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As the Apple Blooms

Part 32; Sparkplug

To someone like Apple Bloom, hard work under the sun was nothing new. After all, one didn’t live on a farm without pulling one’s own weight. Luckily for her, this upbringing left her with a strong advantage with something just as demanding like, say, carrying heavy pieces of scrap metal under a blazing sun. “Phew.” The former farm girl said to herself as she wiped the sweat off her brow. “In a place like this, who needs weight liftin’?”

It had been a few days since Rattrap’s stay at their home, and things had returned to normal, or at least as normal as they could be. Taking a moment to rest against a rusty old truck, Apple Bloom suddenly realized something.

“It’s almost been three months.” She whispered to herself. Indeed, she had been in Allspark Wells for a week short of three months. A whole quarter of a year away from everything and everyone she’d ever known. Three months without her friends, without Big Mac, without Granny Smith, and without Applejack.

And yet, Apple Bloom found that, deep down in her heart, she didn’t really mind. Sure, she missed everyone dearly, but the more she thought about everything, she realized things were, for lack of a better term, better. She had better friends (including Tender Taps), she found that she’d actually managed to avoid getting into trouble, and Ironhide had provided a sense of warmth and belonging that she’d never known before, and now she felt it, never wanted it to end.

Apple Bloom was so lost in thought that she didn’t notice Ratchet calling her name until he walked right up to her and asked, “Apple Bloom! You alright?”

Shaking off the last internal shreds of her daydream, Apple Bloom answered, “Ah’m fine. Just thinkin’ about somethin’.” Letting out a sigh of relief, Ratchet replied, “That’s good. Ironhide wants you to know its lunch time.”

Letting out a sigh of relief, Apple Bloom quipped, “Finally. Ah’m so hungry Ah could eat a horse.” The moment she said this, she began to internally chastise herself, reminded of what Applejack told her about Twilight’s home dimension.

Luckily, Ratchet didn’t seem to notice, and he simply continued, “Very funny. Now then, you better get started, I think we’re a little behind schedule today, so Ironhide wants us to pick up the pace afterwards.” Apple Bloom nodded and departed, hoping she remembered where she set her lunchbox.

A Few Minutes Later…

Sitting down on an old couch in the scrap yard (which she had been told was used primarily by Ratchet), Apple Bloom opened up her lunchbox and pulled out a juicy, crimson apple. Taking a bite of the red fruit, the former farm girl felt a small tinge of homesickness engulf her. Holding the apple in her hand, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but quip, “Not quite as good as the ones on the farm.” After all, there were no apples quite like the ones grown on Sweet Apple Acres.

Still, that didn’t mean that this particular apple wasn’t delicious, and right now Apple Bloom was too hungry to care. Taking another bite, she wiped her mouth as she enjoyed the crunchy, juicy taste.

Setting her apple back in her lunchbox, Apple Bloom reached for her sandwich and pulled it out of the plastic bag. As she brought it to her mouth, however, she was distracted by the sound of clanging metal.

Concerned, the red haired girl called out, “Uh, hello?” When no one responded, she set her sandwich back in her lunch box and stood up. Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom once again asked, “Anybody there?” Once again there was no response.

‘Must be Wheeljack messin’ with me again.’ Apple Bloom thought to herself. Shaking her head as she let out a small chuckle, she turned around to make her way back to her lunchbox, intent on finishing her lunch break. Instead, she found something both surprising yet irritating.

There, standing over her lunchbox and with her sandwich in its mouth, was a small dog. The little canine was covered in relatively long black fur, making it hard to tell just how thick or thin its limbs were. As far as she knew, it was just a little ball of fluff with pointy ears and big eyes.

And it had her lunch.

“Hey, spit that out!” Apple Bloom called out to the small dog. Upon hearing her, the little canine bolted off of the old couch and darted off into the rusted jungle of scrap, teenage girl swiftly in tow.

