• Published 22nd Feb 2013
  • 428 Views, 16 Comments

The Tail Of Endless Night - EndlessKnight980

This Story Begin back when Equestria was still young. The war of the Unicorn and Pegasus is over. A time of peace fall over the land of Equestria But dark times are a head Dragon take rule over the lands. only 1 pony can stop them. but he only a colt

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Chapter 8: First Day of School

Endless awake for the first time in a long time by himself. A tear ran down his face as he remember all the morning his mother wake him for lessons. Or when she would let him sleep in and he wake to the smell of food cooking. He look out the window. He miss them. He wanted the Dragons to pay. But there was nothing he could do.

The sun was coming up. It was the first time he saw it since the attack. He watch as different types of pony’s walk down the road. Some with large bag full of stuff. Others with empty bags heading to different shops. he yawn and open his bag. He look at his school books that the doctor given him. He put his father books and scrolls in the dresser.

He look at one of the school books and started to read. It was simple math. He learn math from his mother. She was really good at it. He put it away and look back out the window. There were more pony’s out. Most wearing stray hats and had racks and hoes. He pull out a history book next. He read through it the night before by candle light. He never had a history book before. But his mind was like a trap. Once he read something he could remember later. he open the book. He wanted to go over the stuff at the end of the book. He found were he left off before he when to bed.

A short time later he finish the book and grab the next one. It was a basic spell book. The same as his father gave him but cleaner. Endless put it back in the bag. He heard the sound of Doctor Hooves getting up. he readjusted the straps on the bag. It was still two big for him. Then had an idea. He pull out one of the book his father had been in the bag. He look through it and found a spell on shrinking things. Endless empty the bag and read what to do.

He set the bag on the desk next to the flowers. he close his eyes and his horn flash a bright blue. he open his eyes. The bag look the same. The vase and flowers however were half the size. he try again and shrunk the bag down to his size. he try the bag on. It was lighter end felt right. He put his new books in the bag. But something was odd. He look inside. The bag was bigger on the inside. he look at it for a while and then headed down stairs. There was a layer of white smoke on the ceiling in the kitchen. The doctor was cooking and failing. he set his bag down and open a window to let the smoke out. Doctor Hooves pour a mushy oats paste into a bowl.

“Try this. I call it. Oat Meal.” he said breaking a cinnamon stick over top of it into small bits. Endless smell it and pull his head back. It smell odd. The doctor put a spoon in the bowl.

“Try it you’ll like it.” Endless pick up a full spoon and held it up. The paste drip down into the bowl. he close his eyes, open his mouth and took a bit. his mouth soon felt like it was melting. It was good. Very good.

“Still having Trouble with cooking it. But it only a matter of time before I get it right.” he said waving a rag in the air, trying to get the smoke out. Endless continue to eating until the bowl was empty. There was a knocking at the door.

"Endless Could you get that for me?” he ask as he took the pan off the stove and put it in the window sill. he jump down and headed to the door. He open it to see Luna standing there with a bag full of books.

“Morning Endless. Are you Ready for school?” She said with he sweet smile.

“Ya. I just need to get my bag.” he said looking back inside.

“What that?” She ask looking up at the white smoke.

“That what the Doc calls. Oat Meal.” he said putting his front hove by his head. Spinning it around in a crazy fashion. Luna giggle. he did the same. This was the first time he laugh since the attack.

“Ok. I’ll be right back. Then we can go.” he said going back into the house. he enter the kitchen.

“Who was at the door?” He ask. Still waving the smoke out the window with the rag.

“That was Luna. We’re head off to school.” he said floating the bags onto his back.

“Hold up a second Endless.” he said putting the rag down. Hooves bent down to eye level with Endless.

“Endless. I know you just lost your parent and it can be hard. But just remember that everything going to be alright. Your safe here. Now you go to school and be yourself.” he said rubbing Endless main.

“Thanks doc.” he said pushing his hove off his head and trying not to cry. he follow Luna down the road.

“So about yesterday. I wanted to thank you for showing me around.” he said as they walk.

“Ya. It was fun.” She said smiling.

“So the Doc told me. It was your idea for me to go to school?” he ask looking a little confuse after the kiss and all.

“Well. I know your new in town and I thought it be a good idea. So you could make some friends.” she said smiling. Endless was creep out by this smile.

“What with that weird Smile?” he ask

“ O Nothing. Just had a good thought.” She said looking away and up into the air.

“Ok. It just that smile kind of creepy.” He said as Luna started to laugh again. They stop talking when the school came into view. They walk up to the school house. It was a small sky blue building with windows bordering around the outside with whiter borders. There were earth Pony, unicorns and Pegasus of all colors entering the School house. They were all about his age. he stop and look at all the other kids. His heart start to beat hard. He never met any other pony’s. beside Mr. Hooves and Luna. What if they don’t like him? Or. They were mean? Or. They pick on him? Luna Put a hove on his shoulder.

“First time in school?” she ask. he nodded his head yes.

“Don’t worry. Everyone is nice here.” she said giving him a push forward. he walk up to the door. There was a large purple unicorn with glasses at the door. She had a ruler and star as her cutis mark.

“Good morning Luna. Who this?” She said looking at Endless.

“This is my new friend Endless Night. He just move here and is saying with Mr. Hooves.” she told her.

“Hello Endless Night. I’m Miss Sparkle the teacher here at our little school.” She said with a very sweet voice.

“ Heeelllloooo.” Endless said naively.

“This is his first day coming to school.” Luna told her.

“O. Don’t worry dear. We’re all friends here.” She said waving a hove to the door. he look in there were desk with chairs all in a rows. The desk were all facing a large green stone. The other pony’s were walking around and taking they seats. he follow the teacher to the front of room.

