• Published 29th Jul 2014
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Transformers: The Requiem - JDPrime22

Over a year later after the terrible aftermath of the Decepticon invasion, Princess Twilight discovers something deep within the Everfree Forest, something not of her world.

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Chapter 3-Informal Greeting

“Get outta here, kid! This area is restricted by orders of the Royal Sisters!”

“But Ah LIVE here!”

Apple Bloom’s morning went from bad to worse. Waking up from constant trumpets isn’t any way to start your day; especially your sister’s screaming keeping you up all night. Aside from that, all Apple Bloom wanted to do was get to school and not be late for once, but there was one problem right after she left…she forgot her backpack.

So, running back to her house to get it, poor Apple Bloom couldn’t get passed the Royal Guard stationed around the entire farm. Arguing with them was like arguing with a brick wall. They would NOT move!

“I have direct orders from the Royal Sisters to stop anyone who dares enter the area! No pony gets through!” the guard finished, sticking his spear directly in Apple Bloom’s path.

Apple Bloom’s face was red with anger. Just before she could come up with another comeback, she spotted an orange dot slowly coming to them. She let out a massive breath of relief.

“Apple Bloom! How many times have Ah told you ta keep a close eye on this!” Applejack shouted as she made her way right by the Royal Guard stationed in front of her little sister. The orange farmpony hoisted Apple Bloom’s backpack from behind her, handing it to the relieved filly.

She brought her attention to the guard, tipping her hat to him. “Mah apologies, sir. Little Apple Bloom here jus’ fergot her backpack is all. Nothin’ to it,” she finished with a friendly smile.

The guard remained stone-faced. He simply nodded and stared at the two sisters. They hugged in front of him, the younger one trotting off to Ponyville.

Applejack turned back towards her farm, sighing heavily.

Chariots filled the air, both from Celestia’s and Luna’s guard. Stallions in golden armor covered her farm like common pests waiting to feast on her apples. Even squadrons of Crystal Guard were stationed in and around the farm. They simply aided in keeping all of Equestria out of the Apple Farm.

Ah, yes…the news.

Once Celestia was informed of Twilight’s letter, somehow the news got out and spread throughout Canterlot, Manehatten, Las Pegasus, and many other cities in the morning papers. Just like that, early in the morning, reporters from all across the country flooded Ponyville like a force that couldn’t be stopped.

Applejack shook her head, not in anger but in annoyance. She could see a massive crowd of ponies with cameras, microphones, and any other pad and pencil they could carry. They shouted of course, begging to get in and see what was truly inside the barn. The Royal Guard kept them at bay.

As she slowly made her way back to the barn where her friends were waiting, Applejack flinched when the cameras started flashing and reporters to her right shouted multiple questions to her and her alone.

“Miss Applejack! What can you tell us about the rumors of the Autobot leader being stationed in your barn?!”

“Applejack! Applejack! Are you holding anymore aliens on your farm that the public does not know of?!”

“Element of Honesty! Over here! What are your thoughts on the recent activities of the Alliance of Alien Activity?!”

“Applejack, are you or are you not aware of the possible dangers you are bringing forth on the world now that you are stationing a Transformer?!”

“Do you plan to harvest anymore Transformers into this world for a planned takeover of the government?!”

“Applejack! Show us your good side!”

The farmpony merely rolled her brilliant green eyes at the questions and continued onwards toward the barn. The crowd of reporters pushed forward, but the Royal Guard pushed them back even harder, keeping them in line.

Granny Smith and Big Mac were sitting on the front porch of the house, eyeing at the events taking place. None of them spoke a word. Granny Smith simply rocked back and forth on her chair while Big Mac stared lazily at the Royal Guard flying overhead.

It wasn’t long before Applejack finally arrived to the front doors of the barn. Sitting there in patience was none other than the closest of friends she could ask for.

Pinkie Pie was bouncing around joyfully, the news of Optimus Prime making her more overjoyed than when she and Cheese Sandwich joined forces to plan Rainbow Dash’s birthaversary. Rarity was sitting on a cloth she brought herself, she and Fluttershy barely containing their excitement. Rainbow Dash was busy performing loops around the roof of the barn, her smile wide and proud.

It was truly a happy day for Equestria. Applejack hadn’t seen Fluttershy smile like that in a long time.

Twilight Sparkle was siting directly in front of the gap between the two massive doors, her back facing the barn, her eyes focused on the sky. Spike was next to her, watching the Royal Guard pass above his head. When Applejack arrived, Twilight turned her way and smiled.

“Rough morning, huh?” Twilight asked as Applejack sat next to her, removing her large Stetson hat.

Applejack scratched her mane and groaned, “You don’t know the half of it, Twi.” The Alicorn chuckled at that as Applejack continued, “Why so many guard? Ah mean, Ah realize they’re here to keep the reporters away an’ all but…don’t ya think it’s a bit…much?”

“Princess Celestia and Princess Luna want the area secured of any type of threat,” Twilight told her and suddenly shivered. “You never know what might happen. Whenever there was an Autobot there was always a Decepticon. We can never be too secure, Applejack.”

