• Published 29th Jul 2014
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Transformers: The Requiem - JDPrime22

Over a year later after the terrible aftermath of the Decepticon invasion, Princess Twilight discovers something deep within the Everfree Forest, something not of her world.

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Chapter 83-Galvatron

A being of metal and darkness flew down the tattered street dwelling within the pony metropolis of Manehattan. The ship approached its intended destination in no time whatsoever. Slowing its descent, the ship transformed and revealed the creation of Shockwave, the true intentions the Decepticon scientist had all along.

The Transformer landed on two feet, ramming his left fist into the concrete to slow himself down. Once he came to a complete stop, creating a long line of shredded street in his landing, the Transformer stood fully upright.

His purple armor glowed with fresh ferocity, adjusting with every short movement he made of his body. The Transformer eyed the large cannon jutting out from his right forearm, the long barrel being a bright orange color. His eyes burned red, another growl emanating from within his newly constructed spark.

He turned around, being greeted by the ship that had been following him. It transformed, stopping right away about fifteen or so feet in front him.

Vaguely, he seemed familiar. And the voice…the voice of the newcomer brought back something hidden behind his optics, something he didn’t quite understand.

“Welcome home, Lord Galvatron,” Shockwave addressed, offering a slight bow.

A second Decepticon approached the first one’s side, his alternative mode being that of ground vehicle. He transformed and stood silently next to Shockwave, his glowing red visor staring into Galvatron’s eyes with no emotion present. Galvatron vaguely remembered him as well, but it was very difficult to do so.

“Decepticon Communications Officer Soundwave reporting for duty, Lord Galvatron,” the second one spoke, his mouthplate moving up and down with every word.

After silently staring at the two Decepticons for long enough, Galvatron took the time to observe his new body, the name he was given, and the carnage around him. He looked down at his fists, clenching and relaxing his fingers a few times. It felt good, natural even. His movements were slick and fluid, with strength ready to express on whoever dared stand before him. The name, however, was something that felt familiar.

He felt as if the name was true. It was as if he knew of his person before he had even awakened. Little bits and pieces continued to float across his vision, but they never made a complete picture. “Galvatron”… It was such an interesting name. It’ll be one he’ll surely keep.

With a deep breath, Galvatron turned his mighty head across the street he stood in. From where he stood, he observed a massive crash site just alongside the rows of toppled buildings to his right. Ashes and flames fell from the cloudy skies, only shreds of afternoon sunlight peeking through the smoke clouds.

Galvatron looked to the skies, noticing several jets all sporting the same insignia fly overhead. He caught a quick glimpse of one of the symbols. It was familiar for some odd reason. Curious, Galvatron brought his optics downwards and onto the glowing symbol on his chest. Just as he suspected. Exactly the same.

The bits and pieces of what appeared to be memories continued to float around within his mind, but they were slowly…slowly being put together. The pictures created so far told of a tale, a dream long forgotten so many years ago. The big picture was not seen, not yet. He didn’t need it.

He’d gotten what he wanted so far.

“Shockwave,” Galvatron addressed, testing the fluidity of his vocal processors. His voice was deep, gruff, and in desperate need of Energon, but it still held the same power that Megatron once had. Shockwave stepped forward, his purple eye never breaking contact with Galvatron, his creation, his leader.

Galvatron kept his eyes glued to the heavens, but he spoke out all the same.

“What has transpired in my absence?”

Soundwave approached Shockwave’s left side, listening carefully as his fellow Decepticon began to speak.

“Terrible…terrible tragedies I’m afraid, my Lord,” Shockwave began, catching the full attention of his leader. Galvatron’s optics narrowed, his eyes burning red and his jaw unhinging to show off his pointed teeth. Shockwave continued. “Since the Battle of the Crystal Empire, our entire race has been skewered to near extinction. Your fall in our return to Cybertron was a devastating loss, one I prayed to get through every waking second of my life on that dying planet.”

Shockwave turned his eyes over to the Nemesis’ crash site. Large fires began to spread, covering the Nemesis in dark smoke.

“The Decepticons fought on through the bitter tragedy we endured during our return. Lives were saved, many more were lost, and a new hope finally emerged back on the planet I hoped never to return to again. That is why we are here, my Lord. The Decepticons have won the war, and now we are going to start we hoped to since the fall of Cybertron: save it.”

