• Published 29th Jul 2014
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Transformers: The Requiem - JDPrime22

Over a year later after the terrible aftermath of the Decepticon invasion, Princess Twilight discovers something deep within the Everfree Forest, something not of her world.

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Chapter 91-Era’s End

The Autobot starship barely escaped the Decepticon titan’s powerful jaws. With his thrusters damaged, Omega Supreme could not fly too much farther without his engines giving out, forcing him to fight in his wounded robot form.

The Autobot titan, reformed in his starship mode, hovered above the oceans that surrounded the landmass of Manehattan. Slowly, the ship began to make a 180 to face his foe. Trypticon screeched in protest, taking one giant step out of the harbor and into the ocean. Waves the size of small mountains spewed out from Trypticon’s towering limbs as he moved outwards into the ocean.

Omega Supreme eyed his opponent carefully, watching for any attempted projectiles that could be sent his way. To his surprise and wonder, Trypticon stopped right where the green statue stood protruding from the ocean’s currents, on a small island in Manehattan’s harbor.

Not a single move was made between the two titans. Omega Supreme, his engines bursting energy that kept him afloat, and Trypticon, the Decepticon beast with his massive tail swishing side to side, sending waves of great height onto the island to his right, did not attack each other. They remained motionless, the eyes of the beast staring into the light of the Autobot.

In the end, as it always has been, evil made the first strike.

Trypticon opened his jaws and released a purple beam of dark energy right for the starship. Omega Supreme had barely any time to dodge the beam, but with his damaged thrusters there wasn’t any way for the Autobot to evade in time. The beam hit Omega Supreme on his right thruster, sending his backside to flames.


Omega Supreme’s left thruster burned brighter than ever before. Trypticon slightly parted his jaws, his fingers flexing in and out. He waited for the Autobot to strike, to make his move against him. He didn’t have to wait long. With a suddenly unexpected burst of speed, the Autobot starship shot forward with missiles of all shapes and sizes joining him. The missiles hit first, creating powerful screeches in protest from the Decepticon.

Trypticon lifted up his claws to block the endless barrage of missiles hitting his chest and body. He screeched and slashed at the air, his vision barely making the image out passed the smoke and flame in front of him.

Just as expected…

The Autobot was still coming for him with the intent to ram him.

Trypticon waited, gritting his will to take the punishment of the rocket fire and wait until his foe was close enough. That time came soon, the Autobot’s red lights bursting through the smoke. He was met with a tail smacking him across his entire form.

The momentum, the raw power of the hit sent Omega Supreme and his burning shell into the Mare of Liberty, utterly demolishing the green statue and bringing the two down onto the island in a blaze of orange blossoms erupting from all sides. Omega Supreme crashed with fire overcoming his structure, his massive form finally resting on the island’s edge.

That left but one beast standing alone in Manehattan’s harbor, breathing heavily.

Breathing turned to growls. Growls changed to laughter. Laughter transformed into roars of victory. He held out his claws, his tail rising above the ocean’s surface as he screamed to the heavens, showing the gods of the universe his marvelous victory. Trypticon expected no less from himself, determined to end the might of the Autobot rebellion. Omega Supreme’s fall was just the beginning…

And Prime’s demise was its end.

Trypticon spun around to face the city once more. He witnessed a cluster of dark clouds forming around the center of Manehattan, purple lightning striking down in the streets. Trypticon screeched one final time, and he slowly began his approach back into his personal playground.


He could feel it melting…

The Dark Spark was melting inside of him.

Shockwave, still caught in an inescapable state of terror, clawed at his chest with his remaining stub for an arm. He looked down to witness the blade piercing the crystal in his chest beginning to melt from the Dark Spark’s uncontrollable intensity. Shockwave could imagine the look on Prime’s face right about that time the sword dissolved into purple ooze.

That ooze spilled onto the rubble surrounding Shockwave’s knees, catching sparks from the ticking time bomb within his chest, the weapon the Decepticon was desperately trying to remove from his self. He could not accomplish it.

Shockwave eyed the sparks surrounding his knees, the light in his chest growing brighter by the nano-second. Spinning around, the Decepticon’s eye flashed from red to purple in an instant, and the scientist’s recognizable voice returned, no longer influenced from the Dark Spark.

“You fool! You’ve killed us all!” he shouted with every bit of strength he had left.

It was the last thing Prime heard clearly before Shockwave’s chest exploded.

The result left powerful surges of dark magic to scourge the landscape that hadn’t been tarnished from the battle between the Autobot and the Decepticons. Twilight and her friends had all managed to get up from their defeat at the hands of the enhanced Decepticon. Shining Armor joined them alongside Spike. They all shielded their eyes, backing away several feet from the lightning striking the earth around them. It was only until the lightning stopped did they finally witness the end result of the Dark Spark’s eruption.

