• Published 29th Jul 2014
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Transformers: The Requiem - JDPrime22

Over a year later after the terrible aftermath of the Decepticon invasion, Princess Twilight discovers something deep within the Everfree Forest, something not of her world.

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Chapter 32-Pinkie’s Party

Twilight tapped her hoof impatiently in the dirt, her eyes watching the setting sun fall behind the mountains hidden past the Everfree Forest. She bit her tongue in impatience.

Come on… Pinkie’s not gonna like it if he’s late to his own-

With what little sunlight was left, Twilight spotted two horns sticking out from a far off hill. A being emerged, cascading an ever-growing shadow across the faint village.

“Oh, thank goodness,” she breathed a sigh of relief once she knew for certain it was him. Optimus Prime took his time as he stepped closer and closer to the Alicorn waiting for him by the edge of the town. When he arrived to her position, Twilight showed her appreciation by giving him a little bow.

“It’s very nice to see you again, Optimus,” Twilight told him, her eyes opening to see his reaction. Optimus stared at her for quite a while. She couldn’t tell what she saw in those blue eyes of his. They always seemed so mysterious, yet so comforting to stare into. He simply nodded once.

“Likewise,” his deep voice resonated, making himself be heard to the princess.

Princess Twilight brought her chin up from the dirt, a large smile growing on her lips. “Well,” she began, “I assume Pinkie gave you the message without any problems?”

Optimus merely sighed, his optics scanning the rising moon. “I wouldn’t say that,” he answered, his thoughts recurring to exactly how Pinkie gave him the message. Those crazy eyes followed by more screaming. Optimus didn’t know why, but he was staring to fear Pinkie more than those ponies that tried to kill him.

Twilight cocked her head. “Really?” she asked. “What happened? Did Pinkie get lost in Sweet Apple Acres again before she could tell you about-?”

Optimus raised his hand, silencing the mare in front of him.

“No. It’s…it’s nothing,” he told her. The tone of his voice told Twilight that Optimus was weary, extremely tired. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to have him be up and about. Maybe she should just call off the party and let Optimus rest for the night. Then again, Twilight would have to deal with Pinkie if she made that choice…

“Is there something you wanted to discuss with me about?” Optimus asked, catching the Alicorn’s attention almost instantly.

No backing out now. Twilight gulped nervously and smiled up at him. It was probably one of the cheesiest grins she ever gave to anypony.

“Um…can…can we go to Sugarcube Corner first? I kinda didn’t have any dinner,” she lied, her blush only deepening when she saw Optimus’ eyes narrow. “Sorry,” Twilight said. Optimus sighed heavily, waving it off with his right hand.

“There’s no trouble to it, Twilight,” Optimus groaned. He opened and closed his optics before resting them on the silent town. “Just lead the way.”

Twilight nodded slowly, her eyes falling when she noticed Optimus’ crestfallen expression. Even as they walked together, the Alicorn snuck a few peeks at the emotions he expressed, noting them for later. He was clearly upset, probably because he had to follow her to wherever Twilight wanted to go. She scratched that idea out, knowing that Optimus didn’t hate her company, though he did appear to be going through…something, and he was trying hard to hide his true feelings.

Princess Twilight didn’t want that. She wanted Optimus to express himself. She wanted him to open up to her and tell her just what he was going through and how she could help him. It would be another perfect opportunity to get closer to him, especially since he can’t remember his past relationship with the pony.

But the longer she waited…the more she felt him drifting away.

By the time the Autobot and pony arrived to Sugarcube Corner, the sun had completely disappeared, and the full moon began to slowly rise over the bakery. The lamp posts were all very dim, giving no light to the area the two stood in. To make matters worse, the lights inside Sugarcube Corner flicked off, leaving Optimus and Twilight in the dark.

She could hear Optimus shuffling around in the dirt. “What is going on here, Twilight?” Optimus asked, receiving no response from the Alicorn. She just sat there, smiled, and listened.

The sound of several hooves clopping against the dirt caused Prime to freeze. He looked down to where Twilight was, but he could barely see her. He asked once more, “Twilight, what is the meaning of all of this?”

Twilight Sparkle looked up at him and smiled wide, a devious expression growing.

Before Optimus could even react to that, several lights appeared above him. Optimus was blinded. He covered his eyes, only to figure out that the area was no longer dark. What followed were the cheers of hundreds of ponies. They all shouted one thing…


The sound of a cannon going off caused Optimus to duck.

