The Tail Of Endless Night

by EndlessKnight980

First published

This Story Begin back when Equestria was still young. The war of the Unicorn and Pegasus is over. A time of peace fall over the land of Equestria But dark times are a head Dragon take rule over the lands. only 1 pony can stop them. but he only a colt

Follow the tail of Endless Night. A young Alicorn who come from nothing. to being the most be love pony's in all of Equestria. This story is base back when Equestria was still young. before Nightmare moon. Before Ponyville. Before Celestia battle with discord. Before Canterlot had a castle. The tail of Endless Night. start after a two warrior pony's fall in love on the battle field. One a lovely Pegasus. the other a powerful Unicorn Battle mage. They leave the Battle's behind to start a family. but soon the battle find's them. This is my first story. i don't care if i get a good or bad post. this is just my story. it here for anyone who what to read it.


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This Story Begin back when Equestria was still young. When pony’s of all kind were at war. The war of the Pegasus and unicorn is at it climax. The Battle Rages on. With no side showing weakness. Among the fighting two pony’s find love. They chose to leave the war behind at the highest of the war. They leave and Start a Family. They Found an old farm and began there new lives.

-------(A Small cabin in the woods)------------

The sounds of crying fill the little shack. A black unicorn with white mane standing next to a blue Pegasus with a black mane. They watch as a brown earth pony remove the cloth from the child’s. He was Black with a charcoal mane. There were little white dots on each hair. They look down with loving eyes at there new son.

"He had his father horn and his mother..... winGS?!?” Hooves said in shock.

White Night gasp in shock as he look to his wife. She smile and look over to the Mr. Hooves.

“I never see any unicorn and Pegasus have a colt that was both.” Mr. Hooves look up to White Night.

“Your son. He a Alicorn.” Hooves told him

“A WHAT!” He said not knowing what an Alicorn was.

“I hear rumor of the about them but never thought I ever see one. They are rare. very rare. I've only hear it happening when one of the parents is a Pegasus and the other is a unicorn. But I never believe the rumor. i never believe i see one. ” Hooves told them.

“He our little angle and if anyone has a problem with him. They have to get through me.”Endless love said looking down at her new born son as he try to stand up.

“Thank you for your help. I hope you can keep this between us.” white night said as he past Mr. hooves a bag of coins.

“You don’t have to worry Mr. Night. You know this never happened. I’m only a vet. So I’ll get in trouble if anyone found out.” he said taking the bag and placing it in his own. Hooves close his bag and walk to the door. He open it and look back once more from the doorway.

“One more thing. What are you going to name the colt?” He ask them. White Night look over to Endless love.

“I was thinking about that for a long time.” She smile and look over to White Night with a wink. “Endless Night.”

---------(six years)----------------

Six years has pass. The war of the Unicorns and Pegasus is over. Peace fall once again to Equestria. But thing as never as they seem. A new terror loom over the lands. Unknown to all pony kind. There is a new treat. The dragon are ready to attack. They Declare there rule over all creators and Pony kind a like. They begin to capture pony’s of all kind. Settlement after settlement are raided. Pony after Pony remove from they homes. They take them to there mines and forces them to gather gem’s and jewels. The pony’s are forces to mine for day’s on end.They are given little food and water. An even less time to rest.

The elder court of pony’s gather to disuse the growing treat. The meeting had just started. When the roof is ripped off. 100's of dragon’s flew over head. The pony’s ran for there live. In the confusion. A Pegasus guard by the name of Golden Apple is order to find a great battle mage. He is told were to find him and his name. "White Night."

-----------(Small river hours later)-----------

A small Black Alicorn was sitting on the edge of a steam. His wings cover with a black cloth. He play with magic as the day go by. Not knowing. This would be the day that would change his life forever.

Endless Night was playing down by the stream near his home. He watch as a fish swimming upstream. He focuses on it and pick it up and flip it around then put it back in the stream. He hear the birds fly over head. Endless felt something wet rundown the side of his head. He look up at one and focuses on the small bird. It grow fat then slim down and with a pop. It zoom away. He smile and dunk his head in the water. He wipe his eyes and look across the stream.

There was something moving. He quickly hide into the bushes. It was brown Pegasus pony. He dunk his head into the stream. Drinking in large gulps. He was wearing golden armor and had a sword on his side. There was a great deal of damage to his armor. He could see what look like burns around the edge of it. He pull his head out and look around. Then open a small bag on the side of his armor. he pull out a large map.

He watch as he look over the map. He then folded it up and return it to the bag. He watch as as he kick one of the apple tree. As the apple fell. he pull his sword out and slice them in half. He sat down and started to eat. he look on waiting to see what he do next. Then a bird landed next to him. He watch as the Pegasus put a hove up. The bird flew up and landed on his hove. He watch as the pony wave his arm fast. sending the bird flying up were.

Endless step back. “SNAP” he had step on a old branch. The Pegasus look up. He duck his head hopping not to be seen. But it was to late.

"Hey you wait.” He yell as he took flight.

Endless turn and ran. He pull on the wrapping his father made him wear. Trying to get his wings loses. But to no avail. He could see the clearing up ahead. He knew his house was just on the other side. He look back and could see the shadow of him flying over head.

“Hey kid. wait up. I’m not going to hurt you.” he yell from the tree tops.

He ran faster and jump over a fallen log and into the clearing.

"MOOOOMMMMM!!!” He yell. Running to a the cabin were a blue Pegasus stood. She turn and saw he young colt running to her.

Chapter 2: The Start of the end

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Endless Love ran to her colt. He was running from a Pegasus in royal armor. Endless ran behind his mother as the Pegasus landed.

“My name is Golden Apple. I'm captain of the guard of the high countess. I am looking for a unicorn by the name White Night.” He finished, then fell to the ground. She looked down at her colt.

“Go find your father. He’s in the north field. Go and bring him back here quickly.” she told him.

“But mom, what are you going to do? He could be dangerous.” he pleaded.

“He’s no more dangerous than I’ll be if you don’t get your father, now.” She said in a stern voice. he knew he’d be in trouble if he didn’t do as she said. He ran to the north field as fast as he could. He had to tell his father about the Pegasus. He saw his father trotting leisurely along the path that led to the field.

“DAD! There a weird Pegasus at the house.” He yell. seeing his father on the path home.

“What? come on let’s go.” They ran back to the house. His father ran ahead leaving him behind. he was worried about his mother. What if that Pegasus was pretending to be hurt, so he could hurt her? he ran faster.

He entered the house to see his father and mother had removed the Pegasus’ armor. They were rubbing a green paste on him.

Getting her son’s attention, Endless Love asked “bring me that bowl with the blue paste.” He did as he was told, grabbing the bowl of blue paste. It smelled bad. His mothers took it and poured it on the Pegasus’ burns.

“White Night, He said he was looking for you before he passed out. Do you know him?” she ask.

“No. But by the looks of his armor, he’s from the royal guard.” he said.

“He said his name was Golden Apple, A captain of the guard.” she told him.

The rest of the night, Endless watched his mother and father as they took turns tending to the Pegasus. He dozed off as his father took his second round.

-------------(the next morning)---------------

Endless awoke early in the morning to the smell of his mother cooking. She had set out four plates. His father and the Pegasus were gone. He pulled at his wrappings and loosened them. He took his place at the table and waited. His mother poured him a plate of oats, then dished out what was left to the others. She poked her head out the door.

“Breakfast is ready.” The Pegasus and his father entered and sat down. Not a word was said as they ate.

After breakfast, Endless helped his mother with the dishes like normal.

“Endless, why don’t you go outside and play. I’ll call you when lunch is ready.” she told him as they finish.

He did as his mother told him.

He head down to the steam like always. He liked to practice magic there. He was getting good at moving things. He remembered what had happened to the bird and wondered if he could use it on other things. He found and old tree that was rotting out. That would work for now.

He focused on the rotten tree, and it started to snap and crack, then fell to the ground. The spell felt different. the tree then turned into a powerful stream of light that flowed into his horn. He fell to his knees. Then he felt a jolt of energy, Like he had more power. He stood up and looked into the stream to see if his horn was ok. He was relieved that it was fine. He then turned to look back at the tree. It had turn into dust and was blowing away in the wind. This was an odd spell. He wondered if the spell had any bad side effects. He would have to wait until his new energy wore off. He smiled at this thought. He felt as strong a ten ponies. He tried to lift a large stick, but he couldn’t. After some time pass. he heard his mother. he drop the rocks he had been floeting around in circles. Then headed back for lunch.

---------(after lunch)-----------

Golden Apple left after lunch. His mother packed him some food. He took his sword, but left his armor. Endless look at the armor but didn't get a good look. the only thing he saw. was the crest on the front. he wanted a better look at the armor. but his father took and hid it outside. He knew his father had a place where he hid things from him. His father was never mean. but still never showed much interest in him. He wished his father would play with him like his mother did from time to time. But anytime he asked, his father told him he was busy working. Sometimes this was true. But other times he would go to his hidden place.

He knew his father would be gone for about 30 minutes. This meant it took about 10 to 15 minutes to get there. The problem now. Was that he was not allowed past the stream or the fence around the farm. He knew it took five minutes to get to the fence gate, and three minutes to get to the stream for his father. He had timed this out before. He had looked around the farm for his father’s hiding spots. but no luck.

His father entered the house about 30 minutes later. He smiled, He was right! He waited until everyone had gone to bed, and snock out of the house. He flashed his horn to a low light, and then followed his father’s steps to the gate. He unlocked the gate, his heart beating fast. He put his forelegs forward and then continued to follow his father’s steps. Then the prints disappeared. He lit his horn brighter. His father’s prints were gone. He looked around and saw nothing. Endless walked over to the trees on the edge of the path and looked for anything in the trees, but found nothing. He stepped back and heard a dull thud. He turned and stomped again.


He rubbed the dirt off the ground and found a couple wooden planks. He was overjoyed. He found it. He was ready to look for a latch to open the trap door, but he saw the glow of the sun coming over the mountains. He’d lost track of time. He needed to be in bed before his father got up.

Endless ran as fast as he could, past the gate and slowed down as he got to the door. He opened it slightly and peeked inside. His mother and father were still sleeping. He crept in and lay down in his bed. Sleep came easy. He was tired from the running.

Chapter 3:Trouble

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Endless awake to his mother pushing him. He open with eyes and let out a long yawn. He was still tier. It took a second but he finally stood up. Everything was harder. He move slowly as he went about his normal routine. He ate his breakfast and help his mother with the dishes. His father was in his private quarters. He had his books and note in there. He wasn’t allowed in there. He went to the outside door and open it. It was raining out.

The rain was normally not a problem for him. But this was a hard rain. It was hard for him to see farther then a few feet. He close the door and headed for his bed. His mother stop him and told him to get his book and study. He did as told and pull his spell book out. It was old and moldy. The taste of the book made him want to throw up. He quickly put the book on the table and open it to the page he left off on.

He was still tier and was falling in and out of sleep as he read something about basic teleporting. He already knew how and could do so in short burst. his father enter the room.

“Endless wake up.” he said hitting the table with his hove. he jump.

“Sorry dad had trouble sleeping last night.” he lie.

“Ok. well just wake up and study.” he did as he was told.

-----(lunch time)---------

About lunch time the rain stop. he was eating when his father came out of his private quarters. He had two saddle bags on his back. It had scrolls and ropes coming from one bag. The other look like it was half full.

“Everything ready my love?” He ask.

“I got it all in this bag my love.” She said take a bag from under the counter. He use magic to take the bag and put it in his own.

“If everything go as I plan then I’ll be back in a week. The crops will be fine thanks to the heavy rains we’ll get this time of year.” he told her

“I wish you didn’t have to go.” she said.

“I have to go. They need me and I’m the only one who can help.” he said.

"I know. Just be safe. I don’t know what I do without you.” she said.

“Now son. I hope to see you finish that chapter be the time I get back.” he said turning to Endless

“I finish the book last week father. I know how to do the basic.” he said closing the book.

“Really? Then prove it.” He said looking with a disapproving look. He stood up and prepare himself.

“Move this apple.” He said taking an apple from the bowl on the counter and place it on the table. He move the apple with ease. Then back into the bowl And move all the apples in the bowl to the table in the shape of a square.

“ Alright. Let try something harder.” his father said putting the apples back in the bowl.

--------(countless Spells Later)------------

Half hour later Endless was ready to drop. His father put him through almost the whole book. He knew there was only two things left in the book. The memory spell and teleporting. The memory spell only work on willing pony and his father wouldn’t have him use that.

“Let see how far you can teleport. Shell we. To the main gate.” He ready himself.

"I’ll be there. waiting.”he told Endless and turn to Endless love.

“I’ll be back week and keep the main gate close.”

“I will. Don’t worry we’ll be fine.” They kiss and then White Night Teleported out of the room. Endless took a deep breath and try to remember the main gate. His mind was fussy. He was still tier from the night before. All the magic didn’t help ether. but he was going to prove to his father he wasn’t worthless.

“You can do it honey.” His mother said encouraging him. With one large flash of black and red light. He was gone from the house. He look up from the ground. He was lay on the ground on the other side of the gate.


“yes and you shouldn’t have if the gate was lax.”His father said. he felt a cool sweat run down his back. He had forgot to lax it the night before.

“I must have forgot to lax it last night. Get up and come here son.” His father said. He got up and walk to his father on the other side of the gate. He was relieve his father didn’t know. He thought he was catch when his father saw the gate open. White night pull a book out from his bag.

“Here your next book son. Try not to Destroy it and remember keep the gate closes so no one get in.” White night place the book on grounds. They said their goodbye. He pick the book up in his mouth. His father lax the gate behind him. then walk away.

This book taste worse then the other one he thought. He walk back to the house. He fell to his knees and drop the book on the ground. He was out of breath. That late spell really took a lot out of me. he thought. He look around. There was a tree laying on it side. It must had fallen in the storm. Endless thought about the energy the old tree had given him. He stood up and forces on the tree. It turn into a stream of light and into his horn. He felt a great amount of energy fill his body.

He stress his body parts out and hear a ripping. His wing had rip the wrapping. He bent over and grab his book and flap his wings. He only flew once. when he was very young but his father told him never to fly again. He remembers his mother and father fighting about it. But he wanted to try again. He flap his wings and try to get up. But fell to his knees.

He stood up and try again. And again he fell. He stood up again this time he try jumping. his heart skip a beat as he went up. But then came back down. He decided to give up for now. He grab his book and headed back to the house. As he walk he thought about his mother. She was always flying around. Maybe he ask her to teach him. He pick up his pastes as the house came into view.

Chapter 4: To learn, To Fly

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Endless enter the house. His mother was cleaning. see saw him as he walk to the table.

"Well, how did you do?” she ask as he put the book on the table.

“Good. He gave me a new book to study.” he said as he grab an apple and took a bit. This got the taste of the book out of his mouth. He sat down at the table and look at the book. Elements Magic was engrave on the cover. He decided to read it later.

“O. what happen to your wrapping?” She ask seeing that they were gone.

“They ripped off after I teleported. i can go and get them if you what.” he told her

“No that ok. Your getting bigger. I’ll make some new one for you later. ” She said looking a little depressed.

“Mother do I really have to wear them? They always get tight and bother me.” he ask.

“Your father said it for the best. Other pony wouldn’t understand how you are. They would tease you.” she told him. He didn't care if they tease him. beside there was never any other pony around. He had never even met another pony. save Golden Apple the other day. He look at his wings and then to his mother. He took a deep breath then said.

“I want to learn how to fly.” He ask.

“WHAT?” she said in shock. dropping her duster.

“I want to learn how to fly.” he said again.

“Your father would never allow it.” she said still looking at Endless is shock.

“Mother I know. But father always treat me like a unicorn and not a Pegasus. I’m not one or the other, I’m both. i would like to learn to be a little more like you.” he was standing with tears in his eyes. He hardly notices that he was standing on the table. His mother wipe the tears from her eyes.

“Ok. I’ll teach you how to fly. But your father can never know. He would be mad with both of use.” she said with a soft smile. He jump off the table and gave his mother a big hug.

----------(Next Morning)-----------

The next day Endless and his mother went out to the field. He was eager to get start. He was jumping with joy. He couldn't remember the last time he was this happy.

“Ok. Calm down. It not as easy as you think. But once you get the hang of it. It becomes much easier. Are you ready?” She told and ask him. He nodded his head yes.

“Ok. First let see what you can do first.” She told him. he try to fly the same way he had done yesterday. He spread his wings and jump. Flapping hard. He then fell to the ground flat on his faces.

“Mmmmm. Ok. you need to spread your wings out farther and cup them like this to catch more air.” Showing him with her wing. He did as his mother told him. This time he got a little more air and then fell down again. Landing on his blank flank.

“aaaammmmm. It as I fear. Your wings are to weak to fly.” she said with a hove on her chin.

“What do you mean? They look fine to me.” he ask. spreading them out.

“It because your father and I have made you cover your wings since you were young. You see normally a Pegasus learns how to fly after they first birthday. But we never let you learn because your fathers wishes.” She told him.

“So that mean I’ll never fly?” he said with a hint of worry in his voices. His mother laugh a little.

“No silly. It just means we need to work on your wings muscles. Over the next few day. Let start by lifting rocks.” she said looking over a some small rocks.

--------------(A Few Days later)----------

Endless and his mother spent the next few days lifting rock on top of his wings. Hours of flapping and more flying lesson. She show him how to hold his wings in the air and tell him about something call an updraft. It was hard work and he had little time to study his new book. He knew he only had a small amount of time left before his father would return. Their was only about two day before he return. so he study on night. The ones could stay awake. which was very few. normal he finish train and fall right to sleep. It was almost time for his father to return and he was try yo fly again. the ground was wet. it rain over the night. He was trying to fly once again.

"Mother I want to try again.” he said standing back up after failing again.

"I think you try enough today. We’ll try again tomorrow. For now you need to rest.” she said.

“No I can do it.” he started to run and build up speed. He start flapping his wings then jump as hard as he could. He spread his wings wide and flap hard. He soon flat the weight of his body pulling him down. He flap harder. He Flew up into the sky. he could just hit the top's of the trees.

“YOUR DOING IT, YOU DOING IT, YOUR FLYING.” she yell as he flew around the field. He could felt like a real Pegasus. He smile and close his eye. he felt the wind on his face. Then He started to feel his wings given out. he open his eyes. He started to go down, fast. He flap harder. it slow him down. but it was to late. He crash to the ground hard and roll into a large mud puddle. Endless Love ran over to him. He roll over in the mud pool. He was laughing. His mother look him over worry that he hurt himself.

“I FLEW, I FLEW.” he yell as he roll to his hooves and jumping out of the mud puddle.

“Yes you can fly now. But you my want to work on that landing.” she said wiping mud from his main. He smile from ear to ear.

“You think you can teach that tomorrow?” he ask her as she wipe more mud off. She look a little sad.

“Let get you a Wash up first. Then we’ll see about it in the morning.” She said Wiping a large chunk of mud off his Main.

Chapter 5: A Dark Return

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Endless Night awake to the smell of apple snappers. They were his mother own recipe and His favorite food ever. He stood up out of his bed. He spread his wings and stressed his legs one at a time. He walk over to the table and took his seat. His mother place some apple snappers on a plate in front of him. He ate them and enjoy every bite. He spent most of the morning flying and working on his landing. About lunch time his mother call him to the house. He landed and almost ran into his mother.

“I see you almost got your landing down.” she said with a sad smile.

“Ya. I almost got the hang of it. But what wrong mother? you look sad.” She pull a black cloth from under her wing.

“I’m sorry but your father will be home anytime now and you know how he feels about your wings.” she said with tears in her eyes.

“Can’t you talk to him? Tell him it not fair to make me hide my wings.” he beg her.

“I’m sorry but it not forever. When your older. you can wear what you want. But for now. Just wear this. so your father will be happy.” He did as his mother said. He didn’t like to make her sad.


The rest of the day Endless study his new book. He head down by the stream. He needed to get thought the first chapter on the basics of Element magic. It was easy for him to understand. He was always good at magic. It came easy to him. His father had once said he was a head of him at his age. This made him feel good when he hear his father praised him. But most of the time his father was hard on him. He continue to read how to uses the element magic. He smile.

“So you need some of the element to cast the spell. That simple.” He said talking to himself. The sun was falling behind the mountain. He took the book in his teeth and headed for the house. His mother had dinner on the table when he enter. She set out three plate. He took his seat and started to eat. He was half way through his plate when a large bang eco outside.

Endless and his mother head for the door. His father was on the ground at the foot of the door. His Mother scream.

“Help me get your father into the house.” He did as his mother told him. She clear the table off with a swipe of her wing.

“Put him up here.” she told him. he use his magic to pick his father up onto the table. He had burn marks all over his body. His fur was burn almost off his body. He could see pink flesh around the burns. His father mound in pain.

“Hold on my love. It will be alright.” she told White Night as she look in the cubers. She pull out a bottle of different colors. She start to pour them into a bowl and mix them fast. She pour the bowl over White Night. Endless watch. Not knowing what to do. White Night open his eyes and look around.

“I fail my love. There was nothing I could do.” White Night said with a moan.

“Don’t worry about that now. Just rest for now.” She said pouring more from the bowl on him.

------------------( That Night)------------

An hour later White Night fell to sleep. Endless Love order Endless around as she made more burn cream. He did as she said. The only thought in his mind was if his father would be ok. The night so turn to day as the sun shine through the door. Endless walk over and close it. They left it open all night.

“Endless go to the root cellar and get me some more leafs with the white spots.” She told him. he open the door and headed for the root cellar. He open the cellar door and walk down. It was cold and dark. he use a light spell to see. There was four rows of sheaves. All with boxes with different herbs. Move down the first row looking box to box for the leafs with the white spots. He didn’t fine any. He move to the next row. It seem to be just roots, potato’s and carrot’s in the boxes.

He move to the next row. when the ground seem to jump under his hooves and some dirt fell from the ceiling. The sound of roars fill the air. Endless ran to the door as boxes fall of the sheaves. A large box fell from the top sheave and hit his side. he fell to the ground. He kick at the box but it was snag on his wrapping. He quickly rip them off and headed for the door. As he reach it however. the door brush into green flames. He stop and took a step back. A red claw crash throw the burning door.

He jump around as the craw grab for him. It knock over the sheaves pining Endless under it. The craw grab and warp around him. A large red and green dragon pull him into the light. He try to wiggle lose and fly away but his wings were pin in the dragon grip.

“I have him. sir.” said the green Dragon. he look around and saw three more dragons. A large red and purple female dragon was holding his mother. She was screaming for his father. A black and red claw dragon land. he had a scar over his left eye. He Roar as His father exit the house. He was wearing a weird hat with stars on it.

“White Night. I never got time to thank you for my eye.” the Black Dragon said hitting his claw on the scar.

“Your to full of yourself Darth.” he said. as he almost fell.

“Not so White Night I have you wife and son. so your going to do as we say.” Darth said pointing to them.

“Let them go! This is between me and you!” he said as Darth laugh evilly.

“No. This is about more then me and you. It about who will rule these lands Pony’s or Dragons.” Darth said grabbing Endless love.

“Now you will watch as I destroy everything you hold dear. Starting with you beloved.” he said as he held her over his open mouth.

“NOOOOOO!” White Night yell as Darth breath green fire on her.

“That was fun.” Darth said then laughing evilly.

“You monster. I’ll destroy all of you.” He yell as his horn glow bright.

“Throw me the boy Gor.” he order the green dragon hold Endless. Gor throw him into the air. he quickly spread his wings sore into the air.

“Endless! Fly as fast and far from here as you can!” his father yell.

“HE AN ALICORN! GET HIM!” Darth yell. Endless weave between the dragons claws as they grab for him. He flew between them as they try to grab. causing them to slam into each other and fell to the ground. He quickly turn and head for the front gate.

“ENDLESS LOOK OUT!” yell his father. he look back and felt a great heat as the fire ball hit him. The pain was to much he only thought about getting some were safe. Only one image pop in his head. With a flash of black and red light he was gone.

White Night fell to his knees. Darth laughing evilly.

“You will pay Darth. YOU WILL PAY!” He yell.

“How do you plan to that White Night. Your hurt and out number.” Darth laugh and continue to do so not paying attention to White night mumbling.

“All of heaven and earth will crumble. Fire will spared and all will turn to ash. Water will freeze into ice forever more. Light and darkness merge as one. I curse the one name Darth with endless suffering for all time. I White Night give myself in exchange for his suffering.” White Night stood up with tears in his eyes. He ran at full charge his horn glowing in a rainbow of colors.