“Cybertron…” Galvatron growled, clenching his fists tightly. He looked away, staring at the ground. The picture grew bigger, a planet infected with darkness finally appearing. “What do you have in mind, Shockwave?”

“It is why we have brought you back in the first place,” Shockwave said, pointing his blaster over to the Nemesis still resting against the tattered earth. “We scrambled for hundreds of years to collect every last bit of your mind, your spark, and your body in order to rebuild you just as you were before the fall. Much was recovered, much was lost, but just enough was saved in order for Megatron to be reincarnated into his superior form.”

Soundwave stepped forward, catching their attention. “Galvatron stands as 97.52% likeness to Megatron,” he explained for certainty.

Shockwave nodded to him, turning his head to face Galvatron. He said, “The reason for this would be that Megatron stood as the only Cybertronian in our midst who could fully control the Dark Spark’s forbidden powers, and use it in his advantage. Once we recover the Dark Spark, we will use it to control this planet’s core, thus controlling the entire planet’s energy source. With that, we will begin our journey back to Cybertron and reboot the core.”

He stepped forward, holding his fist out to Galvatron.

“After hundreds of years of warfare, of death, of great sorrow, we can finally change all of that and save our race. Lord Galvatron, with your strength, we can change destiny and ensure total victory for the Decepticons.”

Galvatron growled silently. He turned his gaze over to Soundwave.

“What advantages do we hold?” he asked

Soundwave took no time to explain in full detail. He began by saying, “The Dark Spark and the Matrix of Leadership remain in our possession. Scanners show neither was damaged from the crash, yet acquiring them remains a difficult task. The two relics remain deep within the Nemesis’ confines, locked away. I will send the Mini-cons on a recovery mission to extract the two relics still within the ship.”

As he finished saying that sentence, Soundwave pressed his down onto a small button at the top of his extruded chest. His chest opened up, popping out Rumble and Ravage. Galvatron watched as the two smaller Decepticons scurried away towards the crash site.

“Recover the Dark Spark and the Matrix of Leadership. We will dispose of the Matrix appropriately,” Soundwave told them. The two disappeared amongst the wreckage.

Soundwave faced Galvatron again. He said, “We will need to drill into the planet’s surface in order to create an accurate shot for the Dark Spark. That is why I have constructed an advanced War Machine during my time on Cybertron. With its immense power, we will be able to break apart the crust and destroy the mantle of this planet, giving us a perfect shot to the core. Approximate drilling time remains unknown, yet the War Machine remains intact.”

Soundwave pressed the same button again, releasing Frenzy out in the open.

“Retrieve Decepticon War Machine Mark II,” he ordered, watching as the red Mini-con dashed to the Nemesis’ wreckage.

Galvatron stepped forward, his eyes forever locked onto the massive flagship indented in the fallen buildings. He growled once more, turning his head back to watch Shockwave and Soundwave approach his sides.

The three stood silently near the demolished remains of the Manehattan train station.

After continuously waiting as his mind continued to put the pieces together, Galvatron finally spoke. Shockwave turned his head to the right.

“Are you certain this plan will work?”

Shockwave chuckled. His purple eye flashed bright red and stayed like that for several seconds.

“My Lord…as of now…the countdown to extinction has begun.”

The Autobot leader pushed through the remains of a building close to collapsing. He pushed into the street he had been searching for. It was not because he saw the rising smoke up close. It wasn’t that he saw the Nemesis lodged into a massive pile of rubble.

He knew he had arrived when he spotted the three Decepticons standing alone, staring at the Nemesis lying on its belly.

Optimus Prime gripped his sword and shield.

Shockwave was right there. Soundwave was with him. There stood another, one final being that stood taller than the other two. He adjusted himself, ready for the fight. Prime stepped forward, but stopped when his optics grew wide with realization.

The Decepticon, neither Shockwave nor Soundwave, but the taller one sent a message without even speaking. Prime backed away only slightly. The feeling in his chest, in his mind, in every shred of his being suddenly grew ten times darker. His optics began to fall faint, still locked onto the Decepticon standing in between Shockwave and Soundwave.

