• Published 29th Jul 2014
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Transformers: The Requiem - JDPrime22

Over a year later after the terrible aftermath of the Decepticon invasion, Princess Twilight discovers something deep within the Everfree Forest, something not of her world.

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Chapter 6-One Final Push

“I can’t believe this,” Princess Twilight groaned as she read the morning newspaper. It wasn’t the fact that the reporters covered the story of Celestia’s failed contact with Optimus Prime, it was the fact that they wrote whatever they wanted.

Twilight read the lines out loud to herself. “'Failed contact with Equestrian legends leaves many ponies wondering if it really is the leader of the Autobots and not just a piece of junkyard scrap?!’ Are you kidding me?!”

The Alicorn crumbled up the newspaper and tossed it in front of her. She rubbed her temples and groaned loudly. If it wasn’t for her morning coffee coming soon she might as well lose it. The ponies, that were meant to be specialized reporters, wrote nonsense that made her headache much worse than it should have been.

Celestia…she needed her coffee.

“Did a princess order a coffee?” said a cheerful voice Twilight recognized at heart.

Twilight opened her eyes, smiling gratefully and sort of holding back a laugh at her number one assistant. Spike wore a pink apron which represented a large red heart in the center. In his claws he carried Twilight’s morning coffee, heat rising from the cup, making Twilight lick her lips in anticipation.

“Thank you so much, Spike,” Twilight said as she levitated the cup out of Spike’s claws, “I really needed this.” She leaned forward in her throne and hugged the baby dragon.

Spike blushed softly; rubbing the back of his head after Twilight broke the hug.

“Aw…it was nothin’,” Spike admitted. As he was making his way over to his own little throne, Twilight took a big whiff out of her morning coffee and sighed contently.

“That doesn’t smell like nothing,” Twilight moaned as the sweet, lustful smell of the coffee pierced her nostrils, filling her mind with passionate and wonderful thoughts. Oh, she simply could not wait to take that first sip. Carefully, she blew away the heat, watching the steam rise away, leaving her coffee perfect and ready for the taking. She lowered the cup into her hooves, slowly…ever so slowly, bringing it up to her lips for that one taste…


Twilight flipped the coffee cup into the air. She screamed in surprise and pain, a mixture of both. With the hot brew spewing right into her face, all that was left was the cup landing perfectly on her horn. With her right eye twitching in irritancy, she slowly looked over to see none other than Pinkie Pie, a large megaphone in her hooves.

“Good. Morning. Pinkie. How are you?” Twilight hissed through her gritted teeth. Even with the coffee pouring down her face, she also noticed Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash all behind the wild one.


Twilight levitated the cup off her horn, announcing loudly as her friends entered the throne room. “Thank you, girls, for all coming at such short notice. Spike and I probably should’ve wrote each of you these letters last night so you wouldn’t have to of gotten up so early,” as she spoke, Spike handed Twilight a towel to which she gratefully took and wiped her mane and face.

Rainbow Dash lowered herself onto her respected throne, waving off Twilight’s explanation. “Aw don’t sweat it, Twi,” she said with a carnivorous yawn escaping her mouth, “I sleep all day anyways.”

Applejack took a seat in her throne, shaking her head at Rainbow’s response. “Unlike some ponies, Ah have no trouble gettin’ up this early, Twilight. In that letter ya made it sound like this here meetin’ was real important.”

The Alicorn princess removed the towel from her head, revealing her mane in shambles and hair sticking out in all directions. “Oh it is, Applejack!” she said with a smile.

Rarity made her way over to Twilight’s throne, using her magic to fix Twilight’s mane to its original splendor. Twilight smiled gratefully as Rarity said, “Then what, pray tell, would this meeting be about, Twilight?”

“How long is this going to last, Twilight?” Fluttershy made herself visible for a few moments as she took her seat. “I promised Angel and the other critters I would prepare them an extra special breakfast this morning.”

Twilight smiled at her timid friend. “It’s not going to last that long, Fluttershy,” she told her, suddenly looking at each them, “All I need is for us to do one thing, and then we’re done. So, everypony, take your seats.”

Rarity sat down in her throne, waving at the young dragon sitting across from her. Spike’s face turned bright crimson, waving softly back at her. Twilight looked around. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike, and…

“Pinkie…” Twilight warned, “wherever you are…please get in here and take a seat.”

The bright pink pony suddenly appeared right behind the Alicorn, nearly giving Twilight a heart attack for the second time today.

“Hey, Twilight! I was just looking around in your room and I found this COOL staff!” she pulled out of nowhere a golden cane with a crude adaption of Twilight’s head on the top. She hugged it tightly to her chest and screamed, “Can I have it?! PLEASE?!”