“DARTH I DO THIS FOR ALL THOSE YOU HURT!!” White Night yell as he bulge his horn into Darth left leg. Darth scream. Then breath green fire down on White Night. White night smile as the flame hit. Darth laugh and then look down a ashes of the little unicorn. They blow away in the wind.

“Your suffering has just began Night.” Darth Laugh Evilly.

Chapter 6:Dark Rising

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Endless awake in pain. His flank was burning. His face hurt to. he try to stand up. He rear leg hurt. He put the his body weight on his other three hooves. He stood up and hit his head. He fell to the his burn side and falls with a loud crash. he quickly roll off his burn and stand up. hitting his head again. His heart beating fast. Once again he hit his head. he lay flat and lit his horn.

Their was books, scrolls, swords, staffs and boxes with different color waters in jars. he stood up and watch bumping his head. He look down and saw he a pieces of metal under his hooves. He flip it over and saw the chest on the front. It made him fell safe. He now knew were he was. He was in his father hiding spot and that was Golden Apples armor. his heart slow as he calm down. he look around and saw stairs heading down.

Endless head down the stairs as he try not to put weight on hide back leg. As he headed down the stairs he saw candles on the wall. This did him little good because he had no fire to cast the fire spell with. He reaches the bottom step and look around. There were tables fill with papers, scrolls, Jars on metal frames, and books, lots of books. There were books of all kind. he walk over to a chair and saw a red rob draped over it.

His burns were hurting more now. He grab a Jar of water from the table and prow it on his burn. It sting as the cool water hit the burn. Then relief as the burn cooled down. He took his front hooves and splash some water in his face. He look around the room again. There were two other doors. Endless open the door on the right side of the room. inside there was a tub filled with water and towels . It was a washroom he thought as he remember the baths his mother had given him.

A tears ran down his faces as he remember what happen to his mother. He close the door and headed to the next one. He started to cry harder. He open the door. There was a light on a small table. It was a candle. It must be enchanted he thought. He saw a large bed next to it. his burns started to hurt again. he quickly grab the candle and headed for the washroom. He lit the other candles and put the magic candle on a stroll.

He put his front right hove in the tube. It was cold. He enter the tub slowly. The water sting as he put his flank into the water. he cry hard as he remember what happen to his mother. He try stop. But the tear won’t stop. When the thought of his father being gone to. This made it worst. he soak it the tub until the water felt warm. he enter the bedroom cold and wet. He place the magic candle onto the side table. He climb into bed and cover himself in the blankets. He was still crying. His eyes were red. He soon cry himself asleep.

Endless wake up in pain. He roll out of bed and ran to the bathroom. He jump into the tube. The water splashed all over the floor. The water felt good. He sat in the tub and wounded if the sun was up yet. His stomach growl as he got out of the tub. he look around for food. He look from box to box. he finally found a loaf of bread in a small box by the table. He ate it quickly not noticing it color. he head back into the room and grab the magic candle and lit the rest of the candles. He look around for a door outside.

He headed up the stairs and found the room from yesterday. He look around for a hatch. He but could not see one. he look over to the armor crest. It had a Blue unicorn with a green main and a Pink Pegasus with a yellow main. They were in full armor From there heads to body. He grab it in his teeth and pull it down the stairs. He places it next to the chair with the rob on it. he decided to try to teleport outside. He try to remember the stream near home. With a flash of black and red light he was there.

he blink his eyes as readjusted to the light. He dunk his flank into the stream. Them splash his face and headed for the house. He walk slowly as his side burn every time he move it. He walk to the edge of the field. He look down. He didn’t want to see his home. But he knew he needed to. he close his eyes and pick his head up. He open them and saw the house had been burn. The only thing left standing was the frame.

he walk over to the burn frame of the house. There was nothing left. There was only the bed frames and the BOOKS? he was shock. His father study was gone but the book were still there on the floor. he use his wings to blow the ash away. The book look to have a shield spell around them. He pick it up in his teeth and pull it in the grass. He did this for an hour or so before.

“HAY YOU.” he turn and froze a book still in his mouth. A brown earth pony was yelling and running to him. he stood still in shock. The pony stop in front of him.

“Are you ok?” he ask Endless. he try to talk but forgot about the book.

“Put the book down Endless Night and let talk.” he put the book down and ask.

“How do you know my name?” The brown pony smile.

“My name is Mr. hooves. I a friend of your mother and father.” He told him.

“You knew my mother and father?” he ask nervously.

“Yes. But first less get some burn cream on your burns.” He said pulling a brown water skin out of his bag. Mr. hooves started putting the burn cream on Endless. He ask him what happen. he told him what he could remember.

“I’m so sorry.” he said. After Mr. Hooves had finish putting cream on Endless face and his flank. Endless ask.

“Mr. Hooves. Do you think they suffer?” he look up and then said.

“How about I make you something to eat?” changing the subject.

Mr. Hooves gather so wood and made a small fire with two different color rocks. He then pull a pan from his bag. After a little time. He had two apple snapper made up.

"Not as good as your mothers. but I do my best.” He said passing him a plate. Endless bit into it and gobble them down. Mr. Hooves walk over to the books in the house remains. He started moving books to the pile that Endless had made. he lay in the shade and ate as he pull book after book to the pile. He was moving the last book when he fell. He stood up and was cover in ash. He pick up a bag and move it next to the pile. Then grab the last book. Endless flew over and landed next to the bag. It was his father bags.

“So what are you going to do now?” Mr.hooves ask. Endless look over to Mr. Hooves who was wiping ash off his face. he didn’t know what to do. he had plan to take the books to his father hiding place. Then he didn’t know. He wasn’t going to go after the dragon that hurt him. They were huge and he was so small.

“I don’t know.” he said will taers in his eyes. Mr. Hooves look down at him then said.

“How about you come live with me? I got a nice little place in a small town north from here.” Endless look up. Then agree. He had no were else to go. He couldn’t live in The cave his father hided stuff in. it was to hard to tell night from day. he know he couldn't take care of himself. It was better then trying to survive in the woods.

“ Ok. settle. But I don’t have anywhere to put all these books.” he told Endless. Endless smile and said.

“Don’t worry about that. I got a place.” he jump on top of the books and then said.

“I’ll be right back.” And with a flash of black and red light he was gone.

The books fell with a loud thud. he quickly move the books into piles around the room. he started putting out the candles. He took the magic candle and put it back in the bed room. he grab his father bags and adjusted them for himself. He grab the Basic Element Spell book and put them in the bag. he look back at the crest on the armor. Then blow out the last candle out. Then teleported back to Mr. Hooves.

“Ok. i"m Ready to go.” Endless said looking over to Mr. Hooves.

“You shore know how to make an entrance colt.” Hooves said smiling at Endless.

Chapter 7: Welcome to Canterlot

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Endless walk with Mr. Hooves for what seem like hours. he was getting tier. His father bag was heavier then he thought.

“Need a hove with that?” Mr. Hooves ask as Endless drop to his knees. He was feeling weird.

“How much farther until we get there?” he said standing up and pushing on.

“Just up the path a bit more. Are you shore you got that?” Hooves ask as Endless droping again.

“Ya. I’ll be fine. You said it not long now. right? Then let get going.” he said walking faster. They walk another ten minute and reach the bottom of a hill.

“Just over this hill and then halfway through town to my little shop.” Hooves said looking up the hill. Endless held his breath and then exhale. He felt a weight on his chest. He took a deep breath and started up the hill. It wasn’t a large hill but with the bags it was harder he thought. They reach the top and he was breathing hard. He look at the town. It had many houses. 20 or more.

“Wow that bigger then the farm.” he said still breathing hard.

“Yes it big but not to big. You can’t get lost once you learn the area.” Hooves said.

“Mr. Hooves. I don’t feel that good.” he started to have trouble breathing. He look up then fell down and past out. he awake feeling ill. He cough and look around. He was in a bed in a small room. He cough again.

“So. How do you feel?” Mr. Hooves said as he walk into the room. he moan in pain.

“Ok. Let get you up and check your burns.” He said open the window shutter. The light blinded Endless eyes. he cover his head with the blanket. Mr. Hooves pull the blanket away.

“ Come on Endless. You need to get some fresh air. It be good for you.” he stood up and stress his legs. He spread his wings tipping over a vase of flowers. Mr. Hooves dove and juggle it between his hooves. He caught it inch for the floor.

“Sorry Mr. Hooves.” he said floating the vase of flowers back on the table.

“It ok. No harm done. Let get you something to eat and then put some burn cream on your burns.” he said. Then left the room. Endless look out the window. He was on the second floor of the house. The town below was busy. There were pony’s of all kind. Earth pony’s, unicorn, and Pegasus. he watch the different pony’s as they walk around the street.

“Endless Breakfast is ready.” Mr. Hooves yell from down stairs. he look over to the door then back outside. He inhale the air and look around one last time. He step away and them put his head out the window. Across the path in the house was dark purple female Alicorn. Her main was like stars. She look like she was the same age as him. She was pretty. He lead out the window to get a better look at her. He could see her brushing her main. She was looking into a mirror. he lead more to get a better look.

“Come on. Endless time for breakfast.” Mr. Hooves yell. he lead just a little more. The dark purple Alicorn saw him in her mirror and turn. he slip and tumble and roll forward. He spread his wings but hit his head on a lower roof. Rolling off the roof and then land into a rose bush. he jumping in the air in pain. spinning around smashing into a cart. A pair of Earth pony’s were pulling pass. he smash is nose into it and fell back in the rose bush. He jump and close his eyes, then landed on his back.

“Are you alright?” he open his eyes. The Dark Purple Alicorn was standing over him.

“Are you an angel?” he ask as he look up at a dark purple Alicorn. She laugh at his as he roll over.

“um ya um hi um.” He said standing up.

“Hello. Your new here. What your name?” she ask.

“I”m End Night less. I mean Night Endless. I mean Endless Night. I’m Endless Night.” he said feeling like he had butterfly in his stomach. She laugh again. This time putting a hove by her mouth

“I’m Luna Moon nice to meet you Endless Night.”

“Luna were are you?” he look over at Luna house. A white Alicorn a little bigger then Luna in the door way.

“That my sister. I got to go. Nice to meet you Endless Night.” she said with a sweet smile. She look right then left and cross the path. She enter he house and the white Alicorn close the door.

“So this is were you been.” Endless turn and saw Mr. Hooves standing over him.

“Ya um you see. I saw this filly and I kinda fell out the window and.” He said standing up and coughing again.

“Next time you want to go meet girls. May I suggested. You use the door.” he said with Sarcostemma. Mr. Hooves lead him back in the house. he ate his breakfast. Hooves then gave his some weird smelling tea for his cough. It tasted worst then his books. He then put burn cream on his burns. Then he put stuff on his new cuts. It stung at first. Then felt good. He plate bandages to cover them.

“Are you a Doctor?” he ask as he saw all of the medical things in the house.

“I’m a doctor of shorts.” Hooves told him. After that. Mr. Hooves told Endless that he could head up to his new room and get thing the way he like it. he went to his new room and look around. There was a bed in the corner. A dress next to that. A desk to the right of the door. This would be his first real room. His family home only had his hay bail bed right outside his parent room. he move thing around. He floated thing as he wanted. He put the desk next to the window so he could look outside. The bed next to the door and the dresser at the end of it.

Mr. Hooves brought Endless his fathers bags from down stairs. He then head down to the sound of knocking at the front door. he move the bag next to the desk. He open it up and empty it. he stake the book in a pile and papers and scrolls in another. He found a amulet with a blue Gem in it. he look down into the bag and found another weird hat like his father was wearing that day. he shook his head and put the thought out of his mind.

he put the scroll back in the bag. Then when through the books. They were all advance spells books. he put these back. he then put his Element spell book on the desk. He look at a little red book with a quill in between the pages and a lock on it. It had no writing on it cover. He try to pry it open. But no luck. he put this with the other books.

“Endless would you come down here.” Hooves call to him from down the stairs. Endless put the bag on the bed and headed down stairs. Mr. Hooves was standing in the kitchen with Luna.

“Endless how do you feel?” he ask

“Better.” he said lying. trying not to look sick. He didn’t want to have any more of that bad tasting tea.

“Good, good. I ask Luna here to give you a tour of the town while I work on her pet medicine.” he said looking over to her. She smile and then said.

“Happy to help out. My sister told me it was ok.” Endless stomach felt like butterfly again.

“Ya. That be ok.” he said with a dry mouth. he follow Luna outside.

“ So let see.” she said putting a hove to her chin.

“let start down here.” she said pointing down the path. he follow her.

“So here the bakers. That run by the pie family. Over there the clothing shop. You can get some neat thing there. The town hall is right here.” she stop.

“You know what. This be easier from the air.” she smile and wink and took off. he spread his wings and try to jump and flew after her. He was still bad at it. He flew left then right, but manage to get up. He flew next to Luna and try to keep still.

“new at flying?” she laugh.

“I just learn a week ago.” he said trying to stay up.

“Really? That odd.” Luna said Looking a little confuse.

“My father didn’t like the idea of me flying.” he said looking a little sad. Luna notices this and change the subject.

“ So back to the town. Over there are the main farms around the town. They run by one family. But I don’t know them. Over there the main gate that lead in you down main street. Past all the shop we pass and there your house with Mr. Hooves.” she said point at the different point.

“ O. I all most forgot. Follow me.” Luna said waving a hove. he follow her. It was hard to keep up. Then she stop. he bump into her backside they tumble to the a large hay bail.

“LUNA ARE YOU OK?” he look left the right and stop. It happen as if everything was slow down. he look into Luna eyes. Then he notices his lips were touching hers. He quickly pull his head back.

“ um. Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to do that. I, I, I just not good at stopping yet and I’m sorry.” he said putting his head into the hay bail. dhe was speechless. Her face turn red. She Quickly turn and said.

“ And There the school.” she flew up and left him in the hay bail. he headed back to the house. He open the door and Luna was standing there with a brown bag in her mouth.

“ Um Luna. I’m sorry for what happen. I hope we can still be friends.”he said. Luna put the bag down.

“Don’t worry about. See you tomorrow.” She said picking up the bag and walking out. Mr. Hooves came out of the kitchen.

“So. How was you tour of our little town? Did Luna make it fun?” Endless mind went back to the kiss.

“Ya. It was great.” he said with a big smile

“ Then welcome to Canterlot Endless Night.” he said handing him a stack of books.

“Starting tomorrow your going to school. It was Luna idea.” He told Endless. he fell to floor with a smile on his face.

Chapter 8: First Day of School

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Endless awake for the first time in a long time by himself. A tear ran down his face as he remember all the morning his mother wake him for lessons. Or when she would let him sleep in and he wake to the smell of food cooking. He look out the window. He miss them. He wanted the Dragons to pay. But there was nothing he could do.

The sun was coming up. It was the first time he saw it since the attack. He watch as different types of pony’s walk down the road. Some with large bag full of stuff. Others with empty bags heading to different shops. he yawn and open his bag. He look at his school books that the doctor given him. He put his father books and scrolls in the dresser.

He look at one of the school books and started to read. It was simple math. He learn math from his mother. She was really good at it. He put it away and look back out the window. There were more pony’s out. Most wearing stray hats and had racks and hoes. He pull out a history book next. He read through it the night before by candle light. He never had a history book before. But his mind was like a trap. Once he read something he could remember later. he open the book. He wanted to go over the stuff at the end of the book. He found were he left off before he when to bed.

A short time later he finish the book and grab the next one. It was a basic spell book. The same as his father gave him but cleaner. Endless put it back in the bag. He heard the sound of Doctor Hooves getting up. he readjusted the straps on the bag. It was still two big for him. Then had an idea. He pull out one of the book his father had been in the bag. He look through it and found a spell on shrinking things. Endless empty the bag and read what to do.

He set the bag on the desk next to the flowers. he close his eyes and his horn flash a bright blue. he open his eyes. The bag look the same. The vase and flowers however were half the size. he try again and shrunk the bag down to his size. he try the bag on. It was lighter end felt right. He put his new books in the bag. But something was odd. He look inside. The bag was bigger on the inside. he look at it for a while and then headed down stairs. There was a layer of white smoke on the ceiling in the kitchen. The doctor was cooking and failing. he set his bag down and open a window to let the smoke out. Doctor Hooves pour a mushy oats paste into a bowl.

“Try this. I call it. Oat Meal.” he said breaking a cinnamon stick over top of it into small bits. Endless smell it and pull his head back. It smell odd. The doctor put a spoon in the bowl.

“Try it you’ll like it.” Endless pick up a full spoon and held it up. The paste drip down into the bowl. he close his eyes, open his mouth and took a bit. his mouth soon felt like it was melting. It was good. Very good.

“Still having Trouble with cooking it. But it only a matter of time before I get it right.” he said waving a rag in the air, trying to get the smoke out. Endless continue to eating until the bowl was empty. There was a knocking at the door.

"Endless Could you get that for me?” he ask as he took the pan off the stove and put it in the window sill. he jump down and headed to the door. He open it to see Luna standing there with a bag full of books.

“Morning Endless. Are you Ready for school?” She said with he sweet smile.

“Ya. I just need to get my bag.” he said looking back inside.

“What that?” She ask looking up at the white smoke.

“That what the Doc calls. Oat Meal.” he said putting his front hove by his head. Spinning it around in a crazy fashion. Luna giggle. he did the same. This was the first time he laugh since the attack.

“Ok. I’ll be right back. Then we can go.” he said going back into the house. he enter the kitchen.

“Who was at the door?” He ask. Still waving the smoke out the window with the rag.

“That was Luna. We’re head off to school.” he said floating the bags onto his back.

“Hold up a second Endless.” he said putting the rag down. Hooves bent down to eye level with Endless.

“Endless. I know you just lost your parent and it can be hard. But just remember that everything going to be alright. Your safe here. Now you go to school and be yourself.” he said rubbing Endless main.

“Thanks doc.” he said pushing his hove off his head and trying not to cry. he follow Luna down the road.

“So about yesterday. I wanted to thank you for showing me around.” he said as they walk.

“Ya. It was fun.” She said smiling.

“So the Doc told me. It was your idea for me to go to school?” he ask looking a little confuse after the kiss and all.

“Well. I know your new in town and I thought it be a good idea. So you could make some friends.” she said smiling. Endless was creep out by this smile.

“What with that weird Smile?” he ask

“ O Nothing. Just had a good thought.” She said looking away and up into the air.

“Ok. It just that smile kind of creepy.” He said as Luna started to laugh again. They stop talking when the school came into view. They walk up to the school house. It was a small sky blue building with windows bordering around the outside with whiter borders. There were earth Pony, unicorns and Pegasus of all colors entering the School house. They were all about his age. he stop and look at all the other kids. His heart start to beat hard. He never met any other pony’s. beside Mr. Hooves and Luna. What if they don’t like him? Or. They were mean? Or. They pick on him? Luna Put a hove on his shoulder.

“First time in school?” she ask. he nodded his head yes.

“Don’t worry. Everyone is nice here.” she said giving him a push forward. he walk up to the door. There was a large purple unicorn with glasses at the door. She had a ruler and star as her cutis mark.

“Good morning Luna. Who this?” She said looking at Endless.

“This is my new friend Endless Night. He just move here and is saying with Mr. Hooves.” she told her.

“Hello Endless Night. I’m Miss Sparkle the teacher here at our little school.” She said with a very sweet voice.

“ Heeelllloooo.” Endless said naively.

“This is his first day coming to school.” Luna told her.

“O. Don’t worry dear. We’re all friends here.” She said waving a hove to the door. he look in there were desk with chairs all in a rows. The desk were all facing a large green stone. The other pony’s were walking around and taking they seats. he follow the teacher to the front of room.

“Ok class. Everyone take your seats. Take your seat and we’ll get started.” she said waving a hove. Luna took a seat in the front right corner. Three other Philly’s whisper to her and giggle.

“Now class we have a new student joining us today. Class this is Endless Night and he’ll be joining our class from this day forward.” she said waving a hove to Endless. he stood still his heart now beating hard.

“Endless dear. Why don’t you take that seat back there by Gem Stones.” she said point at a white unicorn with a green main at the back of the class. There was a free desk next to her. he walk pass the other pony’s. The girls giggle as he walk pass. The boy just watch him. he felt sick. He sat his bag down and took his seat.

“HI, I’m Gem Stone. Your neat Looking. Were you get all those burns? Where you come from? What up with that main? Can I cut it? I”ll make it really cool looking.” Gem stone said talking super fast and almost falling out of her seat.

“Um. I like my main the way it is.” he said as he saw at her cutis mark. It was a pair of Scirror.

“Now Gem Stone. Keep it down we need to start today lesson.” she said tapping a ruler on her desk.

“Yes Miss Sparkles.” She said lowing herself into her seat.

“Ok class. Pull out your math books and turn to page 22 and we’ll start.” She said turning her back and writing on the green stone with a stick of white stuff. Endless pull the book out and open the page.

“Ok class. Can anyone tell me the answer to number 7?” She said putting the problem on the green stone.

“48.” Endless said quickly.

“That right Endless. But next time rise your hove up first.” She said and the others laughing.

“Ok class. Let calm down. Now Can anyone tell me the answer to number 8.” He put his hove in the air and said.

“32.” The class laugh again. Endless was confuse.

“Endless dear. I know it your first day. So I’ll let that slide. Next time put your hove up and wait to be call on. Ok Dear.” he nodded yes and sunk into his chair. Like Gem stone. The rest of the class when as normal as it could get. The teacher would as a question and pony’s would put they hooves up and the teacher would call on them. he would put his hove up and answer few time. The problems were easy for him. Yet other pony’s seem to have problems with them.

The class broke for lunch. Gem Stone Continue to jump around and ask him questions. he walk over to Luna. She was sitting with the three other filly’s. They Step in front of him blocking him from talking to Luna. The light blue earth pony step forward.

“Were do you think your going?” she said in a snobby way.

“I was going to talk to Luna.” He told her. She smile and then said.

“ No one just talk to Luna. You need be a little more popular then just being the new colt.”

“ Lilly be nice to Endless. He just move here and is nice.” she told the light blue pony.

“Ok Luna. But only because you say so.” she said look back to Luna.

“Yaaa. lunch with Luna. lunch with Luna, lunch with Luna, lunch with Luna.” Gem Stone said jumping up and down.

“Hold on one second Gem Stone. Luna said it was ok for Endless. Not you.” She said meanly. Gem Stone look sad then look down and ran away with tears in her eyes.

“On second thought. I’ll eat my lunch with Gem Stone.” he said walking away and heading after Gem Stone. he walk around looking for Gem Stone. he hear someone crying. It was coming behind a large bush. he walk around and saw Gem Stones cry on a stump.

“Hey. Are you ok Gem Stone?” he ask.

“Ya I’ll be fine. Lilly and the other are always mean to me.” she said wiping the tears from here eyes.

“Come on let eat our lunch.” He said

“Yes let have lunch.” They turn and look at Luna in shook.

“I’m Sorry about Lilly. She only mean because my family Royalty and her parent told her to become my friend.” she said pulling a bundle with food in it and set it on the flat stump. Endless, Luna and Gem Stone ate lunch and then Play with the other pony’s. Luna and Gem stone help Endless make new friends. Miss Sparkles Call them in after awhile. Endless took his seat next to Gem Stone. Two other older ponies enter. One was a Pegasus and the other was an earth pony.

“Ok class brake up into your three groups and we’ll start gym class. Endless you come with our group here.” Miss Sparkle said as she pointed to her group.

“Endless do you have a copies of basic spells.” She ask. he pull it out of his bag with his mouth.

“Good let go outside for today lesson.” she said leading them to the door.

“Today we teleporting from here to the apple tree over there.” she said drawing a line in the dirt. Then pointing at the tree.

“ Now who first?” she ask.

“Can I try?” Endless said knowing very well he could.

“Ok dear. Give it your best shot.” Endless walk up to the line. Close his eyes and with a flash of black and red light he was by the apple tree.

“Very Good. Very Good.” she said clapping her hooves.

“That easy. I can do a lot more then that.” he said after teleporting back. He held his head high.

“Really, Like what?” She said holding up the Basic of magic. After showing Miss Sparkles that he knew everything in the book. She told him to join the Pegasus group. They play a game with a ball. Where you throw it in the air and try to put it in a hoops. Miss Sparkle demised the class for the day about an hour later. Luna and Gem Stone walk with Endless home. They laugh as Gem Stone jump and trip over her own hooves and fell on her bottom. They reach the doc house after that. he said his good byes and head in. The doc was waiting with dinner. After dinner he head to bed.