He shook his head. More memories trying to resurface, perhaps the dark ones. Prime had no time to reminisce.

He clenched his fists. His sword began to shudder. Shockwave was right there. Optimus wasted no more time and ran to them.

Prime caught their attention rather quickly.

Both Shockwave and Soundwave spun around in unison, the two whipping out their weapons and pointing them at the approaching Prime. Optimus stopped, instead choosing to stand fifty feet away from the three with his optics narrowed, ready to act if they fired.

The Decepticon standing in the middle turned around at the approaching sound.

Their optics connected for the first time, and they both immediately stared at each other, never moving, never breaking, with neither backing down. As if the world around them simply vanished, the horrors of war gone, the power of the Equestrian Revolution halted. Nothing moved. Nothing seemed to matter. As their optics connected, both could feel it.

Optimus felt it in his spark. The darkness creeping inside…

Galvatron felt it in his mind. The picture slowly beginning to rebuild…

“Optimus Prime!” Shockwave shouted, disrupting the deafening silence. His blaster was beginning to glow, the muzzle pointed at Prime’s chest.

He continued with his purple eye flashing. “You are far too late to stop us now! Just like before, just like the past, you’ve failed! You still remain greatly outnumbered, your forces diminished! We have what we need to destroy this wretched planet and save our home. Surrender now and we can save Cybertron together, brothers in arms!”

Prime narrowed his optics, both burning bright blue. He lifted up his shield and tightened the grip on his sword. Optimus stood in a ready position, glaring at the three Decepticons the entire time.

Shockwave shook his head, sighing, “Pity. You still fight for the insects. You could have been something truly great, but you have been built into something far worse. No matter, now I shall finish what I should have inside the Nemesis…”

A large, purple fist pressed down on Shockwave’s cannon.

Startled, Shockwave turned his head left to watch as Galvatron began to approach the battle-ready Prime, a haunting grin on his everlasting face. The massive Decepticon hybrid stopped in the center of the street only about thirty or so feet away from the Prime.

He spoke.

His voice felt demented, and Prime could feel it creeping into his mind and spark.

“I know you…” Galvatron stated, his deep voice sending ripples through Optimus’ Energon. The last Prime stood his ground, refusing to back away. The beast continued while slightly rubbing the side of his head.

“Distant memories recall… Bringer of peace…symbol of hope…yes...I know you.”

Galvatron began to chuckle. That chuckle quickly changed into wicked laughter devoid of any joy, happiness. Only sorrow, only pain, only hatred. Prime growled, tightening his fists as the dark being continued to laugh. It stared down Optimus with eyes of pure wrath, an old entity of hatred resurfacing and boiling over to command the actions of the reincarnated Megatron.

Galvatron smiled.

Optimus frowned.

Prime...” the Decepticon creation growled, beginning to circle the Autobot. “There are no odds seeking your favor in this dying age. You fight a war a million years lost. You fight for a cause with no hope of winning, with no chance of freedom.”

Galvatron frowned this time, stopping and silently staring at Optimus. The ashes from the burning buildings fell around him in the afternoon sunlight.

“What do you hope to accomplish by standing before me?”

Optimus Prime remained silent for a few moments longer, losing the right words for his response. When it appeared as if the lone Prime would never respond, Galvatron began to smile, his laughter slowly returning.

“The end of your reign,” Optimus answered.

The Decepticon hybrid’s smile vanished.

He growled silently, clenching his left fist as a short staff popped into his palm. The staff merged with Galvatron’s person, forming a long blade that once belonged to Megatron, but now in the possession of a being much more powerful, much more intent with causing as much death as possible. Galvatron swung his sword outwards, the silver and purple metal shimmering in the sunlight.

“How did the old saying go…? Ah…yes… By the end of this day, Prime…”

Optimus readied himself.

“One shall stand…”

The bitter words fell from Shockwave.

“One shall fall,” the Decepticon scientist finished, his optic landing on Prime. He checked to see if his cannon was fully loaded. Soundwave morphed his right fist into his signature TechVolt. The two stood together, watching as the two titans squared off in the street, ready to aid their new master.

He would need every bit of it.

Optimus Prime charged. Galvatron did the same. The two leaders collided, shaking the earth.

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