As she pursued the dog, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but admire both its speed and agility. ‘You’d think this guy knows his way around the place.’ She thought to herself. Then again, considering Rattrap and the adults, the former farm girl found she knew quite the handful of people who knew their way around the junkyard better than her.

After a few minutes of pursuit, the little black dog burrowed right through a hole in a sheet of steel. Realizing she wouldn’t be able to move it, and knowing she had lost sight of the small canine, Apple Bloom sighed as she slammed her fist into the steel and exclaimed, “Damn it!” All she could do now was hope nothing else had gotten into her lunch.

Later that Day…

As Apple Bloom continued to help move heavy pieces of scrap metal, she heard the sound of her uncle ask, “How’s everything going on this end Apple Bloom?”

“Not too bad.” Apple Bloom replied. “Though….” She began as she set the chunk of metal she was carrying down. “Uh, can Ah ask you a question Uncle Ironhide?” Nodding, Ironhide answered, “I’m all ears kid.”

Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom asked, “Do any stray dogs live on the property?” Confused, Ironhide answered, “I don’t think so. There’s no food in the scrap yard, and with the sharp edges all over the place I’d say stray dogs would choose somewhere else to stay.” He then asked, “Why’d you ask? You think there’s a boogeyman in there?”

Shaking her head, Apple Bloom answered, “If by a boogeyman, you mean a small black dog, then yes.” Intrigued, Ironhide continued, “Really? I might need to take a look for this “boogey dog.”

The two were then greeted by the sound of Ratchet asking, “What’s going on over here?” Turning to face his friend, Ironhide replied, “Apple Bloom says there may be a stray on the property.”

At that moment, something caught Ratchet’s eyes and he asked, “By stray, you mean a black highland terrier with big eyes?” Apple Bloom’s own eyes widened as she answered, “Yeah, exactly! You know about him?”

Ratchet didn’t answer verbally, instead pointing to something behind Apple Bloom. Turning around, she was greeted by the same dog from earlier, simply sitting on the ground. Surprised, the former farm girl called out, “That’s him! At least Ah think it’s a him.” Ironhide simply shook his head as he quipped, “Well I’ll be.”

Apple Bloom slowly began to tiptoe to the little dog, the canine simply continued to sit on the ground, observing the three humans. As she closed the distance, Ironhide warned, “Careful kid. I don’t want you getting bit.” Ratchet then added, “And I don’t want to have to administer a rabies shot.”

“Ah’ll be fine.” Apple Bloom called back. “Besides, it doesn’t seem too aggressive.” Finally making it up to the terrier, she extended her hand to it, only to be met with a surprising turn of events.

The small terrier began to lick her hand, a clear sign of affection. Letting out a giggle, Apple Bloom sat down on the ground, only to be greeted with the dog leaping into her lap and begin to try and lick her face. Laughing as the dog’s tongue tickled her face, the former farm girl begged, “Hey, stop that little fella!”

Ironhide and Ratchet made their way up to Apple Bloom and the little terrier as the latter remarked, “Little fella looks kinda cute.” The former farm girl then added, “Yeah. And Ah saw this little fella runnin’ through the nooks and crannies out here.” She then turned to the dog and, in a cute voice, asked, “Haven’t you? Haven’t you?”

Letting out a gentle chuckle, Ironhide said, “Ok, I get it, the dog is cute. Now come on Apple Bloom, get up.” As she rose back to her feet, the red haired girl asked, “So, what are we gonna do about this little guy?” The older men then focused their attention to the terrier, which was now seated and, as their eyes made contact, tilted its head. Sighing, Ironhide answered, “Guess I’ll call animal control. Hopefully they can do something with this him or her.”

At that moment, a dumb thought began to race through Apple Bloom’s mind. It was a long shot, but knowing what happens to dogs caught by the dogcatcher, she said something that, deep down, she knew was a long shot.

“Ah don’t know. Maybe we could take him in?” She asked, trying hard not to start employing the puppy dog eyes or quivering lips. Indeed, just as she expected, Ironhide shook his head and answered, “Sorry kid, but we’re all a bit too busy to just take in a dog, especially so suddenly. Besides….” He then shot her a slightly mischievous look as he continued, “I have been pretty lenient with you, all things considered.”