That night he had a dream. He was in his house. His mother and father was there. They were laughing and having dinner. It was bright and sunny out. But then the dream turn dark. The roof was pull off and the black dragon grab his parent and ate them. he try to run but couldn’t. He soon found himself trap in a corner with no way out. The dragon laugh evilly and then breath green fire down on him. he Awake screaming. Hooves ran in hold a large stick.

“What going on?” he said lowing the stick. Endless was breathing hard. His heart felt like it was beating out of his chest.

“Your alright. Your safe and sound here in canterlot.” he said. Endless calm down after awhile. And fell back to sleep. The next few days would be better.

Chapter 9: What Can Happen In A Year

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Endless enjoy the last year in canterlot. He had a nice routine. He would get up in the morning and head down stair for breakfast. Then Luna would come over and they walk to Gem Stones house. From there they head to school. Miss Sparkles would be waiting at the door as always. She learn how smart he was. She had started to give him the higher grade books. This was good. some of the work was harder. And it made him work harder. He sit at his desk working in these books until Lunch. Then him Luna, and Gem stone would eat outside on the stump table. Unless it was Raining. Then they eat at they desk. After lunch he, Luna, and the other Pegasus would play a game were you pass a ball around and throw it through a hoops on the end of a sticks. he was no good at this he was still bad at flying but was getting better thanks to Luna lesson.

After school he, Luna and Gem stone would walk to the large field the farmer still hadn’t farmed. they Play there until it start to get dark they make they ways home. After they leave Gem Stones house. he and Luna would walk home. Luna never ask him about his family or his burns like Gem Stone and the other at school. he told them he didn’t want to talk about it yet. They talk about thing that happen in town or people Luna met in her family travels. After they made it home he would go in and have dinner with Doctor Hooves. Then he head to upside and read his father spells books until he was tier and head to bed.

Endless wake up to the Doc knocking on the door. Like most morning. he got up and look outside. It was a light rain. he thought of Acorn. She love the rain and would be hoping for rain puddle. Her family work the lumber mill. he Smile as he remember the red and yellow Pegasus as she one ran into the apple tree by the school a week ago. Her red main got stuck on a branches. He remember Lilly and Buttercup running to her. Buttercup try to use magic to pull her out. Then a large amount of leaves fell out of the tree and fell on top of her. They match her. As she poke her head out of leaves. Then Acorn fell on top of both Lilly and Buttercup. he giggle as he remember the Teachers trying to get the girl to stop yelling at each others.

he was glad it was Saturday. There was no school and he had plans with Luna. She was coming over and they were going to the shops for her sister. he had been in canterlot for a little more then a year now. He smile. It was almost his birthday. He hardly been to the shops. Other then the one time when he went to Gem Stone family shop and they try to talk him into a main cut. He ran out before they got to him. he rub his main. It was getting long. He headed down the stair.

“ What for breakfast?” he ash as he enter the kitchen.

“OAT MEAL.” Hooves said with a big smile on his face.

“Why are you so happy?” he ask sitting down and took a drink of water.

“I got a date with Miss Sparkles.” he spit the water he was drinking out over the table.

“MY TEACHER?!?” He said in shock.

“Calm down Endless. It not that odd. We’ve been friends for years and I finally ask her out and she said yes.” He said wiping up his mess. There was a knock at the door. Doctor hooves when to answer as he started to eat. The thought of the doctor date made Endless wonder. What one does on date? Luna enter the kitchen.

“Ready to go? I got a full list of stuff to get.” he jump down and walk over to her.

“Ya. Ready to go. When do we head first?” he ask as Doctor Hooves came dancing in. He grab Endless bowl and drop it in the sink. Normal he complain about this.

“What with him?” Luna ask as Doctor hooves started to sing to himself.

“He got a date with miss Sparkles. Whatever that means.” He whisper to her. Luna giggle. he stood there clueless about what he said to made her laugh.

“ What so funny?” he ask as Luna start to brush into laughter. She pointed at Doctor hooves. He was making kisses faces at the broom he was dancing with. he try to hold in the laughter. He started to laugh as hard as Luna. They Left laughing as they headed down the street.

They stop just before they reach the bakery. There was a big window with the word. Pie Bakery. They enter the shop. This was his first time in the shop. He look around. There were loafs of bread on most of the sheaves. Cake behind the counter and cookies in baskets on the counter. It smell sweet like apples. A pink earth pony with a brown main. He had a cake and cookies as his cutis mark. He had a little white hat on his head. He turn to face them as Luna rang the bell.

“Good morning Mr. Pie.”

“LUNA my favorite costumer. What can I do you for?”

“My sister put an order in yesterday and I’m here to pick it up.”

“Ah yes that right. One basket of apple cookies and here some Oat cookies for you and your friend.” He said adding two cookie into the basket. He pass the basket to Luna. Luna pass it to him. Luna pass two bits to Mr. Pie. He thank her.

After the bakery. they headed to the clothing shop. They pick up a blanket and sheet there. After that they pick up soon more food at the general store. The basket and bags were getting heavy by this time. he was Glad when Luna stop at Stone Barber.

“ Hi Luna. What are you and Endless doing today?” Gem Stone Ask as they enter.

“Just getting thing around.” She said with a wink.

“Oooo. I see.” she said with a wink. he was about to ask what was going on. when Doctor Hooves enter.

“Endless what are you doing here?” He ask as sat into the barber chair.

“I’m just following Luna around.” he said as he saw Luna taking a seat.

“I’ll be right back.” Gem stone said as she went to the back room. Two white Unicorn Enter the room.

“I”m Clay stone and I’ll will be your Barber.” he said in a dramatic flare. Endless notices he had a barber poll for his cutis mark.

“And I’m Wilma Stone. I’ll be your stylus today miss Luna.” She said as he move a brush and Scirror into the air with magic. She had a brush and scirror as her cutis mark.

“Just a trim.” Hooves told Clay stone as he pass a bit to him. he watch as he trim the doctor main. Clay stone look over at Endless.

“Young colt. I think you could you a hair cut.”

“No. I’m good. I like it long.” he said blowing his main out of his eye.

“I can see that. but we be happy to give you a trim. Free of cost. Just to get it out of your eyes.”

“aaah come on Endless. You needed a hair cut since I met you.” Gemstone said winking to Luna.

“You could use a hair cut.” she said as Wilma stone was brushing and cutting the end if her main.

“Ok then. But not to much.” he said giving up.

“Gem honey would you give him a trim?” Clay Ash. Gem Stone face went to beyond joy. he sat in the free chair. She got her cutis mark as scirror, her parents are both Barbers, what the worst that could happen? he thought as he watch her float a pair of scirror over his head. Endless close his eyes as he hear the clipping. A few minute later Endless hear her stop.

“And done.” she said as she put the scirror down. he open his eyes. Luna and the other were standing in front of him. They mouths gasp open in shock.

“What? Did she cut it all off?” he said in panic. They shook they heads no.

“is it bad?” The shook they head no again.

“Well what wrong with it?” he said as Gem Stone jump down into his view. She floated a mirror in front of him. his jaw drop. She had cut it Just right. It was long and cover most of his burns. He flip it up and it set right back. He look over at Gem Stone.

“How did you?” he ask still in shock. She Smile, put the mirror down, then said.

“I have no idea. I close my eyes and It just happens.” his heart sank.

“Your joking. Right?” he said with a half a smile.

“She not Joking. I watch.” Luna said. his heart sank lower.

“You see I get this tingle on my back every time I use scirror. I close my eyes and when the tingling stop, I know I’m done.” she said with a smile.

“Endless don’t you have something you want to say to Gem Stone.” Hooves said. he thank her. After his hair cut. Doctor Hooves, Luna and him left. Doctor Hooves went his own way. he follow Luna as she lead him to one of the farms just outside town. After crossing one of the field. he finally ask.

“Were are we going?” Luna look back with a smile and a wink.

“It a surprises.” he follow her into the woods. There seem to be a small path. They enter a field with a stump, a pails of old hail and apple trees.

“Ok we’re here.” she said pulling the sheet out of Endless bag. She plate it over the stump.

“So what is here?” he ask looking around. Luna plate the basket of food on the Stump.

“This is were we’re having Lunch.” She said pulling food out and moving it around the stump table. He took a seat across from Luna. They ate as birds flutter around them. he watch as bees fly from Flower to Flower. They didn’t talk much as they ate. At the end of Lunch Luna pull the two oat cookies out that Mr. Pie gave them and pass him one.

“So it been a year now. Right?” Luna ask looking at the birds. then to him.

“Yes.” he said wondering why she ask. She was. after all. The first pony in town he met.

“So Endless I have something I been wanting to ask you.” she said as he took a bite from the cookie. his heart started to beat faster.

“It something I’ve be nerves about asking you for sometime.” he took another bite. His heart beat faster. What could she want to ask? Was she going to ask how he felt about her. he was ready to pour his heart out.

“How are you doing after the attack on the farm?” his heart slow and drop. His mood with it.

“If you don’t what to talk about it. we can talk about something else.” she said quickly.

“ No. No. It ok. I’m doing ok. I guess. I still can’t think about my parent without crying. But I’m ok.” Luna move closer.

“So what happen?” he look down. Then to his flank. The burn had scar him.

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” She said quickly.

“It feels good to finally talk to someone about it and it help that your a good friend.” Luna blush a little. he started to tell her. After he finish the story Luna gave him a huge. She had tear in her eyes.

“Luna don’t cry for me. I’ll be fine.” she look up.

“I’m crying because your crying silly.” he put a hove up and catch a tear falling from his eyes. He then huge Luna. After a few minutes they stop. he wipe his eyes.

“Thanks Luna. This really help.” he said as she wipe her eyes.

“No problem.” she said with a smile. After a few minute of crying. They pack up the picnic and head back. It was still light out after Luna drop stuff off at her house. They decided to See if Gem Stone could play. he touch his main every time he hear her name. It was amazing how she had cut it. Tho some of the scar on his face were still showing. She manage to cover the bad ones. They were almost to her house when Luna put a hove in front of him.

“Look there Miss Sparkle and Mr. Hooves.” she said pointing. They were getting up from a table at the cafe. They we’re laughing.

“Wonder how things are going?” she said with her sweet but evil smile. he knew only trouble follow.

“Let follow them and see.” She said dragging him along. They follow them around town. The whole time they were giggling and laughing. they watch as they enter the bakery. they wait outside.

“Let get a better look.” she said crawling to the big window with the word Pie Bakery. he rolled his eyes and did the same. They poke they headed up and look in. Mr. Pie was writing Doctor Hooves name a large white box. They turn to head out. Both Luna and him duck and quickly jump into a hail wagon that was park in front of the store.

“Well that one thing of the list. Let get the rest.” Hooves said opening the door for Miss Sparkles.

“Yes let see. We need to go up here now.” Miss sparkles said point down the road. They poke their head out of the hail and look at Doctor Hooves and Miss Sparkle. Look at each other. then back to them.

“HEY MOVE THAT WAGON. YOUR BLOCKING MY SIGN.” Mr. Pie yell at the two earth pony’s pulling the wagon. The wagon started to moving. It was heading away from Miss Sparkle and Doctor Hooves. Luna jump up and took fleet. he follow. He smile. This was getting fun. He follow Luna into the air. He try to keep some distance. He didn’t want to run into her.

“Ooooo. Were they go?” She ask spinning around.

“There.” he said pointing down. They flew down onto the rooftops. Then jump down to the ground by the flower stand. The Doctor grab a bundle that Endless was hiding behind. he quickly duck out of sight. He throw two bits on the table as he gave them to Miss Sparkle.

“O. Thank you. They lovely.” she said with a smile. Luna wings flutter a little bit. he didn’t know why. The follow them down the street. Hiding in all sort of places. his favorite was the barrel him and Luna wag them self into. They finally stop on a bench in the town square. Endless and Luna hid in a bush right next to them.

“So did you have fun today?” Hooves ask. he guess he was looking at her. They couldn’t see them from the bush. Luna was rubbing her wing into his.

“Yes I had a Darling time. It was fun.” Miss Sparkles said.

“Well Miss Sparkles we better be getting you home before dark.” he said.

“O Mr. Hooves. Don’t worry so much. See even the young pony’s are still out.” He look to Luna and was worry they see them. Then was relief as he hear Gem Stone voice.

“Hi Miss Sparkle. How are you doing today?” Gem stone said in her bubbly way.

“I’m good. Are you ready for the test on Monday?” she told Gem Stone.

“Test? What test? What are you Poi... Ooooo. Right the test.” she said.

“The Quiz on plants life.” Gem stone said with a giggle.

“That right. You said it was on plants.” Endless look at Luna and sarge his shoulders. He didn’t remember her saying anything about a test.

“Well I’ll see you in class on Monday. Bye Gem Stone.”

“Bye.” She said.

“Well let get you home. Shell we?” Hooves said.

“Yes let get going.” Sparkle said. Endless hear them walk away. he look at Luna.

“HI GUYS! WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE?”They both jump out of the bush and turn around. Gem Stone pull her head out of the bush and started to laugh hard. Endless heart was pounding out of his chest.

“So these are you best students. Look like they studying for the test.” Hooves said laughing. they turn to see not only Doctor Hooves and Miss Sparkles. Almost half the class was there too. They were laughing at them. This couldn’t get any worse. he though.

“So would you both like to explain what your doing following use around.” Miss Sparkle said looking down on them. he try to think of something to say.

“We’re sorry. We were just having some fun.” Luna said bowing and waving for him to do the same.

“We’re sorry.” He said bowing like Luna.

“So you think they suffer enough?” she said looking at Doctor Hooves.

“Yes. They learn they lesson. Lets let them go with a warning. Don’t pock your noes around in other pony business.” hooves said. They Quickly flew away. They landed and started laughing. He decided to walk Luna to her door.

“Well that was a fun day. We were lucky.” he said.

“Ya. But I think we’ll hear about this for some time.” she said. They laugh.

“Well thank for all your help today.” she said rubbing her leg.

“No problem. And thanks for hearing me out.” he said looking down. Just then he felt something wet but nice on his cheek.

“Thank Endless. see you tomorrow.” She said after kissing him on the cheek and heading into her house.

Endless walking into the house. He headed up to his room. he look out his window and waited for the doctor to get home. He could see him and Miss Sparkle walking to her house. he watch as Miss Sparkle kiss the doctor on the cheek. Wait I thought the doc was on a date. He thought. Is that how dates end. Did I just have a date with Luna? he decided to go to bed and worry about what a date was later.

Chapter 10: UnHappy Birthday

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Endless awake to the sound of a load crash. He Jump out of bed and look out the window. There was a wagon on it side. It look like a wheel had fallen off. he hear Doctor Hooves run down the stairs. The front door flew open.

“Is everyone alright?” he ask.

“Ya. We’re all fine. The wheel just pop off.” a blue earth pony said. Hooves Look up and saw Endless in the window.

“Endless come down here for a minute." he Jump out the window and Flew down.

“Endless can you lift this for them?” he ask pointing at the wagon.

“Ya. no problem.” He forces on the wagon. It floated into the air just high enough for the blue earth pony to put the wheel back on. Once the wheel was on he sit it down.

“Thank kid. You save me a trip back to the farm. If you ever need anything. come by the Apple Farm. Just ask for Crab Apple.” he said running off. They walk back into the house. he sat down at the table. Doctor Hooves walk in and grab a pan off the wall.

“Well that was a interring wake up call.” he said as he try to light the stove. Endless watch the sparks and with a flash of light. He lit the stove. Doctor Hooves look over at him.

“You got to give me some warning Endless.”

“Ok. But I’m getting good at my element magic.” he said with a big smile.

“Well let see what we got on the menu today. How about I try something new.” hooves said with a smile. Endless stomach rumble in pain. He remembers the last time he try to cook something new. He got a simple recipe from Luna Sister Celestia. It was a simple little recipe of baking oat and apple pie with a cherry on top. he remember looking at it and wondering if it move if he pock it. Then after they ate it they were sick for two days. But he didn’t want to hurt the doc feeling. But if it came out that bad. He was running.

“Why not.” he said with a fake smile.

“Endless would you head over and see if Luna Family has any flower. I need to barrow some.” He ask as started to cut apples. he head across the street. He knock on the door. Luna older sister Celestia answer the door. Celestia look down at him.

“Hello Endless. What are you doing here so early?”

“Doctor Hooves was wonder in if we could barrow some flower? Please.” he ask looking up at her with a big smile.

“Yes you can. Just follow me.” She said walking into the house. This was the first time he been in Luna house. He look around. It was very clean. There were odd thing all over. he saw a glass ball on the center table. he follow Celestia to the kitchen. She pull a large bowl with white power in it.

“Here you go. Just use what you need then bring it back.” Luna yawn as she enter the kitchen. She was wearing star pajama and her main was a mess. It was sticking up in some spot and out in others. bed head he though.

“Good morning Luna.” she said. Luna was about to say something back. When she look over at Endless. Her face turn red.

“EP!” she said running back up the stairs. Celestia laugh as she walk him to the door.

Endless gave the flower to the doctor and headed up stair. He wanted to go over the ice spell one last time before he try it again. Last time he cast it on a cup of water and froze his lips to it. About ten minute later Doctor Hooves call him down. he could smell something burning. He ran down and was ready to cast the water spell. he was shock to see the Doc flipping a flat brown bread in the pan. There was a small pail of black burn one in the garage.

“Aaa good you’re here.” He Said putting some brown one a plate. he took a seat as the Doc add maple syrup on top of them.

“Ok I give. What are they?” He said look confuse at the Doc.

“Apple flap jacks.” he said putting a fork in them. he try to smell them. But couldn’t over the burn one in the garage. he cut it with the side of his fork. He fork one and took a bit. It was good. Not great but good. After breakfast he help clean up. It was easy thank to all the spells he learn from his father’s books. The clean up went quickly. He was soon done and head outside. The Doc caught him at the door.

“Be back by lunch time. I need your help with something.” He said as Endless ran out the door.

Endless flew to the small lake up by the Apple farm. He watch the other pony’s on the ground. They were like bugs. he pick up speed. He wanted to get this spell down and move on to the next book. he broke through the clouds. He enjoy doing this from time to time. It was fun to watch them disappear. He saw a big one up ahead of him. He built up speed and headed for it. He hit it hard. Then felt something harder. Everything went dark. he hear someone yelling.

“Hey wake up!” Endless open his eyes and saw a light Blue Pegasus.

“Hey. Fly now!” he Look around. He look up and saw the lake. He quickly roll and spread his wings . He slow down and flap his wings. The tips of his hooves touch the water. He landed on the edge of the water. He rub his head and flat a bump.

“Hey what were you thinking?” the Pegasus yell. He stood there clueless.

“Wait what. I was flying and next thing I know I hit my head and then you were yelling at me.” he said.

“Well. One minute I’m taking a nap and the next thing I know your smashing into me.” he said flipping in the air above him and flying upside down.

“Sorry. I didn’t know you were there. I was just popping clouds and I saw a big one. I pick up some speed and thought it be fun to pop it.” he said spinning his hove in the air like popping a invisable bubble.

“Well be a more careful when you do that.” he said flying off. he watch him fly away. He could just make out his cutie mark. It look like a golden star.

Endless look around the lake. He could see different animals drinking from the lake. He took a quick drink and then got ready to cast the ice spell. He started by using the water spell to make some puddles. The next thing was to blow a cold air over the water and make it freeze. Then he could try his idea. he blow cool air out his mouth as he cast the spell. At first nothing happen.

Then a small chunk of ice floated in the puddle. He smile. He needed more cool air. he flap his wings along with blowing but the water slaps around. He look at the lake and thought. I can’t freeze the whole lake. He face the lake and started to flap his wings. This made a nice cool breeze. He cast the spell and ice started to form. Endless stop and poke it. It was tight and broke into small pieces.

“ha, ha, ha, what are you trying to do?” he turn to see the light blue Pegasus laughing from a small cloud. he look at him and then said.

“Well if you must know. I’m trying to cast an ice spell.” he said turning to face the lake. He started flapping his wings harder and started to cast the spell. The Pegasus watch as Endless flap his wings and froze a part of the lake. he tap the top of the ice. This time he had to hit it harder for it to break.

“See I got to ticker that time.” he said looking back at him.

“Ya I can see. But what good is it if it breaks?” he ask rolling upright.

“Well with more practice I’ll make it harder and I can be use for lot of things.” he said turning to face him.

“ Like What?” he ask.

"Like making an ice statue. but that what i need it for. there are many things that can be done with ice." He said and started telling him every uses he could thing of for ice. As he did time seem to fly by and he soon lost track of time.

“And you can use it to keep milk and eggs longer.” he finish.

“Wow you really an egghead.” The Pegasus said. Endless rise an eye brow. “That not a bad thing.” He added.

“Ya well I guess. You know we’ve been talking and I don’t even know your name.” he said.

“ I AM THE GREAT SHINING STAR!!” He said as he pop the cloud under his hooves and spin into the air. Endless was in shock about this interdiction.

“ Well Star. I’m Endless Night.” He said using a small wind spell to pick up some leaves to spin around himself.

“ Your new here in town. I’ve never seen you in school before.” he said looking around for any other Pegasus.

“I go were the winds take me. I’m my own pony.” he said floating back onto another small cloud.

“Wait. Don’t you have any family or home?” he ask in confusion.

“No I’ll a free pony. No one to tell me what to do. No one to worry about. No string holding me any were. I’m fr...”

“ Alone.” Endless said cutting Shining Star off.

“Well ya. But I still my own pony. I’m free.” Endless was bewilder by this. He never hear of this.

“What do you eat? And what do you do when there bad weather?” he ask.

“Well I eat whatever I can find. If it look bad out I find a nice piece of cloud and hang above the storm.” he said pointing up. he look up.

“O no. I got to go. I’m late.” he said jumping into the air. He turn and headed across the lake.

“Hey Wait I’m still not done telling you about me.” He said as he follow Endless.

“I don’t have time. I was supposed to be home by lunch time and it well pass.” He said flapping harder. Star flew upside down next to him. “See that another thing. I don’t have to be anywhere on time. It just another benefit of being a free pony.” he said flipping a into the air.

“Look as much as I love to talk more about you and how great it is to be free. But I got to go.” he said speeding up. he could see the Doc house now. He started to slow down. He landed at the door. he took a deep breath and open the door.

“Sorry I’m Late Doc. I lost Track of Time.” He said looking around. It look like there was no one home. he walk into the kitchen.

“SURPRISE!!!” he jump into the air. Doctor Hooves and all his friends were there. There was a big pink cake on the table.

“What is all this?” He said in shock. Now holding his chest.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY ENDLESS NIGHT.” They all said at the same time. A calm wash over him. He forgot his own birthday. He smile and took a step forward.

“O. Endless who that you got with you?” Hooves ask. he turn and saw Shining Star standing in the doorway.

“ It ok. Come on in. This is my new friend....” Shining Star put his hove into Endless mouth.

“I’m am THE GREAT SHINING STAR.” He said doing a spinning flip. Endless rolled his eyes. he sat down at the table. Luna sat next to him.

“Here Endless I got you this.” she said passing a large bag wrap in colorful paper. he thank her and unwrap it. It was a new bag. It had a patch on the side with the letter E N stamp into it. After that Gem Stone pass him a present. It was green robe. He thank her. After a few more presents. Doctor Hooves pull out a large box.

“Here Endless. This was your fathers. He left it here once and I was saving it for him. but seeing how........” Luna, Celestia, and Gem Stone put they hooves into the doc mouth to stop him as Endless face turn from happy to sad. he crack a smile quickly. Then open the box. Inside was a pointed hat with stars and the moon on it. It had a hole for his horn. It look like the one his father was wearing that day. A tear ran down his face.

“Are you ok Endless?” Luna ask

“Ya. It just. I’m so happy. Ever since thing happen that day. I never thought I could have a happy moment again. You all been so nice to me. i couldn't ask for better friends.” He said as he start to tear up.

“Shining Star are you ok?” Gem Stone ask him as he wipe his eyes.

“Ya I’m fine. It Just that.... Your right Endless. I am alone.” He said breaking down. Gem Stone gave him a huge from behind.Suddenly a load crash eco outside.

“What was that?” Gem stone ask. A Load Roar fill the air. Endless heart stop.


“Why. What is it.” Luna ask. Everyone look to Endless.

“ Dragons.”

Chapter 11: The Raid

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“Quickly. Every pony. Into my cellar.” Hooves said opening a door in the floor. Every pony Jump down. Endless grab a candle and jump. It was small. They Just had enough room to turn around.