With his hearing slightly recovering from the shot, Optimus looked around and noticed ponies, all wearing smiles and pointed hats, had surrounded him and shouted incoherent words he couldn’t decipher. All he could hear was a loud ringing sound, though it did fade away after a short while. A new sound was heard after his hearing returned.

It sounded…different.

The sound had a beat, followed by the strumming of instrumentals. Optimus had never heard such a wonderful sound before. He turned his head over to see where it was coming from. A large stage appeared to the far right of him. Colorful lights danced across the wave of ponies underneath it, followed by the source of the incredible sound.

A band of ponies assembled in front of the stage. With them were devices in their hooves. Those devices seemed to be the source of the musical sound. Behind the ponies on the stage, a large group of speakers sat at the back. Optimus could only imagine what purpose they served.

Before he could even react, Optimus was surrounded by over-friendly ponies at his feet. He looked over to Twilight who had kept smiling at him, even laughing at his confused expression. She was instantly lost in the sea of colorful equines rushing past her.

Optimus brought his head back up and noticed Pinkie Pie hanging right in front of him.

“Gah!” Optimus shouted in surprise.

Pinkie only giggled. Optimus immediate noticed the reason she was floating was because of the several balloons attached to her back. She flew in closer, prompting Optimus to take a few steps back from here. Though he checked his feet and watched where he was going. He didn’t want to step on a pony.

“Do you like it?” Pinkie began, forcing Prime’s eyes to return to hers. She waved her hoof all around her, explaining with a big smile, “This is your official ‘Welcome to Equestria Party’, hosted by none other…than me!"

She twisted and turned in mid-air, though Optimus wasn’t truly paying attention to her any longer. His focus was on all the multi-colored eyes watching him, waiting for an answer to Pinkie’s question. Speaking of the pink pony, she hovered even closer to Prime’s face, her bright smile never leaving her lips.

“Twilight thought it would be a super-duper spectacular idea if we threw you your special party right here in Ponyville! And it’s even more special because we never got to throw you a party ever since you first came here!” she screamed at him, somehow frightening Optimus rather than exciting him

“We got punch,” she pointed to a snack table with a large punch bowl in the middle, a certain mulberry-colored mare currently drowning herself in the drink while ponies just cheered her on, “a DJ station,” her hoof shifted back to the stage, where a cross-eyed pony got a little too close to the electrical wiring, instantly shocking her, “and everypony in Ponyville!!!"

The crowd cheered so loud that Prime covered his head.

When he brought his head back up, Pinkie looked at him with eyes full of curiosity. Her smile was still there, and it still caused him to shutter.

Optimus quickly noticed Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Twilight appearing through the crowd. They all stood in front of him, the lights on their bright, smiling faces. Pinkie hovered right over them. They all seemed to be waiting for him to do something, maybe get a reaction out of him.

Suddenly, it became very quiet, and everypony followed the six in front of him. The music stopped, only small chatter could be heard in the waves of colorful equines surrounding the last Prime. Optimus scanned the crowd, eventually bringing his eyes to the six in front.

“What do you think?” Pinkie asked.

At first, Optimus didn’t answer, and just stood there, confused, at a loss for words, and a brand new feeling that had suddenly occurred to him. It seems he shouldn’t have stayed silent for too long, because before Prime knew it…it got loud again. Very loud.

Ponies all around his feet began to shout things at him. Optimus caught a few saying, “Can I have your autograph?” or such things as, “Is this party awesome, or what?” Whatever else they said was completely drowned out as ponies of all shapes and sizes swarmed his legs. Pinkie grabbed a massive megaphone, screaming at the ponies to get away from Optimus and be quiet so he can answer her question. If anything…she made it a lot louder.

Once the Pegasi began to fly around his head and land on his shoulder that was the breaking point. Optimus closed his optics, clenched his fists, and stood his ground. He wouldn’t stand for this any longer.


It was the first time he ever raised his voice at them. The ponies around his feet backed away slowly, many of the younger colts and fillies quivering in fear. The Pegasi dropped right to the ground to only increase the crowd’s population. Prime’s clenched fist and angry eyes brought the one thing these equines thought they would never feel in the presence of an Autobot, let alone their leader…


Optimus Prime quickly noted the reaction he got. These ponies, the same ponies who have been so kind as to give him a safe haven, now looked at him like he was a monster. Optimus looked down at Twilight and her friends. Their expressions were just as surprised, though not as terrified, as the others around them. Fluttershy’s was the worst. She looked genuinely afraid of him, her body matching up with the size of a small dog.