“Ok class. Everyone take your seats. Take your seat and we’ll get started.” she said waving a hove. Luna took a seat in the front right corner. Three other Philly’s whisper to her and giggle.

“Now class we have a new student joining us today. Class this is Endless Night and he’ll be joining our class from this day forward.” she said waving a hove to Endless. he stood still his heart now beating hard.

“Endless dear. Why don’t you take that seat back there by Gem Stones.” she said point at a white unicorn with a green main at the back of the class. There was a free desk next to her. he walk pass the other pony’s. The girls giggle as he walk pass. The boy just watch him. he felt sick. He sat his bag down and took his seat.

“HI, I’m Gem Stone. Your neat Looking. Were you get all those burns? Where you come from? What up with that main? Can I cut it? I”ll make it really cool looking.” Gem stone said talking super fast and almost falling out of her seat.

“Um. I like my main the way it is.” he said as he saw at her cutis mark. It was a pair of Scirror.

“Now Gem Stone. Keep it down we need to start today lesson.” she said tapping a ruler on her desk.

“Yes Miss Sparkles.” She said lowing herself into her seat.

“Ok class. Pull out your math books and turn to page 22 and we’ll start.” She said turning her back and writing on the green stone with a stick of white stuff. Endless pull the book out and open the page.

“Ok class. Can anyone tell me the answer to number 7?” She said putting the problem on the green stone.

“48.” Endless said quickly.

“That right Endless. But next time rise your hove up first.” She said and the others laughing.

“Ok class. Let calm down. Now Can anyone tell me the answer to number 8.” He put his hove in the air and said.

“32.” The class laugh again. Endless was confuse.

“Endless dear. I know it your first day. So I’ll let that slide. Next time put your hove up and wait to be call on. Ok Dear.” he nodded yes and sunk into his chair. Like Gem stone. The rest of the class when as normal as it could get. The teacher would as a question and pony’s would put they hooves up and the teacher would call on them. he would put his hove up and answer few time. The problems were easy for him. Yet other pony’s seem to have problems with them.

The class broke for lunch. Gem Stone Continue to jump around and ask him questions. he walk over to Luna. She was sitting with the three other filly’s. They Step in front of him blocking him from talking to Luna. The light blue earth pony step forward.

“Were do you think your going?” she said in a snobby way.

“I was going to talk to Luna.” He told her. She smile and then said.

“ No one just talk to Luna. You need be a little more popular then just being the new colt.”

“ Lilly be nice to Endless. He just move here and is nice.” she told the light blue pony.

“Ok Luna. But only because you say so.” she said look back to Luna.

“Yaaa. lunch with Luna. lunch with Luna, lunch with Luna, lunch with Luna.” Gem Stone said jumping up and down.

“Hold on one second Gem Stone. Luna said it was ok for Endless. Not you.” She said meanly. Gem Stone look sad then look down and ran away with tears in her eyes.

“On second thought. I’ll eat my lunch with Gem Stone.” he said walking away and heading after Gem Stone. he walk around looking for Gem Stone. he hear someone crying. It was coming behind a large bush. he walk around and saw Gem Stones cry on a stump.

“Hey. Are you ok Gem Stone?” he ask.

“Ya I’ll be fine. Lilly and the other are always mean to me.” she said wiping the tears from here eyes.

“Come on let eat our lunch.” He said

“Yes let have lunch.” They turn and look at Luna in shook.

“I’m Sorry about Lilly. She only mean because my family Royalty and her parent told her to become my friend.” she said pulling a bundle with food in it and set it on the flat stump. Endless, Luna and Gem Stone ate lunch and then Play with the other pony’s. Luna and Gem stone help Endless make new friends. Miss Sparkles Call them in after awhile. Endless took his seat next to Gem Stone. Two other older ponies enter. One was a Pegasus and the other was an earth pony.

“Ok class brake up into your three groups and we’ll start gym class. Endless you come with our group here.” Miss Sparkle said as she pointed to her group.

“Endless do you have a copies of basic spells.” She ask. he pull it out of his bag with his mouth.

“Good let go outside for today lesson.” she said leading them to the door.

“Today we teleporting from here to the apple tree over there.” she said drawing a line in the dirt. Then pointing at the tree.

“ Now who first?” she ask.

“Can I try?” Endless said knowing very well he could.

“Ok dear. Give it your best shot.” Endless walk up to the line. Close his eyes and with a flash of black and red light he was by the apple tree.

“Very Good. Very Good.” she said clapping her hooves.

“That easy. I can do a lot more then that.” he said after teleporting back. He held his head high.

“Really, Like what?” She said holding up the Basic of magic. After showing Miss Sparkles that he knew everything in the book. She told him to join the Pegasus group. They play a game with a ball. Where you throw it in the air and try to put it in a hoops. Miss Sparkle demised the class for the day about an hour later. Luna and Gem Stone walk with Endless home. They laugh as Gem Stone jump and trip over her own hooves and fell on her bottom. They reach the doc house after that. he said his good byes and head in. The doc was waiting with dinner. After dinner he head to bed.

That night he had a dream. He was in his house. His mother and father was there. They were laughing and having dinner. It was bright and sunny out. But then the dream turn dark. The roof was pull off and the black dragon grab his parent and ate them. he try to run but couldn’t. He soon found himself trap in a corner with no way out. The dragon laugh evilly and then breath green fire down on him. he Awake screaming. Hooves ran in hold a large stick.

“What going on?” he said lowing the stick. Endless was breathing hard. His heart felt like it was beating out of his chest.

“Your alright. Your safe and sound here in canterlot.” he said. Endless calm down after awhile. And fell back to sleep. The next few days would be better.

Author's Note:

Fix# 8. ooo. what going on with Luna and Endless? wait and see.