“Luna are we safe here?” Gem Stone ask as Endless lit the candle.

“I don’t know.” she said looking to her sister.

“We will be as long as they don’t find us. So everyone be quiet.” She said. The time seem to stand still. Endless could see the fear in his friend faces. He was Scare. He couldn’t stop shacking. Luna walk up next to him.

“It will be alright.” she whisper. he look around. Shining Star look worst then him. he took a deep breath and exhale. This help a little. Another loud crash eco from near by. he could hear the Dragons talking. They voices fill the air around them.

“Come out, come out, were ever you are my little pony’s. We just what to say hello.” one dragon laugh.

“Ya. We just want to be friends.” Another said laughing .

“Come now. You don’t want us to have to start smashing these houses of yours.” the first said.

“Ya smashing .” The other said. They said still laughing. Endless heart was beating fast. As a loud crash follow by a rumble above shook the roof of the cellar. Then his heart sank.

“Will you two stop messing around and grab some pony’s. we need to get going.” Endless froze. He remember the voice. That was the one. He thought. Darth. The one the took his parent away from him. he head for the door. Hooves Jump and grab his hind legs. He flap his wings and pull him. Next Miss Sparkle grab him. He flap hard and pull her to. Soon everyone was holding onto him as he try to go after Darth.

“Endless stop. Your nothing compare to them.” Hooves said pulling on him. he didn’t care. He want to do something anything. Just so he could hurt Darth like he hurt him. his horn started to glow a bright red and black Flames and flashes of light.

“He having magic discharge. Everyone stand back.” Celestia yell. Everyone Jump off him at once. he close his eyes. a great pain fill his chest. Celestia grab him and with a flash of white light she was gone. he Felt like he was falling. He open his eyes as a flash of white light. Celestia was gone. he turn his head to see two large dragons looking at him as he fell. Then Endless Felt a great serge of energy. Endless spread his wings and legs.


A wall of multicolor magic fill the air around him. The two dragon in shock put they claw up. They flew into the air and landed hard on the ground. Endless watch the sky as he fell. He was tier and sleepy. It was hard to keep his eyes open. As they close he saw a flash of white light. Then he pass out.

Endless awake with a beam of light in his face. Celestia was opening the root cellar door a crack. Luna was sitting by him. Her head resting on his Flank. he move his legs a little.

“Endless? your awake?" she ask in a whisper.

“What happen?” He said rubbing his head with his hove.

“och.” He said pulling it away because it hurt.

“You got so work up. You had magic Discharge.” Celestia said looking over and keeping the door open a crack.

“Magic Discharge?” he ask confuse.

“Yes. Magic Discharge. It happen when you don’t use magic for a long time or if you get work up over something. In your case. Dragons.” She said popping her head out of the door.

“Ok. I think were safe now.” she said as she climb out. he try to stand. But it was hard. Every part of his body hurt as he walk. Luna help him as they walk to the stairs. he look around as he climb out of the cellar. The kitchen was gone. The only thing that seem to be left of the house was half of the upstairs and the living room.

Endless saw other pony’s running down the street calling for they family. Gem Stone mother came running to her as soon as Gem Stone pop her head out of the cellar. he watch as most of his friend parents came running. Lilly father was crying. Then she started. Her mother was taken. Gem stone father was missing to. There were lot of pony’s missing. he fear the worst. A Red earth pony ran pass yelling

“Head to the town square Every pony.” he took a step and fell to his knee. Shining Star Caughting him and lifted him back up.

“Come on Endless. You can’t walk right now. Here we go.” Hooves said lifting him onto his back. At the town square there was a large green Pegasus standing on a large fallen tree yelling.

“Now Everyone calm Down. The Dragon only taken your friends and family. They are ok and unharmed. The dragon can’t use a pony that can’t work. Now we need to make a list of all the pony’s who are missing. I have sent a message to the royal guard and they will need to know how many when taken.” A large Blue earth pony whisper something in the Green Pegasus ear.

“Is any pony a Doctor. We need help with hurt and wounded pony’s?" he ask.

“He a Doctor.” Celestia said pointing to Hooves. Endless smile. Celestia was a liar. The Doc was only a Vet and not supposed to work on pony’s. He learn that from Luna. The only reason he still call him Doc was that sounded better then Vet. Doctor Hooves pass Endless to Luna and Star.

“Make shore he get a good night sleep. I won’t be coming home tonight.” He said running off to help.

“Luna take Endless to our house and get him to bed. That the best thing for him. Shining Star help her.” Celestia order. They did as she said. Endless look back at all the other pony’s. Most were crying. Other ran around looking for pony trap in they homes. he felt weak. If only he was stronger. If only he knew more spells. He could have protected every pony. As they walk he notices something odd. There was what look to be a great big circle missing between two houses. Like some pony cut the hole into the houses and took all the rest away. he look at this for a moment as they continue on to Luna house. They enter Luna house. There were books and papers on the floor. The Plate and pans were all over the kitchen floor as well.

“Come on Star. Upstairs. He can use my bed. Luna told him as she lead the way.

“Sorry Luna.” Endless said as they walk up the stairs.

“ Don’t be. You got nothing to be sorry about.” She said as they reach the top of the stairs.

“If only I was stronger maybe I could have done something.” he said.

“Endless. Shut up. There nothing you could have done. Even if there were a 100 of you. There would still be nothing you could have done.” Shining star said as if he was yelling. Luna gave Star a bad look. She was about to yell at him when Endless said.

“Thank Star. I needed to hear that.” he said as he pass out. Luna open here bedroom door and her and star place him on the bed.

“Sorry if I sounded mean. But he needed to hear that or he try something dumb.” he said as he head down the stair.

“You have no idea what he would have done.” She said as she close the door.

Chapter 12:Over Thinking

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Endless open his eyes slowly as he awake. He was still sore all over. But he look around the room. Luna had her head on his side. She must have been watching me sleep. he though. He smile and move slowly out of her bed. He pull a blanket out and cover her. He left the room and headed down stairs. Shining Star was on a small white cloud. He was sleeping upside down. Droll falling from his mouth. Endless went into the kitchen. No one was home. Endless started the stove and started to cook some oat meal. Few minute later shining star enter the room.

“What cooking?” He ask smelling the air.

“Oat meal.” He said floating three bowl onto the table. He pour it into the bowls. Spilling a little around the bowls. Luna came down the stairs and join then.

“What is that? She ask as Shining star stuff him face into the bowl.

“I made some oat meal.” he said pointing at a bowl for her. Endless cast a cleaning spell in the kitchen and started to eat. After breakfast they went to the clinic. The Doctor hooves was working there and Endless wanted to check in on him. Endless check on the oat meal in his bag. He figure that the Doc would need something to eat.

“Come on. Just one bite. He won’t miss one bite.” He said begging Endless for Doctor Hooves oat meal.

“ No it the Doc’s. he been working all night.” Endless said as he watch the sky. Every pony in town was doing the same thing. Even the Pegasus were walking today. The Clinic was fill with ponies. They were all hunt in one way or another. Endless look around and finally saw Doctor hooves.

“Endless how are you feeling this morning?” he ask as he wrapping a Green Pegasus wing in bandage.

“Better. I brought you some Oat meal.” He said pulling out the bowl.

“ No thank’s Endless. I already ate with Miss Sparkle this morning.” he said as he finish and headed to the next pony.

“Do that mean I can have it?” he said his tongue out.

“knock your self out kid.” He said as he pull a small pieces of wood out of a blue earth pony. Star grab the bowl and push his head into the bowl.

“Endless I won’t be home tonight. Celestia said you can stay at there place until the house is repair.” he said moving on to the next pony. They left the clinic and headed back down the street. Looking at all the damage. Some houses were complete smash. Other had parts missing from them. Endless stop in front of the two houses that had the perfect hole cut into them.

“Endless you know that was you right?” Luna told him. Endless look down.

“It ok. you’ll get it under control. We all do over time.” she said picking his head up and looking him in the eyes. Endless turn away and ran. He had tears in his eyes.

“ENDLESS WAIT.” she cry at him. “Don’t worry I’ll get him.” Star said heading after him. Shining Star flew after Endless. Endless didn’t care were he was heading. He only want to get away from Ponyville. To get away from Luna. He look back and saw Shining star flying after him. He focuses on the crest from the armor back in his father cave. With a flash of red and black light he was gone. Shining Star crash into a cart full of dirt. Stuck his head out and spit mud. Endless rub his head. He smash into something hard. It was to bright and there was a ringing sound in his head.

“oooww. That hurt.”

“Well I didn’t feel a thing.”

Endless look up and saw a Pegasus wearing armor with a sword. It was Golden Apple.

“So were did you come from little colt?” He said picking Endless up to his hooves

“You came looking for my father. You. You.” Endless stutter. It then dawn on him. The only reason the dragon attack his family was because of this Pony.

“You Cause it ALL!” He Yell and kick at Golden Apple Legs.

“GOLDEN: Wow, wow, wow. What wrong little guy?” He said putting his hove out and holding Endless back as he swag.


“Wait. who was your father?” He ask confuse but concerned.

“ White night.” He said with a snot bubble popping.

“O. I see. you’re his son. The one I follow to him. I see now.” he said looking down and putting his hove on Endless shoulder.

“I’m sorry for what happen.” he said hugging Endless.

“But you should know your father save a lot of pony’s from the dragons that day. He a hero.”

“ Golden Apple Sir. Do you know this Colt?” A Blue Pegasus said putting her sword away.

“He White Night son. His family home was attack and they.”

“THEY GONE!” He yell. Golden apple rub Endless main.

“Ok colt. We need to get going and we can leaves you here.” He said standing.

“Berry, Red Will, come he and carry him. We need to get to Canterlot before dark.” He order the Blue Pegasus and red Unicorn. Red Will floated Endless onto Berry. Endless wipe his eyes and look around. There were Pony’s of all types and colors. They were 100's and all wearing the same armor as Golden apple.

“ Hey colt. You ok?” said the red unicorn. Endless wipe his nose.

“ So your White Night Colt. You look like him. Well almost. You got your mothers wings.” he said looking at him as they walk. Endless close his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

“ENDLESS!” Endless jump at the sound of Luna scream. He landed hard on the ground. Luna was running to him at full sprint. Endless stood up just in time to get tackled.

“Thank the stars your ok.” She said with tear in her eyes.

“I’m Sorr...oof.” Luna punch Endless in the stomach.

“Don’t ever do that again.” She said hugging him harder.

“Sorry luna I just didn’t want to hurt you or the others.” he said looking down the street to the houses he broke.

“Don’t worry about that. Celestia said she got a way to help you.” She said looking over to her sister. Celestia walk over to Golden Apple. Endless stood up and look at Luna. She was blushing. Endless Blush a little as she smile.

“So. I’m sorry about running away. I just didn’t want anyone to get hurt. You know like. Well. Like you.” He said as a weight lifted off his chest. Luna face turn bright red.

“aaaaaaaaa” berry said leading into Red Will. Endless face went as red as Luna.

“Come on. Doctor Hooves is waiting at my house.” Luna told him. The started to walk to Luna house. But didn’t get to far before Gem Stone and Shining Star found them.

“See I told you he be back.” he said putting his leg around Endless neck.

“ Ya and he go a new horn on his head.” she said hitting it twice. Endless push her hove away as they walk into Luna house.

“Endless. Can’t I leave you alone for a day without you running off. Hooves said with a hint of anger.

“Sorry. I just didn’t what to hurt anyone if I got mad again. Next time Luna sister may not be there.” He said looking sad as he look down.

“Well don’t worry. The Princess Said she has a plan to help you.” Hooves told him. After about an hour Celestia enter the house with Golden Apple.

“Ah good your all here.” she said as Berry and Red Will enter the house.

“Endless I’ve been thinking about how to help you with your power.” she said walking up to him.

“What ever I got to do. I just don’t want hurt anyone.”

“I’m glad you feel that way. Then Tomorrow you’ll leave to train with Master Zend.” Endless took a step back.

“ENDLESS: Leave. I don’t want to leave. This is the only place I’ve know. All my friends are here. Luna here.” he said looking over to her.

“Endless it ok. I knew what she was planing. Master Zend really nice. He the one who train me and Celestia in magic.” Luna said with tears in her eyes.

“Endless you wouldn’t be gone forever and you learn how to control your magic.” Endless thought about it for a long time. Everyone was quiet.

“Ok I’ll go. But can we leave after tomorrow?” Celestia look over to Golden Apple. He nodded yes.

“Ok that fine.” she said with a smile.

Chapter 13: A Fond Fair well

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Endless wake up early. The sun wasn’t even up yet. He lay on the floor for a few more minute and try to fall back to sleep. He was having a nice dream about Luna. He wanted to continue it. But he couldn’t. He got up and look around the room. Doctor Hooves was sleeping in a chair with a book open on his knee. A candle had burn down to nothing next to him. Shining Star was sleeping on a small cloud. A large bit of drowl huge form his mouth and was falling into Golden Apple helmet. Golden Apple was sleeping in the corner next to the door. Red Will was sleeping in small tent in the front yard. Luna and Berry were in her room. Celestia was in the cellar. Endless guess this was like a his father cave.

That made him remember his father stuff he had. he quietly head over and open the door. He head across the street. It was still dark but the sun was just coming up. He look at the frame of the door. It was still standing but the door was knock in. he walk carefully up the stair. They didn’t look safe and he know he was right when a board drop under his hove. He quickly flap his wings and flew the rest of the way to his room. He pull his father bag out. He try to stuff the books back into the bag. It was small . Endless forgot he shrunk the bag. He pull the books out first and stuff them into the bag. The scrolls were next. As he pull a stack out of scrolls out. He hear a loud thud. The amulet had fallen out and roll under his desk. he put the last of the scrolls into the bag. He walk over and crawl under the desk. He grab the amulet by the chain.

“Endless. What are you doing in here?” he lifted his head fast. He smack his head on the under side of the desk. he took a step backward and look up. Luna was flying outside his window.

“You ok?” She said laughing and blushing a little.

“Ya. I’m just getting my stuff around.” he said putting the amulet on the desk. he rub his head.

“A few more bumps and I’ll have a head full of horns.” he laugh. Luna smile as she spin the amulet by it chain.

“So. What this?” she ask looking at the amulet.

“That was in my fathers bag. It just a neckless.” he said as Luna set it down. he watch as she push it around the desk.

“You can have it if you want.” Her face lit up with joy. he help her put it on. He carry the bag down to the kitchen.

“So your going to carry that bag to Masters Zend’s?” Luna ask as he pull the bag she gave off the floor. Endless look down at the bag. Then back at Luna.

“Can you keep a secret?” he ask. She nodded yes.

“Ok hold onto me.” he said thinking about the bedroom at his father cave. Luna hug him and with a flash of red and black light they teleported to the room. he was breathing hard. It took a lot of energy to teleport this far and with two pony’s. Luna look around. It was dark.

“One second. I’ll get the lights.” he said casting a fire spell on all the candles. Luna jaw drop.

“Were are we?” she ask in shock.

“This is my father hiding spot for his stuff. It not to far from my family home.” he said putting the bag on the bed. Endless show her around the cave. She was amaze by the amount of books and magic stuff.

“Endless. Why did you ever come to Canterlot? When you could of live here.” he look up the stairs.

“Come on I’ll show you.” he said putting the bag on that she gave him. he teleport them to the stream. He lead her to the edge of the woods. he look away. He didn’t want to see the burn remains of his home.

“It to painful.” he said with tears in his eyes. Luna gave him a huge.

“Come on. Let go. They worry about us if were not there.” Endless knew she was right.

“Luna. You Remember that room with all the books.” she nodded yes.

“If you ever need to get away or need to hide. Go there.” he told her.

“Ok.” she said. he teleported them to the spot they had the picnic. It was the only place he could think about. They exited the woods. The field was full of tents. It was the royal guards. They walk around them and headed back to Luna house. The sun was up now. They enter the house. Everyone was up at this time.

“They here.” Golden Apple yell in the kitchen. Celestia walk out and look anger.

“Don’t worry me like that." She said looking at both of them.

“ We Sorry.” They both said bowing they heads. After breakfast. Celestia and doctor Hooves left with a bag of bits. They told everyone to stay in the house. Gem Stone show up shortly after they left. Golden Apple had pony’s posted around the house and wouldn’t let her in until Luna told him to.

“WOW it so pretty.” she said looking at the Amulet.

“Ya Endless gave it to me.” She said blushing. They swelled in the way only filly’s did.

“Ow my ears.” Star said putting his hooves on them.

“Check.” Endless said as the swelling stop.

“No Fair. You know how to play.” He said looking down at the chest board.

“You Can Still Win.” Red Will said looking over Shining Stars Shoulder. He whisper into his ear. Endless rise and eye brow. After a few minute Shining star was still in trouble as Endless took pieces after pieces. he was shore he was going to win. Red Will whisper into Star ear.

“Check Mate.” He said moving his queen next to Endless king. he check the board. The queen was guarded by both the rook and Knight. his king was corner.

“Not fair. You had help.” Red Will Smile.

“ Well is it fair to play someone who doesn’t know the game.” Endless sigh and agree. They laugh about it. After a few more rematches. One of witch Endless Face Red Will and doesn’t lose. Doctor Hooves enter the house.

“Princess Celestia ask me to get everyone and bring you to the Square." He said turning around and heading outside. Everyone follow him. The streets were bear. There was no pony’s anywhere. They reach the town square.

“Doc. Where is everyone?” He ask looking around. Doctor Hooves Smile. There was a large flash of light and Endless was speechless. There were tables with large boxes. Tables with Sweets and foods of all kind. The most of the town was there.

“ What is all of this?” he ask.

“Well since your Birthday had Problem. I Thought we Celebrate today.” She said with a smile. Celestia had him take a seat in a chair at a large table. Everyone was watching him. he felt uncomfortable.

“Well Let Get This Party Started.” Star yell and everyone cheer. After that. things got better. he was having fun as he stuff his face with sweets. The gift were nice. But some of them he couldn’t keep. Like the bookshelf and other things. He decided that it could go to the family’s that house he damage. They thank him. he gave a lot of his gift away after that. He felt it would help everyone more then himself. He look over the thing he wanted to keep for the trip. Cloths, bags, books, papers, quills, a blue pillow, and a red blanket.

After the gifts were all done. The band started to play. he set still and watch the other ponies dance. he like the music and found his hooves tipping along with it. Gem Stone was dancing with Shining Star. Luna pop her head out next to his.

“Want to dance. hero Colt.” she said as she grab him and pull him out onto the dance floor. he froze. He never dance in his life. Gem Stone ran over as she saw him having trouble.

“Just move like this." She said pulling his Legs around. he soon found himself dancing with Luna as Gem Stone move his legs. After a little time he was dancing on his own. It was good until a slow song came on. Luna grab his front Legs and rested her head on his shoulder. he Blush a bright red as an apple. he was uncomfortable.

“Endless.” Luna whisper.

“Yes Luna.” He whisper back.

“Are you going to miss me?” Luna pull her head back and look into his Eyes.

“You know I will. You were my first real friend I've ever had.” he said. Luna hug him hard as she could.

Chapter 14: Endless travels Begin

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Everyone wake up early. Doctor Hooves Made Apple Snappers, Apple Pancakes, and Large pot of Oat meal. Shining Star Ate half of the pot before anyone else got any. Every pony laugh when he pop his head out and he still had a main full. Endless Enjoy the Apple Snappers. Luna stole one of his plate. She Smile as she took a bite. She like them to. he gave her the rest of his and had some Oat meal.

After breakfast. Luna, Gem Stone, and Shining Apple help Endless pack his bag. They talk very little as they pack. he was just smiling. He didn’t know how long it be before he be back. So he wanted them to remember him happy. But he was really ready to cry. It was hard to leave all his friends. Celestia was waiting with Berry and Red Will at the main gate. They had bags full of stuff. he walk up.

“Are you ready Endless Night?” Celestia ask. he look back at his friends.

“No matter where I go. No matter how long I’m gone. You all will have a spacial place in my heart. Just remember this. I Will Return Stronger and will protect every Pony. I promise.” He said his head held high and then turning to leave.

“Endless Wait.” he turn and face Luna. She lock lips with him.

“Don’t go forgetting me.” he smile as she back away.

“You don’t have to worry about that.” He said joining Red Will and Berry. He had a big smile on his face. he felt light as air as they walk. The thought of Luna Kiss spin in his head.

“So Endless you and The moon Princess.” berry said. he blush.

“aaa. To be young and in love.” she said looking over at Red Will. He was checking the sky. They walk for hours. They stop for lunch in a large field. It was nice. But Endless was started feel the home sick. He wish his friends were here. But they were back in canterlot. he sigh.

“ Feeling home sick already?” Red Will ask passing and bright red apple to him.

“Ya It be better if Master Zend could go to Canterlot.” he said taking a bite.

“Well you don’t have to worry. We may be going back if he turn you down.” Red Will said. he at him confuse.

“I thought he was nice and would train me.” He took another bite.

“Well he only train royal’s and those he deems worthy.” he said looking up.

“You know your father was his last outsider he train. But don’t worry. Just do your best and you’ll be fine.” He said rubbing his main.

“ But why wouldn’t he train me?” he ask

“Well some pony's believe Master Zend can see your ora. Weather your ora is good or bad. He only train the good. But you a good kid. So don’t worry.” Berry said as she pull her pack on. They walk down the trail another few hours. Until they reach another small clearing.

“Ok Let set up camp for the night. I’ll take first watch.” Red Will said pulling a tent out of his pack. Endless gather firewood and found a small stream. he light the fire. He wanted to practices as much as he could. Red Will was impress by this. It was odd for any Unicorn his age to cast Element spells.

“So what other element spells can you casts?” he ask putting a pan on the fire ad starting to cook.

“I was just starting on ice training.” He said adding more wood to the fire.

“Endless can you help me with the tent’s.” Berry ask. he walk over and help. Hour later dinner was done. Endless pass out the plates.

“Endless I think your missing a Plate.” Red Will said. he counted the plate again.

“There three of them.” he said a Little confuse.

“I think you need to count again.” he said with a big smile.

“Are you messing with me?” he ask confuse.

“You Can come out now. I know your there.” Red Will yell into the sky. He look at him confuse. Shining Star flew down from the tree top.

“What are you doing here?” he said jumping into the air and dropping the plates onto Red Will.

“Well I told you. I’m a free pony. I do as I pleases. And right now I think I’ll follow you.” He smile as he sat down. Red will pass the plate around.

“So how long did you know I was there?” He ask.

“Just before lunch.” he said putting Slide chicken pie on Everyone plate.

“Food done.” He said over to the Berry tent. Berry exit her tent. She was wearing Blue and purple spotted pajama. Her Main was a mess from being under the helmet. This was the first time he seen her without her armor.

“O Yum. It look good. O I see you finally join us.” She said looking over at Shining Star. As they ate dinner. Berry would be doing odd things. First she sat down close to Red Will and was rubbing Against him. He stood up and went to wash his plate in the steam. She huff after he did this and cross he front hooves. After that She Flutter he Eyes at him. He pull a book out of his bag and started reading. Endless and Star Laugh at this because every time she do something. He do something else just before her.

“I think She like him.” Star whisper to Endless. he smile and then had an idea. He whisper his plan to Star. He smile and Laugh. Berry was sitting in front of the fire. The sun was finally down and Red Will put his book away.

“Well it getting late. Maybe you should head to bed boys.” Red Will said looking over to the tent.

“Ok.” The light in the tent went out. Red Will sat down next to Berry.

“So we’ll Reach the town of Little Hove by tomorrow.” he said. Berry sit there one hove on her chin as if thinking.

“You Should get some sleep too. I’ll wake you when it you watch.” he told her.

Berry sigh and stood up. Just then a large gust of wind blow. Berry tent flip and blow Against the tree. She ran over and grab it before it flew away. Red Will gather her stuff. After the wind Stop. They put the tent back up. Red will put Berry pack back into the Tent. Another gusts of wind blow. This time they stake down the tent. It shook in the wind. Berry walk over to the fire shacking. Red Will add more wood. The wind continue blowing. It was lighter but cold. This was odd for this time of year. Red will look over at Berry. She was shivering. He pull her blanket out of the tent and floated it onto her. She wrap it around herself. The wind Blow harder. Berry look over at Red will.

“There room for two here.” She said opening the blanket.

“I’m good. Don’t worry. Thisiis is nothing.” He said shivering. Berry stood up and wrap him in the blanket with her. The sun Rise over the treetops.

