them as he asked, “Everything alright over here?” Ironhide nodded as he reassured his friend, “I’m fine, given the circumstances. Guess I just needed a moment to vent a bit.” The old medic nodded as he replied, “That’s a relief sir. Last thing we need is you zoning out like back in the day.”

Ironhide let out a defeated sigh as he gently warned, “Don’t tempt me Ratchet.” Pausing for a moment, the former sergeant added, “My level of sympathy for Applejack is currently…. Nonexistent.” Ratchet then asked, “So, speaking of Applejack, what are we gonna do about her?”

After a few moments, Ironhide bluntly answered, “For starters, a restraining order.” As the others nodded, the former sergeant continued, “And given everything else, I’ll be talking with Granny Smith about the legal mumbo jumbo regarding Apple Bloom’s status with us.” Chromia then added, “It’ll be a first for all of us. We’ve never done this sort of thing across state lines before since Torque Wrench and Sideswipe were both local.”

Ironhide’s eyes lit up as he asked, “Speaking of Sideswipe, where is she?” Indeed, as he inspected the waiting room, the former sergeant couldn’t find his third daughter anywhere. Thankfully for Ironhide, Chromia spoke up, “Oh, while you were fretting, she went to the cafeteria. She said she was getting kinda hungry.” Nodding, Ironhide said, “I’m gonna go check up on her. I want to make sure she’s holding up alright.”

Chromia then added, “I’m coming to. I want to make sure she’s calmed down after her outburst at Applejack.” Even Ratchet chimed in with, “Same here.” Smiling, Ironhide gently ordered, “Alright everyone. Let’s move out.”

Canterlot City Hospital Cafeteria…

Just like every other hospital cafeteria Ironhide had seen (which mostly consisted of military hospitals), the cafeteria consisted mostly of a large atrium filled with tables and booths for stable patients and families to relax in and enjoy something to eat. At one end of the room was an enclave that featured several stations that offered a surprisingly diverse variety of dishes as well as convenient accessories such as bags of potato chips and bottles of soft drinks. And across of the atrium at the opposite end, a large, curved window let in natural light, or at least as much natural light as the setting sun could.

Of course, Ironhide wasn’t focusing on any of these details. Instead, his eyes drifted to an unassuming table near the window. There, curled up in the chair sobbing to herself, was a despondent Sideswipe. The pale biker was clearly trying to draw as little attention to herself as possible. Needless to say, Ironhide and the others were able to find her almost immediately.

Walking up to his daughter, Ironhide sat down next to her as he tried to playfully quip, “Looks like someone wasn’t that hungry after all.” Sideswipe didn’t respond, instead continuing to cry into her knees. For several moments, neither father nor daughter said anything, only sitting in the awkward silence of sorrow.

After a few moments, Sideswipe peeked her head up and, turning to face her adoptive father, dejectedly asked, “How long?” Confused, Ironhide replied, “Uh, you referring to how long Apple Bloom’s been in surgery?” The pale biker shook her head as she quietly explained, “No. I’m grounded, aren’t I? So just tell me for how long I’m grounded for, and we can just get it over with.”

As Ironhide took this in, Chromia and Ratchet joined them as the family matriarch worriedly asked, “What makes you think we’re gonna punish you?” Feeling her eyes water up, Sideswipe tearfully explained, “Because of what I said to Applejack and her grandmother! When I saw you guys carrying Apple Bloom and you said she was hurt I just….” Struggling to keep herself from devolving into a sobbing mess, the pale biker finished, “She hurt Apple Bloom and I lost control.”

Ironhide immediately pulled Sideswipe into a tight hug as he reassured her, “It’s alright kid. You’re not in trouble for anything you said tonight.” As Sideswipe lifted her head to look her guardian in the eyes, the former sergeant continued, “I’ll be honest, when I found out what Applejack did, I almost wringed her throat."

Caught off guard, Sideswipe asked, "What? Were you really gonna do it?” Hesitating for a moment, Ironhide took a deep breath as he replied, “Probably not, but I wanted to. I know she’s only a bit older than you, but no one, and no one, hurts my family.” Overcome with joy, Sideswipe wrapped her arms around her adoptive father in a tight hug, an action that the older man was more than willing to return.

