• Published 29th Jul 2014
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Transformers: The Requiem - JDPrime22

Over a year later after the terrible aftermath of the Decepticon invasion, Princess Twilight discovers something deep within the Everfree Forest, something not of her world.

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Chapter 39-No More Power

“Standing alone, the Alliance of Alien Activity holds the strongest military force in Equestria. Within a couple years, we can have the most powerful military this world has ever laid eyes on. Our weaponry is unlike anything ponies have ever dreamed about, probably because most of our designs were influenced from your own Cybertronian technology,” Noctune addressed the Decepticon to his left.

Shockwave listened carefully to Noctune’s words. His attention was captured by one of the many airships taking up the flying zone above Vanhoover. The airship lowered to the ground of the landing strip where many Alliance workers motioned it downwards with their glowing sticks.

In the landing strip, many vehicles packed and unpacked several supplies from numerous countries across the globe. While Alliance workers carried the packages back into the headquarters, Shockwave caught a quick glance, noticing the packages were all the way from a place called the Griffon Kingdom. He remembered such a place during the invasion. He remembered sending War Machines there.

Despite the fair trade, money from the Alliance for supplies, Shockwave took notice of the devastating weapons of destruction the Alliance had created. He was quite impressed to say the least.

Tanks, similar to the design of Decepticon Marauders, strolled onto the landing strip. It seems Noctune truly embraced the Decepticon designs and shifted it into his own imagination. These machines had six legs, three on each side. It walked like an Insecticon would, slightly loud metal footsteps erupting from its thunderous steps.

As more worker ponies stepped in front of it, their hooves raised, the top of the tank opened up, revealing an Alliance solider inside laughing at something, presumably his own pathetic joke. Shockwave heard the joke from a mile away and found no humor in it. However, the worker ponies found it quite entertaining and joined in on the laughter.

Simple-minded creatures.

Shockwave kept his thoughts to himself in hopes of not angering his pony ally anymore. The two stood atop a large podium overlooking the training grounds and landing strip of the Alliance’s headquarters. While the weaponry impressed Shockwave due to their effectiveness, there was only one thing the Decepticon found troubling.

Noctune noticed Shockwave’s eye studying more of the tanks entering the landing strip. He gave a half smile and motioned his hoof towards the metallic beasts.

“Spider Tanks; the heart of the Alliance’s military power. These were one of the first designs I had planned when the AAA was formed a year ago. The scientists absolutely loved trying to see how directed Energon blasts could be used as a weapon of pure destruction. These beasts are run on pure Energon shards, all of which are found from my…special supplier.”

The dark brown pony smiled up at his Decepticon ally, only to realize that he wasn’t truly paying attention to what he was saying. He frowned, noticing the right hand placed on his hip, his purple eye focusing on one certain area. Noctune followed his gaze, only sighing when he spotted it.

The recruits.

Beyond the landing strip and the armory, there were the training grounds. It was designed for one thing only: train young soldiers who wanted to change the world. Together, they watched the soldiers dash across the obstacle course, fire numerous weapons into the firing range, and even fight each other one on one in the dirt. Other crazed stallions surrounded the two fighters, cheering them on as the two tumbled together.

Shockwave shook his head slowly, earning a rising eyebrow from Noctune.

“Anything you’d like to add, partner?” the pony growled.

The Decepticon motioned his hand across the landing strip, armory, and training grounds. He began to speak, his cold voice sending shivers across Noctune’s skin.

“What you might see is a new era for Equestrian society. Military, technology, and an army equipped with the weapons capable of causing a shift in the order of peace and tranquility this world has. What I see…is a group of misbehaved, uneducated, reckless ponies playing with very dangerous toys.”

“I understand that our soldiers haven’t performed their duties the way I want them to,” Noctune quickly stated, “but that’s why-”

“Allow me to finish,” Shockwave interrupted sharply. Noctune took a step back, clearly surprised. Nopony has ever raised their voice to him before. It felt strange being yelled at.

Shockwave turned his head back on the brawl occurring in the training grounds. “If we’re going to change this world, then your soldiers are going to need new discipline, as well as new battle strategies and training programs. They must be required to take orders swiftly and effectively in order for the plan to succeed.”

