• Published 29th Jul 2014
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Transformers: The Requiem - JDPrime22

Over a year later after the terrible aftermath of the Decepticon invasion, Princess Twilight discovers something deep within the Everfree Forest, something not of her world.

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Chapter 35-The Autobot Named Optimus

Optimus couldn’t believe where he was.

A few hours ago he was enjoying a moment of peace and clarity from the morning sun rising in one of Ponyville’s parks. The next thing he knew he was shipped off to a place called Canterlot, the capital of Equestria, for a meeting with Princess Celestia.

Since his late night discussion with Twilight Sparkle, one of the few ponies he could actually consider friends in this crazy world, Optimus was left weary and in serious need of answers. If anything, their discussion of Prime’s future only left him with more questions. Perhaps the trip to see Princess Celestia wouldn’t be so pointless. Maybe he might actually get answers, and hopefully the cure to what ails him.

The train came to a stop, forcefully pushing Prime’s back against one of the cars. Optimus opened his eyes and noticed the chain wrapped around his waist hadn’t shattered, thankfully. He was placed at the very back of the train Twilight and her friends were riding on, only while they were safely inside one of the many cars, Optimus was basically forced to sit at the back of the train with a chain tied to him so he wouldn’t fall off.

There was no caboose, allowing Optimus more room to sit and hopefully stay on the bumpy ride up the mountain to where Canterlot resided. Optimus was surprised the train hadn’t fallen apart from his weight, but he was even more humiliated knowing this was the only way he could hope to travel, especially since he couldn’t (as Rainbow Dash said) “transform.”

As the train let loose a high whistle, Optimus turned his head left to see massively decorated buildings and towers among an even larger metropolis. The doors of the train opened up.

Optimus turned left even farther to see Pinkie Pie bouncing out first, a bright smile on her face. She never seemed to be unhappy. Following her was Rarity, followed by Applejack and Rainbow Dash. The Pegasus, once touching the Canterlot grounds, immediately took flight. It was as if she didn’t want to stay on the ground for more than five minutes. Optimus could only imagine her trying to fly inside that tiny train car.

That left Fluttershy accompanied by Princess Twilight.

Twilight brought her attention to Optimus almost instantly, noticing his eyes watching her every move. She smiled up to him and said, “You can unravel the chains now, Optimus. We’re here.”

Optimus nodded and brought his head down to focus on the chains. Bringing up his hands, Optimus gripped each end of the chains that held him down. He tried to remember how they were tied to him exactly. He pulled, twisted, and even managed to find the knot that kept him locked down. Optimus pulled on the knot…and the chains instantly shattered in his grasp.

As the broken pieces of metal fell out of his hands, Rainbow Dash was busy trying to contain her laughter. She couldn’t help it and let loose a quick giggle, instantly receiving glares from Rarity and Applejack.

Optimus only sighed. It was going to be a long trip down the mountain.


“And remember: it’s important to bow before the princesses. It’ll show that you respect them,” Twilight whispered up to Optimus as the group traveled down the halls of Celestia’s castle. However, she felt as if her words meant nothing to him, for Optimus only continued to walk straight forward, his eyes glued on the doors leading to Celestia’s throne room.

Twilight bit her lower lip. Something didn’t feel right about Optimus.

She didn’t have time to think more on the subject, because they reached the doors rather quickly. The two guards leading them to the throne room backed off to the side, bowing at the group and opening the doors with their unicorn magic.

Optimus was met right away with a bright light. He brought up a hand to block out the rays of morning sunlight pouring down across the throne room from several windows hanging to the left and right sides of the walls.

As he lowered his hand once his optics began to adjust to the brightness, he was met with the sight of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna sitting together on the large thrones at the end of the room, their tired eyes and smiling faces looking down at Twilight and her friends bowing respectively to the two. Twilight swiveled her head back for a quick peek at Optimus. He didn’t move an inch.

Great. Twilight thought. This could only end so well.

Once the six mares got back up to their four hooves and Optimus came up from behind them, Celestia and Luna looked at each other once more, nodding in understanding.

“I would like to take the time and thank each of you for bringing Optimus Prime to Canterlot for this important meeting. I felt that it would be better if we told you in person, Optimus, rather than Twilight addressing you of the situation back in Ponyville,” Celestia announced to the group.

As Optimus continued with his silent stare directed solely to the two princesses, Princess Twilight took a step forward, her head tilting in confusion.

“Um…excuse me, princess, but what kind of situation are you talking about?” the Alicorn asked.

Celestia closed her eyes, a heavy sigh escaping her trembling lips. “I suppose it’s better that your friends are here as well, Princess Twilight. They deserve to know just as much as you.”