As the father and daughter released each other, Chromia sat down on the other side of Sideswipe as she gently inquired, “Anything else you want to talk about?” The pale biker sniffled as she answered, “I just… You guys mind if I rant for a bit?” The family matriarch playfully quipped, “Ironhide was ranting to himself for almost twenty minutes, so I think it should be alright.”

Wiping the tears from her face, Sideswipe explained, “Well, ever since I met Apple Bloom, she kinda became something like a little sister. And, well, I’ve never had a sister before, but I know that older siblings are supposed to look after their younger siblings, and I….” Giving into her sorrow, the pale biker tearfully confessed, “I feel like I let Apple Bloom down and that it’s all my fault!”

Both Ironhide and Chromia immediately spoke up with a blunt yet concerned, “No!” As Sideswipe impulsively backed away, the former sergeant gently reassured her, “Look, right now, we’re all struggling with figuring out who’s at fault.” Before he could continue, Ratchet immediately interrupted with a blunt, “Save for Applejack of course.” Nodding, Ironhide continued, “Yes, except for Applejack, we’re all still figuring out who’s to blame.”

Setting his hand on Sideswipe’s shoulder, Ironhide reassured his daughter, “But I do know that nothing that happened tonight is your fault.” The pale biker hesitated for a moment as she tried to blame herself again, the former sergeant reiterated, “I mean it. None of this is your fault.” Sniffling, Sideswipe gave a simple, “Thanks.”

The tender moment was interrupted when Sideswipe’s stomach began to rumble, leading the pale biker to remark, “Ok, now I really am hungry.” Ratchet then added, “I think we all could use something to eat. No use fretting on an empty stomach.” Nodding, Ironhide began, “Alright then. Looks like it’s dinner time.”

Before anyone could say anything else, one of the hospital orderlies ran up to the family as he asked, “Excuse me, you wouldn’t happen to be Apple Bloom’s parents, would you?” Ironhide immediately answered, “Not exactly, but we’re her current guardians.” Letting out a sigh of relief, the orderly explained, “Well, Apple Bloom has come out of surgery. Now normally, after a procedure like this we’d send you guys home immediately but given the fact that she appears to have signs of having had a concussion and the doctor said she was in shock when you brought her in….”

Taking a deep breath, the orderly finished, “Given her status as a minor, the doctors are curious as to what happened with her.”

Nodding, Ironhide answered, “Very well. Is there somewhere we can all talk in private?” The orderly motioned to the door as he replied, “Just follow me sir.” The family patriarch then added, “My friend Ratchet and I can fill everything in. Sideswipe and Chromia here weren’t primary witnesses to everything, and on top of that, it’s late and my daughter is rather hungry.” Thankfully, the orderly reassured him, “I understand sir. Hopefully you two will be able to fill us all in.”

With everything squared away, Ironhide turned to his wife and said, “We’re gonna go fill them in, and then we’ll be right back, ok?” Nodding, Chromia gave her husband a kiss as she reassured him, “We’ll be right here. Or with Apple Bloom in the event we find out which room she’s in.” Smiling, the former sergeant replied, “Sounds like a plan.”

And so Ironhide and Ratchet departed with the orderly, leaving Sideswipe and Chromia with little else to do but get something to eat.

Sweet Apple Acres, Concurrently….

Never in his entire life did Wheeljack ever consider the possibility of despising a child. Though the maverick mechanic never really entertained the thought of starting a family (primarily due to the fact that he just didn’t “like people” in that sort of way), he’d always had a soft spot for children. If anything, he liked to think that Torque Wrench, Apple Bloom, and Sideswipe thought of him as the “cool uncle,” which made the former soldier feel like he was truly part of a family and not someone living on his boss and friend’s land. However, Wheeljack wasn’t feeling like a cool uncle right now.

Right now, the former soldier seated across the dining room table from a sorrowful and ashamed Applejack.