Sighing in resignation, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah understand.” She then turned to the terrier and said, “Sorry little guy, guess you’ll just have to wait for someone to come and get you.”

The instant she finished speaking, the terrier darted off back into the scrap yard. Barely able to take in what she’d just seen, Apple Bloom called out, “Wait, come back here!” She then began to run after it, much to the adult’s amusement.

A few minutes later, Apple Bloom returned, empty handed and dejected. Ironhide then asked, “I take it our guest escaped?” The former farm girl nodded and replied, “Yeah. He disappeared under and old truck. Ah think he’s been here for a good while.”

Ironhide then made his way up to his niece and, resting a hand on her shoulder, replied, “Don’t worry about it. Heck, now that he knows that we know, he’s probably scampered off for good.”

Sighing, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah just hope he doesn’t get himself hurt.” Ironhide smiled as he reassured her, “He won’t. Now come on, let’s get ready for dinner tonight.”

Two Days Later…

Once again, Apple Bloom found herself working in the scrap yard, this time scavenging anything useful from the many vehicles that lined the property. Walking past a few rusty cars and with clip board in hand as well as a yellow helmet with a light firmly placed on her head and work gloves on her hand, she took a deep breath as she asked herself, “Alright, what’s the next item on the list?”

Consulting with the list on her clipboard, she found that the next item she needed were a pair of sparkplugs. “Sparkplugs? Those should be easy enough.” The former farm girl reassured herself. Straightening her helmet, she approached the first car, hoping the rusty hunk of metal had what she needed.

Two Hours Later…

“Ugh!” Apple Bloom groaned to herself as she pulled her head out from under the beige truck’s hood. Struggling to contain her growing frustration, she couldn’t help but angrily ask out loud, “Is it too much to ask for two damn sparkplugs?” Indeed, she’d spent the last two hours going through almost every vehicle in the scrap yard, two hundred cars, seventy five other trucks, a few motorcycles, and even the old helicopter, much to Wheeljack’s annoyance.

Finally, Apple Bloom found something promising; the husk of an old military truck. It was laying on the ground, having long since lost its six wheels, and just like almost every vehicle on the premises, was covered in a layer of rust. Shrugging, the former farm girl said to herself, “Well, hundredth time’s the charm.”

Walking up to the old truck, she popped the hood and began to scour through the engine, hoping she could find the sparkplugs. Indeed, buried in the engine were a set of sparkplugs, just waiting to be taken. Smiling, Apple Bloom exclaimed, “Finally. Took long enough.” She then reached into the engines, hoping to finally pluck the sparkplugs out.

However, the moment her gloved fingertips made contact, the truck began to rumble and shake, culminating in the engine collapsing straight down, seemingly right through the ground. “What in tarnation?” Apple Bloom exclaimed as she practically jumped back, bumping her head on the truck’s hood. Thankful that she was wearing a helmet, the former farm girl sighed as she said to herself, “Ok, guess Ah’ll have to get closer.”

Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom stuck her head back under the truck’s hood, this time leaning in even deeper as she tried to reach the sparkplugs. After a few moments, she was finally able to grasp them. Sighing in relief, she congratulated herself, “Gotcha.”

Then, she lost her balance and, unable to react, fell right through the small opening. All Apple Bloom could do was scream as she plunged past the truck’s hatch and into the ground. Luckily, she stopped right before her head made contact with the now broken engine.

Taking a moment to catch her breath, Apple Bloom, now almost entirely upside down, quipped, “That was more fun than Ah ever wanna have again.” She then began to try and push herself back up, only to realize that she was stuck.

Starting to panic, Apple Bloom tried to reassure herself, “Ok, no need to panic. You’re just stuck upside down in a truck’s engine. Ah think.” However, the more she tried to free herself, the more and more obvious it was that she was stuck. “Well, shit.” She grumbled, thankful that Ironhide or Chromia weren’t there.