“Endless, Star. It time to get up.” Red Will Yell. Endless yawn and got up. Star push his Cloud out of the tent. he pack his bags and pull them outside. Berry was singing as she cook. Red Will was pulling her tent down and folding it in the air.

After breakfast they continue down the trail. Berry hum a song as they walk. Endless look over to Star and smile. They knew why she was so happy. They giggle as they thought about late night. After Red Will told them to go to bed. They snock out of the tent. They head to the stream were Endless Froze part of it. he had star flap his wings over it as he cast a wind. This gave the wind a winter chill. The tent flying away wasn’t part of the plan but it work out. After the plan was finish. They head back to bed.

“There she is. The town of Little hove.” Red Will said pointing down the hill. It was small village in a box canyon It was small Endless though looking down at it. It was smaller then his family farm. They walk down the trail.

“So this is were the Master Lives?” he ask.

“No he live in the royal city. But this is were we’re staying tonight.” Red Will said looking down at him.

“Wow there a whole forest above us.” Star said looking up. Endless look up. he was right. There were tree above they head.

“It a illusion Spell don’t worry.” Red Will said as they continue into town.

Chapter15: The Town of Little Hove

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The town was Barron. There was no pony was on the streets. Endless was creep out by this. it was like a ghost town. They walk up to an large building with the word inn on it.

“Here we are.” Red Will said opening the door. Endless look around. It was like a long hallway. Doors on the right and left. There was a large desk with a yellow Pegasus with a pink main sleeping on a book to the right. a fire place to the left with metal pipes coming out of it. Berry rang the bell hanging next to the desk.

“ um I’m up. I’m up. I’m up.” He said looking around his main in his eyes. He move his hair from his eyes.

“Yes how may help you?”

“We need a room for the night.” Red Will said closing the door.

“ah yes. So that one couple and two children. That will be six bits and I’ll need you to sign the box” he said opening the book he was sleeping on. Berry pull a small bag out with bits and pull out six bits. She then sign the book. After that the yellow Pegasus gave then a key and lead them down the hall. He open the third on the left.

“Here you go. Room seven. Light out at nine o clock. Wake up at seven. You can head next door to the cafe next door if you need to eat.” Endless enter the room. It smell bad and look worst. There was two beds. There were four dressers with candles on each one.

“Well this is nicer then the tents.” Berry said looking around.

“You got to be kidding me. This is bad.” Star said holding his nose. Endless agree. This was bad.

“Well at lest it only for one night.” Red Will said looking around. Berry open the window. There was a gust of wind from behind Endless and Star. Red Will cast a wind spell. The room smell a little better.

“Well how about we go get something to eat?” she said pulling her armor off. She tie her sword on her side. Red Will gave her and odd look.

“Better safe then sorry.” She said smiling. They exited the inn and started for the cafe. A Roar fill the air. They look up and saw two dragon flying over.

“Don’t move.” Red Will said as Berry cover Endless and Star mouth’s. Endless hooves were shaking. He was scare. He close his eyes as Berry walk them backward into the cafe.

“Ok let get something to eat.” she said. Endless was confuse as they took they seats.

“What about the Dragons?” He ask Star sat down next to him.

“Well they seem not to see the town. so were good.” He said as a blue earth pony walk up.

“Good day. I’m Rosa and I’ll will be your waitress.” she said handing them the menu. Endless look down the list of food. He never heard of any of these.

“Endless don’t worry. We’ll get four bowls of grits and oat soups. four waters.” He said as Endless set the menu down and sigh. A few minute later she return with they soup. Endless and Star look at the bowls of soup. They both took a bite at the same time. Star was right about the room and now Endless had the feeling that the rest of the town was bad.

There faces turn green. The soup was bad. It tasted like the room smell. Endless push the bowl away. He reach for the water and stop. It was green. he sat there as Berry and Red Will ate. Star try to take another bite. Thinking it would taste better the second time.

“Endless just try and eat it. You need to eat. We got a long way to got through dragon territory tomorrow and you’ll need your straight.” Will said pushing the bowl closer. he pick the bowl up. He decided to drink it down fast and get it over with. he cough after he finish the bowl. He grab the cup of water and drank it down. Forgetting it was green. He stuck his tough out and rub it. Trying to get the taste off.

After they finish and Berry paid the bill. she said she needed to headed into town to get suppiles. Endless and Star went with her because Red will said something about seeing and old friend. The town was still empty. A Large Building with the word blacksmith was there first stop. A large white earth pony cover in black ash was swinging a hammer. He hit a pieces of metal. He stop and true to her.

“What can I do for you?” He ask as Berry look at the swords.

“You got any throwing knifes?” She ask looking around the shop.

“No but I can have some made up by tomorrow.” He said pulling his hooves cover off.

“Ok. Can you make them like this one?” She said pulling a small rectangle blade out from under her wing.

“ Ya I can do that. How many you want?” Berry put her hove to her chin.

“12 should do. Now I need them by tomorrow morning. We’re leaving first break of day. So can you have them ready?” she seem more bolder the normal.

“ Yes that fine.” He said. After that they headed to a store with clothing. She pick up four Grass green hooded robes. They headed back to the inn. The next morning Endless hear Berry leave. He stood up and stress his legs and wings. Red Will was sleeping on the floor. Shining Star got up. He shack his body.

“Not use to sleeping in a bed.” he said yawning.

“Morning boys. Were Berry?” Red Will ask as he floated the blanket into the air and folded it.

“She went to get her knifes from the Blacksmith.” Star said jumping in the air and flapping his wings.

“Well let get thing around and get ready to leave.” he said as he put the blanket back in his bag. Endless and Star pack. They waited outside for Berry. A few more dragon flew over.

“Ok I think they gone.” Red will said as the Dragon left.

“Why are there so many Dragons around here?” star ask still looking up.

“It because were on the edge of Dragon territory.”

“ And going deeper yet.” Berry said walking up over in green hood robe.

“Ok Everyone Suit up. You two are grounded. So keep you hooves on the ground.” she said pulling three more robes of the same color out.

“O come on.” Star said flapping.

“Look fly boy. It ether you walk or you stay here and eat that lovely soup.” she said with a wink. Star grab the robe and tie it on. Endless did as she told him. Berry check the sky before they left the town.

“Ok let move fast. We need to stay to the trees.” She said pointing to the forest. They ran over to the trees and continue through the forest. After some time pass. They found and old path. It had a lot of tree cover.

“Remember if we run into any dragons. Just hid until they leave. And if we get separated meet back on this path. Just hid on the side until we fine you.” She finish telling them. They walk for two hour. They hear a roar. They stop. Red Will waited with them as Berry check it out. A few minute later she came back and whisper into Red Will ear.

“Ok we’re going to make a detour. Just stay quiet and watch where you step.” he said. Endless and Star follow Red Will and Berry as they crawl to the left of the path. They move about 100 or more yards around the path. Endless soon saw why. There was four rather large dragons sitting in the path. They crush the trees and were eating gems. He knew two of them. They were at the attack on his family. It was the Purple female dragon with red scale and the one name Gor. The other two dragon look the same. The only different was that one had a round scales on his head and the other had spikes. They were orange with green spikes.

“So anyone hear about Darth? Is he doing any better after that deep cut?” Gor ask.

“Gor. That the lest of his trouble. The escape the other day didn’t help. Now the curse can’t be lifted.” she said eating another gem.

“Maybe he should have had Flare and me go. Ming. Then he wouldn’t have been curse.” the dragon with the round scales said. Pointing to the other dragon with spikes.

“Well Chill I was there and you two wouldn’t have been able to do anything. Right Gor.” she said. Gor nodded yes.

“You know what Ming. I think Darth, Gor and You just’s Can’t handle the new blood in the Kingdom.” Flare said pointing at his brother. Ming stood up and crush the gem in her claw. It snapping it two.

“You young dragons need to Learn your places. I’m still higher rank then you. So show some respect!” She throw the other half of the Gem. Endless lay flat. The Gem flew pass his head and land next to him.

“Don’t just waste ruby’s like that.” Gor said reaching for the Gem. Endless stay still. The gem was only feet from him. The Dragon claw pass over him. It tough the ground around him. His heart was beating out his chest.

“Gor Leave it.” She said breathing flame out the side of her mouth. “but it a ruby.” he said. The claw dug into the ground around him. Sweat ran down his back.

“We got more then enough now. So don’t worry about it.” she said. Still look at the Dragon Brothers.

“But I love Ruby’s” he said wrapping his claw around him.

“ GOR LEAVE IT!” She yell. Gor Withdrew his claw and sat down. Endless sigh. But now he had to go around Gor tail.

“So you think Darth going to be alright? I mean that curse make you into your opposite person. Not only mentally. But physical to.” Gor ask.

“Ya and he the most up tight dragon I’ve ever met. It will be good for him to loosen up.” Chill Laughing. Endless held his breath as he rounded the tip of Gor Tail. he could see Berry holding Star as he try to help him. Endless move slowly as he move feather from Gor tail. his heart was slowing down as he got feather away. It was hard. There was a drop off to his left and he slip every step sliding down. He caught himself every time.

“Well me and my brother need to get back to the Mine. Flare need to take over for Kindle.” Chill said pointing a claw behind him.

“Is she still Being nice to those dogs?” Ming ask.

“Ya. I don’t know what she see in those diamond dogs.” Flare said standing up.

“Tell her I want to talk to her. I’ll set her Straight.” Endless exhale as he reach Red Will. Berry and Star were up ahead. They reach Berry and Star soon after that. They move slowly until they reach what Berry said it was safe to move normally. They continue the rest of the way until the sun was an hour from going down. They set up the tent and cover it with branch’s. They talk about what they hear.

“You think they have Gem Stone Father there?” Endless ask Red Will.

“Provably not. It sound’s like it a diamond dogs mine.” he whisper.

“ Diamond Dog”s?” he whisper.

“They creature that mine Gem for them self's. I think it because it shinny to them.” Berry whisper.

“ That mean Berry.” red Will whisper.

“Well, Will have you ever met a Diamond dog?” she said.

“No. But they can’t be that dumb.” He said.

“So what was up with that part about Darth and the curse.” Endless ask now that he knew Gem Stone father was more or less not there. Red Will look at him and then to Berry.

“Well I’m not really good at curse’s because they band them year’s ago. But I say from what I hear. That Darth. Dragon has is the Suffering curse. Last time that was us was when a unicorn cast it on a evil Pegasus that started the war. It cause the curse Bearer to change. They physical and mentally change. It a horrible curse. But it give the bearer a large amount of power. The one giving the curse tho. They don’t get out un-harm Either. They give the Curse bearer they knowledge. But only when the curse is fully active. But it was forbidden years ago.” Red will said making shore he understood it was band or forbidden magic. After that Red Will would not talk about Curse’s because Berry gave him a disapproving look.

They went to bed after that. Endless lay there his eyes close but not asleep. He was thing about Darth. That was the Dragon who took my mom and dad away. He the one who burn me. After I teleported that day. Dad must has curse him. Before. Before. he sat up. He had a thought. He needed to as Red Will something. he look around for him. But he was asleep. he lay back down. He knew better then to wake anyone in the middle of the night. The question could wait. The thought. His father could still be alive.

Chapter 16: Flight of the Dragons

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Endless was wake up by the sound or Dragons roaring.

“ No one talk. Not a sound. Don’t even move.” Red Will said. Endless could hear more roars from above.

“There got to be at lest a 100 of them out there.” Berry whisper as she pull her head in.

“Witch way are they heading?” he ask pulling out a map and compass. Endless and Star watch them as the dragon’s roar overhead.

“They heading north east by they current heading.” She whisper. Red Will let out a sigh of relieve.

“They heading to Dragon mountain.” he said. Berry face went red and let out a little laugh. Endless was a little confuse.

“What dragon mountain?” Star ask.

“Well. It a place were dragon go once a year and make other dragons.” His red face went a bright red. Berry giggle lightly. It was hard not to laugh out loud as the dragon flew overhead.

After a few hour’s the dragons stop. They took the tent down and headed out. There was less dragons in the air as they travel. They only stop one time when they came across a group of young dragons. Endless never see dragons so small. They were still big. Twice the size of Red Will. After the dragons left they walk until they reach a large tower that had a hole in part of it roof and wall.

“We should make camp here. Then leave in the morning.” Berry said Endless was happy they had a building they could stay in. The wall made him feel safer. The tower was small but had many floors. On one of the floors there was bed’s. Endless and star found another room full of weapons. Star pick up a bow and look at it.

“Careful with that Star.” Berry said.

“It ok I use a toy one before.” He said drawing the bow back.

“Yes but that the real thing.” she said taking it from him.

“Listen. A weapon is not a toy. If you wield it you need to know how to use it properly or you’re the one it hurts.” Endless only hear his mother ever scold him like that before. The last time was when he ate all the yellow apples his father got for her to make a pie.

Endless and Star continue to look around the tower. They open a door on the top floor. Endless jaw drop. It was a library. There was a whole in the ceiling and part of the wall but the rest was fill with books. There was table and map table in the middle. There were paper all over the floor. He step in. looking at everything. All of the sudden he was hit hard from above. Within seconds he was on the other side of the room facing Star. He was screaming. Berry enter the room sword drawn. Red Will right behind.

“Put the boy down.” she order. Endless look up and saw a young Red dragon with a Green scale.

“Now Listen here. I’m taking this Alicorn and your not going to do a think. Now put down the sword.” he said putting his claw to Endless neck.

“I’ll put down the sword. but your not leaving with him.” she said setting the sword down.

“He coming with me and the grand dragon will reward me. Now move away from the door.” he said as a flash of lightning and Tunder eco the air and as it started to rain.

“Endless Just stay calm. We’ll get you out of this.” she said trying to calm him. Lightning flash again. He watch as they back down the stair. Star ran ahead and opening doors. Red Will Was trying to think of a way to get him out of this mess. Berry watch the dragon for any moment that she could strike. The rain was coming down hard as Red Will open the door out. Star was no when to be seen.

“Ok. we’re leaving. Your going to close this door. If I see any pony’s following. Well. One less Alicorn in Equestria.” Berry did as he said.

“Now my little Alicorn. you and me are heading off to Dragon Keep and then....” The dragon Loosen his grip. Endless slid out and jump back a few feet and turn and face him. He wonder why he let go and soon saw why. The Dragon had an arrow through his Scale on his head. He was screaming. Lightning flash again.

“You! It all your fault! Your going to pay!” He said rasing his claw. He then remember something his father told him.

“Don’t let fear rule you. If you do then fear win’s” He jump back as he swag at him. he quickly cast the water spell and sent a stream of water into his face. The Dragon rear back and then charge through the water. A gust of wind fill the air. Endless quickly cast the ice spell on the rain. It beat on top the dragon head. He cover his head and cry out in pain. He ran at him in a full charge. He took a step back and fell over a root. The dragon screaming as he charge. The dragon suddenly fell onto his face. He saw and arrow in the ground that trip him. The dragon wipe the mud from his face and stood up.

“NOW I”M MAD!!!!” He yell breathing fire out the edge of his mouth. Endless quickly cast a fire spell shooting fire into his face. He sit still and smile.

“I”m a dragon. Fire doesn’t work on me.” he said laughing as lightning flash. That when he had an idea. His heart was beating fast. One mistake and he be worst off.

“Now you done for.” he said bearing down on him. The lightning flash and Endless focuses on the lightning the same way he did the any Element spell. it came down and hit his horn. then shot out of it. He close his eye’s from the bright light. he open his eyes a second later. The dragon was standing there. Black burn mark on his body. He spit out a little smoke from his mouth and fell backward. He stood up and look at the dragon. Berry and Red Will came running up.

"Are you ok?" They ask.

“ya. Thank. If you wasn’t shooting arrows at him. Then I be a goner.” He said to Berry.

“That wasn’t me.” she said confuse and looking over to Red Will.

“Don’t look at me. i use magic.” he said putting his hooves up.

“oooooooooowwwww” They look down at the Dragon.

“We need to take care if this first.” Red Will said floating the dragon into the air. They enter the tower. Star came running down the stair. A bow hanging on one wing and a quiver with arrow on the other.

“Endless are you ok? I saw the whole Thing. That was Amazing. I never saw anyone cast magic like that. You didn’t even flinch. And the lightning that was amazing.” He said as fast as Gem Stone would. Red Will pull rope out of his bag and tie the Dragon up. Berry look at Star, who was putting the Bow and quiver down.

“So you’re the one shooting arrows.” She said looking at Star in disbelieve.

“Ya I learn a long time ago.” he said with half a smile that quickly disappear. The dragon moan again.

“This It nice. everyone is calm. But I would like to know what we’re going to do with him.” Red Will said stuffing the dragon mouth with his pillow. Star smile.

“We can put him on plate. because he well done.” Star laugh. but no one else did.

“You been hanging around Gem Stone to long?” Endless Laugh. In the end they left him tie to a tree with a pillow stuff in his mouth. They left that morning. Berry let Star take the bow and quiver. Red Will Continue to ask Endless about the lightning and what if felt like. He told him to the best way he could. They stop at the top of a hill. Endless stop talking.

“There she is. The royal City." Red said. Endless was in shock of how big it was. In the middle was a large castle. The city was a large circle and had a large magic shield over it.

“So is this were Master Zend is?” he ask. Red Will look down at Endless.


Chapter 17: Country Colt in the Big City

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They walk down the path. Endless was still Amaze by the size of the city. They pass a farm house. He look up and watch Pegasus in armor fly around the magic dome. Star pointed at a Large tent outside the wall. It was colorful.

“Ah they having the summer Festal.” Red Will said with a smile.

“It Look fun.” Star said flapping his wings.

“Well me and you can go Shining Star. But Endless has to Get to Master Zend and see if he’ll train him.” She said looking over to Star and then Endless.

“If he don’t I will.” Red will said rubbing his head.

“ Are you shore we can go for a little bit?” Endless ask. Red Will look over to Berry.

“It wouldn’t hurt you know.” he said. Berry Sigh.

“Ok but your paying for it this time.” she said. Endless and Star cheer. They were having the time of they lives. There were pony's dress in silly outfits. One of them was walking on wooden polls. The colts play games. Star won more then Endless but that Didn’t both him. They were just getting ready to go when Endless hear a brown earth Pony yelling. He snunk off to see what the yelling was about.


“What it taste like?” He ask looking at the cider.

“ Here Young Colt First’s one on the House.” He said handed him a mug. He smell it. It smell sweet. He took a sip. It taste like the juices from a freshly bitten apple. He drank some more.

“THAT STUFF IS GREAT!” He yell. Other Pony's look over at him. They crowed around him. They were a starting at him. They whisper in the crowed that had form around him. He flap his wings and flew away. He quickly found the others.

“Were did you go?” Berry ask with a look that told him. He was in trouble. he told them what happen. He pass the half full mug to her she took a sip then pass it to Star.

“THAT GOOD!” star said. Then Berry grab the mug.

“Will. take the Mug back to the stand.” She said handing the mug to Red Will.

“Endless show me were it is.” he said. he show him. The stand was full of pony's buying Cider. The Brown ponies was busy.

“ Here your Mug back.” he said setting it down on the counter.

“Hey Kid. Thank. If not for you no one would Buy this stuff.” Endless smile and nodded.

“What your Name young Colt.” he ask. Endless told him.

“Well Endless Night. If you ever want some more Cider. You come see me. I’ll set you up with some.” he said with a wink.They found Star and Berry waiting. They left for the castle. Endless and Star walk behind Red Will and Berry.

“So are you nerves about meeting Master Zend?” Star ask.

“Not really. If I fail at lest I can train with Red Will.” Endless said with a smile.

“Well I hope you can train with Master Zend.” he said looking down with a sad face.

“What wrong?” he ask.

“Well I just had a sad thought. But I ok.” he said smiling. Star look up and thought. Well. mom and dad. I made a new friend just like you said. Now I’m worry about losing him. Star had a tear run down his face.

“Wow. Is this were Master Zend live’s?” he ask looking up at the castle.

“He up in the tower over there. But it to late to bother him now. We’ll going to set up a meeting for tomorrow. Then you’ll be all rested and ready to go.” Red Will said as they walk up the stone stair’s. There was guards on each side. They stood still and watch them. This made Endless and Star feel uneasy.

They walk into the back of Berry and Red Will. They look pass them and saw a Large Red Pegasus blocking they way. He was wearing a silver armor with a large sword on his back. It was Huge compare to Berry sword. Berry and Red Will both pull out papers. The Large Red Pegasus look back at Endless and Star.

“They with us. Sir.” She said standing to attention. He snorted and step to the side. Endless and Star follow Berry and Red will. They lead them to a small room. Endless just wanted to sleep. But Star was way ahead of him. He had found the bed and hit it hard. he did the same finding out that the bed was like a cloud.

He wake up early. He was a little worry. Red Will told him that he had to preform in front of a large group of royal’s. Master Zend would Judge if he train him or not. he look out the window. There were pony’s training in the yard below. Star got up and walk over.

“Wow that was great. Best night of sleep I ever had.” He said as Endless turn to face him.

“So your test is toady. How are doing?” he ask.

“Ya. What could go wrong? Right.” That was the worst thing he could said. He started to think about a million think that could go wrong. He started breathing hard out loud.

“Endless calm down. Calm down.” He said as he Slap Endless.

“I’m good. Just nerves.” He said. Star Smile.

“What happen to Mr. Calm.” He said with a laugh. This made him smile a little. But it didn’t help. He was still Nerves.

“Don’t worry Endless. We’ll spend time practicing before lunch and your be ready.” He said. After Breakfast Star and him went to an empty field.

“Ok let see here. How about this spell here.” he said pointing in the spell book. Endless look over and saw he was pointing at the memory spell.

“Well that require another willing pony.” he said rubbing his head.

“I’m here to help. So let do this thing.” He said jumping in the air doing a back flip.

“Are you shore? It not that present.”

“It ok. just do it.”

“Ok just hold still.” he said putting his horn on Star head. He cast the spell. A small cloud appear above they heads. Images of a small farm on the side of the mountain appear. Two Pegasus look down. They were looking with loving eyes. Then the cloud started to shack. A large amount of mud slid down the hill. Endless Stop the spell. Star had taers in his eyes.

“Are you ok. I’m Sorry.” He said looking at Star.

“It’s. ok. Let move on to the next spell.” he said wiping his eyes. After about 2 hour red Will walk up Floating two mug on a plate.

“Here boy’s I brought you something to drink.” he pass the mug’s to them. Endless took a big drink.

“Thank.” He said and then burped. Star laugh as a pony in a fancy dress put her nose up and walk away. They all laugh as she walk into a bush. Red Will stay and help him train.

“Ok I think that enough. You need take a break and get ready for the test.” he said closing the book.

“I agree. I just was I wish I could think of a way to cast that lightning spell.” He said putting his hove to his chin.

“It ok. I don’t think you”ll need it.” Red Will said as they walk into the castle.

“But if it come down to it. I’ll talk to him.” He told him. They ate lunch in there room. Berry brought it up from the Kitchen. She was wearing a pink dress with ribbon.

“Why don’t you have your dresses robes on yet?” She ask Red Will.

“I’ll get them on after lunch.” He told her passing out the plate.

“Dresses robes?” Endless ask confuse.

“Don’t worry. You can barrow my old one’s.” he said with a smile.

“Star. you’ll come with me after lunch and I’ll get you something to wear.” She told him.

“Why do we have to wear fancy cloths?” He ask as he took a bite.

“Because we will be in the present of royal’s and you need to look nice.” She said wiping his faces. Endless finish his meal.

“Ok. let go to my room and see what we can find.” red Will said standing up and walking to the door. Endless follow him down the hall. There was a red and gold cloth on the floor. It was softer then walking on the stone. he enter the room and look around. There were book’s but not as many as his father or the tower. Red will walk over to a large trunk and flip it open. He started to pull out robes and throw them on the floor.

“Ah. here we are. Now witch one. white with yellow stars or Dark green with small white stars?” He look at both of them. The white one was really bright. He didn’t like the way it look. The green one was nicer and it had a hood. He pointed to the green one.

“Ok. here you go.” he floated it over him. he put it on and tie it around his neck.

“Well if that don’t beat everything. You look just like your father in that.” he said with a smile. They walk back to the room wear Berry and Shining Star was. He try not to laugh when he saw Shining Star. He was wearing a pink suit. It had a white chest piece with a Blue bow tie. It had golden trim. Star face was red.

“Do I have to wear this?” He ask as Berry pull a brush out.

“Yes. Now hold still so I can brush you main. It a mess.” She said as Star try to avoid the brush. He finally stood still and let her. Endless walk over to his bag. He wanted to pull out his books and study it again. As he pull his basic Element Magic out. His father hat fell out. He pick it up and look at it. He then put it on his head. It slid down over his eyes.