Glaring at the middle Apple sibling, Wheeljack thought to himself, ‘I can’t believe she’d actually stoop this low.’ After all, it was one thing to be angry at her sister or to exclaim hatred in a heat of the moment outburst, the very fact that Applejack was willing to physically strike her sister made him sick to his stomach. Heck, he was so angry at her that he couldn’t think of a funny joke or smart-ass quip to even try to lighten the mood with.

The maverick mechanic was interrupted from his brooding when Wreck-Gar entered from the kitchen carrying a tray with a mug of coffee and several crackers with cheese on them. Setting the tray down in front of his creator, the promethean reported, “I thought you might appreciate some caffeine and something to munch on sir.” Letting out an exhausted sigh, Wheeljack replied, “Thanks Wreck-Gar.”

Taking one of the cups of coffee, Wheeljack turned to Applejack and asked, "Want some coffee?" Though she hesitated for a moment, the middle Apple sibling meekly answered, "Ah’d appreciate somethin’ to drink.” Of course, the maverick mechanic was in no mood to show her any sort of compassion, and thus bluntly replied, “Too bad I’m not exactly in a sharing mood.”

To the former soldier’s surprise, Wreck-Gar spoke up with a surprisingly polite, “I might be able to get you something to drink young lady.” For a moment, Applejack lit up just a little bit at the idea of the metal man offering her some compassion.

Instead, Wreck-Gar quipped, “Sadly, it will take me a while to collect enough bovine urine.”

Wheeljack felt his stomach begin to cramp up as he began to laugh harder than he ever had in his life (or at least in the past few years) as he remarked, “Oh boy. I gotta tell the others about that one Wreck-Gar.” As Applejack rolled her eyes, the promethean cyclops smiled (or at least tried to without a mouth) as he replied, “Thank you sir. I’ve been trying to find ways to express my discontent with Applejack here.” Turning back to face the blonde farm girl, he continued, “I mean, after what you’ve done, I can’t help but say that you’re the spitting image of a @$#@!”

Both Wheeljack and Applejack felt their eyes widen and their jaws drop at the metal man’s extreme vulgarity. For several moments, the maverick mechanic found himself silently thankful that no one else, especially Chromia, were around to hear what Wreck-Gar had just said. And while it was at least a small relief that he’d said it to the one person who fit the word’s definition, he was nonetheless very unhappy that his creation had a vocabulary that could make a sailor uncomfortable.

Rising up from his seat, Wheeljack sternly scolded, “While I appreciate the sentiment behind your statement, I CANNOT condoned that kind of vocabulary!” Crossing his arms, the maverick mechanic informed his creation, “The first chance we get, I will be cleaning your voice box and your “mouth” out.”

Wreck-Gar “gulped” as he complained, “But sir, you know water makes me feel funny.” Shaking his head, the maverick mechanic stated, “But nothing. Now you go to your…. To Apple Bloom’s room and you think long and hard about what you just said.” The metal promethean accepted that he was going to be punished as he defeatedly trudged out of the dining room, all while Wheeljack refocused his attention to Applejack.

Taking a deep breath, the maverick mechanic warned, “As much as I’m disappointed in Wreck-Gar for his filthy mouth, I will have you know I am absolutely infuriated with you." As Applejack held her head in shame, Wheeljack asked, "As long as we're here, would you mind answering a question I have?” The middle Apple sibling nodded as she replied, “Ask away.”

“What the hell were you thinking?”

As Applejack found herself speechless, Wheeljack elaborated, “I get it, you’re angry at Apple Bloom for her stupid little stunt, and if I were in your shoes when it happened, I’d be very pissed. But it’s been like what, seven months? It’s been over half a year, and you were willing to punch her over a stupid little nickname!”

Struggling to find quite the right words to defend herself against Wheeljack’s accusation, Applejack took a deep breath as she explained, “Well, it’s just that….” Feeling a tear sneak its way out of her right eye, she elaborated, “When everythin’ started, Ah didn’t know who was postin’ all those secrets online. It wasn’t just mah secrets, but Rarity’s, Rainbow Dash’s, all mah friends.”

As Wheeljack took this in, Applejack continued, “After a while, all the evidence pointed to Sunset Shimmer. We all cornered her and called her out for what she did, but eventually, Ah found out that she was innocent, and that Apple Bloom was the one responsible!” Feeling her anger overtake her, she demanded, “Ah just…. Why did she have to go behind my back?!”

