• Published 22nd Feb 2013
  • 430 Views, 16 Comments

The Tail Of Endless Night - EndlessKnight980

This Story Begin back when Equestria was still young. The war of the Unicorn and Pegasus is over. A time of peace fall over the land of Equestria But dark times are a head Dragon take rule over the lands. only 1 pony can stop them. but he only a colt

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Chapter 10: UnHappy Birthday

Endless awake to the sound of a load crash. He Jump out of bed and look out the window. There was a wagon on it side. It look like a wheel had fallen off. he hear Doctor Hooves run down the stairs. The front door flew open.

“Is everyone alright?” he ask.

“Ya. We’re all fine. The wheel just pop off.” a blue earth pony said. Hooves Look up and saw Endless in the window.

“Endless come down here for a minute." he Jump out the window and Flew down.

“Endless can you lift this for them?” he ask pointing at the wagon.

“Ya. no problem.” He forces on the wagon. It floated into the air just high enough for the blue earth pony to put the wheel back on. Once the wheel was on he sit it down.

“Thank kid. You save me a trip back to the farm. If you ever need anything. come by the Apple Farm. Just ask for Crab Apple.” he said running off. They walk back into the house. he sat down at the table. Doctor Hooves walk in and grab a pan off the wall.

“Well that was a interring wake up call.” he said as he try to light the stove. Endless watch the sparks and with a flash of light. He lit the stove. Doctor Hooves look over at him.

“You got to give me some warning Endless.”

“Ok. But I’m getting good at my element magic.” he said with a big smile.

“Well let see what we got on the menu today. How about I try something new.” hooves said with a smile. Endless stomach rumble in pain. He remembers the last time he try to cook something new. He got a simple recipe from Luna Sister Celestia. It was a simple little recipe of baking oat and apple pie with a cherry on top. he remember looking at it and wondering if it move if he pock it. Then after they ate it they were sick for two days. But he didn’t want to hurt the doc feeling. But if it came out that bad. He was running.

“Why not.” he said with a fake smile.

“Endless would you head over and see if Luna Family has any flower. I need to barrow some.” He ask as started to cut apples. he head across the street. He knock on the door. Luna older sister Celestia answer the door. Celestia look down at him.

“Hello Endless. What are you doing here so early?”

“Doctor Hooves was wonder in if we could barrow some flower? Please.” he ask looking up at her with a big smile.

“Yes you can. Just follow me.” She said walking into the house. This was the first time he been in Luna house. He look around. It was very clean. There were odd thing all over. he saw a glass ball on the center table. he follow Celestia to the kitchen. She pull a large bowl with white power in it.

“Here you go. Just use what you need then bring it back.” Luna yawn as she enter the kitchen. She was wearing star pajama and her main was a mess. It was sticking up in some spot and out in others. bed head he though.

“Good morning Luna.” she said. Luna was about to say something back. When she look over at Endless. Her face turn red.

“EP!” she said running back up the stairs. Celestia laugh as she walk him to the door.

Endless gave the flower to the doctor and headed up stair. He wanted to go over the ice spell one last time before he try it again. Last time he cast it on a cup of water and froze his lips to it. About ten minute later Doctor Hooves call him down. he could smell something burning. He ran down and was ready to cast the water spell. he was shock to see the Doc flipping a flat brown bread in the pan. There was a small pail of black burn one in the garage.

“Aaa good you’re here.” He Said putting some brown one a plate. he took a seat as the Doc add maple syrup on top of them.

“Ok I give. What are they?” He said look confuse at the Doc.

“Apple flap jacks.” he said putting a fork in them. he try to smell them. But couldn’t over the burn one in the garage. he cut it with the side of his fork. He fork one and took a bit. It was good. Not great but good. After breakfast he help clean up. It was easy thank to all the spells he learn from his father’s books. The clean up went quickly. He was soon done and head outside. The Doc caught him at the door.

“Be back by lunch time. I need your help with something.” He said as Endless ran out the door.

Endless flew to the small lake up by the Apple farm. He watch the other pony’s on the ground. They were like bugs. he pick up speed. He wanted to get this spell down and move on to the next book. he broke through the clouds. He enjoy doing this from time to time. It was fun to watch them disappear. He saw a big one up ahead of him. He built up speed and headed for it. He hit it hard. Then felt something harder. Everything went dark. he hear someone yelling.

“Hey wake up!” Endless open his eyes and saw a light Blue Pegasus.

“Hey. Fly now!” he Look around. He look up and saw the lake. He quickly roll and spread his wings . He slow down and flap his wings. The tips of his hooves touch the water. He landed on the edge of the water. He rub his head and flat a bump.

“Hey what were you thinking?” the Pegasus yell. He stood there clueless.

“Wait what. I was flying and next thing I know I hit my head and then you were yelling at me.” he said.

“Well. One minute I’m taking a nap and the next thing I know your smashing into me.” he said flipping in the air above him and flying upside down.

“Sorry. I didn’t know you were there. I was just popping clouds and I saw a big one. I pick up some speed and thought it be fun to pop it.” he said spinning his hove in the air like popping a invisable bubble.

“Well be a more careful when you do that.” he said flying off. he watch him fly away. He could just make out his cutie mark. It look like a golden star.

Endless look around the lake. He could see different animals drinking from the lake. He took a quick drink and then got ready to cast the ice spell. He started by using the water spell to make some puddles. The next thing was to blow a cold air over the water and make it freeze. Then he could try his idea. he blow cool air out his mouth as he cast the spell. At first nothing happen.