“I’ve already threatened them with death if they retreat from a battle,” Noctune shrugged, looking up at the dark purple alien. “What else can I do?”

The Decepticon shook his head again. “That is something you and my former master share. They control their armies with fear, which result in nothing but the deaths of millions and very little accomplishments. With this new…partnership…I hope you understand that there will be great change coming upon your Alliance so that the plan may be fulfilled. And as you told me…change can be good.”

Noctune found himself nodding. Wait. Seriously, he was agreeing with the thing that insulted his soldiers, interrupted him when he spoke, and threatened to change what he worked hard to create for over a year?

Yes, he was, because deep down…Noctune knew that there was some truth hidden in Shockwave’s words. His soldiers were misbehaved and needed new leadership. He wasn’t being replaced by any means, but in short Noctune was simply getting an extra hoof of assistance. Or should he say…hand?

“I understand,” was all the pony could say.

For several minutes the two just stared into the sunshine, watching the Alliance work. They shared small chat here and there, but ultimately leading the conversation nowhere important. Most of Shockwave’s words were pieces of helpful advice, to which Noctune either stored away into the remnants of his shattered mind or ignored.

The door behind the two creaked open.

“Sir, I’m sorry to interrupt your meeting…but we might have a problem.”

Noctune recognized the voice instantly. To Shockwave the voice was completely new.

The two turned around at the same time. Standing right in front of the closing door was a fearful, tan-colored unicorn. His unnaturally large eyes were glued upon the massive Decepticon staring him down with that lifeless purple eye. The unicorn swallowed down his bravery, shifting his gaze over to his commanding officer. For the first time in his life, Noctune’s stare didn’t seem so intimidating as before.

It was only recently did Noctune appoint Brimstone as the Alliance’s head messenger. Strangely, nopony else seemed to want to take the job, and of course there was the incident with their last messenger. Noctune didn’t know what happened. He was certain that the meeting in the land of the Minotaur’s went without problems. All he received in the mail room the next day was his old messenger’s bones in a box.

He just didn’t know what went wrong.

Maybe Brimstone was the only pony in the company who could’ve survived Noctune’s harsh orders without completely wetting himself. That was most likely the answer.

Brimstone approached his commander while doing his absolute best to ignore the stare he received from the Decepticon. He saluted, sweat pouring down his brow, as he said slowly and perfectly, “We recently received word from our spies. There has been word in Fillydelphia that your client Stock Share has been illegally selling our products to the griffons for a heavy bargain. Right now, his company owns over two hundred thousand gold bits from the arms deal,” he said, nervously shifting his eyes over to the alien only once. “I got here as fast as I could, sir.”

Now, that was misfortunate.

Noctune had always received aid from the Griffon Kingdom, mostly money and proper supplies for his workers. All Noctune offered in return was protection from alien invaders. As the months went on, however, the Griffon King wanted more than just protection from a different country. He wanted to protect his own citizens with advanced technology like the ones Noctune created. The pony refused to send them weaponry for a reason: It was his creation. He deserved every bit of it. If there was trouble, the Alliance would take care of it.

Maybe that’s why other countries stopped sending him aid recently. They wanted the Alliance’s weaponry in return so they could protect themselves. Of course, Noctune refused to release his technology to the rest of the world, remembering his promise to Celestia as support for his reasoning. Sometimes, Noctune just wished he could go back to the good old days where creatures from across the globe would beg at his hooves to protect them.

The again, that was just the good old days. Riots, chaos, panic.

Brimstone allowed his worries to be cast aside when he saw his boss nod in understanding. He let loose a breath of relief when Noctune waved him away.

“I’ll solve this problem, Brimstone,” Noctune told the unicorn. After a few seconds, Noctune lifted up his head to see the pony still standing behind him awkwardly. “That’ll be all, Brimstone.”

Saluting in response, Brimstone left the two alone on the balcony. As he closed the door behind him, Noctune could’ve sworn he heard Brimstone muttering the word “stupid” under his breath. Probably degrading himself like usual.