Taking a moment to process everything he’d just heard, Wheeljack began, “Well, I have to admit, I’m no psychiatrist, or psychologist, or even a guy with knowledge of medicine other than the fact that blood is supposed to stay inside you.” Rising up from his chair, the maverick mechanic continued, “But for primus’s sake, after hearing this story from you and Ironhide and everyone else, I can’t help but feel that this isn’t as much of an Apple Bloom problem as it is a you problem.”

Feeling her anger bubble over into a rage filled fury, Applejack demanded, “What are you sayin’? That this whole thing is somehow mah fault?!” Shaking his head, Wheeljack elaborated, “Not quite. What I have been noticing is that, well, you’ve been blaming your sister for everything, even for things that she couldn’t have directly influenced. Like, she wasn’t there when you and your buddies confronted Sunset, right?”

Glaring at the older man, Applejack angrily replied, “Yeah, well… none of this would’ve happened if she didn’t go behind mah back in the first place!” Sighing to himself, Wheeljack defeatedly remarked, “Just like you said to her grandmother.” Sitting back down, the maverick mechanic whispered to himself, “Suppose there’s not much to do now other than keep an eye on her.”

With that, Wheeljack and Applejack found themselves sitting across from each other in silence, waiting for Ironhide to return from the hospital.

Canterlot City Hospital….

Walking down one of the hospital’s many hallways, Ironhide, Chromia, Ratchet, and Sideswipe followed an older doctor as he explained, “Now, the good news is that we were able to remove her tooth without any difficulties.” The family matriarch let out a sigh of relief as she remarked, “Thank goodness.” Sideswipe then asked, “So what’s the bad news?”

As group approached a room numbered 184, the doctor revealed, “It’s not quite bad news, but she fell asleep after the anesthetic wore off.” Sighing to himself, Ratchet remarked, “Not too surprising. I’m betting she was running on adrenaline when her sister… did it.”

Opening the door to the room, the doctor whispered, “Please try to keep your voices down. She may have this room to herself, but she does have neighbors who need their rest.” Ironhide and Chromia respectfully nodded as they entered the room, followed by Sideswipe and Ratchet.”

Sure enough, just as the doctor had said, the quartet found Apple Bloom lying on a hospital bed, snuggled under the sheets in a deep sleep. Were it not for the large swab of cloth sticking out of where one of her upper teeth used to be, one could almost forget what she’d been through. Sideswipe was the first to tiptoe up to her sister, her overwhelming concern partially fizzling away at the sight of the former farm girl sleeping soundly.

Turning to face her guardians, Sideswipe began to feel her eyes start to water up again as she asked, “Will she be alright?” Ironhide reassured his daughter, “She’ll be fine. Just like the doctor said, she’ll be out tomorrow.” He then quietly walked up to Apple Bloom as he continued, “Still, I just… I don’t feel comfortable leaving her alone.”

From behind him, Ironhide heard someone call out, “Excuse me Mr. Ironhide?” Turning to see who it was, the former sergeant found a pale white man with blue hair dressed in a police officer’s uniform. Straightening his tie, the young officer explained, “I was called when the surgeons suggested that this here might have been an instance of domestic abuse.” Sighing to himself, Ironhide admitted, “Unfortunately, it is.”

Walking up to the now resting Apple Bloom, the police officer solemnly apologized, “I’m terribly sorry her sister did this.” Turning to face Ironhide, he asked, “Do you feel comfortable talking here, or would you prefer somewhere else more private?”

Ironhide immediately answered, “I’d prefer somewhere a bit more private. I don’t trust myself to stay calm.” Nodding, the young police officer replied, “Very well. If you’ll follow me.” The family patriarch began to follow him, only to stop and request, “One moment please.”

Turning around and returning to Sideswipe, Ironhide “ordered,” “Alright young lady. Right now, you’re on guard duty. Unless the staff request it, I’d appreciate it if you looked over Apple Bloom. Think you can do that?”

