• Published 29th Jul 2014
  • 6,447 Views, 2,989 Comments

Transformers: The Requiem - JDPrime22

Over a year later after the terrible aftermath of the Decepticon invasion, Princess Twilight discovers something deep within the Everfree Forest, something not of her world.

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Chapter 24-Rarity's Rules

Optimus literally had to carry his arm through Ponyville.

Pieces of his armor broke off and paved the dirt road with each step he took. Well…it was mostly limps. The now armless right side of his body sent sparks and glowing blue liquid all across the dirt. He was surprised he had survived the fall, especially in the condition he was currently in before the accident.

Optimus groaned in pain and fell to one knee, his right arm bouncing to the dirt before resting a few feet away. He looked up when a shrill cry approached him rather quickly.

“Oh my goodness! Optimus, darling, are you okay?” Rarity cried out, clearly worried over his condition. Optimus noted her terrified eyes willing to shed more of those ‘tears’ those ponies speak of.

Prime shook his head and rested his left hand upon it. “Badly damaged…” was all he said.

Rarity shook her head in annoyance the way a mother would and said, “Rainbow Dash should feel ashamed for this! I knew her uncouth ‘training session’ was a bad idea ever since Twilight mentioned it!” She stared up at Optimus, who was currently rubbing his head and moaning in obvious pain. Her face bore the expression of pure focus and determination. “Don’t you worry, Optimus Prime. We’re almost to the mechanic shop. They’ll fix you up right away!”

Optimus seemed to stare at her with false hope, something Rarity could not allow.

“Do you need any help getting there?” she asked, her voice soft and reassuring.

He didn’t want the unicorn to feel sorry for him. However, he was bound to fall apart if he didn’t receive the acquired assistance he needed right away. Optimus looked over to his severed arm lying a few feet away from the unicorn. He weakly pointed to it.

“Please…can you carry my arm?” he muttered, his voice cracking.

Rarity turned her head to Optimus’ lone right arm in the dirt. She cringed when she noticed the rust that accompanied the outside of it, but she felt even more sorry for him knowing that he just lost an arm. If a pony lost a foreleg they would either bleed out or die slowly if they didn’t get the medical attention they needed. Optimus was in pain, sure, but it didn’t look like he would die over a missing arm. That’s another thing that surprised Rarity about these Transformers.

She looked up at Optimus’ broken face and smiled. “But of course,” she told him as her magic levitated the severed arm off the ground.

Optimus was surprised the power the unicorn had. Definitely something he would keep in mind. Rarity turned around and began making her way back to the destination they were originally heading to, Optimus’ arm hovering right over her head.

“Come along, darling,” Rarity told him without turning her head. “Let’s get you fixed up, and perhaps a new paint job would look marvelous on you! Maybe a darker shade of red this time? Or perhaps…?”

Optimus had stopped listening to what Rarity was rambling on about not too long ago. He trudged a metal-covered path that he created himself, struggling to keep up with the alabaster unicorn that just seemed to be talking to herself at this point. He didn’t listen nor did he care for what she had to say.

So far the day had just gone from bad to worse. The morning was filled with pointless lessons from Applejack, the afternoon that was planned by Rainbow Dash was nothing but disaster for Prime, and it seemed the day would end with Rarity getting him a paint job…and hopefully get him fixed. This…wasn’t that bad. At least he would get the treatment he needed, and he wouldn’t have to worry about tomor-

“Fluttershy did mention she would like to have a special outing with you tomorrow morning, Optimus,” Rarity told him, receiving a groan from Optimus. She turned her head back, a curious eyebrow rising. “If that’s not a problem for you?”

Optimus shook his head; however, he refused to meet her eyes and stared only at the ground ahead of him. “It’s fine,” he muttered.

Her eyes stared into his, even though he tried to look away. She still saw it. The disappointment. That was surely something she would need to discuss with Twilight about.

Rarity hadn’t realized where she was walking before she ran into the side of a building. She backed off and studied the sign in front of her. Her eyes glowed and her smile grew back. They had made it to the mechanic shop!

“We’re here!” she sang cheerily. Rarity turned her head around and pointed at Optimus. “Now don’t you go running off. I’ll be right out with the crew.”

