• Published 22nd Feb 2013
  • 430 Views, 16 Comments

The Tail Of Endless Night - EndlessKnight980

This Story Begin back when Equestria was still young. The war of the Unicorn and Pegasus is over. A time of peace fall over the land of Equestria But dark times are a head Dragon take rule over the lands. only 1 pony can stop them. but he only a colt

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Chapter 17: Country Colt in the Big City

They walk down the path. Endless was still Amaze by the size of the city. They pass a farm house. He look up and watch Pegasus in armor fly around the magic dome. Star pointed at a Large tent outside the wall. It was colorful.

“Ah they having the summer Festal.” Red Will said with a smile.

“It Look fun.” Star said flapping his wings.

“Well me and you can go Shining Star. But Endless has to Get to Master Zend and see if he’ll train him.” She said looking over to Star and then Endless.

“If he don’t I will.” Red will said rubbing his head.

“ Are you shore we can go for a little bit?” Endless ask. Red Will look over to Berry.

“It wouldn’t hurt you know.” he said. Berry Sigh.

“Ok but your paying for it this time.” she said. Endless and Star cheer. They were having the time of they lives. There were pony's dress in silly outfits. One of them was walking on wooden polls. The colts play games. Star won more then Endless but that Didn’t both him. They were just getting ready to go when Endless hear a brown earth Pony yelling. He snunk off to see what the yelling was about.


“What it taste like?” He ask looking at the cider.

“ Here Young Colt First’s one on the House.” He said handed him a mug. He smell it. It smell sweet. He took a sip. It taste like the juices from a freshly bitten apple. He drank some more.

“THAT STUFF IS GREAT!” He yell. Other Pony's look over at him. They crowed around him. They were a starting at him. They whisper in the crowed that had form around him. He flap his wings and flew away. He quickly found the others.

“Were did you go?” Berry ask with a look that told him. He was in trouble. he told them what happen. He pass the half full mug to her she took a sip then pass it to Star.

“THAT GOOD!” star said. Then Berry grab the mug.

“Will. take the Mug back to the stand.” She said handing the mug to Red Will.

“Endless show me were it is.” he said. he show him. The stand was full of pony's buying Cider. The Brown ponies was busy.

“ Here your Mug back.” he said setting it down on the counter.

“Hey Kid. Thank. If not for you no one would Buy this stuff.” Endless smile and nodded.

“What your Name young Colt.” he ask. Endless told him.

“Well Endless Night. If you ever want some more Cider. You come see me. I’ll set you up with some.” he said with a wink.They found Star and Berry waiting. They left for the castle. Endless and Star walk behind Red Will and Berry.

“So are you nerves about meeting Master Zend?” Star ask.

“Not really. If I fail at lest I can train with Red Will.” Endless said with a smile.

“Well I hope you can train with Master Zend.” he said looking down with a sad face.

“What wrong?” he ask.

“Well I just had a sad thought. But I ok.” he said smiling. Star look up and thought. Well. mom and dad. I made a new friend just like you said. Now I’m worry about losing him. Star had a tear run down his face.

“Wow. Is this were Master Zend live’s?” he ask looking up at the castle.

“He up in the tower over there. But it to late to bother him now. We’ll going to set up a meeting for tomorrow. Then you’ll be all rested and ready to go.” Red Will said as they walk up the stone stair’s. There was guards on each side. They stood still and watch them. This made Endless and Star feel uneasy.

They walk into the back of Berry and Red Will. They look pass them and saw a Large Red Pegasus blocking they way. He was wearing a silver armor with a large sword on his back. It was Huge compare to Berry sword. Berry and Red Will both pull out papers. The Large Red Pegasus look back at Endless and Star.

“They with us. Sir.” She said standing to attention. He snorted and step to the side. Endless and Star follow Berry and Red will. They lead them to a small room. Endless just wanted to sleep. But Star was way ahead of him. He had found the bed and hit it hard. he did the same finding out that the bed was like a cloud.

He wake up early. He was a little worry. Red Will told him that he had to preform in front of a large group of royal’s. Master Zend would Judge if he train him or not. he look out the window. There were pony’s training in the yard below. Star got up and walk over.

“Wow that was great. Best night of sleep I ever had.” He said as Endless turn to face him.

“So your test is toady. How are doing?” he ask.

“Ya. What could go wrong? Right.” That was the worst thing he could said. He started to think about a million think that could go wrong. He started breathing hard out loud.

“Endless calm down. Calm down.” He said as he Slap Endless.

“I’m good. Just nerves.” He said. Star Smile.

“What happen to Mr. Calm.” He said with a laugh. This made him smile a little. But it didn’t help. He was still Nerves.

“Don’t worry Endless. We’ll spend time practicing before lunch and your be ready.” He said. After Breakfast Star and him went to an empty field.

“Ok let see here. How about this spell here.” he said pointing in the spell book. Endless look over and saw he was pointing at the memory spell.

“Well that require another willing pony.” he said rubbing his head.

“I’m here to help. So let do this thing.” He said jumping in the air doing a back flip.