“OKAY!” Twilight shouted, suddenly covering her mouth in surprise. She stared at Pinkie and narrowed her eyes. “Just please be quiet,” she told her.

Pinkie nodded madly, speeding over to her throne with the golden cane in her hoof. She sat regally, proud and pink. Twilight shook her head, denying a smile that appeared on her face. That’s what she loved about Pinkie: The way she’s just…Pinkie.

Clearing those thoughts away, Twilight cleared her throat and announced, “Obviously these past few days have been…eventful. It’s been…so long since we’ve seen Optimus…or all of our friends for that matter.”

“Twi, what are ya gettin’ at?” Applejack asked, her eyebrow raised in suspicion.

“What I’m getting at is that we’re so close…so close to bring that bond, that friendship back to our hearts…to this world. If we save Optimus, bring him back to us…I can’t even imagine a greater thing. Letting a hero live among us, a friend return to us. Obviously you all want Optimus back.”

“But…Twilight,” Fluttershy began, shuttering when all eyes were on her, “you…I-I mean we all saw that even Discord couldn’t save him. He’s the master of chaos, his power is far stronger than any unicorn out there.”

Twilight nodded. “That’s true, but-”

“And don’t forget Princess Celestia actually went inside of him!” Rainbow interrupted, taking the spotlight that was meant for Twilight. “She even said that Optimus can’t live without Energon. I mean, unless you got some of that stuff lying around here, Twi, there isn’t any on this planet.”

Twilight bit her lip. “Okay, I get it, but I-”

“Twilight,” Applejack interrupted as well, earning a sigh from Twilight, “those are the two most powerful beings on this planet. An’ it’s not gonna take Princess Luna or even Cadance with Celestia ta have that power ta bring him back.”

“But we have that power, Applejack,” Twilight grinned victoriously. “We have the Rainbow Power.”

Everypony gasped in surprise, Pinkie suddenly dropping the cane as if it never even existed. In the confusion and surprise, there was silence, like a great thunderstorm settling. All colorful eyes shifted to one another, as if each pony was thinking the same thing.

Could it work?

Rarity was the one to break the everlasting silence that consumed the room.

“Twilight, I know that this new power we hold is far stronger than the Elements of Harmony. But I don’t believe it has the power to bring Optimus back.”

The Alicorn frowned, sticking her hoof in the air for effect. “When Tirek consumed all the magic in Equestria, he consumed the magic from every single unicorn, Pegasus, and earth pony. Add that to when you guys told me he stole Discord’s chaotic magic and all of the Alicorn magic he consumed. Tirek was more powerful than anything on this planet…and we beat him.”

All eyes in the room widened. Not a word was breathed.

Twilight continued, “The Rainbow Power is more powerful than Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Discord, and hundreds of thousands of ponies’ magic combined! We hold the most omnipotent, most devastating power this world has ever dreamed of witnessing.”

The five ponies in the room were shunned into silence. Spike was getting excited; Twilight’s big finale was coming.

Twilight narrowed her eyes at each of her friends, grinning from ear to ear.

“We can save Optimus Prime with Rainbow Power,” she finished.

It was silent for a whole two seconds before Rainbow Dash shot out of her chair. “I’m in!” the cyan Pegasus shouted, taking off towards the center of the room. Her tail was yanked back by Applejack who, with incredible reflexes, grabbed her just in time and brought her to the crystal ground.

“Easy there, partner!” the earth pony exclaimed, receiving a glare from Rainbow and a questioning look from the others. Applejack turned to Twilight and sighed heavily, “…Twi…if this doesn’t work…than ya know there’s nothin’ else we can do.”

Twilight got off her throne making her way towards the center. The rest seemed to follow, except for Spike who decided to sit and watch at the spectacle about to take place. The Alicorn rested her hoof on Applejack’s shoulder, giving her a warm smile.

“You gotta have faith, Applejack. That’s what got us this far. Our friendship…it would’ve never made it through all the challenges we faced over the years if we didn’t have faith. Who’s to say it’ll fail us now?”

Applejack looked at the ground, took a very deep sigh this time, and rose up to meet Twilight’s eyes. She smiled back.

“Alright, Twi, Ah’m with ya on this one,” Applejack said, seeing as Twilight gave her a quick hug.

Twilight broke off and turned her attention back to all her friends. She nodded, pointing towards the center of the room…where her cutie mark was displayed.

“Formation girls, and just like we practiced. All of us need to focus on one certain area where the Rainbow Power needs to go, and it’ll go there,” Twilight explained, watching as her friends circled around the large star portrayed in the center of the throne room. Each of them nodded.

Princess Twilight closed her eyes, imagining in her mind Sweet Apple Acres. The morning sun shining down on rows upon rows of apple trees, succulent apples ripe and ready for the picking…or bucking. She imagined Big Macintosh pulling a large carriage filled with hay bales. Apple Bloom was in the background, playing with her friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Granny Smith was sound asleep on her rocking chair sitting on the front porch of the house.

