• Published 29th Jul 2014
  • 6,444 Views, 2,989 Comments

Transformers: The Requiem - JDPrime22

Over a year later after the terrible aftermath of the Decepticon invasion, Princess Twilight discovers something deep within the Everfree Forest, something not of her world.

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Chapter 4-A Touch of Chaos

The barn doors slammed open, revealing an extremely stressed Twilight Sparkle.

It wasn’t the paparazzi that made her this way. True, they helped a lot in ticking her off, but it just wasn’t it. They were long gone, all the reporters and ponies wanting interviews with the newly appointed Princess of Friendship. No, it wasn’t them. It was the fact that they couldn’t do anything to save Optimus Prime. How she couldn’t do anything.

It was past noon and Twilight Sparkle and her friends were still in the barn. Twilight’s friends followed closely behind her, questioning her actions.

“Fluttershy,” Twilight ordered, causing the yellow Pegasus to flinch in fear, “did you write the letter and have Spike send it?”

Twilight was now currently standing in front of the frozen Prime, her glare flailing but determined. She looked back to see Fluttershy merely nod once at her.

“Good. You know he can tell the difference between Spike’s and your writing,” the Alicorn finished, facing Optimus once again.

Rarity walked up to her friend, placing her hoof on her shoulder. “Darling, I know what you’re going through. We all feel the same, don’t we girls?” Rarity turned back to the rest of her friends.

Pinkie Pie nodded, smiling widely.

Fluttershy stared at the ground sadly, nodding only once yet again.

Applejack nodded.

Rainbow Dash hovered above the rest. “Yep,” she said.

Rarity turned her attention back to Twilight. “He’s our friend too, Twilight. I…I just don’t want you to see your hopes rise up too high and then…”

Twilight faced Rarity, her eyes red and close to tears. “And then what?!” Twilight barked accusingly.

The alabaster unicorn was nearly offended. She raised her hoof away from Twilight and said, “You told us yourself, Twilight! There isn’t any Energon in Optimus Prime from what Celestia found! Energon is their blood!”

Twilight bit her lower lip, her eyes falling to the dirt and nearly watering.

Rarity sighed, “He’s gone, Twilight.”

Twilight shook her head, glaring at her friends. She was even more horrified to see them nodding their heads in agreement with Rarity.

“NO!” Twilight screamed. “Optimus never gave up on us! So I’m not going to give up on him any sooner! This is a sign, guys! Why else would Optimus come back only to be like…like this?!” she slammed her hoof on Optimus’ hood in frustration. Her friends flinched back in surprise, all except for one.

“OH! I think I-!”

“Don’t. Answer. Pinkie,” Twilight threatened, turning away from Optimus once more.

Pinkie Pie grinned innocently. “…Maybe he’s just playing a game with us?” Pinkie suggested, receiving multiple glares.

“Not helping, Pinkie,” Spike groaned, his claw meeting his face.

“I’m afraid she’s right.”

All movement in the room froze. All voices were cut off. Nopony dared to utter another word. Twilight slowly turned towards Optimus once more, her eyes filled with hope. His voice…it was Optimus’ voice! He spoke!

“Optimus…Optimus, say something!” Twilight stuttered, her eyes dancing across Prime’s motionless form.

Still in vehicle mode, Optimus spoke once again. The mares stood together in awe. Spike’s jaw was literally touching the floor.

“I have traveled many light-years to see you all again. It feels me with great happiness just to see your smiling faces…especially you…Twili-pfffft HAHAHAHA!!!”

Twilight’s joyous smile vanished, a look of dread and ignorance plastered on her face.

She knew that voice all too well.

Instantaneously, Discord appeared in a flash of white light above all six mares and one baby dragon. He clutched his stomach as roaring laughter spilled out of his mouth. None of the ponies below him laughed, none smiled, they just glared. Even Fluttershy.

After a few more seconds, Discord looked down at them, wiping away a small tear. He noticed Twilight’s crestfallen expression and everypony else’s stares. “HAHAHA! I’m…I’m sorry, Twilight! I…I just had to do it! For ol’ time’s sake!”

Fluttershy stood next to Twilight, glaring up at the draconequus. “Discord! That wasn’t a very nice thing to do! You know Twilight cares for Optimus just as much as she cares for us! Now get down here and apologize!” Fluttershy threatened.

Discord was about to retaliate when he noticed everypony else. They glared at him, obviously not in the mood for his antics today.

Tough crowd. Discord imagined himself saying that. She was right, though. That was a pretty messed up joke, even for him. Especially with his new friendship with Twilight…this wasn’t going to fit well. Oh well, friends forgive each other, right?