“What?” Rainbow Dash practically yelled, making her voice loud and clear. “What do we need to know?”

It was as if all the life had simply drained out of the solar princess. Luna noticed this and rested her hoof on her sister’s shoulder. She took a stand and announced loudly, “Early this morning, we received a letter from Shining Armor all the way from the Crystal Empire.”

“My brother?” Twilight gasped.

Luna nodded, resting her hoof by Celestia’s as she continued. “What he stated in the letter was far worse than any of us could’ve hoped to imagine. Shining Armor wrote to us saying that the Crystal Empire was attacked last night, several guards were found torn to shreds, and something very…very valuable was stolen.”

Luna’s eyes grew ten times darker.

“The Crystal Heart,” she said, noticing the several gasps of horror from the five mares below. Twilight appeared to have mouthed her words silently, as if she knew Luna was going to say that.

“How…how is this possible?!” Rarity demanded to know.

Celestia opened her eyes after nearly a minute’s rest. She faced the group below her with a hard stare, her voice no longer motherly but taking the tone of true ruler.

“Unfortunately, there was only one witness to these acts of…horrific terror,” she stated as if the word ‘horrific’ was a foul-tasting liquid on her tongue. “This guard mentioned that the attacks were orchestrated by two beings that stood upright, as well as a Timberwolf that glowed bright purple and a giant bird. They all bore the same symbol…” Celestia let her sentence fall there, allowing the mares in front of them to catch it.

“Decepticons,” the six mares muttered all at once.

The solar goddess nodded, continuing. “With the presence of Decepticons on Equestrian soil, I have ordered a high alert notice on all major cities and even contacted the Alliance of Alien Activity to begin their investigation for more Decepticon threats if they do appear. However…” her voice began to trail off, Luna by her side catching her sister if she did fail to continue.

“However,” Luna said, “we have received word from the leader of the Alliance, saying that they cannot aid in the search for Decepticon threats due to a supposed ‘worker’s strike’ that just sprung up recently back at their main facility. Once Noctune settles things back at Vanhoover, then they will get right to work on investigating.”

We hadn’t heard any word of a worker’s strike in Vanhoover earlier! That still doesn’t explain why he rejected our offer for a peaceful meeting here in Canterlot! The nerve of that cocky, brainwashed stallion and his-!

Easy, Luna… Celestia telepathically whispered back to her sister.

As Luna settled herself, Twilight was busy trying to rightfully remember just what the Alliance of Alien Activity was. She did remember seeing their logo on a billboard several months back, but her memory chose to betray her instead. The princess didn’t have much knowledge on the Alliance, only that they were a secret organization that remained in the works of alien investigations.

Applejack remained unnaturally quiet. Her head was low and her eyes shifted back and forth between her hooves. While it looked like she was doing nothing, her mind began to slowly put the pieces of the puzzle together. The Alliance of Alien Activity. Why did that sound…familiar to her?

While Applejack continued to sort things out by herself, Princess Celestia recently began to speak again once her voice decided to return.

“Without the Alliance’s aid, I’m afraid we will have to begin this search with our own standing military. In doing so we will…unfortunately be silencing the investigation of the Sweet Apple Acres incident until further notice.”

Optimus Prime, who had remained silent during the entire meeting so far, found the reason to become concerned with Celestia’s decision. With his head was slowly wrenching forward towards the solar princess, his crossed arms fell to his sides and his hands began to morph into fists.

Fluttershy gulped and curled into a ball.

“How dare you,” Optimus growled with his voice low and deadly. While Celestia and Luna were surprised by Optimus’ sudden change of tone, Twilight’s ears merely fell against her skull, her eyes bearing true sadness.

This wasn’t the first time Optimus had changed his once peaceful expressions into more threatening ones. She remembered him in the battlefield so long ago, no longer a friendly alien but a beast hungry to slay. He even showed his dark side recently at Pinkie’s party last night. He told them that he was tired of not knowing the truth and why he was treated as a hero when he did nothing he could remember. Pinkie Pie seemed to have solved that problem, but Twilight had a hunch that her discussion last night with Optimus was about to revive once again.

Optimus Prime stepped over the six mares below him, frightening Rarity and Fluttershy. He stopped when he was but a few feet in front of Celestia’s throne.

The Autobot leader pointed his large black finger straight at Celestia’s chest. “How dare you end the search for the ponies that threatened to end my life!” he said to the princess, his voice slowly growing louder.

Celestia tried her best to reason with him. “I understand the deep troubles in your situation, Optimus, I really do. But as the ruler of Equestria it is my duty to tend to the needs of my citizens first!”

