• Published 22nd Feb 2013
  • 430 Views, 16 Comments

The Tail Of Endless Night - EndlessKnight980

This Story Begin back when Equestria was still young. The war of the Unicorn and Pegasus is over. A time of peace fall over the land of Equestria But dark times are a head Dragon take rule over the lands. only 1 pony can stop them. but he only a colt

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Chapter 4: To learn, To Fly

Endless enter the house. His mother was cleaning. see saw him as he walk to the table.

"Well, how did you do?” she ask as he put the book on the table.

“Good. He gave me a new book to study.” he said as he grab an apple and took a bit. This got the taste of the book out of his mouth. He sat down at the table and look at the book. Elements Magic was engrave on the cover. He decided to read it later.

“O. what happen to your wrapping?” She ask seeing that they were gone.

“They ripped off after I teleported. i can go and get them if you what.” he told her

“No that ok. Your getting bigger. I’ll make some new one for you later. ” She said looking a little depressed.

“Mother do I really have to wear them? They always get tight and bother me.” he ask.

“Your father said it for the best. Other pony wouldn’t understand how you are. They would tease you.” she told him. He didn't care if they tease him. beside there was never any other pony around. He had never even met another pony. save Golden Apple the other day. He look at his wings and then to his mother. He took a deep breath then said.

“I want to learn how to fly.” He ask.

“WHAT?” she said in shock. dropping her duster.

“I want to learn how to fly.” he said again.

“Your father would never allow it.” she said still looking at Endless is shock.

“Mother I know. But father always treat me like a unicorn and not a Pegasus. I’m not one or the other, I’m both. i would like to learn to be a little more like you.” he was standing with tears in his eyes. He hardly notices that he was standing on the table. His mother wipe the tears from her eyes.

“Ok. I’ll teach you how to fly. But your father can never know. He would be mad with both of use.” she said with a soft smile. He jump off the table and gave his mother a big hug.

----------(Next Morning)-----------

The next day Endless and his mother went out to the field. He was eager to get start. He was jumping with joy. He couldn't remember the last time he was this happy.

“Ok. Calm down. It not as easy as you think. But once you get the hang of it. It becomes much easier. Are you ready?” She told and ask him. He nodded his head yes.

“Ok. First let see what you can do first.” She told him. he try to fly the same way he had done yesterday. He spread his wings and jump. Flapping hard. He then fell to the ground flat on his faces.

“Mmmmm. Ok. you need to spread your wings out farther and cup them like this to catch more air.” Showing him with her wing. He did as his mother told him. This time he got a little more air and then fell down again. Landing on his blank flank.

“aaaammmmm. It as I fear. Your wings are to weak to fly.” she said with a hove on her chin.

“What do you mean? They look fine to me.” he ask. spreading them out.

“It because your father and I have made you cover your wings since you were young. You see normally a Pegasus learns how to fly after they first birthday. But we never let you learn because your fathers wishes.” She told him.

“So that mean I’ll never fly?” he said with a hint of worry in his voices. His mother laugh a little.

“No silly. It just means we need to work on your wings muscles. Over the next few day. Let start by lifting rocks.” she said looking over a some small rocks.

--------------(A Few Days later)----------

Endless and his mother spent the next few days lifting rock on top of his wings. Hours of flapping and more flying lesson. She show him how to hold his wings in the air and tell him about something call an updraft. It was hard work and he had little time to study his new book. He knew he only had a small amount of time left before his father would return. Their was only about two day before he return. so he study on night. The ones could stay awake. which was very few. normal he finish train and fall right to sleep. It was almost time for his father to return and he was try yo fly again. the ground was wet. it rain over the night. He was trying to fly once again.

"Mother I want to try again.” he said standing back up after failing again.

"I think you try enough today. We’ll try again tomorrow. For now you need to rest.” she said.

“No I can do it.” he started to run and build up speed. He start flapping his wings then jump as hard as he could. He spread his wings wide and flap hard. He soon flat the weight of his body pulling him down. He flap harder. He Flew up into the sky. he could just hit the top's of the trees.

“YOUR DOING IT, YOU DOING IT, YOUR FLYING.” she yell as he flew around the field. He could felt like a real Pegasus. He smile and close his eye. he felt the wind on his face. Then He started to feel his wings given out. he open his eyes. He started to go down, fast. He flap harder. it slow him down. but it was to late. He crash to the ground hard and roll into a large mud puddle. Endless Love ran over to him. He roll over in the mud pool. He was laughing. His mother look him over worry that he hurt himself.

“I FLEW, I FLEW.” he yell as he roll to his hooves and jumping out of the mud puddle.

“Yes you can fly now. But you my want to work on that landing.” she said wiping mud from his main. He smile from ear to ear.

“You think you can teach that tomorrow?” he ask her as she wipe more mud off. She look a little sad.

“Let get you a Wash up first. Then we’ll see about it in the morning.” She said Wiping a large chunk of mud off his Main.

Author's Note:

Fix# 4.This was a short chapter. Next chapter is when thing really get heated. "wink, Wink"