A purple dome of dark energy, swirling clouds of electricity the size of an adequate-sized house remained where both Optimus Prime and Shockwave stood. The ponies remained where they were, finding their position to be the exact spot to remain safe from the dome’s unstable excerpts of energy. Twilight brought her eyes down from the darkened lightning and onto the ground it stood on. Massive cracks began to fill the earth, purple light bursting through the openings.

Within the dome, within the dark clouds of death, Twilight heard a scream.

She didn’t waste another second flying straight into it, straight into the heart of chaos.

Ignoring the screams of protest from her friends and family, the Alicorn pushed herself through the dark electricity swirling around, threatening to push her and break skin. She wouldn’t allow it to. Twilight pushed on, using every last bit of rainbow magic she had remaining into creating her own magical dome.

With a yelp of pain, the Alicorn stepped into the area of least resistance against her. The lightning still tried to eat her away, clawing and banging against the rainbow dome she protected herself with. Twilight lifted up a hoof over her eyes, screaming Optimus’ name, waiting for an answer.

The answer came quickly. The darkness around her faded as she stepped forward, entering the area where Optimus and Shockwave remained. She almost couldn’t believe what she was witnessing.

Straight from Shockwave’s split chest, the Dark Spark’s wicked power surged right out of the Decepticon’s body, forming together and thus creating the swirling clouds of heaven’s might that surrounded all three of them. Twilight took another step forward, her eyes latched onto the Autobot leader beginning to fall to his knees as the dark clouds ate away at his armor. She screamed his name again, but for some reason she could not even hear it.

Shockwave didn’t hear it either. The earth tearing apart around him was far more powerful than the princess’ meager voice.

The Decepticon rose up. He spread his feet apart, finding leverage against the dome of spinning energy that tried to push him to the ground. He would not allow it, not this time, not ever again. Shockwave stood up straight, pointed his chest out, and fired every bit of the Dark Spark’s uncontained energy straight at the withering Prime.

Optimus showed no resistance and took the blast. The beam hit him in the chest, eliciting a powerful cry of pain from the Prime as he slowly fell to one knee. Twilight cried out, taking several more steps closer to them. With every inch she drew nearer, she could feel the Dark Spark’s energy pushing back, forcing her to stay away.

Twilight would have none of it and pushed on through gritted teeth and streaming sweat. She came close in-between the two Cybertronians, the Dark Spark’s purple beam directly in front of her still blasting into Prime’s chest, tearing him apart with every shred that was left of him. Twilight shifted her gaze from Optimus and onto Shockwave.

To her great surprise, the Decepticon was not beginning to falter. Even with the dark energy tearing apart what remained of his form, shreds of his armor flowing off to join the clouds of darkness behind him, the Decepticon still stood, his cracked eye completely focused on the last of the Primes.

In that cracked eye, Twilight saw something she thought she’d never be able to witness. Liquid Energon began to flow from the crack in Shockwave’s eye, making it appear as if he was crying.

I will save my home!” Shockwave screamed with pure, raw emotion.

Emotion…something Twilight never expected out of him.

The beam continued spewing from Shockwave’s chest, flowing right across Twilight’s head and decimating what remained of Prime. Twilight turned fully to face him, nearly losing her balance as the lightning still tried to push her away. She stamped her hoof into the cracking earth, creating her own indention with rainbow colors filling the cracks around her touch.

“Optimus!” she screamed once more.

The last of the Primes slowly lifted up his head. Twilight was met with the grotesque remains of what the Dark Spark’s power could really accomplish. Prime’s faceplate had nearly been torn to shreds, the rest of Optimus’ face sharing the same fate. The armor against Optimus’ body was breaking off with purple cracks appearing on his form, eating away at the very structure that kept Prime together. His eyes, however, were not broken, were not infected.

His blue eyes stared into her violet, refusing to break as the Dark Spark’s beam plowed into his spark.

Twilight felt a tear roll down her cheek seeing Optimus Prime in the state he was in. As time ticked away, he broke apart faster than she could hold his gaze. Twilight could not allow that, not this time, not ever. She stepped forward, her rainbow dome beginning to diminish as the Dark Spark’s strength ripped it away.

She looked up at him, her dome fizzling.

“Light the darkness, Optimus! I know you can do it!”

For some reason unknown, Optimus just continued to stare at her, his eyes slowly being consumed by the purple light. Twilight gritted her teeth, finally realizing that Prime simply had no control anymore. He was fading away, his strength as well, and there was no way he could pick himself up with Shockwave continually striking him down.