“Here let me see that.” Red Will said picking the hat off his head. he watch as he shrunk the hat. He place it back on his head.

“There you go.” Red Will said. It fit better.

“Wow. He look just like him.” she said looking over to him. He flap his wings and got a little more comfortable.

“Well almost.” she said with a smile. There was a knock at the door. Berry answer it. A Brown Earth pony in a black suit was standing there.

“They Ready for you now.” he said. They follow him down the hall. Endless had to stop every few minute because his robe was dragging on the carbide. he pull it up and felt a shock. That when it hit him. He ran up and caught up with everyone. They continue as they walk up to a large set of wooden door’s.

“Wait here and when the door open. you may enter.” He said walking to the right and down a hall. His heart was beating as he waited.

“Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.” red Will said putting his hove on his Shoulder. He let out a sigh and a smile. The door open. Some pony was yelling. But Endless didn’t care what he was saying. He look around the room. There was pony's of all kind. They all were wearing silly cloth. Suddenly Star outfit look normal. There were two pony's sitting on Large chair at the end of the room. There was a Pony him Blue robes with stars on them, standing next to the large chairs. He flip his hood off. He was a dark gray unicorn.


He step forward feeling nerves as the crowed whisper. He face the pony’s in the large chairs.

“I am Master Zend. I will issue this test to one Endless Night. Son of Endless Love and White Night. Let these Fact be know to all in attended’s. Endless Night Let it be know that your Father may have been my student. But I will show you no kindness for this. Now Are you ready.” He said out loud.

“Yes.” he said taking one step forward.

“You will cast spells as I call them out. If you cannot cast that spell you will say so. We well start with the basic and move on from there.” He said as two Unicorn in red robes put table with glass wear on it.

“You will move these bottle and pour them into Glasses.” Master Zend order.

He did as he was told. First he had to float bottle around the table and pour them into glass without breaking them. After that he had to find gem’s hidden in boxes. This was easy as well. After a few minute they move onto Teleporting. The two Unicorns in red robes move wooden squares onto the floor. Each one has a different shape on them.

“I will call out a shape and you will teleport to that shape.” Master Zend said. He look at each shape. They were color different. Master Zend started by calling shapes. He teleported to the shape as they were call out. Then Master Zend started to call out color. He almost mess up at this time. But he quickly teleported to the right color. After the teleporting, Master Zend nodded to the two unicorn in the red robes.

“We will now move outside to the training field for the Elemental Magic test.” Master Zend Said. Red Will walk up to Endless.

“You doing good. Just pace yourself. Don’t over do it.” he said. After moving to the training field He started to rub his hair against the robe. There was six large round targets at the end of the field.

“This will be different from your last test. You will be given a small amount of the Element and six target. The last target will be for an Element of your chose.” Master Zend told him. He look at the Metal bowls. There was one with Fire. Another with water. Dirt in the next one. The last one had a block of Ice. He walk up to the fire bowl.

“BEGIN!” Master Zend yell.

He Cast the fire spell and sent a stream of fire at the target. The first target burst into flames. He move onto the water bowl. He cast the water spell and sent a stream of water hitting the First target putting the fire out. He then turn the stream around. Hitting the back of the other target. The water spread through the target. He quickly move onto the next bowl. He quickly cast the earth spell and form it into small sharp dagger’s. He sent them down the field and into the target. He move onto the next bowl. It was full of water. The ice must have melted by the fire. He quickly cast the water spell and floated the water into the air. At the same time he stood on his hind legs and flap his winds. He then cast the ice spell and sent a large ice spears into the target. Leaving a huge hole out of the target.

“Well that was Shocking. I was not aware we had an Alicorn here.” Master Zend said looking surprise. The crown whisper.

“Well I hope you have more Surprise left for us.” He said. Endless nodded yes. He started to rub his hair against the robe. He could feel the charge on the end of his hair. He put his hove on the metal of the empty ice bowl. I only need a small amount. He though. A small electric jolt jump to the metal bowl. A full jolt of energy flow from his horn and through the Last two target. He was breathing hard and sweating. He look down the range and saw that his lightning had went through more then just the targets. He cast his Lightning Spell. It went clear through a stone wall and into the city.

“It work better in the storm.” He said falling to his knees. Star ran over to him. He help him to his hooves.

“I’ve seen enough.” Endless heart skip a beat as Master Zend Walk over to him.

“Endless Night. Son of Endless Love and White Night. You are very skill in the way’s of Magic. However you lack the focus to control it. You uses of the a new and powerful Lightning Spell. It was reckless. It cause more damage then just the target. You lack discipline and the ability to control your own skills.” He didn't look happy. Endless heart sunk lower.

“However you have cast a spell I, Myself, have been trying to make for years. You did so. Even without a storm. So I say this to you Endless Night.” He said looking at him. Then up.

“YOUNG ALICORN, ENDLESS NIGHT, I WILL TRAIN YOU IN THE ART OF MAGIC!” He Yell into the sky using the royal Voice. Endless black out.

He awake the next morning. He look over and saw a plate with apple’s and bread. He sat up and Grab and apple and quickly ate it. The door open as he grab the other apple. Star, Berry, Red Will and Master Zend walk in.

“Aaa your awake. You been out for three days.” Master Zend said.

“Wait I’ve been asleep for three days?” he said in shock.

No just over night.” he said laughing. He sat there confuse. He look over to Star and the others. They had they bag’s pack.

“Were are you guy’s going?” He ask.

“Well Endless. we were only here long enough to see if you pass or not. Then we have order from the Princess were to return.” Red Will said.

“What about you Star?” he ask

“We’ll I’m going back to Endless. I’m going to live with Gem Stone and her family. She offer before I left.” Endless sit there in Shock.

“Well can you come and visit?” he ask.

“Sorry Endless but we’re going to train in my library. It location is hidden. We’re going to be about five years of training. Then five more year here in the city.” He said looking down at him.

“Tell Luna I’m sorry. I’ll be a bit long then I thought.” he smile then said his good byes. They left heading back to Canterlot.

“Well let Get going. The sooner we start. The sooner you can get back to your friend’s” Master Zend said. Endless Smile.

“Ready to go.” he said jumping out of bed.

Chapter 18: Like A Fine Wine

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Luna awake. It was dark out. The dragon still had the sun down. She lit some candles and got ready for her day. She walk over to her dresser and pull out the amulet Endless had given her. She miss him. But she didn’t have time to thing about him now. She had to get to castle ground’s. They were starting on the east wing today and she had to supervise. She head down stair and grab and apple off the counter. As she left, she look across the street. Doctor Hooves house was still damage. They never had time to repair it. Trying to keep the dragon at bay was more importion . On any normal day she just wake pass. But today was Endless birthday. The sun started coming up.

“Happy Birthday Endless Night.” she continue down the street. She pass The Stone barber shop. Gem Stone wave from inside. Luna wave back.

“Hey Luna. What on the to do list today?” Gem stone said walking out.

“We’re working on the east wing today.” she said looking up at the castle.

“It hard to believe it been ten years.” Gem Stone smiling and look to the sky.

“Well he said he be back one day. I’m still waiting.” She said with a sad face then a smile.

“So how are you and Shining Star doing?” she said change the subject.

“O he always busy now a days. You know it hard to get your hooks into a pony when all they want to do is train.” she said flipping a hove in the air.

“Don’t I know it.” she said spinning her amulet on her hove. They laugh for a minute then said they there good byes. Luna continue on her way to the castle. She look over at the school. She smile remember the tour she gave Endless the day they first met. Their was young colt’s and filly’s were playing. Miss Sparkle was standing at the door. She call them into the school.

Luna continue to the castle. It wouldn’t be long now. Just around the corner and she be there. A loud bang fill the air. Then screaming. She jump into the air and saw two orange dragons. They landed on the outside of the town. Fire ball hit the shield spell. The screaming stop. It was a false alarm. The dragon hit at the shield but did no damage. She landed and walk to the castle. The Construction crew was already working on the east wing wall. She smile because the castle was almost done. She walk over to a Brown Earth with Blue prints roll up in a bag. He was the foremen.

“Good morning Princess Luna. How can I help you today.” He ask putting the blue prints on the table.

“My sister is having me supervise the finally part. Then I’m going to check on the shield bearer.” she said looking around.

“Well thing are going to plan. The dragon scare slow us down. but we're back on track. It be easier if we could get some of the unicorns to help. But they have they own job to do.” He said pointing at a large bolder. Luna floated the bolder into the air.

“Were do you need it?” He pointed at an empty spot in the wall. She set it down and two earth pony's pack it in. After an hour She left to check on the shield bearer. She didn’t know who it was. but whoever it was wasn’t going to be having a good day. She walk down the street. A large black shadow cast over her. She look up but it was only a blur. She look around. But nothing. She continue and shrug it off as a bird. She walk down the street to the lookout tower. Shining Star was on guard today. He flip his hood off.

“Morning Luna. How are thing going?” he said leading on his bow.

“Good. Who the Bearer today?” she said pointing at the door.

“ Not shore. I just took over for "Prince charming" before you got here.” He said bending his hooves as he said Prince charming. They laugh.

“So is Little Apple still trying to get you to go out with him?” Star ask with the look of dislike.

“Yes. But I wish he get the hint.” she said spinning a hove and looking into the sky.

“Well don’t worry. I have a feeling Endless will be back any day now. Hey you still going to play hard to get with him?” he said with a big grin.

“How do you know about that?” she ask in shock.

“I Didn’t. Until now.” he laugh. Luna enter the tower. She stomp three time on the floor then two quick taps. A trap door open. Luna walk down the stairs. There was a blue unicorn guarding a wooden door.

“Witch room today?” She ask.

“Room 4 Princess.” She close her eyes and teleport. She open her eyes and saw a yellow unicorn with a light and fluffy green main.

“Good morning Lemon Lime. How are you today.” She smile.

“I’m good. They trying to get in again. But I won’t let them.” She said laughing.

“how long have you been Working today?” She ask looking at her.

“About 3 hour now. But I’m good. My turn will be over soon. Then I can take a good nap.” she said smiling.

“Ok just keep up the good work.” Luna told her.

“I will Princess.” she said. Luna walk outside the tower.

“HEY COME BACK HERE!” Star yell. Luna saw a Pony in a green hood running off.

“Don’t worry I get him.” she said flying pass Shining Star.

“Luna Wait.” He yell. but she was gone. She follow him as he ran down the street. She flew low trying to get a hold of him. He turn right. She flew up. Almost crashing into a earth pony. She turn and head for were he turn. She look around. Then saw him duck into a store. She flew down and landed. She headed into the shop. It was a clothing store. She open the door. A bell ring above the door. She look around and then.

“Hello Princess. How may I help you today.” tHe shop keeper said. Luna look around.

“Just looking for someone who just came in.” she said looking around.

“Well you’re the only pony we had in here all morning.” He said. Just then the bell rang. She turn around and saw him running out. She head after him. She chase him down the street. He ran into Gem Stone shop. She ran in after him.

“He ran out the back.” Gem Stone said as She enter the shop. Luna ran through the shop.

“But Luna. Don’t you know” But she was gone before hear her. Luna saw him jump the fences and slid down the hill to the tree line. She was now determent to catch this pony. She teleport in front on him. He spin and twist around Luna and continue to run. She stoop her hove and continue after him. The tree were clearing. He jump over the bush by the tree line. She was right behind. He turn to face her. Then a flash of red and black light blinded her.

Luna rub her eye’s. She look around. She was in the school yard. See look around. There was a hay bail behind the swing set. It look like someone was moving inside it. She jump in as Gem Stone and Shining Star arrive. Luna felt someone. she grab onto the hood pony.

“O no you don’t. I got you now.” she pop her head out. Pulling at the hooded pony

“Your no going anywh.....” Luna face went red. He pony in the hood had kiss her. She step back.

“So. Did you miss me?” Endless Night said popping his head out and flipping the hood off.

Chapter 19: The slap hear around Equestria

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Endless Night step out of the hay bail. Luna took a step back in shock.

“Hi Luna.” He said. She Blush as she look at him. He had grown. In a good way.

“I was going to surprise you at your house. but I ran into these two dragons on my way here. Then had to teleport into your shield spell.” he said looking up at the shield above them.

“Then I saw you and try to hide so I could get to Gem Stone’s for a hair cut. But then Shining star saw me.” He said looking over to Star.

“We talk and I was heading for Gem Stone’s when you came after me. I try to hide in the clothing store. But you found me there to. Then I thought I lost you at Gem stone. But you found me there. So I ran. The hay bail just work out tho.” he finish with a smile. Luna step forward. Look Endless in the eye’s. Then slap him as hard as she could across the face. He fell to the ground. She turn around and walk away tail in the air. Gem Stone at her side doing the same thing.

“Was it worth it?” Star ask smiling as Endless rub his left side of his face.

“Ya. I think. I’m a little out of the loop here. Why she smack me?” He ask Star in confusion.

“Well let see. You been gone ten years without so much as a letter. you get back without telling her. Then lay one on her. So I ask you again. Was it worth is Endless?” He stood up.

“I think it was worth it. Come on let see if we can find them.” he said

“Sorry but I can’t got to get back to my post. But you should got to the clinic. She got you good.” Star said leaving. He walk through town. A shiner on his left eye. He walk up to the clinic. A pink Earth pony nurse was sitting at a desk. She was writing in a book. He was about to walk up to her when.

“Endless Night is that you?” Endless turn to face Doctor Hooves. He was wearing a white lab coat.

“Hey doc. Good to see you.” he said shaking his hove.

“Well if you can see me. what happen to you?” he ask again.

“Well. I'm finding out not everyone happy to see me return.” he said pointing to his eye.

“Aa. Luna. I see.” He said as if reading his mine.

“How you know?” he ask.

“Not now let take care of that eye.” he said. Endless follow Hooves into his office. He took a seat on the table.

“So how did you know it was Luna?” he ask as the Doc wipe his eye with a wet cloth.

“Wow. She did a real number on you. Here keep this on it.” he said handing his an ice pack.

“So were are you staying?” he ask taking a seat.

“ Well at first I thought I stay with Star. But he live with Gem stone and her family. So right now I’m thinking the inn.” He said flipping his one free hove up.

“Well if they fix my old house. I let you have it. I’m living with Miss Sparkle.” he said with a smile.

“That will work.” He said hoping down. Doctor hooves went through his paper and soon pass him the deed.

“Sorry the house is still a mess. Now go get your filly.” he said with a smile and a wink. He left with and ice pack on his eye. The Doc never answer how he knew it was Luna. He saw Lilly walk pass. He ran up.

“Hi Lilly.” She turn and clock him in the nose. Then walk away tail in the air. He rub his nose. But he didn’t need to worry the Doc with another injury. He got up and continue down the street. He saw Stones Barber shop and head in.

“Endless Night. Long time no See. What can I do for you? Are you looking for Gem? I think she at Luna.” Wilma Stone said as he walk in. She Look and sounded different. Older and sadder.

“No I think they seen me enough today. How about a hair cut.” He said flipping his hair up.

“Ok Darling. Take your robe off and we’ll start.” He did as he was told. He sat down and she started.

“So you ran into Gem and Luna already.” she said snipping hair above his left eye.

“Ya. You could say that.” He said smile and remembering his kiss. After a few minute she was done. He pay. Said good bye. Grab his rob and headed out.

Endless head down the street and saw Doc old house. It look the same as the day he left. Endless look around. He quickly Cast a spell. The house started to repair itself. He decided to wait on talking to Luna. He wanted to drop his bags off and get dress. He walk up to the door frame and walk in. The door close behind him. he look around. The there was a layer of dust and dirt. He smile when he saw his old room. There was a tiny vase with dead flowers in it. He smile and then Return the vase back to the right size.

Endless Quickly teleport to his bags. He had to hide them when he was running from the two dragons attack him. It was to heavy to run with. He grab them and Teleported back. He throw them on the bed. A cloud of dust fill the air. He open the window. Luna was in her room. He remember the first time he saw her. He look down at the lower roof. Rubbing his head. Luna look out her window. He smile and wave. She close her Window.

Endless open his bag and pull out his new cloth he got in Little Hove. They given it to him after solving there Dragon problem. He pull out the hat they gave him. He didn’t like it. It had to many feathers. The coat was nice. It was a black leather coat with many pockets. The pants they gave him were just bad. They were super tight. Even when he try to make them bigger. It was made with rubber band or something like it they told him. He finally pull out his Green robes. He had them made after the Dragon’s attack. He had a moon with heart in the middle and lightning around the moon were his Flank would be. It had a star pattern. He throw on the robe and took off the ice pack. He pull his mirror out and check his eye.

“Good thing I got black hair.” He laugh and smile. He then walk down the stair and headed out. He cross the street to Luna house and knock on the door. Gem Stone answer the door.

“Excuse me good filly. But I’m looking for a beautiful filly by the name of Luna Moon. I believe I owe her some answer.” he said in a fancy way. Gem Stone was in shock. Her jaw drop.

“I’ll just go get her.” she said stepping back. Luna show up at the door a few second later.

“Hello Miss Luna Moon. I believe I owe you an apology. So I’m sorry for what I did and I would like to take you out to a place of your chose to make it up to you.” he said taking a knee and lowing his head. Luna Look back at Gem Stone then down at him. She smile an evil smile. An Evilly Sweet Smile to Gem stone. Endless raise his head. not seeing the smile.

“Ok, my chose. Wait here and I’ll get ready.” she said. Endless waited a half hour before she came outside wearing a Dark purple dress.

“Follow me. I hope you got you bit bag.” she said smiling. he follow her down the street.

“So how have you been these last ten years.” He ask.

“Well for starter. The day after you left. My sister started on the town defenses. We have the unicorn that know the shield spell casting it in pairs from a hidden location. O and there a lot of new family in town trying to become me or Celestia spacial some pony. So that why. Along other thing you got smack for.” she finish. He knew she was mad at him for leaving for so long.

“So. How did your training go.” she ask. Endless smile and pick a flower with magic. He froze it and then return it to normal. Then place it in her hair.

“What do you think?” He said. They walk a few more feet and he fell. he look back at his rear left hove. It had a vine wrap around it. Luna laugh as he pull it off his hove.

“Watch out for those random vine attack. They attack tho who are full of them self.” she said a hove over her mouth. After a few minute they walk up to a large building with the word Flim and Flam Brother restaurant. It look fancy.

“This place will do. They have some of the best dishes. Now your going have a lighter Bit bag after this.” She said smiling evilly. Endless had a hard swallow as he thought about how much she was going to spend on her. They enter the restaurant and was greeted by two brown Unicorn with red main and mutates. They wear a black suit with red ties.

“Good day Princess Luna. Here on another date. As Always we are at your serviced.” they said taking a bow and clapping they hooves together. All of the sudden a group of pony came running out from everywhere. Next thing Endless know. he was in a chair being carry. Then he and Luna was sitting across from each other with a fully stock table being place in front of them. After that a candle was lit in the middle of the table and a pony started playing a music on a violin.

“Here is our menu. May we suggest our Apple and oat spaghetti with a tomato sauce and shredded cheese on top. Come with Garlic bread and two sides.”

“That Sound good. We’ll have that with potato wedges and fruit salad.” Luna told them.

“Ah. Good chose. And what would you like to drink?”

“We’ll have your best tea you have.” she said.

“As always. It pleasure to serve you Princess Luna.” They said backing up and taking the menu. Endless only had a few second to see the prices. He felt a cool sweat go down his back.

“So. what do you think about this place.” He look around. There was very few pony's in the place. It was very nice. To nice for his taste.

“Nice. But I not use to places like this.” he said with a lump in his throat. Just then two pony’s in suit with large palter. They place them down and empty them onto the table. They place the salad’s on the table along with they tea. he smell in and took a sip. he almost spit it out. He shallow it with great dislike. he watch as Luna floated her fork and took a bite of her salad. he did the same. It was delightful. It got the bad taste of the tea out of his mouth.

“So. How is your meal going.” The Brothers ask pocking they head out from each side of Endless.

“O. just fine. It as lovely as always.” she told them.

“If you need anything. Just call for us.” and they were gone. About halfway through his salad they brought out they the spaghetti and potato wedges. As they ate he started to think about how much it was going to cost him. Maybe this was not a good idea. He thought.

“How is it?” he look up and notice he hadn’t taken a bite.

“Well let see together.” he said with a smile. It was good. Endless like the potato wedges. The spaghetti was hard to eat until Luna started spinning it on her fork. After the meal he was ready to go.

“Now can we intrust you in a dessert?” they ask as they show up out of no were.

“Don’t you always.” she said with a smile.

“May we suggest a slice of our montan lava cake.”

“That sound’s great.” they disappear. Endless felt that he was going to be broke after this. They soon return with a large black chocolate cake. They cut two pieces and place them in front of them. he Look down at it.

“Well let dig in.” She said with a smile. Endless smile and took a bit. It was sweet. Very sweet. he could fell his teeth trying to get out of his mouth. They soon finish.

“You all set to go?” she ask.

“ Ya. All set.” he said with the though of the bill.

“ Flim, Flam.” She said. They popping they head out on each side of her.

“Yes Princess Luna. What can we do for you?” they said together.

“The Bill Please.” Endless heart was beating fast. He grab his bag of bits. Flim and Flam look confuse.

“But Princess Luna as you know all meal’s you and your sister order are free.” Endless face went from worry to relieve.

“That right. I forgot about that. Thank you for the meal.” She said with a smile. She giggle as they walk down the street.

“Ok so are we ok now?” He ask looking over to her.

“I think we getting there.” She said with a smile. They reach her house.

“Well did you have a good night.” he ask.

“It was fun. The best part was you face when I ask for the bill.” she laugh.

“ I Bit.” he said. saying it in a way that it sounded like Bet. They laugh.

“Well goodnight.”

“Night.” she said reaching over and kissing him on the cheek. She close the door. Endless rub his cheek as he walk backward into the street.

“LOOKOUT!” he jump and hit his head on a tree branch. Then landed on something soft.


“Ow what hit me.” he said.

“Excuses me. I’m not a what. I’m a who. Miss Elma Corn and I like it if you get off me!” said a yellow Unicorn with a red main.

“ O. I’m sorry.” He said standing up.

“I wasn’t looking were I was going.” he said

“Well you should. watch were your going!” She said putting the cart back on. She then pull her cart away. Splashing mud on him. he wipe as much mud off as he could. He walk into the house. He took a bath and head up stair and headed for bed. As he lay in bed he thought of Luna. He drifted off to sleep. But he wish he hadn’t.

Chapter 20: A Nightmare

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Endless walk down the street of weird village. It was colorful and had many different pony's. he watch as a pink earth pony with a big pink main was jumping around and was singing. It was like a banshee screaming to his ears. A white Unicorn with a purple main was opening her shop. She had cloth of all shape and size. All looking odd to him. he continue through the town. He soon saw a Yellow Pegasus walking with animal’s. They seem to follow her as she sang a sweet song. It was very nice. he walk to a farm from there. It seem like it took no time at all. As he walk around he saw earth pony’s with all apple’s cutie marks. A small earth pony was running around with a Unicorn and Pegasus. he smile. They were so cute. he notices they all had a blank Flank. he look back at his. With the scaring it was hard to know if his was blank or not.

Endless saw a Pegasus with a rainbow main fly pass. She was fast. he jump into the air and follow her. There was a large flash of light and he crash into the ground. He look up and saw a double rainbow. It was amazing. he watch it as it slowly disappear. he though about and then his stomach growl. he walk back into town. he watch this odd Pegasus flying backward. She look like she was flying forward but was still heading backward. he hear some pony call her Derpy or something like that. A loud whistle fill the air. he jump and saw the large metal beast. It was odd. It had large metal wheels and smoke pour out the top. It was like a large metal snake. The doors flew open and many pony’s exited the metal beast. he pop his head in one of the doors. It was look a house inside. This confuse him even more. Then he saw something that really scared him. A little Blue and Green dragon riding a purple Unicorn.

Endless follow them as they walk around town. He soon saw that the little dragon was taking order’s from her. he follow them and watch as they went from pony to pony. he watch as she prepare for a big party. he rub his ear. Did she said princess Celestia was coming? He thought. he waited in hiding. It was hard. It seem like she was always looking around for something. After some heart warming moments. Along with an all night party. he follow her to a large party were Celestia was supposed to be. he hope she could tell him were he was and what was going on. A earth pony came out and announced herself as the mayor of something. The yellow Pegasus was conducting the birds. They were loud to he from his hiding spot. The White Unicorn pull a rope. he look up hoping Celestia was there. But nothing. Everyone look around and try to find her. Then was dark cloud. In the spot were Celestia was supposed to be. There was a large Alicorn. The purple unicorn lower her head and call her Nightmare moon. he was about to stand up when the Nightmare Moon disappear.

