• Published 29th Jul 2014
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Transformers: The Requiem - JDPrime22

Over a year later after the terrible aftermath of the Decepticon invasion, Princess Twilight discovers something deep within the Everfree Forest, something not of her world.

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Chapter 69-Tame

A group of six Decepticon mini-drones scouted the edges of the Everfree Forest. Their blue scanners raced across the dirt and trees, searching for the disturbance they were warned of earlier from command.

One drone stopped, the other five continued on the tree lines.

The single drone faced the Everfree Forest, its blue scanner observing the nearest foliage. The scanner remained blue after a few more seconds of searching. No disturbances. No hostiles.

It flew off.

Optimus Prime emerged from the bundle of trees he hid behind.

It was a brutal journey across the landscape, lasting several hours. Optimus used whatever skills he had to avoid any and all contact with either Decepticon or Alliance forces. In fact, he did his best to remain hidden and stick to any bit of forest he could find when traveling to Ponyville. He still had a price over his head, so reaching any settlement for sanctuary was definitely off of Prime’s list of ideas.

Prime didn’t actually reach Ponyville, but he could still see it within the darkness that the Everfree consumed him in. Like all the other oppressed settlements across the country, Ponyville was just another example of the Decepticons’ and Alliance’s brutality. Watchtowers lined the outskirts of the village with spotlights constantly surveying the area. Decepticon drones filled the skies, searching, hunting.

Optimus was relieved to already have reached his destination: the Everfree Forest.

Now…it was time to see if his memory betrayed him again.

Optimus observed the forest far closer now than when he first entered it. His optics slowly shut on their own, his mind replaying the events so long ago…his moment with a friend.

“Sometimes it’s better to be kind than to be harmful or assertive. I’ve learned that lesson many times over the years, but I think I truly understood its meaning when you showed it to me, Optimus.”

“Fluttershy…” Optimus muttered, slowly opening his glowing, blue eyes. He looked over the area he was in once more. It was so dark, so hidden in twisted vines and large tree trunks. Through it all, through all the darkness that clouded the forest floor, Prime could see it.

He remembered.

He could see light deeper inside the Everfree.

Optimus Prime flexed his fingers in and out. It was time. As quietly as he could, the last Prime rose his mighty foot forward and approached the light within the dark void. His giant footsteps blocked out all other sound…including the five pairs of hooves trailing behind him.

As the mighty Prime pushed aside two tree limbs blocking his path, he finally entered the open grass field he was accustomed to before. He continued onwards, ignoring the metal scraps that littered the field. Optimus stopped when he was certain he was in the middle of the field, his head facing the dark end of the foliage.

It was several seconds too long and Prime still did nothing.

Rainbow Dash pushed aside a large leaf in her vision. She frowned to see that Optimus remained as still as a statue, his back facing them. She scoffed, blew a quiet raspberry, and fell back onto her haunches.

“This is getting pretty boring,” she whispered, keenly remembering to keep her voice low, especially since they were in Decepticon territory and not in the safe confines of the Manehattan sewers. She peered through the leaves once more, frowning. “Why do you think Optimus came all the way out here, to admire the scenery?”

Rarity jammed her hoof none too gently into Rainbow’s shoulder, whispering, “Honestly, Rainbow Dash, you must learn to have some patience.”

Rainbow flared out her wings, already butting her forehead against Rarity’s. She hissed, “Oh, and staying cramped up in the smelly sewers for a month wasn’t patience enough, little Miss ‘Complain About Everything’? I remember you crying about the ‘horrid’ conditions you were forced to live in for the first two weeks, so don’t you ever try and tell me to be patient!”

Rarity gasped silently. “How dare-!”

The two bickering mares were both silenced by the rest of their friends shushing them. All but Fluttershy and Spike, the two keeping their eyes locked on Optimus and whatever movement he made, Applejack and Pinkie Pie sent daggers towards Dash and Rarity.

“Do you two want ta get us killed?” Applejack whispered sharply. “Because if ya keep it up, it won’t be long before them drone things come flyin’ in an’ shootin’ at us. So, Rarity…”

The unicorn’s eyes grew wide.

“Shut yer prestigious little mouth before I shut it for ya.”

