• Published 22nd Feb 2013
  • 428 Views, 16 Comments

The Tail Of Endless Night - EndlessKnight980

This Story Begin back when Equestria was still young. The war of the Unicorn and Pegasus is over. A time of peace fall over the land of Equestria But dark times are a head Dragon take rule over the lands. only 1 pony can stop them. but he only a colt

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Chapter 20: A Nightmare

Endless walk down the street of weird village. It was colorful and had many different pony's. he watch as a pink earth pony with a big pink main was jumping around and was singing. It was like a banshee screaming to his ears. A white Unicorn with a purple main was opening her shop. She had cloth of all shape and size. All looking odd to him. he continue through the town. He soon saw a Yellow Pegasus walking with animal’s. They seem to follow her as she sang a sweet song. It was very nice. he walk to a farm from there. It seem like it took no time at all. As he walk around he saw earth pony’s with all apple’s cutie marks. A small earth pony was running around with a Unicorn and Pegasus. he smile. They were so cute. he notices they all had a blank Flank. he look back at his. With the scaring it was hard to know if his was blank or not.

Endless saw a Pegasus with a rainbow main fly pass. She was fast. he jump into the air and follow her. There was a large flash of light and he crash into the ground. He look up and saw a double rainbow. It was amazing. he watch it as it slowly disappear. he though about and then his stomach growl. he walk back into town. he watch this odd Pegasus flying backward. She look like she was flying forward but was still heading backward. he hear some pony call her Derpy or something like that. A loud whistle fill the air. he jump and saw the large metal beast. It was odd. It had large metal wheels and smoke pour out the top. It was like a large metal snake. The doors flew open and many pony’s exited the metal beast. he pop his head in one of the doors. It was look a house inside. This confuse him even more. Then he saw something that really scared him. A little Blue and Green dragon riding a purple Unicorn.

Endless follow them as they walk around town. He soon saw that the little dragon was taking order’s from her. he follow them and watch as they went from pony to pony. he watch as she prepare for a big party. he rub his ear. Did she said princess Celestia was coming? He thought. he waited in hiding. It was hard. It seem like she was always looking around for something. After some heart warming moments. Along with an all night party. he follow her to a large party were Celestia was supposed to be. he hope she could tell him were he was and what was going on. A earth pony came out and announced herself as the mayor of something. The yellow Pegasus was conducting the birds. They were loud to he from his hiding spot. The White Unicorn pull a rope. he look up hoping Celestia was there. But nothing. Everyone look around and try to find her. Then was dark cloud. In the spot were Celestia was supposed to be. There was a large Alicorn. The purple unicorn lower her head and call her Nightmare moon. he was about to stand up when the Nightmare Moon disappear.

Endless waited until every pony was gone. He headed out and saw nightmare moon flying through the sky. It was hard to keep up. The main difficultly was that she was so dark. Her lost her but soon found her after seeing a large ground of pony ran into ruin. he follow Nightmare Moon as she flew to castle. It seem like he was being drag by some unknown forces. he watch here teleport in. he saw an open window. He look in and watch as the group of pony’s cast some spell he had never see. There was a large flash of light.

Celestia appear. Endless jump through the window and flew down.

“Celestia. I’ve been looking for anyone who can tell meet what going on?” he ask standing between her and the group of pony’s. She continue talking to the group as if he was not there. Then she move her wing and Endless jaw drop.

“LUNA. Your Nightmare moon!” again it was like he wasn’t even their. They continue to talk but it was all gobbling sound. Endless rub his ears. Thing started to get blurry. he felt sick as the world seem to spin around.

Endless Awake to a loud bang. He jump out of bed and hit the floor. Dust flew every were. He cough as he head to the window. He open it and a cloud of dust fill the air around him. It was raining.

“Endless are you ok?” he look down and saw Doctor Hooves looking up at him.

“Ya. I’m fine. I’ll be right down.” he left the window open so the dust could clear. he headed down the stair. Cloud of dust appear behind each step. He open the door with a cloud of dust behind him.

“Morning Doc.” he said.

“What happen to you.” Endless look in a puddle from the rain. He was cover in dust and a little mud he miss.

“I think I’ll be cleaning today.” he said with a smile.

“I was just coming to check in on you. But I can see your doing good. How did you fix it?” he ask looking up.

“O ya. I cast a repair spell. The only reason I was able to use it was because I spent a lot of time here.” He said wiping the mud chuck from his main.

