• Published 29th Jul 2014
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Transformers: The Requiem - JDPrime22

Over a year later after the terrible aftermath of the Decepticon invasion, Princess Twilight discovers something deep within the Everfree Forest, something not of her world.

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Chapter 64-Strength of Destiny


The rocket intended to hit the solar goddess and her younger sister was captured by a being drifting through a blur. The being jumped over the two princesses still staring at the missile and grabbed the side of the rocket, flinging it across the road where it hit the side of a building.

Debris flew outwards from the missile’s power, raining down glass and brick onto the Royal Guard still in the streets. They brought up their shields, easily deflecting the pieces headed for them.

Drift landed in front of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

He pointed at them and shouted, “Your highnesses, you both need to get as many ponies out of the city as possible! Are your guard capable of holding off the invaders without you?”

The two sisters looked up, ignoring the Nemesis that covered half the skies and brought their eyes onto an unforgettable Alliance airship entering below the buildings. A group of Royal Guard aimed their cannon forward, firing only once to bring down the entire airship in flames. It crashed amongst the gardens of Canterlot Castle. The Royal Guard all roared a deadly battle cry and continued to fire to the heavens.

“They’ll be fine,” Luna breathed, bringing her attention to Drift. “With the aid of our Lunar Guard, Canterlot can hold off the enemy long enough for everypony to escape.”

“As well as Commander Silver Wing, the guard will be under the right leadership to defend the city,” Celestia added.

Drift nodded, turning towards the Autobots. “My brothers, we cannot aid in the fight with civilians still in danger! We need to work together to get ponies out of the city and away from the battle,” he ordered, looking at Jetfire. “Jetfire and I will fly civilians down the mountain if they’re not on the train and have no other means of escape!”

Jetfire nodded, not a word spoken, not a word needed.

“Cliffjumper, take Rarity and find ponies that still haven’t made it out to the train station! Get them out of the streets,” Drift announced, pointing at Cliffjumper and Rarity. The Autobot and unicorn looked at each other, silently agreeing with a simple nod.

He continued on, pointing at a different Autobot and different mare each time.

“I want Jazz with Pinkie Pie, Ironhide with Applejack, and Bumblebee with Fluttershy! Stay with your Autobot, stay with your pony, and get as many citizens out of the city as you possibly can! Does anyone disagree?!”

Ironhide walked forward in an attempt to pass by Drift, shouting over the cannon fire, “We have enough rescue squads! I’m staying to help in the fight!”

A blade was shot outwards in his path, blocking it. That same blade was jammed upwards, sinking in neatly under Ironhide’s chin faster than he could even see it. Ponies gasped, the Alicorns’ jaws dropped, and two Autobots stared menacingly at one another.

Drift was the first to talk, his blade edging closer to Ironhide’s throat.

“You are a brave warrior, Ironhide. The spark to fight is strong within you, which is why-”

“Which is why you should let me stay and fight!” Ironhide interrupted, attempting to push past Drift and his deadly blade. An instant mistake. Drift jammed his sword in deeper, causing Ironhide to back up and allowing Drift to lean in.

“Which is why we’ll need you. This is just the first strike from the Decepticons, and they won’t stop until we’re all dead. For now…let the princesses’ guards hold off the enemy so we can all regroup, retrain, and prepare for vengeance.”

Drift pushed Ironhide off of him none too gently, pointing the tip of his sword down the street.

“Find as many ponies as you can, get them to safety, then come and fight,” Drift muttered in a tone that was not heard from him before. His glare matched Ironhide’s in strength, but the red Autobot’s failed to match in willpower.

“That’s an order.

Ironhide silently growled, but nodded nonetheless.

Drift turned to face the rest, shouting, “That goes for the rest of you! Get civilians to the train station, and then you can aid the Royal Guard!”

“Hey! What about us?”

The Decepticon turned Autobot brought his stare down to find the source of the voice. There, below the giant shadow of Optimus Prime, stood Rainbow Dash and Spike. Discord appeared right behind them, waving innocently at Drift as if part of the group Rainbow mentioned.

“Discord,” Drift began, earning a squeak of delight from the chaos bringer since he was chosen first, “assist Celestia and Luna in finding ponies still struggling to escape!”

Discord’s smile fell completely off his face, shattering like glass on the gravel below.

“Oh, come on!” Discord’s shattered mouth screamed. “Why do I have to be a part of the boring group?”

His mouth came back together in a dark blue aura of energy, being smacked against his jaw once complete. Discord rubbed his face, painfully staring at the pony that had been so rough with him. He was met with the fiery glare of Princess Luna. Discord smiled nervously, instantly finding his entire body being enveloped by the same energy.

