• Published 29th Jul 2014
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Transformers: The Requiem - JDPrime22

Over a year later after the terrible aftermath of the Decepticon invasion, Princess Twilight discovers something deep within the Everfree Forest, something not of her world.

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Chapter 27-Unholy Request

Noctune threw his cider glass at the wall, shattering it.

The frustrated stallion let gravity take his body down into his black leather chair. As his head hit the back of the chair, he began his breathing exercises to keep himself calm. It had been years since he has done his breathing exercises. His psychiatrist always told him doing so would keep his emotions in check, and it would hopefully prevent another…episode.

That was the last thing Noctune needed at this point. So he started the breathing exercises. The stallion placed his front hooves against his forehead, his chest inflating outwardly. He breathed out, letting his chest fall and his heart rate slow down.

It felt…good.

He repeated the steps several more times. The sounds of his heavy breathing filled the dimly lit office that was once silent. On his last breath, Noctune let his hooves fall to the rests on the side of the chair, a deflated expression remaining on his face.

“Ugh…I need a drink,” Noctune groaned, reaching for the cider glass. His hoof grabbed nothing but air on his desk. “Oh…right,” he muttered, staring at the cider rolling down the wall. He groaned once more and rested his head on his hoof, his eyes slowly shutting.

At one moment he was sitting in his office, happily reading the newspaper with only the thought of that whore from last night giving him his money’s worth. His morning went out without a hitch. But by around noon…that’s when he received the news. The news…from bucking Brimstone.

Nopony else dared to tell him, for they were too afraid. That was clearly something Noctune needed to teach them. Yes, he can be scary at times, but it wasn’t him…it was somepony else.

Ever since he was a colt, Noctune’s parents were always fighting, always arguing, and he was in the middle of it all. He and his siblings. Noctune was beaten, of course, as were his brothers. It seems his father always took his anger out on his children.

As the years went on, it only got worse. By the time Noctune was eight years old his father had strangled his mother in a blind fury. She died that night…and Noctune was watching the whole time. His father was nowhere to be found the next morning. However, in the Manehatten reports it did state that the body of his father was found dead by the sea.

Something changed that day. It was a day Noctune never forgot for some reason. Something…snapped. He was never himself, never the playful colt like his two older brothers once knew. He was lonesome, an outsider, and a dark pony who rarely spoke. Whenever he did speak, he would lash out at his brothers who tried their best to take care of him.

And all he would say was “The voices told him to.”

He’s gotten help for the problem. Doctors prescribed medical treatments and anti-depressant pills every day. They did little to help. Finally, Noctune saw a psychiatrist at the age of eighteen. He told Noctune that he required a new hobby, perhaps a job that would keep him busy and hopefully prevent thoughts of suicide.

That’s when he joined the Royal Guard…

Knock! Knock! Knock!

The dark brown stallion raised his head towards the door in front of him, a heavy scowl beginning to appear.

It was only a few minutes ago that Brimstone informed his commander that the mission in the Everfree Forest was a failure. Many lives were lost, all the Spider Tanks were destroyed, and only eight soldiers made it back mortally wounded. More cowards for testing, Noctune presumed. The only good news he got out of that was their presence was never known, and even if somepony managed to find the wrecks of the tanks they would never know it was them. Their logos were scratched out.

That’s when he realized it was over. He couldn’t send any more soldiers even though more reports kept coming in. Whenever he tried, he would always get the same news: The aliens stole their weapon’s power source and escaped.

He failed his country. He failed to keep peace in his world. Now that Transformers were roaming around Equestria, the news will surely spread and panic will rise again…just like before.

Noctune clearly didn’t need any more news from Brimstone.

“I will NOT order another attack, Brimstone! We’ve lost too many!” he shouted, his heavy vocals traveling throughout his office.

A weak, meager voice came from behind the door.

“Um…sir? This is Swi-Swift Sh-Shade.”

The newest recruit. Noctune’s scowl disappeared, and he motioned his hoof towards the door. “Ah…Swift. Come in,” the stallion said. The door slowly creaked open, and the young pony nervously made his way inside. Noctune could see the scar on his forehoof. It healed up rather quickly.

Instead of fully entering the room, Swift stood silently in front of the open door, sweat pouring down his head and burning his eyes. He didn’t blink.

Noctune’s raised his brow curiously and asked, “What’s wrong with you, kid?”

Swift only appeared more nervous. His forelegs began to quiver and short, uncontrolled breaths escaped his muzzle. Well, maybe Noctune was a bit intimidating. Perhaps being calmer and nicer to his cadets would ease the tension he was clearly feeling.

As Noctune was thinking to himself, Swift looked utterly terrified. He sounded utterly terrified as he began to speak.

“Y-you have r-received a m-m-message.”

Right before Noctune could ask from whom, Swift’s chest exploded.

Blood splattered all across the office. Blood was on the floor, on the ceiling, even on the dark brown stallion sitting in the leather chair. Noctune shot back in his chair, his eyes burning from the blood. He swiped his hoof across his eyelids enough to get a short glimpse of what exactly happened.