Applejack slowly nodded. “Ah guess that makes sense. Still, these reporters are soon to become the biggest annoyance this farm has seen since the Everfree Forest started to invade.”

Twilight chuckled again, this time interrupted by that pink blur appearing from behind the two.

“Can we look inside now?! Please, Twilight? Please, please, please, please, please?!” Pinkie begged as she held onto Princess Twilight’s neck, nearly causing the Alicorn to fall back.

Twilight managed to pry the pink pony off of her with her telekinesis. She looked back, her angry expression replaced with a forgiving one when she saw Pinkie’s puppy dog eyes and quivering lip to go with it. She simply rolled her eyes and said, “Sorry, Pinkie. Princess Celestia wanted nopony in the barn until she and Luna arrived, not even me.”

“Speak of the pony,” Rainbow Dash announced as she hovered above Twilight’s head.

As if on cue, the sound of trumpets filled the air. All six ponies turned their attention to the sky. Spike followed their gazes to see a bright golden chariot slowly descend towards the farm, a dark blue chariot following close behind. However, no one expected to see the crystal chariot behind the two.

Once all three had landed, Royal, Lunar, and Crystal Guards lined up in front of the three and bowed to their respected superiors. Twilight Sparkle and her friends stood up once they spotted the three princesses.

Princess Celestia couldn’t look better. Her mane flowed majestically as it always did, her beautiful eyes scanning the crowd until they locked with Twilight’s. She gave her brilliant smile, spread her wings, and slowly pushed upward and off the chariot. Once her hooves touched the Apple farm’s soil, another pair of hooves stood next to her. Celestia looked to her left and smiled at her younger sister.

Princess Luna seemed to be enjoying herself. Of course, staying awake during the day wasn’t really her strong suit; the Princess of the Night still looked as stunning as ever. Her smile mirrored Celestia’s, even as she brought her gaze over to Princess Twilight.

Princess Cadance always looked good. The news of Twilight’s discovery had reached all the way to the Crystal Empire, sparking her interests just as much as Celestia’s and Luna’s. Slowly paced, the three princesses made their way to where Twilight and her friends were. Once there, all three princesses bowed in respect to Princess Twilight. Twilight and her friends bowed as well.

Twilight ran up and gave Celestia a great big hug.

“Today is truly a momentous day, princess,” Celestia told the Alicorn wrapped up in her foreleg.

After a few moments, Twilight looked up at Celestia with teary eyes. She smiled and said, “You always told me to remember him…but now we don’t have to. We don’t have to grieve anymore, princess. I found him…he’s back.”

Celestia held back tears boiling in her eyes. She pulled Twilight into another embrace.

“I’m so proud of you, Princess Twilight.”

It was quiet, despite the constant shouting of reporters and flashing of cameras in the background. They all ignored it, just relishing in the heart-warming moment. Princess Luna coughed into her hoof, catching the attention of everypony around her.

“Well, shall we partake in our mission that we are here for?” she asked.

Celestia nodded, breaking the embrace and making her way to the barn doors. Once Celestia and Luna trotted past her, Twilight faced Cadance and smiled. The princesses nuzzled in affection before following behind the two sisters. Twilight’s friends followed behind her, creating a large train. The five ponies could barely contain their excitement.

Even Spike couldn’t wait to see their reactions.

Celestia used her magic to open the two doors in front of her. Cameras flashed wildly behind the sun goddess, Celestia merely smiled as she made her way inside, followed by Luna, Twilight, Cadance, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Spike.

The barn doors shut.

“What wonders will the Royal Sisters see inside the Apple family’s barn? It appears we will find out soon enough… Did you get all of that?”

The unicorn struggled to scribble down her superior’s words in sync. Being a reporter, especially today, was not going to be easy.


It’s very difficult to see in here. Celestia thought to herself.

From what she could tell, darkness was ever present, ever knowing. It filled the room, suffocated all life and happiness that was once present in Celestia’s heart. It was as if a dark presence entered her heart. Could it have come from Prime? Celestia already knew that Optimus had to be here. Twilight and her friends would never lie about a topic such as this.

The fact remained. Darkness was surely present, emanating from something, somewhere. Luna began to feel it as well. Her light blue eyes scanned the area for a threat. It was there…and gone the next second.

Twilight Sparkle lit the four lamps hanging from the walls.

The two sisters stopped. Twilight came to Celestia’s side while Cadance came to Luna’s. The other mares peeked behind the princesses. Spike struggled to see over their shoulders.

There he was. The last of the Primes. Thought to be dead as well as the others who gave up themselves for the safety and security of this planet. Celestia and Luna studied Optimus Prime up and down.

He was in his vehicle mode from what they could remember. Large gashes sprawled across his outer armor, as if something had slashed him with a sword when he wasn’t looking. The scratches were random, though, as if whoever did this wasn’t looking when they hit him. Aside from the cuts, Optimus had lost most of his color. The red and light blue had faded almost completely, dark and light brown slowly becoming his permanent color. Obviously remaining in the Everfree Forest for whoever knows how long can cause decay to even the great Prime.