He let himself take a few moments to relax. His shoulders began to sag, and his fists relaxed back to open palms. When he closed his eyes, he saw nothing but darkness, and he could hear nothing. When he opened his eyes, he saw nothing but shocked ponies, and he could hear nothing.

So much hard work, so much compassion, so much…love. These equines threw this celebration for him out of the kindness of their hearts, and now Optimus felt terrible. However, they remained silent for a reason, and Twilight’s intrigued expression told him to continue with what was on his mind.

He did have something on his mind, something that tortured him to no end.

The spotlights from the stage landed on Optimus.

He closed his eyes, took in a deep breath, opened his eyes, and began.

“What did I do…to deserve all of this?” he started, catching several ponies by surprise, even receiving a few gasps from the crowd. “Why do you all care for me and my well-being so much when I have done nothing in return for any of you?” He gestured to the entire crowd.

It remained silent for several tense seconds. Rarity looked over to the rest of her friends, who all seemed to be doing the same thing she was. The unicorn realized they wouldn’t budge. So, she took a step forward, looked right up at Optimus as he looked back at her, and said to him, “Darling…is that merely all that’s troubling you? We’re doing this because it’s what you deserve. You’re a hero and an inspiration to us all, and this,” she gestured her hoof all around, “all of this…is simply a big thank you for your service.”

Optimus shook his head, not believing a word she just said. “What service?” he demanded to know, surprising the unicorn.

Rarity bit her lip, turning to Twilight for help. The Alicorn nervously kicked at the dirt. She could feel Optimus’ eyes burning into her skull, but even then should she still tell him? Celestia warned of the side effects and how he might react…but this was important. Optimus needed to know.

When none other than Twilight stepped forward, Optimus dared not to remove his stare. She looked up at him, her eyes surprisingly strong against his.

She said, “Princess Celestia told me not to inform you of the truth because she thought it might be too dangerous and overwhel-”

“How could the truth ever be dangerous?” Prime interrupted. Twilight raised her hoof at him, continuing with what she was saying.

“But…you’re right,” Optimus reeled his head back a few inches. “You deserve to know everything,” Twilight said.

The crowd was silent, all ears listening in as she began.

“A year ago, there was a terrible tragedy, a tragedy that has made a mark on Equestrian history that could never be removed. The Decepticons, led by Megatron, your nemesis, sent an invasion force so massive that our armies couldn’t hope to stand up against it. We had all but lost hope…but then you and your heroic Autobots stood by our side to the bitter end to fight off the Decepticon threat and protect our race. You would do it for no reward, for no recommendation, but only because it was the right thing to do. If anypony was to take a stand…it was you, Optimus.”

The towering giant made no remark.

Twilight continued, “You took the highest stand of all, going up against odds that were far from being in your favor. In the end, you and your Autobots won,” she sighed heavily, tears threatening to form in her eyes. “Then…that’s when it all happened. The Space Bridge created a portal that would destroy the world we stand on unless you,” she pointed her hoof at him, “your Autobots, and the Decepticons gave up yourselves to it. Optimus…you sacrificed your life to save this world. There is no greater act of kindness, generosity, or bravery I have ever witnessed. That’s why we’re doing this for you, that’s why we see you as a hero, that’s why…we’re your friends.”

When he was certain she was done talking, Optimus took a few seconds to contemplate what he just heard. He stared at the sea of ponies around him, his eyes betraying the emotions he felt inside. Optimus brought his head down and stared at Twilight.

He wanted to believe her words…he really did. It was so hard, harder than anything he had ever done so far. The truth in what she said, the emotion she showed when saying it. It was all too real. She was clearly telling the truth, that much Optimus knew, but right now…he just didn’t know what to believe in.

“Twilight,” Optimus finally said after nearly a minute of silence, “if what you say is true, then I have every right to believe you.” The Alicorn smiled, a breath of relief coming from each of her friends.

“But I don’t know if I can…just yet.”

A horrified expression etched itself on Twilight’s face. She opened her mouth to speak, but only mumbling words and incoherent sentences came out.

“What?! But…bu-but I…I’m telling the truth…I-I-I swear!”

Optimus only stared at her, his eyes no longer angry but filled with sorrow.