‘Wait a minute!’ She thought to herself. ‘Did anyone actually hear that?’ As she struggled to move, the red haired girl called out, “Hello? Anybody out there? Ah kinda need a little help.” She then tried to push against the dirty ground, only to find that her torso was stuck firmly in place.

“Anybody there?” Apple Bloom called out again. “Uncle Ironhide? Aunt Chromia? Mr. Ratchet? Wheeljack?” Once again, there was no response. Now starting to panic in earnest, she began to shout, “Someone there? Ah’m stuck!”

As she struggled in vain to get out, Apple Bloom was distracted by something she didn’t expect; the pitter patter of tiny feet. Turning her head to the direction of the sound, she found what seemed to be a small tunnel that was made when someone (most likely Ironhide) had made when scavenging for something.

There, entering the tunnel with a bone in its mouth, was the little black highland terrier. As the small dog approached, his eyes made contact with Apple Bloom’s. Trotting up to her, the little canine set its bone down and, to both her amusement and annoyance, began to lick her face.

“Ugh, stop that!” Apple Bloom groaned as she tried to push him away. However, as she managed to save her face from the bombardment of licks, an idea began to run through her mind. Sure, it was a long shot, but given her circumstances, Apple Bloom figured it was better than nothing.

“Hey little fella.” She began to speak to the little terrier. As the dog tilted it’s head in confusion, Apple Bloom realized it was listening to her. Thinking fast, she asked, “You understand me?” Though he didn’t give any immediate form of answer, the terrier continued to stare at her, making it clear that he did. Relieved, Apple Bloom ordered, “Ah need you to get Uncle Ironhide. Can you get mah uncle?”

The little terrier, much to her delight, gave a simple nod as he turned and dashed out of the small cavern. Now all Apple Bloom could do was hope that she wouldn’t be stuck for too much longer.


Ironhide, Ratchet, and Wheeljack sat around the porch as they cleaned their tools. Much like in any profession, one had to take great care of their equipment, and to the former soldiers, the task of cleaning their wrenches and hammers reminded them of the long hours cleaning their rifles bit by bit.

Wiping the sweat from his brow, Ironhide asked, “Either of you seen that dog?” As Ratchet shook his head, Wheeljack asked, “Why are you asking if I’ve seen a dog?”

Sighing, Ratchet turned to Wheeljack and answered, “Apple Bloom found a stray highland terrier on the property a few days ago. When Ironhide said something about calling the dogcatcher, it bolted off into the scrap yard. I haven’t seen hide nor hair since then.” Wheeljack then shook his head as he replied, “Well I haven’t seen anything.”

As Wheeljack set down his hammer, he turned around to pick up something neither of his co-workers expected; a bolt action rifle. Stunned, Ironhide angrily asked, “What the hell Wheeljack? I thought we were only cleaning our tools, not any weapons!” The subordinate mechanic raised his hands as he defensively replied, “Hey, don’t forget what Kup used to say. Take care of your weapons and they’ll….”

“….They’ll take care of you.” Ironhide and Ratchet interrupted in unison. The family patriarch then continued, “I know, but we’re not in the army anymore, and I just don’t want you getting yourself or someone else hurt.”

Wheeljack then pointed his rifle up to the air and pulled the bolt up and back, producing the familiar clicking sounds as the gun’s chamber opened. Giving a smug grin, he said, “See? It’s empty. I’m not stupid enough to do this with a loaded gun.”

Ratchet then allowed a cocky smirk to grow on his face as he quipped, “You mean you’re not stupid enough to do it again?” Wheeljack then groaned as he complained, “Come on! It was only one time and that was because Roadblock was being a prick!”

At that moment, all three men heard something interrupt their banter; the sound of a small dog barking. Confused, Ratchet turned to Ironhide and asked, “You hear that sir?” Nodding, the family patriarch answered, “Yeah. That sounds familiar.”