“Are you shore? It not that present.”

“It ok. just do it.”

“Ok just hold still.” he said putting his horn on Star head. He cast the spell. A small cloud appear above they heads. Images of a small farm on the side of the mountain appear. Two Pegasus look down. They were looking with loving eyes. Then the cloud started to shack. A large amount of mud slid down the hill. Endless Stop the spell. Star had taers in his eyes.

“Are you ok. I’m Sorry.” He said looking at Star.

“It’s. ok. Let move on to the next spell.” he said wiping his eyes. After about 2 hour red Will walk up Floating two mug on a plate.

“Here boy’s I brought you something to drink.” he pass the mug’s to them. Endless took a big drink.

“Thank.” He said and then burped. Star laugh as a pony in a fancy dress put her nose up and walk away. They all laugh as she walk into a bush. Red Will stay and help him train.

“Ok I think that enough. You need take a break and get ready for the test.” he said closing the book.

“I agree. I just was I wish I could think of a way to cast that lightning spell.” He said putting his hove to his chin.

“It ok. I don’t think you”ll need it.” Red Will said as they walk into the castle.

“But if it come down to it. I’ll talk to him.” He told him. They ate lunch in there room. Berry brought it up from the Kitchen. She was wearing a pink dress with ribbon.

“Why don’t you have your dresses robes on yet?” She ask Red Will.

“I’ll get them on after lunch.” He told her passing out the plate.

“Dresses robes?” Endless ask confuse.

“Don’t worry. You can barrow my old one’s.” he said with a smile.

“Star. you’ll come with me after lunch and I’ll get you something to wear.” She told him.

“Why do we have to wear fancy cloths?” He ask as he took a bite.

“Because we will be in the present of royal’s and you need to look nice.” She said wiping his faces. Endless finish his meal.

“Ok. let go to my room and see what we can find.” red Will said standing up and walking to the door. Endless follow him down the hall. There was a red and gold cloth on the floor. It was softer then walking on the stone. he enter the room and look around. There were book’s but not as many as his father or the tower. Red will walk over to a large trunk and flip it open. He started to pull out robes and throw them on the floor.

“Ah. here we are. Now witch one. white with yellow stars or Dark green with small white stars?” He look at both of them. The white one was really bright. He didn’t like the way it look. The green one was nicer and it had a hood. He pointed to the green one.

“Ok. here you go.” he floated it over him. he put it on and tie it around his neck.

“Well if that don’t beat everything. You look just like your father in that.” he said with a smile. They walk back to the room wear Berry and Shining Star was. He try not to laugh when he saw Shining Star. He was wearing a pink suit. It had a white chest piece with a Blue bow tie. It had golden trim. Star face was red.

“Do I have to wear this?” He ask as Berry pull a brush out.

“Yes. Now hold still so I can brush you main. It a mess.” She said as Star try to avoid the brush. He finally stood still and let her. Endless walk over to his bag. He wanted to pull out his books and study it again. As he pull his basic Element Magic out. His father hat fell out. He pick it up and look at it. He then put it on his head. It slid down over his eyes.

“Here let me see that.” Red Will said picking the hat off his head. he watch as he shrunk the hat. He place it back on his head.

“There you go.” Red Will said. It fit better.

“Wow. He look just like him.” she said looking over to him. He flap his wings and got a little more comfortable.

“Well almost.” she said with a smile. There was a knock at the door. Berry answer it. A Brown Earth pony in a black suit was standing there.

“They Ready for you now.” he said. They follow him down the hall. Endless had to stop every few minute because his robe was dragging on the carbide. he pull it up and felt a shock. That when it hit him. He ran up and caught up with everyone. They continue as they walk up to a large set of wooden door’s.

“Wait here and when the door open. you may enter.” He said walking to the right and down a hall. His heart was beating as he waited.

“Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.” red Will said putting his hove on his Shoulder. He let out a sigh and a smile. The door open. Some pony was yelling. But Endless didn’t care what he was saying. He look around the room. There was pony's of all kind. They all were wearing silly cloth. Suddenly Star outfit look normal. There were two pony's sitting on Large chair at the end of the room. There was a Pony him Blue robes with stars on them, standing next to the large chairs. He flip his hood off. He was a dark gray unicorn.


He step forward feeling nerves as the crowed whisper. He face the pony’s in the large chairs.

“I am Master Zend. I will issue this test to one Endless Night. Son of Endless Love and White Night. Let these Fact be know to all in attended’s. Endless Night Let it be know that your Father may have been my student. But I will show you no kindness for this. Now Are you ready.” He said out loud.

“Yes.” he said taking one step forward.

“You will cast spells as I call them out. If you cannot cast that spell you will say so. We well start with the basic and move on from there.” He said as two Unicorn in red robes put table with glass wear on it.

“You will move these bottle and pour them into Glasses.” Master Zend order.

He did as he was told. First he had to float bottle around the table and pour them into glass without breaking them. After that he had to find gem’s hidden in boxes. This was easy as well. After a few minute they move onto Teleporting. The two Unicorns in red robes move wooden squares onto the floor. Each one has a different shape on them.