“Just don’t slow us down,” Luna threatened, spreading her wings and bolting off into the sky with the screaming draconequus still in her grasp. Princess Celestia sent one more nod to Drift before spreading her wings and blasting upwards to follow her sister.

Drift brought his head back to the three that remained. He opened his mouth to speak, but stopped and sighed quietly.

“Rainbow Dash…take Spike with you to get Optimus out of Canterlot.”

The Pegasus’ jaw dropped.

Drift anticipated her anger.


Yes. Her anger.

Rainbow spread out her wings, an accusing glare growing on her expression. She shouted, “We can’t have Optimus leave the fight against the Decepti-creeps!”

“Rainbow Dash, please listen to me-” Drift half begged, half argued right before he was interrupted by the same Pegasus.

“No! You listen to me, Autobot!You probably want Optimus gone so you can take command of the Autobots for yourself, only to trick them and send them to die! Admit it! You’re nothing but a Decepticon in disguise, just like that freak Makeshift!”

“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity gasped.

The words burned him, burned him more than the ashes of the fallen in Fillydelphia. Drift’s blue eyes shifted from the angry Pegasus nearly touching her nose against his to the terrified baby dragon, flinching at every missile hitting a building, every cry from a dying Royal Guard struggling to hold the line. He looked passed them both and locked optics with Optimus Prime.

The Prime ignored the carnage, the Decepticon invasion of Canterlot. All he did was stare at Drift, no emotions flooding through his powerful stare as he let the world fall apart around him.

He sighed. A missile hit the building behind Drift, crushing the confines and bringing it down.

“I don’t blame you.”

“…What?” her scratchy voice questioned.

“I don’t blame you for not trusting me. The path I followed…before the Autobots…it will forever haunt me, never to leave my side,” Drift breathed in, noticing the expression on Rainbow’s face cooling down. “I don’t ask you to accept me as an Autobot, or a friend. I don’t ask you to fight by my side even when I’m nearing death’s grasp. All I ask of you…is to trust me.”

He reached forward and gently took Rainbow’s hoof into his hand. Rainbow Dash let him and felt no anger, no fear for the Decepticon turned Autobot.

“Please…can you trust me?” Drift asked quietly, his blue optics begging.

Rainbow Dash looked down at her friends for help. They all shared the same feelings in their eyes, all nodding to Rainbow. She sighed, refusing to look Drift in the face.

“Fine,” she grumbled, taking her hoof out of Drift’s hand. “But if you get the Autobots killed...this hoof will go so far down your throat you’ll be spitting blue for the next month.”

“That’s all the assurance I need,” Drift stated, smiling gratefully and transforming right in front of the Pegasus. She flew back to the ground, covering her face when Drift’s blades spun to life, keeping his helicopter form above ground. Jetfire followed his lead, changing into his jet mode.

The helicopter faced the other way, speaking one last time.

“Be safe, Rainbow Dash, and get Optimus to safety.”

Just as the two fliers escaped the carnage and took to the skies in search of any civilians, each Autobot changed form right in the streets. The revving of engines filled Canterlot, followed by several doors opening and closing with each pony safely secured inside. Rainbow Dash and Spike watched as the Autobots drove away. They could even see Pinkie Pie cheering out of Jazz’s window.

Rainbow Dash chuckled, leaving only a smirk on her face. “Alright, that just leaves us, Spike,” she said, turning to the dragon and bending down only slightly. “Get on, buddy.”

Reluctant at first, Spike hopped up onto Rainbow’s back, adjusting himself and allowing Rainbow’s wings to stretch out.

“Okay,” Rainbow grunted, being somewhat unused to Spike’s added weight, “so now…all we need is to get Optimus out of-”

A cannon went off above their heads. An explosion was heard, bright fire lighting up the dark sky. Rainbow and Spike turned their heads left and saw another Alliance airship crash to the gardens, erupting in a massive fireball.

The two flinched once they noticed the debris from the crash was headed for them with speeds even Rainbow Dash couldn’t escape from. A giant fist crashed down to her side, blocking the flaming debris from hitting the mare and dragon.

“Are you alright?” Prime’s deep voice rang in Dash’s ears.

“Yeah…I’m fine. You okay, Spike?”

She could feel Spike quiver on her back, but slowly nod his head.

“Good,” she exclaimed, spreading her wings with a determined look burning in her eyes. She eyed the road ahead, noticing all the street signs that led to the train station, and in turn out of Canterlot. She couldn’t just fly straight up out of the city, because Optimus still needed to escape.