Fluttershy gasped in awe, her tiny squeaks turning into controlled whimpers. Rarity wrapped a hoof around Fluttershy’s shoulder, calming her a bit.

Rainbow Dash’s jaw hung slightly open, her eyes, however, were as wide as they can be. Applejack chuckled lightly at Rainbow’s reaction.

Pinkie Pie probably gasped the loudest of the group, but she kept her emotions in check, knowing that Celestia was trying to make contact with him.

Princess Celestia looked at Optimus’ side, noticing the Autobot symbol was not glowing red like it always did. Not a good sign. She ignored the thought, keeping it in mind however. She cleared her throat to begin. Complete silence fell upon the barn. Not even Pinkie Pie dared to utter a word.

“Greetings, Optimus Prime,” Celestia began in a tone that was understandable to all. “You may or may not remember us. If not, I am Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria and raiser of the morning sun.”


Celestia appeared uneasy for a few moments. “Princess Twilight Sparkle found you in the Everfree Forest. Why is that? How did you come to be in our world yet again?” she asked, her tone unchanged and kept peaceful.

Optimus did not respond.

Princess Luna pressed her hoof on Celestia’s shoulder.

“Let us try,” Luna told her quietly.

Celestia nodded as her younger sister took a cautious step forward. Princess Luna gave the great Prime a stare that appeared hostile at first, but ended abruptly as she spoke out to him.

“Optimus Prime, it is I, Princess Luna. If you can understand me in any way, shape, or form, please do not wait to make some sort of action,” Princess Luna announced loudly.

It was full ten seconds and still nothing. No signs of movement or acknowledgement.

Princess Cadance stepped forward, right next to the Princess of the Night. She pressed her hoof on Optimus’ front portion of his vehicle mode.

“Can you even hear us?” she asked, receiving nothing but silence.

Now the others began to get worried. Even Twilight showed some signs of stress once again. It had been so long since she’d seen him, one of her greatest friends, and here he was, being unresponsive. Fluttershy began to shake visibly. Rarity held her tightly, her eyes glued to see if Optimus would move. Rainbow Dash bit her lower lip and stamped her hoof on the dirt repeatedly. Pinkie Pie simply sat there and stared, no smile, no nothing. Spike nibbled at his claws worriedly. Applejack bit her hoof, trying her best to remain calm.

As Luna and Cadance continued to try to communicate with Optimus Prime, Celestia was busy trying not to cry. She shut her eyes, the image of the dark Autobot symbol finally meaning something to her now. She had but one choice.

Slowly nudging the two princesses away, Celestia stepped forward and ignited her horn. Her bright yellow magic filled the entire barn more than the lanterns could ever have done. Her pure bright eyes were shut as the princess slowly lowered her head. Celestia’s horn touched Optimus’ front. Instantly, she searched and searched for any signs of life. Her magic traveled throughout his body, in the hopes of finding that spark.

She found it.

Just as she thought.

…Although she wished it weren’t true.


The barn doors slowly creaked open.

Silence fell upon the massive crowd of reporters struggling to see through the spears of Royal Guard members blocking their path. Their cameras were held tightly, their notepads at the ready. The guards covering the entrance backed away and bowed for the coming of the princesses.

Big Mac and Granny Smith watched in awed silence as ten bodies slowly exited their barn.

Celestia’s eyes were shut, as well as Luna’s and Cadance’s. None of them smiled. They couldn’t, they simply couldn’t. It was as if all the happiness and triumph of the day had simply disappeared. Princess Twilight appeared to be on the verge of tears. The other mares weren’t faring any better. Even Spike looked crestfallen.

It was absolutely quiet on the Apple Farm.

Celestia sighed and faced Twilight once more. She lowered her neck and nuzzled the princess. Twilight returned it with little effort.

“I’m sorry,” Celestia whispered.

She drew back, making her way back to her chariot to return to Canterlot. As Luna passed Twilight, she gave her a soft hug before making her way over to her own chariot. Cadance was the last one to hug Twilight Sparkle, whispering some calming words into her sister in law’s ear. It did little to help the hurting Alicorn.

Cadance sighed heavily. Just as Luna and Celestia have done, the Princess of Love took off into her chariot back to the Crystal Empire. Celestia leaned down and whispered into the ear of the commanding guard. He nodded and whipped out his trumpet.

In trained balance, all the Royal, Lunar, and Crystal Guard got into their respected groups. The pegasi pulled the chariots filled with unicorns and earth ponies, all in golden or dark blue armor. The guards pushed back the reporters while they were still screaming.

“Hey! We still got questions!”


“So, what? Is he dead or something?!”

That last question did it. Twilight Sparkle broke down and wept openly, her friends quickly coming to her side. Twilight embraced them as much as they could. However, their words of comfort did nothing to ease her wounded heart.

Celestia’s, Luna’s, and even Cadance’s chariot soared away into the sky, several other chariots following close behind them. Even from that distance, Celestia’s heart shattered to hear her friend cry.

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