Rainbow Dash stuck her tongue out at Rarity.

“An’ Dash…if ya don’t shut yer face then Ah’ll be sure to fill it dirt. We got plenty o’ that around here.”

Rainbow’s jaw dropped. Rarity returned the favor by sticking her own tongue out at the Pegasus. However, Dash wasn’t finished and flew up right next to Applejack to explain herself. This solved nothing, only furthering the argument more than it needed to go.

“Girls…” Fluttershy began, her voice completely lost amongst the group’s quiet argument.

Both hers and Spike’s eyes grew wide.

Optimus began to move.

With his fists clenched as tight as possible, the last Prime stared at the dark entrances that led directly towards him, leaving him open for attack. They could try it. They could try to attack him anytime they wanted. As for now, Optimus didn’t care if he alerted the enemy. He was going to get the enemy’s attention one way or another…no matter what he did.

He needed this…

Equestria needed this…

Freedom needed this.

What were their names again…? Of course…thank you once again, Twilight.

Prime reared his head back, bellowing at the top of his voice, “COME OUT HERE, GRIMLOCK!”

The power of Prime’s voice sent the entire forest into chaos. Roars echoed Optimus’ scream, trees quivered, and birds of all species took to the skies in clear panic. And then it was silent. It was silent for far too long.

Spike managed a quick gulp before falling into silence. Sitting on Pinkie’s back just high enough to see over the bush, he was given a clear view of Optimus Prime standing alone in the open field, his body seeming to be on constant alert.

Optimus waited. Nothing much was heard after he openly proclaimed his presence in the Everfree Forest. He half-expected Decepticon drones to flyby any second to search for the disturbance he created. If so, then the fight he expected was sure to follow. If not…

Well, Prime was relieved to finally be right for once…

…because a pterodactyl flew down and nearly bit his head off.

Several, unified gasps erupted from the bushes. Prime could hear it, but he paid little to no attention. He was far too preoccupied with the situation he got himself into.

Optimus quickly rolled to the right, rising back up to his two feet to watch the beast stride upwards into the air, releasing a massive screech. Prime watched it with narrow eyes, readying every bit of him for the oncoming fight. However, the beast did not strike again. It flew down and landed softly on a very large tree branch. It watched the last Prime from above, waiting, stalking with its head tilted.

“Swoop…” Optimus muttered. His voice quickly died when a large rumbling echoed through the tree lines.

Every eye turned to the direction of the disturbance. Spike grabbed a handful of Pinkie’s mane, holding onto it as every tense second passed on by. The five mares and baby dragon sat in shocked silence as the forest continued to rumble. It wasn’t long before the stegosaurus rushed out from the trees, knocking them down as he did so.

“Snarl…” Prime whispered to himself. The Dinobot clawed at the dirt, its glowing red eyes sending daggers to the standing Autobot in the center of field.

The ground still shook.

Even though Snarl was out in the open, the ground still sent off more tremors by the second. Everypony looked at each other quizzically, Spike being the only one to actually turn around.

“Look out!” he screamed at the top of his lungs.

Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow, and Fluttershy all spun around according to Spike’s warning. Each of their eyes grew to the size of dinner plates, their jaws falling in unison.

Through the dark trees and hanging vines, a massive, stampeding triceratops was headed right for them…and it had no intention of stopping.

The ponies all awakened from their stupor and dipped to the sides, allowing the triceratops to burst right through their hiding spot and out into the open. Optimus spun around almost instantly, finding himself staring down the eyes of an angry triceratops. It growled at him, showcasing its horns for possible intimidation.

“Slug…” Optimus stated simply, clenching his fists tighter and tighter.

And then it came.

The roar Optimus was expecting.

It was powerful, full of anger, and filled the air to scare off anyone foolish enough to even try and enter into its territory. That gave Optimus little hope; hope that any Decepticon surveillance drone would leave the area quickly. The fear the roar hoped to create, however, was something Optimus could not offer.

Prime stood his ground, his eyes relaxing on the portion of the tree lines the roar came from.

A stomping soon followed.