Then a small chunk of ice floated in the puddle. He smile. He needed more cool air. he flap his wings along with blowing but the water slaps around. He look at the lake and thought. I can’t freeze the whole lake. He face the lake and started to flap his wings. This made a nice cool breeze. He cast the spell and ice started to form. Endless stop and poke it. It was tight and broke into small pieces.

“ha, ha, ha, what are you trying to do?” he turn to see the light blue Pegasus laughing from a small cloud. he look at him and then said.

“Well if you must know. I’m trying to cast an ice spell.” he said turning to face the lake. He started flapping his wings harder and started to cast the spell. The Pegasus watch as Endless flap his wings and froze a part of the lake. he tap the top of the ice. This time he had to hit it harder for it to break.

“See I got to ticker that time.” he said looking back at him.

“Ya I can see. But what good is it if it breaks?” he ask rolling upright.

“Well with more practice I’ll make it harder and I can be use for lot of things.” he said turning to face him.

“ Like What?” he ask.

"Like making an ice statue. but that what i need it for. there are many things that can be done with ice." He said and started telling him every uses he could thing of for ice. As he did time seem to fly by and he soon lost track of time.

“And you can use it to keep milk and eggs longer.” he finish.

“Wow you really an egghead.” The Pegasus said. Endless rise an eye brow. “That not a bad thing.” He added.

“Ya well I guess. You know we’ve been talking and I don’t even know your name.” he said.

“ I AM THE GREAT SHINING STAR!!” He said as he pop the cloud under his hooves and spin into the air. Endless was in shock about this interdiction.

“ Well Star. I’m Endless Night.” He said using a small wind spell to pick up some leaves to spin around himself.

“ Your new here in town. I’ve never seen you in school before.” he said looking around for any other Pegasus.

“I go were the winds take me. I’m my own pony.” he said floating back onto another small cloud.

“Wait. Don’t you have any family or home?” he ask in confusion.

“No I’ll a free pony. No one to tell me what to do. No one to worry about. No string holding me any were. I’m fr...”

“ Alone.” Endless said cutting Shining Star off.

“Well ya. But I still my own pony. I’m free.” Endless was bewilder by this. He never hear of this.

“What do you eat? And what do you do when there bad weather?” he ask.

“Well I eat whatever I can find. If it look bad out I find a nice piece of cloud and hang above the storm.” he said pointing up. he look up.

“O no. I got to go. I’m late.” he said jumping into the air. He turn and headed across the lake.

“Hey Wait I’m still not done telling you about me.” He said as he follow Endless.

“I don’t have time. I was supposed to be home by lunch time and it well pass.” He said flapping harder. Star flew upside down next to him. “See that another thing. I don’t have to be anywhere on time. It just another benefit of being a free pony.” he said flipping a into the air.

“Look as much as I love to talk more about you and how great it is to be free. But I got to go.” he said speeding up. he could see the Doc house now. He started to slow down. He landed at the door. he took a deep breath and open the door.

“Sorry I’m Late Doc. I lost Track of Time.” He said looking around. It look like there was no one home. he walk into the kitchen.

“SURPRISE!!!” he jump into the air. Doctor Hooves and all his friends were there. There was a big pink cake on the table.

“What is all this?” He said in shock. Now holding his chest.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY ENDLESS NIGHT.” They all said at the same time. A calm wash over him. He forgot his own birthday. He smile and took a step forward.

“O. Endless who that you got with you?” Hooves ask. he turn and saw Shining Star standing in the doorway.

“ It ok. Come on in. This is my new friend....” Shining Star put his hove into Endless mouth.

“I’m am THE GREAT SHINING STAR.” He said doing a spinning flip. Endless rolled his eyes. he sat down at the table. Luna sat next to him.

“Here Endless I got you this.” she said passing a large bag wrap in colorful paper. he thank her and unwrap it. It was a new bag. It had a patch on the side with the letter E N stamp into it. After that Gem Stone pass him a present. It was green robe. He thank her. After a few more presents. Doctor Hooves pull out a large box.

“Here Endless. This was your fathers. He left it here once and I was saving it for him. but seeing how........” Luna, Celestia, and Gem Stone put they hooves into the doc mouth to stop him as Endless face turn from happy to sad. he crack a smile quickly. Then open the box. Inside was a pointed hat with stars and the moon on it. It had a hole for his horn. It look like the one his father was wearing that day. A tear ran down his face.

“Are you ok Endless?” Luna ask

“Ya. It just. I’m so happy. Ever since thing happen that day. I never thought I could have a happy moment again. You all been so nice to me. i couldn't ask for better friends.” He said as he start to tear up.

“Shining Star are you ok?” Gem Stone ask him as he wipe his eyes.

“Ya I’m fine. It Just that.... Your right Endless. I am alone.” He said breaking down. Gem Stone gave him a huge from behind.Suddenly a load crash eco outside.

“What was that?” Gem stone ask. A Load Roar fill the air. Endless heart stop.


“Why. What is it.” Luna ask. Everyone look to Endless.

“ Dragons.”

Author's Note:

O No. what going to happen. i knew. and you will soon. Keep in mind. i finish this story. i just had it in the wrong format. so now it time to rewrite every chapter. i do have another story I'm working on. so it may be slow. i'll see about getting more chapter done today.