As the barking continued, Wheeljack stood up and asked, “You said that dog you saw was a black highland terrier? Had a few gray hairs around the muzzle?” Ironhide shook his head as he replied, “I never said anything about its muzzle.” As he stood up, he turned his focus to the source of the sound.

He wasn’t too surprised to see that there, standing on the dirt and barking, was the same little terrier from earlier. As it continued to bark, Ratchet rose up and leant into Ironhide’s ear as he whispered, “What do you think it’s doing?”

“I don’t know.” Ironhide answered. He then began to walk up to the dog, which turned around and ran towards the junkyard for a few seconds before stopping, turning back around, and resumed barking.

Leaning back to his friend, Ironhide asked, “Is it me, or does that dog want us to follow?” Ratchet shrugged as he replied, “We’ve seen weirder. Remember those cows in the rice fields?” Wheeljack then asked, “And shouldn’t Apple Bloom be back by now? I don’t exactly think getting sparkplugs should take this long.”

Realizing something was up, Ironhide took a deep breath as he ordered, “What are we standing around for? Follow that dog!” He then pointed to the dog and signaled for his comrades to follow him.

Though he did pause to turn to Wheeljack and order, “Leave the gun Wheeljack.”

The Scrap Yard…

Flailing her feet in the air, Apple Bloom found herself starting to get one of the worst headaches of her life. Groaning to herself, the young girl mused, “Ah always wondered why Applejack warned about bein’ upside down for so long.”

She’d long since given up on trying to free herself. Not only had she failed to escape her predicament, but she’d fallen deeper into the labyrinth. The worst part was she ended up scratching herself against the sharp side, and the stinging pain and dripping on her waist made it clear she’d scratched herself.

Luckily for Apple Bloom, the sound of a dog barking gave her a sense of rekindled hope. “Finally!” She exclaimed to herself. “Ah’m gettin’ tired of lookin at a dirt tunnel.”

From out of her sight, she heard Ironhide call out, “Apple Bloom! What the hell happened?” Kicking her legs to let him know she heard him, the former farm girl replied, “Ah got stuck tryin’ to get some sparkplugs! The engine fell to the ground and when Ah tried to reach in, Ah lost mah balance and fell in and can’t get out!”

Apple Bloom heard Ironhide sigh as he replied, “Ok, stay calm! I’m gonna get a closer look.” She then felt someone touch her leg as the rusty truck began to rumble and vibrate around her. After a few moments, she heard her uncle remark, “Ok, looks like she cut herself when she fell in. Ratchet, go get a first aid kit.”

Once the sound of footsteps faded, Ironhide asked, “You hit your head?” Apple Bloom shook her head (not that her uncle could see her do so) and replied, “Ah didn’t, though Ah have a bit of a headache.” She then heard Wheeljack’s voice remark, “She must have been like this for a while.”

Ironhide’s voice immediately snapped, “For Primus’s sake Wheeljack! Either help me or shut the fuck up!” As Apple Bloom gulped in fear, the family’s patriarch sighed and continued, “Sorry, but I’d really like to get my niece of this truck.”

After a few moments of awkward silence, Wheeljack asked, “What do you need me to do sir?” Ironhide replied, “Start dismantling everything along this side. I’ll get things on the side she cut herself on.”

As she felt the truck begin to shake from Ironhide and Wheeljack climb on top of it, she felt a sharp pain from her side, right where she cut herself. Hearing his niece wince in pain, the older man gently reassured her, “I know it hurts. Just hold on a little bit longer.”

Soon the sound of metal clinking and clanging rang through Apple Bloom’s ears, signaling that her uncle and his co-worker were dismantling the side of the wrecked truck’s hood around her. Feeling she couldn’t let them do all the work, she tried to push herself back out of the trunk, only to receive a stern warning from him. “Careful Apple Bloom. I don’t want you getting hurt.”

The former farm girl then heard the sound of footsteps approaching as Ratchet’s voice called out, “I got a first aid kit as well as some more tools.” Ironhide then replied, “Thanks Ratchet.”