She sighed. More weight to hold her back.

Rainbow looked up at Optimus, smirking only once more.

“Try to keep up.”

Her rainbow trail was seen through every street corner, every rooftop, and every path that got her, Spike, and Optimus out of the crumbling Canterlot the fastest. Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but release the tiniest of grins. Even though her world was falling apart, even though the capital of Equestria was being invaded by the Decepticons, even though…

Her smile disappeared. A look of sorrow filled her eyes once she spotted a family struggle to push their busted carriage forward down the street. That look of sorrow twisted into a look of shock and terror once a jet sporting the Decepticon symbol flew down right by her and bombed that very carriage, eradicating any life in the street.

It was at that moment did Rainbow realize the Decepticons were not alone.

They had an army.

And that army was bombing Canterlot.

Spike did his best to hold on to Rainbow Dash as she flipped, zoomed, spun, and dashed her way past more and more empty streets. His adrenaline never halted, never ceased when Decepticon Jets began their bombing run, blowing apart buildings with fireballs never before seen by the young dragon.

Rainbow Dash screamed once a bomb blew apart the coffee shop she flew by, blowing her back. She adjusted quickly, keeping her path focused forward. She could feel Spike digging his claws into her shoulders. That meant nothing to her. She was all too focused on the upcoming turn that led straight to the train station.

She spun her head back to make sure Optimus was following…

“Look out!”

The cry from the dragon on her back forced Rainbow’s eyes forward. They grew ten times bigger, her jaw falling with each second passing.

A volley of missiles hit the Canterlot watchtower, bringing down the entire structure right in her path. Time seemed to slow down, and through the falling debris and piece of Equestrian architecture heading right for the Pegasus, Rainbow Dash saw it. The Nemesis, directly overhead.

“Rainbow, don’t stop!”

She knew the voice and obeyed it without question.

Both Rainbow and Spike flinched when Optimus Prime’s shadow fell upon them, the towering giant running wildly by with incredible speeds and smashing his shoulder right in the building. Prime’s action created a clear path for both Spike and Dash to exit out of completely unharmed.

Rainbow Dash ignored the pieces of marble hitting her. It didn’t hurt as much. The crash created a horrific obstacle in the Canterlot streets, but even then Prime followed her.

Optimus looked back for a quick second. The Nemesis slowly began to turn in his direction, a low hum emanating from the beast. Prime’s optics grew wide. It was coming for them. Not him, not the Autobots, not even the Elements. The princesses.

The train station…

By fate’s treachery…it was going to kill them.

The crying foal in Celestia’s foreleg ceased its crying once the princess gave the child over to the mother. The mare gasped, clutching her only daughter with every bit of love she could offer. She stared up towards Celestia, her own tears ceasing.

“Thank you, your highness,” she cried. The foal giggled and booped the mother’s muzzle.

Celestia only smiled, the train door shutting on her.

With the train filled, Princess Celestia watched as its smoke trail was lost down the mountain, its journey to eastern Equestria beginning. Her face set in stone, Princess Celestia could only pray for the next train to arrive early. There were still many, many ponies that haven’t made it to safety. And they surrounded her.

The train station was filled to the brim with terrified families, nobles, and guards alike. The Autobots had only arrived once or twice, dropping off two or three ponies and then driving back into the city. Celestia prayed for them each time they came and gone.

Discord hovered over the crowd of ponies, counting each one and marking them down on a long scroll he had conjured up. The guards stayed back and tended to the needs of the civilians, which allowed Celestia to join her sister in peace by the edge of Canterlot. The very edge. All that separated the princesses from a death drop was but a small, stone wall.

The two sisters sat in silence, waiting for the next train, staring out into the invading army.

“Princess Celestia! Princess Luna! A word, please!” a gruff voice shouted from behind, prompting both Alicorns to spin around and meet the face of the voice.

They were met with the ageing Pegasus and commander of the Royal Guard, Silver Wing. And they never expected him, the noble, strong, brave Pegasus that was granted such a high honor to say it.

“Your majesties, the enemy has begun a bombing run and obliterated our forces still within Canterlot,” he spoke, voice cracked and struggling on. Celestia and Luna both gasped, their eyes burning. The elder Pegasus continued. “The remaining Lunar Guard has informed us that their bombers will be at the train station in no less than seven minutes. We need to get you two out of here.”

Celestia, still shaken up from the terrifying news, stared into Silver Wing’s eyes. She asked, “W-what of the civilians? We cannot leave them here to face the Decepticon wrath!”