“I will call out a shape and you will teleport to that shape.” Master Zend said. He look at each shape. They were color different. Master Zend started by calling shapes. He teleported to the shape as they were call out. Then Master Zend started to call out color. He almost mess up at this time. But he quickly teleported to the right color. After the teleporting, Master Zend nodded to the two unicorn in the red robes.

“We will now move outside to the training field for the Elemental Magic test.” Master Zend Said. Red Will walk up to Endless.

“You doing good. Just pace yourself. Don’t over do it.” he said. After moving to the training field He started to rub his hair against the robe. There was six large round targets at the end of the field.

“This will be different from your last test. You will be given a small amount of the Element and six target. The last target will be for an Element of your chose.” Master Zend told him. He look at the Metal bowls. There was one with Fire. Another with water. Dirt in the next one. The last one had a block of Ice. He walk up to the fire bowl.

“BEGIN!” Master Zend yell.

He Cast the fire spell and sent a stream of fire at the target. The first target burst into flames. He move onto the water bowl. He cast the water spell and sent a stream of water hitting the First target putting the fire out. He then turn the stream around. Hitting the back of the other target. The water spread through the target. He quickly move onto the next bowl. He quickly cast the earth spell and form it into small sharp dagger’s. He sent them down the field and into the target. He move onto the next bowl. It was full of water. The ice must have melted by the fire. He quickly cast the water spell and floated the water into the air. At the same time he stood on his hind legs and flap his winds. He then cast the ice spell and sent a large ice spears into the target. Leaving a huge hole out of the target.

“Well that was Shocking. I was not aware we had an Alicorn here.” Master Zend said looking surprise. The crown whisper.

“Well I hope you have more Surprise left for us.” He said. Endless nodded yes. He started to rub his hair against the robe. He could feel the charge on the end of his hair. He put his hove on the metal of the empty ice bowl. I only need a small amount. He though. A small electric jolt jump to the metal bowl. A full jolt of energy flow from his horn and through the Last two target. He was breathing hard and sweating. He look down the range and saw that his lightning had went through more then just the targets. He cast his Lightning Spell. It went clear through a stone wall and into the city.

“It work better in the storm.” He said falling to his knees. Star ran over to him. He help him to his hooves.

“I’ve seen enough.” Endless heart skip a beat as Master Zend Walk over to him.

“Endless Night. Son of Endless Love and White Night. You are very skill in the way’s of Magic. However you lack the focus to control it. You uses of the a new and powerful Lightning Spell. It was reckless. It cause more damage then just the target. You lack discipline and the ability to control your own skills.” He didn't look happy. Endless heart sunk lower.

“However you have cast a spell I, Myself, have been trying to make for years. You did so. Even without a storm. So I say this to you Endless Night.” He said looking at him. Then up.

“YOUNG ALICORN, ENDLESS NIGHT, I WILL TRAIN YOU IN THE ART OF MAGIC!” He Yell into the sky using the royal Voice. Endless black out.

He awake the next morning. He look over and saw a plate with apple’s and bread. He sat up and Grab and apple and quickly ate it. The door open as he grab the other apple. Star, Berry, Red Will and Master Zend walk in.

“Aaa your awake. You been out for three days.” Master Zend said.

“Wait I’ve been asleep for three days?” he said in shock.

No just over night.” he said laughing. He sat there confuse. He look over to Star and the others. They had they bag’s pack.

“Were are you guy’s going?” He ask.

“Well Endless. we were only here long enough to see if you pass or not. Then we have order from the Princess were to return.” Red Will said.

“What about you Star?” he ask

“We’ll I’m going back to Endless. I’m going to live with Gem Stone and her family. She offer before I left.” Endless sit there in Shock.

“Well can you come and visit?” he ask.

“Sorry Endless but we’re going to train in my library. It location is hidden. We’re going to be about five years of training. Then five more year here in the city.” He said looking down at him.

“Tell Luna I’m sorry. I’ll be a bit long then I thought.” he smile then said his good byes. They left heading back to Canterlot.

“Well let Get going. The sooner we start. The sooner you can get back to your friend’s” Master Zend said. Endless Smile.

“Ready to go.” he said jumping out of bed.

Author's Note:

Fix# 17. Ok i know this is very long chapter. i know because i had to edited twice. my computer turn off. thank to the power going out. i was about to post when. flash ban boom. the block turn off. by the Way. i kind of got carry away one night. i would have turn it into two chapter but. i'm working on my next story. and am trying to pull an all nighter to get everything posted. P.s the Next Chapter is going to be a ten year Jump. i like to leave the Ten years with Master Zend to be flash back in my next story. so just bit you lip on this one and bear with me. (Warning Forth wall Breaking) "Your so mean." Pinky said form nowhere. "I know. ;P "Writer type. "Hey Pinky. it me Gem Stone." she said hugging Pinky. the two pony's started to talk super fast. the writer look over at a baseball bat. "Maybe i'll just get earplugs." he said walking away. (forth wall restore) Yes. i like breaking the forth wall from time to time.