Discord snapped his talons and teleported in front of the Alicorn. He stared at her with a large grin and said, “I’m sorry, Twilight. Do you forgive me?” He added the puppy dog eyes for effect.

Twilight looked up at him. Discord’s jaw opened slightly to see her almost in tears. Okay, that joke definitely went too far. He quickly got down to one knee, placing his hand on her shoulder.

“That wasn’t funny, Twilight. I’m sorry. Can you forgive me?” Discord basically pleaded, though he kept his emotions in check.

Twilight looked away once more before slowly nodding. Discord smiled and mentally patted himself on the back. As he got back up to full height, he turned around to study the great Optimus Prime. He was in his vehicle mode, brown nearly becoming his permanent color. Discord stroked his chin.

“So…what seems to be the problem with him again, Fluttershy?” Discord asked.

Fluttershy walked passed Twilight and came up next to Discord’s side. She pointed at Optimus and said, “He doesn’t have any Energon. Without Energon, Optimus can’t live. We were thinking, however, that maybe you could find a way to bring him back to life…you know…with you being the master of chaos and all.”

Discord nodded slowly. “Interesting…interesting…” he muttered as he continued to stroke his chin.

It was a full fifteen seconds with Discord standing there…doing nothing but staring at Optimus and stroking that chin of his. Rainbow Dash grinded her teeth together and shouted, “Well?! Are ya gonna help us bring Optimus back or not?!”

Discord’s neck spun around as an owl would. He glared at Rainbow Dash and said, “Well, I was considering it, but with that attitude I’m not so sure anymore!” He finished by crossing his arms, his nose facing upwards.

Rainbow Dash growled, “Why you little-!”

She was stopped when Twilight raised her hoof in front of her. The Alicorn princess approached the draconequus. Discord looked down when he felt a tug at his leg. His twisted heart nearly cracked when he saw tears running down Twilight’s cheeks.

“Discord…please…” Twilight whimpered.

Now this was something new. He would never have expected to see Twilight Sparkle, the great Princess of Friendship resort to begging at his feet to save a friend. However, he knew of their friendship, Optimus and Twilight. They were close, closer than any pony could get to an Autobot. Seeing him here, unresponsive and unwilling to react to their presence had broken her inside.

Also…Optimus was his friend, too. Kinda.

Discord sadly stared at Twilight, giving her one nod.

He faced the fallen Prime, his fists glowing bright with chaotic magic. All around them, hay and dirt began to rise off the ground and swirl around Discord. The draconequus slowly began to hover, a white ring of magic circling him. Twilight Sparkle and her friends all backed away until they reached the barn doors. This wasn’t normal magic...

Discord opened his eyes, revealing shades of dark purple and blue swirling in a deadly mixture. He pushed his fists forward and drove himself into Optimus Prime. As his body evaporated, his mind and soul traversed the massive insides of the great Prime, searching for the weakness, hoping for a cure.

When he found the problem…he sought to fix it.

Optimus’ body began to glow. The six mares and one dragon shielded their vision from the bright light escaping Prime. It was as bright as the sun, if not brighter. Soon enough, Twilight and her friends had to escape the barn. It was getting uncontrollable in there.

In one bright flash of light, the barn showcased an amazing spectacle one could only wish to be present for. Chaotic magic burst out of the roof and tiny cracks across the surface. Twilight raised a foreleg to block out the bright rays of light.

It dimmed down, leaving the barn dark once again.

They stood out there silently, six mares and one dragon. The moment was too tense for anypony to speak, to mutter any words of relief or question.

Slowly, the barn doors opened…

Discord walked out, his eyes closed. He made his way over to the mares, dragging his feet the entire way. When he was standing right in front of the Alicorn, Discord opened his eyes and stared at her. Twilight. He stared at Twilight and Twilight alone.

Her violet eyes stared right back, curious and worried.

Discord couldn’t bear to speak. He slowly shook his head at her…revealing his failure.

He didn’t know what it was. Normally his magic could have him achieve feats only perceived out of legend or in storybooks. His magic was but as powerful if not more powerful than Celestia’s…and it had failed him. Whatever it was…he couldn’t create a new way for Optimus to live once again. He needed Energon…Optimus needed Energon to survive. There was none on this planet.

Twilight Sparkle choked up, her lower lip quivering and her eyes beginning to water once more. They were running out of ideas…nothing was working! Optimus wouldn’t come back no matter what they were doing!

A single tear fell from her left eye. Before it hit the ground…before she even knew it…Discord had wrapped her up in a hug.

She wasn’t surprised. Twilight hugged her friend back.

Her friend…Discord.

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