Then there was the barn. She imagined the doors opening, revealing Optimus Prime, her friend, awakening once the rainbow hit. Just the thought filled her heart with joy, bringing a bright smile upon her face. That wasn’t the only thing that shined bright…

The others, Pinkie, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy all felt the same thing. The rebirth of an old friendship they had with the last Prime. Each of them imagined Applejack’s barn, and what dwelled inside.

There was bright light emanating from each mare, the one light that could only mean one thing.

Rainbow Power.

Spike actually had to shield his eyes for what happened next. Each mare glowed as bright as the sun, their power brought to the center, showering a display of lights and majesty across the room. Spike actually watched this time, his jaw open wide.

“Wow…” he breathed with sparks dancing across the floor and Rainbow Power skyrocketing upwards towards the ceiling.

Outside of the castle, the residents of Ponyville were just waking up, performing their normal morning duties. ‘Open’ signs appeared on every fruit or vegetable stand as hungry patrons came to spend their hard-earned bits. Shops opened up, letting in ponies from all around.

Suddenly, there was a bright light.

All eyes focused on Princess Twilight’s castle. Carriages crashed into one another with nopony paying attention. Ponies dropped their baskets in wonder and awe as a long rainbow stream erupted from the top of the castle. The massive stream acted on its own, taking flight and flying right over the town. All eyes followed to where it was going…Sweet Apple Acres.

Big Macintosh went in for a heavy buck to bring down every apple at once. His carriage was nearly full and this was the last apple tree in the west orchard to clear. He reared back…but suddenly stopped, his eyes catching a massive rainbow stream hitting the barn and destroying the roof.

His eyes widened in horror. “Nope!” he screamed, missing the tree by a mile and landing flat on his stomach. He got up quickly, racing towards the front of the barn.

Big Mac made a full check to see if anything else was damaged. All except the roof, everything seemed to be fine. How in the world did a rainbow just come out of nowhere and-

After a recent teleportation spell concocted by none other than Twilight herself, the princess and all her friends appeared in Sweet Apple Acres. Twilight was the first to get to the front of the barn. Completely ignoring Big Mac’s presence, the Alicorn shoved the red earth pony away like he was nothing, her focus only on what the aftermath was.

Big Mac, however, was launched into the pig pen.

Nopony seemed to care, except for Applejack who shouted an apology for Twilight. The Alicorn princess was busy using her magic to rip open the barn doors. They were immediately greeted by a huge cloud of dust.

After a long coughing fit, Twilight and the others peered inside. It was still really smoky inside; they couldn’t see much of anything. Twilight blew the smoke away in front of her as he she took her first cautious step forward inside.

Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Spike all followed right behind her. They noticed a massive hole on the ceiling, obviously caused by the Rainbow Power, but nopony cared for it. Not even Applejack. They were preoccupied on the task at hoof. However, the ceiling did provide sunlight that soon would clear away the smoke.

Twilight still couldn’t see a thing. Even when she thought she was halfway inside the barn, still nothing. Her hopes kept rising and rising at the thought that it actually worked, that their Rainbow Power brought Optimus back.

She soon ran into something warm and hard.

Rubbing her nose backing off, Twilight looked upwards and noticed a massive dark outline in the smoke. She gulped.

The smoke had cleared out of the barn.

All the mares kept their breathing silent…waiting…hoping. Spike chewed his thumb.

There he was. Optimus Prime…still in vehicle mode.

Smoke drifted off the last Prime, but he said nothing, remaining in his frozen stupor. Twilight gulped again, clearing her throat and beginning the first contact.

“…Optimus…can you hear me?”

A full twenty seconds passed.


Her hopes were diminished. An animalistic scream erupted out of Twilight’s mouth, tears flooding her eyes as she sent a magic bolt straight into the wall, creating another massive hole in the barn. She sent another after another, into the ground, the roof, the wall. Her screams were never drowned out. Even with her friends yelling at her to stop, she did not.

They grabbed onto her, holding the Alicorn down. But it was over, all hope, all faith she had was gone. Optimus was gone…nothing could bring him back. Twilight screamed and screamed again and again, slamming her hooves in the dirt and crying like a child.

Her friends held her down, shouting over her screams and trying their best to calm the heartbroken princess. But nothing could help her now; she was lost, forever to regret never rebuilding that friendship they had created long ago.

It wasn’t long before her angered boiled down and her sadness took over. Twilight Sparkle laid down on the dirt and cried, cried harder than she ever had for a long time. Her friends no longer shouted. They sat down with her, hugging her, rubbing her back, and just being there for her.

Six mares mourned that day for their friend.

And one baby dragon could do nothing but watch.

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