• Published 22nd Feb 2013
  • 430 Views, 16 Comments

The Tail Of Endless Night - EndlessKnight980

This Story Begin back when Equestria was still young. The war of the Unicorn and Pegasus is over. A time of peace fall over the land of Equestria But dark times are a head Dragon take rule over the lands. only 1 pony can stop them. but he only a colt

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Chapter 13: A Fond Fair well

Endless wake up early. The sun wasn’t even up yet. He lay on the floor for a few more minute and try to fall back to sleep. He was having a nice dream about Luna. He wanted to continue it. But he couldn’t. He got up and look around the room. Doctor Hooves was sleeping in a chair with a book open on his knee. A candle had burn down to nothing next to him. Shining Star was sleeping on a small cloud. A large bit of drowl huge form his mouth and was falling into Golden Apple helmet. Golden Apple was sleeping in the corner next to the door. Red Will was sleeping in small tent in the front yard. Luna and Berry were in her room. Celestia was in the cellar. Endless guess this was like a his father cave.

That made him remember his father stuff he had. he quietly head over and open the door. He head across the street. It was still dark but the sun was just coming up. He look at the frame of the door. It was still standing but the door was knock in. he walk carefully up the stair. They didn’t look safe and he know he was right when a board drop under his hove. He quickly flap his wings and flew the rest of the way to his room. He pull his father bag out. He try to stuff the books back into the bag. It was small . Endless forgot he shrunk the bag. He pull the books out first and stuff them into the bag. The scrolls were next. As he pull a stack out of scrolls out. He hear a loud thud. The amulet had fallen out and roll under his desk. he put the last of the scrolls into the bag. He walk over and crawl under the desk. He grab the amulet by the chain.

“Endless. What are you doing in here?” he lifted his head fast. He smack his head on the under side of the desk. he took a step backward and look up. Luna was flying outside his window.

“You ok?” She said laughing and blushing a little.

“Ya. I’m just getting my stuff around.” he said putting the amulet on the desk. he rub his head.

“A few more bumps and I’ll have a head full of horns.” he laugh. Luna smile as she spin the amulet by it chain.

“So. What this?” she ask looking at the amulet.

“That was in my fathers bag. It just a neckless.” he said as Luna set it down. he watch as she push it around the desk.

“You can have it if you want.” Her face lit up with joy. he help her put it on. He carry the bag down to the kitchen.

“So your going to carry that bag to Masters Zend’s?” Luna ask as he pull the bag she gave off the floor. Endless look down at the bag. Then back at Luna.

“Can you keep a secret?” he ask. She nodded yes.

“Ok hold onto me.” he said thinking about the bedroom at his father cave. Luna hug him and with a flash of red and black light they teleported to the room. he was breathing hard. It took a lot of energy to teleport this far and with two pony’s. Luna look around. It was dark.

“One second. I’ll get the lights.” he said casting a fire spell on all the candles. Luna jaw drop.

“Were are we?” she ask in shock.

“This is my father hiding spot for his stuff. It not to far from my family home.” he said putting the bag on the bed. Endless show her around the cave. She was amaze by the amount of books and magic stuff.

“Endless. Why did you ever come to Canterlot? When you could of live here.” he look up the stairs.

“Come on I’ll show you.” he said putting the bag on that she gave him. he teleport them to the stream. He lead her to the edge of the woods. he look away. He didn’t want to see the burn remains of his home.

“It to painful.” he said with tears in his eyes. Luna gave him a huge.

“Come on. Let go. They worry about us if were not there.” Endless knew she was right.

“Luna. You Remember that room with all the books.” she nodded yes.

“If you ever need to get away or need to hide. Go there.” he told her.

“Ok.” she said. he teleported them to the spot they had the picnic. It was the only place he could think about. They exited the woods. The field was full of tents. It was the royal guards. They walk around them and headed back to Luna house. The sun was up now. They enter the house. Everyone was up at this time.

“They here.” Golden Apple yell in the kitchen. Celestia walk out and look anger.

“Don’t worry me like that." She said looking at both of them.

“ We Sorry.” They both said bowing they heads. After breakfast. Celestia and doctor Hooves left with a bag of bits. They told everyone to stay in the house. Gem Stone show up shortly after they left. Golden Apple had pony’s posted around the house and wouldn’t let her in until Luna told him to.

“WOW it so pretty.” she said looking at the Amulet.

“Ya Endless gave it to me.” She said blushing. They swelled in the way only filly’s did.

“Ow my ears.” Star said putting his hooves on them.

“Check.” Endless said as the swelling stop.

“No Fair. You know how to play.” He said looking down at the chest board.

“You Can Still Win.” Red Will said looking over Shining Stars Shoulder. He whisper into his ear. Endless rise and eye brow. After a few minute Shining star was still in trouble as Endless took pieces after pieces. he was shore he was going to win. Red Will whisper into Star ear.

“Check Mate.” He said moving his queen next to Endless king. he check the board. The queen was guarded by both the rook and Knight. his king was corner.

“Not fair. You had help.” Red Will Smile.

“ Well is it fair to play someone who doesn’t know the game.” Endless sigh and agree. They laugh about it. After a few more rematches. One of witch Endless Face Red Will and doesn’t lose. Doctor Hooves enter the house.

“Princess Celestia ask me to get everyone and bring you to the Square." He said turning around and heading outside. Everyone follow him. The streets were bear. There was no pony’s anywhere. They reach the town square.

“Doc. Where is everyone?” He ask looking around. Doctor Hooves Smile. There was a large flash of light and Endless was speechless. There were tables with large boxes. Tables with Sweets and foods of all kind. The most of the town was there.

“ What is all of this?” he ask.

“Well since your Birthday had Problem. I Thought we Celebrate today.” She said with a smile. Celestia had him take a seat in a chair at a large table. Everyone was watching him. he felt uncomfortable.

“Well Let Get This Party Started.” Star yell and everyone cheer. After that. things got better. he was having fun as he stuff his face with sweets. The gift were nice. But some of them he couldn’t keep. Like the bookshelf and other things. He decided that it could go to the family’s that house he damage. They thank him. he gave a lot of his gift away after that. He felt it would help everyone more then himself. He look over the thing he wanted to keep for the trip. Cloths, bags, books, papers, quills, a blue pillow, and a red blanket.

After the gifts were all done. The band started to play. he set still and watch the other ponies dance. he like the music and found his hooves tipping along with it. Gem Stone was dancing with Shining Star. Luna pop her head out next to his.

“Want to dance. hero Colt.” she said as she grab him and pull him out onto the dance floor. he froze. He never dance in his life. Gem Stone ran over as she saw him having trouble.

“Just move like this." She said pulling his Legs around. he soon found himself dancing with Luna as Gem Stone move his legs. After a little time he was dancing on his own. It was good until a slow song came on. Luna grab his front Legs and rested her head on his shoulder. he Blush a bright red as an apple. he was uncomfortable.

“Endless.” Luna whisper.

“Yes Luna.” He whisper back.

“Are you going to miss me?” Luna pull her head back and look into his Eyes.

“You know I will. You were my first real friend I've ever had.” he said. Luna hug him hard as she could.

Author's Note:

Fix# 13Thing are heating up between Endless and Luna. And what about Star and Gem. what going on there? you'll have to read on.
"There nothing going on between me and Star." Stop breaking the four wall. "I can do as i please. my friend Pinky Pie said it be fun." Wait What? "ya. she said the forth wall fun to break." i'm going t have to have a talk with her.

P.s. i was board. that why the fourth wall was broken.