“Don’t you ever try to give me that lie again!” Optimus shouted. Celestia, as well as Luna’s jaw dropped. The six mares behind him gasped in unison. Optimus didn’t care. His time of silence was now broken and his true feelings were unleashed.

He took another step closer, his glare intensifying as he yelled, “You swore you would find the ponies that tried to kill me, you gave me your word that you would discover why I have lost my memory, and now not only have you still not found a cure to my ailment…but you dare try to end the search for my assassins for some chase to find a heart?"

“Truly you do not understand the importance of the Crystal Heart,” Celestia retorted, her voice matching Prime’s in threat. “It is a power that ponies can only dream of witnessing. The Crystal Heart is capable of maintaining peace throughout all of Equestria, even farther past that of our own country. With it gone…and in the Decepticon’s grasp…there is no telling what kind of horrors they can do with that kind of power. That is why we must put the Sweet Apple Acres investigation on hold until we can find a way to return the Crystal Heart back in our possession.”

Optimus looked away, his fist clenching and then relaxing. His anger seemed to fade away like a steaming piece of metal dipped into cool water. “If you are telling the truth, then I understand why you must find this…‘Crystal Heart’ at all costs,” he muttered, not even noticing the two princesses share a quick breath of relief. He did turn his head back to them, a look of pure sorrow seen in his expression. What he said next nearly shattered the sisters’ hearts

“But that doesn’t give you any right to stop looking for a cure.”

“It is not how it seems, Optimus!” Luna interjected, her eyes sad. “My sister and I have been searching day and night in the Canterlot Archives for a cure since we discovered your memory loss! We just need more time to-!”

“Time,” Prime interrupted, his back now facing the princesses. Twilight reared forward to try and take a good look at his face. His eyes were half-closed, his head low and shoulders sagged. His faceplate began to move, telling Twilight that he was about to speak.

“Time…is something we are clearly running out of,” Optimus said, turning back towards Celestia and her younger sister.

He spoke to them alone, not even caring what the ponies behind him thought. “If these Decepticons that you speak of have the Crystal Heart…and if they plan to use it for horrors unimaginable, then why do you continue to not allow me to know the truth of who I am?”

“It is not as simple as that, Optimus Prime,” Celestia told him.

Optimus shook his head, slicing the air in front of him with his hand. “Yes it is, and you know it!” he shouted, catching everypony in the room by surprise. Optimus pointed his hand back to Twilight, who took a few steps back when her friends all began to stare at her.

“Twilight Sparkle is the only pony who has been considerate of my situation. She told me to keep faith in knowing that my life isn’t pointless! She told me that I am meant for great things! What things am I meant for in this life?!” he finished by clenching both of his hands, his optics locked on the two Alicorns sitting in front of him.

Both sisters looked at each other, then Optimus, then each other.

Their eyes seemed to share the same feeling. Somehow there was some truth in Prime’s words. Even when he had completely lost touch of who he truly was, he was right. Despite the warnings they received, despite the after effects that might consume him, despite it all…Princess Celestia and Princess Luna knew what to do. Their eyes seemed to share the same feeling.

However, that left what might happen if they actually told him…the truth.

It might be too much for him to handle. The weight of the truth could actually crush him. That’s what the princesses were afraid of. Optimus might not be able to fully understand his true destiny the way they were told…by him.

Princess Celestia sighed, earning a nod from her younger sister to allow her to continue. The sun goddess closed her eyes, replaying the words in her mind told to her that fateful day oh so long ago. When her eyes opened, they took the light of pure fire, intensifying that of the sun’s rays. They dimmed down quickly, her stone-hard gaze facing Optimus.

She asked but one question.

“Are you sure you wish to know?”

Optimus nodded.

Celestia nodded, her eyes narrowing. “Very well…” she said. It was quiet for a few moments more, causing Twilight to stamp her hoof quietly on the ground in anticipation. She was told to keep quiet around Optimus about the truth. She couldn’t even imagine how Celestia was going to break it to him.

Her eyes closed, and she began the grand tale as she was told.

“Millions of years ago, on the distant planet of Cybertron, there lived a race of robotic and extremely intelligent beings known as Transformers. For eons, they lived in peace. A Golden Age was declared that would be the beginning of exploration, discovery, and peace throughout the universe. However…this peace would not last soon.

“The world’s first tyrant and ruler of a branch known only as the Decepticons, Megatron, created a war that soon spread across the entire planet, devouring all who dared stand in its path of destruction. For millions of years the war for Cybertron raged, and the leader of the opposing force of evil against Megatron and his Decepticons, the Autobots, had lost all hope in fighting in the never-ending war. His life was lost…and a new leader needed to be crowned. That leader…was named Optimus Prime.