“Even if you are telling the truth, I don’t see how I can accept it,” Optimus said, silencing the mare. He placed a mighty hand on his chest and said, “The reason I can’t accept this truth you’ve given me…is because I don’t remember who I am…what I’m meant to do…or why I exist. Whatever sacrifices I performed, I certainly don’t remember them.”

He got down to one knee and lifted Twilight’s chin up with his pointing finger. Prime noticed small tears falling from her eyes.

“Your words are just, and I hope I can embrace them one day. But for now…I cannot,” Optimus told her. Twilight closed her eyes, more tears flowing from them as she sniffled hard. “I’m sorry, Twilight, but please…if you can…tell me something that I need to know. To make me…remember.”

“I’ll tell you something that you need to know.”

Twilight opened her teary eyes and looked up. Prime followed her actions and noticed Pinkie Pie hovering right in front of his face. She was no longer smiling, and her eyes appeared to be as sad as Twilight’s, yet they held certain strength to them. That was something Optimus did not expect out of the pink mare. She wasn’t crazy, she wasn’t hyper, she wasn’t happy. Pinkie just looked…sad.

And he never expected her to say it…

“We’re your friends. You don’t remember, but I’ll tell you anyway…it might just jog your memory. From the very beginning, the day we all met you in the Everfree Forest, I never expected to meet alien life. But even with the differences we all had, I knew there was something that each of you had that made you special. You were kind, gentle creatures who only wanted to find a place to be. You just wanted to be accepted…have friends to guide you on your way. That’s what we were there for.”

Pinkie pointed her hoof at the five mares below her.

“That’s what friends are for! To be there for others when they need them the most. I tried to make friends with all of you back then because I knew you all looked afraid, unknown of our world and what others would think of you. I don’t care how you looked, what your history was, what you’ve done to survive…all I cared about was trying to make you feel welcome on our planet…and try to be your friend. That’s all we’ve done, all we’ve been trying to do since the day you arrived.

“This party I threw for you is a sign of thanks and welcoming to Equestria. You may not remember the deeds you’ve done…but we do, and we all want to say thank you for everything. Even if you don’t want the party, even if you don’t want our friendship…all I want you to know…is that you are accepted into our home…and we will forever be your friends.”

Pinkie Pie finished it off with the friendliest smile she could ever give. It was not fake. She meant it. She meant every word.

Optimus Prime would not move. He stayed where he was, on one knee, his head staring up at Pinkie Pie. For seconds nopony could count, the Autobot and the pony watched each other, Prime summing up her words and Pinkie waiting for a response. It was so silent that even the crickets dared not to make a noise.

It had been a full minute of silence before Optimus finally stood up. He looked around, noticing the curious eyes of the ponies that have accepted him into their home. Now he understood. Optimus didn’t know how…but Pinkie Pie actually made sense. She was right.

Optimus Prime nodded to her.

“Pinkie Pie…I’m sorry,” he told her, receiving multiple gasps from the crowd. “A true friend would be there when we need them the most. You ponies have sheltered me out of the goodness of your hearts…and who am I to argue with that? I may not get the answers I need just yet…but at least I can enjoy the company…of good friends.”

Pinkie gasped, placing her hooves over her mouth. The five friends below her all smiled.

The pink mare whispered, “So…you’re saying that…we’re your friends?”

Optimus nodded.

“And…the party…?”

Prime looked over the crowd. The sea of ponies all waited for what he had to say. The tension was high. Luckily, he nodded and announced loudly, “The celebration shall continue.”

The cheers were even louder than before. Pinkie squealed in delight and flew over to hug the side of Optimus’ face. To his surprise…Optimus enjoyed it. He watched her, chuckling to himself as she floated over to the large stereo systems on the stage. She crashed, of course, and popped up just as happy as ever. The crowd cheered louder.

“Let’s get this party started!” Pinkie screamed into the microphone she picked off the stage. She twirled around towards the stereos, pointed at it with her hoof and shouted, “DJ, hit it!”

A pure white unicorn with a wild blue and cyan colored mane emerged from behind the DJ station. She placed a pair of dark purple shades over her eyes, a big smile growing on her face. The unicorn levitated a record onto the stand in front of her.

Vinyl Scratch pointed to the Autobot and shouted, “This one goes out to Optimus! We love ya, Prime!”

Author's Note:

Site was derping out yesterday, so if any of you saw it there was a second post of this chapter title with no chapter. If not, great! Enjoy the chapter!

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