It was almost too fast. A giant, metallic bird smacked Swift’s body aside as if he was a ragdoll. His corpse hit the far wall and rested on an ever-growing puddle of dark red liquid. Noctune rolled up his right sleeve with speeds that almost surprised his attacker. With pure intensity raging in his eyes and the blood painted across his face, Noctune took the form of an animalistic beast purely acting on instinct.

He presented his blaster that transformed across his right hoof. The end glowed violently blue, ensuring Noctune that his weapon was ready. He pointed the blaster at his attacker, only to have it be swiped away from the bird. Bits of metal broke off from his blaster. His weapon was destroyed in seconds and the bird even managed to knock the stallion back into his bloody chair.

Very impressive.

The bird latched its two claws onto the front Noctune’s desk. It stared at him with that glowing yellow visor, a quiet hiss escaping its metal beak.

For several seconds the two stared each other down. Noctune breathed in and out in short, uncontrolled breaths while the metal bird continued with its silent stare. That stare sent a message, something that sent a shiver down Noctune’s spine.

He finally noticed the symbol on its forehead.

“Oh no…” he muttered.


The bird began to move, catching Noctune off guard as his eyes were transfixed by the dreaded logo still lingering in his mind. It backed up and pointed its head downwards. A short barrel began to protrude from its forehead. Noctune flinched and prepared for the shot to come.

Instead, a blue beam was shot in front of him, right on top of his desk. The beam spread out until it became a tall hologram. A static image of a purple-eyed cyclops appeared in front of the stallion, catching him by surprise when he spotted the Decepticon symbol right under its flat chest. Two wings pointed outwards from the Decepticon’s back, and instead of a left arm the Decepticon had a gun.

Noctune remained silent. He was honestly too stunned and intrigued to speak.

So the hologram did it for him.

“Greetings, Noctune. You do not know me, but I most definitely know you,” this caught the stallion by surprise, increasing his attention span. “I have watched you for quite some time now. You have potential, even for a pony. That lust for power is strong in you.”

Now, how did he know about that? Noctune thought.

“I’ve seen your many ‘attempts’ to destroy the Autobots, but you lack the knowledge to perform such tasks. Your power in military is clearly not strong enough. If you do as I say, I can give you that said power, protect your world, and then some.”

Noctune leaned forward in his chair, one hoof rubbing his chin while the other was firmly planted on his desk.

The Decepticon continued, “If you would like to know more, meet me in the outskirts of the Frozen North. I will have Laserbeak give you the exact coordinates of the location.”

The bird let out another ear-piercing screech, making Noctune flinch back into his chair.

After a brief moment of silence, the Decepticon in the light blue hologram lowered his gaze. It was as if he was speaking directly to the pony in front of him. “I understand it is difficult to trust…an alien…but you must understand that no harm will befall you.”

Noctune’s eyebrow shot upwards.

“I give you my word.”

With his speech ending, the hologram cut off, leaving nothing but a bloody office room and an alien bird in front of the commander of the Alliance. The bird, presumably named Laserbeak, stared at Noctune for some sort of reaction.

He didn’t know what to think. Noctune frowned and stared at his blood-soaked desk, contemplating the offer.

What was he thinking?! It was a Decepticon! He didn’t need to remind himself that the Decepticons tried to colonize his home, killing hundreds of thousands of ponies in the process. They were the whole reason he founded the organization! They were the reason of his power.

Where did he say he was at? The Frozen North? It was perfect. Nopony would know of their actions, and he could send a small army to deal with the Decepticon with sheer firepower. He could be rid of the Decepticon once and for all!

Then again…

He recalled the cyclops’ words “Your power in military is clearly not strong enough.” That cut deep into Noctune’s chest, almost tearing his heart in two. To demoralize his life’s work was painful, but not as painful as knowing it was true. Hell, they couldn’t even destroy a rusty tin can. How can he ever expect to go against a Decepticon who was obviously not alone on this world?

The thought of a Decepticon army…on Equestria. It frightened him.

Noctune’s blood-covered face turned to observe Swift’s slowly rotting corpse lying on his office floor. His eyes were wide open, a look of pure terror forever stitched on his face, never to be removed. His chest was literally blown to bits; portions of his ribcage could be seen. Laserbeak turned his head to the corpse as well, giving a little squawk, though it didn’t seem like he cared much.

What did that Decepticon say…?

I can give you that said power, protect your world, and then some.


The word made Noctune’s body shiver. It was something of pure happiness, something he could use for the benefit of ponykind and to the benefit of the future children of Equestria. It was a word that dictated the acts of legends. It was the word that brought Discord’s reign, the word that convinced King Sombra to rise up and take the Crystal Empire for his own purposes, the word that fueled Lord Tirek’s lust for conquest.

It was the word…that could change the world.

Noctune sighed and closed his eyes, the blood dripping down from his eyelids. He leaned his head back into his leather chair, letting the quiet of the room take him on a blissful journey. Laserbeak stared at him for quite some time. He tilted his head and opened his beak.

When Noctune opened his eyes, an all-new shade of grey and swirls of darkness floated across his eyes. It was a sight Laserbeak clearly didn’t expect.

Noctune smiled a killer’s smile and nodded.

“Alright…show me.”

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