Optimus clutched the short stump where his right arm once was. “I’m not going anywhere,” he miserably told her. Rarity caught the expression Prime’s tone of voice gave out. She sadly stared at him for a while before placing his severed arm next to the building. Rarity opened the door, a small bell ringing inside, and entered the building.

Once again, without any hope of company returning shortly, Optimus Prime was left alone.

He brought his shattered gaze over to the sunset. It was so majestic, so beautiful, something he hadn’t seen on this world yet. It was moments like this that he questioned the race of these creatures. How some could be so evil…while others can be so kind. He didn’t hate Applejack or Rainbow Dash or any of them. If anything, he felt safe around them, knowing that their kindness would protect him from the dangers of the outside world, that is until he can learn how to fight (which he still hasn’t learned how to do).

The quiet moment of clarity and peace was broken by the doors opening once more. Optimus turned his attention onto Rarity and several other oil-covered ponies approaching behind her. They all wore massive grins and held tools in their hooves or magical grasp. Rarity’s smile was by far the biggest, something Optimus did not find comforting.

“Alright, boys, get to work!” Rarity chimed. Instantly, all the stallions approached Optimus with their paints and tools, their eagerness completely showing. Optimus looked unsure for a few moments, but eventually allowed the ponies to work on his body, to which they agreed with massive enjoyment.

Rarity couldn’t hold her excitement any longer. She was practically jumping up and down.

“I’ve got the perfect design for you, Optimus.”


“Thank you once again, fine colts! Are you sure you didn’t want the tip?”

“No tip needed, ma’am! Anything for the leader of the Autobots!”

Rarity smiled thankfully and turned back towards the road. The sun had almost completely set, and darkness was sweeping across the land. She wanted to see the hour long work used on Prime, as well as the finishing touches she recommended.

“Stop right where you are!” Rarity commanded to the Autobot leader.

Optimus stopped in his tracks, a low groan emanating from his voice. Rarity smirked and said, “Turn around…and let me get a good look at you.”

Not wanting to keep the unicorn waiting any longer, Optimus slowly turned around and faced Rarity head-on. The expression on her face completely told the tale.

Every single dent, scratch, bump, tear, or mark once seen on his body was completely gone thanks to the mending hooves of the Ponyville mechanics. Replacing his arm was a much more difficult challenge, something Rarity took great advantage of. The mechanics were used to wiring and gears from working on previous steam engines in the past, so fixing Prime’s arm was not so hard for them, it just took the majority of their time.

That just left a ton of extra metal they didn’t need. Rarity made sure the rusty edges on Prime’s body were removed, giving her more room to work out her imagination. Optimus’ chest and body were slimmed down only slightly. He definitely wasn’t as large as he was before, but he still looked quite massive.

Now was the time that Rarity took over the operation. Optimus was given a completely new paintjob. Of course, Rarity kept faith to his original colors, but it didn’t hurt for an upgrade. Optimus’ body and arms received a dark shade of red while his legs and head were colored dark cerulean. She offered the finishing touches by having Optimus receive a heavy coat of wax that made him sparkle in the late setting sun.

The mechanics even managed to fix his once dimly-lit lights! Now, his Autobot insignia shined much brighter and much redder. Optimus Prime was literally glowing in front of the unicorn, causing Rarity to swoon in the presence of such artistry.

Rarity fanned herself with her hoof, her voice breathless. “Oh…oh my…you look absolutely fabulous, darling!” she screamed.

Optimus looked himself over, and was about to respond to her with his own opinions when Rarity trotted right past him, her mind set elsewhere.

“You know who would really like to see what you look like?” she spoke openly, her eyes wondering over to the castle far off in the distance. She turned her head to Optimus and shouted, “Twilight, of course! Come along, Optimus! Let’s show her just what Rarity is capable of!”

As she took off towards Twilight’s castle, Optimus let out a low sigh and dragged his feet behind her. He had to admit, he didn’t look bad. In fact, Optimus was very grateful for what those mechanic ponies did for him. It would have been quite the struggle replacing his arm by himself.

While it was extremely generous of Rarity to do this for him, it didn’t truly help Optimus feel any better on the inside the way he looked on the outside.

In shorter words, Optimus didn’t care for what he looked like. He just wanted answers.

Author's Note:

Gonna take a slight turn into new territory with tomorrow's chapter...if I can get it posted. :P Hope you all enjoy!

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