“With the Autobots acquiring one of the bravest, strongest, and most loyal Autobots in existence as their leader, and with the core of Cybertron bestowing the Matrix of Leadership upon Optimus with its final breath, they soon realized that they could no longer hold off against Megatron’s depravity and lust for conquest. Optimus Prime decided that Cybertron could no longer remain habitable, and they all must complete the ultimate sacrifice: Abandon their home, or face total extinction.

“Developing and constructing a massive starship known as the Ark, Optimus Prime and his heroic Autobots left their home in search of a new planet in the galaxy…a planet to call home. But it was all for not. Megatron intercepted the Autobots on their escape, and both factions tumbled through the Space Bridge Portal, sending them all directly…here.

“What transpired next would be the darkest days Equestria has seen since Discord’s reign. Megatron threatened to take the entire planet and steal this world’s energy source to fuel Cybertron with new life and save the Cybertronian race. Doing so would destroy our world, and every life on this planet would die. However, Optimus Prime and his Autobots would never stand idly by as Megatron wiped out a peaceful world for the mistakes he made on another. No. Making the ultimate sacrifice, Optimus Prime gave up his own life, not knowing where he would go or if he would die in the process, to save this world and everypony who dwelled on it.

“Today we have made dedications to these brave Autobots and their admiring leader for their bravery and sacrifice in the deadliest storms of the call of duty. They saved our world…not caring about their own and declaring that this was their home now. That is why we remember Optimus Prime as a hero and a savior. He gave up everything…for us ponies. Everything. And we cannot thank him enough.”

Princess Celestia opened her eyes after noticing the dreadful silence once her story was done. She stared at Optimus Prime, noticing his wide eyes. Nothing else. Just his wide, surprised, shocked, horrified eyes.

They seemed to be waiting for something more.

Her eyes lit up with the strength of the sun, her horn doing the same. As the light of the solar goddess enveloped across the throne room, the six mares below shielded themselves from its power. Optimus stared right into the light.

And then they were all gone in a bright, white flash.


Celestia’s hooves softly touched the grass.

With her magic fading and her powers ceasing, the princess opened her eyes once more to see that the transportation spell had worked without any hiccups. Optimus Prime stood right in front of her, as did Princess Twilight and the rest of her friends. It was the same exact scene as it was in the throne room, except now…they were somewhere special.

Optimus’ hard stare penetrated Celestia’s with no remorse. Even with the six ponies below him taking a new look to their surroundings, Optimus Prime was still there, waiting, praying, and begging for Celestia’s final statement.

Princess Celestia’s wings fell to her sides, her breath-taking eyes narrowing on something…behind them.

He let his gaze fall from hers for the smallest amount of time he could offer. Optimus turned his head around, completely ignoring the six shared gasps below him. He couldn’t help it. He joined them.

Standing a few feet away from the last Prime…was himself.

He approached the miniature statue with shaking feet, his breaths ragged and uncontrolled. He ignored the many other statues surrounding him, his vision focused on the biggest one. Optimus almost fell to his knees at the sheer sight of it, but kept his balance no matter what it cost him. He was there. He had reached the answers he has been looking for.

The statue of a complete image of his own body had his name engraved below it.

As his hand grazed the name below him, Optimus slowly turned his head around as he heard Celestia’s voice melting behind him.

“Every word I have said…from the deepest portion of my heart and soul…is the truth,” Celestia finished, receiving a nod from Princess Luna.

That did it.

Optimus Prime backed away from the statue. Twilight and her five friends moved over to the sides as his feet stepped upon the area they were rightfully standing. Optimus didn’t even see them. He was too busy staring out in space, his eyes slowly shifting downwards to his hands. He stared in horror, uncontrolled gasps escaping his faceplate.

He sat down, causing a little tremor to pass throughout the sculpture gardens.

While Princess Celestia looked down at Optimus sadly, Twilight and her friends were already by Prime’s side. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie had begun saying calming words to the Prime, who neglected the two mares at his right side. Twilight tried to explain to him that this was the reason why she couldn’t tell him the truth, but he ignored her, his own thoughts reeling on the heavy information he had received all at once.

Optimus closed his eyes, his head lowering.

Princess Twilight turned her head to Celestia, who sent a sad gaze her way in understanding. Twilight’s ears flattened, and her eyes bore the sadness of a thousand crying souls. The silence left in the statue gardens was thick. There weren’t even any visitors that day. Nopony dared to speak, the only words heard was Fluttershy’s calming tone to Optimus.