After a few minutes, Apple Bloom felt the pressure around her waist give way, effectively freeing her. As she processed this revelation, Ironhide asked, “Apple Bloom, can you get out?” Now able to wiggle, the former farm girl answered, “Ah think Ah can.” She then began to push up against the ground.

To her amazement, she was able to move freely, and push herself out of the truck. As she felt the sunlight begin to sting her eyes, she felt Ironhide wrap her in a tight hug as he exclaimed, “Oh thank Primus you’re alright!” Apple Bloom managed to squeak out, “Ah’m fine Uncle Ironhide. It’s just a scratch.”

Ratchet then walked up to her as he pulled out a roll of gauze from the first aid kit and said, “We should probably get that scratch looked at.” As Apple Bloom blushed in embarrassment, Ironhide replied, “Let’s take a look at in inside.”

Apple Bloom’s Room…

As Apple Bloom refastened her overalls, Ratchet said, “Now, keep a close eye on the bandages, and make sure you don’t overexert yourself.” Playfully rolling her eyes, the former farm girl replied, “Ah won’t Ratchet.”

The door then opened, revealing Ironhide, Wheeljack and, much to her surprise, the little black terrier. Walking up to them, Apple Bloom said, “Thanks for gettin’ me out of that truck Uncle Ironhide.”

“Don’t mention it kid.” Ironhide replied. “Though I don’t think I’m the only one.” He then motioned to Wheeljack, who in turn motioned towards the little terrier, who was sitting and wagging his tail. Kneeling down to the little dog, Apple Bloom began to scratch him right behind his ears as she said, “Thanks little fella. Without you Ah’d have been stuck for a lot longer.”

Wheeljack then began to speak, saying, “I took a little look at our friend here, and apparently he may have been owned by someone at some point.” Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “What makes ya think that?” The older scrapper replied, “He acts too friendly to be feral, and he’s been….” He couldn’t will himself to continue and simply made a scissoring action with his index and middle finger.

Realizing what he was implying, Apple Bloom simply let out a surprised, “Oh.” Ironhide nodded as he continued, “With that in mind, I called the local pound, and….” He paused for a moment as his niece held her breath in suspense. Growing a mischievous smile, he continued with, “They say they haven’t had anyone come asking for a highland terrier.”

As Apple Bloom took in his last statement, Ironhide then said, “I know that I said I was being a little too lenient with you, but considering that he saved you, I think we can at least give this little guy here a trial run.”

Realizing what he was implying, Apple Bloom launched herself into her uncle and wrapped him in a massive hug as she squealed, “Thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU!” As he regained his balance and hugged her back, Ironhide proceeded to warn her, “Of course, this little guy here is a family pet, and I expect you will do your fair share to help take care of him.”

Releasing her uncle, Apple Bloom reassured him, “Don’t worry Uncle Ironhide. We had a dog back home named Winona, and Ah know everythin’ about takin’ care of a dog.” She then knelt back down to the little terrier who, to her surprise and delight, leapt up to her chest, forcing her onto her back as he began to affectionately lick her face.

Smiling at the sight of his niece and the little terrier, Ironhide said, “Now then, I’m gonna go get some dog food and bowls. I’d like you to give him a bath. He kinda stinks.”

Rising back to her feet with the little terrier in her arms, Apple Bloom smiled as she replied, “Can do sir.” Nodding, Ironhide turned and departed from his niece’s room with Ratchet in tow.

Once the other two adults were gone, Wheeljack asked, “So Apple Bloom, you got a name in mind for him?” Setting the dog down, the former farm girl pondered for a moment before she had the perfect idea. After all, what better name for a small junkyard dog than the small items she was looking for when he got her out of trouble?

“Sparkplug. His name is Sparkplug.”

Author's Note:

Next Time; Apple Bloom (and Sparkplug) help Marble Pie with advice she can't get anywhere else.

Behind the scenes; Sparkplug's species (Highland Terrier) is really a Scottish Terrier, but I try to be careful with using too many specific country/region names. Also, his name was inspired by the character of Sparkplug Witwicky.

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