Endless waited until every pony was gone. He headed out and saw nightmare moon flying through the sky. It was hard to keep up. The main difficultly was that she was so dark. Her lost her but soon found her after seeing a large ground of pony ran into ruin. he follow Nightmare Moon as she flew to castle. It seem like he was being drag by some unknown forces. he watch here teleport in. he saw an open window. He look in and watch as the group of pony’s cast some spell he had never see. There was a large flash of light.

Celestia appear. Endless jump through the window and flew down.

“Celestia. I’ve been looking for anyone who can tell meet what going on?” he ask standing between her and the group of pony’s. She continue talking to the group as if he was not there. Then she move her wing and Endless jaw drop.

“LUNA. Your Nightmare moon!” again it was like he wasn’t even their. They continue to talk but it was all gobbling sound. Endless rub his ears. Thing started to get blurry. he felt sick as the world seem to spin around.

Endless Awake to a loud bang. He jump out of bed and hit the floor. Dust flew every were. He cough as he head to the window. He open it and a cloud of dust fill the air around him. It was raining.

“Endless are you ok?” he look down and saw Doctor Hooves looking up at him.

“Ya. I’m fine. I’ll be right down.” he left the window open so the dust could clear. he headed down the stair. Cloud of dust appear behind each step. He open the door with a cloud of dust behind him.

“Morning Doc.” he said.

“What happen to you.” Endless look in a puddle from the rain. He was cover in dust and a little mud he miss.

“I think I’ll be cleaning today.” he said with a smile.

“I was just coming to check in on you. But I can see your doing good. How did you fix it?” he ask looking up.

“O ya. I cast a repair spell. The only reason I was able to use it was because I spent a lot of time here.” He said wiping the mud chuck from his main.

“Well I’m off today. So. How about I help you with your cleaning.” Endless smile then look back in.

“ No thank Doc. I got this one cover.” he said stepping back into the house.

“ Don’t worry it will be easier if I do it alone.” he said.

“Ok well. if you need any help I’ll be down the street. It the little red house with the rose bushes.” Endless close the door and turn around. There was still a layer of dust on everything.

“Well this is going to be fun.” Endless went up to his room and pack his bag. He then walk room to room. Opening the windows and leaving the doors open. He put stuff that could fly away in his bag. After clearing each room. he open the front and back doors. Endless look at the back yard. He remember playing there with Luna and Gem Stone. Now the grass was as tall as him.

“My. how the year’s have pass.” He walk into the tall grass and cast a spell. The grass was cut itself and then stack itself into a bail. He set down the bag into the grass. He then went back in and fill a bucket of water. After dropping a bar of soap in the bucket. He grab a mop. He walk it outside and sat it down next to the door. he face the house and aim his horn at the door. He flap his wings and cast a wind spell. After that. He cast the water spell on the soapy water. Then he cast the wind spell again. After that the house was clean. He snap the mop.

Endless walk in and the house back to normal. He then went to the den. There was on old easy chair by the fire place. He sat back and look around. There were four bookshelf that were empty. They were full when he was last in here. The Doc must have move them. he smile with a giggle.

“ Well I guess I’ll just have to fill them.” Endless floated some wood into the fire place.

“Ok let see. If I remember the bedroom bed that should do it.” Endless forces on the bed. The Red and Black flash. he bounce on the bed. The magic candle was still lit. hes smile as he remember lighting every candle the hard way. he blow out the candle and all the other lit. he walk around and look at all the dust in the room.

“No quick clean here.” he laugh. After picking out the books he wanted and put them on the table. he head up the stair to his father hiding spot. he move thing around as he saw what he had up there. Then something odd caught his eye.

There was a little box wrap in red and white strip paper with a red bow on top of it. he pull the box over and look it over. It had a tag on it.

{Happy Birthday Endless Night. Love Mom and Dad.}

Endless put the present in his bag. He may open it later. He move more stuff around. There was only some old cloth and some of the old armor. he gather them up and headed back down stair. He was careful not to brush the flame of the candles. He set them down on the table. A loud clunking sound eco as something shiny hit the ground. he jump then walk over to the old chest armor. It had the royal crest on it. he added it to the table. he then teleported back to the den.

“ WOW.” Luna yell as he landed. Table crashing. Thing falling off.

“O sorry. Just getting some of my father things.” he told her.

“Your front door was open and I was checking on you.” she said taking a step back and stepping in a dust mound.

“Thank but I’m ok. I must have miss that when I was cleaning.” He said looking at the dust.

“Well. I like what you did with the place. It was a Nightmare before.” Endless mind flash back to the dream he had. His mind rush with a million question.

“Endless. Yoooou whooooo. Anyone home?” he snap back to normal.

"Sorry I was thinking about something else.” he said with a smile.

"what?” she ask. he quickly though of the present his mother and father hide. He didn’t want to tell her about the dream.

“This.” he said pulling out the gift.

“What is it?” she ask.

“It a birthday present from my parents.” he said with a tear in his eyes.

“Are you going to open it?” she ask look at it.

“No I think I’ll keep it this way. It bring me a bit of joy that it the last gift I’ll ever get from them.” he said trying to fight the urge to break down.

“It ok Endless they in a better place.” she hug him.


“Overload has there been any luck in finding him?” Darth ask bowing to a large red dragon with purple spike going down his back.

“My scouts Report said that they been tracking him for sometime now. Old friend. But for now you should rest.” he said waving his hand for him to go.

“I’m fine. The curse has yet to change my body. I will be changing soon though.” he said standing up.

“I will send someone for you when there news. He can’t hide forever. After all we still have his wife.”

“She is the only thing White Night care about. After all. I kill his son.” Darth said stand and leaving the room.

Chapter 21:Endless Strike

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Endless was sitting at his desk. It had been a few months since he return to canterlot. everyone was more or less back to normal. Shining Star and him hit the bars the other night. then he had another date with Luna. He sigh. he wish he was with her. but he was Working on a new spell. If he could get it to work it would turn dragons to stone. then end the war. The only problem was that it needed a large amount of energy. No unicorn or alicorn could ever get enough Energy to cast it. he lean back in the chair. He look at his parents gift. He smile and stood up. He needed some fresh air. It was late but he like the night time. He hope the nice cool air would help him think of a way to his energy up. he head for the door. There was a knock at the door. he jump a little. No one normal came out this late. he open it. Celestia was standing there with two royal knight.

“Celestia what are you doing here so late?” he said surprise to see her.

“You will refer to her as You highness or Princess Celestia. When talking to the Princess.” The guard to the right of her said. Celestia shot him a look of disapproval.

“Is it ok if I come in?” she ask. he nodded yes.

“You two can wait out here by the door.” she said looking back at the two Knight.

“Yes Princess.” Endless lead Celestia into the den.

“Can I offer you anything to drink?” He ask trying to be plight.

“No I’m good.” she said looking around.

“I see you gather a nice library here.”

“Yes. They were my father books. He like to keep them around. Not that this isn’t nice. But why are you here?” He ask as Celestia look over his notes.

“Well I guest we can cut right to it. I need you to help me with something.” Endless mind flash back to his dream. Could she have had the same dream. he remember going through one of his book about dream’s. it had said something about dream sometimes being able to see the future.

“As you know. The dragons have capture many pony’s. What you may not know is why.” Endless was relieve.

“It to mine Jewels for them. They use the unicorns to cast the jewel finding spell and the Pegasus and Earth pony’s are force to pull mine car. They also use other creature to mine as well.” he said.

“I’m impressed. Most pony’s don’t know the inter working of the dragon mines. They just fear the worst.” she said taking a seat in Endless Easy chair.

“Master Zend took me to see it once. Then after my training was finish with him. On my way back here I help a large group of capture pony’s in Little Hove.” Celestia look at him in disbelieve.

“Well. That is good news. Please delight me with the tail.” Endless sat down in his desk chair.

“ Well it start with me entering the town of Little Hove. The last time I was there was with Red Will, Berry, and Shining Star. Thing’s had change in ten year’s. like everything else. The illusion spell was gone and four Large dragon’s were guarding the town. I wasn’t aware of the town mining when I was younger. They made the weapon’s for the royal guard in the royal city.” Endless stop and took a deep breath.

“I teleported in to find the town empty. This was not to odd. Because most of the pony’s in town were miner. But to find the inn, cafe and Blacksmith empty was odd. I found a group of colts and filly’s still hiding in the school house. They told me that they been there for week’s. heading out every night gathering food and water they could find. They also told me that there were dragon’s down in the mine.”

“So what did you do?” she ask no leaning follow.

“Well I knew I couldn’t just leave the Colt’s and filly’s in the school house. So I teleported them out three at a time to a safe place outside of town. After they were all out I had to come up with a plan. I check around town and found barrel’s blasting power. I move them under the four main dragon’s and left a trail of blasting power from each to the mine. The next thing was to see what was inside. I cast an Illusion spell so not to be seen. It was only going to last for a short time. I got into the lift and head down. There were two teenage dragon guarding at the bottom of the lift. I snuck pass them as they look in the lift. After seeing how many pony’s were there. Judges that it would be to hard to Teleport them all out at once. There were closes to 20 dragon’s inside. My plan was to case a little chaos and get them to gather in one spot.”

Endless took a drink from his mug of cider.

“I lit a barrel of blasting power in the supple room. This got most of the dragon’s on the main watch to come running. At that time I went to the end of the line of chain pony’s and teleport them out to the Kid’s. They were in shock at first not knowing what was happening. I broke the chain holding them together and took a small break. After catching my breath I teleported back in. Not being see was the key. After I got back in the mine I saw that all the dragons were gather around the area I teleport the pony’s out of. There was still a lot of pony’s inside. But I needed someone to keep an eye on the Kid’s. I quickly move to the supple room remains. I grab his another barrel of blasting power I hide with both an illusion and shield charm. I took the barrel and place at the base of the main support beam. I cast my a flash spell. It blind’s anyone who see it for a short time. I quickly move pony’s to the lift. Flashing the dragon as needed. Once I got them all on the lift I charm the lift to fly up. Leaving me and the dragon in the mine.”

“What did you do next.” she ask on the edge of the easy chair. Endless smile feeling a little full of himself now. Seeing how she was so interested in his story.

“I knew they be angry after all I done. So I cast a fire spell at the barrel of blasting power. I then teleported out to the top of the lift. The other pony’s had just reach the top when I teleported in. I lit the trail of Blast power I left. The four dragon’s had enough time to turn around and see us. The blast sent them backward and knock them out. After gathering all the dragon around and tie them up. I sent word to the royal city and they sent out a group to gather them. The pony’s of Little Hove were so happy that they gave me a bag of bit’s and some cloths. They even made me that rob over there.” he finish. Pointing at his robe hanging on the wall.

“ Well it look like I’ve come to the right place.” she said with a smile.

“So why did you come here tonight?” he ask.

“Well I got a message today from the royal city. They told a tail of a black Alicorn who took on 25 dragon on his own and I had a feeling it was you.” She said with a smile.

“So I guest I’m famous now.” he said with a laugh.

“Not as much as you think. But I been having so trouble with something.” she said losing her smile.

“Endless how much do you remember about the night Canterlot was attack?” Endless though back to that night.

“I remember everything about that night. Up til my magic discharge.”

“As you know a lot of pony’s were taken that night. We have found the mine they in.” Endless mind flash at the though of seeing all his old friends and there family again.

“Were?” he ask jumping from the chair.

“They are being held in a large mine with 100's of pony’s from all over. They in the dark mist high lands. It to the northeast of here. It a week travel walking. But I’m hoping you can get there faster.” She said standing from the easy chair.

“Princess Celestia. I give you my word that I will recover all though taken by the dragons.” he said bowing.

“Now I’ve already sent troop ahead of you. They should be at less four days ahead off you.” she said.

“I’ll be ready to go in the morning.” he said standing back up and started to gather thing. He stop and look to her.

"If you could. Try not to let Luna know I’m going. I don’t want her to worry.” he said.

“of course.” She said smiling.

Chapter 22: Thing Are Never This Easy

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Endless landed and crawl into the bush. He had spent three day on and off flying. Meeting up with the main forces along the way. The mine main entrance had 12 dragons guarding outside it. He watch as they walk around. There were 3 more sitting above the Mine. He stay and watch until he saw light coming up. He flew back to the main camp. he landed in the middle of the camp. They had cover it with an illusion spell. he walk into the main tent. There were four Earth ponies around the table with a map on it.

“Ah your back. What are we up ageist?” said the gray commander pony with green main.

“15 large Dragon at the main entrance. They trade the guard every 3 hours like normal. There also about 5 flying around at all time. This must be one of there main mines.” The Light Blue earth pony enter the tent.

“Our scout report that there was just explosion on the west side of the mountain.”

“Let get our troop ready to move. This may be a change to caught them off guard.” He order.

“Hold on it may just be them mining.” Endless said stopping the light blue ponies.

“Let me check quickly.” he teleported to safe distance from the mine. He ran and saw pony’s running. he quickly teleported back.

“OK let go. It chaos over there.” he said heading for his bag. he put his robe on. He head ahead of main force. Building up static charge. He wanted to hit a dragons with a full lightning spell. Hopping to put fear into the other dragons. He saw dragons breathing fire down on the pony’s as they ran. They were burning them. This made him well up with anger. He blasted the Dragon’s a full charge. It chain from one to the to other. five drop to the ground smashing into the trees below.

“There he the one who case this.” A large green and red dragon said pointing at Endless. he spread his wings and flew up. Two dragon smash into each other. he cast the ice spell down onto them. A dragon grab him.

“I got you now.” he felt a cold breeze and quickly cast another ice spell. The dragon froze solid. he slip out and flew up. Four dragon were head for him. he quickly rub his fur and rob together. But couldn’t get a charge in time. The robe was wet. All four breath green fire at him. he put his hooves up to block as the flame in gulp him. Casting an shield spell up. But it broke. he close his eyes and black out. he awake in a cage. He try to move. But he was chain.

“Aa your awake. You know I never forget a face. Your White Night Son.” Darth said poking the cage. he look at him. He look different. His teeth where striking out and he had horns.

“ Were am I. How did I get here?” he said looking around.

“Aa Yes most pony’s don’t understand. Let me enlighten you. You see a dragon has different flames. A green flame is a teleport flame. It turn you to ash and reconstructed you at the will of the dragon. In this cases. you were hit by my sister flame. So I was able to put you in here” Darth said tapping the cage. he try to understand this all. His head was still a bit fussy.

“So what are you going to do with me?” he ask

“ Nothing.” Endless was confuse.

“what do you mean nothing.” Darth laugh.

“You Are bait.” he laugh as he left the room. He watch as walk down the long cave into the darkness. he look around the room. There were cage’s and chains everywhere. It was hard to see what was below him. But it had an orange glow. he was tier. He knew it would be easy to just teleport out. If he had the energy. But he use it all fighting. It was odd. Darth had just left him with no guard. Then he talking about how he was bait. Bait for who?

This all didn’t make scent. he try to think about everything one thing at a time. First he was in gulp in flames. Then he wake up he. Darth said it had something to do with the color of the fire. Green flame break you down to ash and then put you back together at that dragon will. Ok that how I got here. Now who would Darth want to trap. If I’m bait it can’t be that many pony’s. Well Luna was out. Darth wouldn’t know about his feeling for her. His friend’s in canterlot would be out. The only other pony he could think about was Red Will, Berry, Shining Star, or Master Zend. But they wouldn’t know he was here. Celestia was the only one and she know that I can handle myself.

he try to move again. That the problem with the teleport spell I need a small amount of moment to use it or I’m taking the whole cage. After an hour he finally gave up on trying to move. They chain his legs, neck, tail and his horn. They left him his robe. This was good. He had small knife in the pocket. If he could get it he knew he could pick the locks. he continue looking into the darkness. It was nerve raking as he try to move to get his knife. It was no use. He was stuck. The only way out was to teleport the whole cage and he was still to weak to do so. he knew better then to be as reckless as he was. Master Zend train him better then that. If your out number your better off taking them out one at a time. If you can’t. Then you hide and wait for them to make a mistake.

“A coo” he sneeze.

“Hello. Is someone there.” his heart started to beat hard. Some pony else was in here. Behind him. He try to look back but couldn’t.

“Hello. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m trap here to.” Endless sigh. It was hard for him to turn down any pony. He didn’t like being alone.

“Please I’ve been here so long. I just want to hear someone else for a little time.” he took a deep breath.

“How long have you been here?” he finally ask.

“O thank you. Thank you.” she said in the darkness behind him.

“ How long have you been here?” he ask again.

“I’ve been here so long. Darth capture me about 10 or 12 year ago. It been so long scent I see the sun.” her voice was weak.

“How is your health?” he ask as he hear coughing.

“I’m fine. They feed me very little. But they do the same to you. If they don’t put you to work.” she said as a wind blow through the cave.

“They coming. Be quiet.” A dark figure walk down the hall. It was the purple dragon name Ming. He remember her from when he was young.

“What have we here. So you’re the one who took out all my dragon’s. not so tough now.” she laugh.

“let me out of these chain’s and I’ll show you.” he said gripping his teeth.

“I bet you would. But I don’t have the key. So lucky you.” she said grabbing the chain above his cage. She shook the cage and then spin it around. he felt a little sick from this.

“Well I’ve had my fun. you stay quiet. Now.” She said leaving. he held his stomach down as his cage stop moving.

“Are you ok?” the other trap pony ask.

“Ya I’m ok.” he said swallowing. he watch everything around him as the cage swag side to side. It was like the time he was swinging on the swing at the school. The chain still had a little twist and swag the right and left. It was hard to see in the darkness. he try to wiggle out of his chains. The one on his neck and horn move. he move his neck down and huge the chain under his chin. The one on his horn slid off. Endless reach for his knife. It was inches away from his mouth. he stuck out his tough. He lick it out. he grab it in his teeth. when he felt the breeze. Endless quickly move back to way he was.

“He’ll be here soon. We need to be prepare. You go there Ming. Froze hide up there. Gor hide here. Flare I want you right here at the doorway. I’ll be here waiting for him to make a mistake.” Darth order them around. They move as he pointed to them and were to go.

“ Your going to fail again. He just going to hurt you and make you look like fools again.” Call out the other trap pony.

“What did I tell you be quiet.” Ming said as a loud crashing of metal eco the room.

“Hey leave her alone. You dragon scam.” Endless shouted.

“You be quiet to.” she backhanded his cage.

“MING! We need them.” Darth yell. Endless smile as his cage stop spinning. A loud bang fill the chamber.

“He coming. Everyone get ready.” he order. Endless couldn’t see because the dragon call Flare was standing in his way. A flash of blue and green light flash and Flare flew through the cage mess. his cage was spinning fast. There was a lot of color flashing. he knew someone was casting powerful spells. It must be Master Zend.

“Master Zend watch out. There one on the ceiling. A beam of light shot up. Froze drop and hit the cage flipping it into the air. Endless saw his knife slid out of it sheaf. he quickly grab it in his teeth. Light flash as dragon and dragon fell.

“Darth behind you.” The other trap pony scream. A large flash of bright purple light hit Darth. he watch him slam into a wall.

“Ok Let get you out of here.” Endless hear the pony battling yell. A large flash of red light and the sound of metal crashing.

“Hey help me out of here.” he yell floating the knife into the air.

“I don’t think so. I’m not letting you go.” Darth stood up. Endless floated his knife into the air and struck Darth in his good eye.. He stop and grab his head.


“ NOOOOOOO” Darth yell as a flash of light from behind him.

“YOUR GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!” He yell. Endless smile.

“No I won’t.” A Flash of Red and Black light fill the room as he teleported out cage and all.


Chapter 23: Darth Blind Rage Attack

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Endless look around. There were pony’s everywhere. They were looking at him. he Smile. He was on top of the main tent.

“Can anyone get me out of the cage and out of these chain. They are so not my color.” he look around. His heart skip a beat. He though he say his father and mother walking pass. But he knew that wasn’t possible. he watch as a Red unicorn walk up that he new well.

“Endless Night. How long it been? What trouble have you gotten yourself into?” Red Will said laughing. he smile and laugh a little.

“Just making one dragon very angry. It won’t be to long before they come. So if you can let me out of the thing.” He said as the other pony’s started to worry. Red Will unlock the door and all the lock one at a time. As he walk out of the cage he felt a pulling on his tail. The lock on his tail was still there. A load roar fill the air. he quickly cast the lock picking spell. The lock went snap as Darth came into view.

“WHERE ARE YOU. I’LL MAKE YOU PAY THIS TIME. I WON’T JUST SCAR YOU THIS TIME.” he scream. Red Will look over to Endless.

“You really made him mad.”

“Go. Get everyone out of here. I’ll handle him.” he said almost falling.

“You can even stand. What are you going to do?” he said catching him. he stood up.

“Don’t worry I have a plan.” He said smiling as he took off. Red Will headed out to help every pony. he flew to Darth. Darth body was doing something weird.

“So it you I face in my darkness hour. I guess he show his true color now.” Darth said. he flap his wings but was having difficultly.

“Darth I Won’t Let you hurt anyone.” he said bluffing. Darth laugh.

“How do you plan to stop me from doing that. You can hardly fly. So I ask you again how are you going to stop me?” He wonder that himself. He had no plan. The only spell he could cast would basic. Darth swag at him. he quickly drop. Just moving out of the way of his claw. he dodge as Darth swag at him. He wonder as he dodge why Darth was not breathing fire at him. Endless quickly back away.

“What the matter. Can’t hit me. Why not try some fire.” he was trying to get him more angry.

“You thing wrong of me. I simple wish to case a little chaos.” He said in a calm voice. he though this odd. Then Darth Horns change and his teeth as well. One horn was a deer and the other goat. One of his teeth shot up into his mouth. His scale started to change as well. he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Darth was transforming in front of him. Cloud were forming around him. A bright light and a loud bang. A gust knock him back. Endless blink twice and rub his eyes.

“Darth what are you?” he said cocking his head sideway.

“Darth that a funny name. But I need to think of a new one.” he said looking up. He was smaller and look odd.

“What in the name of all of Equestria happen to you?” he said still looking at his new body.

“Well let start back 11 years ago. After thinking I destroy you. Your father curse me. All these years I’ve been trying to get him to undo it.” Endless was confuse.

“I don’t understand my father been, Been, Been Dead for years.” he said struggling to say dead.

“You really are dumb boy. Your father not dead. He was the one who rescue your mother and let you escape.” Endless floated still thinking about everything that happen. His Father and mother alive.

“I’ll leave you to think about that for some time. When your ready to finish our battle I’ll be attacking the Princesses and then the royal city.”

“Wait what?!?!” Endless cry.

“Well there a nice side effect of this curse. I know almost everything about everyone. So I’m going to take the Princesses down and attack the royal city. Not even Master Zend will be able to stop me. But first there the dragon overload I have to deal with. So ta ta bye bye.” he said waving and disappearing as Endless dove at him. he flew down to the ground.

“Endless are you ok?” Red Will ask running up.

“I’m not shore. But we need to get to canterlot. He going for the Princesses.” He said land and falling to his knees.

“Don’t worry son. If they still have the shield spell up. He won’t be able to get in.” he look up. His father and mother were standing behind Red Will. he rub his eyes.

“Son I know you have a lot of quest....” he cut her short and huge both of them with tear in his eyes.

“I miss you both very much. I never gave up hope. I study everything I could about dragons and pray to find anything that wound tell me you were alive.” he said.

“Son I know this is hard but I’m having trouble breathing.” White said his black face turning blue.

“Sorry. I miss you both so much.” He said letting them go.

“I hate to break up this family moment. But we’re in hostel dragon territory and I’m think they be mad that we just destroy there main mine.” Red Will said popping his head between them.

“Yes we need to get going. There shield spell won’t hold forever.” White said. Red Will help Endless walk. He was to tier to move. After an hour of walking they met up with other. He saw Clay Stone and other that were taken. They continue to walk but at this pace it would take a week if not longer. Most of the pony’s were tier. They been working 18 hours a day. he met up with Gray pony commander.

“Endless Night are you ok?” he ask.

“Ya but we need to Get back to canterlot. The dragon Darth going to attack the Princesses.” he said as Red Will set down.

“The shield spell will hold but not forever. There no time to waste. Red Will can you do it?” The Commander ask.