A new sound was heard. A poof.

All eyes, except for Prime’s, all turned towards the direction of the sound. Floating above Princess Luna’s head, a vivid beast with numerous animal body parts hung there with what appeared to be sparklers in his hands. Celestia knew who it was right away, as did her sister and Twilight especially. They didn’t even need to hear his voice to know who it was.

“Greetings, everypony! I’m back from vacation!”

The sly draconequus morphed through the air, an unamused expression stitched on his face. However, he dashed the rude welcoming aside when he spotted Twilight, all of her friends, and Optimus Prime. Perfect! He thought only Princess Celestia and Luna would be here, now he could tell them all the fantastic news!

He smiled widely, deciding to fly right in front of Celestia’s personal bubble.

“Absolutely incredible news, Princess Celestia! I have just visited the other side of the country for the past few days, and while I did enjoy myself with all the rest stops and tourist attractions,” he made a fancy hat with sparklers and large pieces of fruit attached to it appear in his hand. He placed the ridiculous eyesore atop Luna’s head, receiving a glare from the lunar goddess.

“Little present for you, Lulu,” Discord whispered to her, to which she responded with a snort.

Princess Celestia shook her head. “Now is not a good time, Discord. We are in the middle of a very important meeting with Princess Twilight and Optimus Prime,” she told him, only causing his grin to increase further.

“Oh, but you haven’t even heard the exciting part of my journey yet,” Discord retaliated, earning a frown from Celestia. He continued, a pair of heavy glasses, a fedora, and a pencil and notepad appearing on his person. He inhaled a pipe that appeared in his free paw, bubbles floating off into the air.

“During my vacationing hours, I did a little investigating of my own,” Discord said, teleporting right on Prime’s shoulder. “Seeing Optimus Prime back in Equestria really got me thinking. What if he’s not the only Autobot on this world? I mean we’ve already discovered the Dinobot commander inside of the Everfree Forest, but…what if there’s…more to that?”

“What are you saying, Discord?” Rainbow Dash asked.

The draconequus appeared by her side, wrapping his arm around Rainbow Dash and pulling her towards his chest. “Oh, poor Rainbow Dash. Can’t accept the fact that that ferocious, bloodthirsty beast-friend of yours is nothing but a ferocious, bloodthirsty beast that doesn’t remember a thing. Oh, why must life be so unfair?”

Rainbow pushed Discord off of her rather harshly. She shouted, “I can accept that! I don’t care if…if Grimlock’s nothing but a mindless beast!” Her eyes started to burn, though she quickly brought up a point that still wasn’t answered. “What did you even find on your ‘investigation’?”

Discord smiled, his arms crossing over each other. “I guess we can all proudly say that Optimus is no longer alone on this world,” he announced loudly.

“Yeah, we got that. Grimlock’s here too,” Applejack said after finally returning to the conversation, a hint of boredom making its way into her voice.

He shook his head. “No, no, no, no, no! I don’t mean Grimlock…I mean others," he finished with a sly grin.

Twilight already knew where he was going with his little hints, and her eyes grew wider with ever second that passed. Applejack seemed to understand now, as well as the rest of her friends, including the two princesses. Unfortunately, Pinkie Pie still didn’t know what was going on.

“The Decepticons?” the pink mare asked, scratching her chin with her hoof. “Because we just found out that they’re here too.”

Discord smacked his face, groaning, “Oh, for goodness-! I found the other Autobots and brought them together!”

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna both shared equally surprised gasps. Twilight and her friends’ jaws all gaped in shock, Pinkie finally understanding with a long “Ohhhh” escaping her lips. Twilight was about to say something to him, presumably asking Discord where they were, but her question remained in her throat when she felt the ground shake.

Optimus brought his head up quickly to stare at the creature known as Discord. He stood up with speed that was just as a mystery to him as it was to the ponies around him. Something had triggered Prime to act when Discord mentioned Autobots. It was Celestia’s story.

Was he starting to believe her? What if her story of his life was simply false, just like her failed promises? Optimus didn’t know for sure…but he found honesty in her voice when she told him, the same kind of honesty he remembered Twilight speaking. He also remembered when Celestia mentioned Optimus Prime and his “Autobots” in the story.

His Autobots.

That statue of himself.

Optimus was soon starting to believe her more and more. Even Twilight found a reason to smile when Prime began to speak in the same commanding voice she knew him for. The stern, powerful voice that Optimus roared on the battlefield, but also the calming, intelligent tone whenever the situation called for it.

It was the powerful voice she and everypony else heard come out of him.

"Where?" Optimus Prime demanded. Discord smiled and snapped his fingers.

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