Twilight looked around her. The world was being torn apart, the Dark Spark’s meltdown no doubt being truly catastrophic. She looked at her own hooves, noticing her dome beginning to break apart, bits of dark energy seeping in. She looked at Optimus, seeing him fall to both knees with his hands spread out.

Out of an act of true sacrifice, Twilight released a painful scream, charging up her horn and firing every bit of her rainbow magic right at Prime’s chest.

Committing such an act cost Twilight her protective dome, allowing the Dark Spark’s energy to swarm the wounded Alicorn like buzzards and eat her alive. Princess Twilight screamed in agony, already feeling the dark magic piercing her skin and entering her blood stream. It was excruciating, the worst pain she had ever felt, and she was in the heart of it, taking it all for her friend’s life.

Optimus watched his friend’s sacrifice and the rainbow magic that came with it. The beam of light struck his chest, blocking out the dark energy soaring straight for him. In that short moment, Optimus felt as the magic coursed through his spark, filling it with amplified strength. Not so much, just enough to allow his chest to open.


His chest cavity began to shudder.

“…our darkest…”

The light within him filled the darkness.


The Matrix of Leadership fired its own beam of heavenly energy, striking against the Dark Spark with a powerful clash that sent the world on edge. Shockwave took a step back, watching as light and dark came together, fusing to create a mixture of unprecedented proportions. Purple lightning shot out in all directions. White mist filled the air, overcoming the dark lightning whenever it tried to escape.

Optimus Prime stood up. The cuts and cracks and tears on his body were slowly beginning to heal, his hard gaze landing on the Decepticon not so far away from him. He clenched his fists, sticking his chest out as the Matrix continued on, never halting and never giving up on him.

That is where the two were so different. The Dark Spark, unlike the Matrix, sought a host worthy enough to carry it and use it for the darkness of the universe. If the wielder was not worthy, the Dark Spark gave up on it. The Matrix…

Once it found whoever was worthy of wielding it…it stuck by their side until the end.

The stalemate between Optimus Prime and Shockwave, between the Matrix and the Dark Spark, slowly began to turn towards the advantage of light. Optimus took a step forward, his white beam following his footsteps and pushing the darkness back. Shockwave felt his feet dragging, the energy unleashed out of his chest slowly coming together.

He could do nothing more…

Optimus Prime closed in, his Matrix joining him, never giving up on him. The Dark Spark…

It gave up.

The beam was forced back into Shockwave’s split chest, causing an eruption that shook the planet and all its inhabitants. Shockwave roared in unimaginable pain, a type he had never felt in his entire life. He looked around, and with his cracked optic he witnessed the dark purple dome fall apart and dissipate into the afternoon sunlight. He brought his vision forward, staring straight into the light of the Matrix of Leadership.

The Dark Spark erupted within in.

Shockwave was sent flying to the gravel, his back ramming into the side of a pile of building debris. The crumpled heap of the fallen Decepticon leader laid motionless, his body sending sparks and purple liquid across the ground surrounding his remains. The darkness had completed faded away, leaving nothing but a small dust cloud directly ahead of him. Shockwave stared on, his breathing falling short and his optic flickering black.

Once the dust settled…they rose up.

Optimus Prime approached the fallen Decepticon with his sword by his side, with Twilight Sparkle to his right. They were not alone. Behind them, Shockwave could barely make out the forms of the other rainbow-powered ponies, Twilight’s older sibling, and her small dragon companion. They took their time, remaining behind the Autobot leader.

Bits of metal fell from the Decepticon’s crumpled body, joining his waste. Optimus stopped directly in front of him, his optics showing no signs of anger, no signs of sorrow, and no signs of emotion. He just stared at his fallen brother…his fist tightening around his sword’s grip.

Shockwave breathed.


Everyone listened.

The Decepticon continued, purple liquid oozing from his chest. “My dream…during the fall of Cybertron…was to save our home. I wanted nothing else…no other glories…but to keep our race from facing total extinction.”

Optimus stepped forward, letting the Decepticon breathe out. He narrowed his eyes, muttering, “And you imagined our race would return from its graves over the loss of another world?”

“You must understand…” Shockwave gasped, lifting up his stub for an arm, “…what I have done…was for the best of intentions. Prime…you must realize…that if you choose this path now…there is no turning back. Cybertron will be forever lost…and you will have to live with that choice haunting you.”

Optimus Prime breathed in.

“So be it,” he breathed out.

“Optimus…” the Decepticon spoke, his voice barely above a whisper at that point, “you just sacrificed the only chance at saving your home…for these ponies... Why?”

“These ponies,” Optimus began, turning his head down to Twilight. She offered a small smile up at him in return, wincing in pain only once. Prime turned his eyes back to the broken waste of a Decepticon, each optic narrowing.

“…are our home now.”

Shockwave stuttered, his vocal processors failing him. “For…forgive me, Prime. I am…I am truly sorry for you.”

