• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 13,170 Views, 2,974 Comments

Wake up. See This. What do? (Comment driven story) - RazortheAwesome

(This story is driven entirely by user comments) Out of nowhere you suddenly wake up to find yourself in Equestria with Twilight Sparkle looking down at you with a lascivious grin. What do you do?

  • ...

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Bonus Chapter: PONY KOMBAT IV(?) - Pinkie Pie vs Braeburn

Again, please leave all comments regarding where to go in the previous chapter

Pinkie Pie vs Braeburn
Hot Patootie - Bless My Soul from The Rocky Horror Picture Show

"WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" Braeburn shouted as he got off of his motorcycle and spun around 360 degrees before he finally faced Pinkie Pie.

"Whatever happened to Saturday night!!!!!!!!!"

Pinkie Pie let out a squeal of absolute joy as he sang that.

"When you dressed up sharp and you felt alright
It don´t seem the same since the cosmic light"

He turned away from her to walk around what turned out to be the main dining area of Sugarcube corner, never once breaking from his song.

"Came into my life and I thought I was divine
I used to go for a ride with a chick who´d go
And listen to the music on the radio"

Pinkie Pie suddenly ran into his hooves and he embraced her as he reached that part.

"A saxophone was blowing on a rock´n´roll show
And you climbed in the back and you really had a good time"

Braeburn picked her up, spun her around, and put her back on the motorcycle as he sang that verse.

"Hot Patootie bless my soul
I really love that rock´n´roll Hot Patootie bless my soul
I really love that rock´n´roll Hot Patootie bless my soul
I really love that rock´n´roll Hot Patootie bless my soul
I really love that rock´n´roll"

As Braeburn sang the chorus he took Pinkie by the hoof and danced with her. After the first time he went through the words, she joined in and they both sang the rest.

Out of nowhere, Pinkie Pie then reached out of the frame and handed Braeburn a saxophone, which he took and played a sweet melody into. Pinkie danced gleefully as he did. Once it was over, he stopped and looked right at her.

"My head used to swim from the perfume I smelt
My hands kind of fumbled with her white
plastic belt
I´d taste her baby pink lipstick and that´s
when I´d melt
And she whispered in my ear tonight she
really was mine"

Braeburn sang as he walked over back towards Pinkie and gently put a hoof around her. He threw the saxophone away as he walked. He moved his head closer to her's as he sang.

"Get back in front and put some hair oil on
Buddy Holly was singing his very last song
With your arm around your girl you´d try
to sing along
You felt pretty good ´cause you´d reallyhad a good time"

Right as their lips were about to touch however, he turned his head away and turned to face the wall. He slowly walked towards it, with his hoof still attached to hers. Then suddenly, right as he sang the last bit of that verse, she pulled him back in and tackled him to the ground.

"Hot Patootie bless my soul
I really love that rock´n´roll Hot Patootie bless my soul
I really love that rock´n´roll Hot Patootie bless my soul
I really love that rock´n´roll Hot Patootie bless my soul
I really love that rock´n´roll"

The two of them rolled around on the floor of Sugarcube Corner while they sang that. Somehow, they managed to sing the whole thing completely as they did it.

They rolled around for a few moments before Braeburn rolled back up onto his feet and got back on his motorcycle. Which he began to ride around the room.

"Hot Patootie bless my soul
I really love that rock´n´roll Hot Patootie bless my soul
I really love that rock´n´roll Hot Patootie bless my soul
I really love that rock´n´roll Hot Patootie bless my soul
I really love that rock´n´roll"

The moment the song concluded, Braeburn stopped his motorcycle in the middle of the floor where Pinkie Pie ran up to him and threw a pose.

There was silence for a few moments, several moments actually, before the two of them looked over at the broken table where the human should have been.

"Ahh... he's gone," Pinkie Pie said, sounding more than disappointed as she slumped down to her haunches.

"Ah, sorry Pinkie Pie," Braeburn said as he stepped off of the motorcycle and took off his coat, which he then promptly folded nicely and placed on the motorcycle's seat.

"But I was absolutely certain that our reenactment of The Rocky Horror Pony Show would put a smile on his face Braeburn. I was 329.7% sure of it."

"Well, Ah don't know what to tell yah," Braeburn said as he sat down next to Pinkie and put a hoof around her. "Ah guess some ponies just don't like that sort of thing."

"Yeah, I guess," Pinkie Pie replied as she looked up at Braeburn. "Oh well," Pinkie Pie said as she bounced up to her feet, all her disappointment seemingly gone. "Fluttershy still hasn't had a turn yet. Maybe the commenters will lead him over to her next."

"Uh, Ah'm sorry," Braeburn said, utterly confused as he stood up with her. "Commenters, and what about Fluttershy?"

"Oh, I've been reading the story as its been being written. I get to see all the new chapters before everypony else does." She let out a little giggle as she said that.

"Uh, what story?"

"The story that we're in right now silly. Speaking of which." She turned to face no particular direction. "Hey Razor. Thank you for letting me have a part in your fanficiton."

"Pinkie Pie who are you talking to?"

He can't see or hear me Pinkie.

"Ahh really," Pinkie Pie said, again disappointed.

All right, I'll make it so he can. Hi Braeburn.


Sorry Braeburn, usually its only Pinkie Pie that can hear things beyond the 4th wall, so yeah.


"That's Razor silly," Pinkie Pie said as she giggled to herself again. "He writes the story."

"Ah'm not sure how I feel about this,"

Oh it's fine, just pretend like I'm not here.

"But how can Ah now knowin that..."

"Oh don't worry about it," Pinkie Pie said as she threw her hooves around Braeburn. "He's not a bad guy, he's not gonna make us do anything we don't want to."

And if I do, I can always make you want to do it.


I'm kidding. I wouldn't do that.

"That doesn't really make me feel safe."

Its okay, once you learn to accept it, you'll just go back to seeing everything as they were before you knew I was here.

"That still doesn't really make me feel all that better."

"Oh don't worry about it Braeburn," Pinkie Pie said as she hung onto him. "I'll teach you how to live with it," she said as she battered her eyes at him. Braeburn smiled nervously at that.

Anyway, I'm gonna close the chapter now so is there anything you two wanna say before I go?

"YES!" Pinkie Pie shouted. "Thank you commenters. You made my chapter a really fun one. I'll throw you all a ginormous super looper party when I see you all again!"

I'm sure they'd love that Pinkie.

"I have absolutely no idea what I should say," Braeburn said.

That's okay, you don't have to say anything.


"Bye Razor, OH And before I forget. Here's your super duper looper souper huper juper cinnamon roll."

Ah, why thank you Pinkie.

*giggle "Ah don't mention it."

Anyway, goodbye Pinkie, bye Braeburn.

"Bye Razor!!!!" *waves hoof "Bye commenters. Oh and if any of you wanna speak to me again I'm always here."

"Bye..." Braeburn nervously said as he waved her hoof at nothing......








"Is he gone?"

"Yeah," Pinkie replied as she looked at Braeburn. Braeburn then began to nervously look around the room. Once he was sure they were alone, he let out a sigh of relief.

"So Pinkie..." he began to say. "Since Ah'm here... you wanna..."

"WOULD I EVER!!!" Pinkie suddenly screamed before she grabbed him by the hoof and ran upstairs with him.

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