“Well I maybe able to make it. But if not. I’ll get close.”

“Well that no good. If you don’t make it you’ll be to tier to continue on.” They look down and started to think.

“ There my be a way. But we need Endless to get his straight back first.” White said looking at Endless.

“If three unicorn concentric on one spot they can teleport there no matter how far.” he said.

“But it could take days before he could be ready.” the Commander said.

“No I have a plan. But you won’t like it. But I can't think of any other way.” Endless Said.

“What you talking about Endless?” Red Will ask.

“ I use it when I was a young colt. not knowing what it was. Later I found out that it was a energy draining spell.” he told them.

“That spell forbidden.” Red Will said.

“Yes. But we have no chose.” he said walking up to a large oak.

“ I’m Sorry tree. But if I don’t do this. I’ll lost someone I care about.” he put his horn on the tree and drew energy from the tree. It leaf start falling off. The bark grew darken and peld away. The wood turn gray and then the tree turn to dust. A Bright light in gulp around him. It felt different then when he was younger. Endless aim the spot were the tree was a clear light hit the ground and a little leaf grow of a stream of light.

“Ok Let go.” he said.

“Ok were a spot in town that hasn’t change in 11 years.” White said looking to Red Will and Endless.

“The school.” Endless said quickly.

“I Know the front of the building.” Red Will said.

“Ok let all put our horns together and forces on the place.” white told them. Endless and Red Will did as they we’re told.

“Now Endless. Me and red, will be out of energy after this. So it up to you if he there.” he told him

“ok let go.” Endless said. There was a bright light and they floated into the air. They started to spin and then in a bright light and they were gone.

“I’m so proud of them.” Endless Love said with tears in her eye’s. she fell to her knees.

Chapter 24: Far From The End. A new Beginning

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Miss Sparkle was standing outside her school house waiting for her student. Berry and Shining Star walk up with two little colts.

“Caught these two trying to cut class Miss Sparkle.” She look down at them. The two little colts look down.

“Well no harm done. This won’t happen again right?” she said. they both look up and said

“no maaaaa” and they head into the school.

“What the lesson today Miss Sparkle?” star ask.

“Well I’m teaching them about Cutie Mark today.” she said.

“They be racing to get them now.” berry said smiling.

“I Never understood th....” he was cut short by a big gust of wind. Their was a flash of light. They cover they eyes. When the light faded. Endless Night, White Night and Red Will were lying on the ground.

“WILL!!” Berry scream.

“ENDLESS!?!? HOW DID YOU GET HERE?” Star yell in shock.

“DARTH IS COMING AND HE MORE POWERFUL THEN EVER.” he yell standing up quickly.

“Don’t worry Endless. We. Beat. Him. Here.” his father said out of breath.

“Who this?” star ask pointing a knife a White Night. “That White Night.” Berry said as she help Red Will to his Hooves.

“But I though you were.” Berry said still in shock.

“Yes. Well. As you can see. I’m alive and well. So isn’t Endless Love.” Berry jump into the air and did two back flip. Not noticing that she drop Red Will.

“Now we need to get to the Princesses and warn them.” he said standing and almost falling. Endless help him.

“Ok Father. They should be at the castle.” he said pointing. They started thought the castle. “WAIT!” Miss Sparkle yell to them. They stop.

“Luna at her house with Celestia right now.” she said pointing the way. They turn around and head for Luna place. Endless knock on the door. A few second later Celestia answer the door.

“ ENDLESS!?!?! What are you doing here?” she said in shock.

“We need to talk. Can we come in?” he said.

“Ah. ya I guess you can.” she said as they walk in the house.

“ENDLESS YOUR BACK!” Luna said tackling him.

“ Wow you really have grown Endless.” White said with a smile.

“Luna. Luna. LUNA!” he said then yell to get her off of him as she kiss him.

“O sorry. I just miss you. Maybe we can go find a hay bail later.” she said. Endless face turn red.

“Ah my boy Growing up.” white said.Berry laugh. Endless Blush.

“Well um. Anyway. We all need to talk.” he said. Endless told Celestia and Luna about Darth.

“I’ll go and switch out the guardian unicorns. Get two fresh one in there.” Celestia said heading for the door.

“It won’t matter. If he going to get in he will. You see. When I curse him he gain all the knowledge of magic.” White told them. Celestia stop at the door.

“So why didn’t he un-curse himself?” Endless ask.

“Well it simple really. Since I was the one who curse him. I’m the only one who can cure him. But now it to late. If only I had” He said looking down and sad.

“Don’t worry Father. There nothing we can’t do now. so let not worry about what you could have done differently.”A loud bang eco outside. Endless ran outside before everyone else. 100's of dragons flying around the town. his jaw drop.

“Everyone inside now.” White yell.

“No. It won’t help.” Berry said.

“What can we do?” Celestia said looking up.

“LOOK THE SHIELD BREAKING!” Luna cry. pointing as the dragon slam into it. They watch as the shield crack. A large Red and Purple spike dragon smash through the shield. He came crashing down onto the ground on the street. He slid across the ground and stop feet from them. Endless was in shock. He froze up and couldn’t move.

“You got to help us. Please I beg of you.” he said putting his claws together. Endless felt an odd feeling. One he never felt before. It was some were between confusion and shock.

“What?” He said.

“ We can defeat him. He to strong. The worst thing is that he taken the Sun and Moon Jewel’s and Destroy them. Then change the rain into a brown mess.” Endless had an idea.

“Only if you release all those who you hold in your mines. And end this war.” he said.

“O come now.”Darth voice fill the air but he wasn’t there.

“Ok. We’ll do it. Just keep him away.” The Dragon overlord said.

“O this is fun. I really must thank you White Night. If not for you I wouldn’t be this strong.” All of the dragon turn tiny.

“See I wound never have been able to do that as my old self. So I thank you.” Darth said.

“Darth show yourself.” White said looking around. White Night floated up into the air.

“You know your fur is nothing like your name. how about I fix that.” White Night black hair turn white and his Black hair turn White.

“ There you go.” he throw him into a wagon.

“ FATHER!” he yell as he ran.

“ Ah yes. That right. The son who lost everything just to find out he didn’t. O how touching.” he said grabbing Endless by the wings and flipping him around carelessly. He throw him into the air. he flow down and landed next to Luna. A Large ground of royal guard throw spear at Darth. Darth put up an claw and turn them into strip peppermint sticks. He grab one and lick it.

“Ah sweet chaos.” he put up his other claw. Flip his wrist and all the royal guard turn into Ginger bread pony’s.

“Your horrible.” Celestia said stepping in front of Darth.

“The Princess. Allow me to tell you how you dealing with.” he said bowing.

“I am the dragon formally know as Darth. But that was my old life. I believe I found the right name to suit my new form.” he flip both his hands into the air.

“Discord. The embodiment of chaos.” He said as light flash into the shape of his new name.

“So what do you think?” Everyone was speechless.

“Come on Come on Be honest. No wrong answers.” he said waving his claws.

“Discord. what are you planning?” she ask. Endless start to build a charge.

“Well I already took over the dragon kingdom. Now I’m here to take over. You know. spared a little chaos. For starter how about this.” He snap his claw and it started to rain brown stuff. Endless put his hove out and tasted it.

“It Chocolate. It raining Chocolate.” he said.

“ You like it? I think of it more like a chocolate rain.” he said putting up a glass and filling it. He then drank the glass leaving the Chocolate floating. It then fell to the ground breaking like glass. Endless try to get a charge for his lightning spell but no luck. The rain made his robe wet.

“ Well as fun as talking with you all is. I think it time to take over.” Berry jump in front of Celestia.

“You’ll have to get pass me first.” she said drawing her sword.

“And me.”Red will said standing next to her.

“And Me.” Star said pulling an arrow back on his bow.

“And Me.” Endless jump and she came from out of nowhere and talking her place next to Luna.

“And Me.” Luna step forward.

"You maybe powerful Discord. But there one thing you’ll never have.” Endless said taking his place next to Luna.

“And what that?”

“Friends.” He said stepping forward. Discord started clapping.

“Well that just great. But no matter how many pony’s you send at me there nothing you can do to stop me. Just watch.” he stop clapping and snap his claw. he felt a wave of energy flow over him. It was hard to keep standing.

“Well now. You are full of surprises.” he look around. Everyone but Luna, Celestia and himself was on the ground.

“ Well I think I’ll have to try something different.” he said pulling his chin hair.

“Endless, Celestia, Fire spell.” Luna order. They cast it and aim at Discord.

“Did you really think that was going to work. I was made by chaos magic. Or did you forget.” he said as he put his claw up and blocking the flames.

“What are we going to do?” He ask Looking back to Luna and Celestia. They didn’t move. Endless look around. Nothing was moving. there was a bird floating in mid air.

“Son. I want you to know my time is short.” white night said walk up from nowhere.

“What going on dad?” he ask.

“I froze time for a short time so I could tell you. Son I love you. I’m sorry I hide you away from the world. I was worry of losing you.” he said with tears in his eyes.

“It ok dad. But why are you telling me this?” he ask.

“You Train with Master Zend. I’m shore he train you in the ways of curses and they effect.” he said

“Yes but only the written part of it.” he said.

“Son I’m not coming back from this one.” Endless watch as time started move slowly forward. He know what he was going to do.

“FATHER DON’T!” he yell as his father cast the energy drain spell on Discord. Discord scream in pain.

“What are you doing to me?” he yell in pain.

“I’m draining all you chaos energy.” he said. tears running down his face.

“But you won’t survive.” Discord yell.

“I know I won’t.” Endless watch as his father hooves started to turn to stone. It move up his legs.

“ Son. Tell your mother. I Love you both more then anything else in the world.” he said as the rest of his body turn to stone. Discord was on the ground.

“Even with most of my energy is gone. I can still take over.” he said. He Teleport behind Luna and grab her.

“But until my power returns. I’ll be taking her. So don’t try anything funny.” he said.

“Let me go. I’ll going to rip your hea...” Discord put a claw up and she fell asleep.

“LET HER GO!” Endless yell.

“You make any move and I’ll end her. Now I’ll be at the castle. If you want to see her un-harm. Then you will bring the jewel Everlasting of power to the castle by dawn or you’ll never see her again.” he said snapping his claw and was gone. Endless Turn and walk pass his father stone body.

"Endless were are you going?” Celestia ask.

“To get the Alicorn I love.” He said heading for the castle.

Chapter 25: The power of Harmony

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Endless Walk down the street. The other pony’s were a running around scare. he look around at all the shops. They were closing up. Every pony was packing there shop and moving out. he watch as Mr. Pie load a cart with his stuff. he continue walking. As he walk he try to think of a plan. He know that if he try to fly in Discord would see him and hurt Luna. he though back to his father.

He cast the same spell on Discord as he did on the oak tree. But it was different. The energy he got from the oak was pure and nice. But the his father got was evil and chaos. he remember when he was a kid down by the stream. The old logs he drain gave him a burst of energy. He try to remember how it felt. He would have energy at first and then later he feel tier. Really tier now that he though about. he look up at the castle. He still had a way to go but he wasn’t going to give up just yet.


Book flew from the bookshelf. Celestia move from book to another book to another book. They were looking for book on the jewel.

“I know. White Night. He had the Jewel. It was his family who enchanted it. It pure energy. I just wish I know what it look like.” Red Will said looking through another book.

“Keep looking. If we can find it then we can get Luna back.” Star said flying around and pulling book after book from Endless bookshelf.

“We just need to find out what it look like. Then I can make a fake and we can trick Discord. O. O. No. This is bad.” Celestia said stepping back from the book.

“What? What wrong?” Star said looking into the book.

“Ya I’ve seen White Night wear that before.” Red Will said floating a rock into the air.

“Now let me transform this rock and into it.” he said

“Don’t bother.” Celestia said putting a hove on the rock and setting it down.

“What? Why?” he ask.

“Because he already has it.” Star said.

“Wait. What? What do you mean?” he ask confuse.

“Endless gave Luna a gift many year ago. Before he left to train with Master Zend. I doubt he knew it at the time. but he gave her the Jewel of Everlasting power.” Celestia said. The door flew open.

“Princess Every pony is ready to go.” Gem stone yell entering the room.

“What are you talking about?” she ask confuse.

“Just follow me Princess.” Gemstone said heading outside. Celestia and the other walk out of Endless house. Celestia look around in disbelief.

“Every pony that hasn’t left town yet is here to help.” she said as the large crowned of pony’s cheer.

“Ya let go get Princess Luna back from that Dragon.” They cry.

“Alright. Let go get my sister back.” she said as the crown cheer.

------------(Back at the castle)-------------

Endless move quick and quiet. He flew up to the roof along the wall. He could hear Discord talking to Luna.

“You know I was once orderly and uptight. Thank to your Colt friend father. I’m like this.” he said

“They never give you what you want.” she said twisting

“O they will. I may not know what the jewel look like. but the spells I can cast with it will case untold chaos.” Endless move close to a sky light window. He look down and saw Luna tie upside down from the chandler. He plan was to wait til Discord back was turn and hit him with a full charge lightning spell then freeze him in ice and flee with Luna. he took a deep breath and back away from the window. He started to build a charge. It was going to take a minute. he could feel the charge building.


It started to down pour. It was normal rain. he look up. Damn. That ruin that plan. he thought. Then the crack of tunder follow with a flash of Lightning. he smile. That work better. He know he had to break all the window to get it to work. he jump down and flew in. A large gust of wind shadering the glass in the window’s through out the hall.

“ENDLESS!” luna yell.

“I’m surprises boy. You really are dumb. Coming here without the jewel.” He said turning to face Endless.

“Your weak Discord.” he said.

“If you think your father little spell did anything to me. Then your mistaken. I’m still as strong as ever.” he said

“We will see.” he said as fire flew from his horn and cut Luna down.

“Now that not fare. Your not suppose to free her.” He said putting his claw into the air and wiggling one claw.

“Luna Get out of here now. I’ll handle him.” he told her.

“ But he to strong.” she said landing on her hooves.

“LUNA GO!” he yell at her.

“NO! I”M NOT LEAVING YOU AND THAT FINAL.” she yell back at him. Endless didn’t have time to argue.

“Ok. Just stay out of the way.” he had to buy to time for a flash of lightning.

“Ah Young love. If only they knew it would never last.” he said putting his claws together next to his head and making kiss faces.

“It end here Discord.” He said putting his chest out bravely.

“O and how delightful. Ok. Ok. Let see what you got. O but before you do. Remember I know every spell your father know. So it worthless to try. But please do try. Here you go.” he said putting a target on his chest.

The sky flash. He drew the lighting through the broken windows. It hit his horn. he held the charge and let it build up. he couldn’t hold the charge for long. He aim at Discord. Discord smile and yawn. Bolt of lightning ended. he release it all. It flew through the air in a bright beam of light. It was so fast Discord didn’t had time to see it as it hit him. he flew through the air and slam into the wall. The wall crumble as he scream in pain and broke through it. Endless fell to his knees.

“ENDLESS! You Did it. You really did it.” Luna said. Endless look up at her.

“No I just got us some time to get out of here. Come on let go.” He said standing up and turn for the door.

“Endless are you alright?” she ask as he struggle to walk.

“ I’m ok. Luna head on without me.” he told her. the fact was he was hurt bad. really bad. he didn't know if he was going to make it. but all he care about was getting Luna to safety.

“ no I’m going to. I’m stay with you.” she said. She had wait for him. she never met anyone else like him. he was very special to her.

“ENDLESS NIGHT!” Discord scream in pain. Yelling his name.

“O no. Luna go. Don’t worry about me just go.” he told her.

“I’m not going anywhere without you.” She said trying to help him.

“Luna I love you.” he said looking into her eyes.

“I love you to.” she kiss him.

“That why I’m sorry about this.” he said.

“What are you talking about?” she ask. Endless horn glow.

“This.” He said as he cast a teleport spell and she was gone.

“ENDLESS NIGHT! He yell again. His Eyes glow through the hole in the wall. They had flame above them. Then he lick his claw and wipe them out.

“Well that was shocking to say the most part.” he said. Endless was confuse.

“now. now. The old me would have be mad, but the new me is different.” discord said. he stood up and face him.

“I take it that was your best shot. I do have to admit. That hurt.” he said his eyes flaring up again.

“ But I’m not a vengeful person. No that was the old me. I’m a new and improve. So here what I’m going to do.” he said putting his claws together and clicking the tips.

“You tell me where you hidden the Jewel of Everlasting power is and I’ll let you live. If not.” He drew his claw across his neck.

“I don’t think so Discord.” Endless turn and hit his knees. He had tears in his eyes As he saw Celestia.

“We won’t let you harm any of are friends.” She said. Her horn glowing.

“O please. I was just hit by a lighting bolt. What the worst you can do.” Discord said sitting down on her throne.

“THIS.” she lower her horn and hit him with a beam of light. Endless remember that light. It was the one from his dream. The one those filly’s use. Discord scream in pain. Then laugh and put up a claw. Blocking the beam.

“Still to weak.” Celestia stop.

“I try to tell you. I’m still to strong. Now where is the jewel of Everlasting power.” He said looking at Celestia.

“I”LL NEVER TELL YOU!” she yell.

“O I don’t need you to tell me. I only need cast a memory spell on you.” discord laugh.

“NO!” Endless said standing up in between Celestia and Discord.

“ I’m the only one who know were the Jewel is and I won’t let you do anything to anyone but me.” he said stepping forward.

“O that fine by me.” he said putting a claw up. Endless floated into the air and headed to side Discord. his horns glow and a cloud bubble appear above they heads. Everyone watch as Discord went through Endless life. he watch as he saw his own life. Then he saw it. He knew what he had to do. he kick away from Discord.

“No. I won’t let you hurt anyone. Anymore.”He said. There was a flash of light. he turn to see Luna. She teleported back. Celestia grab her as she try to run to him.

“Luna stay back. I got this.” he stood and prepare himself. he cast the energy draining spell on Discord.

“You think this is going to work. Your father didn’t bear to well.” he smile and his horn glow a second color. Discord look down at his feet.

“What are you doing now?” he ask.

“I’m turning you to stone with your own power.” he told him. he was breathing hard. Discord laugh.

"You only turn my big tow to stone.” he said wiggling it.

“PRINCESS NOW!” he yell. Celestia cast the spell again. Discord scream. Endless was in a great amount of pain as the chaos magic pass through him. Discord swag his arms and try to break the stone as it reach his stomach.

“No. What a World. I would have gotten away with it to if it wasn’t for you meddling pony’s and you ENDLESS NIGHT!” He scream as the stone in case his head.” Endless stop and try to turn to see Luna. But slip and fell to the ground. His hooves were turning to stone.

“ENDLESS!” Luna yell running to him.

“It ok Luna. it stop at my knees see.” he said looking down at his legs.

“It only a little stone. nothing could go wrong. Right?” Endless smile them pass out.

Chapter 26: Bitter Victory

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Endless open his eyes. He was in an odd room. He hear a voice.

“There I think that will help. Please remember it won’t last long.” it was Master Zend. he felt odd.

“Thank you Master Zend.” he try to turn his head to see Luna and Master Zend but couldn’t.

“Luna. what going on I can’t move.” he said. She came into him view.

“Endless I’m afraid you can’t move because your. Your. Your. Your turn to stone.” she said with tears in her eyes.

“Wait what?” He said in shock. Master Zend move a mirror in front of him. The only part of him that wasn’t stone was his face.

“what going to happen to me now?” he ask.

“Well this spell will only last a short time. You’ll need to be put some were safe until the magic were off.” Master Zend told him.

“Well how long will that take.” he said in a panic.

“Don’t worry Endless I’ll watch after you until you come back.” she said still crying lightly.

“Luna don’t cry for me. I’m as happy as I ever been. Your safe and that all that matter.” he said with a smile. He didn’t Want to make her cry.

“Endless I can’t say how long you’ll be like this. It could be any were from Days, week, months or even years. But until then we need to find a spot were nothing can damage you. The other problem is that we need to keep you out of the elements to.” He said as he open the door.

“Did it work?” Celestia ask walking into the room.

“Only his face. As I told you. It was a long shot. I have no idea how long it will last. But it won’t be for long.” he told her.

“Thank you Zend.” She said waving for the other to come in.

“Endless. Hey. So don’t worry. We put Discord in the garden. I think the birds are having fun with him.” star said. he smile as more his friends enter the room.

“Hey guy’s how are thing going? i hug you but I'm a little stiff.” he put a smile on.

“Well Berry and Red will are getting marry.” Gem stone said fluttering her eyes.

“ Well that good. I wish I could go. But I’m all stiff in the joints.” They laugh at yet another bad joke.

“Send them my good wishes. And tell them they can have my house as a Wedding gift.” he said thinking of ways to make everyone happy. he figure that he wouldn't need it anyway.

“Gem Stone, Shining Star. I want you to have my last bag of bits. It on my night stand in my room. It not like I’m going to need it.” he told them.

“Don’t talk like that.” Gem stone said.

“Ya. Endless. You’ll be back on your hooves in no time.” Star said.

“Just take it. It a gift. For all you help.” he told them.

“ Hey Endless. What happen to your scar on you flank?” Star said looking at his flank.

“Wait. What? They Gone. What my cutie mark? is it still blank?” he said wanting to know really badly.

“I’ll Let you see for yourself.” Star said grabbing other mirrors. he could hardly wait as they move mirror around.

“Endless. Me and Celestia have been thinking about were to put you until the chaos magic were off.” Luna said with tears in her eyes.

“Where? I’ll be happy with were ever you place me. As long as it not next to Discord.” he said smile. Star move the mirror into his view. Endless was filling with joy of seeing his Cutie mark for the first time.

“Well as you know Discord destroy the Gem’s of the Sun and the moon. So me and Celestia are going to move them from now on. Celestia going to move the sun and I’m going to move the moon.” She smile.

“So we are thinking you would be safe on the moon. Celestia going to build a room there to protect you.” Endless thought it over as the last mirror move into position. Endless smile.

“Yes Luna. That wound be fine. So that my cutie mark.” he said as he look at his cutie mark. It was a full moon with star everywhere around it and a heart on the moon.

“Guy’s. I hope I this way only last a few week. Then we’ll all be laugh about it later. But can I have a moment with Luna alone.” he ask see they face smile with tears in they eyes.

“Of cost Endless. Come on every pony. Let give them some time alone.” Celestia said opening the door. he watch as Gem Stone gave Shining Star a pike on his cheek. He smile.

“I knew there was something going on between you two. Good for you.” Endless yell as the door close.

“So what did you want to talk about?” Luna ask pushing her hair back.

“Luna I have to ask you to do something.” he said.

“If it about your father. Were putting him in the chamber with you.” she said.

“No. Luna I need you to know something.” he said with a sad look.

“What is it?” she ask.

“You Know the Memory spell right.” he said with tears in his eyes.

“Yes.” she said.

“Cast it on me. I’m going to remember something you need to see.” he said.

“No. I can’t.” she said.

“Luna it to hard to tell you. I need to show you. So please.” he said.

“Ok” she said with tiers in her eyes. She cast it the spell.

“This was a dream I had a few month ago. I believe it to be a look into the future.” he said.

“Why are you showing me this?” She ask looking up at the cloud.

“Just Watch and you’ll see.” he showing her the dream. She ask about Nightmare Moon. Endless told her to keep watching. When it ended she look at him.

“I though you should know. Just in case I’m not around. I really do hope it just a dream.” he told her.

“Endless. Your starting to turn back.” Luna said with tears in her eyes.

“I know. But I want you to know Luna. I love you. And if it take a 100 years. A 1000 years. A Million years. I will come back and find you. No matter how long it take. I will return.” he said.

“I love you to Endless Night. and i will wait.” she said tears flowing down her faces.

“And I love you. Luna Moon.” she kiss him as he turn back to stone. he had tears in his eyes. Luna had tears in her eyes. She waited there with him. Until he turn to stone completely.

-------------(A FEW WEEK LATER)----------------

A few weeks pass. Celestia build the chamber on the moon. Luna and Celestia took both Endless Night and White Night and teleport them into a chamber.

“You’ll both be safe here.” she said with tears in her eyes. she didn't want to leave him.

“Don’t worry Luna. No Pony but you or me can enter this chamber. he will be safe.” she said as she finish the charm. Luna walk up to Endless and kiss his stone lips. she rub her head on his.

“I’ll visit every night until you return.” she had tears in her Eyes. she walk over to Celestia. they teleported out of the room.. The room went dark and a single tear ran down Endless Night face. Turning to stone. next to his eye.