The five ponies slowly rose up from the dirt and shattered tree limbs, moaning as they did so. Spike pushed a branch off of him, suddenly noticing that Slug’s path completely shattered their hiding spot. They were in the open now, roughly fifty yards away from Slug and a hundred yards from Optimus.

And even then they watched on.

Even then they did nothing to help.

Even then they stared in awe.

The tyrannosaurus rex entered the grassy field, roaring into the air.

Rainbow Dash lost her breath.

There he was. It was really him. Grimlock, the leader of the Dinobots with his ferocious pack of fighters had the Prime surrounded. Optimus Prime narrowed his optics, walking slowly back and forth to observe the situation. He was indeed surrounded.

Swoop eyed Prime’s backside, ready for takeoff at any given moment if Optimus decided to flee backwards. Snarl had Optimus’ left and Slug had his right, blocking off those two exits. Finally, Grimlock stood in front of Prime, steam escaping his metal jaws as his burning red eyes glared hatefully at the intruder.

He had no escape.

He didn’t need to escape.

Optimus glared right on back at the Dinobot leader, his eyes almost as strong as the Dinobot’s…if not barely stronger, or more willing.

The five ponies watched on in silence. Their breaths were short, quiet, not wanting to miss a second of what was about to transpire. Rainbow Dash’s wings were already spread out, ready to take action if Prime needed aid. Rarity’s horn began to glow…

She felt a hand rest on her shoulder.

“No…” Spike whispered into the unicorn’s ear, prompting her to slowly turn her head back. The baby dragon eyed Optimus with every free second he could acquire. He stood silently, staring into the eyes of a beast ready to rip him to shreds if he so much as made a wrong move. But he stood there anyway, as brave as he was.

Now he understood what Optimus was doing.

A new army…

Spike nodded, keeping his eyes locked onto the Prime.

“He wanted to do it on his own…so let him.”

Rarity’s horn slowly began to dim. She and the rest of her friends sat silently in the crushed branches and leaves, watching, waiting, expecting. Spike sat back, the leaves crunching beneath him. He stared at the last Prime, his heart beating rapidly.

Come on, Optimus. Show them who you really are.

For moments on end the two titans stared each down. One was thinking just how tasty red and blue metal may have been, and the other contemplating his foe. Just like Twilight’s stories she told during their late-night chatting sessions, Grimlock was the most hot-headed out of all the Autobots. He could easily bring down almost any foe that stood in his way, no matter the size, no matter the strength.

But Grimlock was still an Autobot. Even though he doesn’t remember who he is or who Optimus was, he was still an Autobot deep inside and he needed to be reminded of that. All Autobots needed a leader, and Optimus was that leader…he just needed to prove it once and for all.

Thank Twilight he wasn’t that bright, either.

“Grimlock,” Optimus began loudly, earning several unified growls from the others. The said Dinobot narrowed his burning optics, silently growling when he knew the voice was directed towards him. Prime continued, pointing out to the rest of the world behind him.

“There is a war soon to befall this world, and it will consume all life until it is no more! This planet’s race has no chance of winning without your aid. I order you and your Dinobots, as your leader, to join us and ignite the revolution for the freedom of Equestria’s citizens!”

The other Dinobots looked to one another before all turning to the largest amongst them.

Grimlock’s optics narrowed only slightly and his hind legs began to fall lower, as if he was preparing to pounce any second. Yet he remained still and silent, hot steam erupting from his jaws whenever he would release a breath.

The forest was silent. The two titans refused to break eye contact with one another.

Optimus was the first to break the silence in two.

“I know you can understand me…and I know you can talk,” Prime muttered loud enough for even the five mares and baby dragon to hear.

Grimlock shook his head rapidly, sending a short growl Prime’s way.

He surprised even the other Dinobots when he spoke.

“I am slave to no one!” he roared, his massive jaw moving up and down with each word sent to Prime. The ponies all gasped, making sure to keep it silent to remain hidden. Grimlock continued, taking a few steps closer to Optimus, ultimately causing the forest floor to shake.

“You made a mistake coming here again. Leave this place before I rip you apart,” the Dinobot threatened, adding a vicious growl to the said threat. His anger only increased when Prime shook his head in defiance. Grimlock growled once more, his tail swaying back and forth.