Optimus only nodded.

“I forgive you.”

Shockwave titled his gaze over to the last and only Prime he’ll ever see, stunned into a short silence. Optimus backed away to Shockwave’s right, remaining silent as the grip around his blade loosened. For a moment, Shockwave believed he would drop the sword. But no…

It was caught in a purple aura.

“But I’m fairly certain she doesn’t.”

“Prime…wait!” Shockwave begged, his cannon rising up in an attempt to shoot her. He was not fast enough. Optimus’ sword was driven into what remained of Shockwave’s chest, into what remained of his heart and soul. Shockwave gasped in pain, his head arched up and his optic glowing bright purple.

His cannon fell, hitting the ground with a soft clank.

His head went slack to the side.

His optic phased out…remaining that way.

Twilight Sparkle backed away, releasing her magical grip around Prime’s blade and leaving it in the chest of the forgotten brethren of the Transformers. The liquid finally stopped pouring, the sparks stopped dancing, but the fires raged on around them, consuming the city of Manehattan.

“When I make a promise,” Twilight whispered, loud enough for everyone to hear, staring into the fading eye of her longtime foe, “…I keep it.”

She felt as if every weight of her words could still be heard by the Decepticon as he drifted off. Forever.

Optimus stared at the corpse of his brother killed by the hooves of his dear friend, feeling the weight of the world finally fluttering off his shoulders. In Shockwave’s death, in the death of the Decepticon name, the Prime was still standing.

And he was not alone.

Twilight placed her comforting hoof on Prime’s foot, eyeing the fallen Decepticon alongside her Autobot friend. She felt no anger for Shockwave, not even remorse or understanding. She just stared at him, at the blade embedded into his black spark. The rest of Twilight’s friends all came behind, prompting the Alicorn to turn around and face them.

Her tears of joy joined all of theirs’ as they shared a much-needed group hug. Spike rushed in, holding onto Twilight’s chest as quickly as she separated from her friends’ embrace. Twilight gave a hearty giggle, wrapping her hoof around the shuddering dragon crying into her chest. She placed her chin atop his scales, nuzzling him with all her heart.

She opened her eyes. She smiled wide, more tears streaming down her cheeks.

Shining Armor approached her, smiling and nodding to his brave, little sister. To the Princess of Friendship and her closest allies, Shining Armor saluted them. He spun his head around, joining his sister’s smile as the Autobots began to approach them.

Bumblebee led the way, his young eyes scanning the torn earth. Cliffjumper followed, limping alongside Jazz and Ironhide. Drift lifted his twin swords and placed them back inside of his holsters. He brought his gaze over to Twilight, nodding to her. Grimlock and his Dinobots followed from the very back, transforming back into their robot forms. Snarl and Slug aided the wounded Swoop, standing by the sides of the towering Dinobot Commander.

Rainbow Dash smiled a true smile. She took the first steps closer to her long-lost Autobot friend.

As her hoof hit the ground, a tremor erupted all around them, nearly causing the Autobots to fall flat on their faces. Rainbow Dash lifted up her hoof, scanning it and chuckling to herself.

“Wow…I knew the Rainbow Power was strong but-”

Another tremor. This time she knew, they all knew that it didn’t come from them.

All eyes turned towards the source of the sounds that shook the city. Passed the smoke rising over the rooftops, a being with a size far beyond the scale came through. The smoke broke apart, allowing the Decepticon titan to emerge and present itself to the miniscule Autobot army and the ponies that stood with them.

Trypticon placed his claws on the buildings to the right and left to where his prey stood. His jaws parted, lowering down about twenty feet above their heads.


The power of the beast’s roar caused Spike to cover his ears. The mares, alongside Shining Armor and the Autobots stood their ground, staring straight into the jaws of the Decepticon titan. The screech continued on, causing Shining’s mane to flow wildly past his ears and the rainbow-powered mares’ ridiculously long hair to follow suit. They stared on, their eyes narrowed until the beast finally ceased his roar of intimidation.

Shining Armor breathed out through his nose, a knowing smile growing on his lips. With the beast still staring at him, he spun his head around and smiled at his sister and her friends.

“Twily,” he began, holding out his hoof to them, “why don’t you and your friends do the honors?”

Twilight nodded to him with smile to go along with it. That smile quickly faded, replaced with a frown and war etched into her eyes. The six mares joined together. Their bodies glowed in unison as they slowly began to rise up from the ashes of the city. Trypticon screeched, raising his claw and bringing it down on the small army beneath him.

Twilight opened her eyes, revealing two, snow-white orbs.

A bright, rainbow of light was the only source of life that appeared in the death-soaked wasteland of Manehattan.

Author's Note:
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