“Well I’m off today. So. How about I help you with your cleaning.” Endless smile then look back in.

“ No thank Doc. I got this one cover.” he said stepping back into the house.

“ Don’t worry it will be easier if I do it alone.” he said.

“Ok well. if you need any help I’ll be down the street. It the little red house with the rose bushes.” Endless close the door and turn around. There was still a layer of dust on everything.

“Well this is going to be fun.” Endless went up to his room and pack his bag. He then walk room to room. Opening the windows and leaving the doors open. He put stuff that could fly away in his bag. After clearing each room. he open the front and back doors. Endless look at the back yard. He remember playing there with Luna and Gem Stone. Now the grass was as tall as him.

“My. how the year’s have pass.” He walk into the tall grass and cast a spell. The grass was cut itself and then stack itself into a bail. He set down the bag into the grass. He then went back in and fill a bucket of water. After dropping a bar of soap in the bucket. He grab a mop. He walk it outside and sat it down next to the door. he face the house and aim his horn at the door. He flap his wings and cast a wind spell. After that. He cast the water spell on the soapy water. Then he cast the wind spell again. After that the house was clean. He snap the mop.

Endless walk in and the house back to normal. He then went to the den. There was on old easy chair by the fire place. He sat back and look around. There were four bookshelf that were empty. They were full when he was last in here. The Doc must have move them. he smile with a giggle.

“ Well I guess I’ll just have to fill them.” Endless floated some wood into the fire place.

“Ok let see. If I remember the bedroom bed that should do it.” Endless forces on the bed. The Red and Black flash. he bounce on the bed. The magic candle was still lit. hes smile as he remember lighting every candle the hard way. he blow out the candle and all the other lit. he walk around and look at all the dust in the room.

“No quick clean here.” he laugh. After picking out the books he wanted and put them on the table. he head up the stair to his father hiding spot. he move thing around as he saw what he had up there. Then something odd caught his eye.

There was a little box wrap in red and white strip paper with a red bow on top of it. he pull the box over and look it over. It had a tag on it.

{Happy Birthday Endless Night. Love Mom and Dad.}

Endless put the present in his bag. He may open it later. He move more stuff around. There was only some old cloth and some of the old armor. he gather them up and headed back down stair. He was careful not to brush the flame of the candles. He set them down on the table. A loud clunking sound eco as something shiny hit the ground. he jump then walk over to the old chest armor. It had the royal crest on it. he added it to the table. he then teleported back to the den.

“ WOW.” Luna yell as he landed. Table crashing. Thing falling off.

“O sorry. Just getting some of my father things.” he told her.

“Your front door was open and I was checking on you.” she said taking a step back and stepping in a dust mound.

“Thank but I’m ok. I must have miss that when I was cleaning.” He said looking at the dust.

“Well. I like what you did with the place. It was a Nightmare before.” Endless mind flash back to the dream he had. His mind rush with a million question.

“Endless. Yoooou whooooo. Anyone home?” he snap back to normal.

"Sorry I was thinking about something else.” he said with a smile.

"what?” she ask. he quickly though of the present his mother and father hide. He didn’t want to tell her about the dream.

“This.” he said pulling out the gift.

“What is it?” she ask.

“It a birthday present from my parents.” he said with a tear in his eyes.

“Are you going to open it?” she ask look at it.

“No I think I’ll keep it this way. It bring me a bit of joy that it the last gift I’ll ever get from them.” he said trying to fight the urge to break down.

“It ok Endless they in a better place.” she hug him.


“Overload has there been any luck in finding him?” Darth ask bowing to a large red dragon with purple spike going down his back.

“My scouts Report said that they been tracking him for sometime now. Old friend. But for now you should rest.” he said waving his hand for him to go.

“I’m fine. The curse has yet to change my body. I will be changing soon though.” he said standing up.

“I will send someone for you when there news. He can’t hide forever. After all we still have his wife.”

“She is the only thing White Night care about. After all. I kill his son.” Darth said stand and leaving the room.

Author's Note:

Fix# 20 This chapter cover the first episode. i may have go some thing wrong. but it a dream so it. thing can be wrong. ;P P.s i'm trying to get the last 6 chapter posted today. then i'll take a week to fix my new fic. If you like this one. then you'll love the new one. but i have idea for a another with an all new oc. but i haven't fully work it out yet. all i know is that he going to be an immortal unicorn.