When he was certain they were alone again, Shockwave brought his head down towards Noctune, addressing him with a cold tone.

“Just what is it that this ‘Stock Share’ would hope to accomplish from illegally selling your supplies?” Shockwave asked, noticing the pony’s attention turning towards him. “Also, why would you send him supplies in the first place? I thought you were trying to keep the Alliance’s weaponry for your own uses.”

The pony gave a heavy sigh, turning to face the sun being blocked by the upcoming storm clouds. He said, “I suppose that would be my fault. You see…the countries that supported us for over a year have turned their backs on us. They wanted more than just protection from the AAA. They wanted our designs and advancement in technology so they could protect themselves When I refused to send them weaponry, they stopped with their generous aid to our cause. Now, our only support would have to be the Griffon Kingdom.”

Noctune sighed once more. “Even with his majesty’s aid, we were running low on money and supplies. Unfortunately, rather recently actually, we had to turn to a smaller company with dreams just as big as ours. This happened about a few months back, and this spoiled…freak…named Stock Share said he could give the Alliance the aid we needed so that our company wouldn’t fall apart. In exchange for money, we gave Stock and his company Alliance weaponry.”

He chuckled wholeheartedly, though it felt saddened and weak.

“I made sure that the weapons we sent them were defaults, unfinished. I was kinda wondering when he was going to figure it out. That’s probably why he’s selling them to the griffons now. They might know how our tech works so they could reverse engineer it to their own design.”

Noctune shook his head. “This betrayal will not go unpunished,” he said with such a calming tone, almost like he didn’t care for it, or he was simply holding in his anger. Shockwave went with the latter as it would fit Noctune’s behavior.

“What do you plan on doing about this?” Shockwave asked, his lone eye scanning the full landing strip. He found the silence that occurred next to be…disturbing. Turning his head towards Noctune, Shockwave instantly noticed the half grin, followed by the quiet chuckles escaping the stallion.

He smiled up at Shockwave. “I think I’ll take a break on this one. In fact…why don’t you take over the operation, Shockwave?” The Decepticon took a step back this time, clearly surprised.

Noctune continued, facing the landing strip below. “You seem to know more about these kinds of missions better than I do, and it might help get you associated with the Alliance soldiers,” the stallion said, stopping himself when a new idea popped into his head.

“Yeah…that could work,” Noctune muttered, turning his head to stare into Shockwave’s lonesome eye. “Take as many soldiers as you want, use any strategy you think would be necessary, and give Stock Share a reason never to betray me again.”

Shockwave stared quietly into Noctune’s eyes.

“I thought you told me once before that betrayal of the Alliance results in immediate death,” the Decepticon said.

The pony smiled, all teeth shown, his eyelids barely open.

“It does, doesn’t it?” Noctune mused on the subject.

Shockwave seemed unsure for a few seconds. His head turned away, but inside he was contemplating the situation. He looked at Noctune once more, asking, “Are you sure you wish to allow me to take command of this mission?”

He expected a different response, probably one explaining that he was mistaken. Instead, Shockwave received something much unexpected from the creature he once deemed unworthy of living…so long ago.

“You have my full trust, Shockwave,” Noctune told him, shocking the Decepticon into silence. “I think it’s time the Alliance had some new leadership for a bit,” he said, turning up to smile at his newest ally. He saw no life in the Decepticon’s glowing eye. No passion, no heart, no love, nothing. It’s just what he always wanted in a partner.

“And as you have told me…change can be good.”

With that said out in the open, Noctune turned and walked away, his hooves clopping against the marble. Shockwave stood there in the darkness of the afternoon, a few raindrops landing on his shoulders when the sun was completely covered by the heavy, thundering clouds.

He heard one more thing come from the pony behind him.

“I expect to hear of Stock’s fate in Fillydelphia before midnight tonight. Do I make myself clear?”

Shockwave faced the runway, the Nemesis appearing from the cloak of shadows above the Alliance headquarters. He nodded.

“Crystal,” Shockwave muttered, his purple eye flashing bright red.

Author's Note:

Here's a Decepticon Marauder to give you all a better picture. :pinkiehappy:

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