Smiling, Sideswipe shot her guardian a salute as she happily replied, “Sir, yes sir.” She then wrapped Ironhide in a tight hug, one which the family patriarch enthusiastically reciprocated. Once their embrace was finished, the family patriarch asked, “What about my wife and friend here?”

The police officer glanced at the other two adults as he replied, “I’ll interview them once you and I have finished.” Nodding, Ironhide remarked, “Very well. Lead the way officer.” Extending his hand, the young policeman finally introduced himself.

“Where are my manners? Sergeant Shining Armor at your service.”

Sweet Apple Acres…

Sipping the last mug of coffee, Wheeljack glared at Applejack, who continued to sit in silence across the table from him. Both farm girl and old soldier had sat in contemptuous silence for what had seemed like an eternity (but was in fact closer to two hours), and in all that time, neither one said anything more than cough or otherwise clearing their throat.

Finally deciding to try and clear up the deafening silence, Wheeljack began, “You do know that Ironhide will chew your ass out, right?” Sighing to herself, Applejack answered, “Ah know. Ah’m ready, or at least as ready as Ah can be.” This answer was met with the maverick mechanic letting out a sly giggle. Curious, Applejack demanded, “What’s so funny?”

Managing to calm himself down (or at least as much as he could), Wheeljack answered, “Because right now Ironhide is a walking powder keg. What you did tonight has awakened a sleeping giant, a giant who has slain monsters.” As Applejack gulped in fear, the former soldier continued, “And trust me, if it weren’t for the fact that you were angry and stupid enough to punch your sister, I’d almost feel sorry for you.”

Wheeljack’s mocking scolding was interrupted when an exhausted Big Macintosh and a glum Sparkplug entered the dining room. Walking up to the maverick mechanic, the eldest Apple sibling asked, “You need me to take over for a bit?” Wheeljack rose up to his feet as he answered, “I’d appreciate that very much. Besides, I need to wash Wreck-Gar’s mouth out.” He then leaned into Big Mac’s ear as he whispered, “He called your sister a…”

Big Macintosh immediately grew red in embarrassment as he replied, “Oh my. That is quite the naughty word.” As he nodded, Wheeljack added, “And trust me, I didn’t teach him that word.” Letting out a small giggle, the eldest Apple sibling remarked, “Ah believe you. Ah know aunt Chromia said you were a potty mouth, but Ah doubt you’d be willin’ to use that word.”

As both men chuckled, Wheeljack stretched his back as he said, “Still, I’ve got a robot to scold. Be back in a bit.” Big Macintosh nodded before turning his attention to his disgraced sister.

Once Wheeljack ascended the stairwell, the maverick mechanic paused for a moment as he darted his eyes the hallway, making sure he was alone. Confident he was on his isolated, he pulled out his cell phone as he whispered to himself, “No turning back now.”

Indeed, as he dialed a specific number into the device, Wheeljack remembered the last time he blabbered information to people. ‘Last time this happened, I’d had one too many…. Or rather five two many bottles of beer in a bar. This time, I know what I’m doing.’ He thought to himself. Once he’d finished dialing the number, the maverick mechanic pushed his glasses up to his face and brought the phone to his ear.

On the other end, he heard a confused Soft Shoe ask, “Hello. Who is this?” With a final deep breath, Wheeljack greeted, “Hi. I’m Wheeljack. I’m a friend of Apple Bloom’s, specifically a friend of her uncle’s.” The dance shoe cobbler let out a stumped, “Uh…. Ok. Is there a reason you’re calling me right now?” Sighing to himself, the maverick mechanic asked, “Are Tender Taps and Double Shuffle home?” This question led Soft Shoe to ask, “Yeah? What’s going on?”

Steeling himself as he stepped his foot across the Rubicon, Wheeljack bluntly replied, “Its Apple Bloom. Something has happened….”

Author's Note:

Next Time: Apple Bloom recieves a "little visit" as Applejack gets the one thing she's needed for so long: a bloody wake up call.

Author's note: This chapter contains a WW2 reference as well as an old brony reference. See if you can find them.
Also, if you know what word Wreck-Gar used, don't say it here (I might have a blue tongue, but even I have standards).

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