• Published 22nd Feb 2013
  • 430 Views, 16 Comments

The Tail Of Endless Night - EndlessKnight980

This Story Begin back when Equestria was still young. The war of the Unicorn and Pegasus is over. A time of peace fall over the land of Equestria But dark times are a head Dragon take rule over the lands. only 1 pony can stop them. but he only a colt

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Chapter 12:Over Thinking

Endless open his eyes slowly as he awake. He was still sore all over. But he look around the room. Luna had her head on his side. She must have been watching me sleep. he though. He smile and move slowly out of her bed. He pull a blanket out and cover her. He left the room and headed down stairs. Shining Star was on a small white cloud. He was sleeping upside down. Droll falling from his mouth. Endless went into the kitchen. No one was home. Endless started the stove and started to cook some oat meal. Few minute later shining star enter the room.

“What cooking?” He ask smelling the air.

“Oat meal.” He said floating three bowl onto the table. He pour it into the bowls. Spilling a little around the bowls. Luna came down the stairs and join then.

“What is that? She ask as Shining star stuff him face into the bowl.

“I made some oat meal.” he said pointing at a bowl for her. Endless cast a cleaning spell in the kitchen and started to eat. After breakfast they went to the clinic. The Doctor hooves was working there and Endless wanted to check in on him. Endless check on the oat meal in his bag. He figure that the Doc would need something to eat.

“Come on. Just one bite. He won’t miss one bite.” He said begging Endless for Doctor Hooves oat meal.

“ No it the Doc’s. he been working all night.” Endless said as he watch the sky. Every pony in town was doing the same thing. Even the Pegasus were walking today. The Clinic was fill with ponies. They were all hunt in one way or another. Endless look around and finally saw Doctor hooves.

“Endless how are you feeling this morning?” he ask as he wrapping a Green Pegasus wing in bandage.

“Better. I brought you some Oat meal.” He said pulling out the bowl.

“ No thank’s Endless. I already ate with Miss Sparkle this morning.” he said as he finish and headed to the next pony.

“Do that mean I can have it?” he said his tongue out.

“knock your self out kid.” He said as he pull a small pieces of wood out of a blue earth pony. Star grab the bowl and push his head into the bowl.

“Endless I won’t be home tonight. Celestia said you can stay at there place until the house is repair.” he said moving on to the next pony. They left the clinic and headed back down the street. Looking at all the damage. Some houses were complete smash. Other had parts missing from them. Endless stop in front of the two houses that had the perfect hole cut into them.

“Endless you know that was you right?” Luna told him. Endless look down.

“It ok. you’ll get it under control. We all do over time.” she said picking his head up and looking him in the eyes. Endless turn away and ran. He had tears in his eyes.

“ENDLESS WAIT.” she cry at him. “Don’t worry I’ll get him.” Star said heading after him. Shining Star flew after Endless. Endless didn’t care were he was heading. He only want to get away from Ponyville. To get away from Luna. He look back and saw Shining star flying after him. He focuses on the crest from the armor back in his father cave. With a flash of red and black light he was gone. Shining Star crash into a cart full of dirt. Stuck his head out and spit mud. Endless rub his head. He smash into something hard. It was to bright and there was a ringing sound in his head.

“oooww. That hurt.”

“Well I didn’t feel a thing.”

Endless look up and saw a Pegasus wearing armor with a sword. It was Golden Apple.

“So were did you come from little colt?” He said picking Endless up to his hooves

“You came looking for my father. You. You.” Endless stutter. It then dawn on him. The only reason the dragon attack his family was because of this Pony.

“You Cause it ALL!” He Yell and kick at Golden Apple Legs.

“GOLDEN: Wow, wow, wow. What wrong little guy?” He said putting his hove out and holding Endless back as he swag.


“Wait. who was your father?” He ask confuse but concerned.

“ White night.” He said with a snot bubble popping.

“O. I see. you’re his son. The one I follow to him. I see now.” he said looking down and putting his hove on Endless shoulder.

“I’m sorry for what happen.” he said hugging Endless.

“But you should know your father save a lot of pony’s from the dragons that day. He a hero.”

“ Golden Apple Sir. Do you know this Colt?” A Blue Pegasus said putting her sword away.

“He White Night son. His family home was attack and they.”

“THEY GONE!” He yell. Golden apple rub Endless main.

“Ok colt. We need to get going and we can leaves you here.” He said standing.

“Berry, Red Will, come he and carry him. We need to get to Canterlot before dark.” He order the Blue Pegasus and red Unicorn. Red Will floated Endless onto Berry. Endless wipe his eyes and look around. There were Pony’s of all types and colors. They were 100's and all wearing the same armor as Golden apple.

“ Hey colt. You ok?” said the red unicorn. Endless wipe his nose.

“ So your White Night Colt. You look like him. Well almost. You got your mothers wings.” he said looking at him as they walk. Endless close his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

“ENDLESS!” Endless jump at the sound of Luna scream. He landed hard on the ground. Luna was running to him at full sprint. Endless stood up just in time to get tackled.

“Thank the stars your ok.” She said with tear in her eyes.

“I’m Sorr...oof.” Luna punch Endless in the stomach.

“Don’t ever do that again.” She said hugging him harder.

“Sorry luna I just didn’t want to hurt you or the others.” he said looking down the street to the houses he broke.

“Don’t worry about that. Celestia said she got a way to help you.” She said looking over to her sister. Celestia walk over to Golden Apple. Endless stood up and look at Luna. She was blushing. Endless Blush a little as she smile.

“So. I’m sorry about running away. I just didn’t want anyone to get hurt. You know like. Well. Like you.” He said as a weight lifted off his chest. Luna face turn bright red.

“aaaaaaaaa” berry said leading into Red Will. Endless face went as red as Luna.

“Come on. Doctor Hooves is waiting at my house.” Luna told him. The started to walk to Luna house. But didn’t get to far before Gem Stone and Shining Star found them.

“See I told you he be back.” he said putting his leg around Endless neck.

“ Ya and he go a new horn on his head.” she said hitting it twice. Endless push her hove away as they walk into Luna house.

“Endless. Can’t I leave you alone for a day without you running off. Hooves said with a hint of anger.

“Sorry. I just didn’t what to hurt anyone if I got mad again. Next time Luna sister may not be there.” He said looking sad as he look down.

“Well don’t worry. The Princess Said she has a plan to help you.” Hooves told him. After about an hour Celestia enter the house with Golden Apple.

“Ah good your all here.” she said as Berry and Red Will enter the house.

“Endless I’ve been thinking about how to help you with your power.” she said walking up to him.

“What ever I got to do. I just don’t want hurt anyone.”

“I’m glad you feel that way. Then Tomorrow you’ll leave to train with Master Zend.” Endless took a step back.

“ENDLESS: Leave. I don’t want to leave. This is the only place I’ve know. All my friends are here. Luna here.” he said looking over to her.

“Endless it ok. I knew what she was planing. Master Zend really nice. He the one who train me and Celestia in magic.” Luna said with tears in her eyes.

“Endless you wouldn’t be gone forever and you learn how to control your magic.” Endless thought about it for a long time. Everyone was quiet.

“Ok I’ll go. But can we leave after tomorrow?” Celestia look over to Golden Apple. He nodded yes.

“Ok that fine.” she said with a smile.