Silver Wing shouted, “I am ordering every able unicorn we have left to create a shield once the bombers fly overhead! No civilian will be killed while I’m still breathing!” Their voices didn’t even come close to the terrified cries from the train station. There was no point keeping their voices low.

“Then let us help,” Luna offered, stepping forward. “We will not allow our guard to face this enemy alone!”

Commander Silver Wing shook his head.

“We’re not alone,” he muttered. The princesses searched for a reason to argue, but it was all too fast, far too fast for either of them to anticipate.

The Autobots returned, but they didn’t stop. Led by Optimus Prime, the towering giant leapt over the train station, frightening every single pony there. Following him was Rainbow Dash, Spike atop her back with Jetfire and Drift trailing behind. The rest followed all in vehicle form and blew right by the crowd of mares and stallions.

And all Celestia and Luna heard from Optimus was one thing.

“Retreat, my Autobots!”

Then they jumped.

Optimus Prime was the only bot who remained in the train station, the rest jumped off the edge of Canterlot. Not a single pony was harmed from their action, and many even galloped over to the edge to see what had happened to them, Discord included. Prime stared at Celestia, his optics wide with terror.

“Celestia! Luna! You both need to-!”

A low hum followed.

It was a sound they’ve heard before. It was a sound they could feel. The terrified cries from the Canterlot civilians followed afterwards, many hooves being pointed towards the sky. Celestia and Luna both breathed in heavily, slowly turning to face the horrors that lied ahead. Prime turned his head upwards.

There it was. The Decepticon warship, the Nemesis, was hanging right over their heads. Both princesses watched as the underbelly of the ship opened up, revealing a terrifying red orb beginning to glow. The screams and cries of all the ponies reached unbelievable levels, and not even the guards could hold them back from running for their lives.

Silver Wing brought his ageing eyes off the Nemesis and onto the princesses. They shared his own stare, watching as a sad smile grew on the Pegasus’ lips.

“It’s alright…I’ve done my duty. Now do yours.”

Before Celestia or Luna could interject, the powerful stallion rammed his own body against the two, pushing them off the ledge and down the mountain. They screamed at first, but quickly spread their wings and took flight.

“No!” Luna wailed, flying back towards Canterlot, her home, where her soldiers needed her most. Her eyes grew wide with terror. The red underbelly of the Nemesis fired, sending a bright beam of death right on the train station.

It erupted.

The mountain erupted.

Optimus Prime fell down the cliff.

Princess Luna flew back from the force of the explosion, the entire front portion of her face and body burning from the bright fires created from the blast. She felt a pair of hooves catch her, followed by the horrified cries of her older sister. Luna cringed in pain, forcing her eyes to stare into the fire.

The train station was gone. Large pieces of flaming rubble fell to join the rest down the mountain side. No unicorn magic could’ve protected everypony from the blast. Following the train station, the two sisters watched on in horror, in absolute pain as their world crumbled around them, the rest of Canterlot falling.

The rest of Canterlot burning.

But they were there.

They were alive.

They lived.

They cried.

They died inside.

Noctune breathed in the smoke and ash. He didn’t even cough.

He stepped off the airship, nodding only once to each Alliance solider saluting his presence. Keeping the long piece of nylon fabric close to his side, the dark brown stallion quietly approached his partner standing alone at the edges of Canterlot.

Once he was by his side, Noctune saw it all. Lands stretched out as far as the eye could see, only to end by numerous mountain ranges. The dark clouds filled the heavens above, the upcoming storm soon to put an end to all the fire that filled Canterlot. Noctune smiled a closed smile, his dark eyes watching Alliance airships enter Canterlot’s airspace, occupying it, taking it.

Noctune saw his home—Equestria—finally free.

Shockwave saw the world—Equis—finally on its knees.

He heard him talk, his pony ally.

“We’ve done it.”

Such simple words for such an incredible accomplishment. Shockwave knew they would do it, he knew they could take Canterlot and the country, but for Noctune…the pony had been dreaming of change for as long as Shockwave had been watching him. That day had arrived…right in front of them.

Shockwave nodded, still watching their forces enter the city by air.

“Truly,” he muttered, feeling Noctune’s eyes turn to him. “Prepare yourself, my friend, for this is just the beginning…of a new era.”

Noctune pulled the nylon fabric fully out, revealing it to be the flag of the Royal Sisters, the flag of Equestria. Noctune gave it one final smile, his killer’s smile. He let the wind take it off the edge.

The two watched together, in partnership, as the Equestrian flag slowly fell below them, joining the rest of the country in flames.


Author's Note:

“Ponies of Equestria, it is my honor to present your new leaders!”

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