Optimus stood his ground despite knowing that the two Dinobots to his left and right were closing in, followed by Grimlock in front of him. He expected this. Optimus knew it wasn’t going to be ease, in all honesty he imagined to be burnt into a pile of melting metal at this point. Surprisingly, he was still alive, and his purpose was not yet over.

He slowly began to close his optics, blocking out the roars and screeches from the Dinobots surrounding him. Optimus Prime clenched his right fist as tight as he could.

He remembered everything, all the lessons that Drift taught him in the sewers. Everything.

Every bit of you, including weaponry, is commanded only by the bot willing to take it.

You control yourself.


It’s about control…

Now…reveal your blade to me.

Optimus’ optics shot open, almost as fast as the staff that appeared in his right hand. He swung the staff outwards, allowing the rest of the blade to transform and rest into Prime’s hands. Grimlock and the other Dinobots roared in retaliation, taking a few steps back.

In the broken branches, Rainbow Dash flashed a tiny grin. Rarity would be lying if she didn’t have one as well.

“The most noble of weapons…the sword,” Optimus stated firmly, gripping the handle of the deadly blade with both hands. His optics shot from his sword over Grimlock, who appeared to be agitated by Prime’s sudden action. The Dinobot’s optics burned just as much as his own.

Optimus jammed the end of his blade into the grass. “I’m not leaving here without my friends,” the last Prime announced, refusing to move from his spot. He looked Grimlock dead in the eye as he did so. Grimlock didn’t like that.

Oh, he did not like that.

It was actually trying to challenge him…in his territory…threatening to bring him to slavery.

It could try.

“Friends?” Grimlock questioned, his voice growing lower and more hateful. “We are not your friends! You dare threaten to make me your slave, refuse to leave my territory, and now you proclaim that we’re your friends?! You have only embarked on a quest of your own destruction!”

Grimlock stomped forward, releasing a massive torrent of flames from his jaws. The ponies shrieked from the crushed foliage.

He closed his mouth, stopping the fire. A heavy amount of steam escaped his jaws once it reopened. Grimlock clawed at the dirt, eyeing his enemy stand before him. His claws tightened, his optics narrowed, and his roars of anger were uncontainable.

“Now…you BURN!”

Grimlock charged Prime.

And yet he still didn’t move.

“Optimus! Get outta there!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

The rest of her friends followed her lead, Applejack and Rarity included. They didn’t even consider remaining silent anymore. Maybe it was because they were soon to be discovered anyway. Maybe it was because their friend was soon to be mauled by the fearsome Dinobot charging right for them. Maybe they just simply had enough.

That was it.

Rainbow Dash spread out her wings, fully intent with ramming her own body against Grimlock’s face. She stopped…and found no need. Her jaw dropped. It simply dropped. She couldn’t even gasp.

Prime stood his ground, feeling that same ground constantly erupt with Grimlock’s charge heading for him as the seconds ticked away, refusing to slow down. He watched the beast come for him, sadistically growling with every raging step closer he got to Prime.

He breathed in.

He breathed out.

Optimus stared down onto his blade. He ripped it out of the grass, his optics landing on his own reflection, on the Autobot insignia on his shoulder. It still shined red, never flickering, never going dark. It was always there with him…from beginning …to end.

He looked passed the blade’s reflection and onto the fearsome Dinobot charging his way, his head low to the ground. There it was. The dark Autobot symbol was still there atop the beast’s head.

All the fear seemed to vanish right then, and a newfound strength appeared. He could feel it soar through his circuits, giving the Prime all the strength he needed for what lied ahead. Optimus gripped his sword’s handle with only one hand, his right hand.

Grimlock raged on, releasing a deadly battle cry. He was fifty feet away and closing in.

And yet Optimus was not afraid. Sometimes…a leader needed to do what was right. For his friends, for the world, for his family…Optimus would not be afraid. Optimus…would lead.

Optimus Prime let out a deadly battle cry of his own.

That’s when the two warriors struck…

Both warriors were shocked when Prime jammed his sword into Grimlock’s chest, lifting him up over his head with incredible strength and smashing the Dinobot headfirst into the grass.

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